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Eric Bischoff reflects on what this means for the legacy of Vince McMahon

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yeah this uh this young woman had a a really rough go of it man and you know we’d be remiss if we didn’t say that there had been rumors and Whispers for years and years but I have to be honest I always just sort of chalk that up to like you would hear a professional athlete who maybe was unfaithful on the road sort of thing and and I know there’s been a lot of talk about that in the wrestling business but I reconciled it in my mind at the time hey well cheating is not a crime but goodness gracious what we read was not only criminal but vile and horrific and Beyond the scope of anything that I think most of us could have ever imagined I mean if you read Vince’s Playboy interview you know his attitude towards some of this um that was revealed 20 years ago and he’s had that other lawsuit hanging around for like 40 years ago that I guess settled last year and and and we know that there were there was over $12 million where where he made settlements so it would be silly for us to say that this is the only issue I mean where did the rest of this money go she only got a million and I guess she’s suing because she didn’t get the rest of her three million as and now you got to think she’s going to receive some punitive damages if this goes to a jury or whatever but she’s probably going to be getting a lot more than two more at this point uh but more importantly I think you hit on something there it’s all the other people that are being that have been affected not necessarily just other victims in the traditional sense of the word not diminishing what their experience was at all I’m glad that this victim I’m not going to say their name but she brought it forward it was very brave for her to not only have this filed publicly and not withhold her name but also go ahead and share all the details and it’s set a precedent because a lot of times when a lawsuit like this comes out they don’t they don’t issue so many quite so many details but we saw that happen with p didy a few months ago and that thing was settled very quickly I don’t know if that’s what this will wind up being but there were a lot of other people that were affected in a negative way I can’t imagine having my grandkids read that about me but Vincent man’s a grandfather you know both Stephanie and Shane have children and they’re going to read that and his wife’s going to read that and his daughter’s going to read that and this is a guy who was a billionaire and at some point you have enough money where you don’t have to worry about running out you can do what you want every day until you die sort of thing Vince has been there for a long time I gotta think part of the reason he stayed in the game so long is he liked the action and he liked working but he was trying to build some sort of a legacy and I think we both know how he feels about his dad and his grandfather and man I don’t know a way that the McMahon name can’t sort of be whitewashed as much as you can from WWE history now because that’s what should happen but that this is just an ending I don’t think any of us could have ever predicted no no and you’re right that’s the that and when I you know I was talking earlier about the innocent people I was speaking specifically immediate family Stephanie Shane the grand kids who I I think I’ve met him but very very briefly uh Paul and and Stephanie’s kids but I mean they’re gonna go to school what is Shane’s son is a freshman I think in college yeah he’s in college yeah he’s gonna show up at he’s he had to show up to school knowing that everybody has read or most have read about his grandfather how do you react to that how does a a young man how does a young man react to that and the daughters or the granddaughters it’s like the name mcmah I think you know it’s he’s going to be right there with Chris benois in the minds of a lot of people it’ll be a name not to be mentioned the way things look at this point and look I was I fought with Vince I battled with him I did everything I could to undermine him but at the end of it all I respected the guy that beat my ass because that’s what Fighters do if somebody’s good enough to beat me at something you’ve got to respect their abilities and even for me this is difficult I can’t even imagine what it’s like for for the kids and the grandkids it’s just disgusting and the the name you talked about it and you go into Vince’s office and he’s got a picture of his dad and his grandfather and newspaper articles from you know things that his father accomplished and his grandfather accomplished and gone dark closet stick it in a box and hide it nobody wants to be reminded anymore was it just today they wiped him off they WIP Vince man off the WWE and TKO corporate website he’s he didn’t exist starting today and that’s not going to change nobody’s going to change their mind Harvey Weinstein’s not going to get an award for anything you know what I mean he’s done nobody nobody nobody wants to be seen having dinner with Harvey Weinstein whenever that happens if it ever happens and that’s the same fate but it’s it was self-inflicted it was self-inflicted nobody did it to him Brett remember Brett screwed Brett well Vince screwed Brett Vince it’s just it’s I don’t even want to say that that’s how bad it is it’s all uncomfortable and awkward and I guess we should just be honest we uh you and I are are out of our comfort zone talking about sexual abuse we’re used to getting on here and making fun of Brutus the Barbera Beefcake and honky Tong man this is yeah let’s get back to that come on please but I feel like you know we need to have the conversation because it is going to have a lot of implications I mean I’m not I’m not borrowing trouble here or wishing for the worst but I am trying to be realistic never have I ever seen the word traffic used in a civil lawsuit never have I ever heard about the feds raiding someone’s house for a civil lawsuit I’m saying all that to say that’s all been acknowledged that the feds went to Vince’s house looking for stuff and the word TR traffic being used here and the details within make me wonder if this is the first of multiple shoes to drop along the way there’s a lot of collateral damage with real people with real families unfortunately Johnny laurenitis is detailed as doing some awful things he got the hatchet immediately when this rumor first popped up back in the summer of 2022 the details were withheld but Vince was still brought back Johnny was shown the door and all of that is now going to be investigated as a reminder Johnny laius’s wife has had some health challenges and now she’s reading this and when you think about how tied in he and his family are to pro wrestling whether it’s by marriage or by Blood it’s just not good for wrestling and awful for the laurentis family specifically his wife well this is and again I want to kind of get off how horrible this is because it’s just the more we talk about it the worse I feel but on the business side of things boy are we gonna get a good look at what Ari Emanuel is all about and Nick Khan it’s one thing to go out and do deals massive deals it’s another thing to take over a company in the worst crisis of probably any crisis management team in Los Angeles or New York has ever had to deal with this is right up there I mean this is this is worse than Harvey Weinstein in in many respects um I don’t even know how you could judge it I guess that was a stupid thing for me to say so I wish I could take a back but I won’t or I can’t but two years ago or three years ago whatever it was Ari Emanuel would have probably chuckled at the idea that he was going to be in the wrestling business someday no doubt Nick KH probably didn’t have any idea six or seven or eight years ago when he was rocking and rolling in Hollywood that he would be who he is today in the wrestling business these people are new to the game yes and oh by the way look what we just inherited so we’re going to find out what they’re all about


  1. The thing nobody is talking about is probably worst…
    Remember WWE has a "Hidden Vault" & with The McMahon's gone…The shit is definitely going to hit the fan! 😐

  2. Vince ruined WCW then WWF. Think about it. Thanks to him, there were only like 10-15 good years of pro wrestling.

  3. Wonder if we are gonna have more dirt on Hulk Hogan now? Brother Love or Corney? I think it’s time for TKO to dismantle the WWE and rebuild something new.
    Has Ashley Massaro been vindicated? People talk about Savage locking Liz in a room what about his alleged sexual assault on Stephanie McMahon who at the time was under age? Who was the victim and the predator there?
    WWE/WWF/WWWF has been tarnished for ever. It’s time that it be disbanded and made a new.
    Might bring in Eric Bishoff and bring back WCW as an example of what could be done. I think Linda McMahon is just as guilty protecting the business the money. Don’t be surprised if there is a legal divorce and she gets everything to protect the money. It’s probably why Vince sold when he did.

  4. Anyone, (especially men) that just automatically assume guilt without evidence is just pathetic. Just wait till the day this happens to you. Yes, there is a good chance Vince is guilty, but I refuse to just jump on the bandwagon and try to destroy someones life. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

  5. Boo hoo poor little Shane McMahon jr has to go to a totally expensive college and have to listen to what his grandfather did.. these grandkids don't care all they know is that they're set for life with money

  6. Unfortunately Conrad went through Similiar with Ric Flair being his kids grandfather and all of the crazy things Ric did in his career.

  7. What was his legacy before? Making all his wrestlers shoot upnstaroids with him? Or Cris Benoit killing his family because of CTE or was it screwing a man over on primetime TV with Brett Hart? What is his legacy? How about all the gay rape that he knew aboit and probably was a part of. Or maybe his legacy could be about ALL the wrestlers that killed themselves. Hmm

  8. I am a Benoit fan, and am able to separate the man whom he became from the performer.

    I know that I am going to get "thumbs downed" and flamed into oblivion for this, but I feel like this is worse than the Benoit situation.

    The difference being, Vince could have stopped at any time, but his money, ego, and power made him feel untouchable.

    Benoit completely lost his mind that fateful weekend, and I have always felt that what he did was in the heat of the moment due to his mental state, and couldn't have been prevented (since it all happened so fast).

    The immediate parties involved will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, as opposed to the Benoit family, where they may forever Rest in Peace as the immediate ones involved were gone as that weekend happened.

    That last paragraph didn't quite come out as I had hoped, but I'm sure you still get my point.

  9. Why is it, rich men can't seem to keep it in their pants or wives only? Geeze. Not to mention they have the weirdest fetishes. Fecal matter Vince? Really? Eww.

  10. Karma ….years of screwing people and screwing people over has come back to bite old Vinnie Mac.

  11. All these guys shoot on each other.
    Hard to believe any of them.😮
    Wrestling is entertaining, but, has a dark behind the scenes.

  12. The young lady is going to own Mcmahan he's not above the law and most likely prison is in his future what a evil creep… I could see Mcmahan doing this looking back at his perverted story lines that he created through out the years… He wanted a relationship with his daughter, and other WWE divas… Linda is smart to leave Vince, and I understand Shane wants nothing to do with Vince… He destroyed his families legacy and there will be no more hall of fame wrestlers the WWE is over actually WCW, NWA, and the AWA were a much better product then the WWE…Most likely other women will come forward and testify that they were treated badly also…

  13. I don’t know how those twins can consider him as a dad stepdad they’re gone though grown young women, Bella, twins ❤❤❤

  14. Hard to grasp how a guy who built the largest wrestling empire in history, who's now in his 70s and a billionaire, is doing scat sex and sexually abusing a woman with didos he named after WWE wrestlers. Also, trafficking a woman to have sex with other men. Just crazy.

  15. "Sit by the river long enough and the bodies of your enemies will eventually float by." – Sun Tzu

  16. In hindsight happy Bret just walked away from the door when he heard Nails choking Vince to death😂if only damn it you know Nails would’ve done it too if they didn’t pull him off.

  17. Stephanie and Shane McMahon made their own legacy and they can use their last name. Vince McMahon is a whole adult,he didn't create WWE, Stephanie and Shane were just as much a huge part of WWE getting huge in the 90's. I will not accept Shane or Stephanie McMahon slander. Screw Vince. Leave them out of this.

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