Golf Players

Drake Maye on the Dan Patrick Show Full Interview | 4/24/24

uh Drake May set to join us he’s partnered with Lowe’s teaming up with them and the NFL a local community project in Detroit surprised a local contractor with an invitation to go to the draft by the way Lowe’s built the Green Room there and uh you’re going to get to go and announce an NFL pick so they surprised a local contractor there and uh Drake May set to join us on the program all right before we get started give me uh your official height and weight official height and weight 4 and a half 225 right now probably be close to 22 230 when I get closer to the season but 225 right now best athlete in the family is oh my mom your mom m yes sir she she was a great athlete in high school she doesn’t showed us much now but she grabbed some clubs and uh you know played nine holes she play 18 but she she grabs some clubs she’ll she’ll still beat us us us uh us brothers so it’s it’s pretty sad but how about with you and your brothers best athlete amongst the three yeah myself I think it’s pretty easy answer good athlete though but I’ll take myself all right uh what’s the best thing that’s happened through this whole process so far the best thing that’s happened um know I think a chance just reflect on my my college Years um and how far um how many different people you I kind of poured into my life and being a chance to reflect and and see how many special people in my life and made this this moment special and uh to be here on Thursday with all my my family and all my brothers coming in to one place and all my friends and family to to enjoy one moment uh kind of reflect on that and kind of you always dream of this and kind of coming to it and realizing that it’s about to happen is pretty pretty cool what team did you grow up liking oh Panthers fan huge Panthers fan you know we had season tickets and you know when Cam Newton came and you know it was the best thing ever so we were big panthers fans have you met cam I have I have he played I played him a seven on seven he coached a seven on seven team and uh we played him you know growing up and he has he has a good squad he’s a big guy yeah he’s huge yeah I’m about six 64 and a half 65 and he’s about like two inches taller than me probably like 30 pounds on me so he’s he’s a big dude um the as far as other teams that you visit give me something interesting that you’ve been asked I’ve been asked [Music] um it’s a good question um probably the most interesting’ been asked is um kind of why me I think that’s that’s always you know they always start with that and say why should we draft you and I think it’s um one of those questions that hey he kind of puts you on the spot but you I think kind of ready for it so just ready to be um kind of be the guy and ready to kind of translate my game in NFL I’ll fit you know the NFL game a little more and I’m excited for that okay but when they say why you do they want to know if you want to start like is that part of this too that hey I want to come in and start or yeah you know that we we’d prefer some somebody come in and want to learn exactly that’s why it’s tricky you kind of um have to play it both ways because obviously you know the competitor and me you want to go in there and start right away and um you know be be be the gay the you know the game one guy and the day one starter but same time that’s not reality you gota be ready for whatever so I’m just kind of ready to compete like you know like I’m going to be the starter and um you know up to their decision but I’m G try to prove them that I’m ready to be the starter other than that you know ready you know to learn and uh you wait until you know I earn that job what’s it like to read the negative reviews yeah try not to I think that’s you know the biggest fault of you know athletes in our space especially out big social Medi is nowaday you know so many so many fans out there that that don’t like you and there’s even more that that are a fan of you so try to enjoy the positives and um you know unless it’s my coach or one my family members or somebody in my inner circle you know saying something negative about me or something I need to change then that’s you know that’s a different you know different subject than um you know Joe SM works at Applebee’s or something but do do your brothers look for the negative stuff just to give you grief to say like if if you were my brother I’d be trying to find some things to needle you a little bit would your brother stoop to that level no we got real personal they would but I think my brothers have have been three of my biggest supporters so I think uh kind once you get to this stage in NFL there’s so many people out there that that aren’t fans of you and saying you know negative stuff so I think if your brothers you know I think at a certain point you maybe in high school sports you you get on for something but kind of on this stage I think it’s a little bit past that favorite quarterback when you were growing up favorite quarterback Cam Newton was my first one being a big panthers fan um other than that I know Aaron Rogers I was a big Aaron Rogers fan have you met Rogers I have not nope I have not okay let’s go around the room has Drake met Michael Jordan Todd I’ll start with you I’m GNA say no Satan I got a no on that one Marvin yes Paulie Drake played basketball he’s been in his presence before of Michael Jordan’s presence and his brother played on a national title yes yes North Carolina I’m gonna say yes you’ve met Michael Jordan I have met MJ yes sir all right oh MJ oh it’s MJ okay if if if you call him your goat he’s gotta be MJ right you don’t call him michaelm Jordan you call him the goat MJ so what’ you talk about I met him at the halftime of one of the bkb games when I was getting recruited Coach Brown you know brought me down there and and have me meet and pretty sweet that’s nice that’s part of your nil package you get to meet Michael Jordan yeah no that was in high school that was in high school before I even um know committed so I was committed to Alabama at the time so getting to meet him you know getting to meet him was pretty sweet okay what’s that conversation like when you call Sabin and you say coach I’m not coming to Alabama yeah it was tough yeah I dreaded it for a while um know being with Coach sa and he’s one my favorites recruiting process so having to tell him that you I’m going stay home was tough but I think coach s understood and um shoot you know maybe maybe would have worked out a little differently but at the same time you know coach sa he’s you know I think he’s the goat of of college football so he did okay he did okay yeah he turned out all right uh draft night suit you already got it picked out yeah I’m I’m simple no swag so I’m just keep it simple okay is there a light blue Carol is there a Carolina blue in the suit uh I know I me what you know to find out oh okay because you might do like a New York Giants blue or yeah that’s that’s a little too World closer to Duke I can’t worry we blue at all uh or you could have like Patriot blue in there yeah that’s that Navy so if I’d wear any blue would be Carolina do you know where you’re going I wish I did now I wish it was that easy no I think I I’ll know when I that phone ring but you I mean do you have an idea you don’t have to tell me but do you have an idea I think I have an idea okay all right and do you like the cold no I don’t mind it at all okay you gotta play football football is a cold weather sport nowadays all right I just want to make sure um do you plan on hugging the commissioner or are you GNA give like just a firm handshake I thought about that one um hugging him oh I’m I’m you don’t strike me as a hugger you yeah maybe maybe a maybe like a like a Dap and a one arm around maybe you know not a hug a two arm hug it doesn’t seem like me but don’t treat him like your mom when you come home you know that when I see the draft guys do that they pick him up and we don’t need that that’ be that’d be funny we go do I think pretty cool though some of the Big D linen or off the Lin I think that fits so all right you you want to be the next Payton Manning when it comes to selling products so here’s your turn you’re you’re joining us on behalf of Lowe’s let me hear Drake May pitch Lowe’s yeah first off Lowe’s you know it’s a it’s north Carina company um was easy fit for me I was excited when this opportunity came um kind of right off the bat I’m joining joining their home team as the newest member and right off the bat them helping in the community and got a community service event tomorrow that I’ll be helping out at just giving back to the community means so much to me and kind of an easy fit you know I grew up you know low right across the street in a neighborhood um shopping center and shoot when we had you our we need our driveway extended we went to Lowe’s to to get a half court hoop and uh you know get ready to go and we had our our backyard we had a long probably 40 yard backyard um that we painted with Lowe’s paint and we did it all so I think you know one of the coolest things I was here two weeks ago and uh we came in Lowe’s and uh I did a you know kind of a pre-draft little draft shoot and uh it was awesome we got we even surprised one of the local pros at Lowe’s you know with the chance to go up on stage and announce a pick and just stuff like that um just means so much to me and LOE is a great company and a partner with NFL and little things like that go a long way and my family is you know full of surprises we love surprises so that fit right in uh is the Green Room built by Lowe’s it is yeah Lowe’s did it all you know the draft stage did it all so I got to walk by it and preview all you know two weeks ago and kind of get a little preview and now walking across the Thursday will be will be special um even more special now that you I got to see it before and partnered with Lowe’s and know that they all did the work so well good luck good luck with the Giants and uh you know we appreciate you wait apprciate dan yes sir thanks for having me on you didn’t you didn’t react when I said good luck with the Giants there yeah shoot you know you could throw it any team in there I’m ready to play Forever Carolina You’re Not Gon to be playing for yeah exactly yeah I wish so got to handle hey good luck congratulations have fun Thursday night thanks Dan appreciate it uh Drake May hey he wishes Carolina all right did pretty well hanging in there and uh I I’m starting to hear a little bit more about the Giants but I don’t know once again I always say I’m not quite sure about these things when I do hear from somebody and is are you hearing this or is this something worth reporting and a lot of times you’ll get I’m hearing okay I don’t know you’re who you’re hearing from that’s always dangerous


  1. I'm not really a fan of the "gotcha" interview style that Dan is known for, and I'm actually kinda glad it's dying out with modern interviewers. I actually found Dan trying to trip this kid up kind of cringe.

  2. He does not "wish" that he was going to the Panthers. That is a franchise in turmoil, and the Tepper is a long way away from learning how to win in this league. Giants of industry, that are simply dominant in their respective spaces, get humbled when they come to owning an NFL team. So it is with Tepper. How can folks not love the NFL? It is the most competitive league on earth, in any sport.

  3. The MOMENT i saw this kids highlights in the off season, I WANTED THE PATS TO GRAB HIM. (don’t watch college ball).

    He will be the best QB in this years draft. It’s obvious to me. The first two that were taken rely on their talent and have not had to use their brain. Cmon amongst “fast, quick diver athletic types”. Southern charm. He will lead.

  4. 6:49

    He knew exactly who was taking him. I’m almost positive that the patriots, Drake, and his agent had it all but locked long before the draft.

    I pray they let this kid sit his rookie year and give him the majority of preseason and garbage time reps during the season to build confidence and experience. It would potentially lessen the teams expense on his second contract. Also if he really IS that dude, he would 💯 have a better season and more wins than Jacoby and honestly one shitty season with Jacoby and another pick in the top 10 would give us an opportunity to draft a top wideout for the kid when he starts next year.

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