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Cooper DeJean could be the STEAL of the 2024 NFL Draft

Liam Jenkins breaks down the tape of Eagles DB Cooper DeJean and examines his future in Philadelphia

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e [Music] [Music] give me Fortune you give me Fame you give me power in your my name of every person you need to be [Music] I’m hello you lovely lot it is Friday the RS are bouncing the Eagles are flying the undrafted free agents are signed the Vibes are good Brian’s in the chat and we going to break down some Cooper de Jee tape I don’t know what more you could want on a Friday evening than breaking down tape of who may be the biggest steal in the NFL draft there was a lovely video out earlier today and maybe we can find it on on here to put on stream um from hoe Roseman and the Eagles just going through the process of of Landing Cooper Dee and the trade up and whether they were able to get him into his laps they attempted a trade up with Carolina that didn’t pan out they thought the Rams had him and they literally thought that the Rams were going to end the dream yeah there was a visible clip of ho Roseman Ah that’s it unlucky that’s that’s that gone and the Rams obviously went elsewhere the Eagles get their guy and they were jubilated and I think we’re just now in this stream to try and find out why like we uh broke down Cooper deine uh during the pre-draft process we’re very high on him uh I think that the tape spoke volumes about the type of player that they’re getting he was one of the few that we did I mean obviously a lot of what we were doing was looking at second round guys because there weren’t that many in the first round that really tilted the scales for me they got one of them in in Quin Mitchell there are a few others Byron Murphy was another for instance but there weren’t that many a few of the edge rushes but if they were going corner it was kind of quinan teron or just leave it and when you go further down that was when the fund started whether it was linebackers whether it was receivers whether it was elsewhere and Kuba deim was one of the few who jumped out as one of those higher grades so to get him in round two when they did was an absolute steal and we’re going to go into that tape and just kind of see more than anything what we can expect from him in this rookie year because he came out of college as a safety when you watch tap’s playing in a slot he’s playing at boundary he’s playing at safety he can do a little bit of everything that speaks volumes to the again the kind of player that he is but under Vic fangio like what are we going to see in year one is he going to be maybe behind Reed and Chanty is he going to compete with Reed for a spot is he instead compe with Maddox for a spot in the nickel is he going to be this hybrid like Star Defender if you will that we’ve seen from the likes of Tyron mat in the past that’s what we’re trying here to to break down this evening before we do uh just a really quick shout to everyone for the support on the inas Smith see inias I realized I got the name wrong enus Smith not anal Smith I’m joking not not anus Smith um but the reception on that video I did not think it would do as well as it did and after the stream went up it ended up on like 900 views which isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things but for a live to then pick up traction afterwards is is pretty good and the the feedback was amazing and it was people that were like subscribed to this channel for ages that maybe weren’t aware that we do live streams now seeing them and being like Oh my God Liam’s back in more Eagles film room and it warmed my heart a lot so like yeah just thank you for the K of sponse on that I hope you enjoyed it if you could leave a like on this one before we get going that’ll be absolutely amazing um I mean Cooper de’s number as a rookie not overly sold on it but can we get more than 33 likes on this stream can we get more likes than Cuba de Jean’s jersey number that’s what I want to find out this evening so we can pump those numbers up early on that will get us on our marry our merry marry way and we’ll get in some tape I will share my screen we will find some Copa deene tape and we will get cooking this is a PSN YouTube channel ignore that I’m just saying hello to myself um but yeah like I was obviously H oning before I kind of want to see now like the same we did with inia Smith it’s it’s easy to go through yeah this guy’s good now it’s all right well now the Eagles have got him what are we forcasting for his future like what are we really going to see out of him here so first game we’re goingon to look at I believe it’s the one we looked at on stream when we evaluated him the first time is Iowa VI Iowa State so big rivalry there I’m assuming um let’s see so first snap lining up in the slot uh look you got single high safety two DBS obviously three linebackers space in there’s pretty good now that’s kind of an interesting play because you’ve got a lot of traffic on this pool here which it’s obviously designed to be that kind of option player to hand it out into the flat uh in which case de’s going to maybe siphon that block maybe let it go and try and take this one um it’s a tricky P to read because you’ve got to really work out is this receiver a threat are you just opening your hips and letting him go hoping that this oh get that away I can’t get rid of that there we go uh you let letting him go uh oh hang on I’ve come off the tab it there me let’s go back again it’s not even why is this not working whate let’s not copyrighted please right anyway so you can see the safety over the top so oh for God’s sake why is this so difficult they right we’re back so you can see the safety behind him at this point look at the Jean’s ey you can see where he’s locked on to he’s happy to let the receiver go sit down on that block and look at just the IPS uh the IPS the hips opening there purely to just sit in that Gap so if the quarterback was to throw it I was going to point like you can see I’m pointing at throw it over here he’s got it covered if he does go for the running back he’s in a spot where he can close in and make a tackle he doesn’t have to because his teammates do it but overall good first rep um this one looks interesting off the bat because he moves very quickly off the line almost preempting the snap there just in case something siphons outside again nothing too dramatic but at the line in press you don’t really get to see much of it there but it’s the first time we actually get to see him at the line and just look again the way those hits open that the control in the body movement there is really impressive I think this is what stood out the first time you broke him down so the receiver’s trying to give him a little bit of work there’s no wasted movement it’s just one fluid turn one kick of the hips and he’s gone and he’s able then to go side by side stride by stride with that receiver so again just look at his his eyes are on him there and just I mean the receiver’s picking up speed here dein’s moving sideways still sideways and now it’s a foot race and look they’re still Level there is next to No Gain there for the corner uh for the receivers so speed very impressive in run fits he contains very well he’s just you know on the outside to keep that you know sort of box there right we got a first thr that’s it running all the way back to the end zone there you go right let’s watch this one again it’s a third and seven um looking like a prime Eagles play trying to throw something beneath the sticks almost there I just want to try and see it again it’s annoying the logo covers most of it up but he’s very sticky you can see him on the back of the receiver it didn’t help so the receivers had to run like a little Loop to get back and the balls kind of poorly thrown so he’s that to narrow and otherwise dein would have probably been all over that like you can’t really see it at full speed but if you pause it there where the ball comes out you see Dee there and the receivers kind of got to come in narrow to it so I mean had that ball been on that sort of inside shoulder here which is probably where it should be to turn and go up field it’ have probably got hold of it um but either way still wraps himself around the receiver is this a replay of the same play oh nice better angle yeah just from a perspective of being sticky and coverage just look at how low he’s able to keep that like he doesn’t come up out of that stance a lot of Corners as soon as they open their hips will like burst outwards and that’s what kind of causes them to lose a lot of separation and causes all sorts of problems and troubles as soon as you like explode out and you open your body up you kind of lose that momentum because it’s all swung over here then you’re banking on swinging it again the other way I’m no physicist I’m not an athlete you just say what you see but as soon as you explode out backwards you’ve got to carry that through and you leave yourself an open space then for the receiver to whe it’s a little nudge whether whatever it is or just cuts across um by keeping everything very tight and compact you take that out and you can just sort of pivot because he’s got this sort of natural agility to him that allows him to almost mirror them what the receivers are doing again without compromising too much he’s look how compact he is compared to to I wish we get a side by side but goes through contact very well it could have been a pi at the NFL level really I I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a pi at the at the Next Level I mean there was a little bit of a shove there in the chest um we’ll get to some of your comments quickly I know we’ve only done a couple plays but I want to make sure I’m not forgetting about you guys Jay Fizz says do you think the influx of players who can play multiple spots can be as good as 2022 or the defense can be as good as 2022 It’s Tricky I mean I think yeah I think the issue with 2022 was that Jonathan Ganon was very much a Vic fangio light in that he wanted to do things his own way but none of it really made sense and it was almost like just moving things around for the hell of it like you don’t just drop someone like Fletcher Cox back into coverage and expect miracles and fortunately that’s not how football works the beauty now is that the pieces Eagles have are built to be move around like someone like Milton Williams for instance for those Eagle Ed on you if you pardon the pun if you go to ESPN at the minute and you look at the Eagles depth chart he’s currently listed at defensive end one of the big things with Milton Williams is that he’s very lean he’s a little bit Slimmer than most defensive tackles a little bit lighter but he’s still got that Thunder and you think all right well maybe he could be used as a piece off the edge you look at Lineback at someone like jayx Hunt is is a perfect example um can be effective at the line probably going to be good in coverage but you never really know when he’s he stood up off the ball um cornerbacks and DBS again another good example with someone like CUA deene very much headlining that pack so yeah I I think there’s going to be a little bit more um what’s the word I’m looking like cover masking I think than we saw up but it with it actually being obvious like the issue with it in the past couple of years has been that it’s been way too obvious what the idea was based on where the players are now with these sort of guys involved I just don’t think it will be so it just gives fangio that little bit more flexibility to to do things his way and that’s exciting so yeah I think they’ve got all the pieces to be maybe not as good I the thing with 2022 we have to remember and there’s no disrespect to that 2022 team obviously it did go to to the Super Bowl it was a an easy schedule like it was a very easy schedule and hoe Roseman had the foresight to build that roster out to make the most of that schedule it’s why they were so aggressive with free agents they went all in on as many guys in that chy Garden the Johnson esque level range just so they had the a championship level roster and it paid off massive dividends 2023 was just a mess for a million different reasons and defensive scheme was certainly one of them towards the latter end but now this is a different where the core is very different I would say the core of this defense is much better to project longterm than than what we saw in 2022 whether that coverage will be reflected in that um we’ll see we’ll see over time for sure but it it’s definitely you know positive at least so we’re looking at this play here we’re back to some de taper and again it’s annoying that logo’s in the way but holds his own in in man at the line not a concern in press there absolutely what whatsoever and did we get a little play if he comes back downhill I think we did didn’t we no we didn’t I was the wrong player my bad again just a little one there it’s just a spacing on this like being able to drop back into coverage to read the shallow bit keep his eyes on the quarterback he knows he hasn’t got a turn up field and really take that receiver seriously great pbu on that by the way on the other side love to see that little backpedal there we haven’t seen that out of him yet but again compactness look at how tight it’s just it’s all hips it’s all hips he would be a tremendous go I want to see if he golf because AR canella a golfer with hips like that he is Shakira as a human being everything is just so in that core of his body and it just he just pivots around it like it’s like his his front his upper body just moves and his legs just adjust to it it’s really impressive you can see another example there it’s only just look look look ready back back back hips open stays the same and then he can put the foot down and move and it’s just like you only got a little glimpse of that little burst he can have out of it but it just makes him such an important weapon and that’s the best example we’ve seen as to why this matters so much again just look at from a compact perspective how low he is to the ground how shallow he is and right The Leverage you can already sees so the quarterback’s thrown his eyes have located the ball look he’s what five yards away here from the receiver he’s already closing he’s already closing he’s already closing he’s already closing the ball is now on his hands bang like that was genuinely really good if you watch it at full speed it’s it’s just really nice that from a footwork perspective of knowing when to plant that back foot and just you can see he’s already launched there bang gains five yards by the time the receivers even caught the ball really impressive and while he may not be used outside straight away it’s it’s nice knowing that he can be and we actually see him here being lined up off the edge coming down on like I mean that’s where he could be valuable on a safety Blitz with a click and close like that there’s no reason he can’t be used on those like those strong safety blitzes and those sort of packages but even there I mean he reads that well could obviously be an option play or a play action or something like that you’ve got a lot of move there and he’s just he tracks it again very well and what he does really nicely here is just watch the eyes constantly so his eyes are looking one way and his body’s moving like that way with it again everything just sort of pivots around him like like on is well yeah it is like he’s on a pivot but he’s not going whoa and like flying across like his eyes are moving and his body’s just following and it’s really just fully coordinated almost like relaxed Flow State level play that you don’t really see in DBS is probably the best way I could describe it it’s like not coting is is the wrong term but it’s just Flow State like he’s so locked in everything is just working the way he wants it to like bodywise um the play itself is different but in terms of the way he actually moves his body great example there you’ve got a really tricky situation to read here with two receivers coming at him his eyes aren’t paying attention his body’s hor horizontal beauty of this he can flip his hips that way get towards the boundary he can burst this way and come in towards the guy down short so now he’s seeing that first receiver drop so he can look back up to the quarterback eyes will tell him the ball’s coming his way hips start moving already and look again receivers coming into his break dein’s nearly out of his the receiver is just getting into his break dein is literally out of it he’s going to hang on a minute that was a decoy the ball’s going this way doesn’t matter because of the position that he’s in it doesn’t matter and again that’s just just reading the game well like if you compare it’s it’s a bit of a bad one but obviously you’ve got another Corner down here just watch the footwork in terms of steps and how big they get right thee it’s subtle like but EV then is just like it’s like he’s finally chopping an onion and it just allows him so much more explosiveness out a lot of people would have bit on that receiver or like maybe been stuck or not seeing the ball but even there he’s in a position there to make a play it’s it’s really impressive really impressive um we’ll get to some of your comments again we’ll try and do these every couple uh him with CJ GJ the versatility uh the defense will have both can play safety and in the Box uh yeah both both guys can play all over the field Brian both guys can play all over it’s it’s going to be really impressive like I I genuinely can’t wait to see when you factor in quinan when you factor in obviously what we’re seeing out of Koopa Dee the aggressiveness of gner Johnson when you get Sydney Brown back in the mix as well like it’s a really strong secondary for years to come like there’ll be a transition period we’ve still got a phase out Darius Slay and James Bradbury but over time I think this is gonna be really good um do I start de Jee over blankin ship says Steve I it’s a good question it’s a really good question I don’t know um for me probably not off the bat just because Reed has has been at the NFL now for a couple years and while you know uh dein’s got the higher upside there’s something to be said for having an NFL flaw and it takes a little bit of time to get rookies up to that playing speed and if you want week one you’re going to drop him into the deep end and hope for the best playing a full game it’s they don’t need that they don’t need that pressure on him if he get if he outshines him in training camp and he’s by far in way the better player then then absolutely but if we to look at it right now that there just is somewhat of a gap between being a first round and then break it into the NFL straight away and being an impact player um I don’t think we’ll get anywhere close to CJ GJ in that first couple years um but what I do think is Reed’s probably On The Fringe because he was an undrafted guy he’s got his little role in there and he’s been reliable like he’s solid but there is a lot more upside with uh dein and I think dein’s going to be able to claw that as as time goes on so we’ll see but I think for the time being I’d probably start blanken ship just because of you know familiarity with the team there’ll be an element of leadership and cohesiveness there but with a new defensive coordinator if it’s a Vic fangio guy and Vic was pounding the table for him then who’s to say you know um I see as a Nick or a star position player than safety I I think I agree with that of what we’ve seen so far but we haven’t really seen him play safety yet so hopefully there’s some tape with that in and then we can really make a firm assessment but I I would totally agree with getting him in that sort of more versatile role um do you think how’s going a better build a roster now with how the coaches use them in mind that’s a really good question really really good question I would say 100% um I think the best example we can give is you go back to the Jim Schwarz era and it’s annoying because some of the players they drafted had NFL upside and were really good some of the players they got were really good like without even drafting them you go back to guys that Eric row misused ends up getting a nice career for himself in New England think he went to Miami um you look at then someone like rosul Douglas carved a career out for himself always flashed but in that scheme just didn’t quite match up and there would almost be this Clash of well the Eagles want this sort of player or Doug Peterson or whoever wants this sort of player but Harry Roseman wants to build his sort of player and his sort of team and not that it’s a a Nick on Nick serani but I think serani is a lot more malleable than Peterson was like towards the end of his 10 year especially after the Super Bowl there was a little bit more friction even in press conferences like Doug’s press conferences used to be so happy and joyful and a little bit playful like they are in Jacksonville and now all of a sudden after the Super Bowl it’s hello yeah yeah trending the right direction and it’s just very cold and a bit sharper um and it’s probably just because as the growth of a coach happens you find your flaw you find your confidence and your sense of self in your playbook and you believe in it and you think it should be done your way a little bit and that’s why where those pissing matches may have started and I’m not trying to say it did or didn’t but when you look at the players that were drafted that all had things in common that that were built of a similar profile there was a phase of freak athletes there was a phase of like ridiculously productive guys at College in like the ARA wh side era and you look at it now and serani thing is like well I’ll get the best players on the field like you give them to me I’ll I’ll get the best players on the field so Roseman has then been able to build his team his way sani’s trusted in him to do that how he trust serani to get those players in a good position I’ve got to stop saying sirani because my phone keeps going off thinking it’s saying Siri and when all said and done the shape of this roster is just team captains it’s leaders it’s people from Georgia it’s people from Bama it’s high-profile players and freak athletes and you’ve just got this Best of Both Worlds so it’s been it’s been really impressive to to watch that growth I know Brian wrote an article earlier today actually about it um or yesterday just about the Philadelphia way and how Roseman like draft mentality changed over the years and and it matters a lot it really matters a lot and I think you’re seeing a much more complete team it’s a much more cohesive team which is why I think also without straying too far off topic things like Darius slay’s actions in the middle of the season and the way he conducted himself rubbed a lot of people the wrong ways because like we left that we left that behind us we left the old Sean Jeffrey stuff we left the the bitterness and the Snipes and the the ego and the whatever like that’s that’s done that’s not this team anymore and to have that still there got on the skin the wrong way I think for a lot of fans and you compare it to how he reacted when Quin Mitchell came in about wanting to teach him and how he hopes one day takes his job that matters a ton like that changes the perspective a lot so overall in short yes uh I think he solves uh the issue we have with slot receivers oh he’s talk about Dee here I thought he meant how Ros how he’s on the field suit a lot of teams put their best receiver on the slot knowing slay likely won’t be able to move into the slot leing to a lot of guys getting burned like CD lamb very good point uh and that goes into Ron’s comment where do you think he his best natural position I I still don’t know I mean we’re seeing him hold his own at boundry we’ll getting some more take now because I know we’ve gone off topic a little bit but I want to make sure you guys are heard and you know we can go through your opinions and stuff but I mean I would probably say the nickel off the bat just because it allows him a little bit more support from the defense like on a boundary you’re very much on an island and at safety you are the last line of defense and if something goes wrong it’s largely on you so at nickel to begin with I think would probably suit him best and but just look how it reads this so you’ve got a little bit of again another confusing play here that Iowa State are running uh two blockers pushing up field the idea is then that you either have to Loop Round the back or crash down underneath and if you crash down underneath too late because the receiver’s over here so you need something pretty good uh and what we see then is dein take the optimal angle I think he actually hesitated a little bit in that step like we’ll keep an eye on it it looks like he just okay he wasn’t able to he just read it well but look at his eyes uh when this comes off ready Banks he sees that block anticipating con just plays that Gap perfectly straight down ball goes absolutely nowhere like to to read that like it’s that first an outside step that I think wins this for him like as soon as he’s there um it happens really quick I’m trying to pinpoint the exact moment but ball snaps he sees the receiver going this way so he then starts moving down in a man coverage scenario but he he retains the depth he kind of foresees this bit instead of coming crashing down and and ending up in a real pickle down here where number eight is probably going to have to work back underneath and the linebackers are in trouble retains that depth knowing he can close and then kind of puts on the burners so that again just that awareness the explosiveness out of his stance like he’s got a real uh just just a bang to his game in short yeah another example of it there just that back pedal look at the head the head stays still in the B’s going all over the place the head just does not move is fixed head look at the head look at the head look at the head now it moves and he’s followed the ball and by the time the running back is just about got hold of it look at where dein is already closing there the running back’s just got the ball and now he’s got to deal with a a surging Cooper deene who just keeps him behind that line of scrimmage on second and three it’s a hard thing to do anticipates it very well so I like his instincts and I think he he would be absolutely fine at safety I can see why he was lifted listed at safety just even based off this you can see how well those traits would carry over it’s not to say he wouldn’t be impactful as a corner he could just probably do more damage to an offense at safety I mean that was another one where he’s just been thrown two different routes you know you’ve got the safety there and you’ve got depth there and he ends up kind of carrying that up field using his eyes he could have pulled back if he wanted to turns up and Ball’s overthrown anyway but again read that really well see look at the HP hips are opening his eyes are still very much fixed downfield oh look he’s the only one looking that way really Corner’s going up there receivers looking up there the jeene able to stay largely in Phase tracking the ball the whole way without losing any real momentum or leverage or anything yeah this I defense is fun to watch very a shame they’re dressed like the Steelers but hey you know Beggars can’t be choosing is right you know can’t have it all in life uh nothing really saying on that one got beat a little bit there but did he get pushed off or not no I going to receive it ah okay right let’s have a look so off the line little bit slow but not overly there was there was just no contact there I think that’s probably the the one thing like there was the receivers just been able to get right by him the puts his head that and there’s a little stutter it looks like sorry I feel like my phone phone’s vibrating but it’s not sorry that’s really freaking me out you know go that it’s only way I can describe it yeah I don’t know that’s really freaking me out sorry it’s like I could hear a faint like phone vibrating like it was in the wall or something not this house as well I’ve just got the haunted office we don’t need to be doing this again all right we don’t need to be doing this again yeah nice play there really nice play there just from an instinct perspective yeah really nice we’ll get some of your comments hopefully not about the haunted uh haunted office that we find ourselves in um he’s so good against rub routes yeah he’s really impressive really impressive uh Liam wants you to look at the head of a surging Cupid Gene I’m saying nothing H Little G’s in as well a lot of love for little G look at that gives it it gives the draft an a grade that’s what you like to see my friend love that energy from you brings it every single stream he comes in uh hope you have a lovely weekend Griffith if that’s your if that’s your first name I’m not sure little G either way hope you have a great weekend feel rude if I just called him his surname by accident feel like a school teacher Griffith but didn’t mean to anyway back onto some keeper de jeene I kind of want to see a game of him at a different spot soon but I think the one thing we’ve learned here is what we just saw you know in the comments a moment ago is just his ability to diagnose those rub routes and the switches and whether is even when he’s crashing the blitz he’s able to dissect PS and stuff like that um it’s just mentally like everything feels very slow for him and it probably explains why his body control is so fluid because he’s not having to overthink everything and be like whoa whoa some players are instinctive some players are reactive uh and I think that’s a really common thing you see in draft some players oh he’s really reactive and that’s not always a good thing because instinctive means you’re in front of it to me reactive means you’re behind it so if you’re a reactive cornerback all you you’re reacting based on what you’re seeing if you’re instinctive you’re kind of predicting it is it’s the way I always interpret it and I I think that dein is just very much that first one like the intelligence is off the charts from a a schematic and an understanding and positioning perspective it all just look so slow and easy for him and he’s not a small boy either I think he’s like six foot but he gets so low to the ground that was a really good rep that was a really good uh rest in rep in press there yeah very nice see a bit more contact it’s like he learned from that last one I think get in there then turn and go with him and he won’t have a chance nice I like that yeah I keep hearing this F this is really freaking me out this phone vibrating thing maybe maybe I’m just delusional maybe I need sleep who’s to say another great little clip there of his click and close I don’t know what it is I’m going to freak myself out I need to stop doing this right focus on Co Li come on now I feel like we’re in Paranormal Activity but just looking at the um The Leverage on the block again look how low to the ground is with that back leg like the receiver again very tight very over himself to try and get ready to Shield that ball but it just means if you look at how far back the Jee is by the time that break happens look so all right at this point receivers foot in the ground balls come out they’re what roughly what one two three another five yards away five yards ready right and by the time the ball gets there he’s a yard away and the ball goes literally nowhere it’s it’s really rare to have that kind of burst like for someone that can play safely as well but not only just a burst but the fact that it’s married up with a real understanding of the game like sometimes you look at someone who did have a really good click and close genuinely was Jaylen Mills the issue was there was no instincts and he was playing Blackjack every time he played corner and he would just bite on literally everything ever Dee is very much the opposite of that he’s he’s like you know that like like Darren Brown episode where he plays Blackjack and he starts card counting in his head and gets kicked out of the casino that feels like what Dee is like he’s not going to lose at the casino he’s gonna walk out Break Even or better was that a he would have had a pick then excuse me it feels like he would have had a pick if his teammate didn’t just run into him so again from a position in perspective he’s already tailed off he’s meant to be over he’s already taed off back underneath perfect spot for the ball and gets run into by his own teammate and someone else they won’t mind I mean they winning 20 to three but that could have easily been another pick or the first one of this game and it could have been a pick nonetheless I I love it I love him in coverage man it’s so Saucy just watch the hips again that final push you can see the back foot’s gone watch the to close he’s ready to go bang there’s the launch downhill and he’s there for when the ball hits his hands I don’t think he’s ever arrived after the ball is at a player’s hands and that’s Instinct of being able to time that close to time that burst to move downhill so by the time the receivers got the ball you’re there to make the tackle you don’t see many players do that like once or twice a game let alone’s consistency as um as Cooper deene is doing here so I mean I don’t know I’m kind of half open to playing him at corner to be honest having him and uh just moving him around a little bit you still might want another Corner at some point be it first round or otherwise um maybe it’s Kingo maybe it’s Eli Ricks maybe you go and get someone else after slay goes but I mean I wouldn’t be mad at another versatile DB that can move around get someone built in similar vein to Dee and just move him everywhere just get constant misdirection because he’s he’s an absolute Menace Liam loves watching Cooper’s hips he so s oh absolutely he he is like Shakira his hips just do not lie do not lie and I think if I’d have uh looked at everything this closely which I probably should have done but then I wouldn’t have been able to get through as many prospects as we did it might even got higher than what I gave him because this is a it’s a scary Prospect a very scary prospect that was see even there just watch back pedal back pedal back pedal he’s going to turn and go and there’s no wasted motion whatsoever ready receiver’s going receiver puts the move on one stride move counted yeah see you later R is doing all this stuff with the hand fade and the pump and then the shuffle inside there’s the the the move one stride and it’s it doesn’t matter because he’s he’s just that good like again it’s like his body is just in constant Flow State there is no battling there’s no ankle breaking there’s no getting stuck and not really sure it is just like unrelenting his head just does everything really good there as well to end the game bear in mind now we got one minute 40 seven to go Iowa State back into the game they’re down seven they need a touchdown no timeouts this is very much ball game here and just look at Dee then brush off the contact kind of again just feeling his way round the hips we love a little bit of hip talk here today but just watch the you you can’t really see him that well but just look at his hands just staying on him so he feels the right direction of the player really good just just able to I’m so happy we get another view of this CU it was really impressive just enough to stay in there get his hand in really solid now it’s second and 10 game on the line dein doesn’t get his number called makes a stop anyway though third and one game on the line why are you passing it you’re a [ __ ] idiot sorry what what was that third and one game on the line you still got a minute and 25 seconds by the way so I don’t know I don’t I know why they’re passing this third and one and that’s that’s your answer is to throw at coopa deene he you’ve not beaten all day on Third and one and then get B down anyway that is ridiculous now it’s fourth and one and now they what on Earth sorry that’s the end of the game I I’ve not seen anything like that in a long time that was absolutely abysmal whoever Iowa had coaches needs firing Matt W is that super Matt Watson that’s the question I want to know is that psn’s finest or is it a different Matt W if it is a different Matt W hello welcome to the show I hope you’re well if it is Matt from PSN hello welcome to the show but hello Matt from PSN it could be either we could be left in mystery who’s to say um let’s get to we did these before I think this is where if I’m not mistaken it was the Marvin Harrison game um coverage snaps I think there’s a little bit more here than just at boundary but he is still playing bound here for the time being just watch that one again was quite nice with the hips just the the way he angles himself is so impressive just compare it for a second I I want the first time you watch this clip okay not this one the next one this one here first time you watch this watch bottom right of your screen you will Circle Cooper deene and the second time watch matey boy at the top I’m not sure if you can see my cursor when I share my screen H different one ah too many Matt W’s in the world but you know what Matt you’re the biggest W thank you for hanging out in the Stream man nice to see you I appreciate you stopping in um yes it’s the first time just just watch Cooper’s movement right very controlled second time top top left of your screen the corner up there jump in Jack he ain’t got a clue I a’t got a Scooby it’s all a bit of this he has has and that’s the difference it makes that’s what makes Cooper de jeene special that back pedal there was absolutely Sensational little pumps bang bang bang bang gone don’t worry about it oh I like the speed he almost got beat there um I think the safety might have been caught lacking potentially maybe it was a coverage map what we got so there like a technically a 424 isn’t it but everyone’s just in coverage that I feel like that either the safety trying to think who it should be I think it’s going to be this maybe it’s going to be that guy cuz these are all manned up so he should be a bit deeper either way I he’s been suckered in by I look I don’t know whatever happens something bleeds over the middle thee here uh gets a little bit caught out because the route starts to break outwards so there so he thinks he has to break back downhill then the receiver closes out now he’s going to come back out of his stance and go again but the speed to recover from that and again he really does this well we saw it in the last game he just retaining that depth um watch how again could have tried to get a bit closer here could have try to move laterally to close him off but he’d end up behind his ankles so he just retains depth and starts running diagonally keeping his eyes on him and just look at him closing near the catch Point makes a stop now it could have been a Messier play it could have been a lot cleaner but it’s damage limitation at that point I think he’s done a really good job of that so there we go man again stays with him tough opponent it’s just the quickness he can get up to full stride is terrifying might not always win but just that the sheer speed of the man alone is Sensational yeah see he likes a bit of that get him gone get him on the ground all right so he’s kind of like shadowing that outside there I stay fixed on the quarterback there’s the break and look just off in just by watching the quarterback it’s like he knows now what he didn’t anticipate I think was the ball being thrown a little bit wider to account for Dee being deep um they forc Harrison there to work back for it de’s got to come down that’s what kind of makes the completion that was a really good play by the quarterback um that wasn’t even the play We were watching but I thought we had a replay then but it was it was all 22 my bad uh dejour I I do like dejour I like the nickname dejour makes me feel better when I mispronounce it Cuba Dej here we go what we got here look at that get in there I wonder if there’s going to be like coup chance like there is with Cooper cup did we get that who’s to say very low to the ball very low to the ball oh and he’s get G he gets given the work he gets given the work and the ball’s out of bounds but he gets that’s the most I’ve seen a receiver give him unbel is that is that Harrison I don’t know who that is to be honest with you I don’t want to lie but I mean oh that is a filthy cut that’s like what you see on those Instagram training videos when they go round the cones like ah that was gorgeous and dein it’s the first time I’ve seen him beat like that and the ball was out of bounds anyway he still would have probably caught him to be honest but doesn’t get given the business a second time uh let’s see what we’ve got on this one just almost a triple coverage play there so nothing too uh exciting can he get off that block yes okay it’s a bigger receiver as well size mismatch wise look at the hustle keep those legs driving into the it’s just he just knows he just knows he’s like Neo he he just is the one even when he’s getting beat he’s not beat the only criticism I’ve got which is why I’d rather have him at safety is at the line he he relies so much on his athleticism he he is in a breakfast corner but he has just got all the the ability to do it so you can see here he just always leaves like so much of a window for the receiver to work and it just haunts him a little bit sometimes like that first couple steps like if you can even it’s a it’s not the best comparison if you watch a corner at the top of the screen on this straight away hands on and de is much more happy to get Compact and open his legs and just look at what he then has to do and that would cost him at corner and I think for that reason I think he probably would be better at safety because you don’t have to worry about it and you can backpedal into all your hippie flippy [ __ ] not in a mean way but you just can as much as you want without any repercussion and I think he’s better suited to that because he’s an incredibly Dynam DC athlete he reads the game very well and as someone that can then click and close on tight ends and click and close on running backs I think he’s going to be absolutely brilliant there are some times at corner he looks magical but at press I think sometimes he just gets a little bit too patient and I’m not sure if that’s come up in a Scouting Report or not H it’ll be interesting if anyone’s noted the same or seen the same said anywhere like in the meantime but then he does stuff like that gets himself back into a play oh never mind he gave up the catch all right no all right let’s watch that route did he get beaten there you can’t really make contact from there but he’s tried to retain depth do the right thing yeah beaten went for the ball dinner Corner goes for the ball instead of the tackle I I blame him for doing it sucks it Miss though that’s FR straighten that one not been his best game that was nice A little 360 spin I saw there what we doing here on that little chot okay roll over the top not bad not bad do it again just playing a game of taging oh playing a game of tag in the Red Zone I like I really like that rep he’s literally just following in round look at only thing with that is look at where his hips are um I would say and this isn’t again trying to nitpick realistically with a receiver running vertically and you’re hit there right he’s probably going over here right you’d be better off flipping the other way and forcing him underneath where you’ve also got a little bit of help from from these guys the safeties rather than having to then roll round the top which again it’s a corner thing but it’s not the end of the world and he’s retained in like the interior bit has given him the work again and he still stayed with him ball gets thrown then he jumps up and bats it down it’s a great play is a brilliant brilliant play but it’s also one of them where he’s like w maybe got away with one there so I think a cornerback it’s just gonna like not expose him because that’s definitely the wrong word but his weaknesses will not be pushed into action as much if that makes sense if you guys get run coming from I’ll see what a couple of your comments are saying uh he’s very athletic he looks like every other corner on the field yeah I I will 100% agree with that I think he’s a ridiculous athlete I wanted I really want to see him at safety um this is 2022 it’s just all in the nickel uh this looks like a rrap video I don’t really know what’s going on here to be honest with you what’s going on what are we doing here what are we doing here right here we go right it was just what was that even a promo for the draft great right anyway oh little bit of camera work here I can get the ey there saves me a job it’s impress again he broke it up well I say broke it up I think the receiver dropped it Northwestern Clayton with thon’s finest isn’t it can’t be mad at that I I have no quals rooting for Northwestern in this game King Clayton cometh get his hand in there he’s in he’s in Phase oh it’s a great catch I think he might have just that little push towards the end might have just pushed him into the ball a little bit if anything yeah he’s not really looking for the ball there I I think for these reasons safety would be better like I think that’s my takeaway is a it’d be a solid corner like he’s probably if he was to come out the the draft as a cornerback probably looking round three round four look I I would take him a cornerback over KO Aid mckinstry don’t make that mistake absolutely fine with that um I’m guessing we’re now seeing him on special teams we are wow all right okay Coupe okay I didn’t didn’t have that in his locker kick him no don’t kick him don’t be mean yeah go on get in his face okay yeah I like that he’s got that dog in him H he size of the comparison like the size difference let’s it bounce look I like that look at that yeah see you later that’s just good is it it’s just good I really like that and then what do we get here do we get I wish we got a slow-mo of the uh the little bust up to be honest is he playing off it hang on that I know I think it is it is he’s taking a hand off what what what what are we watching here what is going on what is this is there anything he can’t do is he going to play quarterback in a minute I wanted to see him at safety they G now we’ll put him a wide out returner safety quarterback linebacker go anywhere mate play offensive line in a minute it’s like they’ve just gone you know what coup have a day have a day you go out there and you do what you want here you go out the ball it and make make a block outstanding absolutely outstanding and I tell you what he’s got better awareness with the football in his hands and enus Smith not a dig inas I love you and you has the same number as John heow that has to be acknowledged on this stream another Liam draft Crush drafted from the depths of Hell takes on number 82 it’s not by chance right let’s watch these are ultimate highlights so I don’t want to put too much stock in them because as we know um they’re just sort of Cherry Picked but I just want one like is he actually played Safety or is it just people have gone oh he’s at returner again here have people just gone look he’s good at corner but his weaknesses will be exploited less wow there is literally nothing he can’t do is there like he’s like Jordan he’s going to be singing he’s going to be on that New Philly Christmas album with some pipes on him I guarantee it I will guarantee it right now he’s got the voice of an Angel oh love that that is just oh that is good that is good I like that I really like that it’s just let’s just slow it down look closing over the top receivers trying to run the other way a little In-N-Out number and look at the eyes look at the eyes look at the eyes look at the eyes look at the eyes look at the eyes see you later oh oh that’s so good oh he he’s a beautiful man and he he is a beautiful man is Cooper deene I can find no fault in him I want him to birth my child I I’ll go that far no boxing matches here just straight up look at this oh it’s just it’s too easy for him Iowa’s offense is terrible H they’ll try in for offense there pun more in their offense Jesus I wouldn’t be shocked to be honest Kell Mo’s about to cook he’s going to be used everywhere he’s literally the athlete that you know in ncaa14 when you just get athletes and stick them anywhere this is Koopa dein he will do anything for anyone any position he’s going to go play for the Flyers in in October he’s suiting up for the sixes in time for the Playoffs next march and I’ve heard he might even be you know throwing the opening pitch in a couple weeks time it it’s remarkable but but there has been no snaps of him at safety is my only there’s literally none of them it’s is all just Corner which am I going backwards what is going on here I watch a whole video I swear why been pressing the wrong button I don’t know yeah they’re all at the corner so could can we see like how many snaps he’s had I just want to get a sky report up a minute because I genuinely feel like um I don’t know yeah around six foot got that bit right uh right let’s just look for weakness so lose his balance when sink in to match Whip and out routs a muscle bound frame well it doesn’t because he’s on the floor most of it he’s like break dancing doesn’t have aak fluidity hip Freedom experiencing 180 degree delays well we saw that a minute ago In fairness time has better into Channel recovery speed out of transitions yeah the depth I think I was on about um occasional wasted motion impr press I think we got on that sometimes helps his feet at the stems uh overcommits okay so is there a way to see like Snap wise can can we see safety safety snaps has anyone actually got a number from that PFF of how many I’m sorry I’m giving all these other sites traffic that’s not how we do it here we should be plugging my own articles um I don’t care about the athleticism we know he’s a freak athlete uh apparently 61 now he’s gained an inch [Music] um doesn’t help me really I I don’t know I I I just it would have been nice to see some um Bing Liam yeah I know sorry about that it would have been nice to see some snaps at safety I I will do some digging over the weekend between now and next stream to um to try and find some coopa Dee safety rep somewhere but my takeaway is could be a great cornerback could be a very good cornerback but his weaknesses will be exploited far less at safety because he’s not going to worry about press he’s not got to worry about those like man coverage routes where he has to stay in phase and play a style of football it doesn’t look overly familiar to him that click and close at safety those instincts at safety that ability to click and close at safety um is just going to be Sensational so I think safety or nickel or nickel he plays basketball as well would again wouldn’t surprise me Cheerio Eric you have the voice of an angel look at him little flirting it’s over Valentine’s Day Eric Eric it’s not until February next year look at that look get me all all blushy lit what a man uh how do they say pause across the bond or no did he uh uh would you say wait or huh what probably not sure um km is in and says when are you watching Big Johnny Wilson the Peter Crouch regen um probably what who have we done so we’ve done Dylan McMahon I can’t if we’ve done travic Keagan Dylan McMahon we’ve just done this we’ve done Inus Smith we could do him Monday we can do him Monday I just kind of picking him at random at this point maybe we’ll do it Monday then maybe that can be Monday stream I was GNA do it tonight and I figured that because the inia Smith one did well that maybe I can go in on Cub the jeene again and you know see if we got any juice left in that tank uh I nominate the phrase no wanker for pause if I started saying that Eric I might get twatted I can’t lie if I’m at a pub having a beer and I go no Wanger someone’s gonna hit me but I’ll do it as a social experiment for you over the weekend and I’ll report back and if I come back with a black eye it’s on you but I’ll see what I can do um 23 snaps at box and 90 okay so he just hasn’t played that much which is really interesting as to why he gets consistently oh he’s a safety like if all the tape is at corner with a few at slot like there hasn’t I’ve not seen a single safety rep from him again what I think it is is just that that he’s better suited to it the way like I think if he was to be a corner you need to be a little bit more fluid a little bit more aggressive um and it’d be fine but here at safety you could just really Bank on his actual strengths and and it pay off more so overall phenomenal athlete by Far and Away looks like the best athlete on the field whenever he’s on it um click and closes absolutely sensal it deserves its own only fans page is a instincts the way even on getting bued now the way he moves his head like his body just reacts in comparison to his head uh and that for me is the the best thing I’ve ever seen from a prospect like that it’s just that the head is on a swivel the body just moves in relation to the eyes if the eyes are over here the body’s not moving then he can turn and go he’s not swinging around constantly in wasting motion everything’s controlled he’s in a flow State I think he’s goingon to be an unbelievable safety I think safety is definitely the play for him because of those reasons like I don’t want him I don’t know just being picked that as a corner where he’s relying too much on that athleticism and that burst of getting back into plays where look who’s to say he could be a Swiss Army life he can do it all if he was a cornerback grade alone he’ probably be like round two round three there’s a safety round one like the kids generation Al so I’m a big fan um don’t say it without punctuation and should be fine no deal comma wanker oh love to see it um but that bring us to the end of the stream guys I know it’s emotional but I appreciate you hanging out again a lot of love to everyone that went on that inia Smith stream afterwards I wasn’t expecting that many comments on it for some reason it picked up the algorithm liked it so I don’t know how much of the video those people watched but it was really cool um and I’m having fun doing them so we’ll keep going through the Eagles draft class and even better for you guys undrafted free agents have just been signed boys that’s another seven that’s another seven to get through so we got plenty coming up um if you haven’t left a like on this video If You Could on your way out that’ be amazing think of it you know just like like when you’re at a bar and you take your glass back to the bar instead of being on it’s just just a little like cheers you know just a little little one of them if you could do that that’ be tremendous uh if not I will take it personally and I look forward to seeing you on Monday so you will have a fantastic weekend go BS I’ll see you soon and we’ll break down some more prospects next week thank you all for hanging out I love love you to bits enjoy your weekend see you [Music] later you give me power your name I’m every person you need to be oh I’m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the very quickly yes we will should you run the intro back again yes we will smash the Green Bay in Brazil it’s going to be green everywhere Brazil Packers Eagles but the only color that matters it’s only a color but they’re going to win it’ll be an easy game I’m excited for the season opener in Brazil it’s going to be great I I’m genuinely excited for it do the intro again see you [Music] later you give me power in your name I’m every person you need to be oh [Music] [Applause] I personality


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