The most important FIRST THING you must do before starting your swing

It’s the most important FIRST THING you must do before starting your swing. But nobody cares!

I see so many golfers treat this as an afterthought. Grip isn’t a romantic part of the golf swing but, if you do it right, you’ll fall in love with every shot you hit.

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hand covering and I’m planting it on that thumb when I talk about planting I’m applying pressure down on that thumb my grips always like this your grip shouldn’t change your grip should not come undone during your swing I see this a ton in my lessons golfers are starting out like this with their hands it’s almost like the grips and afterthought but it’s your only connection to the club the grip should be a first thought not secondary because if you’re secure here then the rest of your swing is allowed to work much better


  1. What a great tip! Immediately looked at a picture I have mid backswing and my hands are opening. Something else I need to work on I guess.
    Love the channel, thanks!

  2. *Stripes one in English* 😂😂😂😂

    Love this by the way. Been focusing a lot on grip this spring. Your content is constantly in line with what I'm working on, I love it. Keep crushing it!!

  3. My grip kept me back for a long time and caused all sorts of issues. Covering that thumb and getting the club deeper in my left hand really turned my game around.

  4. I really wish there was someone like you in my local area. You're a great teacher and very relatable person. I like your personality too, it's a lot like mine. I'm glad I found your videos because they're helping me out a lot. Thank you for all the hard work that you put into these teaching videos. I really appreciate them. After seeing this video I realized that my grip has been a weaker grip and the reason why I've been a little handsy at the bottom of my swing. Do you have any or can you give any tips for bigger fatter golfers? I see a lot of videos out there, but they seem to be more geared towards the thinner golfer.

  5. Tell them the importance of "shortening" your thumb in the grip. I had my thumb long and it doesn't work as well. Your channel is THE BEST!!!!

  6. Not a bad tip. I’ll check it out today. I usually try and make sure i feel good pressure on the handle from my left ring finger and pinky but don’t put much thought into the rest

  7. Ran out grabbed a club feels kinda strange but will try at that range, my normal grip is right thumb to the side slightly, pinky over the top to lock but I can see a little bit of the grip.

  8. Why do I strike the ball better when I have a more relaxed grip that "comes undone" at the top of my swing then?

    Is the saying that I've heard multiple times "grip the club like you're holding a small bird" not true then? It seems to me that you need to get across that your way isn't the ONLY way to do it and that other ways work too.

  9. So I had trouble for a year maintaining my grip on my backswing. Come to find out my club was a bit too long which was making control of the club tough. Something no one mentioned to me in my year or trying to learn the game

  10. Something that can go wrong with this grip is if you swing into something like a bunker lip. If the momentum of the club is stopped then you can put a lot of pressure into your left thumb. Happened to me a couple weeks ago and still not fully recovered.

  11. A person can play decent golf with a good grip and a bad swing, but cannot play decent with a bad grip and good swing. The weight forward approach you emphasize really does work. More people need to be looking into that as well

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