Golf Babe

Master, QR Hole 6 – Par 5, ALBA – Solar States Tournament, *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is Hole 6 – Par 5 of the Sunshine Glades, playing from 3rd tee for the Solar States Tournament.

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on the drive here on hole number six option one this is a left side play um stretch out to Max with Rock N and a P5 ball wiering to the right by the rough line we’re then setting all the Top Spin and one right spin then we are swapping no let’s say like this the ultimate Way which is is also going to be suggested in the guide to always start with a P5 win five sides spin one ball or sides spin one plus ball that will then make you obviously have the correct wind for the adjust so then you’re going to adjust with a P5 B then you decide if you want to swap to a P4 or a P3 ball after you have made your adjustment simple windal tweaks here the intention is to clip this first part of the rough like the more darker part instead of the lighter part and then roll up to approximately 405 yards if you do get the longer roll out make sure to just read the info box it plays exactly the same in terms of how we set up our Target and such the only difference is that we’re doing a slightly different adjustment on the second shot with a standard length on our drive we are boxing the blue ring and the red ring so we have the blue ring with the rough meets farway and then red ring with the rough the brighter rough meets the darker rough then we’re going to apply top speed so I have the ball guideline to go just short of the hole and from then plus 4 and plus 5 we are going to have a custom based table where we do have in the low winds it’s 1 to one minus 0.1 in the mid and the high winds is one to one this is the blue angle you see we have the big tree there in the background what we can use as a reference so if we have at the tree it’s just circle break on the power right of the tree C break on the power with one click of left and if we would be right of the tree that would be Circle break on the power and one right now I have not seen that wind angle the red one is just an estimation so the slide will only have two wind angles to start with scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to Tomy for a perfect start on the new season in go Clash for

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