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FULL MATCH — Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle — WWE Title Match: WrestleMania XX

Latino Heat defends the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle in a WrestleMania classic: Courtesy of Peacock and WWE Network.
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Let’s talk about this matchup as we get underway. In my estimation for Eddie Guerrero, he’s got to attack from the air. He needs to stay vertical, Lucha Libre style, for our champion. >> I agree with that. >> What about for the challenger, Kurt Angle as the Eddie chants begin? [NOISE] >> Those Eddie chants people here show mad respect for Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero knows who he’s up against here and so does Kurt Angle. Both these men are world class athletes, tremendous superstars. >> I’ll tell you, man, I’m just happy we’re out here watching this and Cole, this is gonna be off the shot. >> Cole an elbow tie up back to Eddie Guerrero into the corner is Kurt Angle. So again, the strategy for Kurt Angle would be after the clean break. >> I think matt game, I think Kurt needs know do what brought him to the dance and that’s that technique on the mat and wrestle straight, wrestle right there going to a hamlock to a front face lock and trapping the arm does Kurt Angle. >> No doubt Eddie Guerrero’s in trouble if Kurt Angle turns this into a mat based matchup. Eddie Guerrero trying to battle out- >> And he does a nice takedown of Kurt Angle by Eddie Guerrero. >> Yeah, now trying to ride Kurt Angle is Eddie Guerrero and nice short arm drag there by Eddie, I’m sorry, by Kurt. And Kurt going to that headlock and controlling the head of Eddie Guerrero on the mat. >> And Eddie can wrestle, no doubt, Eddie’s very well versed in mat work and mat wrestling. >> Nice showing respect from these fans here at Madison Square Garden Stalemate as we get underway WWE title on the line. >> I’ve wrestled both these men in the past and I’ll tell you, Kurt Angle, his conditioning’s unparalleled. So does Eddie Guerrero that’s why this match is so anticipated. >> Kurt Angle with that duck under that go behind. >> And Kurt angle may indeed have the quickness match up, at least from an amateur standpoint. >> Yeah, I think so nice [INAUDIBLE] And switch by Eddie Guerrero. [NOISE] >> A throw, it’s almost like a judo throw with the arm called an implant Sayonagi actually, believe it or not, that’s what that’s called. >> And again into that side headlock, back to the head. >> Yep. >> Kurt Angle continues the pressure on the champion Eddie Guerrero. >> Yeah, controlling that head, trying to keep Eddie on the mat here. See if Eddie can get out of this headlock, maybe go to a top wrist lock or try and hammer lock or something. >> Kurt angle back to his feet, Eddie Guerrero, the champion as well. Nice takedown again by Kurt Angle. And partial crowd here at Madison Square Garden saying, let’s go Angle, the rest of the crowd saying, Angle sucks. >> But that’s cool, that’s what the WWE fans do. They pay to cheer who they wanna cheer, that’s all good in my book, man. >> Have a good time and that’s what’s going on at WrestleMania. >> Side headlock brings the challenger to his knees. Eddie Guerrero, the champion Kurt Angle tries to reverse it. >> Trying to go to a top wrist lock [INAUDIBLE] Switching to a hummer lock back to the side [INAUDIBLE] >> Shoulder knock down by Kurt Angle. And Eddie Guerrero, the champion, back to his feet challenger champion staring at one another with the WWE championship hanging in the balance here at WrestleMania 20. >> Challenger Kurt Angle, not rushing into nothing, dominated with that shoulder block and didn’t go in for nothing, waited, Kurt was gonna dictate the pace, and Eddie knows that Eddie’s going to be careful here. So as the champion, what can Eddie do to allow himself to dictate the pace? >> Try and hit something big, Eddie. Eddie can come out of nowhere with a big, high impact move with his high flying ability, [INAUDIBLE] Background. >> I’ll tell you by Eddie Guerrero, that was impressive, back into the side headlock. >> Yeah, Eddie, like I said, the man knows how to wrestle for wrestling a long time, he knows what he’s doing. And again, this is something that Kurt was working on that headlock, shoulder knock down by the champion and another one by Eddie Guerrero. Starting to build momentum up over the top of [INAUDIBLE] >> Eddie Guerrero taking it as the challenger wants to gain his way. >> A lot of speed built up real quick in a short amount of time by the champion Eddie Guerrero, with that shoulder block, regrouping on the outside. >> And whenever you see Eddie, you saw he smiled to the crowd here. When Eddie begins to build confidence, starts to fire up a little bit, he can gain control of the matchup. >> That is when that man, Eddie Guerrero, the WWE champion, is his most dangerous, when he gets a little confidence behind him cuz he feeds off of that. >> So if Eddie quickens the pace, it’s in his favor, Kurt angle wants to keep that pace slower. >> Yeah, but I also think you got to be careful for Kurt Angle, you don’t want Eddie Guerrero to get in your head and start playing games with you out here because Eddie’s been known to do that. He can mess up your head a little bit. >> I believe the match has been a draw thus far. >> Been tremendous, man. >> In the early going, as they say, the proverbial human chest look at that front headlock. But right there, takedown by Eddie Guerrero, quickly into the armbar and Kurt Angle has to spin out. That was impressive by the Olympic gold medalist. >> Yeah, you think? >> How quick is Angle? >> Man, that switch was so quick you see Eddie now keeping one knee down and the other foot vertical, trying to just maybe do a switch out of this or something, maybe a throw. >> Eddie back to his feet. >> The champion tough spot to be in a front headlock by an athlete like Kurt Angle, not fun. >> Eddie Guerrero brought down to his knees again by the challenger. >> Kurt that’s an over and under that’s what that’s an overhook and underhook. And controlling Eddie’s arm with the overhook. [NOISE] >> Shoulders down, champion had to kick out. >> See, this is what Eddie doesn’t want. See, this is where Eddie Guerrero, his title could definitely be in jeopardy if he- >> Shoulders down again and again Eddie Guerrero has to kick out. >> Kurt could hook you, trap you and pin you so quick. >> And as Kurt Angle is doing this, he is wearing the champion down. He’s sucking the breath from the lungs of Eddie Guerrero. >> That’s tough to do with Eddie Guerrero. Again, the conditioning as I pointed out, for both these men are on parallel, and Eddie’s in great shape. Not the WWE champ for nothing. >> Kurt Angle in tremendous shape as well. Kurt Angle has been focused on this matchup. In fact, if you look back over the past few months, Kurt Angle has manipulated Eddie Guerrero. Look at this Eddie Guerrero, great counter by the champion and a nice arm drag and a second one and into the arm bar again. Eddie Guerrero has Kurt Angle in a predicament and you see how he has the forearm buried into the jaw and showing respect here for the live crowd here at WrestleMania, at Madison Square Garden Eddie Guerrero wrestling his way out of the predicament he was in by Angle. >> Does Kurt Angle have any advantage since he was in the main event at WrestleMania last year versus Brock Lesnar? >> I think maybe a little bit, but there’s no stage fight for a man like Eddie Guerrero. He’s a veteran, he knows what he’s doing in there. >> It’s a realization of a dream for the champion Eddie. >> I’ll tell you what Kurt needs to realize he’s in a key lock here, Eddie Guerrero has a tremendously applied key lock on Kurt Angle’s left arm. >> And perhaps the champion gained a psychological advantage just out wrestling Kurt Angle there. >> Yeah, sure again, that goes back to that confidence. That feeds into Guerrero’s confidence. >> Kurt angle makes it back to his feet trying to reverse this on the champion. >> Now into a top wrist lock, Guerrero has Angle. >> And Kurt Angle go behind, Guerrero runs into a knee to the midsection. >> I don’t think Kurt learned that on the olympic team, that knee but it’s effective. >> There’s your abdominal stretch all right. >> Kurt Angle saw the opening deliver the knee to the midsection now continues the pressure. >> And now you got to figure Kurt might quite possibly could be working a midsection maybe, as you said, the knee boom into the abdominal stretch, Kurt’s got a lot of leverage here, too and that’s why Eddie’s trying to move that leg off of his own leg up from Angle. >> So how Eddie Guerrero is hooking the left leg of Kurt Angle there. >> Trying to alleviate some of the pressure. >> And he did alleviate the pressure. And quickly, Eddie Guerrero with a suplex. Eddie guerrero spins the hip. >> Yeah, this is [INAUDIBLE] Eddie Guerrero Kurt knew that goes to the triple [INAUDIBLE] And a german suplex of his own. >> Kurt quickly popping those hips, clasping his hands and popping that German suplex off. >> Elbow to the side of the head by Eddie, shot to the back of the neck by. Elbow off the head of Kurt Angle. Kurt is just relentless, he like a pitbull. >> No doubt, no doubt, going is picking that ankle and Eddie just kicking him off. >> And back into the ring for Eddie Guerrero, the WWE champion, where’s Eddie going? >> Looks like Eddie was contemplating climbing a rope, but he changed his mind. Eddie’s gonna again, now Eddie wants a- >> [CROSSTALK] >> Of Angle off the apron. And now, as you mentioned, Eddie is dictating the pace of this matchup. Referee Nick Patrick doing a great job keeping the champion away from the challenger. >> Kurt Angle with no rush to get back to that ring, I don’t blame [INAUDIBLE] >> Where’s Eddie going? >> Eddie’s going up. >> Eddie Guerrero to the top rope. >> High risk, high risk, high risk. >> And Kurt angle rolled out of the way. >> My God, high risk maneuver in that midsection that Kurt Angle began to work on the ribs right into the barricade, this could be the opening for the challenger. >> No doubt the challenger Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero making that mistake. Kurt playing possum Eddie crashed and burned. Eddie’s in trouble here’s the cover- >> [CROSSTALK] >> And Eddie just rolled his shoulder out. >> Swap by Kurt Angle Eddie crashed and burned on that guardrail and then boom you go for a cover right away in- >> [CROSSTALK] >> Wasted very little time. >> Again, knee to the back, hook of the leg again and the champion rolled out. >> Working the midsection, as we pointed out and the sides of rib area and who knows the damage done to Eddie’s ribs as he came off the top rope of the barricade. >> Or quite possibly internally. >> Maybe Eddie has some internal damage and here we go again. >> The opportunist Kurt Angle with the shoulders to the gut. >> Now the snap there. The pressure continues and Kurt Angle gonna go right to work on the injured midsection of Eddie Guerrero. >> Kurt’s got his legs wrapped around Eddie that’s a grapevine and look at that just bending the body in half. Controlling Eddie’s head back while he has those body scissors on Eddie Guerrero. Kurt angle putting Guerrero in some pain. >> Sell out crowd at Madison Square Garden, trying to will the champion on. >> What a match man, this is how it should be for the WWE title, I’m telling you. >> You notice how Eddie Guerrero, as soon as he begins to spin out, Kurt Angle immediately grabs the head and Kurt keeps very little separation between his body and Guerrero’s body to keep the tightness, the pressure on. >> But Eddie has separated the legs, Eddie’s back to his feet and a tremendous counter, perhaps out of desperation. >> That’s what Eddie’s so good at and in no way he’ll pull a move out of just on orthodox and just- >> A midsection again hung up on the top rope. Kurt Angle is putting on a clinic on how to wear down a body part. >> No one could do it like in Eddie. >> [CROSSTALK] >> And Eddie with everything he had there to kick out. >> Kurt Angle showed a little frustration there when Eddie Guerrero kicked out. >> I’ll tell you [INAUDIBLE] Look at this [INAUDIBLE] Suplex. >> And Kurt Angle is wrestling a picture perfect match here tonight. The game plan couldn’t have been better, and Kurt knows that. Talk about confidence now Kurt Angle feeling cocky and confident. The champion Guerrero’s in trouble. >> Here comes [INAUDIBLE] And another belly to belly, Kurt Angle into the cover, hook of the leg, shoulders down and Eddie rolls out again. There’s no denying the absolute bad blood between these two competitors Kurt Angle again goes to work on the midsection of Eddie Guerrero. >> And now it’s that [INAUDIBLE] Working that midsection. Kurt Angle pinpointing the body part, the area of Eddie’s body, he wants to work on the midsection and back. >> Kurt Angle, who fashions himself as a principled individual and quite frankly, in Kurt Angle’s standpoint, Eddie Guerrero disgusts him. Eddie Guerrero, I should say Kurt Angle believes that Eddie Guerrero, a recovering addict, should not be representing the WWE champion. >> Eddie has made some mistakes, but you know who hasn’t, we’ve all made mistakes. >> Of course we have. >> Human beings make mistakes. >> Kurt Angles made mistakes, for God’s sake. >> Now look at Eddie, Kurt’s not making a mistake right now, Eddie’s in trouble I’m telling you, look at this, come on. >> Thumps to the eye. >> Eddie just trying to get out and he did. >> And again into that belly to belly by Kurt Angle. >> Kurt, here we go. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Shoulders are down and Eddie Guerrero again kicks out. And frustration building within Kurt Angle. >> Yeah Kurt Angle thinking he’s gonna get a victory over Eddie right there but a little upset [INAUDIBLE] Angle got in mind here. >> Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero, two contrasting styles both in life and here in the ring, but two great competitors, two great champions, what is gonna go on here? >> Eddie Guerrero with a headbutt to the side of the head. >> Kurt Angle knocks for a loop. >> My God, look at this knocked down. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Nobody home, how quick did Eddie make that decision but how much quicker was Kurt to get his body out of the way? >> Great point, Kurt angle, if Eddie Guerrero had hit the frog splash there, this one was over. >> I agree. >> Realized it. >> I agree with that. >> Kurt Angle back to his feet first. Eddie Guerrero’s midsection has suffered a tremendous amount of punishment and now the right hand, a closed fist the first to the midsection by Kurt Angle. >> Kurt Angle just stomping the tar out of Eddie Guerrerro. >> [INAUDIBLE] I ask you, is that a principaled man, Kurt Angle? The closed right hand straight to the face of our champion. >> Kurt Angle’s in a fight Cole, Kurt Angle’s in a fight. He’s trying to become WWE champion at WrestleMania, the man is in a WrestleMania. >> I realize that, but Kurt Angle talks out of both sides of his mouth, the guy’s a hypocrite. >> Give me a break. >> I don’t think he’s a hypocrite, I think he’s a tremendous athlete. >> Was that a straight right hand? This isn’t a boxing match, it’s a wrestling match. >> You know what? Sometimes you gotta punch a guy in the face when you got them on the ropes, you punch him in the face. >> Eddie Guerrero back to his feet again. >> These are like the right hands Kurt Angle delivered Eddie Guerrero when he was handcuffed a couple of weeks ago on SmackDown. >> Well, Paul Heyman was in a match, our general manager, with Eddie Guerrero when he was handcuffed. These right hands are very similar to those, except that he’s not hand- >> Eddie Guerrero wants some more. Look, Tito heat is firing up the right hand. >> Well, he’s gonna get some more. >> The champion back to his feet. >> [INAUDIBLE] Guerrero does, but I don’t know if this and here comes Eddie Guerrero, here comes the champion. >> Martino Heat with the right hands. >> Elbow to the face, big closeline. >> Eddie Guerrero Build the momentum here, Cole. >> Eddie’s starting to feel it, this is what Kurt Angle did not want momentum for Eddie Guerrero. >> Ripped into the corner, nobody home Kurt Angle bounces off the top turn buckle and a suplex. >> Right to the back of the head goes Angle. >> Here’s the cover by the champion. Hooks [INAUDIBLE] And Kurt Angle gets the shoulder up, just barely. >> Yeah, but Eddie Guerrero’s trying to kick himself into second gear here. You gotta wonder his breathing’s gotta be tough for Eddie [INAUDIBLE] Kurt working on his midsetion [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle, nice reversal going behind here heads up [INAUDIBLE] Suplex with the hands remain locked around the waist of the champion. >> Well, now Kurt Angle again keeping his body close to Eddie. Quite possibly a second german no Eddie Guerrero- >> [CROSSTALK] >> And Kurt Angle kicked out. >> Closeline. >> Man, the chevts, you heard the skin hitchkin there Kurt Angle so explosive, always knows we’re. Where he’s at in the ring. >> I’m telling you, well, that’s what makes Kurt Angle the athlete, the man that he is, Cole. Come on, now, gold medal winner, former WWE Champion. We might witness tonight Kurt become WWE Champ again. >> Well, Kurt Angle realizes the champion’s in trouble. Kurt Angle stalking Eddie Guerrero- >> And the chokeslam into an arm drag. >> Beautiful counter with that arm drag and a clothesline. >> And Eddie Guerrero, the champion, ducks the clothesline, off the ropes. >> Tilt the World. >> Wow. >> Head Scissors. >> Kurt Angle’s in trouble. >> There’s the confidence I’m talking about, Kurt, get your head together, come on, now. >> Latino heat’s feeling it. >> What’s this? What’s this? >> Kick to Kurt’s midsection, great suplex. >> Again, this is what Eddie tried earlier, these triple verticals that we’ve seen Eddie do so many times on SmackDown. Such an effective offense by Guerrero. >> Can Eddie hit for a third here? Kurt Angle countered. >> Look at this, nice ankle pick, maybe through ankle lock, we’ll see. >> Kurt Angle trying to turn over Eddie Guerrero to the belly for that ankle lock. >> He got it. >> The ankle lock’s locked in the center of the ring. The champion’s in trouble. Will Eddie tap to the ankle lock? >> Right smack dab in the middle, whoa, look at this. >> And Eddie countered. >> Very impressive by the WWE Champ, Eddie Guerrero. >> But it doesn’t take long for damage to the ankle. What a drop kick. >> Kurt running right into that bad boy. >> Eddie, where’s he going? Uh-oh, the champion of the apron. >> Eddie might be feeling froggy. Eddie missed that quick Frog Splash before. >> Kurt Angle’s down center of the ring. >> Can Eddie- >> The champion flying high. >> Kurt Angle! [NOISE] >> What a throw by the challenger. >> Kurt Angle throwing into the cover. >> Here we go, we could have a champion, no. >> Man, how did Eddie kick out of that? >> Had to be just on instinct. Eddie had to hear the referee’s hand hit that mat the second time. He just popped his shoulder up. >> Kurt Angle’s got to be at the point of saying, what do I gotta do to put the champion away? >> Well, Kurt Angle looks like he’s got his head together, but the straps are coming down, Daddy. >> It’s go time for Kurt Angle, the straps are down. >> There it is, here we go. >> The ankle lock is in, the champion’s in trouble. Kurt is dragging Eddie to the center of the ring with the ankle lock locked in. >> Right in the middle of the ring the ankle lock is on. Again, another counter. >> Great counter, shoulders down. >> He did it! >> Eddie Guerrero almost! >> Eddie Guerrero had Angle all tied up. >> This with a right hand, Kurt Angle, German suplex. >> Another German, how hard did Guerrero hit there? >> And just when Eddie Guerrero looks like he’s gonna turn the corner and gain the advantage, Kurt Angle knocks him down a notch. >> And that’s the effectiveness of a well applied and impactful suplex. You can plant a guy quick, and you hear Angle say get up, get up. >> Eddie, the suplex has taken the toll on Eddie. What a counter. >> Holy God. >> What a counter. Slamming Kurt Angle head first. >> That DDT on that surgically impaired neck. >> Here goes Eddie, here goes Eddie. >> Man, Kurt’s in trouble, man. >> Eddie Guerrero [CROSSTALK] >> One, two, three! [NOISE] >> Did Kurt kick out? >> I don’t know. >> [INAUDIBLE] referee says Kurt had the shoulder up. I can’t believe it, Eddie can’t believe it. >> I can’t believe it either. And neither can Madison Square Garden. Don’t waste time now, Eddie, gotta get on him. >> The champion needs to attack Kurt Angle right here, right now. >> Kurt Angle got planted with that DDT, though, man. >> Take another look at the high flying champion. >> Check this out. Look at that, connecting, laying it all. >> And here’s the cover. We couldn’t see it, but apparently, it happened. He kicked out, Angle did, Nick Patrick, the referee said it. >> And Eddie right back on the attack of Kurt Angle. Eddie trying to lift that dead weight of the challenger, Angle, to his feet [CROSSTALK]. >> Man, it’s back to the ankle lock. >> Angle played possum, he picked the ankle. The champion, look at the agony in the eyes of the champion, Guerrero. >> Eddie countered two other times earlier. I don’t think Eddie’s countering this time, man. He’s gonna tap right now. Eddie’s gonna tap. >> Hang on, Eddie. >> He’s gonna tap! >> [INAUDIBLE] And Eddie countered. >> Jesus! >> Eddie countered. >> Wow. >> But has the damage been done to the ankle? >> Good point, Cole, and I think the damage has been done. >> Wait a minute, Eddie’s untying his boot, what the hell is he doing? >> He might be feeling, maybe his tie is untied. Maybe he felt the swelling up. Maybe his ankle, it’s obviously killing him, it could be swelling up. >> And if those boots are tight, they’re only gonna keep the pressure, hold it in, and the blood flows right to that injury. The pressure was applied to the ankle lock. >> And look at the agony the champion’s in, Kurt Angle. >> He might have a broken ankle, Cole. >> And Kurt Angle, if he could get back into the ring, could take advantage. I think the champion- >> I think Eddie was trying to get his boot off, his ankle’s broken. But now Eddie knows he’s in trouble, and he’s dragged. >> And Eddie’s been dragged to the center of the ring. >> This is it, the ankle lock is on for a fourth time in this match. >> Will the champion tap out? >> Just tap out. >> It’s the ankle lock. >> Just tap it, wait a minute, the boot went flying. >> The boot came off. >> Look at this. >> [CROSSTALK] One, two, three. >> Eddie wins, Eddie wins. >> Here’s your winner and still WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero. >> My God, what the hell? What the hell’s wrong with Eddie? He lies, he cheats, he steals, that’s who Eddie Guerrero is. >> Kurt Angle stopped right. Kurt Angle’s hanging on to the boot. He had the ankle leg on. Get him, did a guy’s boot come off? But wait a minute, there’s nothing wrong with Eddie’s ankle. He outsmarted Kurt Angle, did Eddie. Eddie Guerrero loosened the boot knowing Kurt would go for the ankle lock again. Eddie Guerrero outsmarted Kurt Angle. >> What a match, man. Not for nothing, Eddie Guerrero retaining his title, tremendous matchup. [MUSIC]


  1. ပညာပြိုင်ကြသောဒေါက်တူရွယ်တူခပက်လုပွဲ

  2. Eddie is a legendary wrestler who glorifies death because he knows that the risks of the latest finisher apply to him as well.

  3. This is one ☝️ of my favorite 😍 Eddie Guerrero ™️ matches right here when he face Kurt Angle 📐™️ for the WWE ®️ SmackDown! Title ™️ at WrestleMania ™️ XX in 2004!

  4. two of the best technical wrestlers in the world, this video is a class, i guess eddie and his friend kurt did set up to made like this way ,instead of wasteless punches


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