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Major Champs in the House! | Dynamic Discs Open F9 | Jomez Practice Round

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Tournament: 2024 Dynamic Discs Open
Course: Champions Landing | Emporia, Kansas
Hosts: Jeremy Koling & Paul Ulibarri
Guests: Ricky Wysocki & Andrew Presnell

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Emporia Kansas at the newly named Champions landing at the also newly named Emporia Community Club yeah Dynamic Discs and Jeremy rusco have now purchased the old Emporia Country Club and we are here for the 2024 Dynamic Discs open mhm and as always we have a special guest yeah but we wanted to do more than just one special guest so we’ve got two this week yeah first we’re going to announce a guy who won his world one of his World Championships here at this very place it’s first world championship six-time major Champion Ricky Yaki get in here buddy all right thank you guys thank you guys I like your shirt dude yeah that looks good little baseball action you know thanks for joining us now I I’ll be honest we wanted to have you on the show for a long time and we’re super pumped that you’re here uh we feel you know obviously the Dynamic Discs open you’re you know the ship player for the company but also winning your first worlds here we know this place is special for you so we were pumped to have you here but we really wanted to have another guest this week and he wasn’t going to be able to make it but due to some weather issues and we got pushed back later in the day we were able to secure both of the guests we wanted this week and so we’ve got to announce the newest major champion in the world the guy who just took down the Champions Cup last week Andrew press now come on in here buddy heck yeah go let’s go welcome to the club dude all right thanks for in regulation too that’s impressive about only three rounds they had four I think right yeah they had four last week that’s what majors are for right I think some are five it’s awesome you’re here yeah some of them are five number three right not many of them just special ones uh anyhow we’ve got we’ve got uh 18 holes and there’s a few new ones here at this course um you’ve played the new layout yep uh Zach Melton hasn’t um don’t worry about him uh you have not or you have I haven’t no I just got here today as well and you just rolled into town I I rolled in like 5 minutes ago okay longest intro ever we’re going to go ahead and wrap it up we’re going to go go practice you know the deal we’re planing for charity but we also have a disc that we’re going to be giving away today uh believe you’ve got that one today yeah you want me to reveal it or you want to keep it a surprise I don’t have it with me it’s in heart a surprise for when you throw it pull it out and be like here’s D you know the deal be a patreon member you’re going to be entered to win automatically to win it all four of us are going to sign it we’re going to have six seven eight major championships on that disc and then an honorable mention so we’ll go ahead I got major major [Music] goodness all right guys whole one you know the deal here if you haven’t played it on disc golf Valley before it is a 1224 ft par five this is the longest opening hole in disc on tour I don’t know in the world there’s probably some uh contenders but either way t-shot there’s Obi left and right uh the left side comes into play especially after all the rain the big skips off the grass could potentially take anything that isn’t held over the street off of the te uh over OB and then the second shot you got to keep it in the middle third shot there’s a basket on a slope uh but yeah you’ve seen it before you know how it’s played big t- shots are huge all right good luck man good luck bud yeah do you have a foundation or no good luck no I think I think you and Julie and Paul are the only foundations that I because once I win I can’t donate to your foundation that’s not how’s that work I thought it’ be fun the comments are about to come in here with what fig that’s the polite thing to do is like keep it inside the the group yeah well we give a lot to the the only person that doesn’t have a foundation we get a lot have a foundation yeah yeah exactly all right so I guess I am the only person without a foundation here it’s happened a few times for sure I I like twist them this is already chaos in my to your campaign yeah that’s perfect who needs it uhoh leak leaking leak Le skipp OB job is it OB oh no actually perfect that is money little chipper yeah see how that one has no chance to go OB that’s a nice shot crazy how like you can almost see the parachute deploy halfway flight and a birdie is coming down with the parachute just perfectly tired at about 300 ft right as this does well I think there’s a new trend going on major championships are won by people who don’t throw as far as you guys it’s a weird it’s a weird Paradox that’s happening you should try sometime man it’s actually kind of fun I am I just tried you keep trying it didn’t work for me do we have to throw two or we don’t have to no you can try a big one though like I’ll try a big bomber eag try to get the three ball I’m going to come I’m going to come from the angle right here D maybe all right I’m try to get a little bit more oh you marked it thank you he always marks my disc so I know which one’s which really I get mixed up no that’s in the neighborhood you threw it oh my gosh th it you throwing it into Kansas City right now oh that thing went far though bro that did go far yeah if that skips in the in that would be crazy I don’t think it’s going to but that’s going to be down there in Hammond Park for sure okay Rick same thing hey hey uh nose goes I’m right next to you D you can’t make it up as I’m throwing go get nose goes bro yeah so now you got to go get it yeah but he was still the last one you do over there too oh he didn’t over so it doesn’t count all right you lost twice see you guys on the fourth shot oh oh God all right so let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way real quick uh I will not this will be my last round played this week because I am joining the disc golf Network to do uh my first on camera live broadcast which I’m really excited about um but you know not gonna not do the practice round because I love it but uh yeah it’s also important as a commentator to see the course and check out the conditions and see the new changes and actually know where the landing zones are for these guys but I’m not playing this week this is this is a this is a new thing for me in my life so we’re going to see how it goes talk about a parachute I know he parachuted just as far as germs full Flex good job who’s blue one could parachute for a parachute I’m in is in third place that’s uh no I like having a parachute yeah it like makes sure you don’t go the one was the last time youw shot but you also don’t go been a while been a while to I think we grabbed it yeah this could you have a more opposite back-to-back week setup than Northwood and then Emporia I think like this takes the cake for like that Buttercup I always sck we get a slow Mees on the catch ah appes nice dude I’m not going to lie that shoulder feels like a million dollars it might be from the rest qu clowning around man you’re taking too long no somebody oh there it is o You’re OB on both holes good job OB on that hole and this hole that’s hilarious as you and you’re on the sidewalks that’s weird stop literally Andrew you’re our new practice round guest kicked off sick of it already did you go home I went home for two days did you get a party did somebody throw a party for you no no party party yeah earned relaxation I like that earned relaxation had a couple meetings and yeah podcast that’s how I celebrate yeah exactly meetings right yeah no but you got to go home yeah see girlfri Y and get to recalibrate a bit that looks good what was that like like so you win Guy where you like obviously the wind suite and that sets in but then afterwards are you like dang this this could change a lot of stuff yeah it I mean right away when Bob told me he was going to promote me like a minute after I won like that that was an instant change and yeah yeah um yeah just like all the attention right after it is something I’m not used to and so he was uh following my MC Beth and I and we looked in and we had you you had the fourstroke lead and we’re like oh my gosh we’re going to have to put him on the elite team like tomorrow yeah oh still a long ways to go in the round but I mean yeah it was looking pretty good it was looking pretty good at that point it’s still crazy it it’s still setting in it’s been coming in waves as far as what about new new people that are have never like reached out have you gotten any new like sponsors being like hey will you wear this this week or no new sponsors I’ve had I’ve had people reach out to me that I looked up to in the Disc Golf Community back home that I haven’t seen in like 10 years yeah they were they were the guys still watching yeah they were the guys that I were like wow I want to be as good as that guy in a little bit and I mean I hav talked to them in 10 years and they sent me some messages saying congrats and stuff so that’s a cool full moment for you man that’s awesome rad skip in ah you’re out of bounds major guy is it new out of bounds is there new out of bounds here no I’m kidding oh get a little cocky and to take on those pins go pin hunting out here yeah oh that it’s going to be weird I going for Northwood where like I know every if you are off by a hair width yeah you’re going to be dealing with the demons for about the next four shots but here you could be off by a school bus yes and be totally fine and then just get away with it mhm but this place has something that Northwoods doesn’t have except for whole 14 and that’s constant exposure to wind yeah so this is I guess the counter yep really it’s such a different look cuz we just came from Northwood black I know it’s wide open oh shorty got him got in the hole in oh oh my gosh how did that keep carrying I don’t know headwind you know throw disc you know you throw head one that carries and goes straight how it works 260 damn Jerm 260 I’m telling you bro I freaking rip nasty now I just have to like I actually didn’t like Northwoods because I threw like 16 sidearms off the te and I want to throw back into so you didn’t even actually play the course yeah he says and I want to throw back plan was terrible there it was just like please stay in the Fairway please at all times just said I want to throw back hands now and then he pulls out a two-piece yeah well for this is different we believe bro oh I like it yeah I do that too go in go in ooh nice shot just who’s they get rid of this OB yeah yeah not chilling and they’re trying to bait people going for it but it’s I mean it’s you can as soon as there’s a left to right tail you guys are going to be throwing so far you’re going to be like uh I’m pretty sure I can get there I I still don’t think there’s going to be like oh everyone’s going to Eagle the hole but no there’ll be a couple maybe one or two yeah like a Heimer or something yeah oh I rolled 100 feet I knew it would happen it’s all always done mine just barely set on the edge dude dang it yeah he’s deep like I thought I’m going to be right oh wow those chains look different they’re heavier they’re definitely different spit out proof yeah nice all right first first put of the day come on you’ll all right he doesn’t need him well he’s not out now get them all wet thanks dude wow I filmed to you and you he’s showing them into the wet grass for you he’s doing you a favor that’s not on me that’s on you good luck I know I know don’t need it dude heck yeah they liked it now I got pressure it’s not just the three of us looking at you it’s those guys too nice par dang you should try those two Wet Ones yeah thanks that’s now I got four Wet Ones Brad I don’t think that’s a good number I knew it was too far 340 no chance you threw it inside the circle don’t blame your caddy you should have made the putt hey I’m not the guy who throws it wherever I’d want and make everything hey are you a professional you throw it inside the circle it’s a pretty good shot I’m a professional I need good numbers wow I need good numbers I need good numbers hold two is a par four 746 ft you have out of bounds on the left the entire way down the Fairway you also have a Guardian Tree right in the middle you’re going to see people try to do little sidearm heisers in front of that big turnovers sometimes rollers there’s a sneaky flex play in between from there you got about 350 to 380 into the green sometimes shorter depends on how far you throw it and uh that’s about it yeah pretty tough hole oh wow that’s so good that’s pretty good nice shot that’s like freaking 250 in maybe Nice Shot dude I’m snap bro I’m telling you D I’m snap yeah that’s great oh you’re not up Paul that’s about you pared hit I got a par hey pars and seven birdies plays out here when you’re not dealing with a tornado you can actually shape shots that’s true normally it’s tornado weather here good I like it go for the biggest Gap go for the biggest gap on the hole don’t worry he’s going to argue how it’s the widest open gap on the entire hole that’s pretty good wait for it wait is that the biggest gap on the whole e or no heck no I have to do that because my disc doesn’t turn where your guys’ stupid disc turns I was waiting for the que the dude it’s the biggest Gap are you blind typically typically you look at it from 48° angle the bigest hey typically when somebody throws a shot like that people are like hey nice shot but no I get the freaking wrath who does that who throws a perfect shot down there down the tiniest Gap in the world truly was a sick shot his shot shaping was incredible considering you took the worst gap on the whole hole dude that’s because those limbs grew out right there that was the perfect line last year oh yeah last year was the biggest gap on the whole by a mile yeah you don’t really you don’t really ever throw rollers do you do I almost I almost threw in here I thought the ground might be yeah I don’t I don’t like it right now yeah for sure I had your guys if you guys catch a little wind gust and you go do that if it’s not windy if it’s windy I just throw a sidearm I just didn’t know anyone actually did that route I literally haven’t never seen anybody you’ve never seen anyone try that one no oh gosh well you don’t have to do a practice round with jie every year I get to see it at least once every tournament you know what I’m talking about jie always argues that oh that’s the biggest Gap if you do this and look at it for your eyes closed and fre close one eye and look I get killed bro I throw an absolute Dart missile and I get killed hey bro throw good shots I a roasty yeah exactly oh what an idiot yeah zero OBS two pars two birds on this hole give me out I don’t know what I just why I get reminded about this but I want to share the story of one of the funniest things you’ve ever said to me on a disc of course Rick oh the draw on the map to find your disc yeah so I told I was being nice shot what are you doing down the middle of Northwoods you don’t to go through the tiniest Gap in the world he forgot I think he’s not Northwoods anymore I’m with it’s like do you you remember who it was it was you me Julie and someone else it was a fourth person and I lost the disc that was important to me and I was trying to find it and Ricky was already on some some tip about how he was making fun of me for being an artist which was the weirdest take but he kept making fun of me for drawing all the time and then he thought it’d be a really hilarious idea to tell me that if I wanted to find my disc so bad I should draw a treasure map to it and find it oh so funny take out a piece of paper draw where you think it went and you’ll and you’ll find it dude it’s pretty logical that little X marus spot little dotted line so dumb you meant it I think no I did how did you drive I don’t think so I think it’s perfect who knows the last one oh thr that backand yeah J backand backhand freaking extraordinaire now just talking about the t- shot right you only throw a back hand for this approach all right there’s the forehand let’s try the backhand see which one’s closer yeah oops turn nice that’s going to be close if I get the skip we’ll see oh one time donkey oh shoot oh my gosh thank you oh thank you thank you did you have dunkaroo as a kid yes those are the Dunkin Donut Donuts right yes no oh the kangaroos with icing Icing pouch oh yeah scoop them up and feel like you’re a cool kid I had to trade my like free lunch for those when I was dunkaroo I think I had one of those like two months ago yeah they restarted they they remade them and they’re just as good as I remember ah you can make the homemade ones now I’ve had those a couple times with like little graham crackers and those are good have you guys seen the new disc gol basket the new INR targets damn is freaking with a dart nice you still underground it’s crazy you still hit the band still hit the band what the heck put it closer rig you’re right I th outside the circle see I thw it outside the circle so I’m allowed to complain about the number you know you can’t complain when it’s ccle oh it’s a new putter oh I got a max weight putter now it doesn’t Glide oh dude that was the other one’s in the water wasn’t it hey actually that’s actually something I want to talk to you about on camera it looked like you were a little flustered in that moment as anyone I think would have been but the way you turned it around after that is kind of ridiculous cuz that was a moment where I feel like that’s that defines you as a champion right there you just putted your number one putter yeah you sent your bro back to the car which is about 3.8 Mi away was far and like you I don’t think you could be at a farther place from the parking lot are you allow to get more Putters once you’re like yeah yeah yeah it’s not a rule that you have to this ain’t golf bro you can you can add discs really freely yes I cuz there used to be a rule I feel like that youed whatever disc word in your bag to start that was one of those urban legends it never really existed no it never really was a thing um it wasn’t even a real thing all right at least I’m nearly positive yeah like I’ve always heard it’s like one of those like rule verticality things it’s like what is the actual rule one of our old head fans could probably you know clear that one up but either way but you handled that so well after that and you actually made some really nice putts with Putters that weren’t your main dogs do you have like a bunch of backups that are ready to go in case something like that happens no I uh I I switched putter molds at and so I’ve been working on getting a couple what are you putting with I’m putting with the uh the Missy Ganon CH SS okay and so I’ve gotten a few from her the backup one that was in my car that I got for the final round was 167 G and I know that until I looked oh and so yeah I mean I just had to go with it is that’s the one no this is a this is a new one oh that’s the actual max weight one yeah okay that’s the max weight one that I’ll be using now all right we got hole three we got a par three 466 kind of pinches off once you get towards the green so it kind of Narrows down on both sides with ob on left and right you got a left Gap up the middle Gap and kind of a right side Flex Shot three different kind of options depending on what the wind gives you on this hole and uh see what we do all right I got to ask you PR about the putting oh were you outside the circle or were you inside the circle yeah okay okay without a doubt without a doubt yeah I was there’s a video of me taking 13 steps from my okay okay from my uh 3 4 5 now I don’t know if8 9 10 uh prey I told germ this when I played with him last time I said Julie looks like he was a kid in school that like farted and didn’t want anybody to notice it was him so he made the face like don’t look at me don’t look at me oh my God that’s exactly what that face is yeah I’m not I don’t want anybody to know oh my everyone else is laughing look around the room there one person sitting so obvious it was him holding another one in yeah don’t look at me don’t look at me don’t look at me we never going to get through this practice round dude oh man the fart Bandit okay there’s the up the middle Gap that out of bounds after it hits bye raced out of bounds I think it actually flew out of bounds faster than it came out of my hand oh dang it that’s got to be released the anheiser you don’t like Hiser I don’t like the wide Heiser no I don’t know biggest Gap there is Gap least out of danger yeah that’s actually nasty you guys are dumb that’s a nasty shot that was good that was good a butt it’s a but still not all the way there you got to go it’s amazing how hard you’re working for these non birdie looks I just birdied I’ve missed a putt inside the circle first time in my life bro I don’t that the way that you still get forward distance going that wide like you were fully going around your elbow to get to your booty what it just that had so much distance I feel like yeah it’s hard you birdie every freaking year I know yeah it’s hard I’ve like birdied this like twice ever and it’s like a forehand hole all the way yeah unless you’re Andrew press on you can still a backhand that hat is so sick dude thanks that hat is so sick like yeah old school trucker hat not really this looks like a trucker hat now well truckers are the ones with the mesh in the back okay this is like I don’t know what this is called it’s just it’s it’s it’s in style now it’s like that that rip stop material um with a little cable on it here feel it Rick it’s like super soft material yeah lightweight oh wow yeah that’s super soft silky that is it feels good in case your head gets caught and th this so like if flies come you can kind of get the mosquito net oh you got to stay up come on it’s hard to get hide on that huh yeah a lot of spin a lot of nose up yeah I didn’t do either well I did the spin part [Music] dang it almost got you I can’t this is what always drives me nuts I still come up short when I get the full flex and then they’re going high there and getting there I thought there’s a headwind slowing it down right now yeah but downhill I should be able to achieve the distance just with angle and spin yeah and I shouldn’t have to do the whole power thing but this one requires you to like rip power and control it’s like all of it worst part of my life thanks FR yep hole number four 388 ft most of the players if you have a decent sidearms probably just going to throw the sidearm out over the green some players like myself are going to be uh going up the middle here or you’ll even see some like big right-handed uh turnovers going left to right oo a little slick very at least it’s a long teapad yeah it’s a little slippery nice out of it heck yeah that’s good pretty good you got theal Flex thing going on you’re good that shot I’m not up I for it dude that freaking shot is help oh my gosh really I can feel the disc bro but it really did help though for real it’s either that or the two days off I’m not sure yet yeah yeah bed is slick be careful hey the top of that slick be careful all right I’ll try to go from the back dang you definitely slipped I did but I skipped over the OB that’s good over it I flipped last year on this oh yeah I told you all right you can see that coming it’s slippery I remember oh yeah cuz I don’t want to slip got to oh position this in the right direction you got to be like Mato and put on a sock just Legend remember put the sock down hit it you’re like how do you hit that a sock’s this big you saw that yeah he broke took a sock off of his foot put it on the tead and did did he do that some other time or you just talk about our practice round no I was I think it was in a tournament bro he’s done in a tournament too yeah I think so yeah I’ve seen people just take a long sock put it over their shoe oh that’s the good idea I’ve seen Kevin do that that’s a really good idea that’s actually smart yeah like he was going to laugh at it and like no that was smart that’s actually kind of like that you guys already all throw yep oh yeah we’re all inside the circle so good luck how do I run up I forget hey feet he missed the towel how is that possible I didn’t get the on sock and you can’t even hit a towel I I got the towel I didn’t the replay will show I got tow tow you went too far 3T by two feet and missed it did I really you you were halfway off the front there you go nice see good things happen it was a good shot when you hit the towel did that a miss a towel that’s funny do you like have a a reference of how many tournaments You’ve Won as far as when you get there cuz you’re multiple at a lot of places like how many times have you won here um one or two three something like that see you don’t you said yes but you have no idea one or two I think how many Dynamic dis open or glass blown opens have you won one or two okay and then the worlds worlds yeah obviously yeah then the world here yeah that yeah but not that obviously so you don’t know it’s just another tournament yeah pretty much I mean at this point in our sport it’s like every every every week is the has the best fields in the world it’s not like like it used to be so it’s like basically win any tournament is a is just as good as the last basically like but I bet it’s it’s kind of special coming here and Win In with your sponsor and stuff yeah no totally tell what’s what you’re a disc golfer but you are not only a disc golfer what other hobbies and interests does a man like yourself uh partake in I am a gamer yeah you are I like to uh hit up the Xbox okay um I’ve I’ve been defeated by you in FIFA like yeah that badly I believe that was a good time that was wakeo two years ago was good for some of us you’re also nasty at Rocket League you play a lot of that don’t you play a lot of Rocket League can anyone hang with you in uh in disc golf as far as touring Pros I don’t think so yeah I’m sure there’s some dis golfers out there who would beat me actually there’s a uh there’s a Finland it’s like the goat rocket League player of Finland uhhuh is a big disc golf oh well it isn’t once you say they’re from Finland I just assume they play disc golf it’s kind of like they’re one and the same at this point but like the actual like of all the rocket Leaguers yeah the go to Finland like yeah oh just specifically the best rocket League player in Finland yeah okay how did that not go in look that look great all right J played good last week for a couple rounds well it’s be hard to shoot 16 under now see Force prey is that your actual t-shot Is that real what that one is that a star frame guys yeah Min is this guy German I told was inside the circle he didn’t listen to me I really did you guys you’re supposed to yeah dang it why you act surprise just cuz you didn’t birdy it I don’t know I think this one was second he’s all did you guys really all birdy it like he’s surprised yes yes all happens why do they keep leaving me hey I don’t smell anymore I don’t smell anymore why does this feel like high school where I’m trying to hang out with people and you keep walking away I know whichever not I’m at one ay one Sho two o pretty good how’d you get a two Ni birdied no what are you at PR uh one under one under all right Y no I bogie hold right on or three Rick what do we want to discuss the story how you got your nickname sure let’s do it the that was Rochester right Rochester New York 20 what 11 yeah I think it was right around there 2011 roer Avery Avery Dan at place his parents place so you explain it from what you remember and I’ll fill in the gaps from what I remember all right so I had my what was it was it the Honda Accord yeah yeah the black Honda Accord one of my first touring Vehicles yep proud of that thing fun for a little you know for a rook on tour I slept on that thing a lot all the all the whole nine yards for a first time tour mobile you know uhhuh um and I was parked outside of our host’s house for the week in Rochester New York and and we uh we we were just parked outside we go up for the next day for the next round and for just like a practice round get out go to my car and there’s a big old crunch job in the car I’m like oh great this is awesome so then I go to the front all all pissed off and I’m like I see like a note good guy good guy left a note left a note he left a note he’s like hey sorry I ran into your car blah blah blah and of course I made it a little bit better yeah for sure and and then uh he’s like hey I own a sushi restaurant uh blue saki or something was it or what was it called I don’t remember it wasn’t it wasn’t called Blue saki I don’t think but it was some some blue thing in Rochester you guys can leave a comment yeah and we went he he owned that restaurant so he’s like all come on in and and uh get some food so I’m like of course BR your friends all you can eat natural I’m like all right dude’s paying for it let’s get a bunch people Julie J I think Julie was you there I don’t remember no Julie wasn’t there it was barsby ay yourself me and and Hastings I’m pretty and then a hefty Bill oh yeah well we just got like a normal a normal sushi DIN and the waitress who knew what we were there for why we were there she was like when we were like asking for the check she was like he did say that everything’s free like you can get what you want and we were like oh so we got the menu back out after we’re already done eating and we were like okay we’re going to have this roll right here like the $35 roll like we send some more of those We Got Sushi to go which is stupid never a good idea Never As Good on the next day but we also decided to do some saki bombs yep and this particular sushi restaurant they did the whole thing where the chefs are banging on the table and the reason that we landed on Saki Bomb for you because we took some saki bomb shots but also at the time Julie and myself and others were calling you like Ricky White SOI and Ricky why so lucky and and in Rochester they have the Institute of Technology the the RIT and everyone was calling you what up RIT and then people had the RIT hats and St like that but we were looking for a nickname for you and then that night it just presented the opportunity the saki bomb and that’s where it comes from Rochester New York yep yep hopefully we find out what the restaurant was called yeah we’ll figure it out all right go ahead birdie boy oh it’s my breakdown is it how you like the luxury cart pretty nice huh it’s like a couch under there it’s so nice ho five 675 ft par 4 uh you have basically a pretty wide open Landing Zone you’re going to see mostly backhand thrown um I some forehands but the the thing is you you either want to get a lot of distance or you kind of want to chip up because the closer you get to that tree line if you’re not directly underneath it the harder your second shot will become as you get up to the pinched Fairway up by the green so either go full send or give yourself a little bit of room to go the big heer around the outside and we all know what Ricky does yeah he bomb you send it to that basket that’s really the landing Zone yep exactly same [Laughter] yeah and there’s the skydiver and and there’s the parachute right in the middle is that too close you like it there I hate The Middle on this hole it’s the worst that’s the only place I can land so it’s perfect I like being right or left cuz then you have like a either the side armor or the back end like over there love Nice Shot PR that’s going be good angle good shot yep wow PR that’s a lot of trust yeah it is yeah I’m screwed where I am now that is this your new disc yeah is it yep the general yeah this one’s not as Dy as I like so but there’s some doy ones that I really like what’s the numbers it’s uh a fast driver that’s the numbers nice I’m not the generation that knows numbers you guys aren’t either so don’t laugh no CL knows numbers it’s uh the you’re numbers guy yeah I have no clue what a number is o That’s so that’s so far those numbers weren’t quite stable enough no at least I crossed that whatever the number is it needs to be one more yeah one more number number is it needs to go or zero damn that thing went forever I uh cross went too yeah what are the numbers on that one J Too Much a four one number left yes that’s like 100 fade let me try one more the high your number on that one’s a lot huh dang it why is he throwing an extra he ain’t even playing 12404 those are the numbers right there 12404 those are the actual numbers on the general I was just kidding y but it’s a good disc you know when we’re playing these practice rounds trying to remain as true as you can to your actual strategy yep you know maybe you maybe you throw one of these lines that you would never really do an internment but just to get it out of your brain just to say I’ve tried it I know what the risk is no thank you right now this is that time where I can actually just go full send at all times and not have to worry about trying to develop a sound strategy I feel like I’m only throwing my tournament shots right now cuz tomorrow doesn’t look very good yes of course that’s all you should be doing you’re the one who has the biggest Target on his back right now you’re the freaking man you have an opportunity to do something that no one’s ever done win on the tightest wooded course and the most open course in back toback weeks that’s pretty cool ah you think this hole’s gotten easier because these trees are gotten taller and the the limbs have gone up with it I think it’s gotten easier from discs being better being better yeah but don’t I I feel like there’s a higher ceiling now than there used to be yeah that’s very possible honestly they might have trimmed him up too yeah oh that was a weird roll that was crazy I know sit you remember Brody shot last year on this hole that where it hit crazy that was nuts all right we’re going with the new swarm first row uhoh uhoh perfect there we go oh man do I go wide or do I go flex you trying to skip in or park it I don’t know go wide if you’re trying to park it yeah but then if you hit that gra n you’re right it’s too short to for it to matter yeah that’s too far though J yeah you didn’t throw great yeah I did see diving I just Juiced it juicy nice that was a good lead you’re a good Target dude you be a good receiver dude Kansas City is like an hour and a half they need some receivers they do need receivers they got cadar Tony they’re really struggling with all the three of the last five years so Super Bowls they’ve won I think you’d be a good replacement for caderas Tony I think I think my 40 speed is under eight seconds so should that should be good yeah under eight that’s seems like a good number to have I bet you I could even break seven if you trained a little bit yeah I mean not right now but in a couple weeks that stupid little cloud is getting us I’m so sick and tired of these non rining practices that’s why I’ve conjured these storms the last two weeks Juiced it yeah juice buckets thanks you no you’re not that’s much better thanks dude sorry you were another four steps away and it was too far I know yeah I didn’t need I didn’t need the umbrella oh no the other putter is really hurting him he doesn’t have it he needs it got to go back to that lightweight putter dude I don’t even know if I brought it hole six is a par three 339 ft you kind of want to swing it wide here with a Hiser kind of by the Foo basket maybe just inside that and the basket is uh tucked in the corner there and there’s OB that wraps around the left side of the green so anything that skips uh that skips hard left and short has a chance to go OB you do see some crazy people kind of go out over the out of bounds and try to crash the tree the Chandler crammers of the world yeah but um I’ve seen it work but it’s not I wouldn’t suggest it I bogey L get some get some feet is that kind of wussy that’s kind of little too straight kind of wuss wuss maneuver thank you that is so slippery it’s insane really threw with only arm on that one is it really yeah cuz you’re like going uphill disco Tech nice it’s part four car for from where that drive yeah it just got smashed that was crazy I also threw it like if it was in the air it would have got halfway there too it was terrible oh boy I have a hard time committing when I know I’m going to slip cuz I don’t want good job you got two meter at freaking Champions Landing that’s impossible no it came out and then rolled in B oh did it I just looked up and saw it get stuck in the tree that’s a kind of a cool name though champion ly it is a cool name he like made the club houses all like disc golf and like bunch of the past champions and aome yeah it’s kind of it looks professional it’s like a country club but for disc golf that’s cool never been a better time though yeah you bogey good job that was a bummer ter that looks funny though the Airbound skip shot no I’m I’m trying to do the skuzzle butt which is oh the double skip oh just the park job like that that’s I’m trying to do like you skip the stone but actually threw a disc you know how ding ding ding I still we just use the second one yeah sounds good yeah all right that’s about to get memd oh oh good try are you playing your second yeah that yeah silly shot he threw it four feet out of B we never really need to record like 112 the other silly shots the one that counts got yeah the other one that worked neither one play the one that worked was neither one plays it’s a par void shot yeah you get one void shop Round We we we’ve talked about this for years never never talked about it talked about it for years well done thank you thank you this whole it’s weird this whole play is kind of tough when it’s windy like that oh yeah just that stupid teapad straight uphill yeah mhm yeah all right I’ll try to solidify the putt has to go in off the front rim and in if you miss don’t wor you’ll get another shot a bogey did he always do this during PR round every time oh that doesn’t count oh I threw out a bunch oh I was just CL around yep oh no it’s not supposed to be that hard all right whole s we got a 678 ft par 4 we got the biggest change is that there’s a landing Zone and at 415 ft to 435 ft there’s actually a fake Lake without a bounds so it forces you to either play short or try to blast across to make the shot the second shot a little bit easier so that’s the biggest decision that we have on this hole and of course got the elevated basket and the uphill second shot let’s do it let’s do it I feel like with a Tailwind you can get there with a forehand yeah but you wouldn’t do that no pump up the geez just parked the hole Rick or oh my God no oh he didn’t move he’s experienced I thought I was going to hit him that was sick thanks it’s probably right in the creek yeah yeah that’s pretty much yeah probably taste of OB oh what what that was the dest skip ever dud like the bottle rocket that never goes off that’s what that skip was that was weird you Putin like explodes right where you lit it it goes po yeah it explodes before it even goes in the air just pops oh yeah that’s good nice shot is it nope I think it just oh I think you squeaked over I think I squeaked baby but that was close it was that was really close oh you actually threw it didn’t go B yeah no it hit this look at what it hit you hit a freaking three foot patch of GRA holy cow that is an absolute yeah that was weird hey you can birdie from here though heck yeah throw Z off yeah I mean I always just throw a Hiser to there and it makes it pretty simple uhhuh yeah drop here’s a deal nice you got to bring that back 8 feet yeah really fair actually no because if I was 8ot back back because it’s downhill it would have still gone the same distance all right well bring it back 7t I’ll bring it about one you’re still 8T shorter even though you’re downhill what you talking about where my higher went perfect he sometimes makes you think he’s right bro way am I crazy or is you just he literally is the definition of gaslighting oh yeah he’s a professional gaslighter huh oh totally totally he’s he’s made me believe that I’m a picky eater because I eat a lot of different things in menu and he eats one thing off the menu yeah he’s not picky cuz he doesn’t eat anything yeah cuz we pick a lot of different things right and he only picks one thing oh yeah I’ve heard that argument goes to the buffet and gets chicken T yeah yeah you’re like dude there’s crab and all this he’ll know he’s wrong and argue against himself if you took the stance that he originally had just your mind just doesn’t know what to think it’s it’s crazy but that literally couldn’t have squeaked in any closer that was crazy and that was kind of a rip like I know yeah I feel like any drive that you can see from the teapad once it gets over this hill is far and this thing barely crossed so like I love the idea of yeah forcing your making people make a decision right especially if it’s if it’s windy enough like headwind you’re it’s really hard yeah nice J you threw it in good job that’s try wow all right F should I throw it in or just throw it under throw it in all right all right let’s throw it in throw in on these Jokers yeah I got a 20 ball on it all right 20 ball for a two pack for a two ball yeah got a little crosswind going to have to throw a little bit far right there it is thank you guys a dang that’s hey wait a bait a minut wasn’t even close enough way to bait him into the par you’re making that don’t be weird I know do you ever run things no never I’m I’m surprised but with your putting confidence that you don’t I know I just it’s like it’s just so not worth it it’s like even if you’re good at that shot you’re not going you’re going to make it one all right here 50 times you know it’s fine that’s fine yep yeah yeah yeah yeah fair fair is fair yep fair is fair oh get in should have gone back a little bit more to yeah you should have put it from over there it would have went back into the left you should draw a treasure map back to where you should have put it from oh that’s funny I’m glad I didn’t put it from here I have a chicken chunk is that where you are yeah they did bit you into a part that’s why I don’t freaking run try to throw stuff in dude now you really got to hammer it try to throw it in throw it in Oh I thought he just daggered our hearts with that one and that folks is why you don’t run stuff on the pro tour you try to lay up for birdie a dang haha press dang it why’ you do that why’ you say haha press you missed a putt H why’d you say that what has he missed yeah competing against him in the in the round yeah but this is a it’s a practice round it’s not a in the tournament we’re used to making fun of Rick cuz we know him for a long Time’s Got It do we make fun of you do we make fun of you me yeah yeah see all right my bad see ha we got the doinks on this whole boys you got to bring it back bro if I miss it you got to say something I don’t need to say anything pretty embarrassing was that pretty embarrassing he says I don’t need to say anything oh that’s funny good pars boys hole number eight 99 4 fet you see a lot of guys kind of play the chip Heiser for their first send their second and uh lay up on their third shot for the birdie you see a lot of big numbers on this hole you just want to keep it in bounds try to take a part at worse but uh main main goal is keep it in bounds oh that was good go in oh it got through the tree completely through it it’s exactly what I wanted to go through the tree thanks OB no I know you didn’t want I’m just letting you know it did I know you’re was updating me on what happened yep I was I know if you can see it from your angle oh yeah I eagled this last year in the Skins oh yeah you did for like 1,300 bucks M what yeah it was a $1,000 Bounty did you throw oh it was like a 40ft butt D damn I went like big shots and roll tournament yet yeah you went roller second shot yeah maybe I’ll go roller that’s that’s rolling OB B yeah that’s not an eagle look you can still throw it in oh that wow I love it there’s good WID I don’t love it I love it perfect oh wow wait a second what and L almost went over be right and then almost over left I went further right to left and forward to back bro I wanted to go big backhand but this is like the worst possible win for it and I as much as I don’t care about the score I kind of still want to play for yeah something I want to throw like a good shot there you go oh germ that’s money that’s the park unless it doesn’t come back is it coming yeah that’s cash Nice Shot perfect I’m going to throw the Jo disc okay this is the one everyone’s going to get so oh my oh it’s in B watch safe so safe for a second come on sit yeah come back what is going on did it come back a thought going to come back I got to give a shout out to the guy at Music City open who wanted me to sign this and instead of signing it I confiscated it and traded him another disc disc because it’s too pretty thank you got to have story time he stole this from a guy who wanted an autographed n yeah holy why didn’t you do that weirdo that’s what we laugh that part no it’s going to get down no yeah yep safe no am I in did you see it bounce it looks like you bounced back in I don’t know he’s definitely spiked in the long grass all right but real talk with I’ve gotten some uh got some negative feedback for how much I promote that the Halo boss from the 20202 run I don’t care it’s my favorite driver ever and I’ll I would be saying the same thing about it if had anyone else’s name on it that disc is awesome so when people ask me to sign it and it’s a pretty one and it’s fresh and I’ve got a real strong suspicion that that thing’s just going to go on the wall and not get thrown like it’s like I’m I’m I’m conflicted because yes I want to sign it for you as a fan but I also want that thing to be thrown so if this a really pretty one like that one I just showed you guys I uh I’ll I’ll make a good trade you know the trade will be worth it but uh people think that I’ve got like a hundred of them I probably have like 15 to 20 but that’s got to last me for the rest of my career and at a certain point they’re going to be harder and harder to find so I don’t know you guys let me know if you think that’s a not a cool move I think it’s fine but PR so you have you said this was this last win was number 94 so take out the PD or the PDGA Champions Cup okay take out the silver series which one’s your favorite uh probably when I beat big Germ at Kansas City Wide Open 20 wait for wait for him I think it’s 2017 that’s your favorite one cuz I I think I was sub th rated and coing was a big touring player and I it was a super windy tournament and I uh and I beat him I think by one or two but I remember he had a dead center spit out on the second to last hole and was not Happ Story Time about your spit out besides the silver and the major is Kansas City Wide Open yeah no yeah no that’s funny I had that one in the bag I was like who’s who’s who’s Andy pretzel who’s this guy this guy and he shows up with soccer cleats on I’m like this guy’s in second and then he freaking air bounds putts from 55 all day that’s so funny bro Nice Shot thanks that was wild because that I knew that was going to be the last time that I probably ever played a proper Kansas city wide open and it was always this prestigious event oh thank you and I thought I freaking had it oh God why did I know exactly where you’re were going with that I was just curious which one it was I was surprised be good good shot yeah it’s good shot buddy thank you spit out from 20 ft oh God I didn’t need to he he whop me down good give me a good proper beat down I was in first place going into the last round and I had no idea what hit me man but he twisted me up I was a little salty about it turned you into pretel but but I knew that he needed D so you remember the second to last hole what happened no you stepped up to a uh like a 15-footer to come within one of me and it just right through the center of the M basket and I I you said something like like I’m not coming back here until we get basket better baskets something I don’t know yeah I’ve I’ve I’ve changed LW andon but I’ve held true to that I haven’t gone back to Kansas City to play this call I gave I gave the moach 3 a hard time it wasn’t really a pro Lev basket at a certain point no but I don’t think it’s necessarily right for us to like publicly bash a product or or a brand you know that’s something we we save that for private stuff you know Mach 3 suck yep there you go nice but there’s a place for him got us here in the museum yeah oh slip a that’s our basket right yep yeah Super Skip oh we are for the money that was sick right thank you heck yeah par safe tricky little shot do I try that yeah no why not cuz I don’t want to that look good should have tried it no I won’t ever try that parachute for him seen that from his angle it’s actually he threw the first ever parachute for him no he’s do that years straight out of his hand with the right to left cross one this tree and the OB on the left side I’m actually with him for not throwing no for sure I agree plus everyone got to see the first ever parachute forand oh Rick’s gonna adopt that and he’s going to use it and I love it I love it so much ah that was a good run I tried yeah good shot that was so wimpy I was trying to run it I hope not were you trying to air bounce I was trying to air bounce it a little yeah like he just has a setting he can’t unprogram [Music] that nice bunch of pars again yep n bogey J ran it so there’s no way he’s getting a birdie yeah I am nope no chance a tail in nice far that’s so bad told you into the automatically get in the par if you don’t make it so bad Infamous numero no 720 no fet uh tight Gap last year we played from the sh T box but looks like we’re bringing it back to the tips now um I I’ve been told that there is OB on the right side up there which this hole was already the hardest hole in the course and with the OB on the right side it’s going to be even tougher apparently you don’t want to go in there anyways because it’s a swampy jungle but got to keep it in the Fairway to get the distance that you need to be able to get any access or opportunity for a birdie you have to crush your t- shot and the closer you are to the cart path the the closer you are to danger but the closer you are also to having a good angle for your second shot so really tough hole you can’t really make a mistake and get a look for a birdie it’s got to be perfect I saw you made a funny comment yeah Ken uh can confirm my brother bet me five bucks actually talk us through that last shot on 18 He it was so easy I I threw a captain Raptor so it wasn’t never it was never going to go there branches right there yeah but they hang over in bounds and I had like four strokes still I could go be pitch up Pitch up tap in he could have put the disc right here and gone a few times I always told myself if I was winning I was going to lay up behind the back oh when you’re first major and the like hey look guys I can do whatever I want are we good yeah I know that’s something you always say but then when you get there in the mark you’re like let maybe not I didn’t have the chance I parked it from 300 yeah we from one foot away just go to make it oh you are out of bounds denied damn whoa awfully close there for a layup jeez Louise yeah that was a little bit of a yank job there safe though you can go I don’t know if was trying all right I’ll go just pulled the actually really happy with that shot really good shot OB that OB I tried so hard to turn left I know it’s oh yeah definitely okay dude I’ve been playing with the stupid F you are just for hitting these gaps and that’s how you win North no this is a super monster that shot was like nice good shot good shot there’s know that’s a good shot Rick thanks how far does that OB does it go all the way around the corner I bet forehand look at this car yeah we’ll we’ll whip it out one time heck yeah it’s what people want to see yep it’s like Jake wolf throwing backand he told me he’s been working on it a lot oh that’s got to go no it’s fine just skipped over the OB line you going to play at practice from here I’m out of bounds right oh yeah I did take it back don’t I oh yeah that’s the that’s so dumb I hate that rule wait a second I know but might as well it’s interesting I know especially on this crush a forehand go be by the corner and take it back uhhuh yeah it doesn’t really kill your angle as much no no might be all right yeah it could be in bounds I mean do you like that rule Yulie though just pull it back wherever you want on the line of the plasket yeah same than golf I mean but like the way we design holes is different than golf like we design holes to like more angles and stuff like golf doesn’t have freaking they do once in a while but not like we do like we have 90° angles like this you know I feel like that’s our angles are tough but their distances are tough so they pull it to their right distance that they want you know what I mean crazy even the oh sorry good shot is that his Drive yeah I like back in though lately this from drop shot Slammer yeah maybe should have everything’s a Slammer yeah it’s crazy this all this entire right side’s OB I like it that’s another thing like you get down there in the corner and then people doing that big old crash play like that’s not a skill shot a skill shot is it coming through the Gap and Landing nice if you want to do that not like throw it over here into the woods and be like oh yeah I got away with it yeah scrambling is so easy in our game yeah like if I go in right there I’m still getting up yeah it’s not even really in the you’re not even off the Fairway basically I’m not getting a birdie but I’m not going to mess it up that bad typically mhm one time out of 10 oh OB really same this twice perfect heght that was so identical back to back that was wild that was the exact same cut yeah I know right I was trying to harness it are you thinking about Parker wel were you thinking of Parker or you thinking of holy at Music City yeah that’s what I thought you were talking yeah it’s okay that’s not real shots I didn’t know was there you know yeah so a par yeah par all right that’s going to wrap up the front nine here at Champions Landing really like that name um scores I’m at one under EES even all right we got tight battle here for do yeah for the donation but also who stinks the least um kind of it’s windy it’s not that windy you think it’s windy I know it is yeah we’re even we’re even and he’s one under all medium wind whatever we got this disa giveaway little trespass it’s been thrown once it’s going to get thrown Again by Rick he’s going to figure it out yeah um like again you can win this if you are a patreon subscriber um yeah any notes you guys are signing it right too yeah we’re all gonna sign it so we all sign it and you’ll have it pres let’s play better on the back n yeah defin let’s do it got more let’s do it [Music]


  1. I don't know how Paul hasnt been called Paul UliPari or Par Ulibari yet… Every week I want it lol

  2. I think it's cool Jerm @ 56:00. They get a story out of it too, and a disc they got personally from you. Now I'm wondering why you didn't want any of the Thundies I had you sign in Guelph 😆
    Good luck this weekend on the DGPT side…an era is ending and I'm conflicted.

  3. I love you guys. The sport is awesome. Jomez has the best coverage and comintary. But, the monitization is insane. 1 minute commercial every 10 minutes. No one does this. Honestly, Disc Golf Network is ruining you guys, and no one is going to pay $21.00/month for disc golf when I can get billion dollar sports like hockey and basketball for less. Heck, UFC is only 10$ a month. Wayyyy bigger of a sport. Disc golf network is trying to uber capatalize. The bubble burst. Sorry. Know your place. Lower your price, you'll be more respected and get more subscriptions, But right now, Disc Golf Network is like the greedy 6 year old brother that doesn't get it.

    This is a message for Disc Golf Network. Not Jomez Pro. These guys work hard. Keep it up.

  4. Havn't seen or heard, what kinda work did Uli get done for his shoulder that is working for him? Sounded like some kind of shot? I am definitely glad it is helping either way, but with shoulder issues myself definitely interested in what is working! Great round as always, Ricky is a vibe and Prez seems to fit right in!

  5. Looks like another tournamnet that players gona whine about bad teepads. But now I have to agree, wet, muddy concrete is really bad.
    Imagine tournament but you can trash talk as much as you want. I wouldn't want to be in same pool with Ricky. 😂😂

  6. Honestly, props to the Jomez editors. You can hear Uli losing it in the background at 36:00 so it takes work to filter those audio channels when everyone's mic'ed up. Great work fellas

  7. Who ever Paul Ulibarri’s graphic designer is deserves a raise. His logo is the best of all the players in discgolf. imho

  8. Nice Rochester shout out. Home of the disc golf legend Bobby Jones. Dont know what sushi place they are talking about

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