Golf Players | FreeView | Ultimate Motorsports Park | May 3rd 2024

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the haers are out you see both Watkins and Ferguson easing their way off but overon tops them at the end Harrington Mills then Fergie Smith and Watkins slowest didn’t have that on my yeah I didn’t either I don’t know if he uh maybe got caught behind someone else or I I don’t know what happen I was wasn’t watching him I was watching will and Bo there uh Brandon there and and missed it but um yeah not not expected if uh if he needs to he’ll go tune on it knows what to do to get it quicker for qu qualifying coming up here shortly mhm do we have one more I think that’s it that’s it goes by fast well bumper Jack going to come out as our front-wheel drives make their way around if you’re tuning in thanks for tuning in to hunt thef and our series heading to many more races hey bumper what you got out here all right thank you once again Lenny U by by the way pleasure to be working with you you know we we’ve been around each other we have hung out so much I can’t believe we haven’t announced yet we’ done we get to do it tonight so awesome man I’ve been looking forward to it for a while nobody has a cooler hat than bumper Jack somehow we’ll have to get that on camera at some point always look looking Dapper in his lid I try I try so we’ve got our U cars are going to be hotlap qualifying we have 13 of them signed in and I believe uh should have a late entry he was on his way up here from Shelby earlier I don’t I don’t see him on my signin sheet just yet but expecting Brandon Spangler as well there you see the 511 that’s Bentley coddle his uh Bentley comes from a long line of racing history here at the ultimate Motorsports Park his mother Stephanie clle Stephanie coddle she has numerous wins at the speedway his dad Austin numerous wins as well um you know then you got uh Bentley’s grandfather Richard clue he’s got a bunch of wins here and just a long line of racing uh Austin’s grandfather as well a lot of wins John leopard in that 14 he picked up the opening win here at ultimate Motorsports Park there it looks like the 12 of hermy hicks out of Westfield North Carolina right there so Bentley coddle fastest thus far 22151 followed by the j3 of Jonathan swin at gay Virginia Danny Tate in the D2 he picked up a win here a couple of weeks ago I believe this will be his backup car as he destroyed one with Raceway last Saturday night there’s Brandon Spangler in the 18 he is on the speedway got Joe Lawson out of King in the 16 J Taylor Asbury out of tobacco bille the 67 so Bentley CLE started here in the Young Guns division has worked his way up into the big leagues a front-wheel drive racing Bentley uh 12 years old I think so he’s picked up a couple big wins already so bent is fastest as this session comes to an end followed by John leopard hermy Hicks Danny Tate and johnon suin rounding out your top five believe we’ll have another group to come out in Speedway look like a couple drivers not picking up on times there so don’t know if they’re having some transponder issues there you see everybody tailgating having a good time over there on the back straightway and over across turns one and two glad to have them here with us each and every week my tailgate crew over there all right rolling out on the speedway to T4 we’ve got Noah sprink out of King North Carolina the 35 that will be Kyle Leo out of duth Minnesota there’s Brandon Spangler in that shark attack number [Music] 18 Herby the Love Bug number 67 and the 13 that’ll be Levi weatherman out of King North Carolina we’ve got the 86 Jeff paie out of Lexus bille looks like we’re missing the 78 of Tiffany Herring don’t see her on the speedway she’s a former racer here at the speedway ran in our weekly Powderpuff Division A couple of years ago looks like some issues on the T4 that is Noah sprink out King North Carolina see track officials taking a good look at that machine they have him stopped over there in turn three all right so Noah sprinkle Up and Away there it is Ray Robertson on the SRI plag thing going to turn the field loose group number two for hot lab qualifying here for your UK cars this will be your last and final main event of the evening a little bit later on oh look right here you got the two love bugs going at it on the speedway in hot laap qualifying the 13 the 67 Levi weatherman Taylor asbery Asberry and the 67 he’s going to get alongside the 13 man we got a race going on here in qualifying side by side off turn four Brandon Spangler in the 18 saying come on guys get out of my way I need to turn a good lap here there Brandon bangler able to get around them now so he’ll be able to pick the pace up he needs to get a good lap in here for his qualifying run with one lap left to do it in Brandon Spangler second already a 21983 behind Bentley coddles 21799 so Spangler out of Shelby North Carolina looking to pick it up in this final lap of hot laap qualifying off turn four and Spangler will go to the pole man that’s a close one Spangler with a 21781 Bentley coddle 21799 and those are the only two drivers in a 21 second bracket so we ought to see a great battle between these two drivers a little bit later on Brandon Spangler your fastest qualifier Bentley coddle second John leopard third hermy Hicks fourth and Kyle Leo rounding out your top five all right so we’re getting ready to go into a little bit of track prep after that qualifying session and until then we’re going to go into a commercial break so thank you for joining us and we will be right back fr dirt track fantasy sports is finally here introducing dirt draft the online fantasy sports app that’s the first of its kind sprint cars late models modifi midgets you name it and you can play it on dirt draft just sign up enter games draft your team and then Watch and Win points you can then redeem those points for merchandise tickets to major events online subscriptions pay-per-views products and so much more dirt draft features over 350 games from major dirt track series and events each year you can play unlimited games for just $5.99 a month download the app today on the app store or at Google Play for free or visit dird to sign up it’s one thing to say you know everything about dirt track racing but it’s another to show the world so do it today with dirt draft it Rose from humble beginnings in the Valley of the Sun a Sprint car racer saw the need for racing shirts and now the vision of Carl corbach has resulted in Arizona sport shirts helping Racers Across America spread their message for the best customdesign shirts hoodies caps Koozies and much more go to arizonasports be part of History Arizona sport shirts the original Racing shirt when it comes to machine control this is the problem a lot of companies have they’re waiting on surveyors to get there and get the stakes laid out and then you also have the issue of those getting knocked down and and accuracies in that but with earthtech you don’t have to wait once we get an approved set of plans and the cad file we build a surface file and a 2d Line work file whether that be for Trimble Leica or topcon everything’s colorized which helps stand out the center line from the curb from the drainage line which makes it a very quick visual reference to find and then also all elevations are built in there so they don’t have to wait to get started on a project [Music] welcome back to Ultimate Motorsports in RV Park elen North Carolina Lenny btii here bumper Jack the voice of the ultimate Motorsports Park alongside for now Joshua Joiner will be joining us back in in a couple of minutes little bit of track prep nothing uh you know too uh too gnarly out there uh how’s how’s the track look to the guy that looks down at it most Saturday nights and weekends and such man I tell you what Lenny I mean right now the track is looking pretty good uh Jason Smoot and Bill link of course the track prep crew here throughout the week and they do an excellent job and I mean it it looks good to me um you know we’re just getting it rolled in uh you know trying to get another Groove over here in turn three it looks like but Jason smoo who runs the Blue Ridge Outlaw late models and the southern wedge late models the Vintage shows and stuff it’s neat to watch him on Facebook because if you you’ll wake up in the morning you go to your Facebook and typically he’s been on a tractor somewhere while you were asleep here at ultimate Motorsports in RV park getting the work done exactly and and sometimes not even here he goes and helps other people and helps them out and gives them some tips and pointers and they they call him the Dirt Doctor around here yep a dirt doctor for sure and and just a great guy that uh does does a lot for Motorsports you’re just tuning in on hunt the front front uh TV we just have uh had a few of our dirt draft hotlaps and welcome in on our dirt draft live looking and if you’re not already uh checking out dirt draft compete against hundreds of other race fans to create a private contest just for you and your friends Pick Five drivers each night stay under the $100,000 salary cap so you won’t be able to have bumper Jack on your team he’s not 100,000 you know at that but everybody else can be on earn points based on your finish to use in the Speed Shop which has merchandise tickets pay-per-views subscriptions fan experiences and Etc contest locks in just before the first heat race starts each night dirt draft an absolute blast to be a part of and uh thank you for tuning in on social media wherever you’re at if you uh haven’t seen who is here certainly uh you know you would understand uh that Brandon overin would be here Chris Ferguson Scott Bloomquist uh many of our hunt the front super dirt series regulars but we’ve also benefited tonight from having Jimmy Owens we have Carson Ferguson who is back uh joining us gra Haron and Luke Mory that’s some of them and then you know Christian Thomas a a widely known uh modified driver and now late model driver here in the Carolina Jameson McBride who uh set the track record what what was it last month Jack were you here for that it was two weeks ago Burning It Up wasn’t he two weeks ago that’s correct you know amazing stuff there John Henderson from Akin South Carolina is with us bad boy David McCoy get to watch him race hadn’t done that in a while and The Rock Hill bad boy Ben Watkins going to trying to destroy another series that comes in his area that’s right man and and one of the coolest names too I mean the Rock Hill bad boy I mean come on how how could how could you just not get behind that no like Willie milikin is here Joey Colter askar guy here so I do have to say real quick Lenny um you you mentioned One driver and I’d like to talk about him for just a quick second Luke my um I watched Luke’s first race around the Carolinas in a modified and I’ve watched his progression in his first couple races in the modified and then stepped into the super late model and man I tell you what watch out for this cat he’s coming I think he found his his place yeah he’s coming mhm Luke myy don’t forget that name guys no no good kid and um you know good good Mom Dad the whole deal and you can just tell he’s he’s got a little bit of swagger now going walking through the pit area he feels like this is is where he should be and I I think you know we’ll start seeing it tonight and probably by the time we’re back here next year we’ll be talking about him of winning somewhere and other things you can just kind of feel that that charge when you go around him most certainly most certainly and and like I said I mean just seeing his progression it I mean it’s he this kid’s going somewhere Lenny I I think so as well and we’re we’re so fortunate to have folks come and race with us on a regular basis on the hunt the front super dirt series but also the ability to welcome them as one or two race guests throughout uh this early part of the Season you know we’ve had four different winners and in our top five in points are five separate chassis manufacturers so it’s a wide openen series folks can come in they can give it a try see where they like it and then maybe you know get themselves already ready for next year if they want to go full-time with us or pick and choose a race along the season to come back and maybe uh you know find theirself in Victory Lane in our Arizona sports shirts Victory Lane and I do like that number four races four different winners that is that is some cool stuff right there you don’t have anybody dominating the series and it’s that’s what everybody likes to see yeah you get to see the different uh drivers and it and it’s not been all local based guys that have taken it it’s it’s been you know people that have have just I I was impressed with Joseph Joiner at the Altech racetrack now I know Joe Kelly the announcer down there had said that he had come and raced a couple of time some big races down there prior to it and done well but Joseph uh on a track that was certainly unique and challenging had it handled and overden and Ferguson and of course last week to be able to have have the reaper in in the house at Smoky Mountain all cool stuff and Smoky Mountain I went there for the first time yeah you did what the big steel block Ste steel Block band two weeks before hunt the front went there and man isn’t that a cool place it is yeah I mean that is that is a cool place right there um that that press Tower man I was impressed yeah I looks like an air traffic controller Tower or whatever know I was there for uh the uh one-of aind ndra or indl whatever whatever it was echelman and all of Kelly oh yeah yeah you know they they ran that series for a minute yeah but uh it was a cool race and still got a sweatshirt so not too bad so you know and and talking about Altech and Smoky Mountain and coming here and I believe you you raced at the short track at Talladega if I’m not mistaken we did y started the season out there so just the variety of racetracks you’ve been to already and they all race different and they all have a different race surface and they’re all configured different and and I think that’s what really makes a series you got to go you got to travel you got to put some miles on you got to challenge yourself with the the just the effort to get up and down the highway uh you know all of us uh you know packing the family up to go just about anywhere on a on a given weekend whether it’s a race or you know the lake or what have you and these race teams have to be ready to do that you know every couple of weeks or so and that that’s a grind it puts it to you it’s a test of man metal machine and and all and I think right now you know it’s testing them that’s where Champions are built MH yep you know uh what do they say pressure makes diamonds uh isn’t that what uh you know sketch says you know so uh pretty pretty neat to watch um track used to have pavement under the surface and um Coler cleared it up and took it out and such did that dra itic Le you know change things um well you know it did uh you can I don’t I don’t know if you can see at home where basically where the UK tires are set out uh we had a retaining wall all around the inside of the speedway and I mean bum Gardner’s dad used to hang on it in the car oh that was breathtaking I have I have a video I took a video down here in turn one and two and I was hanging like I could give these guys a high five as they came by just hugging that wall but anyway tell us more so of the inside wall you can see where it used to be they’ve widened it out M and we used to pit in the infield so they’ve moved that out as well and opened up the track entrance over here in turn two as you said they took up all the pavement from under the dirt so it’s got all brand new dirt and the dust Podge crew has been down here um working with Jason Smoot you know trying to get all this new dirt worked in and and doing the dust pod deal and all that good stuff so I mean yeah B Bobby ker man he’s he’s done a 100% turnaround it’s fantastic yeah it really is all back in and what we’re looking at while they’re doing track prep below above the grass those are fans parked in there with really one of the best uh views in all of Motorsports yeah that is the best seat in the house right there that’s our Tailgators and as you’ll see they wrap around from the entrance to turn three all the way back to the entrance to turn one so so where we’re looking is turn one kind of going to turn two the center of one and two right there and yeah those guys are just having a good time over there they got the barbecue grills and got the family and everybody’s camped out on the trucks and the truck beds and well great looking spots and and also Lenny I’d like to introduce you to our fire crew here at the speedway CC volunteer fire department oh yeah and they they’ve been over here for years and I I tell you what this crew something special about these guys right here is we’ve had a couple driver one of our 602 late model drivers that used to race with this Dalton Blackburn MH he took a car to these guys down to their station oh did that the jaws of death so when if if they knew knew what they had to do to get somebody out of a race car when the time is needed so these guys are on top of it right here that that is impressive and uh you know it’s good to see tracks uh work with their local safety folks and First Responders to be able to uh have you know the care that these drivers and Crews need because sometimes you’re back there and you know the crew guy May bust a uh a finger or what have you you know under those race cars it’s not it’s not a friendly Zone very much so and um you know may need more help uh than than they realize and good to have the safety folks here uh funnel cakes I I understand they a good thing here funnel cakes are a good thing here funnel cakes are a staple here at ultimate Motorsports Park I like funnel cakes I’m sorry who doesn’t like funnel cakes we me and my girlfriend went to the fair a couple weeks ago just to get a funnel cake like that’s the only reason we went to the fair just to get a funnel cake I I know uh you know we’re watching one and two but if you’re if you’re looking down there at one and2 and you’re on on Hunt thefront dotv as TR track prep is going on just to the right of turn one uh you know if they get those funnel cakes to the the breeze blowing the drivers’s under caution might be able to smell that for sure I’ve seen I’ve seen a couple of them over here after their race you know they’ve got they’ve got the driver’s suit pulled off they’ve got the tank top or the driver’s shirt their favorite driver’s shirt on and they’re over there standing in the funnel cake line I’ve I’ve had drivers tell me they can smell the butter from the popcorn machines at different tracks yeah and um you know it’s uh like man this cautions got to got to hurry up so I can go green and then get over and grab some popcorn or whatever and I would imagine where the funnel cake uh folks are maybe uh they might get a sweet tooth that they don’t even realize for sure and of course everybody at home’s going man I want a funnel cake right now but that’s okay um Joseph Joiner and the hunt the front uh YouTube crew are here and they they pulled in to uh see a lot of fans here wearing the the hunt front uh you know shirts and such that those guys have made so famous on YouTube and uh you know been able to be around uh Jesse and Joseph and Jonathan Joiner and just just what you’re seeing on uh on the YouTube is that’s them guys they’re way cool and I’ve heard our race fans for the past couple weeks they’ve come up to me and you know they’re talking about how excited they were to meet these guys I mean they’re they are celebrities in the dirt track racing world and they’re just as as humble and just appreciative as be course of course Jesse’s been winning over at Southern Raceway over in the panhandle of Florida too oh yeah yep little Gator bait’s been uh getting it done good for him good for him hacker cars starting to smooth things over as you are watching hunt completed dirt draft hot laps and we’ll be getting uh set to go into other things in just a little while a little bit of track prep here from elen North Carolina just off of Interstate 77 what’s is it 85 is the um exit I think so actually Lenny I cannot tell you that I do not know the exit number it’s got the pirate place though it’s the pirate ship that’s if you passed the pirate ship you went too far yeah you went too far but there’s a restaurant that is like a pirate ship and that’s where you got to go and it’s actually I’ve seen in a magazine it’s one of the top 10 stakes in North Carolina oh my well that that’s good to know come to a race and get a steak exactly yeah so very very cool I know uh you know some friends that have have uh done both in many an evening coming up here and um always great and thank you folks uh if you are on social media out and about and watching us on the hunt thef on social media our social media coordinator however for the series Jack kofer is graduating tonight from college and I can’t remember the school he uh was uh going to in South Carolina but congrats to Jack so uh a mix of folk have been using our social media trying to uh at least get the news out and uh Jack will be back with us our next race but um congrats to him and and please post though and let us know what uh what it looks like in your place if you’re uh somehow making your own funnel cakes uh we’d love to see them if you got your Joseph Joiner uh or Jesse or or whoever your favorite driver is shirts would love to see them uh got the dog or The Cat In some cases both dog and cat watching the broadcast with us uh maybe one of them’s got a bumper Jack hat maybe that would be cool I want to see your dog in a bumper Jack hat that would be cool be awesome back to Jack kofer though congratulations to him for graduating and Lenny I must biasly say what what a great name is gopher kofer he he gets it done he goes for the big time and what a uh a neat young man to be um you know doing what he’s doing and following his passion Logan Gibson our director and producer of hunt thefront dotv working endlessly John the technical director and so many others helping us to put it out so they’re going to have the cars coming out momentarily so wherever you are if you’re making those funnel cakes at home make sure you you turn the stove off because we’re fixing to have cars come back out onto the racetrack um here at altimate Motorsports and RV park that is correct 604 late models getting ready to roll on Speedway for their hotlap qualifying session and yes don’t burn the funnel cake at home I think supers are going to be next before your 04s oh yep we we’ll have the supers come out and then the 604s my mistake oh no we’re we’re up here having a good time like anyone else getting set Dalton Wilson big perm going to lead him out so wherever you are and you’re watching we have our first three getting set to come out onto the track qualifying and Joshua Joiner joining us back here and how about big perm cool to have him here fville North Carolina dropping in there all three are going to come in at once because you can see that short shoot and then they will self-park prep and not ideal to do it right before qualifying um so we’re going to these these first group uh these first three cars out we’re going to let them roll at a slow pace roll a lap or two here just so they can see it and see what was done um you never want to be the first cars out on a a fresh track so not a whole it wasn’t a whole lot of track prep nothing major um but just wanted to give them a a chance to see it and uh you know the other guys that are watching they have their crew guys watching going to watch these first laps um you know give them an idea what’s going on that’s a nice move um Travis Scott our race director uh working with the track folks and other officials to make sure that all is right here and we will get ready and be set to tell you about each of these guys as soon as they get ready to turn them loose will dyes up in the SRI flag stand to throw the Gorsuch green flag and he does Dalton Wilson will be first out you’re looking at Ashton Winger on the camera right now Winger RSVP recreational vehicle Select Credit Union remarketing Solutions Super K Express Trucking rocket with Durham for power next up Benji Hicks Mount Ary North Carolina the Barett Colman Farms tnk Enterprises Double Nickel machine hammer down coming around the racetrack here and the final driver we talk about big perm Fayville North Carolina Dalton Wilson ISC mg L JRR a lot of letters a lot of great sponsors on his Longhorn Clement’s powered machine to the green and now the checkers dalt Wilson going quick initially a 1542 we missed it on screen but Ashton Winger got a little too high getting into turn three slap the uh the wall with the the rear of the car and looks like maybe some damage hopefully just cosmetic but he went ahead and pulled it in and did not take a lap but dton Wilson quickest out of the uh first group at a 15 420 and Benji H Hicks goes second at a 16 051 a sizable Gap there I’m imagine we’re going to see some times in between that be interesting to see if anyone can knock Dalton Wilson off will they take a slow lap for this group or we’re going to go right to it okay well the first car out is Zack MIT will enery South Carolina Clary Hood greeting South Carolina chemicals Fox shocks Longhorn by Wells Clement for power on the 57 next up and around the 96 93 Carson Ferguson Denver North Carolina Colman Farms hopa grading Mega Plumbing Longhorn by WP Clemens for power there way up on the racetrack and the final car on the racetrack of these three as they slow them down problems for a couple of cars looks like Austin Kirk Patrick originally from Ocala Florida the farmis bobarino’s drive shaft shop of Salsbury AKA race cars chassie machine the 11 sits there we have replay coming up we have a flat left rear on the 11 get an idea of what happened here get into turn one yeah right there traction and a little bit of a rough spot in at the same time pulled that left ear right off the wheel and I don’t know if we got a replay of it but I saw uh Carson Ferguson had kind of very similar situation to Aston Winger where he just kind of got up a little too high getting into three and uh got got up into the wall just a little B I didn’t think it was that bad but I guess it was enough to uh to to cause him to pull in with no I believe no time scored there uh Zach Mitchell looks like we get another lap one lap his first lap was a 16 202 so he’s going to get one more shot at it here and see if he can improve and looking pretty good through one and two and not sure what happened there I don’t know he just kind of sat on it for a second and lifted yeah yeah and he does not improve there it looked like I mean almost looked like his foot slipped off the pedal coming off a two there like he he was straight well we got a replay of what happened to Carson getting into turn three trying to go in high just kind of like Ashton you just you just went in too high if you want I know I don’t think we caught a replay of Ashton Winger but it looked almost exactly like that I watched it when it happened just got in got in a little high and hot uh into three and and unfortunately slapped the wall um looks like both of them unfortunately neither of them going to get a lap and going to see if they can get it repaired and get back out uh to start to the tail of a heat race I wish folks could see oh we may have a little bit of view new problem for turn three and four and you can kind of tell if you look here just even in one and two it’s real dark the uh the wall from a little bit of the mud up on it so uh we’re going to get it some scrape time looks like yeah that’s not uncommon it’s we got a heavy track surface tonight a lot of a lot of moisture in it and uh uh throwing this they’re getting in the corner throwing some dirt on the wall and got it kind of covered so we’re going to get it where they can see it better and some stripes up and down that is a part of track prep that have to go out there and do now and then that that ragged Edge that fine line between a really nice high lap around and the wall so close yeah you hate to see that uh for both those guys um you know Carson you know obviously he’s running l series competing for Rookie of the Year on Lucas o and runs with us whenever he gets the gets the opportunity and you know hate to see that we appreciate him coming and racing with us and and uh when he’s able to and and then Ashton obviously being uh you know competing for the series points uh Championship he’s had a rough start or an up and down start missed the show at Talladega just well qualifying at Talladega where he rolled a violent flip got up too high getting in a turn three at Talladega no wall there it was a you know went over the banking and rolled a couple of times he then he started tell prelims didn’t get in through the through prelims and um bounce back a little bit at Altech and Smoky Mountain and with the drop we do a drop one drop your lowest points night in our Championship Standings that definitely helped him out and vaed him from ninth to Fourth when we started counting that after the last race four races in um unfortunately it looks like he’s uh going to have to come from behind uh tonight to stay up you know near in the top five in the point standings well the driver about to come out uh didn’t start from behind the last time he ended up in front at the finish here at ultimate Motorsports in RV park you’re looking at the Fred Caldwell Chevrolet backed 87 of Ross bals Hells Bales set to come out and he will be the first of three drivers again coming that is a wild ride down that little slide into the racetrack that they have made just above Corner number two and you drop your way right in uh I guess if uh you were a skateboarder back back in your younger days you might remember how to go in one of them big bowls I didn’t do much skateboard no but uh those those folks I get I see what you’re saying you’re like dropping into the half bip exactly I did watch some X Games back in the day yeah I went to high school with the guy that uh invented the Oli the standard skateboard trick really yep I mean that’s like the the basic right that’s the one alanan and I I didn’t do a whole lot of skateboarding but that is the one that I everybody has to ollie before they do any other trick and um here we goone on my yeah first few times I tried that was curtailed my skateboarding yeah I figured you know I didn’t want to wear a wrist brace uh throughout all the school so I thought announcing would be better Ross Bales coming out on the racetrack the Fred Caldwell Chevrolet Mid-Atlantic Roofing Wakefield logging longhorned by WP Randy Clary powered race car for the boss Ross Bales next up it is our Series champion defending Series champion Florence Alabama Josh put the horn Towing and Salvage Thorton Iron and Metal CFR racing performance rocket xr1 with Pro Power and the final car on the racetrack the Newport nightmare Jimmy Owens Reese Monument boom test Well Service ultimate Towing and Recovery rocket with Vick Hill for power Ross Bells looking good lap one goes to Second quick at 15975 he improves a 15530 but stays second there and let’s see Josh putam he’ll go 161 117 he’s fifth quick so far and Jimmy Owens rounding out the group goes a 16023 that’s good enough for third currently after I believe we’ve had eight fars hit the track well I think uh folks will know this next one the zero Scott Bloomquist coming out onto the racetrack look at that uh man it’s always so cool you know we don’t we don’t get to uh see Heroes uh in real life a lot but boy this is one the morberg Tennessee Boomer custom home builder Cadillac Ranch Arizona sport Church zero powered by Vic Hill on the track here at ultimate next up down into one the 14 114 of Jordan ker Mount AR North Carolina ultimate Towing traffic control services Capital ways Longhorn with cornet for power and the final car Joey cter Miami Springs Florida SRI performance PFC breaks billin and uhoh problems for Jordan ker on the race I didn’t see what happened uh but he slowed up over here in three and four and got a replay yeah looks like he had some contact with the wall judging by the right re well gets in a big push yeah not a not a not heavy contact just uh enough to get the right rear there hopefully not nothing under the car cosmetic but he thought it was enough to shut it down I got in there a little high and couldn’t get it to turn so one lap remaining for Scott and Joey going to get his full two laps in his Longhorn with Mullins for power that’s the two-car said he hasn’t been really on a dirt track in a couple of years made some laps uh at Cherokee somewhere in between there but in competition in a dirt late model the driver of the two has been out of the seat for the last couple of years and good to have him back I did honestly another surprise entry did not know that was in the works but uh good to see him here good to have him back uh looks like did he roll no I thought C was going to keep rolling not sure if he was going to get another lap anyway but uh he takes it to the pit area all right so here we go see if Scott blunos can improve 15762 was quick or was his lap on time on lap one good enough for third currently Scott has been ready to win one of these races he won his heat race last weekend finished second at alltech yeah Scotts had uh been quick he just uh kind of struggled to put a whole night together there he does not improve he’ll stay third alter’s going to get two laps here hopefully Scott knows that and nope okay yep Jo we took one and that’s all okay so uh all right he’ll uh Joe be where was he8 16 336 so uh knocking the knocking the rust off a little bit a guy that wants to knock off the uh the bad mojo the four from Union South Carolina Trent Ivy the badger rental services built South Hardison suspension Services rocket with Clemens for power down into one Cory hedgcock following him around London Tennessee Service transport incorporated as PF performance systems easygo golf carts BMF Eagle Racing for power for him and the final car the kid out of Georgia rencon Georgia’s Hayden Cowan Supply Chain management wise Forest Products Edwards interior Graphics rocket with Clemens power all right Tren Aly wrapping up his time he’ll be seventh quick out a 16130 hedgcock coming to complete his second lap he will move move up to eighth with a 16174 and Cowan goes 10th quick out a 16289 Wilson still the quickest at the bunch he is he is H quick at a 1542 four more cars scheduled Ross Bells is second and blist currently sits third just a few more cars here left to go in group a this is a Ab qualifying so you split the field in half group a and they qualify against each other those two groups will make up heat races one and two and then use the other half of the field uh Group B will make up heat races three and four then from our heat races the feature will be made up the inside row will be your transfers from uh Heats one and two the outside row will be your transfers from heat three and four so a little different format same format uh generally that the Lucas old series and World of Outlaws use a little different than the traditional format where Heat 2 usually is your outside po of course we also do a redraw among heat race winners so they’ll all get to redraw after their heat race f look like’s getting a getting a second lap here so we had a inadvertent uh Interruption on the rer and he slowed apparently slowed down thinking it was a caution or appeared to so we’re giving him an extra lap there and and it pays off he goes a 16122 move moving him up to uh seven currently not bad for the uh kid that came up through sharp mini late models and such back a few years ago four cars remaining in a going to be our points leader for our ATC bolts Rookie of the Year award Jackson Heist from Bala Florida the footz factory Inc Triple Crown Trailers down to earth trailers Black Diamond chassis with H&R for power on the track first next up looks like the four car that is Caleb Fulp from Danberry North Carolina making his way around corner number two and we’ll keep both of them on so there’s two on now and two will follow both in the black car lower portion of your screen Heist up high coming around to the checkered flag the ATC bolts Rookie of the Year points leader stops the clock jaon Heist goes 11 quick at a 16271 as I say that he gets knocked down to 12th as see B goes 10th at a 1620 got two more cars since we had four cars remaining they split them up into two groups and shout out to the guys in the production trailer for getting the double box up in time and uh we’ll get two more to round out the group a qualifying here at ultimate Motorsports Park Rutherford in North Carolina is gray Parton the Parton Lumber Forest Products Renegade fuels Longhorn by WP with Clement for power on the top of the box the bottom box goes to Denver North Carolina’s Luke Mory the Metal Militia sonoko billstein Longhorn on the racetrack Parton certainly blast in corner number one I would be surprised if he’s not fast yeah look at that not quick time but a a fast time for Parton he goes fourth quick out of 15944 he will looks like stay there so he’ll go fourth quick 15944 how about my my’s going to be 15th it looks like no moves up moves up 10th lap two quick at a 16153 for Luke M Luke M 10th Cory hedgcock 11th Zack Mitchell 13th that’s some big names for that young man some interesting heat races too with those guys back like that I guess uh now the bees are coming atin Yeah Austin was um one of the the first group out remember had a flat tire or something like that all right I’m looking at him on showing not of time here so that would would make sense now he had that flat tire A lot happened in that group a qualifying um bad luck for a few guys going to obviously see like I said you’re going to have some some shakeups I think in the heat race lineup some unexpected names near the front and then some guys that are going to be having to dig out of a hole uh some of the guys that had some bad luck there Ashton Winger Carson Ferguson Austin Kirk Patrick uh didn’t neither none of those guys get in a time so have some guys charging from the the tail of these heat races coming up so we had the guy that won the last Super Late Model race a couple of weeks ago Ross Bales in group a in group b we are going to have the track record holder uh in this run James and McBride just April 20th the same weekend that Bales won the race McBride set the track record at a 15281 uh not necessarily uh looking to be down in there with a different makeup of the racetrack but the guy that’s got the record right now on the wall so the Gorsuch green flag has been something we’ve been excited to have here in the hunt the front super dirt series and will Dykes is our flagman and you just saw a quick little look and now we may get to see I think Will’s trying to get it in view yeah yeah you need to hang it out over the racetrack will hang it out toward there you go there’s the Gorsuch green flag back it up just a little towards four yep go right there there you go we’re directing over the PA and he’s here at us but will dkes another one of the uh you know young makeup of some of our officials uh from veteran age officials all the way to guys like Jack kofer and will dyes who are you know going to be the future Motorsports officiated and Shout out real quick to Gorsuch performance for uh sponsoring our green flag and being a supporter of the series and everything they do for the sport but yeah uh picking up where you what you mentioned there um good to see younger a young crop of younger people coming into the sport uh in the support roles not just as drivers we see a lot of young drivers um you know uh coming in but um really cool to see uh you mentioned Jack ker our social media public relations guy sure officially what his title is he does so many different things but uh he’s not here tonight because he is graduating college and I’m sure some point he’ll be watching not sure if he’s watching now but I’m sure if he is Jack we’re we’re proud of you happy for you congratulations and uh get back as quick as you can because I don’t like having to fill in doing social media so need we need need you back the boss wants you back hurry up you graduated now you’re done with it you made your walk across get the uh diploma and come on out Jack kofer such a fun young man and I mentioned Logan Gibson our producer director and all the crew that uh make up uh you know the things that Folks at home uh get to see from one side but don’t get to see them on the back side all the work they do it’s a lot that goes into it just on the series side also on the track side you know all the the folks you see running around here staff shirts and um you know from the officials on the track to the the pit stewards to the folks working the concession stands we appreciate them all and looks like we’re going to get back rolling that is the double zero Josh hen or no Rick kin excuse me uh yeah I want to say Jos I’m like that is not him yeah two D zeros kin uh from Concord North Carolina Christian Thomas will be following next the former modified star from Wake Forest North Carolina J Su his sponsor Victory Lane Oil chains Souls Automotive all right rocket with Durham for power and now got to spin off four o yep that’s kin kin looping it around just got up high these guys having some issues getting off of turn four uh have been since since hot laps all night uh slip this slick over there and those guys get up high and he look like he looped it around to maybe Keep It Off the Wall there I not sure if for sure if we got a replay of it but so that double zero spun while the other dble zero was making his way out to the racetrack yeah if looks like no harm no foul I don’t think there’s any contact here from our static cam gets in there hot trying to turn it and loop it around looks like he’s going to be good to go to get back rolling yes indeed so Josh Henry this is kin on camera the other double zero that’s out on the RAC track yeah having troubles again getting off of four SL it’s slick up there he’s not the only one we’ve seen other guys have issues getting getting off of four uh getting up way up close to the wall that’s Christian Thomas he he had trouble with it as well and then Josh Henry the uh trade champion from uh Newport Tennessee can’t Trail Trucking Piney Grove beach freezers William electric starters and alternator Savage chassis with Vic Hill on this D zero that is on camera coming out of corner number four and these guys having all kinds of issues uh with turn four over there uh but Thomas able to go quick in that group with a 16441 uh cooking goes a 1613 and Henry goes 17 217 so that’s your uh first three from Group B again this is a a fresh group these guys are qualifying against each other and this will set the lineups for heat races tonight’s third and fourth heat race oh we’re going to see some good stuff here Bose slay Milton Florida the three trade Consultants Randy poke Holmes Jason mccullers’s properties Longhorn with Jay Dickens he is on into the corner that is Bose slle coming out and we will watch him as we get ready with our next car that’s the 79 of Donald McIntosh Dawsonville Georgia Billy Hicks owned H&H Auto Sales Colman Farms Bill Stein back Double Nickel with Clemens and the final car the Wild Child Willie Milligan Roll Oak Rapids North Carolina MJ price construction MW transport East Coast Towing and and Recovery Longhorn with Mullins for milin all right looks like Thomas is still quick let’s see if Milan can get quicker actually excuse me Macintosh uh time was a little slow to catch up McIntosh goes quick quick so far in group b with a 16151 uh Thomas is still second with A 16441 and B slay third quick as so far with a 16685 well the track record holder coming up all so we know we I believe we’ve got a red flag yeah I think um we had a little bit of light rain it actually might be I think we’re going to need to do some track so you know get the track here um looks like we’ve had a little bit of rain a little bit of drizzle and might be having more of an effect on the track than was initially thought and we are switching the radar there you see it coming over the track and uh believe maybe we’re going to roll some cars out to keep uh keep the track rolled in or or not okay so those guys were already on the ramp is what it was and uh the the drop in you were talking about so we’re going to bring those guys uh uh onto the track and then back off the exit here to the track and um going to kind of wait for this drizzle to to stop get the track rolled in and uh regroup here with qualifying so I think group a is done I don’t think there’s any issues there with with Group B we’re going to have to evaluate how that’s going to be handled with the guys some guys haven’t already qualified uh and and more than half the group left to go so going to be a a bit of a break here uh look like just a light uh patch green patch on the radar coming through hopefully it moves through quick and we can get this track back rolled in and good to go I don’t think we’ll be waiting very long so y’all hang tight but we’ll get back going in a second from Ultimate Motorsports and RV Park in Ela North Carolina un thefront dotv and we’ll be back with more as you’re looking at will dkes he’ll be watching we’ll be watching him we’ll be back to Ultimate Motorsports in RV park stay with us dirt track fantasy sports is finally here introducing dirt draft the online fantasy sports app that’s the first of its kind sprint cars late models modifies midgets you name it and you can play it on dirt draft just sign up enter games draft your team and then Watch and Win points you can then redeem those points for merchand dice tickets to major events online subscriptions pay-per-views products and so much more dirt draft features over 350 games from major dirt track series and events each year you can play unlimited games for just $5.99 a month download the app today on the app store or at Google Play for free or visit dird to sign up it’s one thing to say you know everything about dirt track racing but it’s another to show the world so do it today with dirt draft it Rose from humble beginnings in the Valley of the Sun a Sprint car racer saw the need for racing shirts and now the vision of Carl corbach has resulted in Arizona sports shirts helping Racers Across America spread their message for the best customdesign shirts hoodies caps Koozies and much more go to arizonasports be part of History Arizona sport shirts the original Racing shirt [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m Steve I’m the parts outside parts sales uh Parts assembly here at uh arnhart Technology Group I’ve been with the company since 2006 uh we have a variety of components we build some stuff for Cup series on down uh that race on Sundays to um all the short track uh guys including um uh dirt asphalt um um just a a a variety of parts that those guys would use to um to build those cars yeah we have uh the tools that we have here we have a obviously we have a complete machine Center um we have engineering uh capability as well as uh in the engineering part of uh part part of the company we have access to a chassis Dyno and Chassis pull down which um is available to um anyone that wants to to to buy the time to get on it we also have our powert train Department here uh at Earnhart Technology Group where we have um person that we have leading that uh department has been here for 20 22 years has been making a pretty uh a pretty big splash in uh late model asphalt world as far as drivetrain parts and um uh he stays pretty busy with uh with that uh that end of the the company as well really seen an uptick on both sides as far as the dirt and asphalt the dirt side of it has been kind of my background for um for many years so we kind of had a good direction to go there as far as building components for for the dirt guys and then obviously uh the asphalt side was pretty well covered when when we were racing uh cup here at this shop so um we were we’re able to um you know try try to stay on The Cutting Edge of the technology of of asphalt and late model uh asphalt and dirt late model stuff so it’s been good on both sides I we we see both sides doing real well right now I’m Gaston Shey I’ve run the CNC shop here at Earnhart Technologies Group I’ve been here for 23 years in our machine shop we have seven Milling centers four turning centers and a wire EDM one of our Milling Sooners is five axis two of them are four fourth axis and one of our lathes has live tooling as well since we started here at EtG we have manufactured over 1,00 different parts mainly for racing applications we get most of our ideas for new parts from our existing customers we have guys that go to the racetrack almost every weekend talking to those customers kind of getting a a feel for for what’s needed what those guys are looking for and we work directly with some of our bigger vendors uh as and customers to to generate what we what we think will be uh ideal for the the racing world we take a lot of pride in the work that we do here um all the guys on the floor have Motorsports background whether it be drag racing sport bike racing uh dirt track racing you name it and those those guys take a lot of pride in their work and have passion for what they do you can see it in the quality that that they uh we turn [Music] out your replay right here right in front of Chris Cheek and Chris Cheek has to get on the binders and nowhere for Travis harp to go that was a pretty good lick for Hicks


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