We Travelled to LOWOOD GOLF CLUB

Can we break 100 at Lowood golf club

Designed by Tom Southcombe

An old farm house turned club house opened 28th of April 1963

right welcome back [Music] [Music] all right here we go Hall one par 4 380 M basically straight down the straight down the Fairway the Fairway there all right don’t know why but for some reason some unknown reason I was nervous as hell on that shot um yeah we duffed that probably only rolled about 150 M so we’ve still got a fair while to go so hopefully we can make up some ground on this shop right she hung out to the right a bit on that so we’ve got a bit of work to do unfortunately um yeah not the best start trying to uh tackle Lo so just for those that might not have seen it you come into the video a bit late we’ve traveled out to lowwood golf course um oh my lordy and today we’re trying to uh see if we can break 100 at lowwood um little Country Town Little Country course so fingers crossed we can uh come up with the goods and I haven’t started well at all I’m about to have my third shot and I’m still a little while out and I’m got to go under these trees all right got the hybrid try keep one low here there’s a bank on the left hand side of the green uh I’m going to try and get it to that if I can uh and then hopefully it should trickle down onto the green if I can get it there right it didn’t quite go to plan we ended up right hand side just in front of the bunkers I think I’m not warmed up enough to take a shot out of the bunkers yet so I’m kind of praying we didn’t make it to the bunker right this is where we ended up it’s a green up there so I’m going to have to go up over this bunker onto the green who fortunately we rolled off the back unfortunately unfortunately so what’s that one to there two to there three to there four to there so we haven’t started very well but it’s not about how you start it’s about how you finish so hopefully we can finish better than we started right so that was a six a six on the start but it’s all right it’s the first hole we can come good I’m sure of it all right next hole hole two path three uh 150 M across the driveway and across the pond so as you can see it’s the pond there just on the other side of that is the driveway in where we came in and then the holes on the other side of that looks like we’re going to be into the wind on this one so might have to Club up a little bit right so 150 is normally roughly about a 99 for me um because we’re going into the wind we’re going to go I’m going to go to a soft eight and see how we go the wind’s died off now so I probably should change but we’re going to stick with it there right not exactly sure where that went I think I might be short um front right hand side maybe couldn’t really uh couldn’t really tell but I guess we’ll see when we get down there right so we didn’t even come close we didn’t even come close to uh didn’t even come close to the green unfortunately we’re probably about oh 20 M 25 M short um so I probably took that a bit too soft but the flag is right at the front we’re on a bit of a we’re on a bit of a tilt here might go side on the flag is right at the front so I’m going to try and pop it into this front this front Hill and hopefully we can stop it right there oh we took a bit of a hop to the to the left took a bit of a hop to the left so we got a bit of work to do unfortunately with that um to try and save a PA I don’t like my chances all right here we go right so we hit this front bank here and we took a bit of a hop to the left so we’ve got a bit of a nasty left to right brake and it is uphill so good luck oh all day baby all day right so we fought back pretty well there um ended up with a uh ended up with a par so that’s good we’re we’re back on track after that first hole so let’s get onto it now hole three right Bad news I’ve lost my uh I’ve lost my scorecard I looked down at the steering wheel then to grab it and it’s not there it’s gone so it must have must have bounced out so I’m going to have to try and remember it so six on the first hole power on the second hole we’re on the third hole now right not sure if you can see that from where we are but hole three um par4 334 M the hole is called the curve so we’re going to try and fly these trees here in front of us and just land on the other side of the Fairway cuz it’s a bit of a dog leg right so oh man all right so we mishit that we got no distance and it had a wicked curl to the right so it’s not a good start again but shake off the rust all right so we didn’t quite get onto that at all um we’re about 150 out I’m on the opposite Fairway uh I’m going to have to go probably under these trees up here in front of us and try to get it down to as front as close to the front as the green as I can I think is going to be the best play I don’t think going up is going to be an option cuz I got to get a lot of height right that actually worked out okay I mean it was it was along the ground it was probably half a foot off the ground um but unfortunately I probably just didn’t swing mean I didn’t want to swing too hard cuz the harder you swing it’s going to get your ball up in the air so I was trying to come down and through without like rotating on my h on my wrists but yeah we didn’t get all the way through we didn’t get up as close as we wanted but if I can get this on we’re we’re still in a good spot for a par damn it a damn damn damn good swing good contact good everything it just didn’t we just didn’t get there we just didn’t give it enough had the right Club I was just just not hard enough that’s what what it basically comes down to so we’ve got to get this very very very close to try and save save a bogey here want anything worse than a bogey come back down come back down right I was hoping that I could roll it up onto the hill just behind the hole and gravity would bring it back down but unfortunately that didn’t happen far wow now it rolls out oh my goodness well should we talk about that or should we just slightly ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen one out to there two to there three 4 7 wow right so we’ve gone six 3 7 on a whole four whole 4 power4 285 M basically straight down the pipe so let’s try and keep one in the Fairway it is a it is a short par4 we could probably go for it but I’m not going to just going to play so hopefully that’s the play that’s the plan right well theoretically you couldn’t get much safer than that stayed on the ground going a million mph um and we rolled probably just fast down past the 150 marker probably we’re probably about 120 out so we did hit it like a rocket but we got no lift whatsoever she was definitely along the ground the good thing is I’m on the left hand side of this Fairway now is what I’ve seen so far left hand side of this Fairway is where you want to be right hand side there’s a bunker at the front so you kind of want to play to the left and hope that it trickles down into the flag itself right we are not playing well at all we are going to struggle I think we’re in the struggle Street M hit that again come off the bottom fat pushed it left way left there it is there there’s the boundary fence right there we’re close to being out so right now what are we going to do here damn left it short man left it short I would say that this is a fairly easy course but today it’s winning so far I need to find my stride cuz at the moment the course is kicking my ass right one up to there two to there three to here right we’re coming on for we’re coming on for par so let’s try and get it in or close oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby that is what I am talking about we got that oh Jesus we got that pretty close probably I’m going to probably a to tap it in with one hand that’s how close it is imagine if I missed all right so this is for bogey so I’m going to keep the camera in one hand put it in the other and bogy it is so six par s five 6 3 7 5 so what’s that that’s four holes that could probably be this video I reckon all right so let’s wrap it up lowwood Golf Course we’ve just done the first four holes we’re going to continue on and keep going we’re going to keep recording but thanks everybody for watching I appreciate it and and I will catch everybody 1 2 3 4 I’ll catch you all on the fifth


  1. stop touching your ball before you hit it. You arent doing yourself any favors. Play it as it lies friend.

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