Golf Players

Live with @PommyinOZ | Carlton v Collingwood | AFL Round 8, 2024

Your game day companion as Carlton take on Collingwood in Round 8 of the 2024 AFL Season.

welcome everyone to the watchalong it’s me pommy in O hope we’re all didly doing fine big game big game big names it is Calton versus the magpies in what is a very very big Clash probably the biggest clash in football live in about 14 minutes good day Jace good day m good day horsey animals art and Fury Fury Fury Dale good day edua Jeff how are we how how the bloody L are you hey I’m good I’m ready for this so I’ve got me uh arm bandage as you can see I’ve got a mechanical constraction so um already out interesting story uh I hurt my uh elbow a couple of weeks ago got the olds back was told that it was um a strain and uh ended up doing my UCL uh by doing the garden two days later good day Cathy good day David Lana Brandon JS how are we all random go Julie Robo 69 great number Mark how you doing are we ready for this you know what is going to be hard I can’t actually clap which is a bit of a problem and if you watch these um I’m partial to a clap who do I go for in the efl I’m a United boy mate we got Plowman penguin I’ve got to do everything left-handed which is a nightmare got Charlie I’m feeling confident too Davey how are you boys are on the field 100K members stronger together there we are use me left F you’re nervous hey I ain’t nervous what do we think about bam bam good day blue mate how you doing love this as well I can sing mate as a Prime look got new gags as well spot Timberland in the old navy blue good day cookaburra great bat cook BR voice is all right arms [ __ ] hope you like the new DP DP what am I missing DP hey someone explain what DP is what have I missed so what have we got on tonight look we got chin cots back in the team display picture I do mate yeah oh look at that look at that look at this chat hey tell you what don’t make players like that anymore let’s kiss the badge let’s kiss chinot off a Look is the horny one playing tonight now he played last night he played last night Blues by 42 hey Greg mate if it’s 42 I’m going to be happy look at that four changes don’t you love it good B Rich mate the pom C is back in you know what chat oh God that hurts um you know what look we’ve got a I’ll read you out my multi um Sports back you ready for this this this honestly it’s [ __ ] cashing checks honestly it’s like when you call you pop when you’re at Union you’re like I’ve only eating baked beans on toast for six days and he goes like tell you what son I transfer you some quid get you eating so I’ve got Adam chera for 20 chin cot for 15 walshan Cal anytime go Cal 15 Elijah go Harry McKai for 15 that is [ __ ] Jam boys and girls that is Jam um you happy with the team uh I am um surprised kuners is in um to be honest um but I trust the process if he’s fit he’s in thank you very much Jared great to see you ba mate good day random guts oh mate from the states do you know um do you listen to uh Donnie Hees there’s the pis who are you who are you who are you hey how good is that Judy Sports mate tell you what if anyone’s out there just no matter what age you are as well whether you’re 38 like me or you you’re 16 14 yeah never give up on your dreams right and people will tell you all the time you can’t do it you can’t do it when I was at school I remember going to one of my teachers and telling them that I wanted to be a golfer and they laughed at me honestly and they were like a kid like you growing up in edil will be lucky to get a job at M McCain’s which was the big Factory there and you know what people always used to do it but it was the people around me I was fortunate my golf coach my granddad and my big brother to drive me to do it and you know what my kids now are driving me to take golf back up serious again so that’s why I’m trying to get a bit fit and healthy want to go on the senior turn in in 10 years so that’s big for me so honestly never give up on your dreams man and sometimes it’s a bit of self-sacrifice do you know what I mean living in the gym and people like chin cot are a bit bit different to the rest of these guys on the field they’ve worked hard right they’ve been gifted it all the way but chin car’s had to go the hard way he been told he wasn’t good enough in the draft got injured had to play [ __ ] kick his football means something to people up yeah to um uh go mate get on Donnie h Donnie Hees 615 random goat get on him he’s an he’s an American coaches the game real good guy I was on his show last week real good guy man big swans fan I’m good M boy how are you Jared spawn mate hey look I’m one of I was one of them kids that when you told me don’t piss on the electric fence at the back of the house I had to piss on it to see what happened do you what I mean I’m that guy I need to learn the hard way something wrong with me how much are we going to win by I’m going 22 chin car rotates forward would’t mind seeing it bit of bit of Thug Life from the old pom car hey how hey how how good was Mickelson’s driver off the deck brother hey M I love my live golf mate honestly proper traitor proper traitor good mate of mine was actually over here and we caught up uh he’s coaching one of the guys um when they were in Adelaide so it was great to chat to him um but yeah mate honestly how good was uh tell you what just quietly though BR Brooks cupka how good is it to see him back in the mix cheers mate hey I’m glad you like it mty it’s a bit cold down here we haven’t got any eating and I haven’t insulated these WS so it’s [ __ ] freezing so night guys we G have to wrap up bro I think I I think cers will play half forward and you’ll see Cal slot on the wing I reckon they’ll rotate because I know cers when he played vfl last year he flirted with the ring Instinct you know what now the AFL has got these new like technology you know to zoom in are they not [ __ ] overusing it you know what I mean warms me ear that’s what it is good day grae how are you mate you right five minutes I will do Jorge Joan I will do Joan I will do you can’t you you can’t beat uh a trumpet can you I mean it’s it’s the best man it’s the best it’s the best is it it is the best you know what book Bley saying that it’s a big night for leis young spot on because people have taken have given him giving him a [ __ ] Liberty now look my’s quite sh man how many will Charlie kick oh um I reckon four four 21 goals 10 [ __ ] out Ari I’d set that bro Jack crisp oh Gaz GNA Rio hey I like Raz Charlie to kick five says Julie I it he’ll be up and about mat boy the good thing about TZ is he it why I me and tez work well is he’s more Zen I’m more war Kennedy mean subs of f oh look there’s Chinko how can you not love his smile colors looks old business sty good I blue Baggers I I I learned a long time ago when we did that preview with uh against Paul when I said that Peter lams was the worst worst rman in the history of the game and then he became Prime [ __ ] bro Grundy that I try not to bag play is pregame I will do once the ball bounces though like but try not to give them any energy all right going to take silence for observing the unfortunate women that lost their lives due to domestic violence uh we’ll honor that e why come Blues let’s go honestly an important message and as the tides come and they go and the sun rises and sets let love be our light in the darkness peace love and light everyone ah [ __ ] I’ve got to remember that my right arm hurts ah if I put it here it’s all right remember it’s not just DV we’re observing here it’s uh also the Peter Mack something that we are all affected by as well um a horrible Scourge on our society cancer so wonderful work they do and Crips wins their toss come on blows [ __ ] take it to them let’s go let’s [ __ ] take it to him oh look at how happy she is is man you love to see it hey Judy I get called a socialist all the time time RFC sir I’ve been in a lot of golf balls uh felt a twinge a couple of weeks ago and then I went out to grab a heavy slab instinctively um had a strain and now I’ve done my UCL in my elbow so [ __ ] hurts [ __ ] hurts but they always call me a socialist man I don’t know why as well because I mean if anything I I don’t have any political persuasion you know what I mean I hate them all Robie rby rby rby oh he he you know what’s weird as well is I chant with my right hand are they so it’s hard to chant with this hand ah there we are the kiss the kiss tell you what how [ __ ] good does that look black with the phones um hey um I can’t remember what I said to my mate someone asked me on chat so about 87.5% are they singing Angels are they singing Angels am I gonna [Music] get why do we need the lyrics for [ __ ] Angels bro this is pretty cool I’m not too sure if the song is appropriate though but it’s a beautiful song Oh Brandon they’re the worst man come on Blues let’s go let’s go here we are big game how do I maximize this right so those who are watching number 12’s about to bounce the ball the ball’s bounce and we’re off we are live piter absolutely eats Mr Cox at the bounce Walsh oh Walsh cripper go on boys deep inside 50 the blues are the follow ball technically there’s a trip are you been serious K now good start by the boys though Hemorrhage them in get up boys get up pendle’s got the ball noblet b oh hey unlucky mate unlucky our kid tdk’s left a ball tdk’s left arm was held the entire time of that marking contest have we been serious look wait he’s left hand debatable [ __ ] it go on pit pit ah go on boys hustle hustle B get something how was deos got the ball there boys that’s yours ah is that b mccre is he Al his his hair lid done it’s been said a few times how good was the uh hold of the ball decision the old inside of the thigh is now an official kick what what is the reason Mason Cox is wearing a glove can someone just explain what is the actual Like official reason we want it explicit Empress M daring honestly what is the official reason that Mason Cox wees where’s where’s the glove is it because he’s bad he’s bad you know it go on get up get up well ah good hustle go again Georgie lovely that’s yours all day long over the back of him well done go on AES oh Blake you know Blake in defensive transition is wank down telling you now good day D how you doing honestly nothing turns me on more than Blake akers’s Defender in a transitional move absolutely no way oh [ __ ] me not really not really [ __ ] that was more of a lean than a hold was it that was more of a Lean on Me When You’re Not Strong [ __ ] every time it’s always a [ __ ] like you remember dimmer last week saying [ __ ] goals conceded we have the stupidest goals conceded like honestly Brad a manard looks like how you you you draw someone when you’re like 11 you me I I think every time I drew someone when I was 11 years old Bren mad popped out does anyone else think as well that this replay game is getting [ __ ] stupid like we replay the most random [ __ ] like they’ve zoomed in on that [ __ ] handball oh no way umpire umpire it’s cuz you hav got [ __ ] clue out to rock i i agre p get up boys that’s yours all day be brave well done newie go again no well done boys well done P car can’t believe we’ve just seen a rook free kick right for two Rooks going at it [ __ ] hard to work out D okay so how’s that not free then because Mason Cox was holding him like [ __ ] my wife holds me get up get up well done pom cter goodbye give me a spread son love it lovely be a bit of a different vibe this have we got a song for BM cter uh we we’ll try and get something up on the Fly oh Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys buys buys [ __ ] love it come on Blue that’s 50 that’s 50 surely how is he not 50 yeah well done [ __ ] you mayard you [ __ ] flop come on blues and so Harry can play We proved it was Kate now he’s playing to the by so har can play so D to back you anchor I heard you say how small is Cory [ __ ] Turan Jesus Christ look at him has to be the smallest person to ever play football chat who is the smartest person to ever play football who’s are Bugsy Malone ah dirty little transition goal Jake benwon will enjoy that on Twitter who’s been uh complaining that the blue don’t transition all right Sunny World well done the first part of blue the sounding word is almost boo Adam good work you’re getting good here’ll come go on o go on o [ __ ] let’s go come on get around him get around him look at that go straight from the center the blues take a goal lead you love to see it D you you love to see it you know what doing this one-handed is [ __ ] hard work chat look at that look at Mr [ __ ] o Matty always dirty little go that dirty Blues 12 six it’s running a lot across the bottom 126 to the blues oh that cheeky little ambo [ __ ] hell you know you you Collingwood fans amaze me because you really are people of little words are you I say boys go on get the stoppage T you’re right so the start of Blues sounds a little bit like Boo right so so add like a l sound in the middle of boo BL Blues all right I’m helping you out Blues ah dear there’s something about calling wood count and chats they’re [ __ ] brilliant if that there is no way that’s a required distance go on go on go from he [ __ ] himself CU chzn was there the big God oh Chesney the Sicilian abet oh go on go on cow yeah go on it Tagg in NE that is a weird kick if it works out that could be the greatest football ever cers no way go on go on boys boys what has oh Saki sunny I I appreciate that but you you are in a c fan Channel I mean and I think you’ll find that Boo’s a verb to Boo don’t want to be that guy you know what I mean I don’t want to be that guy you know what I mean because an acronym would would indicate that it stands for something 1212 what’s wrong with pit did he cut one to the old face if you are in chat right and you are a Callingwood fan you’re welcome to stay but can we not have like just Spam comments like try and engage like let’s try and have a conversation as if we’re a human H sa I don’t like Banning you but I have to well done by what let just try and have a lovely conversation H you know just human beings living in the moment living in the moment living in the moment [ __ ] me come on boys let’s go I did block them no doubt there McCrae is just saying a a [ __ ] analogy there going if you bake bread you got to need the dough little bit lack them two goals then so two goals have come from free kicks that didn’t need to happen and then the third goal that defense is is [ __ ] loose come on boys let’s go well done he needed that Zach he needed that bit of a touch of the ball it’s dangerous kick bit word to do could argue it’s in the back they’ve been paid that guy looks scared to talk he looks like he he literally he wants to talk to McCrae but that that Runner scared to go on get up get up oh how’s he come through there go on you got hit Target here Z will get up get up [ __ ] hell Harry’s playing it to the advantage of our forward you love to see it got a bit of time here boys B time Chesney oh go on Blakey bounce bounce behind 1318 right yes spawn blue bager just lock this in dodgy bounce there by Noble gone by the three of you there well done well done y he’s manty get the [ __ ] off him by go on boys get up tell you what they’ve panicked a little bit there by uh ball umpire ball you better [ __ ] pay this what how is that not ball he had [ __ ] more prior than anything he had so much prior they called him Michael [ __ ] me go then get this on the Square Boys big one on the Square oh that’s all your Tommy come on Blues genuinely honestly you know what fair play to you for supporting your team magp but [ __ ] me if you’re got to come in here give something more than just spamming the comments [ __ ] come on boys lck in we go again anyone else feel like when we have that shot at goal 20 M out to the left it it it’s just ladened with risk oh lock it in combo’s lock in help him out help him out well done boys go on make some options options are plenty oh wosi that is dirty go on boys turn him turn him turn him there was no way Dary more handall that I think it might be sp sp sticks mate [ __ ] now go again young go again well done boy good L come on boys it’s really hard to clap one handed exactly 10 minutes left in this first quarter my chatos oh TDK don’t get distracted by that come on boys let’s go TDK to beat Cameron he’s not got to worry about where Cameron is about 8 to 10 mate Judy I’d imagine in a couple of weeks that I’ll be able to clap again right hit a Target here hit a Target B time B time lovely well done boys buy yourself some time well done cow what a man thank you Sandra well done boys good buildup ah go press well done walhi you know what waly is an animal oh Q why I love a bit of chaos B to be fair George hwit doing that then is a little bit like [ __ ] Roy keing going for a Little ma run God Harry come on Blues it’s so what you going to say see you big guy do is it but well done boys got it back want it back intercept game has been pretty ripper in the Midfield come on BL come on let’s go bagers take the point lead great to see that Midfield turnover there’s a real in 10 big shout out to Sam Walsh though see Walsh when we turned that over he was the first back to put some pressure on him you love to see it love to see it ah dear I’m getting them as they come up I’m watching on KO my brother look at this though here look when they create the turnover the blues they look really good look and look at the overlap run today the overlap run is nice man here we are bounce car blows ah chzn you little filthy pig go on boys go on wal wal a we need walshy for a goal chat we need walhi for a goal my magical la la was uh 30 touches three goals so if that happens it’s fppening oh I just need to get his arms come on boys let’s go ah how is BU how do you win the hit out but don’t actually move it Well Done P car go again you’ve got that you’ve got that well done well done y [ __ ] Bravo boy go again go on P car goodbye oh no that is stiff man what happened what happened oh what happened there chat what happened yeah what happened what happened ah I see you love to see it quality seven minutes lock this in boys oh go on Crips oh go on us come on boys this is good hustle good Hustle come on Blakey well done great running from Blake go on Zach oh come on Blues let’s go get around them chat good day Scott how are you doing my friend great defensive header there by TDK lot of time for it how is that not like look his Shir is oh Blake’s having a Blinder Blake is having a Blinder at the moment he he is having a five minute oh I am loving this intent though from the blows I am loving a little bit of uh Mr oh c you oh c you dirty dirty boy you naughty boy look at that picked his pocket you love to see it go on if anyone gets what he’s playing for it’s this blow he’s been watching the replays go on go on oh Blake in the back OBS go again go again go again go on Georgie come on boys hit Target here head Target goal square has been very [ __ ] good for us oh Harry oh Harry can play We proved it was K now he’s playing to the by so Harry can play so down to back you anchors I heard you you say arry with another goal the Baggers go to 28 um P does not support man absolute disgraceful scenes disgraceful seeds is that little mustache that TDK is growing is it look at that off one stat off one stat oh look at him mccrae’s like oh [ __ ] I can’t remember what metaphor I’ve got to use this week oh my God are we just giving free kicks to any [ __ ] who played basketball as a kid is that the new [ __ ] drama now K hell no I’m I’m man united mate oh that’s it just just raged old Bobby H out of the way well done I a free there well done pit [ __ ] me the Great Wall of pit at hey geography X we love you my brother thank you very much David oh un you don’t tell us when we [ __ ] get advantage that’s not how Advantage Works otherwise it’s not a [ __ ] Advantage is it when everyone knows go on lovely lovely and again Crips they can’t hold you bro goodbye bit of George gri out the back the stoppage go on boys well done hat to God that’s high umss dayos is round his [ __ ] neck com hey you can’t you can’t choose your football team Citrus I’m sorry to disappoint you can’t choose them they choose you while she’s actually having a day out and I’m telling you that they have no plan at the moment then hope he makes a mistake hey hey my walked into the post what are you [ __ ] complaining about mate oh what how are we reviewing this [ __ ] me what we reviewing broy me having the [ __ ] spatial awareness of an utter [ __ ] me [ __ ] soft Co tell you what these are harder watch than a wedding night dick I tell you some happy faces there in that Collingwood cheer squad though are they I’m not even changing the scars that’s hit the behind p and it’s a Thro [ __ ] you know right go Coast to co here boys you got three minutes 30 which is like any good song in the 90s hey mate I’m not upset I just don’t understand why we have to [ __ ] have reviews oh that’s nice nice go on Yi go on Yi H lead mate H lead don’t be scared don’t be scared B’s made that kick look [ __ ] amazing [ __ ] me just boyo young [ __ ] lunch money [ __ ] hell you wouldn’t thank your team oh good kick well why can’t everyone kick like B Ben honestly uh like do do Tottenham want City to win the title or do they want Arsenal would be my question that’s our bounds on the follows hey [ __ ] waste come on hit a Target here boys hit a Target hey Target that’s yours that’s yours Charles that’s yours Charles come on come here I’ve missed you my favorite part of the week sorry I’ve got to hold you with my strong hand you have to be held by my weak hand this week I’m sorry oh look at that you knew look at that as why even even got bottle flipping come on come on oh charie c you are the love of my life oh Charlie cero I’ll let you bang the life oh Charlie curo I want curly a to come on Blues to be honest to be honest there’s a lot of people in chat so I haven’t really noticed but I mean what have we got let’s have a look this one’s interesting I mean like [ __ ] hell I didn’t even know I didn’t realize we were still in the [ __ ] 80s come BL let’s go we we we love a bit of abuse on this channel come on that’s it get get there get there get there well done boys well done boys ah Blake akres handballs it just to make the tackle you love to see it score update oh good call sorry I got invested in the song mate h p car well done that’s ball oh [ __ ] off man Mayo read that like I read canes I tell you he do you see how he read that flight of the ball he was like about eight miles under it come press press press off that’s the trip HS that’s ball go on Nick pick it up you know what I’ll love I am all about Nick Newman’s little skip before he kicks how [ __ ] good is Nick Newman’s little skip before he kicks it’s the best [ __ ] thing in the world hook it to my veins chat hook it to my veins G pom car kill him well done NE hold the ball [Music] caner we’re going to win a first quarter and there it is the Baggers get the first quarter done 34 to 20 and spot on two cheat three kick goals but the blues have a 30 ow they Dons we’re up and about big big backup time but the blues there he’s really really showing a little bit there it’s good to see it’s good to see some in some hey hey Kenny how are you mate take there’s some weird we like some weird B honestly Collingwood fans do some weird Banner man some of them are still hanging around he is bugs Bo he’s having a [ __ ] Blinder my friend how are you as well bus Bell good to see you he’s come back jaay a he he’s he I think after he took that Mark he felt good old Z will but all in all Blues have built well great game I reckon the pressure is going to go up at one quarter but I’m liking what I’m seeing especially because it’s the start hey blue bager don’t speak too soon they’re a little bit like Satan you say his name three times he appears it’s a derby though Shear in this is what we said in the preview you’ve got to [ __ ] be up for this do you what I mean and the blues are a little bit up for it it’s nice to see them kick goals early dolls isn’t it as well blue bagger do you think to be fair though I don’t think our first quarters have been bad H I think our first quarters it’s usually our worthful Paul how hard does Blake Acres work like he has him and Walsh are everywhere man him and Walsh are everywhere Kenny could be hey P’s having a moment is he he’s he’s having a moment he old pit he’s having a moment he’s having a moment I’m just a just in the strap don’t worry good evening Marty how are you mate there’s a bit of valker on it’s sticking into me okay now boys have got to work together work together hard and it’s good to see Team defense the team defense has been really good this quarter then they’re rolling back and then have you seen the overlap on the other way the overlap on the other way has been really good SPS I’m on um KO bro so I’ll probably be about 10:15 my friend so I’ll tell you when the second quarter starts if you’re able to pause it if you’re watching it on digital digital B I’ve really enjoyed McKay I think he’s also it helps have you noticed that our entries have been a lot deeper this week that gy is spawn bavy yeah well I mean Mark it’s because they’re really rolling back if you seen like the half forwards right and you’ll notice it when we win the ball back there is an overlap run because they’ve all ran back differently Dave we’ve been saying this for ages as well mate like honestly people talk about Golden but [ __ ] me acres is everything that was a good goal Love Changes David how delayed are you talking mentally or in Ko I think it’s about 10:15 I’ll tell the look when the second quarter starts chat I’ll tell you when I see the bounce okay all right I’ll tell you so then we can we can make an assessment if you’re talking mentally uh probably like moralistically about 75 years that pom cutter hey mat boy that is the most important pressure my brother look at Acres Newman’s been good as well Newman has been Sensational Walsh just I mean we probably need to give Walsh a shout out because Walsh is everywhere as well but you just expect it don’t you I need to find where that [ __ ] velcro is on this strap they’ve put on it [ __ ] hurts honestly like it’s literally digging into me give me a sec oh there we are ah oh that’s a relief oh I’m back hey se’s in it I agree AK CU like for me he’s so good yeah I’ve got I’ve got like four of these holding this like weird brace for my arm so it doesn’t move the joint and it [ __ ] the woman’s put it on weirdly and like it was just rubbing man it really hurt every time I moved it hurt like the velro was just ripping [ __ ] off yeah it’s his old hair is it but I mean there we are right so chat the ball is about to be B P okay so ready 3 2 one bounced there we are we are live in uninterrupted live please do not adjust your sets C Blu ball comes in go on go on Cal how is that not holding free to Crips he’s yeah thank God for that jamaran is the best is the uh username go on [ __ ] hell you see the H time there oh yeah these free kicks are so [ __ ] bizarre man I like the way that we’ve slowed them down though and they’ve now gone to that real deep position how did he get free there oh my God anyone else think B mccre looks like what would happen if Luke lit’s DNA was combined with a ginger hey not as accurate as lot ller oh look at this through the I did didd spread it elij don’t he look like L he just look like Luke ller like absolute spitting double yeah he just like you know we belong together combo lot this say make this hard make them go long make them kick to contest that’s see you’ve got a bit of time here you got a bit of time don’t rush it well done well done right choice come on blues oh what’s going on here the blues were a bit [ __ ] patient play but CH get around him oh look at this the switch is well and truly on C’s made a good lead there go on boys well done good football you see I’d like to see a shter kick there I feel like it puts a lot of pressure on us having to lock it in here oh look at mayard playing for the [ __ ] free bro well P car good work I’ll it boys te the stoppage uh umps he’s round his neck yeah [ __ ] off Linsky mate hey it’s not so easy when you come to Victoria is it kider which day cost Nick or Josh definitely bugs Bell good spot good Ki no go he got to have more breakfast than that Cal seeing seeing the blues dramatically trying to get back for this that’s yours that’s yours well done turn around that’s yours go on well done newie well done boys [ __ ] love it ah go on turn him turn him help him out help him out help him out help him out make options well done connes great overlap run great overlap run it’s got to be on the goal square up the back of him Charlie come on [ __ ] yes there we are Luke liter going off just after he’s uh winning Manchester tonight well done leading the Premier League darts at 16 good to see you love to see it Charlie Straight in front you know what’s coming chat oh Charlie you are the loveing by F charliie curo I’ll let you bang the Life Charlie curo I want C too night mate love you hey Al B mccre going off chat night mate love you look at that absorb absorption absorbing football he he he it’s good in it it’s nice to silence them quick pretty early let’s hope we keep silencing them are they really trying to claim that that’s a free [ __ ] me doctor having to watch the video that’s really reassuring if your doctor’s watching a replay go on boys how has he not tackled him high hums that’s ball then oh BS are you joking he’s just [ __ ] handed it to him [ __ ] he he literally handed the ball to him in the tackle got time here boys got time one of you Shepherd wrong one Shepherd there oh Blake that’s Paul umpire [ __ ] me dead oh got to make it work oh good football skills oh Zaki Williams go again crunch him crunch him well done boys been a cal calm bit of calm here yeah good football hey I how good was Zach Zach’s little football jaky little soccer love it oh well done boys look at C kicking to leads and at in front come on boys let’s go hey Zach Zach’s see my five side team hey Jeff I thought it was Prime [ __ ] Bara mate ah tdk’s absolutely monstered Cameron there get him get him crunch him crunch him crunch him love it they do not want it they do not want it blues oh my God Darcy has held him oh that’s ball oh look at them guys look they’re really f h how the [ __ ] is that not a free lucky shorts Haven to come to halfback to find the ball hasn’t seen the ball since freem Manel get up get up what how how are we I don’t ask for the umpires to be good I ask for them to just be consistent I it boys take the stoppage take the stoppage Loy Sullivan’s about to make his debut umpire’s round his neck as he turned around I’m that’s in the back great hustle Blues keep it up good boys oh I nearly went to clap great pressure from the blues Hey where’s your basketball background now well Don El oh there’s 50 UPS OBS well done Eli oh look at this got pom car oh oh mate oh mate get rid of it good day Conor how you doing there’s punch on happening in the stands there won’t be good punch on though there’ll be [ __ ] ones so I wouldn’t worry it’ll be them proper drunken loud ones how how is Jam Elliott trying to claim that was out of Bounce deliberate [ __ ] me probably someone’s dropped the last chip Pendery there with a professional holding of the hands have you seen that Pendery does that a lot in them contests you know holds the hand holds the hand good day miky I’m good mate how are you bro um side bottom was about eight miles out oh look at this guy here the face you make when the fat you putting your beer kicks in 2740 there we are lucky Sullivan [ __ ] me his initial his initial there his initial movement definitely out of bounds I’ve never seen anyone say go Freo when they’re not playing Jesus that’s a new one for me chat that’s a new one God Crips God Crips ah forever Freo welcome mate how are you I hope you’re all right God you’ve got a bit of time here ches D ah I’d like to see chess be a bit selfish look look at these guys here [ __ ] me there’s an intellectual [ __ ] conversation going on pet is threatening that’s that’s quite good that jash g keep the pressure on keep them make them go long make them go long I am doing I’ve got watch the game as well gram I glance over at you all just a reminder if you are an opposition fan I love the banner right I love the banner because you got to remember this isn’t like my sport where it’s life or death right you guys sit together and have coffeee so try and make it fun and bantery don’t just copy and paste it like I ain’t your mom and dad I will tell you you’re a [ __ ] idiot I mean oh boys what are we doing press press [ __ ] me boys pressure I’m gut that’s young as well man got it oh look at that that guy is Happy [ __ ] go Star Chat [ __ ] goal start [ __ ] out they’ve just kicked a goal Jesus Christ it’s like they’re having a [ __ ] reunion oh to be fair it was lucky Sullivan I apologize you know have you noticed I know it’s an ad but that oh what a goal is always like when it’s a goal on the touch line like it’s like right in front right and and they go Oh What a Feeling like oh what a goal as if it’s like [ __ ] the world’s greatest go is that Steve from Minecraft playing for them not too sure about the one sock up one sock down oh wosi I’m that’s a m and there’s about oh what legit ly Sullivan that he is Steve from Minecraft is he pretty sure that’s the character my I’m going to pretend ason Cox has not taken a mark ah oh it’s worse than V mate and V does my head in they do dodgy mate kicking a goal it’s beautiful to see but is it Steve from Minecraft oh [ __ ] off coxy mate you’re American you got nothing to be proud of you came in both walls like an hour too late and everyone [ __ ] gives you the kudos for it calm you far mate America’s just full of uneducated English people that’s all it is come on Blues let’s lift right two big mistakes let’s [ __ ] go draw a [ __ ] line Mason Cox stood next to [ __ ] Ian Hill is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen you know the worst thing there is you I mean look at this here [ __ ] off mace come on mate honestly right come boys get this stoppage game going help him out you’ve got to help him out boys come on straight away we need to go here boys ah combo attack attack attack oh about that’s a trip much love you Val good to see you my brother look at this guy here there’s Luke lit’s cousin giving it large can’t believe Ray Wyatt are a sponsor of football [ __ ] mate ban real estates from spot that’s the real that’s the real crime oh g g g don’t know why I went full [ __ ] popey crunch oh my God have you noticed when C have their moment of where lets fall off they really fall off like it’s full Patty pants down territory get up like young wasn’t even trying in that contest [ __ ] me come on on Blues right give me a sec chat I’m just oh what’s wrong with Wheats give me some good news chat good day aov it it it happens in spursy you know what my granddad used to say [ __ ] football meaning soccer it’s contagious when one of you starts [ __ ] themselves you all [ __ ] yourselves and it feels like once we start getting a bit clumsy a bit fumbly Miss tackles it’s contagious and it works the other way you know when fog goes up and about and has fall tackles every fucker’s tackling like it’s a real weird metronome effect come boys got a bit of [ __ ] Hood SP about you I got a come on boys spot on AER remind me at half time to put that bandage back on because my arm is giving me grief I would have been like you know that brilliant injury report you would have read it last week and it said pom out one to two and you be like oh it’s all right we can survive and then two days later it’s 10 get there get there will get there will get there will get there boy well done well done Zaki [ __ ] well done boy come on Blues that’s it there’s 50 OBS umpire umpire’s umpire that better be a [ __ ] free [ __ ] you Frampton you cheating con you shouldn’t even be on an AFL list you’re a just scrap come on Blues [ __ ] disgrace get up boys yes yes lock it in boys to be fair I’ve been fairly calm right with we’ve played an hour of football and I’m [ __ ] I’ve been calm I’ve been calm right it’s good it’s good to see am I played on well done Blake mate honestly Blake if I could have more kids that I’d Nam them Blake this is C Bob hey it’s my first [ __ ] run it’s probably going to be a few more now the game’s getting tight you know what I’ve noticed quite a bit you see where deran is there we always have a loose in this forward defense and I’ve been trying to work out what the [ __ ] it’s there for well done Georgie well done son here Target good boy [ __ ] love it come on blowes oh my God dangerous kick I love it in the corridor that’s it pom cter pom cter go on B attack it attack it attack It Go Again go again what the [ __ ] was going on there in that [ __ ] boundary [ __ ] hell you’ve played them back into this like honestly this is the [ __ ] Arsenal Spurs Derby it’s like 20 minutes of absolute [ __ ] sit down we’ve already won it and they’re back in it kenel like how many warning signs do you want come on boys pull it together what was he doing there what like honestly someone just explain what Zach was doing there I agree assertive media like when we go into this like at the moment we have gone in to try and control the game mod well done pom cter hey not any con Gets behind me not any [ __ ] K Gets behind me got to have a b b you big GL two big glass to yeah but that first quarter we were aggressive and bold have you noticed when we must be the worst side in the league and playing the percentages like you know when something’s 90% they always say in sport nothing’s a 100% it’s 90% right I feel like when we play the 90% play the reason it’s not 100% is because we play that play you know what I mean what the [ __ ] does that mean like even our entries have gone shallow have you noticed got to push it now push the agenda that’s yours all day they’re never going to call that hey come on boys come on boys hit me a Target here Z will hit me a Target you boys deserve to go up come on make some moves boy this ain’t a regular [ __ ] game against an imaginary team Well Done Right hit a Target hit a Target well done good running this is it [ __ ] move boys got time here you got time you got time Charles well done ah [ __ ] you can always get what you want don’t do that Tess they need us they need us to get behind them boys you got to learn man you got to learn man you got to learn at times got to come out in this third and come out fast move that was what was good in the first quarter it was quick it was fast it was overlap run and now it’s that conservative nonsense and it allows them to come at us like our Midfield looks lost at times between mid and a halfback like look at the space you’ve got to play football right quick quick quick quick Ki kick kick Ki how is how [ __ ] out marking toall players half comes to a close after a great start the blues struggled in that 10 to 15 minute period and the pies capitalized really really really easy at times the exits out of D50 particularly in the Midfield they managed to get on top the blues have got to go back to what they were doing really well and was playing quickly playing quickly playing on and getting the game moving forward Blues nine points down in that term and they’ve already got themselves to blame they’ve got to they’ve got to punch themselves in the face a little bit but they got exposed there they got exposed much love laughing Magpie mate good mate of mine Ben so be nice to him chat but we come back so chat get yourselves get yourselves a coffee a wine whatever ever it is we’re going to [ __ ] cheer hard yeah we will reconvene here at 5 N9 right 5ast n we’ll have a chat and we’ll have a little bit of fun okay so we’re going to cheer him out okay so I want you to [ __ ] go do what youve got to do have a walk sing a song Whatever It Is we’re going to cheer these [ __ ] home all right you with me chat you with me I’m G to get my bandage readone as well but I love you all chat we will be back at oh wait 2110 we’ll say all right love you chat see you [Music] soon let me just change this because some idiots done this you see can’t get good stuff chat can’t get good stuff can’t get good stuff e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e It’s a Long Way to the Top If you want a rock and roll right C chat let’s go around them hey you miserable [ __ ] in chat get around him man get around them tell you what some people when my pop came back from Don Kirk told him that it was fruitless and that the Germans were going to [ __ ] win you know what he said [ __ ] off you coward I’ll kill Hitler myself and you know what he might have not killed Hitler himself but he did win the war you know what I mean he did do it I mean so this is our Don Kirk that quarter we come on we wrap our arms around him we [ __ ] tell him to [ __ ] win yeah come on chat let’s get him do you what I mean can’t hell when you learn to ride a bike can you imagine if your dad when you were riding the bike or your ma was like your old [ __ ] your [ __ ] imagine that just imagine when you were trying to ride a bike and you fell off and your mom or your dad came and said oh you [ __ ] your left foot’s crap I mean you would have never learned to ride the bike would you I mean I I wouldn’t have done much love Michael big quarter here for those watching at home I’ve got UFC on so if you are I’ve got Jose oldo on my screen plus Charlie hasn’t had his five minutes yet so once we have the five minutes it’s all square oh God these ads kill me come and hold my hand I want to contact the living come on chat I need your energy kissing Penguins on live streams man that’s where my life is plus it’s good because when we win this chat right when we when we win this like they’ve just got up and about at half time like they’ve won another flag so it’s all right I mean we’ll be fine we’ll be fine just cheer up just cheer up just need to cheer and scream harder what is going on here watch him defend hey mate tell you what miraculous things have being built on that cup of tea not sure I understand this R I’ve been given banishing all the bad energy that people in chat are bringing all right do k l you know what I hope we never have to go to war with some of you in chat because I tell you what it’s going to be a dark place it’s gonna be a dark place with [ __ ] G moreni oh man can I’m just here chill bro chill this acolyte look looks [ __ ] sick just quietly how many ad breaks are we have I love a bit of the darts cane mate heate CAD I I’m built for something where we sh go dead [Music] hey look trust me like it it I’m I’m not saying that second quarter is something that I’m going to watch back in slow-mo with a boxing glove and a tub of veline you know what I mean but like we’ve got to go we gotta go here right and all I can do and all we can do is [ __ ] get them home in it favorite song um Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by The Smiths say 145 pressure that’s the problem you know what we’re like high pressure high results low pressure [ __ ] results all right because when CT’s pressure is SL there is a light and it does go out car blows let’s go look at that coming up past game Friday night Fallout player interviews [ __ ] we got it all here at Fox footy but here we are we’re not Fox footy we’re not corporate we are all about the real football come on chat let’s get them on much love cruy I look Dary Cameron he’s ah if I wasn’t playing for the pies I’d be working at pack and serve do you still have that I think that’s a pom thing okay for those watching at home we are about to commence Le Bounce and the ball is bounced there we are oh P that trying to spoon feed mids love it love it love it chzn cripper and inside 50 that is shallow come [Music] boys right that’s yours that’s yours get with him get with him come pom car a fun beans slow them down that’s better when you slow them down it looks bad but you got to take away these short options I want no short [ __ ] right Bo come build from the back boys build from the back great to see the Umpire on his ass it’s what I want to see it’s what I’m here for want to see more un pass falling over right make some moves for him chat make some moves oh you can’t slip that tackle Zach come on Blake well done I have not seen a c and player handball [ __ ] more than 10 meters ever good boys that’s the pressure I want good he John how are you mate that’s the pressure that is the standard surely that’s dragging it in he’s [ __ ] HED his leg he was like watching a pner [ __ ] me hey he was simulation oh come on well done Blake get rid of it yeah good football boys I love it that’s what it’s all about well done TDK there’s about 850s there eight people ran through the protected area get up get up get up Charlie get up Charlie oh John send her my love I hope she’s okay mate send her my love well done as well disgrace from mayard should get 12 weeks for that come on Matty I want to bit I want to see a bit of [ __ ] energy as well from these boys [ __ ] chest pumping it all I want them to go to the [ __ ] Cher Squad and just slap someone slap a Couer out someone he’s one ofon one ofon Maro is one of our own get into him boys [ __ ] him up and I love it I love we cheated for that I love it I will [ __ ] eat that up good none of this [ __ ] playing by the rules make the umpires make the call they do it to us we do it to them you got no [ __ ] bonus points for being a goody two shoes let’s go boys come on Matty that’s it big cheeky grin let them know you [ __ ] went for it come on love it as well look at that Frampton did not like that FR he’s like do you know I’m [ __ ] lucky to be here I’m lucky to be here bugs Bell mate hey tell you are rules are there to be played get up get up why are you holding his hand come on boys fight C kill him he’s going to turn well done boys come on Blues Shan B that is the most specific insult ever and I have a lot of time for it my friend I hate that dangerous kick it’s got to be good boys you’ve got time here you got time dive again oh yeah I needed to get that out my system hey Jay mate I’m consistent though I mean it’s all right mate I’m not your dad or your ma but you can like your dad and your Mom you can come crying to me and I will be I will be here I will be here always be here right yeah lucky coxy mate s man right boys seven points in it I want to go Coast to co here hey I tried Paul oh please can we stop that kick it hasn’t worked the last five times we’ve done it stop doing it go BL keep running mate Love It Go Walsh Walsh goodbye come on Blues look at Craig he’s like I’ve got an analogy I’ve got an analogy boys honestly I’m gonna say this now Craig McCrae is the most unlikable person in the world and if you do like him you’re a pi fan and you’re wrong well done pom cter well done [ __ ] kill him come on Blues you know what they say though about Lewis young he’s there every week there every week that’s it pom car wrap him up good boy that’s our boy that chat that’s our boy pet is having real difficulty working out that that’s yellow and egg shaped is he oh fantas you mate you were halfway there right boys if you can start stop [ __ ] around that would be gross see they’ve gone really deep with their forward press and the blues need to find that short kick because at the moment they’re trying to bring it to ground and fight the way out this way so labor intensive is Dary more the new [ __ ] Ben Brown how far is he going back for that Mark what’s this for oh thank God for that I was going to say what the [ __ ] was that free kick for gone switch love it love it pick it up and straight away straight away no thinking they are by good boy overlap boys overlap why is no one moving hey mate we need a bit of Desert Rat Spirit there’s the big Gregor o in you love to see it get up boys that’s it well done Li what are you appealing for honestly all Jack Chris does is how is that holding the ball [ __ ] me guys you got to spread backwards there players all up well done go on make the tackle now you got to make the tackle you’ve done the hard bit good boy well done lock why does this camera angle look like it’s just someone in the crowd with an iPhone hey Jay Jay I admit it you’re the one with the issue with it mate hey Jay you’re the heate Jesus you’re the one upset with it I ain’t I’m happy come on boys I’m round his [ __ ] neck like I know he’s the poster boy of the AFL what was that noise Mrs P is on a girl tum chat oh Charlie go on second effort boys second effort Oh by round his neck who the [ __ ] his Bronx beat dodgy what you do in your own time mate is entirely up to you my friend Jared so what there’s about eight people in chat for you a oh [ __ ] me Jamie Elliot is Absol like honestly thank you thank you Mrs P we love you hey you’re not very good come on blues oh wait that was that was so bad hey sorry I was just changing for a behind but that was an out there oh my God boys Hall but you’ve got to you got to give him a chance you got to give him a chance B oh my God who was that handball to there was actually no one there oh Jesus G see cripper [ __ ] LIF boys your Captain’s working there savab BM my friend Sava beend monra hey tell you what chat bit of [ __ ] culture here say I’m the uncultured one run run run run come on Blues let’s go hey we love a dump kick though chat we love it come on chat just get your energies I’m I’m feeling really void of anything give me something chat that’s it come on boys get up get up well done young good boy come on Blues that’s it be angry Voss I need the energy based on the last two holding the ball decisions that is holding the ball come on Blues yeah vos’s going off yeah he’s going off like a frog in a sock how’s that not high n don’t punch him we’ve got the free punch him after well I’m English but I live in Australia and 90% of this chat is Australian we got a token Scott and a pom in comments somewhere that’s it Well Done boys I want a bit more [ __ ] Hustle come on Blues look at Jeff with a [ __ ] a kiwi cousin here with some [ __ ] culture I love it oh go on go on well down the field there RS if you’re not too scared Matty [ __ ] oh he he’s one of our OD come on Blues that’s it some [ __ ] energy it’s like being in a [ __ ] morg come on chat get around them sometimes honestly it is like sitting in sitting in here and just [ __ ] chilling out at me Nan’s funeral come on Blues Jesus so I’ve been at a Justin Timberlake concert oh God’s sake oh right [ __ ] it hell much love Quinton come on boys let’s [ __ ] take it up to him go again Crips go again good boy come on boys come on come on a Lynch with the gger on that’s a p OBS OBS are you [ __ ] serious and again and again you’ve got that you’ve got that legs legs you are you Bol you are you say Bol good boy Blake um I’ll ask Mrs P do you like Tor Swift she laughed and shook her head that’s her way of being really [ __ ] kind Zoe’s more of a disturbed type girl mentally and musically our umpire come on that’s it get up boys get up get up oh Charlie you filthy naughty child get up go on go on that’s yours H oh [ __ ] me dead fron get off my [ __ ] field come on the blues get around them W Charlie Mai oh you’ve got to [ __ ] love it the things dreams are made [Music] of Zoe this is [ __ ] serious go War and you’re and you’re singing Lizzie MaGuire in the [ __ ] background come [Music] on are you just here pissing me off okay love you right come on let’s go okay cool okay at least Mrs pom’s taking the stress out of this game look at this anyway let’s have a look at it Walsh to Charlie to maai it’s basically a wet dream played on grass and you love to see it look at that deep entry as well deep entry you’ve got to [ __ ] love it come on boys this is it this is it man they are panicking they are flapping oh oh oh look at that weering turning people inside out go on go on go on go be sensible that is an absolute warful hand ball I I imagine Walsh didn’t pay the coffee bill this morning come on boys let’s go you know what cus looks like your everyday guitarist from a wedding band just got to get around them chat told you this energyy is getting [ __ ] better I need a bit more though we need a bit more this is yours this this is your time to shine pit go again boys go again car oh cow you dirty boy go on chz get up someone get up this is yours go on Crips help him no oh lucky cow hug that [ __ ] to my veins come on chat big [ __ ] bomb Oh Harry that’s some Mars come on [ __ ] let’s go lucky moo come on look at that there is a marbar t-shirt in the crowd you’ve got to love it look at that Darcy Cameron the telescopic [ __ ] ladder come on H straight through the eye diddle diddle me old fruit see need to open the face through impact there a little bit lock this in though lock this in and I’ll forgive I’ll forgive and forget hey there’s a bit of kog for you she’s an icon oh oh go lock it in boys what that’s it I’m bar took the game on I’m getting warm now chat so my hair is let’s try and fix the hair there we are that’ll do con C yourself one of the family A someone crunched the Aran break a [ __ ] didn’t know if that was Nick deos or [ __ ] John TR vter I wouldn’t mind a bit of Bam Bam Charles here we are will Hoskin Elliott he’s trying to take all the letters in the alphabet and he kicks like all the letters of the alphabet unlucky Maya Checkmate come on Blues hey tell you what just for that the Arrogant [ __ ] gets one of [Music] these come on BL let’s go [ __ ] Bo giving it to luy Sol in the background there like a [ __ ] annoying little brother I love it you got time got time boys you got more time than you think got to work with each other though what’s with all the [ __ ] paddle p po s what a come on [Music] boys [ __ ] albo come on if we’re going to make a switch we then B okay you know what I find bizarre with this exit kick is it’s always too shallow but it somehow Works look H how right Charlie just just wait that’s it Charlie wait [ __ ] who you kidding d she’s playing oh them hand skills in tight are [ __ ] amazing but that’s out deliberate OBS hey well done Dore slash L and you it look like come on Blues big one here goal here oh cripper that’s 50 ums that’s 50 oh mate just cuz he’s Pendle Bri [ __ ] me we get it he played basketball was he any good though don’t see him in the NBA oh that’s high onire [ __ ] yes come on Fantasia come on mate this is your time to shine this is your time to shine this is it this is Hollywood moment come on Raz give me something Raz based on that grass it’s a wee bit left to right start it at the left goal post swing the [ __ ] back in blocked it nice pull come on Blow Oh wait we’re watching it reverse weren’t it so it was right to left it’s my fault right boys lock this in here yeah have you seen the difference though colly W’s exit they really really s for it you got time here got time big bomb big bomb this is all you know big bomb time where’s this oh my good Lord she’s good M Mrs pom’s been on form if You’ just got into chat she’s been winding me up this quarter which is probably why we’re winning how do we call in you don’t you just chat and if you comments vaguely humorous I’ll engage with it there’s quarter four and three can’t have more than four qus pom 6156 Blue’s a lot bad that quarter going back to what they know short grindy can I kiss the penguin bet your [ __ ] ass I can right come on chat let’s get around him you know what it is none of you were talking about it as well change my top that’s what it is lot bear they played the game there a little bit better do you I mean it’s a stressful game hey ba I like a bit of chaos though we just got to keep going man chat you just need to keep getting behind you mean that that is it it’s probably my it’s the elbow it’s warmed up you me still can’t use it do you know how hard it is do you know how hard it is not to like use my right arm doing this [ __ ] out but it’s what we do yeah I wish Sam wal would kick a goal I would like to see Matt Kennedy now it’s an interesting sub though is’t it don’t you think Sapphire what I’m just warming up Kingdom of Planet the Apes looks good I just think we need to relax chat like we got the bad wire at we banish the negativity we’re all G man we’re all G we’ve only got one thing left to do hey spot on sappire M all we got to do is just cheer these [ __ ] on it’s easy man like we got the easy job this is living J hey bu spell we do don’t you make the Blue collor Blues how [ __ ] good is it it’s just chill man it’s chill Kennedy will come in bulldo above Blues win by 20 we’re all happy okay just got cheer them on yeah got cheer them on these Derby games are tough like do you remember when we were [ __ ] and we used to do this to pies you’re investing in a defi lator that was hard to say Hey you the best thing to invest in love man it’s getting [ __ ] home yeah look at Gary wearing a green coat why the [ __ ] is Jordan Lewis wearing a smoking jacket hey how good’s that Judy love a bit of Gab and Stacy why why the [ __ ] is JN Lewis wearing a smoking jacket good evening Ian how are you like [ __ ] can you imagine going on TV can you imagine going on TV in a smoking jacket unless you were like doing [ __ ] Antiques Road Show fair play I agree with I don’t think kuners has been terrible he’s a low impact low possession player I agree Jeff I think you saw that quarter though the pressure rating went back up like it was what 140 in the second quarter which is about the same pressure do mean I in all honesty put on my kids to tidy their room and then end up doing it myself bugs B it’s he’s got all his [ __ ] [ __ ] metaphors in the in the padding he’s dressed like Paddington Bear but Paddington Bear is well suppose he’s technically per Peruvian royalty isn’t he he’s not pom royalty if I had to sub anyone now reluctantly it would P Tasia look at that bit togetherness from the boys I I I love to see a chle love to see a chle as we called them back home a chudel Ben I agree I’d like to se out and take Collingwood on a little bit with that shorter kick I just think I want Kennedy up top into the mids and I don’t want to take Zach Williams off I don’t want him to go down the bat that’s my thinking I will tell you when it’s the bounce chat [Music] I really need some sound effects in here just so I can get up and B right okay um bounce 19 58 57 56 55 oh I’m not too sure about that kick got to make the tackle gripper I weird isn’t it I don’t get it Jeff be [ __ ] cold wearing a vest as well in [ __ ] Jordi land Ys by I like that change by to uh Jamie Elliot oh [ __ ] off come on boys spot on have you know that’s the big difference as well between the two sides in the center when they get them hand ball chains going they hit targets we hit fresher I really can’t believe I’ve just seen someone do hotline bling who comes up with these McDonald’s captions at the bottom because [ __ ] me they’re bad Zell off Matty Kennedy on well done Pig go again how nice would it be if bamb bam kicks the uh winner you got time here mate you’ve got time Conners well done pom car well done AK come on it’s going to be deliberate [ __ ] Jesus the hairline on that guy giving it large it’s impressive come on boys let’s go I love Loy Cowan but you know when he’s running it’s like he’s running in jelly I wish we’d stop just getting it Forward [ __ ] oh boys come on we got lift the [ __ ] pressure gauge here yeah that’s three kicks with zero pressure boys come on got to make it hard look at that lead right come on boys let’s go left hamstring oh Charlie went over on his leg there is he all right yeah he is he’s walking fine why are all our kick so shallow Spa Jared how did everyone overrun that for Fu’s sake feel like at times we are so so over aggressive in the wrong moments as soon as they hit that switch it’s game over as soon as they hit that switch it’s game over see how long it took us to drag back centrally right boys you [ __ ] need to pull this out boys okay none of this [ __ ] [ __ ] around none of this [ __ ] around start executing these [ __ ] Basics would you it’s a l scoring game man have you seen how they leave this hole shallow so they can run into it and we’re buying into it you seen though that when they kick inside they all set up deep and leave that hole to lead into where when you watch us end to 50 we spread out such a smart play CU he drags us out of position when they hit the switch because of that space someone needs to have the confidence that back half of the ground to take the game on instead of bombing it here Charlie you got to get in front go again go again oh my God it’s a hand ball you can’t miss a hand ball come on Charlie come on oh [ __ ] me dad right boys make them go long make them play our game you’re always going to pay freeze for that Pit Boys Now’s the Time to [ __ ] find it see look how they lead to that space and look everyone’s following them and they just create these natural two on threes boys they’re kicking themselves out of this one of you needs to grab the game by the short and cures one of you come on St being direct you’ve got to start taking it man it’s not good Ben you seeing like that presses like as really deep really high and no one’s having that BS to run through the press and saying hit me with a shot kick go on Conners go on Conners go on Conners come on let’s go [ __ ] fire up Blues fire up fire up absolutely [ __ ] dodged one there come on Blues [ __ ] lift you’ve had seven minutes off 13 minutes left come on come on Blues well done Kennedy as well making that tackle had to make that tackle see the dummy leaders what you see this is what they’re doing ah look at him he’s like page four analogy book right be aggressive from this Center clearance boys you know it’s going to be a true bounce beautiful well done good lead that’s it a well done that’s a mark That’s a mark come on Kennedy you don’t let us down good boy go on that’s yours get behind it go on Aras C blow boys right come on Blues let’s go Big 12 Lu he’s that so when you Bang the Drum sometimes you have to hit the snare Well Done weers by his lead for him see the difference look we’re spread all over inside 50 they go deep and lead to that space oh thank God someone’s kicked it on the Square Boys hey Mason hey look at him he’s fuming deod in the C’s in the air come on Blues [ __ ] let’s go Blues hit the front 7370 Blues have digging deep here for everyone at home and at the ground come on chat get around them look at Mason look he’s he’s he’s like I just can’t believe it you know what I mean like I ask for a large and it’s like a regular C chat let’s go well done po car come on Blues some of the players in the Midfield today have thought they’ve got some [ __ ] TI that they don’t have hey you can M we need your energy bro oh pom cter go on get it get it come on Blues Jesus look at that that’s amazing by yellow and egg shaped remember the drill and again and again don’t let him handball that out how does side bombom always get free look how did no one see that see look they lead deep and then they lead in see we we we have not noticed that look everyone’s going back and deep and no one’s noticed [Music] ah boys come on that’s [ __ ] dig deep here how many minutes left 9 minutes 35 brzil like he’s just walked into position there there was a worry there when that hit the deck and they all expected it to go out did you see that chat don’t get involved Nick don’t get involved see this is where we need a lead from the Midfield to go short so we can get out of this press why is no one looking for it come on blows schz is such a dirty prick that effort from TDK there [ __ ] me see that oh my God boys it’s yellow and EG shape pick the [ __ ] thing up Jesus Christ it’s not even that hard we’re talking football it’s not even a technically gifted game game come on ah boys come on come on boys let’s go rise up someone’s got to create that shot option in the Midfield like they have to do you know what I mean they have to do like because all it is like Matty says it’s [ __ ] long bomb you got to make this like right now it’s got running it’s [ __ ] having the [ __ ] balls to be out of position like why isn’t there any overlap run go on you’ve got to make this Charlie you’ve got to you just being turned inside out by Billy Frampton [ __ ] me bro boys they’ve got into contain mode they are far ahead look look at how often they lead look at how often they lead for their runners too easy it’s coming from the side right boys how many [ __ ] warning shots do you [ __ ] want like they are trying their [ __ ] best here to [ __ ] lose this some [ __ ] grab the game by the [ __ ] please for Fu’s sake it’s a rivalry game Bo do you want to turn around thank God someone went shot come on this is it oh [ __ ] George you’re not [ __ ] you saying ball we’ll take that right get up get up wing wing wing wing oh my gosh what is these little ding kicks the switch is there oh my God what why take the hard option why take the hard option right boys that idea was God [ __ ] thing though why go to a [ __ ] two on one B’s good B’s good wa someone make it someone make a lead in the corridor are we just happy for it to go in the wing well done Crips come on boys why does it have to go along here this is the bit why does it have to go along there like why does it have to go along there like why did it have to go along there though chat big five boys come on like he just stops here G char right come on cters come come come come mate you slot this the energy here will [ __ ] live mate Big Mate big moment give me give me give me a Ginger from Dandy come on Blues get around him good boy there’s your [ __ ] spark you miserable bastards don’t you [ __ ] dare let these people down Blues don’t you [ __ ] dare 3 minutes 50 of [ __ ] football come on Blues come on [ __ ] C looks like he’s [ __ ] been told he can’t use the PlayStation after dinner what the [ __ ] was always doing on the floor okay know look at it I love the energy man [ __ ] three minutes boys all we’re asking that’s it Walsh grab the game told you one of you grab the game take the game great throw there ums it’s all right don’t worry about it it’s not like it’s a [ __ ] game mate G pom car why are we all stun watching him help him looking out pomar there’s no way that was the required distance get there get there get there one of you one of you [ __ ] come on Blues why are you telling him to go along [ __ ] game plan is that man right Walsh you got to make some miracle happen here boys boys you got to open space face on the lab run why are we jogging well done has this needs to be deep oh my God [ __ ] hell Bo you better stop stood there and jogging be proactive come on Blues yeah nice one Bobby come on let’s go blows all right mate chill out come on Blues big 1 minute 40 here stop putting your arms up for the free and just [ __ ] your win the ball boys it’s that easy what is deran trying to do come on Blues take the game on here 1 minute 18 chat 79 a piece oh onire are you been serious now come on these rug free kicks need to stop you [ __ ] get what you deserve big [ __ ] minute it’s like they sat waiting for something to happen I got themselves to blame man they’ve only got themselves to blame come on Blues a get up to use the words of vosy we’re we’re a top four team we have to win these games and jarmain it it’s laconic do you what I mean it’s laconic at times the way they play no Jay that’s what Voss said like come on mate look mate you’re not smart enough to talk to me as an equal think about it do you know what I mean that’s ex listen to what I say it’s poor it’s really poor the execution at times is diabolical and we can get behind them and give them love all the time but you’ve got to execute there’s got to be a time that you start delivering and it is so [ __ ] hard to watch man at times so hard to watch the same things every week they’re in they’re in it they’re in it and they just can’t [ __ ] go that next level and it’s the basics and we what year 12 of the rebuild and we’re talking about Basics man Basics P didn’t even play that well do you know what I mean they didn’t even play that well it’s a tough one man it’s a tough one because that second half you really saw what they did they closed that short area down yeah but Jay I’m not I’ve just said we were rubbish like Jay who the [ __ ] do you think you are if you like me Shut the [ __ ] up do you what I mean I’ll tell you if I want your opinion you’re really watching me I’m not watching you but that [ __ ] hurts man that hurts like that’s the jalong game that’s the adelay game in a nutshell once they work once they workers out it is so slow so subordinate and it it’s [ __ ] infuriating like fair play pies you won but [ __ ] me that is horrible man that is horrible chat I love you to pieces but we need a better plan B cuz plan a ain’t good like I agree with you vow it’s mediocre at times and I’ve got to give Voss the credit Voss says we’ve got to be a top four side we’ve got to be a top four side we’ve got to win these games you ain’t G to if you can’t [ __ ] find a second plan soon as they made us kick long we just gave the ball back to them and like yal says we can’t defend turnover kicking it long is the stupidest thing we can do because it comes back with interest [ __ ] me that that is a hard watch chat I love you to pieces you’re the best chat in the world [ __ ] me we’ll dust ourselves down and we’ll go again but that honestly beggar belief but beggar believe I love you all I’ll see you next time much love see you later


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