Golf Players

#222. These Guys Have to Go in the Offseason

It’s the final countdown. The Wild’s playoff chances continue to dwindle, though they’re still not officially out. What does that mean for the final regular season? And, hey, at least we’ll have frozen four hockey in St. Paul – with no Minnesota teams either… ok nvm. That and your !s with the beauts.

All in this week’s episode, created by new voice studios, presented by SotaStick, brought to you by Talk North, Jim Beam, Livea, Grain Belt and Royal Credit Union this is season 5 episode 222.


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[Music] It’s the final countdown the Minnesota Wild’s playoff chances continue to dndo though they’re still not officially out of the playoff race what does that mean for the final regular season and hey at least we’ll have Frozen Four hockey in St Paul with no Minnesota teams either okay never mind that and your cues with the bees as always were’re created by new Voice studios brought to you by soda stick presented by talk North Grain Belt Jim Beam Livia and Royal Credit Union this is season 5 episode 222 new drop alert the Minnesota Wild celebrate and honor Mark Andre flurry’s 1,000th game and you can get in on the memorabilia action with an allnew exclusive soda stick and Hockey Lodge t-shirt and hat drop grab your piece of history with a one-of aind hat or tea that commemorates one of the greatest tendies in wild and NHL history don’t miss out on this fantastic collaboration between sodas stick and the Hockey Lodge at Jim Beam they know the importance of tradition like chanting let’s play hockey prior to the start of each game or playing the state of hockey Anthem after a Wild win this season raise one to your fan family with the bourbon that invites us all to come as friends and leave as family Jim Beam Bourbon whiskey the official bourbon whiskey partner of the Minnesota Wild and XL Energy Center drink smart Jim Kentucky Straight Bourbon whiskey 40% alcohol by volume copyright 2021 James B Beam Distilling Company Incorporated permont kenty [Music] hello everybody what’s up bardown Beauties episode 222 I’m Jesse Pierce writer for she’s Kirsten coll in house Arena host for your Minnesota Wild amongst many other things Kirsten how are we doing today happy Monday we’re recording this as always on a Monday ahead of your Tuesday release Post Easter uh April Fool’s Day as well I was I should have come in hot with a joke now I’m regretting my intro yeah I you know there’s always time to redeem yourself I personally hate April Fool’s Day it’s raining it’s the mondayest Monday ever so I’m just here quite honestly you know what Minnesota Wild season is a joke does that mean that that was a lot it’s all I came up with like I I don’t know I don’t have any I used to when I was younger I every year would rrap around a rubber binder around the um the spray nozzle on your sink you know back when you had like an actual thing that you had to hold so every time my mom would turn on the sink it would spray her every year oh my gosh yeah like you would be my nightmare as a child like I hate April Fool’s Day so if anyone did anything to me I might send me over the edge I did I did the San wrap on the toilet so they’d get pee everywhere I did I gave my teacher a dime and a pin and told her it was a diamond pin that was a good one and uh was the other one I did I feel like there was one more that I’m like pretty consistent oh there I read this and now looking back probably shouldn’t have done it we put um toothpaste in oreos and pretended they were Oreo cookies I cuz it was a prank that someone suggested remember back in like the ’90s and 2000s we just we were kind of uh carefree and wild and had no rules it was a little unhinged I didn’t do any of the above I also told somebody that dill pickle chips were actually sour cream chips and they weren’t so that’s mean as somebody who hates pickles I would be so upset well you know you live you learn you have you have a little fun I’m yeah I I don’t know the spray nozzle thing I’d still do it to this day if they still had sinks that had that cuz it was just so good every every year ah Jessica my mom has a sink like that yeah do it I’m telling you it’s just I’m not my mom you don’t know my mom she’d get really upset oh yeah my mom was never happy with it don’t get me she’s not someone that I I wasn’t tending to prank her it was literally whoever would be down in the sink whether it was my dad or my brother whoever got there first and then she’d forget to take it off so then in the afternoon itd come back and get her again oh the good old day is uh let’s talk a little bit hockey uh yes I aggressively said the Minnesota Wild um are a joke which is not far from the truth Kirsten at this point they did it again they went in they pulled their goalie um don’t disagree with the decision because here you are you’re losing the element of surprise I think a little bit like I spoke with Vegas golden knights team after the game and they had said Bruce Cassidy brought it up to him and over time like hey watch out they might try to do this again um I did ask John Hines if he thought about doing it in regulation which he said he would now should they just do that in regulation from here on out kerssen get the two I mean if you’re tied why even bother with overtime if you’re going to be losing your point anyway um I definitely agree you lose the element of surprise in overtime at this point because the league knows the wild are in a desperate position right now so one point if you lose an overtime it’s not going to help you out at all um so you need to try to get win any way you can uh regulation I’m definitely not opposed to I think that would maybe be a little bit more of a surprising element but at this point too it’s just so far Out Of Reach I know Minnesota though still with according to money Puck as of today 4.1% chance to make the playoffs so how did their percentage go up when last week it was at like 2% before the Vegas game see I thought 5% and that’s what I’m looking this is odds as of Monday ail April 1st 2:55 a.m. eastern I think it’s cuz St Louis has faltered so St Louis is now down to 2.2% uh Minnesota no longer chasing the Vegas golden knights they are now chasing the LA Kings they sit with 79 points while LA’s got 87 so ifof facto do the math it’s um it’s a little bit Out Of Reach yeah 8 points I know I read 2% last week it’s it’s tough I think I was a little disappointed with the Vegas game because I think once Jack eel did the spear gave misconducted from the rest that was a huge opportunity for them like you that you lose one of their star players it gives you a leg up on Vegas you had the lead in the third period and then you allow them to creep in to force overtime I think that was just very defeating yeah I mean I didn’t hate the way Minnesota played and I certainly love that they capitalized right like I you know looking back I think I said that in the breakdown too I’m like I didn’t hate it I mean in general since Allstar most of their games I’m not going to say all of them because obviously we all know those ones that they dropped an absolute goose egg on um most of their games have been fairly competitive and you know Vegas got Alex petrangelo back on defense and Logan Thompson played really well but that’s my other thing I feel like the Minnesota offense lately has made goalies look better than they actually are now that’s not to slight Logan Thompson who did make some pretty good saves but Minnesota just shoots it right into them there’s no lift to the puck and you saw this the night before too and I don’t know the offense not only doesn’t not have secondary scoring because as we’ve seen it’s the Carill Capri offline that’s doing a little bit of everything I thought Marcus Johansson and Freddy GD started out the game well against Vegas um but are you more concerned at the way that they’re shooting Kiron like I mean what’s I guess I don’t know if concern is even the right word anymore because as we mentioned playoffs are kind of Out Of Reach so nothing should be of concern but what do you want to see more of do you want to see better shot output do you want to see more secondary scoring what’s kind of your big thing to close out the last couple games here the regular season I mean both of those things would be huge also one play from the Vegas game that really I remembered it was I think later in the third period Jonas Brodin had a one-time on net set it up for a really good opportunity to score and no one could bury that so I would like to see more one-timers on the net followed by a rebound for that scoring is one thing I would love to see you know it I would just love to see a line other than the Top Line score I agree like I just think it’d be nice or be able to bury it on a breakaway Matt zukar like there’s certain things where again it’s just the puck placement like the there’s almost like an ere excitement or you’re just you’re trying to still do too much just get down there put the shot on net and and go Minnesota has not missed the playoffs since 20189 uh Kristen what are some things that are that you recall between then and now obviously the pandemic was a whole deal in between then and now since the wild last miss the playoffs but what are some other notable things uh since the last time Minnesota missed out of the playoffs wait we said since 2019 1819 I graduated college oh I got a dog nice I moved out of my mom’s house into my own place in the cities I had two whole damn kids yeah you did um still been single that’s still been a thing so that’s something that has changed that’s been a constant um H I got a new car yeah life man I made some new friends had a few new jobs since then I don’t know there’s been a lot a lot of Life lived yeah a lot of Life Liv again Minnesota still the staircase and last time should we recap this this moment let’s let’s go back so kind of traumatizing still in case you guys follow us on Twitter you might have seen something come across where uh I rescued Kirsten from an big evil stairwell uh this was on Saturday or no Friday Friday um during practice for the wild in Vegas Golden Nights Kiren please recount from your perspective what exactly happened last week so first I had to get to morning skate because we had an interview with Jack eel setup cuz former Hobie Baker winner we had an interview set up with him and so I’m already running late I was supposed to be there at noon but then I was asked to be there at 11:45 so it’s like 11:45 on the dot I always take the stairs I never take the elevator I don’t know what it is I think it’s just routine habit because it’s by the little promo deck where we have our stage for games I always go down the same staircase so it’s unlocked from the outside I go in not thinking anything of it Go all all the way down to Arena level try opening the door and it’s locked and at that point I’m like I’m annoyed no one’s here why does it matter so I was like whatever walk all the way back up to where I came in door locked I was stuck in the stairwell it was getting really hot in there I was getting scared I went back down to Arena level I started pounding on the door no one was coming for me I’m texting Jesse and I’m just like are they even going to know which stairwell I’m in I’m texting the guy who help set up the interview and I’m like I’m locked in a stairwell and he’s like well don’t move I’m coming but then you came and Jesse saved me so shout out thank you for answering My Cry for Help then I you know I’m like maybe I was like should I tell Jack eel about this experience you know try to break the ice a little bit before just bombarding him with questions and so I told him I was like well for what it’s worth I got locked in a staircase on the way here almost missing our interview and he scratches his head and he’s like oh how does that happen like in a very like monotone own voice similar to Brock Faber’s reaction to Taylor Swift almost just with less facial expression like oh okay I don’t know who the problem is here anymore there’s just one common denominator though I was just glad to rescue I I would have been there sooner except I’m like literally in the middle of hin speaking about whatever he was speaking about at the time and I’m like asked one of the other PR people like can you go let her out well no I got to open the room I’m like well we’ll just she’ll have to wait waited out just a couple more minutes I had no idea what was going on I just stressed you made it yeah I’m alive I tell the story and you have a good Jack eel interview it was a good interview my favorite part of the interview was obviously when I got to boo him for be um advancing but we’ll talk about Frozen 4 in a little bit I was going to say how did that work out for you didn’t work out it didn’t work out at all but we’ll talk about that in the next segment back to the Minnesota wild again still mathematically not eliminated um but it’s it’s looking Grim Kirsten if you could describe this is your your T Swift moment since it’s been a while since we’ve checked in with our um entertainment reporter correspondent entertainment correspondent is the title I have given myself I always need to see it on my badge now fair I think that can be arranged if you were to give the Minnesota Wild an era to sum up this season and even looking ahead right because we know it’s not exactly going to be amazing for the next couple years we’re projecting you know four five years down the road me maybe three I’ll say three years down the road where they’re going to have like probably a legit contending team what era is the Minnesota Wild in so and hear me out I think I’m going with this album because of one certain track in particular but also it’s just kind of like Moody can be sad boy but can be happy and I think that’s been the wild season in a nutshell it’s been very up and down we’ve seen like super happy moments and then we’ve seen games where we lose 60 to La where it’s like sad boy we’ve seen a lot of injuries so all unfortunate things but there have been some high notes as well so I think this album encapsulates that and it is folklore there’s also one specific song on folklore that I think really resonates to where we’re at it’s called this is me trying and it’s about somebody who’s just kind of down really bad but they keep trying and I think that’s where the Wilder at right now knowing minimally sure I think that sounds right I particularly love the song um adjacent to it I think that that sounds perfect I hope maybe we can talk to DJ one of the DJs and they can play that um it’s it’s kind of really a downer so that’s probably not going to fly with literally anybody in the arena well you know you learn something new every day um yeah we’re going to go with that I have no counter no additional to that um I was trying to think of I’ve been wa you’d be proud I did watch a little bit of the eras Tour on Disney because I was just trying to find something that isn’t a movie on Disney plus that we’ve seen a million bajillion times in this household so I was moving on and uh I didn’t hate it it reminded me how impressive her uh performances are she’s great unlike the Minnesota well speaking of impressive performances Philip gustofson has shown back up the Philip Guston as Joe O’Donnell Our Guest last week said there’s the Ottawa Gus and there’s the Minnesota Gus and he played a little bit more like the Minnesota Gus as of late however as we have been speculating and predicting Mark Andre flurry did announce to that it’s probably either retirement or Minnesota so a lot of that depends on what Bill Garen wants to do Mark Andre flurry obviously heading in to the off season a free agent uh if Billy G proposes a nice little contract I’m sure Mark Andre takes it so again Kirsten the goal tending tandem has a big old question mark but we asked this in our Up For Debate this week too would you rather see flower and yesper next year would you rather see Gus and yesper next year or do you come back to Gus and flower and let yesper uh develop one more year in the HL which of those three tandem situations do you like most this is a really tough tough question and I’ve thought about it obviously if flurry wants to come back you let him come back and I for one just from a business standpoint I’m using that the money he brings in from the fans who come to see him play that is one standpoint just that’s from the business standpoint also just the respect to his name the love Bill Garen has for him that team has for him the execs the state of Minnesota you want him back if he wants to come back and I think also Bill Garen had kind of seemed that’s the way they were letting things go with flurry near the trade deadline they’re like if he wants to go he can make the call if he wants to stay he’ll stay so I kind of think that’s how we’re heading into next season if I’m just going based on things that I have heard um if flower wants to come back he’s coming back now this is the one I am very on the fence about with Gus I would say maybe and I’m kind of leaning towards this way too I would say trade him while we’ve seen kind of what we’ve got from him right now so yeah he’s had some really low moments this season but he still had like you mentioned those glimmers of how he played specifically last year in Minnesota so while his trade value could still like have value to it just in case he does retract next season back to more of the Ottawa the way he played in Ottawa I would say trade him while you can get good value for him and then let yesper come up learn behind flurry cuz we’ve talked about it yesper is going to be the future in Minnesota now next year what realistically with the c hit I’m not expecting much from this team again next year as far as playoffs making a run so what would it hurt bringing him up and giving him the experience it’s kind of my take and that’s kind of the way I’m leaning towards it right now but now looking ahead to two years from now when you need to get another goal tender once flurry does retire who do you have then I don’t know that is more of a concern for me in the future as opposed to the short term well and I wonder if you do look at moving him if you get a goalie back or if you find a goalie on the free agent Market um I think either way I agree with you pretty much to a te as far as I go Mark Andre flurry and yesper belstead I just think you know as off as Mark Andre can be and certainly he’s had his down moments this year as well you’re right I mean selfishly I want him back for the room atmosphere just The Vibes in general as we always say we you noted the business point there the right WR from actually writes in uh for the French website in Quebec and he had mentioned he’s like the number of flurry jerseys here I’ve never seen anything like it he’s only been here like two years right you guys like that’s what’s kind of insane so I think he’s just so beloved I think he’d be great I think he’d be a great mentor and the numbers don’t lie I mean currently this year 8.99% uh save percentage excuse me 2.85 goals against two shutouts 16 wins and 36 starts which ain’t too shabby especially when you compare it to Gus who’s had 42 two starts only 19 wins three shutouts 3.04 goals against and .9 save percentage um in general I just yeah I look at it I think you have to address Gus and figure out what’s there I mean you want somebody that’s more reliable than he’s been and at least Mark Andre flurry is Fairly reliable even if you’re not going to get you know some exceptional nights every single night at least you’re going to be somewhere in between whereas gusts the Peaks and valleys I think are too much for me so I would agree i’ flurry and yesper next year and find a goalie on the market so maybe that means yesper doesn’t start up here you know I’m okay with that like I don’t have any fears at all about leaving yesper in Iowa for a little bit longer you know I don’t want to you’re not going to stien his growth you’re not going to limit him when he comes to the NHL cuz once you get up here you’re ready you’re good to go and sometimes there’s a log Jam and there’s not going to be a log Jam but you’re right you need somebody that’s not is zann McIntyre still evening down there like I don’t even know the other goalies that are in the system at this point I’m assuming he’s still down there I think he is I don’t know I’m going to be honest I haven’t paid much attention to Iowa because most of Iowa has been in Minnesota this year most of Iowa has been here this is true well and maybe you become a team where you carry three goalies I don’t know maybe that’s a situation you consider sounds crazy I don’t love it that does sound crazy I sounds like something we can’t afford also yeah I don’t I don’t necessarily love it but that’s what I would would do I think most of the fans who answered in our poll last week agreed with that so shout out to all y’all uh speaking of fans we’ll have some cues with the bees coming up in our next segment which will’ll also address uh Marat H nadoff which I’m very excited to discuss as well before we take a break after this segment Kiren Frozen Four I didn’t want to talk about it I don’t really want to talk about it because I pinned all my hopes and dreams for Sports on the goer hockey Squad who started out very well from what I saw against be um obviously Minnesota this wasn’t their year you looked at the roster kind of the performances this year they didn’t it wasn’t the same team as last year last year’s team was it right that was the team that was going to win gopher’s out so now first time since 2016 there will not be a Minnesota representative in the Frozen Four which is extra sour because it’s happening in St Paul but Kirsten any surprises from the Frozen four teams which is BC du Michigan and Buu well first off even taking into consideration since 2016 how many Minnesota teams have made it to the national championship game Minnesota St Cloud State Minnesota state like that’s at least three years since 2016 that we’ve been in the national championship game um so there’s that takeaway piggybacking off Minnesota not the same go for team but I think what would have and this is not anything surprising to anybody If Logan [ __ ] and Matthew n would have returned for another year that would have changed everything I really think then they would have been back in the same spot national championship game if those two were back I think that changed a lot for this gopher Squad now looking at the stage that is currently set du them being in the Frozen Four does not surprise me at all give David Carl his flowers watching him bring another Denver team back to the Frozen 4 let alone giving them another chance to compete for a national championship which they did just a couple of years ago and also see what he did with the world juniors team like give this man his credit if you are looking to bring up a Collegiate coach for an NHL coaching job David Carl should be one of the very first phone calls you make he has been incredible and also the nchc 2 has had a really good track record of transitioning coaches from the Collegiate level to the NHL level so David Carl keep his name close in mind especially if Denver wins another Championship under him this year but also Boston University not really surprised that they made it back as well you see mlin celebrini on the team who’s supposedly going to be the top pick overall this year’s draft just doing unreal things then you look at Boston College you’ve got Will Smith who’s been putting up crazy numbers I me then forgive me I think also Gabe perole is on Boston College and Ryan Leonard I don’t I think he’s somewhere out east too I want to say like Boston College as well could be wrong Eastern school for sure but just remember when we talked about the NHL draft last year and how I said that first round class was going to be iconic and now look at the top draft picks a lot of them in this Frozen Four this year so honestly when all is said and done at the end of the day not surprised Big 10 Michigan representing as well uh you had mentioned a little surprised by Michigan I think a lot of people were coming out like I think cuz as you’d mentioned I think we asked we talked about that maybe two weeks ago right I was like is Michigan what they were you know a couple years ago and you said it was kind of definitely a down year Michigan State should have been the representation probably if you were to choose right or even Wisconsin I think kind of had an eh off year um going back to Will Smith though Jack eichel Will Smith is his pick for the Hobie Baker he was very uh behind that so that was kind of exciting well I mean look at the numbers he’s put up the kids been ridiculous but then I mean it’s tough cuz mlin celebrini has been the name um again none of this confirmed it’s just talk right now but it’s yeah just it’s going to be a really good good race for that award as well yeah Kristen will be on site for that Hobie Baker Award winner next Friday not this coming Friday but the following Friday love to see it because again the Frozen 4 here in St Paul just a reminder of just how fun College hockey is I’ve been so passion yes I’m I Love College hockey I’m so much more passionate yes when the gos are in it but as I think it was maybe last year or two years ago when we had talked about it with Dan Myers who’s obviously a big min State guy that’s what I grew up with right like I college hockey was all I had for the most part because the wild didn’t come around until I was quite a bit older so colle hockey was it uh Michigan had a little bit of fun singing um Unwritten by Natasha bingfield in their post their post game locker room I mean it’s just a reminder they’re just kids out there having a good time I need more content like that though from college teams a little behind the scenes Instagram lives in the postgame locker room yeah no that’s one of the better parts of college 2 is I feel I’ve never really seen an NHL lock room after a win I’ve heard about Dallas and their post game celebrations with a song that cannot be named um so there’s that but College yeah those guys just have a good time they’re just they’re just kids playing the game that they they love uh St Louis had a bunch of beers in their room the game last weekend so it took forever for me to get in there so every now and then the teams have a good time or when the dads are in town usually there’s a Rip Roar in good time if it’s a dad’s trip and they come through NHL locker rooms um but yeah I also heard the N NCAA is a little bit uh Frugal on allowing access to college rooms nowadays postgame I did not know that I saw it come across my timeline I haven’t divulged too much into it but it sounds like they’re closing a lot of practices and I mean it’s a there’s a balance right because again they are kids and there is such high high high level of criticism of NCAA athletes as it pertains to the professional World however I think closing off access st’s growth a little bit too like you’re not getting the exposure that you want for the sport as well I mean people that cover College hockey night in and Night Out know what they’re doing I mean they’re very good at what they do and and I think you want to allow them that access just to share those stories because there’s some really really cool ones in a college hockey atmosphere for sure yeah I guess I didn’t really know that I understand both sides of it just yeah interesting interesting right I know same look it up Googs it I think I’m going to have to Googs more myself Googs it check it I don’t want to hear that again we don’t we don’t let do we not abbreviate shorten everything these days Googs not it’s just Google it’s two syllables gos just gos let’s take a break and when we come back your questions stay tuned hey guys Jesse Pierce here for Olia weight control centers who is ready to spring into the warm weather it’s been beautiful outside I know I’ve been enjoying it hopefully you have to and it’s only going to get better spring ready the livia way and lose up to 10 lounds in your first two weeks when you join Livia will receive a personalized and doctor recommended program tailored to your unique goals and lifestyle Livia’s amazing team of 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it’s been a while since I’ve sang that little jingle has that even been in your era that I’ve done jingle unfortunately un it’s what makes us special it’s what makes us unique excuse the beat the be um all right let’s Jump Right In I’m going to start with our friend Adam C who has I I have terrible eyesight and I just saw a text come through and I swear to God and I don’t know why it would never say this CU I don’t have his number I thought it said Carill Capri off and I just absolutely had a moment and again I don’t have his direct contact information and he certainly does not have mine not enough for me to have it it wasn’t Carill guys but that’s why I had to just had a quick wow that would have been something an exclusive wow but it wasn’t I know we’ll have to get on that um our good friend Adam C who’s always chiming with some great conversational topics and points he’s got a bunch he said so between the golfers losing in the playoffs it has been a year for Minnesota sports the wild had their sudden front office departures among controversial extensions the twins managed an actual postseason Victory only for payroll to get cut the loons didn’t officially have a head coach to start the season the white caps were bought up and dissolved and now the Timberwolves links are in an ownership dispute I don’t really follow football but assume the Vikings are the same as other my question do you believe in the Minnesota sports curse Kirsten your first to an extent but I feel like we’re leaving out two big components in that one the twins broke their postseason curse or drought however you want to call it what was it like 18 19 years without winning a first round playoff game or just winning a playoff game we did that we broke that last year that’s done and then when you look at the Wolves we’re number one in the west baby we’re sitting so ownership issues aside like uh Glen Taylor can’t own the team forever like that dispute is going to come to an end at some point I don’t know when but it’s going to probably when the wols start losing again and he’s like oo actually yeah this team’s bad again I no longer want him so I believe in the Minnesota sports curse to an extent cuz we’ve been down bad but I feel like we’ve seen glimmers of Hope recently so I don’t know the curse might be being lifted maybe we’ve done our time I don’t know it’s it’s tough who owns owns the Chiefs you slap shot no okay uh that’s all I kept thinking what it’s a movie you need to see we need to have and get your reaction from it who owns the Chiefs who owns the wolves um I don’t think it’s a curse as much as it is just Dramatics there’s always an element of drama like you’re watching this reality TV show unfold and there’s always something you’re like well of course that’s going to happen or of course cuz you can’t just have like a nice regular clean season across the board for sports always one team that’s got to be a little chaotic a little unhinged and unfortunately in Minnesota it seems to be multiple teams go through that I mean you look at the twins if we need a host for that reality show I volunteer can we can we do it together you can be the correspondent I want to host sounds a little you can the reporter you can be doing the interviews okay yeah I like that I can get behind that I’ll ask I want to bring the drama with my narration and everything yeah yeah yeah I like this this is good we have to come with the title for it yeah not so winnesota we have time to work on it we’re taking your suggestions now I think there’s potential here uh NBC ESPN give us a call we’re ready HBO seems like an HBO reality show because I want cursing oh yeah and everyone knows I’ve got the mouth of a sailor yeah we need the authentic you’re in sports but no I mean the dram like the twins open it up and Roy Lewis hits a home run and yay it’s going to be an amazing year for him and then he gets hurt now it’s just it’s always something I feel the Wild’s a long season though for sure sitting for one month so the month of April then being re-evaluated baseball’s a marathon not a Sprint but it’s still kind of funny like it’s still like it’s funny it’s just bad luck I don’t know what sad funny like it’s not funny but it’s just like yep there it is like his season’s not over he’ll be back yeah I’m just saying it’s just I get what you’re say say I’m just trying to be the voice of reason before yeah cuz people were starting their houses on fire they were not happy with that outcome but he seemed fine and jovial post game and yeah as you’d mention it’s only supposed to be a week or a month excuse me a month about a month four weeks so there’s that yeah I’m going to call it the Minnesota Dramatics not necessarily the curse there is definitely a feeling of unluckiness having been a Minnesota sports since birth but we’ll see uh next question from mamc how do you like eggs since apparently scrambled with ketchup is a nogo it’s funny because Kur and I both reacted to this in last week’s episode with Joe odonnell Minnesota while play byplay in case you missed it he stole kill Capri off eggs which was the first Abomination and then he talked about adding ketchup eggs now I probably reacted too aggressively because that is normal I forgot my mom constantly puts ketchup on her eggs and I do see it more often be normal use salsa like an adult I this is true like or just yeah just cheese and salsa or hot sauce like ketchup just does feel a little amateur a little bit but Adam see I’m so glad you asked because I make eggs every single morning first I buy the pasture raised eggs they have to be pasture raised eggs that’s the brand that I buy and then I add in cut up bell peppers the whole variety you get the yellow the green the red and then I have to use the taco blend cheese on there mix that in you mix it in when the eggs are still a little bit runny so it really absorbs with the egg and then I cook that with sourdough now if I’m feeling fancy little bit of Sals is never a bad idea if you add in onions and spinach too o just even better are we wrapping this no you said in sourdough like a toast sourdough yeah yeah okay all right I I get behind that I’m more simple I just do eggs cheese and some hot sauce like some talua we got to change that up a little bit you got to add something but like when when time calls like when I have like yesterday I hosted Easter brunch and I had the tortillas you could do a full on burrito I had the uh the bacon you crumble up a little bacon in there you get some salsa Get some sour cream whatever what whatever you need to do I’ve also done I’m very um good at making breakfast pizza which is one of my favorites that’s the other best way to eat eggs is breakfast pizza sour cream on eggs sounds criminal to me it was the Mexican sour cream so it’s a little different it’s more like the stuff you get a Chipotle so it’s a little runny but the salsa I have is so spicy that I just needed to chill it out a little bit it’s not bad but I do I feel like ketchup on eggs and correct me if I’m wrong feels like a Midwest thing agreed and it’s not grow up it’s not as criminal as Jo odonnal you salsa it’s not as criminal as putting ketchup on steak which I have seen and I wanted to scream I bet Joe puts ketchup his steak I wish I never saw I’m gun for Joe right now I wish I never saw this person not only ordered their steak well done but asked for ketchup I was like did you want a hamburger I feel like you meant to order a hamburger don’t get me started it happened eight years ago and I still haven’t forgotten the anger that’s disrespectful to the animal so terrible just awful so moving on which of the recent wild Prospect signed are you most excited for height yes % I’m very excited to see what he does I think there’s been a lot of hype surrounding him since he was selected by Minnesota I’m very excited to see what he can offer yeah and again a lot of these contract signings happening um for entry level deals that start next year Jack per signed his Minnesota forward Riley height um signed his that will start next year as well but I agree Riley height is the one I think that everybody has higher expectations on kind of similar to morat who nadena who again we’ll get to in just a moment 65 games for Prince George in the WHL he had 114 points 10 Power Play Goals 36 power play assists so get a little help on uh that second power play un unit minimally um he was SCT in the second round 64th overall last year by Minnesota a lot of upside to him and his game I remember I believe I did a feature on him last year from development Camp so go find that if you’d like uh but certainly one of the mar City ones and Jack per the hometown kid you get excited for his potential but I think Riley Height’s the one that’s going to be fighting for a spot come training camp for sure um any bandwagons you’re hopping on for for the playoffs since we probably won’t have a home team in the race Dallas Colorado Vancouver are the three Western teams to have clinched by the way for the record and then out east you have Boston Florida New York and Carolina clinching well this team has not clinched but it’s no bandw for me cuz I’m going with Nashville baby that’s who I will be rooting for should I like take everyone on a field trip quick since I’m at my mom’s house to just like show you something kind of I mean now that you’ve offered it go really well or really bad I don’t have my microphone because I based on a very personal situation that went on the other day I was my head was just all over the place didn’t come prepared so I’m mobile today so I have the opportunity to show you guys this this has been here here since high school and my mom has yelled at me to take it down and it just hasn’t left but like right there in my Bas look at that so no bandwagons just loyal I mean Minnesota yeah I keep it you know they’re they’re Rivals so yeah but yeah we’ll survive I like it this was this was the tour with Kirsten we should do more of these things my mom’s house mhm it’s not bad it’s not bad at all um I’m going to go with this is also should be of no surprise because they are my Stanley Cup champs as I picked them this year I’ve got my there’s my tour there’s my Messi Jose because I’m picking the New York Rangers I love everything about New York um the Rangers that is I just I I think it’s their time I think it’s due let’s see the cup on Broadway I don’t hate it Carolina though Peter Lavette love me some Peter lavet they’ve got Blake wheeler out there so the cup will come back I always do I always take a peek at which motans have the opportunity to bring that cup bomb back here to Minnesota so they’ve got that representation covered um I just I I I dig New York although Carolina’s really make is always making a push I’ve liked them the past few years but then I always get disappointed by them so I’ve kind of reserved but I love me some Rod the bod and uh Rod the bod Rod the bod not the first time I’ve heard that he is a very fit man yeah Carolina needs to get over the hump I’ve als o been rooting for them as my Eastern Conference team for years really trying to make a push after acquiring gel so yeah and I just called I forgot the end gensel you said gel and I was very gensel concerned I had coffee today and I corrected myself right away you did you caught it I wasn’t going to call you out on it I was just like maybe no we’ll catch it you did you did so that’s who we’re going to pick let me know who you guys are picking I would be super curious to hear that uh two more or one more from Adam C before we’ve got a couple others does it get easier covering a team when the season is effectively over or does it become a drag I know I’m just kind of getting sad knowing like each game is closer to my last yeah and then like don’t get me wrong the break after a long hockey season is so needed and I’m so excited to just have some time to well when the weather warms up weather permitting go to the lake on my little paddle board and just relax to be but at the same time I’m like okay I need to find another job to fill my time in the summer um so that’s a little like don’t know my off seas and plans yet but yeah and then it’s just like it’s like the last day of school it’s like when am I going to see my friends again MH yeah I mean there’s something to be said about covering a a winter sport so your offseason is the summer cuz there’s far worse things to do but I’m with you like there’s a couple weeks where it’s nice you just kind of recatch your breath you know hang out with the kids do all that and then I get bored and then I get kind of stressed and panic cuz then honestly like my stories for don’t start coming back until like mid June so there’s that off time which is nice but when you’re go go go all the time during the season you kind of don’t know what to do with all the time on your hands like you just kind of sit there you’re right paddle boarding I will be back at logger’s golf course this summer as well so I’ll hopefully pick up some more days there getting some money that way but yeah it’s always it’s a it’s a Bittersweet situation covering the team when the season done can be hard cuz you can sense the hostility like in that locker room it’s not not that it’s always like super fun to go in there and hang out like they’re competitive people but when it’s over it just has a different vibe to it which isn’t always great God that’s why I’m so happy I don’t have to be in there sometimes yeah like it’s usually when it’s one of those nights where I have a sense it’s going to be weird like Saturday I went Vegas I was like I’ll I’ll take the Vegas golden night’s room they’ll be a little bit chipper if you will so that’s how that goes couple more questions here before we wrap up this week’s episode from Jason Jason J excuse me what do you hope we do in the offseason to make this team better I’m trying I’m running my mind through everything right now to see what we can do um I I’m because I’ve been critical in the past I’m going to just take this stance right away because I know where a lot of people’s heads are at John Merill I’m going to get give him his flowers I had somebody come up to me the other night and ask me they’re like what have you thought about the way John Marill played tonight and I literally told him I said I think since the trade deadline he’s played a hell of a lot better and turned his game around so I know a lot of people are like when can we get rid of him why have we not gotten rid of him he’s literally one of the least of my worries at this moment in time I think he’s been a lot better and I’m not going to sit here and be like get rid of him so I’m just making that out for everybody he’s turned it around and if you look at his game and say otherwise take a look again mhm so that’s one thing um I don’t know I think the biggest thing for me assess more of your defenseman like I know that’s kind of critical just to what I just said but I think there are I think just the defensive unit as a whole take a look at it because even to start the year it was a major concern but also there’s still some gaps there I don’t know entirely how to fix it I don’t know who you call up to be like hey let’s fill in here um but just I think that needs to be assessed a little bit more because it’s been a little bit of a concern it’s still not as strong as it could be the other one that I would have is goal tending get that situation squared away and see what we’re going to be doing next year for one um and then we need to assess some of our forwards as well final question was coming from Rob G opinions on Koozie after seven games I will just say I’ve liked it um I thought in particular the game against Vegas he played really well um he still is looking for his first goal he’s minus two but in general I think he’s been given some really good opportunity 13 minutes has been kind of the average for him which I think is just about right he’s been putting into some good situations I like it are you a who’s enough Stan Kirsten so far I mean through seven games it’s not been bad it’s been it’s been fine I think yeah um for me sorry now I can’t talk it’s been harder to actually get to watch him with the majority of the games that we have played it’s been at home and I’ve been working so I haven’t been able to like key in and really see what he’s been able to do but I think he’s been quiet in the way where I haven’t noticed his mistakes if he’s had them so and that’s been a big takeaway and I mean transitioning his game to the NHL it’s going to take some time especially fitting into the wild he’s still learning everything but so far I think he’s done a good job I’m impressed with him and I’m excited to see else he can do shout out to James from offside hockey covering the Toronto Maple Leaves now proud owners of Connor der who has two points through 10 games and is eight minutes or excuse me eight penalty minutes um he asked if Connor der will be effective in the playoffs for the Leafs does it matter if you lose in the first round anyway oir chirp chirp chirp D Dewey will be just fine dwey two will do just fine for you guys in the playoffs not that you need them when you have Austin Matthews and Mitch Marner and even berzi doing his thing God I wish I had like a talented team but they’d still lose in the first round just what happens I don’t feel bad we’re Minnesota Wild fans I don’t feel bad chirping another team that has had more success in general true I don’t know we’ll we’ll see I am not convinced until they do the thing so they had to do the thing they had to do the thing they should be able to do the thing again with the players uh we just mentioned that’s going to do it for this week’s episode as always we appreciate every single one of you thank you for all the questions engagement interaction uh big week ahead for your Minnesota Wild who has Ottawa on Tuesday Colorado Thursday Winnipeg Saturday we gave our predictions in previews in last week’s episode I don’t think they were very good I think we’re getting one win this week against Ottawa is that what we said I think I said two or maybe an overtime loss I can’t remember uh but as always again thank you to talk North sodas stick Grain Belt Jim Beam Royal Credit Union and Olivia for their support and to all of you guys don’t forget to rate subscribe share like love all of that stuff and we’ll catch you next week good [Music] [Music] live


  1. Spot on with Gus…get what you can…while you can…long term…goalies are always available.. I am gonna disagree STRONGLY about anybody being great in the room..Been hearing that garbage from BG toooo long…
    If they can't help…get out..

  2. Sad this season has 9 games left. But you ladies have made it enjoyable and fun even though this team has made me go a little crazy from time to time. . Thanks for making this season better

  3. With Gus, you keep him. Look at Jake Oettenger this year. He's had the "Book is out" issues pretty much like Gus. I think he had an off year for a few reasons. Your psyche takes a hit when your D Support basically falls to sh!t. The players they really need to move on from are Carcus Johansson, who is basically worthless! I wish they'd have moved on from Bogosian because he's slow, lumbering and sucks on the boards. Zac is clueless on positional play! His passing sucks, hits players in the skates more than on the stick.
    We lost at least 8 games on Bogosian positional errors, where his guy is standing there 8 feet away from the out of position Bogosian and burying the loose puck behind our net minder. Freddy needs to get relegated to 4th line. He's shown little value this year! Sorry, move on from the non-shooters, Luccini and Letieri. The "Cardio Guys" are just not getting the job done.

    IMO here are the "Cardio Guys" Freddy, Carcus, Luccini, Letieri. – Low shot & hit volume = CARDIO!!!

    We need a couple of physical players. Foligno is now a Sr.Citizen and not very robust any more…missing too many games from injury. Hartman is a discipline problem. His ice time needs definite decisions. Now, with Duhaime gone and Maroon gone, and Foligno hurt a lot the Wild are the Mild, physicality wise.

    The Wild have ZERO BENCH/TEAM LEADERSHIP!!! Not 1 passionate in your face leader on the whole roster. Nobody stepped up and it shows in slow starts and severe lack of discipline. Foligno seems like milktoast. He wants to be liked in the locker room more than accountability for slow starts, poor play, horrible shot taking. The Wild kill more goalie chest protectors than any other NHL team! For next year every forward should have shot quotas, positional assessments in the offense zone every game. They seem to be in the wrong place most of the time. It costs goals and therefore wins.

  4. Let Luchini, Lettierri & Shaw walk. Demote Freddy, Hartman & Foligno to the 4th line. Buyout MoJo. Trade Gus Bus. Resign Fluery for 1 year $1-$1.5M. Call up "Yesper Vollschted"…….Do WHATEVER it takes to get YUROV to sign and on plane.
    LET'S GO DENVER!!!!!!

  5. If it's me I keep gus and flurry if he wants to come back. Try and run them about 60/40 as the starter. And then.
    If you're not happy with the situation Bring walstedd up and let gus go on the trade deadline. Marcus johansson can go bye bye. I can live with 89 stay in here.But Freddie needs to play on the fourth line.No third line, no second line put him on the fourth line with a couple.Young kids let him teach them the way.

    And finally I want a Carolina Colorado Cup final with duheim in Colorado Getting the cup.

  6. Package Gus w our First and try to get in the top 5 , it goes without saying the Coasters need to be traded or bought out immediately. Time to turn the page. Passing on Perrault for Strammel will go down as an epic blunder. Never pass on a player that puts the puck in the net.

  7. You two are incredibly entertaining. The April fools jokes, the staircase incident, etc. You should do a podcast called the Women Babbling Podcast. That way you can commit just a little time to hockey and nobody would expect more. Please quit wasting our time trying to call yourselves a hockey podcast. Or at least list a disclaimer and link to Worst Seats in the House.

  8. They should pull the goalie in overtime because 4 on 3 is much easier than 6 on 5. How about these titles for a Minnesota sports reality show: "Ah, Geez! Wouldncha know?" or "Another Minnesota goodbye" or "Oh fer crying out loud!" or "What the heck?"

    The matchup I want to see in the playoffs: The Preds vs The Golden Knights

  9. The goalie situation is so easy in my opinion. You are NOT winning the cup next year, bring back your decent goalie who is also pretty much the most beloved player in the NHL. You pair him with your future number one. This pairing will tell you 1 of two things. Either Wallstedt is fully ready and you're looking for a 2 for the 25/26 season, or Wallstedt is not ready and you look for a 1. Having Fleury back is a no brainer in what everyone supposes is a losing season.

  10. I guess I'm going against the majority as far as the goalies are concerned. If Flower will stay, I would have him and Gus be on the Wild team and Walstedt stay with Iowa. Reason being, we already know what Gus can do and I'm thinking he is just 25 and has learned a lot from flower. I think this last half of the seaon Gus has matured and is figuring things out. It won't hurt Walstedt to stay in Iowa another season and if Gus doesn't show signs of being better, it's just a short drive to go North. I've watched the Wild move to many players when they are just on the virg of being better for another team.

  11. Don't blame me. As you may recall, I stated the Wild should only have traded for and made an effort to sign Gustav Nyquist. His whole career has been as an assist machine for scorers. He ended up signing for $3.2 million with the Preds, and he has rocked this season. He got the AAV that the Wild aging veterans should have received to resign in Minnesota.

    I didn't like trading for JoJo, but I had to eat crow when JoJo played well coming back. I also stated the Wild paid him more than they had to, and he wasn't the answer going forward. He's nothing better than a third line player. Would anyone not trade JoJo one for one with Nyquist now?

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