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Big Ten Transfer Portal Update | Feed The Post Podcast

The college basketball season is done, but that does not mean there isn’t anything to talk about. The transfer portal has been busy but is now closed for entry. I’ll talk about where all 18 Big Ten teams currently stand and also a bit on the Big Ten opponents being announced

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welcome back to feed the post it has been a long time since I’ve done one of these I think December might have been the last um but we are now in the kind of the midst of the transfer portal The Season’s done I kind I want to get back to this whether it be once a week once every other week going through some of the transfer breakdowns and just big 10 news in general until we do get to the season because uh college basketball is more and more becoming a 365 you know day a year type events and with the transfer portal and then there’s fresh and all that a is going to come into play at some point um just figured I come on here maybe once twice once a week once every other week talk a little bit about just kind of what’s going on so see that this is the first one since the actual season ended for me um or for college basball first time for me being able to kind of talk about this I figured I would do a little bit of a season recap um I mean it’s been it’s been a crazy month and a half being able to kind of follow Purdue throughout their Journey go actually cover the final four in person which was awesome to do um but in the midst of that I wasn’t really able to actually give my thoughts on on some of the seasons so we’ll start there won’t spend too much time spend more time on kind of the transfer portal update and then a little bit of the Big 10 team schedule but obviously we got to start with Purdue National runner up um and although there’s disappointment in that they weren’t able to actually win the championship I mean just being able to get there was was insane uh the big time win over Tennessee two go to the final four and that was the point where you really saw them actually be able to let out their emotions for the first time it seemed like up until then it was very much um kind of like businesslike and you know that was what they were supposed to do was their thought like they they were supposed to make the the sweet 16 and and the elite eights um and then they were finally able to celebrate a little bit and that was awesome to see getting a win there was cool and then you just kind of run into a juggernaut that is Yukon um in Yukon when we look back probably will go down as one of the better teams we we’ve seen in a long time so there’s no you know no shame in losing to them but also obviously it is a disappointment just giving what this team has done and come back from Illinois gets the elite eight run they make the second weekend for the first time in what since 2005 I believe pick up the win too they’re also a team that hey they ran into Yukon um giving up a 30 run you’re just not gonna you’re not GNA win that game um but still I I would say a successful season for them being able to make the elite a and get that far um then we got couple teams that made the round of 32 in Northwestern and Michigan State uh Northwestern it’s you know that’s definitely a successful season for them being able to once again make the tourney I had I know I had doubts about them coming into the season um I I didn’t think that theyd make the turny boooy once again just kind of proves me wrong and and you know Northwestern should start building building the statue now as we speak Michigan State also round to 32 um given where they ended up you weren’t disappointed with the results but given preseason expectations you are very much disappointed with that obviously they were top five coming into the season I haven’t done too too much into them right now in the off season we’ll talk about them in a bit I know they got they added Frankie fedler Nebraska Wisconsin they both make round 64 Nebraska that’s that’s great that they were able to make it back um and unfortunate that Texas A&M just kind of shot lights out that day against them but G being able to to take that step for Fred hyberg for Nebraska as a program get to the attorney was a big deal wics on the other hand is like they were you know five seed they lose to the 12 seed just such an up and down year at one point they were ranked number six and I’m not a AP pole guy at all but still at some point like they were ranked number six when they played Purdue I believe for the first time um and then to fall basically to to the point where it was just like they like don’t look like a good team then they go on the Big 10 turny run um but I think the round of 64 loss is probably closer to what they truly were for the whole season also I mean there was the whole AJ store stuff with kind of um what has been going on with the transfer portal and things like that those were the teams that made the tourney Pur Illinois Northwestern Michigan State Nebraska and Wisconsin we got a couple people in here JP’s appreciate you JP and Midwest toker appreciate you guys tuning in a couple nit teams for Iowa Ohio State and Minnesota IU did pass on that whether whatever your take is on that I I I think you should play the games especially if you have a bit of a younger team but I understand why they pass Iowa and Minnesota both got knocked out in the second round of the Big 10 tourney Iowa was a team I was very low on and and so their second round exit in the NIT is honestly outperformed what I expected for them last year it’s one of those that they’re just at that point where you kind of expect to make the tournament if you’re coming into a season but a lot of new players um and some freshman and things like that obviously Owen Freeman winning a big 10 freshman of the year was big kind of be able to build on then Ohio meets the elite a of the NIT and and there’s obviously so much to go into with hman fire firing debler comes in and they look like a brand new team and they start going on this run and they’re probably two wins away in the the regular season SL Big 10 tney to make a legitimate like case to make uh the actual tournament but they go on the the NIT run for a bit and then you have Penn State Maryland Ruckers Michigan all Miss Penn State is the only one out of those that You’ say overperformed um I coming in I know that was one thing I was very confident in uh I was very confident pen state was going to get this like eight Big 10 win somehow I think they got to nine I’ll double check really quick I believe that they Penn State they got to nine I I was just coming in they just had the vibe of a team that I didn’t know how but they were just going to get to seven eight wins they get to nine I would say that’s a successful first season for Mike rhods now we’ll see what happens as they run it back and I’ll have obviously team previews and all of that coming out I’m just throughout the offseason throughout the summer not for a little while because um there’s going to be like 138 newcomers to the Big 10 and watching film on all of them takes some time so but man Maryland Ruckers Michigan obviously Maryland and Michigan are probably at the top of that of just like disappointment Ruckers it was very much up in the year I didn’t think that they’d be that good they kind of fell where I thought they would now I’m going to include these teams in here because the Big 10 now has 18 teams there’s UCLA USC Washington and Oregon added just got to get used to it um all four of them are going to be added I’m going to be talking about them all summer all season because they are now part of the Big 10 in terms of adding uh depth in ter and and quality from last year there isn’t much Oregon was the only team to make any sort of tournament and they did make the NCAA tournament making the second round they went 24 and 12 went on a huge run to win win the Pack 12 tournament that was probably the reason that they got in then they do pick up a game in the Big 10 tournament they’re a team that’s going to have a lot of roster spots to refill um and they have done that let’s see they’re at yeah or not a lot they they returned seven but a lot of their main pieces are going to be gone I know Nali Dante is trying to get he’s trying to do the you know medical red shirt plus Co year in the same year i’ assume that won’t work because it hasn’t for like Markus D mask and others but they will try to do that UCLA 16 and 17 USC 15 and 18 Washington 17 and 15 Washington fires other coach and so they bring in Danny sprinkle now Danny sprinkle did a good job at Utah State got the 8C picked up a win in the D NCAA tournaments and then ran into Purdue in which was a game that was just like a it was one of those spots that anybody outside of probably Yukon like they were just losing that game and even Yukon probably loses that day to Purdue um but successful season for Danny sprinkle over at Utah State he now brings that to Washington 10 and he’s had to do a lot of um just kind of retooling they only bring back three players by Mike counts as I kind of pull that up here um so yeah that’s what Washington is third there’s only two teams that return fewer and that’s Illinois who only returns two players and USC who only returns one so that’s kind of the Big 10 season it was a very weird Big 10 season I would say there wasn’t a ton of top level uh depth at the top I should say you had Purdue clearcut top two three team throughout the entire season Illinois was more consistent in that top 15ish range and then like I said Wisconsin was very much up and down Michigan state was very highly ranked to starts and then they dropped Nebraska’s kind of cing in Northwestern was creeping in but there just was there was just a lot of teams in the middle once again and that’s been two straight years now with 18 teams in the Big 10 we’ll see what exactly happens with that is it going to be you know a wider array can we get some more Elite teams at the top because that’s just as a big 10 fan and covering the Big 10 that’s what’s best for the Big 10 you need especially if you have 18 if you have 18 teams like they’re going to have for however long that the deals are going to be through and then who knows maybe it goes to like 35 or something but like you need four or five like Elite teams and elite doesn’t mean you know top 10 but Elite top 15 top 20 like you you need a heavy pre presence towards the top because you have so many teams um and if you don’t now you’re going to just see there’s more and more bad teams that does also affect the top teams as well I haven’t like I said I haven’t done too much into next year’s rosters a lot of my focus right now all all my focus is on just um watching these transfers coming in watching these freshman coming in for anybody doesn’t know you can follow me on Twitter at Jo Jackson CBB and I have a ton of film threads out I will have one on all um it’s projected to be 138 newcomers I will have a film thread out on all 13 eight the goal is by July 10th give me an extra day or two potentially on there just if life happens um so that’s the goal there we’ll also have like full YouTube length videos breaking down all these transfer and freshman classes per team and then also um just previewing each team kind of later in the summer also working on just some more I want to incorporate some more like fun videos it’s kind of my goal this summer I’m saying fun is more just like video essay type like um the sneak peek right now is is I’m working on one on the evolution of Zack Ed throughout college and not just like the startom but like what did he actually do on the court better throughout every year to get to become the two-time national player of the year the goal for that is to come out next Thursday so that’s kind of where I’m at in terms of there’s the Big 10 season a little bit of the news update of what I’m doing um and so we can move on to the transfer portal update and so we just had the deadline happen no more players can now enter uh the transfer portal or I think I think the tech technically they could but they would have to then sit a year as I I believe that’s how that would work but um regardless nobody’s gonna enter from now on there may be one or two names or a couple names that can trickle in probably over the next day or two I would assume by tomorrow night at the latest I would assume everything should probably be in by then Monday at the absolute latest um and there’s a lot of interesting stuff going on with it right you got Purdue one over you got a couple teams that still have a lot of roster spots to fill out but we know who is returning um for the most part there’s a couple Coe seniors that we assume will but I guess haven’t heard specifically I guess I’m just going to kind of run through team by team what’s happened for them so far um and just where they’re at right now and we’ll do that alphabetically we’ll start with Illinois and they’re they’re um at four roster spots right now open they have had they only have two returns so they just they are a team that lost a ton um this off season you have you know graduation draft you have damask Harmon Gary Shannon Hawkins I mean that’s what four of your top six seven players right there that aren’t coming back um in terms of just graduation and drafts and then on the transfer side you have dja Harris hansbury goody and Moretti they do did lose their assistant uh CH uh I think Chester Frasier I’ll double check that right now but um they did lose him and I think that’s why You’ see a couple guys like Harris and Hansberry um leave now there’s also Moretti I think he would fall into that too danger was the yeah Chester frer was the one he left for West Virginia uh morti is is one that probably falls into that danger was the surprise he commits to Memphis but that is that’s 10 guys right there that is 10 dudes right there that Illinois loses the only two that they bring back Ty Rogers and Dre Gibbs law horn um who both you know Ty Rogers was he was kind of their fifth man in terms of the starting lineup Dre GS law horn was a freshman but did have some Sparks off um Ryan says I thought Boswell would be the starting point guard and Rogers at power forward but then they got hum humous humous that’s the other thing I gotta look up all these pronunciations because I do not want to PR I definitely mispronounce names last year for like my videos do not want that to happen this year um so humerous I believe is how that is pronounced but yeah in terms of of starting it’s they’re um Hummer cows Hummer cows not Hummer cow Hummer cows in terms of starting I mean like I said they have four roster spots open right now and so there yes we can speculate on kind of what we think Could Happen um I assume Hummer cow like is going to have to start he is too good of a shooter probably not to he’s Bas like I don’t know if he’s NE necessarily an upgrade over Luke goody because Luke goody was also very good but he provides a little bit difference in terms of he can handle the ball a little bit more he has a little bit better movement shooting um also just shot the ball really well so like he probably has to start I have not dug into Trey white or Jake Davis yet or either of the Freshman I know MZ Johnson was a pretty high recruit and I’ve heard a lot of good things about him he’s kind of in that power forward type spot um Jason jaxis is I believe just a center he’s yeah like more of a pure big MZ could play center too if you do I mean you could run if if you get another shooter in alongside Boswell you could maybe run like a Boswell some sort of shooter whether that be Dre Gibs law horn um somebody out of the transfer portal or Trey W or Jake Davis if they’re already there you can run those two is the back court Ty Rogers is like the three quote unques but it doesn’t really matter because he can kind of facilitate stum then you pair him with Ben Huma um and then whoever you have at Center they have four spots open I expect them to go get at least one if not two bigs would probably be my guess um some sort of other guard and that’s probably yeah one or two bigs another guard like pure guard and then maybe a wing kind of makes sense I wouldn’t be shocked if they get one kind of younger guy too out of that just as more of a developmental piece um but yeah then you know Underwood still has his work to do moving to IU and they’ve had one of the busier Seasons they are currently at two open roster spots they have six rures one freshman and four transfers in so five total newcomers and they’ve just kind of hit on on the the transfers so far they bring in Omar Balo obviously who’s one of the best names in the transfer portal period the big time he’s a big from Arizona um Luke goody I already kind of mentioned he transfers from Illinois and so you get in some shooting and then you get two Dynamic guards in Miles rice and Canon Carlile I have not watched rice I have watched carile I think he’ll be a good two guard assuming rice can take kind of the the primary guard spot um and I also buy car shot because that’ll be the other thing is who shoots for this you do with the Balo pairing um you do run mbako renew and then another big again this time Balo we’ll see exactly what happens there but they get Talent they also get Bryson Tucker out of that jakai Newton will be red shirt freshman he will come back too I’m excited to see him hopefully he can stay healthy so a pretty busy off season they still do have two roster spots open um I’m trying I don’t know what they would try to go for maybe probably another just kind of wing type like a here Wing um and they have to get another bit they have to probably get another true big and that’s probably where I would think that they go for those last two spots Iowa Iowa returns a lot they return tied for most out of all big 10 they return eight people have two roster spots open uh two freshman and then one transfer in which I just found out about today but it happened like two weeks ago um that was one that just for whatever reason slipped through the cracks of uh verbal commits so not a super busy offseason for them right now they bring in Drew Thell from Morehead State kind of their point guard um and so I would you know he’ll probably be their point guard more than anything right now they’re everything for them is what is pyton Sanford going to do is he gonna stay in the draft or is he going to come back right now I have him as coming back and just for terms of pure house keeping so that leaves them to two roster spots they’d obviously have three if if Sanford does not come back so that’s going to be the big thing to monitor there is what exactly happens with Sanford and then from there are they how can they build up the roster this is goingon to be a team that relies like they just need jumps from their sophomores Owen Freeman obviously Big 10 freshman of the year but Harding dembele Sanford price Stanford gonna have to take jumps for them to be good Lil K says IU is dun surprisingly well in the portal yeah I’ve liked it I like I said I haven’t watched miles rice or Bryson Tucker but like I can I I can see the vision for them and you get a ton of talent you get like for as bad as they were last year they were 10 and 10 in the Big 10 I know that they beat up on bad teams they lost to good teams but like they did that and now they have both of these guards that they have are going to be better than what they had last year so promising stuff there for IU next up is Maryland they have um One open roster spot six returnees two freshman four transfers in now just the way that the transfers fell this they got a lot of their transfers very early and so at that point I was still covering Purdue in the final four I just have not really watched Maryland uh much like any of their I think I watched I might have watched selton Miguel if I’m recalling right but regardless I I have either watched one or none um I watched n I’ve watched none of them yet so in terms of talking about that that’ll be something I’ll do throughout the summer but you know they get Queen he was a very big time recruit um they return Julian ree they return Jordan gono they get I know Rodney rice and jacobe GP gespi sorry are going to are two big time um or bigger time guard names so that’s just what they needed they needed some sort of guard they get that you’re hoping for a jump from deshun Harris Smith in terms of shooting they do get Chance Stevens back my assumption uh he had an injury last last um season that took him out for the entire year and so he was like a 45% shooter at I believe loyal marry mounts if not it was Pepperdine it was one of those two so he brings in some shooting I have to like I said I have to watch the guards something I’ll have to get back to later in the off season Michigan one ROP in roster spot three only three rures obviously Dusty May the new coach um brings in a a lot of transfers four transfers two freshman um or no six transfers three freshman sorry and then three rures with one open roster spot I watched a few of their few of their transfers um Danny wolf is fun seven-footer that can put legitimately put the ball on the ground creates like a guard at times I don’t like the pairing next to vladislav Golden another transfer that they got in he follows from FAU like if their plan is to play a bunch of minutes of them together I don’t love it um especially defensively offensively I think it can still work but defensively I I don’t I don’t know what exactly happens they get Bernett back which is Big I’m working under the assumption Jay Howard is back but I have not heard anything one way or the other so lots of new faces there like I said six transfers three freshman still have to watch a lot of them but Dy May is at the point where it seems like the team should be respectable do they make the tourney I have no clue but year one just getting Michigan back to respectable is um is is the goal so Craig Bowers says new house looks nice yeah I did move in the past couple weeks um I actually have like a full little bedroom as an office space instead of just this little Nook I have a window which I did not have a window for a year and I didn’t realize how much I miss like just having sunlight come in on my desk um until I got this so yes appreciate that Craig moving on Michigan State they’ve had a pretty quiet offseason One open roster spot they have eight rures um three incoming freshman and one transfers which is Frankie fidler fidler is a big time score 20 points per game um at Nebraska Omaha he’s this guy that can kind of work from the mid-range can shoot the ball some and so he’s he’s that high level score that I think they needed to add they have one open roster spot they need a big just like they still need a big they lose to sooko right now the big room is Cooper kler and Booker and then um Justin mik is an incoming freshman I know Kurt tang and Jay Richardson they are also pretty um highly touted incoming for Kurt I I think they’re both like top 40 top 50 incoming recruits so got to watch them still Frankie fidler I like the fit especially offensively he can run he can run pick and roll he can run a transition um can kind of create a little bit off the dribble he’s not like you know going he’s not like Tyson Walker in terms of just you’re gonna throw him the ball every single time and go create but he can score pairing with Akens then you got Hollman you’re hoping Jeremy Fierce um you know everything’s all good there and he’s able to play a big role too so I don’t hate it there they still have one spot and if they can get some sort of big I know pickings are becoming a little bit Slimmer that would be big Minnesota three open roster spots now four returs two freshman two four transfers in obviously they made news or I don’t know made news but uh sort of in in the headlines because Elijah Hawkins just straight up got poached um like Elijah Hawkins said he was back a week later he goes and I believe just transferred to Texas Tech I don’t blame Elijah Hawkins at all like I assume he’s going to get a ton more money and if that’s GNA if that’s the case you go and do it honestly I’m very very very much Pro like Pro nil I’m even cool with the transfer portal like yes it changes college but like I’m cool with it there still needs to be some sort of Regulation like that I don’t know what the answer is but it happens the other one that just um got announced is C Christie I don’t know if and maybe I’ll be wrong I don’t think cam Christie is much is poached as much as just like probably keeping his options open because I don’t unless I miss something and if I did somebody correct me but I don’t I didn’t see anything from him specifically of like I’m transferring it was more of a like hey I’m just putting my name in the portal and that was just more from like verbal commits and stuff like that I don’t honestly I don’t know if christe’s in college next year like I think there’s a legit chance he stays in the NBA I think that’s a big reason why he has the do not contact tag um and so we’ll see what happens there but they lose a ton too Joshua Joseph forell Payne BR Carrington Isaiah in Elijah Hawkins cam Christie Christy panus who’s overseas kid I like some of the upside he had as a wing but he also transfers they bring in a couple guys I Brendan rgby Brendan rby is gonna be my guy like uh I don’t think he’ll be talked about much but when I watched his film it was just consistent I was like he’s just making good plays he’s doing this right he plays some defense he’s under siiz at 6’3 from like a perer wing that he probably wants to play but I really like him Caleb Williams is a D3 transfer I don’t see it but I also didn’t really see with Elijah Hawkins last year it’s not a one to one um but maybe you know Ben Johnson might just if Caleb Williams works out I will just kind of pivot to trusting Ben Johnson more in evaluating point guards in terms in smaller guards um like that’s just how it is then it’s FEI odal uh another pronunciation I need to I have it written down but I need to double check but he just transferred as well to Minnesota um and he’s interesting he transfers it’s FEI odali um and he just transfers from New Mexico State it’s kind of this like pseudo almost point forward type um we’ll see I I think if he’s used as more of a defensive guy attack off the dribble I could see that working out they still have three roster spots and they just they need talent you need somebody to pair around D darson Garcia um and Mike Mitchell I’d like to see another somewhat highle guard and then they just they need Wings they need wings of some capacity unless they’re going to play three bigs Nebraska two open roster spots rank Moss did just announce I just saw he’s gonna take a medical red shirt um this upcoming season he I guess last year just did not have a healthy knee at all or not healthy knee at all but like it was a it was not a a completely healthy knee for the whole season talked with doctors and they said that you know he’s going to Medical red shirt surgery um so that’s a tough blow for them best but they have two open roster spots four returs two freshman five transfers in um and they have a lot of seniors once again they get back Joan Gary Bryce Williams um they bring in a braxon Mio who’s a a seven foot one big and provides legitimate rent protection two of their other transfers Conor Sean Gavin Griffith familiar names in the Big 10 provide that kind of movement shooting potential um so they probably like looking through I don’t know what’s going on with Aaron Ulus if he’ll be back um I I would assume he probably will be but they probably do want another kind of true point guard or kind of League guard like that but if ring m is healthy you obviously feel much much better about this team in general but I think hoyberg still at the opportunity especially with two roster spots left to put Nebraska at the chance of having another successful season Northwestern One open roster spot they return a lot too return eight players two freshman two transfers in watched Jaylen leech and I mean they’re just there’s such big shoes to fill with boo buy Jaylen leech will sort of have to do some of that I I think Northwestern they have one roster spot they need a point guard like they need a true point guard because then if the lineup’s looking more like true point guard Jaylen leech Ty Barry Brooks barnheiser Nicholson uh with Martinelli kind of coming off the bench you’re hoping for I’m still high on Justin Mullen I know last year was more of a transitional year I’m high what he can be as like a three and D Wing you hope for a jump from him and now you’re kind of back at that seven eight man rotation again and then I could see the some sort of success right now I don’t think that they’d be a tney team but again Chris Collins just he just might be a really good coach and if that is then hey they’ll probably make some noise so Ohio state two open roster spots six returnees two freshman and three transfers in um they’ve had an interesting offseason and so they bring in Mei Johnson Micah Parish Mei Johnson especially great pairing next to Bruce Thorne in the back for that’s going to be a very fun one too it’s more about what they’ve lost and they lose Scotty Middleton Rody Gil Zed key Felix aara Dale Bonner and Jameson battle that is six of their top seven guys last year six of their top eight guys last year um probably I guess six of their top eight or nine depending on how you view Deon Royal but the big one that there’s fix o pun they bring in a Bradshaw and I don’t I don’t know how much it affected or not but for me Felix Zar to Aaron Bradshaw is a downgrade um and so now they’re at this spot where like unless Austin Parks takes a jump um as as a sophomore he didn’t play a ton last year they don’t really have many bigs I know kayin etler is on the roster to he hasn’t played much in his Seasons you got some guards and some wings in Bruce Micah Parish Mei Johnson Deon Roy I know is is has some promise I’m still high on ton Chapman but uh Al I don’t know I just I I want to see what they do with these final two spots I don’t love the roster construction right now just in general um I don’t know if it all fits together great but they do have two open roster spots we’ll see what happens there uh Oregon first pack four team I’m G gonna call them pack fours um in Oregon UCLA USC and Washington first pack four team we’ll talk about two open roster spots seven returs one freshman and three transfers in this is the team that I just I haven’t watched any of their newcomers I’ve watched them a little bit in the tournament obviously in their runs but they don’t return uh kynard and they don’t return Dante um I don’t have a ton to say on them truthfully right now I know trayor I kind of like tror for their incoming freshman the little bit I’ve seen they just got a they got dudes I just have to go back and watch and that’s as simple as that for them right now Penn States they are the first team that we’ve talked about now who has a completely full roster all 13 scholarships have been used they get back Ace Baldwin they get back puff Johnson Nick Kern Zack Hicks and DeMarco Dunn that is um a core of five seniors in fifth years who played a ton of minutes for them last year um unfortunately for them that is the only five people that they do return everybody else is new they have four incoming freshmen um none super highly ranked from my understanding but we’ll see what happens there I sneakily I really like the Eli rice pick trans sophomore transfer from Nebraska he’s this like six seven Wing um he played point guard in high school I don’t think he’s a point guard in college but like I I like the physicality his jumper needs to improve but kind of this defensive guy I think that can create a little bit off the bounce I could see him developing I haven’t watched um Yanik neidher King n Nez n um I have watched Freddy dilon he’s a rard sophomore transfer from Tennessee we just haven’t seen much of him um from what I’ve seen I went back I went back and watched some of his film at Tennessee and then also uh some of his high school film he’s just kind of this higher level create off the dribble type dude wasn’t super efficient in his limited minutes needs to go down on the turnovers but I see the upside in terms of defense and this onall Creator this was a dude that like coming into last season he was on some mock dfts um the talent’s there hopefully he’s in the right fit for both pen State and for him then um next is one Purdue the one team that is actually overs signed right now they are at negative one roster spots um I know that’s been you know public publicly talked about a decent bit seven rures six fresh uh eight rures and six freshman right yes eight rures six freshmen nobody as of right now has entered the portal that we’ve seen um and so um we’ll see what happens like unless the name pops out in the next day or two we can assume all eight I assume that either if nobody’s going to take a prep here there’s I there’s a chance that that could happen if not I assume it would be one of these freshmen um probably just moves to a walk-on gets nil money to cover all is well probably would red shirt anyways and the reason I’m just like it’s something to talk about for Purdue because like there’s no transfers for Purdue you bring back I mean you bring back obviously um a good chunk of the roster you lose Zack Ed and Mason Gillis and Lance Jones and Ethan Morton three of those four especially um big parts of last season so you have retool none bigger than Zack Ed both physically and and figuratively I right now my take on Purdue is is they’re going to be this like top 20ish team that offensively is is insanely fun I just need to be convinced on the defense I I don’t know what they do defensively I’m very excited to dive into these freshman though Catchings high level Jakari Harris is one dude I have seen um I’m very excited about him I’ve heard very very good things about CJ Cox so that’s just where they’re at right now they’re one over to me it it’s like it’s a deal but also it isn’t at all because realistically the player that this is going to affect is either somebody that wasn’t going to be in the roster um that did return or is going to be an incoming freshman that probably just would have red shirted anyways so whether they do a prep year or a preferred walk on like they probably weren’t going to play anyways and so yes they had to get down to 13 but I don’t think it’s as big of a deal to me just because it’s like realistically that player probably isn’t affecting next year’s Squad in general few teams to get through then we’ll talk a little bit about the Big 10 schedule Ruckers um two open roster spots for Ruckers three returnees five freshman three transfers in obviously the talk with them right is they bring in um Dylan uh Dylan Harper and Ace Bailey two of the top three recruits in the class only behind Cooper flag who is generational um potentially generational as a prospect I should say they only bring back jichael Davis em Manuel Ogle oh and Jeremiah Williams they get in a couple transfers in aov martini and durak um I haven’t watched aov and Martini I kind of like durak if he’s like their seventh eighth man is this kind of um Wing type forward that can run point a little bit I like some of the defense um but this I mean it’s gonna be what can this freshman class do from day one specifically with Harper Ace Bailey but they do add lean Somerville Bryce dorch Dylan grants they also have two open roster spots I don’t know what needs to exact like what they would exactly want to do my guess is a big um I’m pretty confident that they probably w a big lean Somerville and Emanuel AG are two of their bigs right now like I haven’t watched much of aov for martini so they could also be bigs and I just don’t know um I’m gonna try to find that aov is a point guard so they have that covered especially with him and Williams and then Martini is more of like a power forward type so yeah definitely go get a big would be my guess they lose um they lose I mean they lose a lot too they lose uh to graduation draft is is well just graduation is Andre Hyatt Fernandes Williams Palmquist transfers outs Antonio troll but then drick Simpson wolfolk mag amori and griffith none bigger probably than Amore in that sense so a lot of retooling but we’ll see what happens the freshman’s going to be fun um and we’ll see what happens so three of the pack four teams now left UCLA up first zero roster spots remaining they are completely full I’m working under the assumption that Demona does not return and so he’s in the NBA draft right now he could technically still return um I believe he’s still up he’s he would be a junior and I know he’s kind of projected second is round so if he comes back then UCLA is also one over but six rures one freshman and six transfers in I’ve watched a little bit of them um I this another team along with all the pack four teams I just I have to dive in more and kind of figure out what they are but I know UCLA didn’t have a good year last year but just this is more just looking purely at numbers and stuff so I I like I said I need to go watch film which I will UCL is gonna be a sneaky pick for the top of the Big 10 um kind of is my thought like I like it’s I don’t know they they had a bunch of talent but they had a bunch of talent maybe that hasn’t necessarily led to winning like sky Clark Kobe Johnson’s good they bring back stefanovich I like the Dominic Harris transfer they have um Eric fre is their only incoming freshman they bring in a lot of they bring back a lot of sophomores I could see them being a team that kind of competes at the top and another team would be USC their counterpart part in La um Eric muselman new head coach there at USC he has one returning um from the previous roster two freshman and then nine transfers One open roster spot left and I believe that is I forget who is who is probably going to take that but they do have somebody I think kind of in line that projected to take that last spot they have nine seniors or fifth years on their team um it is going to be a very senior heavy team it feels like a very much like a muscleman just going for this year and then figure out development and kind of bring in freshman more as you go um yeah they bring in a lot of dudes like they’re another team that I think could compete at the top um they’re gonna have some pretty good guard play I I need to watch the freshman and there’s nine transfers so I just I haven’t gotten to all of them they do have Terence Williams transfer for Michigan I know that’s a name that we would know um but yeah going to be intered to see what muscleman does there in year one the final of the pack four teams I will talk about is Washington they have the most open roster spots left out of any of the 18 Big 10 teams they have five three return five open rusher spots three rures two freshman and three transfers in um no new Coach Danny sprinkle Utah State coach I kind of already talked about him earlier in the podcast but uh he’s just got a lot of stuff a lot of work to do still they bring in DJ Davis DJ Davis I don’t if if Washington ends up being solid DJ Davis will be a sleeper like all big 10 first team player for me um I I think he could have an insanely big years this fifth year high level scoring guard he’s really the only one I’ve watched wilham brain Bach I know obviously I’m familiar with from his time at Nebraska um so he’s there as well and then they just got a they got a couple freshmen um and then some dudes that I still just need to watch they lose a ton from last year obviously with they were a pretty senior heavy team last year and then the transfers so final pack four team there and then the final team we’ll talk about is the most recent team to completely full out their roster and that is Wisconsin zero open roster spots they return eight two freshman and three transfers in and so they lose AJ store they lose Conor Sean they lose Chucky heern they lose Tyler wall those are big losses I don’t know if they’ve added enough to fully overtake it and get back to being good but I don’t know it’s Wisconsin they’ll probably be hovering in that you know five six seven range probably the Big 10 somehow I don’t love the roster construction um I I think they they’re going to be reliant on um either Cameron like Cameron Hunter game translating um from Arkansas State or like John Blackwell taking a big jump that’s kind of where it’s at Xavier Amos I love I absolutely love the fit that’s been my favorite fit out of any transfer so far that I’ve watched which I think it’s like 25 that I’ve done um he is just the perfect stretch for fit can create a little bit off the bounds he’s more of a straight line driver not going to be like a Tyler wall post up and twirl and all that but um can shoot the three well I like his defense for the most part I don’t think he’s a great perimeter Defender but I think he gets by can defend the rim him and crw are both gonna be able to pick and Pop um and I think that can pose some problems for teams so that’s where everybody is at I didn’t expect to Deep dive each team when I came into this but happens and so here we are um one less we’ll go through the Big 10 schedule in just a second but if you’re watching please hit the like button if you aren’t subscribed also do that I got some I I have some more fun videos in the works coming out on YouTube um very very soon so appreciate everybody that’s tuning in and this could help with that if you’re listening on audio we’re on Apple Google and Spotify five star review would be great so final section we’ll get to you today and that is the Big 10 schedule was announced so or not big 10 schedule but big 10 opponents were announced now like I said this this is going to be the first year with 18 Big 10 teams it is still a 20 uh 20 game Big 10 uh Rost or Big 10 schedule so 20 Big 10 games and like I think most people kind of expected um there’s going to be kind of this pod system in terms of incorporating the Pack 12 so the Pack 12 teams they are going all play each other twice every team is going to play only three other teams twice um and maybe later once I get a little bit more familiar with kind of these teams and these roster constructions I’ll break down a little bit more of like hey I think this is maybe a bit easier schedule and stuff like that I just haven’t had the time nor do I am I comfortable enough like with how these teams work being able to say oh this team’s going to be better than this team and stuff like that so but what I what I did kind of figure out is the pairings and so from my understanding my the way this is going to work is there’s just going to be kind of these reg pods right and so like you CLA and USC they’re going to be paired together and they’re going to go um so when they go on their road trips they’re going to go to two teams and they’ll play the UCLA and USC will play the same two teams right and then they’ll just flip and that’ll be in the same week it’s vice versa when uh there’s gonna be pairs of two teams that probably travel out there one will play UCLA on like Wednesday or Thursday one will play USC and then they’ll flip for probably the Saturday Sunday game um that would be my guess so the pairings UCLA and USC and then there’s Oregon Washington is kind of that Northwest so those are two there now the way that I think the rest was going to work and this is just based on how the schedule’s worked out who’s playing um because each nonack four team is going to be playing um they’re G to be playing one of the trips will be on the road and they’ll face two of the pack four teams at home so based on kind of that the pairings I see it as is IU and Purdue is going to be one makes sense obviously Illinois North Western makes a ton of sense Maryland Ruckers Michigan Michigan State Minnesota Wisconsin and then Ohio Pence State Ohio State Penn State those seem like the six pairings where it’s very much going to be like the the line up in that us and USC is gonna play you know those two teams in one week and vice versa and Washington Oregon will play these two teams in one week and that’s how it’s just going to work as these pots right the one where it gets a little interesting is Iowa and Nebraska because Iowa and Nebraska is the last pairing and it makes sense logistically right they’re close um together they’re also the closest teams to the Pack 12 or the pack 14 and so my guess is that when the pack four teams play Iowa Nebraska that’ll be their one game weeks right because each team Big 10 team generally has uh two um two weeks of where they only play one game that would be my guess because Iowa and Nebraska are the only ones that are flipped and so what I mean by that is Iowa and Nebraska um one of them goes on the road to UCLA USC the other one goes on the road to Washington and Oregon every other pairing that I’ve said they play the same teams on the road whether it be the Washington Oregon pairing or the UCLA USC pairing so my guess would be is when that happens um they that’ll probably be their one game weeks they’re kind of like quote unquote by weeks and then they play that which also means it would be the by weeks for Iowa and Nebraska now the other option I’ve kind of seen could happening is a pack four team plays Iowa Nebraska once and then they play the other pack four like another pack four team so like say It’s UCLA and USC or UCL well I think it would make more sense if it’s UCLA and like Oregon right UCLA maybe plays Iowa at Iowa and Oregon plays at Nebraska or something like that then maybe I could see them also playing later that week so that’s how I’m gonna see kind of the pairing is working out so like I said I Purdue um and what what I mean by pairing once again is that these teams will play the pack four teams at like in the same week and then they’ll just flip whichever team they play first the other will play the later so pairings I Purdue Illinois Northwestern Maryland Ruckers Michigan Michigan State Minnesota Wisconsin Ohio State Penn States and then Iowa Nebraska Iowa Nebraska ones a bit weird so that was kind of all I wanted to talk about in terms of big 10 schedule like I said maybe I’ll maybe I’ll go through more and deep dive like oh this seems like a little bit better but the end of the day you’re playing what three of the teams twice so that would mean you’re playing 14 teams once um seven of them will be home seven of them will be on the road and that’s just what the new Big 10 looks like so so um yeah that’s kind of where we’re at it feels good to be back to be doing this like I said I’m hoping the goal is once a week realistic goal is once every other week and I’ll probably what it’ll turn more into is like a news update um and then just kind of talking through transfers and coming freshman for a while we’ll eventually get to previews I’ll get um people people for that cover the each team on for those so should be a fun time with 18 teams it it is busy it is very busy in the offseason I have said it a couple times throughout but there’s projected to be as many as 138 newcomers between freshman and transfers in the in the Big 10 um there could be about what 95 transfers there’s 43 freshman right now so busy times um we had a couple comments about Purdue Craig said Jacobson may have to play real minutes to defend the rim it’s possible like I said I haven’t watched Jacobson so I’m very much just like I don’t know like I I don’t know there’s also the hope that like Caleb first could kind of resurge and be guy that can play legit minutes at Alban says Berg should have a major role TBH he’s the other one like maybe he takes a jump and he becomes a legitimate threat there there’s also the whole like Purdue could just play fun like this year and it I wouldn’t be mad if they just didn’t care not not care about defense but it’s just like TK at the five and then you have three wings and brain Smith out there and you just have fun and run um sa wood says how much of a team leader move would it be for one to produce stars that are getting plenty of nil to step up and off of their scholarship for the the betterment of the team um I mean it could happen it’s it’s going to be weird like because this can happen now and so then it’s just but then it’s like what’s stopping a team from getting 16 dudes like legit dudes and just paying them in nil to cover their scholarships and I understand that then it’s playing time and stuff so that’s probably one of the limiting factors but like I don’t know like if you it’s the only worry I have stuff like that is it kind of just opens up this can of worms throughout college that I don’t know if I would love of like why don’t you know like you almost just like if you are having guys that are willing to buy in it’s like especially as like freshman and sophomores of like hey you’re just gonna sit this year we have 17 legit dudes you’re gonna sit this year um and so you’re not gonna have scholarship will pay you an nil just almost like a farm system type that’s my one worry if that happens um also I know you know I I think the the Purdue like the Purdue players are going to be taken care of they’re going to be taken care of I’m not too worried about that um they’ll they’ll get covered what they need to so I think that’s going to wrap it up for me on this one I appreciate everybody tuning in like I said if you’re on YouTube please like And subscribe it just helps me a lot also um comment who you think has been having the best um offseason so far in terms of transfer portal and adding freshman but yeah if I if you’re listening on audio please give it a five stars we are on Apple Google and Spotify podcast and when I say we is me for feed the post um but yeah appreciate all the support you can follow me on Twitter at Joe Jackson CDV for Phil uh the the transfer and and freshman film threads coming out and then also be on the lookout for full length YouTube videos coming out soon like I said the sneak peak is is the evolution of zachie hopefully coming out next week um I’m having a ton of fun going through just the freshman sophomore junor you film of that and how he’s actually able to progress on the court but plenty of other stuff too going to be a busy offseason appreciate appreciate everybody tuning in and I will catch you in the next one


  1. lol, the combo of unlimited transfers + NIL is a can of worms all in itself. Allowing players to give up scholarships to bolster their team's roster numbers wouldn't be much more chaotic than it already is. We'll see. I'm confident that Purdue already has this figured out, and they aren't in scramble mode.

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