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How To Generate 2000 Watts πŸ”₯πŸ’¨ Ft. Justin & Cory Williams

This week on Making You Faster we catch up with Justin and Cory Williams of Williams Racing Development, the organization behind the US’ top criterium teams L39ION of Los Angeles, the Miami B1AZERS, and the Austin Outlaws. We talk bike racing, the differences between the 454 NSW and 404 Firecrest in a criterium scenario, what type of PSI you’d run in a crit, and we get a peek at the brothers’ vision for the future of American cycling. Clip in and spin up with us on this week’s episode of Making You Faster!

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#ZippSpeed #JustinWilliams #CoryWilliams #L39ION #MiamiBlazers

hey what’s up sports fans Chaz here we are at the Red Bull headquarters in Santa Monica and today we are going to hang out with The Williams Brothers Justin Williams of legion of Los Angeles and Cory Williams newly of the Miami Blazers we’re going to check in with them and see what wheels and tires they’re going to race for the 2024 season we’re going to see what makes them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] faster we’re a Red Bull and you know what that means William what’s good what’s going on today chilling going out for a little ride nothing crazy little hour and a half say crazy but you got this man saying the next to so it may get a little he he got the fat tires on the fat tires on so that’s going to slow him down wait not that type of ride it always turns into that type of ride but it’s not supposed to be that type of ride so we going to keep Cory off the front we’re going to keep Andrew off the front front so you don’t make Dante you sprint if you do a Sprint everybody follows it’s like I hear the shifters like Dr drop Dr make Dante ride the front the whole time n temp no no no no no we going toide we don’t want to go that slow you didn’t hear it at first my man what’s good what’s up hanging out I want to ask you so many questions about the upcoming season but I think the most important thing is what is up with these kcks dude I have never seen cycling shoes to look like that hey man you know I had a a custom painter you know hook me up with some uh cool paint J it is flying all right second big question what’s up with this new team what’s good new team man you know I got to get me a national champion jersey this one is uh out of out of date you know what I mean you got to reup got to keep it fresh got to reup got to keep it fresh but yeah new team uh super excited about the new opportunities all right once we’re cruising I’m going to ask you a little about the bike cuz this is a new bike for you right same Wheels uh-huh same Wheels stay true say I say true but you know I need me some 858 stu okay I’m going to talk to a guy about that but right now we’re about to leave on this ride y yell at us all right I’ll catch you out there thanks my dude y look intimidating right now for wait what I heard this was a group ride but someone said they’re going to I’m trying to get the whole shot all right here we are with The Williams Brothers Justin accor what is good my guys what’s up what’s up what’s chilling for 2024 what’s some what’s up what’s some big changes on the horizon Big Dreams a lot of excitement as far as like what we’re doing with the team and what we’re trying to accomplish as a as a company and as a unit I continue to elevate the sport creating some uh friendly competition amongst amongst Brothers friendly about that Cory’s been on Legion since the Inception now you moved over to Miami Blazers what’s that going to be like racing brother to brother you know yeah our whole lives We Grown Up competing against each other so it’s not going to be anything new yeah it’s not going to be new and I think it’s going to be exciting just because like Cory has a different style and I have a different style and so of like leadership and of like how kind of how we race and so we’re going to be able to really put that to the test with the teams that we built around each until we got a lot of the best guys and girls you do let’s talk about the wheels you’re on really quick Cory you’re on the 404 fire Crest and Justin you’re on the 454 nsw these are both top tier zip Wheels what’s the difference that’s a good question you know I I I kind of feel like a there’s a little bit of a difference there what feels difference from a racer standpoint someone that spent the hours on the saddle your butts are finally tuned to feel the difference what’s good I feel like the the 404s are a little bit more stiff than the 454s AG but also the 454s handle a lot better in the wind ie def definitely and what makes you make that choice in terms of like a racer if you’re going to do a crit on a 454 or a 404 I think it just depends on the course and what you’re trying to get out of it I think having both Wheels is like it’s the best case scenario obviously like you can’t if you can’t afford both Wheels you got to figure out what kind of racing you’re going to do 404 for criteriums I think you’ll get like a a bit more consistency out of the racing and I think the four 54 for road racing and for longer rides comes in a lot really handy for me how come you don’t race Criterion I’m trying well one reason cuz look at who I’d have to race against what Haden was is I just don’t want to race against these dudes are you interested though yes uh no cuz I don’t want to get beat on some real talk though what kind of what kind of peak numbers are you putting out when you’re hitting the Sprint wwise Brent uh it just depends when you’re actually racing uh the the peak watchs are going to be a bit lower and it’s more about your like five and 10 second Watts like from a sand still I can do maybe 2,000 Watts okay yeah me too totally totally I got that no big deal you’re 100 m out like 500 M out the in the race do the watt numbers change like when do you hit peek how long are you are you peeking for yeah so I’m always trying you usually peak in the snap so like maybe a third fourth fifth pedal stroke is where you’re going to get that Peak uh and then it’s going to drop kind of and then it’s going to like plateau and then you should plateau and race if we have if I have a good lead out I’ll probably peek at like 15 or, 1600 watts and then I’ll probably drop down to 13 or, 1400 Watts for that 10 seconds but so much of it is not about the Watts it’s about the positioning and putting yourself there like what do you think I honestly think none of it is about the peak Watts if you can do great Watts if you can do like decent Watts like Cory wins races off with 12200 Watts that’s wild and there’s there’s fools that are easily able to dump 15,600 and he’s still smoking them it’s like a pretty common number it’s more about you know it’s about your form it’s like understanding the body mechanics of like once you get up to speed wanting to drop down and get out the wind it’s about positioning and it’s about knowing how to take runs and knowing how to take runs is probably the one thing that I don’t see even in big races what does that mean though so like as someone who doesn’t really understand a lot about the the details of it what does it mean to take a run in a Criterion Race So taking a run is basically like giving the guy in front of you or the person in front of you some space not a ton of space two three bike lengths yeah and then timing it so you run into the draft and then you hit you get into the draft you have a bunch of you carry a bunch of momentum and then you want to time it with where you want to go from where you want to reach max speed at and then where the finish line is and this is all at 30 plus milph with you’re talking about doing a lot of math right now in your head but these are all like basically split-second decisions practice makes perfect practice makes 10,000 hours right 10,000 hours so Cory you just we just dropped the whole group right I really didn’t you know I was stirred up to climb but I’ll take that all right I feel you okay can you run me down what you’re riding this year with the Miami Blazers what’s good so I’m on the Arrow Road uh super super aerobike uh super stiff super fast components wise uh what are you running what do you got going on shifting so I’m on uh tramar red I have a 52 front ring one by just a one by just a one by why one by what’s up with that if I need the inside ring I’m going too slow for the crits right yeah exactly even for some of the road races right uh we got a 3310 back here and then I’m on the the 404s so Tire sizewise you’ve been Racing for you know multiple decades what size tire did you start racing on I started racing on I think they had uh 21.5 I was on 21.5 with 120 PSI in the wild style so what do you got to go on now I’m on 28s now everything with us is about turning right so like the more comfortable you are in turns the the better you’re going to perform you know all right sick thanks for bring me the rundown Cory Williams with Miami Blazers thanks my dude all right my dude new bike 2024 what is Legion is this is Legion or is this just you this is Legion this is Legion so yeah new bike 2024 what’s going on walk me through it man genuinely feel like I can win a lot of races on it when you jump on a bike and you’re like oh yeah like we’re going to win a lot Mak feel fast makes you feel fast I went up to a 54 the bike’s so fast I was like oh man like I was riding a 2 I was like you know what let’s go to the 54 the bikes feel fast enough I I really want to touch on people think that the Big Chain ring is just so you have a big sprint gear but I the professionals always tell me it’s more about position in the cassette well can you walk me through that okay so you want a bigger gear uh gear in the front more for a few reasons like I’m sprinting like 1413 uh it just better chain alignment so it’s like less cross chain when you’re sprinting one two it’s more efficient because the chain is like it’s less tight as you’re as it’s going through your the the cost all the pul and everything if you’re all the way down it it sucks deep it’s like a tighter so like look at how big that that circle is here when you’re lower it’s a tighter t uh Circle and so that that creates less efficiency so that’s the kind of stuff that we’re thinking about especially those 1% as we start to get into Race season you got these guys on how do they feel walk me through the wheel setup as of right now 4 five uh 454s I really love these wheels I’ve grown to love these wheels a lot on the PLL uh P zer they’re great like they roll rolling resistance is fantastic uh the wheel handles like really good decent stiffness yeah it’s just like a Good allaround Wheel we use it for everything and because we’re traveling so much it’s like our trusty Dusty like can do everything climbs Sprints does everything well when you run tubas do you feel like it affects the handling of the bike yeah no tubet are tubet are great especially for traveling like it’s like you it it gives you a sense of security like when you’re riding and you’re racing when we’re on the road uh if if anything goes wrong if you get a if something goes in the tire like as long as it’s like pretty small it won’t affect what you’re doing there’s a lot of pluses to it I feel like in a straight line there is like it rolls really fast again momentum the momentum it feels it almost feels like it’s a like a it feels like you’re on like a cloud I was thinking at in my head and like the way I say like it’s saying it out loud but it kind of just feels like it carries really well so I do like tuers for those straight line fantastic feels really great uh and then the tire pressure selections and stuff it’s like you can create when I was younger we would uh run higher tire pressures PS 120 I ran 140 when I was a kid crazy on like 21 tires on these tires and like the gaps were bigger right so You’ go one like 120 110 190 was the range dude the range with these tires is so much more fine so you can feel the difference between like 3 four PSI almost like cyc crft style exactly so now I have like this little digital reader that shows okay like maybe I want to run like 63 in the front maybe 655 in the back like those little details are so much more important and you can really fine-tune like how you want to either Corner depending on the cores if you want it to be a little bit harder cuz you’re it’s like it’s more straightaway like four corner pretty simple you could really start to play around with that and tubul has made that possible one last question what’s that mean what’s up a 10 10 these are this undefeated uh 10 uh 10 National Championship it’s 12 now but I like I like the 10 looks good it looks good thanks my dude all right so we just got done hanging out at the Red Bull center with uh Corey of the Miami Blazers I almost said Legion but of the Miami blazers at the jerseys cuz you know boom we ain’t got new jerseys yet you know what I mean it’s going to happen though so thank you Cory for walking me through make sure to follow the Blazers make sure to follow Cory make sure to like And subscribe for now this is Cory and Chaz making you faster boom


  1. go to europe or shut up. no one cares about some pay-to-play office park shit. These guys in particular are so full of themselves to be accomplishing LITERALLY nothing. I dont care

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