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Josh Allen reportedly ‘snapped’ at Stefon Diggs after loss to Jets | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Mike Florio and Chris Simms weigh in on why the Bills reporter didn’t put that information out during the season and question what could have prompted the interaction between Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs. #ProFootballTalk #NFL #BuffaloBills #StafonDiggs
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Josh Allen reportedly ‘snapped’ at Stefon Diggs after loss to Jets | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

okay uh a little more on the aftermath of Diggs and Josh Allen and you know our our our and this I tread lightly because our whole thing was sparked by my belief that there should have been times when Josh Allen yeah yeah yeah took charge of the relationship and apparently apparently something did happen that we didn’t know about at the time Tim Graham who has covered the bills forever has a podcast named Tim Graham and Friends here is Graham from that podcast talking about the scene in the bills locker room after they lost that Monday night game to the Jets where the Jets lost Aaron Rogers on the fourth snap it was Zach Wilson it looked like the bills would win easily the bills overtime right here’s and multiple turnovers from Allen here’s Graham on the scene in the locker room after that 22 to6 loss and Josh Allen was sitting there in full uniform form with Kyle Allen trying to console him and a stream of players coming up patting him on the back dapping him up you know they were trying to pick the guy up he had a towel draped over his head and he just sat there one thing I didn’t include in the story was Stefan Diggs coming up to him after the game and I didn’t include it I think because I as I recall I didn’t include it because I didn’t know what Stefan dig said to him but Josh Allen snapped at him and he said it’s one game and kind of Jeet mention motioned like I’m not talking to you here and Diggs walked away and John and Josh was sat there maybe Stefan Diggs was saying something nice to him and he was just but he didn’t snap at anybody else a a a stream of players were coming over you know popping him on the shoulder pads I think or back patting him on the back or you know whatever like I said dapping him up hey man we’ll get him next week and whatever Stefan dig said to him Josh Allen wasn’t having it okay I understand Tim Graham’s explanation as stated for why he didn’t include that in his story after week one I reject it frankly and it’s not a criticism of him it’s a reality of being someone who covers a team that’s the kind of thing that if you write that week one the rest of your season is not going to be easy because the rest of your season you’re relying Upon a says from the team the team is going to be pissed off that you put that out there and started something that they don’t need we’re coming off of this loss we don’t need you shining a light on the fact that Josh Allen said to Stefan digs snapped at Stefan Diggs it’s one effing game I don’t care if you didn’t hear what Stefan Diggs said you heard what Josh Allen said how’s that not newsworthy how does that get buried here’s how it gets buried if you’re going to cover a team and I’m not saying it’s right I’m just saying it is if you’re going to cover a team and you need access to that team you are not going to gratuitously or unnecessary or even or even like you know NE you’re just going to you’re going to you’re going to exercise discretion sure at times yeah because you don’t want your life to be harder because you’re the who stirred up Stefan Diggs getting snapped at by Josh Allen and that consumed the balance of a short week going into a week two game that they had to win after losing on Monday night that’s the explanation that he’s not going to give but I’ll give it for because it would apply to any beat writer in that circumstance cuz why wouldn’t you report that why wouldn’t you report that if you witnessed it yeah listen it’s it’s you know survival it’s c what however you want to describe it we’ve all been there we’ve all done it we’ve all been a part of it it’s a tough one yeah oh yeah you’re going to release something that you know is going to be a crap storm and it’s about the two most famous people on the football team and yeah your life is dependent on the access to that football team and of course talking to those two guys and having a relationship with them gets you the most reads clicks whatever so yeah you’re right he made it a business decision I have a hard time thinking he’s the only guy in the locker room that heard Josh Allen probably snap at Stefon digs there’s probably other beat reporters that didn’t report it either right I I I mean I I would think you know usually it’s not just one guy by himself hanging around the locker room in that instance right but uh yeah again it it goes back and I’m not trying to start the I want to I want to take the aloop from Tim and get on you go boom don’t darn you see he did yell at him right and have fun but uh I’m not shocked to hear that that that listen I’m sure it’s not the only time he snapped at Stefon Diggs or Stefon digs snapped at him with those two personalities and who they are and how intense they are about the sport I wasn’t shocked to to hear that once that came out this weekend or Friday it was I think and there really aren’t many things that Stefan digs could have said to prompt that response it’s not some great mystery right I doubt that it was some unreasonable reaction from Josh Allen to something innocuous this stream of wellwishers is coming over to make Josh Allen feel better as he’s depressed in his locker I don’t think Stefan Diggs just said the same thing everybody else was saying and he picked Stefan Diggs to blow a gaset digs Diggs had to have said something see see what I’m talking about this is exactly what I’m talking about right something along those lines like this dorsy guy or whatever whatever it is that was up his butt about the way the team is failing to get to where it needs to be manifests itself in a week one loss to the Jets a game they should have won easily once Aaron Rogers gets injured Diggs made some snarky comment Diggs made some observation that reinforced whatever he believed about the organization and that’s what brought the Josh Allen to respond I think Common Sense allows us come to that conclusion and here’s why it comes out now see and again I don’t want to get Crossways with Tim Graham I’ve known him for a long time I haven’t talked to him in a while but it comes out now because it fits the agenda the bills are trying to sell Stefan Diggs bad like what Stefan Diggs did something to get Josh Allen to yell at him this is a moment where they’re trying to get Bill’s fans who are distraught about the departure of Stefan Diggs they’re not happy they don’t understand it why did we do this why are we doing this this is part of getting everybody on board Stefan Diggs was causing trouble while he’s here causing trouble we don’t want to shine a light on it now that he’s gone we want everybody to know he was a troublemaker yeah I I I think so I think you you’re you’re probably right about that assessment we don’t know Josh Allen’s not been one to snap at anybody or be that kind of guy with other people you know Josh Allen we know is extremely extremely hard on himself right I mean remember the press conference after that game he was sitting there in the shoulder pads he was mad same I think he said same different you know year something like that sorry London right maybe that’s maybe that’s what d thingss had said to him maybe he got mad at Diggs and then stole his line maybe I was thinking he was literally saying same bleep different year he was talking about him that that did cross my mind when I heard this just like like here we are again you know tough loss I ended last year this guy was in my face and in my ear talking about the Bengals loss and now here we are you know this year or me you know and he’s given it to me again I I don’t know but obviously there was there was frustration there and I think it goes back to how we started this conversation Mike you talked about Houston they wanted they wanted Diggs there to get this started and get it going and on the other side of that coin was Buffalo going wait we’re about to start our offseason program and we don’t want you here and we don’t want our players answering questions and that’s why the deal wasn’t great for Buffalo I think the Houston Texans knew that they took advantage of it they obviously know Diggs wanted him out Buffalo wanted Diggs out it was over and therefore that’s why it looks like fleeced them with this this whole deal in general and I just you know as we’re talking about it we we know there was a lot of other things to play here I still think it would have been better for the bills to wait until after the draft they could have finessed their way through the first couple of weeks of the offseason program because it’s not there’s not a lot going on it’s weightlifting it’s running it’s cardio it’s meetings get through two weeks unload digs after you draft a receiver or two or three without teams realizing hey the bills are all over receivers in this draft and Diggs can’t be upset about his targets or his catches in week one he had 13 targets for 10 catches 102 yards one of his few 100 yard games although he had five in the first six and none after that 102 receiving yards and a touchdown in that loss to the Jets so who knows what it was but it surely was something something consistent with things Diggs has said in the past to get Josh Allen to react that way and I’m glad to know he reacted that way I like knowing that I like knowing that the quarterback was trying to take charge of the relationship and maybe that’s one of the reasons why they finally gave up on it we want the quarterback to be the leader of the team we don’t want anyone to get in the way of Josh Allen leading the team and then Stefan Diggs was in the way of that happening I think so I mean at least from their side of the side of the story right that that seems to be the perceived notion there you know and and and I I feel like just knowing from people around the league that bu feels like they did everything to try to make sure this relationship worked did well whatever now I’m sure Stefon Diggs won’t totally agree with that and like we talked about last week with the last year’s OTAs and him leaving the building I’m I’m sure Buffalo is at fault to a degree as well with some of the things they said they told him to leave yeah right I mean it’s so that you’re exactly right I mean that’s not a delicate phrase for sure uh but either way I think both sides we know we’re we’re sick of each other and uh that led to buffalo getting him out of there in a hurry and and for less than he’s worth that’s for sure see this is the kind of thing where when something like that happens and we apply our experience and Common Sense and try to project what this means for the relationship there’ll be some people out there who will say oh that’s fanfiction no it’s an effort to assess the situation and figure out what the end game is when you have a mandatory mini camp and Stefan digs is there and then he’s gone and the head coach makes it look like he’s stormed out unauthorized and nobody knows where where he is and they’re worried about him and we spent 24 hours under that cloud trying to figure out is Stefan Diggs okay what’s going on here and then they admit they told him to leave that’s the kind of thing that breaks the camels back definitely and it’s kind of amazing they found a way to hold it together for one season and not move on in hindsight you know what Chris in hindsight it would have gotten more look look at his numbers from last year no no wait do it week six sell High I mean he didn’t do much after week six he had no 100 yard games after week six his high after that was 86 yards and that was that was more aberration 34 yards 27 yards 24 yards 29 yards he had 21 in the playoff game if if you really want to sell High you trade him at the deadline you trade him at the deadline and maybe they wish after the fact that that’s what they had done well I I mean in hindsight yes but I think we got to go back to the time and at that time what were we doing whoa wobbly Jenga Tower Buffalo wo whoo right so they’re going wait we’re we’re we’re trying to survive here we’re trying to win we’re trying to you know not get knocked out of the playoffs so and you know to their credit for good job by them holding it together you know cuz like you know we got dragged a little last year cuz after that went on we kind of went it kind of seems like the writing’s on the wall that this might be the last year for Stefon digs and buffalo and people thought that was a crazy thing to think and here we are and look what happened right but yeah I mean they they obviously did a good job of trying to put their best foot forward both of them uh digs the organization to make the season work but yes once I think teams got a good good feel for how Buffalo was playing how they were attacking and this was part of I think the reason dorsy did get fired you know there just wasn’t enough there enough other answers anything there right I think teams caught on to that and then I think it feels like Joe Brady kind of took the right I’m I’m not going to just run this whole Ken dorsy thing and make it about Diggs I’m going to start we’re going to start throwing everybody I’m GNA have some plays where shakir’s the number one read and Knox is the number one read and it’s not going to be all about Diggs being the number one read and we’re going to make James Cook part of the passing offense and they kind of started to evolve from there and I would bet somewhere down the end of the season is where they started to get the confidence of we don’t need Diggs anymore look he only had 34 yards we’re on a winning streak we’re playing well the ball’s being dispersed to everybody right and and I and they’re not doubling him exactly and they’re not doubling him exactly right right so I think that probably gave them the confidence to do this the rest of the offense isn’t opening up because they’re devoting extra resources to Stefon Diggs which allows other guys to run free or beat single coverage he’s not contributing the way he used to they’re not doubling him the way they used to to this is the time to move on and I think that Bill’s fans are twisted up about it for reasons similar to what we talked about earlier with the draft I mean the the guys who produce yards touchdowns fantasy points get you over under on prop bets right those are the guys that that some fans become overly enamored with yeah and when that guy’s gone now they freak out what are we going to do what are we going to do you know what you’re going to do you’re going to find somebody else look what the Chiefs did they moved on from Tyreek Hill not that they have solved that problem but they’ve won every Super Bowl that’s been played since they moved on from Tyreek Hill so it’s about the team what’s in the best interest of the team and sometimes there can be that one guy that is just enough of a pain in the ass that upsets the apple cart and hurts the vibe and requires action to be taken to extricate that person from the situation so that everybody else can Thrive that’s the key and that’s what they’re doing that’s what the Chiefs did with with Tyreek Hill that’s what the bills did with Stefan dicks yeah I I think so I think they’re cooking like let’s let’s make it more the committee approach right let’s make sure our leader is our leader and we don’t have somebody infringing on that we know who that is Josh Allen and you know by all du accounts and I’m not saying they’re right or anything like that they feel like it was he was a distraction to their football team too so I think they’re looking at it like hey you know we’re moving on and we think we can be better you know without him now we’ll see because we know the microscope whatever the bullseye it’s all on them just like it was with the Chiefs and and and momes when Tyreek Hill left I mean like think about how many people like it’s laughable when you think about how many people went well Mahomes won’t be the same this year now without Tyreek Hill I mean really like come on laughable and you’re kind of hearing that already with the the Josh Allen and the bills and we’ll we’ll see where it goes but they obviously need some help there like said they got a draft they probably need to make a move in free agency they need to do something to bolster that room a little bit more than what they got right now I’d like to think anybody who would be inclined to say that about Josh Allen learned a lesson from Patrick Mahomes and also all due respect to Stefan Diggs Tyreek Hill is on a higher level and always has been on a higher level of course than Stefan Diggs or any other receiver in the NFL for that matter it’s not a slight at Stefan digs yes it was a bigger deal for the Chiefs to move on from Tyreek Hill than it will be for the bills to move on on from Diggs especially with his reduced production post week week six Pete is pointing out that at the end of the regular season reporters were wondering why Diggs playing time was down he was getting fewer snaps than khil Shakir and Trent sherfield in some games Josh Norman who joined the bills late remember Josh Norman star corner for the Panthers in 2015 when they made it to the Super Bowl then got got franchise tagged tag removed signed with the commanders was a starter for a while and now he’s just kind of and I respect the fact that he’s he’s taken whatever job he can wherever he can get it said Norman of Diggs he’s getting playing time he’s just taking himself out so it’s not that he’s not getting playing time he chooses to do that another little thing that comes to light must have come to light at the time it did we kind of talked about at the time a little bit we didn’t shed a lot of light on that he was doing it himself that he’s tapping out himself I don’t remember that oh you don’t I do remember this what’s the date of this tweet January early it’s it’s it’s regular end of the regular season yeah I remember a little bit we referred to it just a little we didn’t like make a segment on it but you know I I don’t know if we actually talked about it on the show or maybe we talked about it off air Norman as we know is like you just explained a footballer right he doesn’t care wait I’m 39 a team still wants me who cares I’ll go play football that’s what I do and he’s extremely real Josh Norman is not one to BS I’ve known him since he came out of college he worked out at the place I worked out at Jersey was one of the first things I ever realized about the guy whoo whatever is on this guy’s mind he will say and that’s for sure and I think there’s a little yeah inkling there into another why Buffalo is washing their hands of the situation and wants to move on by the way he’s not 39 he’s 36 I know I was joking so he still I was trying to but not not by much 59 would have been more of an effective joke 39 it made me think is he 39 has he been around that long and he and I thought he’d be like 33 he is 36 but he keeps going wherever he gets the opportunity and I I do respect that guy’s made a ton of money probably doesn’t need that extra game check here or there but loves the sport it’s the Joe flacko Dynamic hanging around and continuing to play just because he loves to play and he’s going to play like your dad said Once Upon a Time play until they rip the pads off of you because once it’s done it’s done yeah hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. The team wanted him gone for a reason. So much so they took an insane dead cap hit and was willing to get nothing in return…and give up 5th and 6th round picks to do it. Shit like that happens for a reason.

    Texans did not win this deal. They brought in a cancer. Good news…they can dump him at any time. Short leash.

  2. It's wasn't a bigger deal for the Chiefs how?.Where is Allen's Travis Kelcie or his Andy Reid at not even close.

  3. Buffalo has to pick a different scheme. What theyve been doing hasnt worked. They're able to run the ball well and then completely give up on it and expect Allen to run the show. Allen isn't that type of QB. He NEEDS to not be the center piece for every game.

  4. Should’ve been snapped on him

    Allen plays too good for a mofo to talk shit to him

  5. J Allen is a TURNOVER MACHINE that doesn't learn from past mistakes. Digg's frustration was understandable.

  6. Josh Allen plays better when he reads defenses and throws to the open receiver. He doesn’t need diggs on his back crying for the ball. Josh has elevated his game to a point where he doesn’t need diggs. The final stretch proved it. Bills need stay healthy on defense and they will be fine. They will make the playoffs as a low seed

  7. They didn't fleece the Bills. They got rid of a distraction and got a 2nd rounder for an aging regressing receiver that has now made the deal look better by negotiating a 1 year deal with Houston.

  8. lol absolute non story! Florio u sound like uv never played competitive sports. Anybody that has competed at a high level has seen this in their locker room. It’s a highly competitive atmosphere

  9. "It's only one game" but then later "same shit, different year". Maybe Diggs is upset about that second comment, they still struggle to even beat the Jets, especially when Zach is coming off the bench to play the whole game. GTFO of here with the it's just one game. This is not NBA, MLB, NHL where you can lose many game and still make the playoffs Some athletes even choose to sit out some games just because they want to and everyone is fine with it. Every game in the NFL is vital to making the playoffs because there are only 17 of them. When a star player is expected to miss even one game, it's devestating news because they really don't want to lose that one game.

  10. Crazy how other teams thinks it’s a good idea to bring obvious cancers on their team. As if it’ll be different with them. Texans, good luck.

  11. Not news worthy. A 17 min segment for something that occurs on a regular bases in life & let alone football. Tooo much football news. Cover mlb, soccer, etc or go off line till new season.

  12. I tried to tell Bills fans that this was gunna end badly ever since JA and Diggs were playing grabass, having slumber parties playing xbox all buddy buddy. That never ends well. In all aspects of life you never befriend coworkers its all bussiness. Ja's biggest weakness is hes too much of a "nice guy", he needs to get in guy faces and become more of an asshole, stop the gay ass handshakes, happy go lucky bs wanting to be liked by everyone. He needs a lil Kobe in him adopt the Mamba Mentality! Hopefully this is a lesson learned for JA were not here to make friends were here to win!

  13. Kudos to that reporter who didn’t report that immediately. Giving guys some leniency right after a game in the locker room should happen way more often.

  14. Jets won on a fluke punt return in OT after Allen threw 3 picks and Garrett Wilson made a circus one hand to catch.

  15. Let’s face facts. We need to see Josh Allen be great without stefon. Stefon was great before Josh and during his stay at bills.

  16. Mike’s usually dead on about these things (and he’s right about almost everything else he said), but while I can’t speak for all or most Bills fans, just about everyone I know was relieved to be rid of him tbh. The only issues I’ve heard anyone complain about is that they traded him to a conference rival and didn’t get any ‘24 draft capital.

    I was thrilled…I wanted him gone as soon as he started his o/s bs, and since I didn’t think he was really tradable, I was actually loudly advocating for Beane to bench him until/unless he shows he’s ready to act like a team player, and to let him tank his career stats since he wants to cause all these issues and screw the team & fans over 🤣plus it would’ve preserved his value until we were able to get him tf outta here, and I got absolutely BLASTED by NFL & Bills fans. But at least now I get to do my victory laps 😁 You can all go thru my comments, I’m quite proud of them actually cuz I absolutely nailed my predictions. I knew we weren’t going far with strife in the locker room w JA & the WR-1 he couldn’t trust, and I wish we would’ve just benched him all last szn & given young guys more experience cuz he was absolutely useless the 2nd half of the season anyways…to the point where I wondered if he was intentionally sabotaging the team & dropping passes…cuz he’s been dropping a TON of passes, and the one in the playoff game went right thru his gd hands & he didn’t even seem upset that he dropped it.
    I was so frustrated w the front office for NOT actually handling the situation after all the problems in ‘22 & just let it continue to fester & infect the locker room anyways. I’m so much happier about the direction of the team now cuz it restored a bit of my faith in Beane (whom I love) to do the right thing cuz he disappointed me w how he handled it previously. Even though we’ll prob take a step back while we unf*ck ourselves from that bad Diggs ext, at least that cancer’s out of the locker room & JA’s head, and I think we’ll be in much better shape in ‘25 than we would’ve been w Diggs.

    It’s still a great pickup for Hou too imo. Stroud is already on his way to being an elite top 5 QB imo, and Diggs will only help get him there faster…and if his production has dropped & it wasn’t intentional sabotage haha, then it’s only one season anyways and they still have a top QB on a rookie deal for 3 more seasons…can’t beat that!

  17. Whatever, Josh Allen often plays horrible in games the Bills should win and they lose. He should be held accountable, I can't believe how many games he blows. Bills fans want to pat him on the back and say it's ok? Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.

  18. If you want to avoid "fan fiction"? Spend more time in the lots with real Bills fans. Then, stick around, and spend time in the bar on Tuesday. You will never understand the "narrative", until you do. Why? Because we knew Allen snapped at Diggs: 10 minutes after it happened. See there's this thing called the internet….

    Man, I had this whole piece written out, that explains everything. It had Jim Kelly, Tim Graham, and even John Wawrow. But then I remembered: you haven't earned the right to read it. This entire video is a work of pure ignorance. As if real Bills fans, living in WNY, need Tim Graham to tell us what we already know. As if our family/friends, who have been driven out of NY via downstate buffoonery/incompetence, don't call/text us demanding info, 15 minutes after anything happens.

    Tim Graham needs no access. He works for us, not the team, not the media. His job is to settle arguments/confirm what we already know.

    The Bills are not 1 of 32 teams. This is why I suggest spending real time with our real fans. You will never understand until you do. We aren't like any other team. Green Bay is similar but not the same. Hanging out with Josh Allen for 2 hours: does not impress us. 1000s of us have already done that, and Jim Kelly, and Andre Reed. Et al.

    Either way. Access Reporting: is the wrong premise, and you won't understand why, until you follow my advice.

  19. All Vikings fans who are steeped in reality aren’t the least bit surprised that Diggs is moving on to a new team!

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