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Matt and Phil Simms Shocking 2024 Rookie QB Rankings

Matt and Phil Simms rank their top QBs in the upcoming NFL Draft, and give their thoughts on potential landing spots for them. Listen to the Simms give pro’s and con’s on each QB and what they think they’ll be able to bring to the next level after this week’s draft. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on all of Bleav’s shows! They go into details on Caleb Williams, JJ Mccarthy, Drake Maye, Michael Penix, Bo Nix and more!

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Sims complete fans we are back again big Phil and I ready to finally do the quarterback rankings for this 2024 draft class we finally got him everybody we’re gonna s we’re gonna sit here and actually decide where are these quarterbacks rank as far as Sims Phil Sims is concerned so I’m excited that we’re finally doing this uh I’m excited to hear your one through six and at least the top six that’s what we’re going to do for today yeah so why this oh we’re going to finally what what what’s all the dramatics about well you know what the dramatics are about I’ve been asking you to do this for like three months now okay so well you know what I wanted to gather more information is there anything with like trying to know what you’re talking about hey is there is it okay for you to make a ranking and then gather more information than rerank ranking is there anything wrong with that you know I I listen I don’t do that crap okay I’m not okay I’m gonna change my rankings I just just found something new about this guy he’s he likes dessert so I’m gonna rank him second instead of third oh what the hell H God forbid you know I mean God forbid oh well that’s why you gather their information first and then you rank them okay well the whole season when we did the show together right you were saying this team’s really good and then I gathered more information and now I realize they’re not that good and you know what that’s what happens when you do evaluations all right it’s okay it’s okay to change your mind player is that supposed to be funny look at that you didn’t you didn’t even know what to say you no of course I did I was hey look I was just playing to the camera so all right come on let’s go let’s let’s talk about these quarterbacks where we think they’re going to go and what how we perceive them it’s not the way we think the draft is goingon to go right now just what we how we ranked them okay so are you are you ready yeah I’m ready all right who you got number one quarterback in this year’s draft class big Phil who you got well this shouldn’t count you know we we both have Caleb Williams so dud I’m not sure about that my quter is actually no it’s Caleb Williams too it’s Caleb Williams Oh I was gonna say good for you that’ll create a little noise but Caleb Williams um well we know everything tons of starts controls the football great I never saw him I don’t think I even saw one play where the ball got away from him in other words if he threw an incompletion just cause his his maybe the way he judged it was wrong but very accurate big guy plays big big hands um I think Matt my last thing is saying about him I think he wants to play from the pocket but you know he has a great ability to move and USC’s offensive line was not that great so he had to move around more than maybe people like but I think he’ll figure it out pretty quick in the NFL yeah I mean I think it’s clear-cut that he is number one in this year’s draft class I don’t think it’s honestly even close I really think that he’s one of the best prospects that we’ve seen and really the closest comparison that we’ve had from a prospect to a Patrick Mahomes who is the best quarterback in the NFL right now his motion his ability to throw the ball with power down the field with touch to be athletic to be dynamic creating plays Off Script like everyone is falling in love with nowadays you know all of these things are things that Caleb brings to the table relatively right from day one in this offense a pure thrower I said it on our last show he’s one of the top 10 throwers in the league as soon as he steps on the field on his first Sunday start so Caleb Willams to me is you know a knock him dead starter in the NFL and I think that he is going to have a really good career in the NFL because of his skill sets and because of what he’s able to do with the football yeah no no doubt you know uh nothing you can really to me complain about we always talk oh at Notre Dame how’d that work out well you know Notre Dame they couldn’t pick up a blitz I mean they couldn’t get away from the defensive backs in Notre Dame so that was just a manhandle and you know I don’t expect these guys had perfect Seasons everybody oh well against this team they struggled well you’re G I don’t care how good you are Patrick Mahomes struggles in certain games but that’ be my last thing when I I remember watching Patrick Mahomes College tape at Texas Tech going man you know it’s it’s pretty exciting but is this going to work in the NFL and now just think here we are seven years later like that’s the guy we’re looking for now that can do all these things so yeah he has those traits I would say his college tape watching him was better than I saw at Texas Tech um you know so maybe it’s competition but I don’t think it was like an overwhelming all about their talent either right I think it was Caleb Williams talent that helped score more points than they probably deserved as a team at USC yeah absolutely absolutely so the consensus there you know us like many other people out there in the world except for a few others have Caleb Williams as the number one quarterback in this year’s draft class and uh expect big things from him too in his first year in the NFL despite just being a rookie um you know maybe not CJ strad level type of performance but uh pretty close honestly you know cap I think he’s capable of that and I think that he has the ability to kind of come onto the scene in such a way uh all right so now the number two quarterback on Phil Sims quarterback Power Rankings is who wow Jaden Daniels LSU you know when he went down there from Arizona State I said wow I hope I don’t know if this is going to work out but I think I saw pretty early that um you know he was going to adjust to the SEC being at LSU really a different offense you know they run a pro offense down there under Brian Kelly and I don’t even know who the coordinator is I forgot already but um you know Jaden Daniels I think the number one thing about him uh good processor you know go even though he’s such a really great Runner he still can find the third receiver in some plays so that makes you feel good but also in the SEC Matt and all the tapes are tapes I hate kind of saying that but all the games that I watched of Jaden Daniels I don’t remember him ever getting tackled from behind right I mean when he gets out in the open field I mean he is super slick it’s uh it’s as good it really is as good a as good running as running as a quarterback that I’ve seen I don’t know when probably yeah maybe Lamar Jackson but say probably Lamar yeah and and Michael Vic you know we’re we’re talking about that’s the two guys that reminds me of it looks different but it looks like straight ahead that he might be faster than he one of those guys so it’s um he’s impressive compact motion uh it’s not CJ stra uh the one knock I mean because we got to say something negative about him or whatever his arm is good but it’s not it’s not the I don’t think it’s like top 10 in the NFL like you said about Caleb Williams I don’t know if it’s in the top 15 but he is accurate uh but the power that’s probably the one thing say that you go well not a powerful arm but still very accurate and picks out the right guy to throw it to yeah for sure and I think that’s why he is you know for for the most part the consensus number two on everybody’s lift list besides a few um and and and I understand why but the the one thing this is where our lists are now going to be a little different from yours and mine my number two quarterback on the list is actually Michael penx and I know this might be something a little bit of a shock or surprise you know to some people in how they view him but this is me like we always say this is me and how I value the position and how I would build my offense and all that stuff I think Michael penick’s movement in the pocket is awesome I definitely see you know the things that you have mentioned uh multiple times as we’ve broken down his film him getting stuck in the ground him getting a little bit too complacent with just relying on his arm but you know being able to throw the ball as well as he does with power throughout the field you know to be accurate all that kind of stuff down the field to the sideline with power all those things that to me is a skill set that has to translate to the NFL to be super successful he can do that his pocket movement I think is absolutely phenomenal I know that he’s not a guy that is a Scrambler or a duel threat so to speak anymore like he was coming out of high school going into college but he moves well in the pocket he moves to throw he moves to be a dynamic passer as he’s evading people and I just think that Pen’s skill set really does translate to the NFL very well because of his ability to just you know be manipulative with his arm and to be dynamic that way so I see him fitting in very well with a lot of offenses that I think he would Thrive under you know I think about like the Denver Broncos and Minnesota Vikings and like you know those offenses with Michael pennx in it they would be really dangerous because of just how aggressive that he can throw the football and from different platforms and still be tough in the pocket making people miss so Michael pennx is number two for me okay well that was interesting that’s pretty high nobody has him at number two so you have to have true belief and saying all that and I believe you I will say this Michael Pennock is my third quarterback yeah and you talked about his throwing let’s see when you can throw the ball like him Matt you fit into every offense in the NFL that’s right exactly you fit into everyone and I will admit over the last couple days because I gathered more Matt um yeah I know uh but I did change a little of my thinking with him because I saw more of what I was really looking for I watched more games saw a lot of throws but he didn’t hang on his back foot he really got through the football gave him a higher release he was extremely accurate to say he has a powerful arm I I listen I don’t know who whose arm in this draft or in a draft in the last few years equals Michael penx I mean it’s hard to come up with those guys but the big hands are a great thing for him you know because he can just manipulate the ball the way he wants and you see how easy it comes out of his hand and uh yeah getting getting stuck which he does sometimes in his back foot leans back to throw it because he can um he’ll get out of that in the NFL because he’s going to know you have to keep those feet alive keep moving give a little bounce to them and know that on a split second you got to turn make the throw and not get crushed yeah and this is the reason why you know he is a little bit higher on my list than I think other people have him to me him being weatherproof and throwing the ball in in tough environments throughout his career this is where I give him a notch up because you know I’m not talking about you being great you know through the regular season right you have to have some of these special traits and qualities to be great in the playoffs right to get a Super Bowl run and he is a quarterback that I think has the ability you know to be dynamic as a thrower in you know subzero temperatures you know in Kansas City on the road and still go shot for shot with a guy like Patrick Mahomes so that’s why I think I really value that skill set tremendously you know and the longevity of that right we discussed in our last episode about just throwing mechanics and getting better well if he’s already you know one or two on your list of throwers for this draft class I’m thinking about Michael pennic three or four years from now as he gets used to the NFL football game as he starts to evaluate himself and other great throwers in the NFL adding those things to his resume his ability you know that’s where I’m saying Michael penx is a great thrower already you know Caleb’s a top 10 thrower in the NFL day one Michael pennx is going to be a top 10 arm power thrower from day one two and I think that he can develop all those other things as he continues go in his career so Michael penck with the amount of reps that he has the weatherproof you know the fact that he can just throw the football all over the yard and especially the downfield passing and accuracy that’s where I feel like I give him that leg up over Jayden Daniels all right that’s that’s really good I’ll say this he’s a thrower but he’s also a passer you know he’s he’s not a line drive thrower which we’ll talk about here later in the guys we talk about but he can get on top of the football I I know it’s a phrase but it’s he gets his body into it he can throw it over group of guys and throw it in front of the other one you know which is important like you know I hear it all the time layering the ball I mean I don’t know if I’ve ever said it but it sounds pretty cool but you you weatherproof I think that’s huge because there’s so many teams that are going to play in rain snow or win some you know in the NFL and all I say to everybody out there go watch him at Oregon State on a night game up there pouring rain he’s spinning the ball he’s throwing it guys couldn’t even catch it because the weather and everything he’s putting it right on the money and he was throwing it so hard even in all that uh climate that the players just couldn’t handle it the other game is at Washington when they played Oregon and about 30 m hour wins and which I’ve said a couple times on our podcast yeah uh shoot I’m trying to think Brock hu was doing the game and he goes man you I just don’t know what to tell everybody watching the game this is end of the win it’s at least 30 m per hour wins and he’s throwing these you know big deep routes on the sideline uh like it’s nothing so that’s what you get when you get Michael pennick and of course he ran a 455 at his pro day so it shows he’s capable of that and you know too he took his shirt off so I think he took his shirt off to show everybody hey I got a little muscle on me too so you know I really do I think it’s why else do you take your shirt off because you think you look good right you’re not going to take it off because hey look at me I got a little belly but don’t worry about it I’ll get rid of it before the draft well for everyone at home big Phil has kept his shirt on for the past 10 years so that just tells you everything you need to know that was just not nice it’s just I don’t want to Blind everything well never mind we won’t get into that that’s right that’s right all right well that’s pretty cool pretty cool so we got that down now number four my turn well hold on player all right because that was number our number two I’m just letting everybody my that my number three right is who you would have Michael penck number three my number three is Jaden Daniel so we just have those two flipped right so that’s the only difference in our list I have Michael pennx 2 you have Jaden Daniels at number three you have Michael pennx I have Jaden Daniels so now we’re going to the four spot um I agree with you too on everything with Jaden Daniels and all that so that’s why you know I I have him in that top three ranking too uh I just switched around Michael pen because of the things that I just alluded to uh but now at number four who do you have big Phil I got J J McCarthy uh number four yep JJ McCarthy at number four okay yeah and I think JJ McCarthy well well I won’t talk about where he’s going to go but where I think he is I don’t know that’ll be just throwing darts at the board you never know about all this stuff but JJ McCarthy I think the more I’ve watched him this offseason the more I appreciate what he does first and foremost I know you’ve said it my Christopher or other my other son has said it but yeah he had limited throws in games a lot of times yeah and I’ll just say this doing both in my career in high school college and even the pros throwing less is not as easy as oh well he didn’t have to throw it much well that’s hard because now you got to be more precise you don’t have time to get in Rhythm you can’t throw in completions go well it’s second down I don’t care we’ll throw a couple more and see how it goes um so I I I I appreciate that he’s got a strong arm there’s no doubt he run I I read something this morning and you know Matt you know we’re all everybody has their own opinions but somebody wrote that yeah his arm strength that you got to worry about that that’s the last thing I worry about with him he throws one pitch right and that’s a fast ball right I mean it’s hard to find passes from him that he’s just not ripping it and go look I know it’s but go look at Iowa and Purdue games where they had to throw it to against Iowa to beat them because you’re not going to run the ball against that defense right and he really played well and then against Purdue he got to open it up too and he just made a lot of dynamic throws I know they go well those are not great teams well that was pretty damn good and uh really really impressive throws well on the run and U there are a few things I’ll talk about what that bothers me a little bit which I saw uh quite a bit of yesterday which I was like wow I didn’t see that the first couple times I watched his say top 50 plays and and what are some of those things that bother you oh I was yeah well he gets lined up to say it’s kind of hard to explain I I was we did videos I made him I said oh we got to look at this and show everybody but he’s lined up to let’s just say he’s lined up to throw it over down the field to where the tackle or tight end would be okay but he’s there and he’s in place and he’s gonna throw a deep sideline route okay and it’s almost like he had to go inside out to throw the ball right and he missed every time he did it uh and he missed where inside or way outside as he because he swung open or what was what was he missing on his the thing that I worry about him is what the ball when he misses it’s always high right which is now to the side line you get away with it over the middle anywhere else in the field look out but yeah you lose power you lose direction you lose spin on the football and most of those throws went high now right maybe I overstated it’s not like it’s a alarming thing but getting in position to throw the pass is just as important as everything else and uh so it jumped out to me so be between that and you’ve talked about it he can overstride which when you overstride you makes your shoulders go up a little your front shoulder and where’s the ball gonna go when your front shoulder’s High the ball’s gonna go high right so so there you go that’s my fourth guy yeah that that could be something that you know again just I think with mindful coaching and and a quarterb coach and offensive coordinator that’s aware of that that that to me is an easy fix for the big part of of JJ right in his athleticism you know that the one concern that I have for JJ uh on top of those things is just the the lack of repetition too as far as just dropping back and being that way the guy where the whole team relies on you you know on every play you know and in the NFL nowadays unless he’s with a run heavy football team but you still got to be a guy that just can knock him dead on a consistent basis this is something that like you know Jared golf struggled with early on his career and now he’s the type of guy that that really doesn’t miss much you know right and he’s and he operates really good in in a really well-designed offense so uh but to go to my number four now uh I do not have JJ McCarthy at number four my number four is Bo Nicks I put B Knicks at number four because you know to me this is a guy that has as much or more than any exper more experien than any other quarterback in this draft class I I love the fact of just like the The Arc of his story you know kind of down and counted out multiple times you know JJ McCarthy like it’s all it’s always been great you know it’s always kind of been like set for him you know and all that stuff I know they lost in the college football playoff but like B Knicks has been through you know he’s been through he’s been through hell and he’s gone through it and he’s come out the other side as we joke around like Andy du frin you know and that’s the key right is that you know for me I like that aspect of him a lot that he’s been through a lot at Auburn goes to Oregon you know he deals with two different offensive coordinators at Oregon no doubt he gets a lot of throws but to throw the ball at 70% comple your percentage to be deadly accurate on these short and intermediate routes as consistent as they were to throw the football accurately in a lot of those Tight Windows because of the way they’re offense was designed and also to really be a great thrower outside of the pocket uh very underrated that way can he be a little bit more creative can you do a little things more off the cuff you know sure we would like to see that from him but I think that Bo Nicks is one of the most polished quarterbacks you know as far as checking every box you want to see in a quarterback in preparing for the NFL he just doesn’t do anything uh at a super like Elite level that’s like super sexy you know to the eye when you’re watching him to the normal fan right he doesn’t have the cannon like uh like a Michael panx or a Caleb Williams but he does everything really really well super solid all around uh again I just I commend him onto on just the fact that when I watch this film he’s one of the few quarterbacks that I think too consistently you see him going through multiple reads throughout the game you know one to two to three one to two one two to three scramble Move Like These are these are things that I think you can kind of just tell that he’s been well taught he understands it he executed a very high level he’s also being a little bit downplayed too by his ability to push the football down the field and his accuracy at downfield I think he throws it much better than what people are claiming to be and and I think the dude is tough too so I got B Knicks as my number four quarterback all right well good I’ll talk about him later because I didn’t have him in the top four yeah so who do you have at number five at number five I have Drake May number five is Drake May to me just because you know this was tough I kind of went back and forth with with Drake May and JJ in this way for the five six position but you know with Drake I just feel like he has the potential of a higher ceiling with his physical attributes being big strong fast a little bit more mobile too as far as his athleticism can throw uh with his body contorted and and and funny positions very consistently too you know the turnovers and the carelessness of the football to me concerns me a little bit too sometimes the unnaturalness of his motion bothers me too right and that really is why you know these two guys are on the bottom of the list for me Drake I think has a very high ceiling but you know it’s also he he concerns me a little bit too with you know having an even lower floor than a lot of the other guys that we’re talking about so I think Drake is extremely talented I think he has a lot of upside I would say that he is a project type of quarterback too where I would not start him day one I would start him after a year or two of being in the program if I had that flexibility with that player and allow him to get adjusted to the NFL game and to really be honed in on what’s him what’s being asked of him each and every day to be a pro quarterback well Drake May is my fifth guy too um listen big strong you said it’s 64 22 23 I think that’s his combine numbers got big hand too so that helps uh his arm there’s only one way to explain it that’s powerful um it’s it is I mean and you know look we’ve talked about this many many times and I say to everybody if you want to see what we’re talking about in motion here’s what you do watch his motion when he throws it down the field okay it is absolutely impeccable it’s great that’s why he’s a really good downfield thrower he’s awesome I think throwing on the run right and left I don’t think he’s quite as I mean he’s mobile but not in the sense that I look at him like uh JJ McCarthy Caleb Williams Jaden Daniels I don’t put him in that class it’s you know he’s a big guy uh is he Josh Allen running the football no does he have Josh Allen’s arm no but it’s his arm is strengthwise I mean I I’ll tell you and when he when he does it all when he connects it really well man it it’s with power and that ball can rotate and it’s easy to catch power throws when you rotate the ball as fast as guys that’s why that’s why he’s lower on my list though too because it’s like you just said it when he connects you know that’s where like to me like Caleb Williams and Michael pennx they connect all the time right they connect all the time with those power throws and that accuracy down the field too and layering the football like you’re talking about and to me I just don’t see that connection you know that fluidity in his motion the same way that I do with the others now when it when it is right damn it’s good right but it’s not as consistent as those other two okay it it’s definitely not um you know he does Miss some throws and we all you know like I always say hit the routine plays to make a few special ones too but when you talk about him he’s not going to start right away as a rookie I doubt that no matter where he goes and what happens but when you put him in there he’s a guy that you ease to look play action passes where do play action passes usually go Matt down the field so it it separates you from the line of scrimmage it expands the defense easier to see easier to make the right decision and more freedom to really get in Rhythm to throw the football right and but that’s what I think right away when I see him and uh yeah he’s gonna have some moments I watched him in his pro day again yesterday gosh I gotta get a life um but I know is that terrible but I said let me just watch it again and I didn’t see it the first time but he missed a couple throws and it’s not that he missed them because I don’t care about completions and incompletions at Pro days but it came out of the side of his hand right and you know I was like wow how could you know I just can’t imagine like over rotating his hand as he’s following through and it’s kind of sliding off like you know his his pinky a little bit too quickly and that’s why it kind of SPS a little funny well the nose of the ball goes down and where the hell’s the ball going it’s going down but it wasn’t like I went oh my gosh he corrected it I think he had like two of them in the workout but really when you’re against and doing all that you should never have one of those so not that that alarms me that much I think he’s a big mobile strong guy and he’s GNA go wherever he goes just do a lot of play actions make the transition as a rookie much easier so I’m I’m not as um I don’t know what to say I’m not as down on Drake may as a lot of people were yeah and uh so but it’s a good quarterback class I think the more I watch him the more I’m starting to believe it’s even better than I probably gave it credit for you know two weeks ago but uh Drake May number five all right number six I gotta remember who I got well yeah one left who is it it’s Bo Nicks yeah and it was hard I guess I did it just going going being number six and my eyes or and when I ranked them it’s really hard they’re so close some of these guys but you said it experience great decision maker I see Elite throws every single game not some and I don’t see one or two I see about five Elite so how the hell is he number six on your list then just I I hey because I’m going looking at like Drake May let’s put it that way I would have switched them if I was doing anything right but um you know I guess I was going for if it all hits Drake may just physically maybe a little better size m not Mobility that’s the other thing B Knicks runs well right and he can throw off running right running left he can throw from the right hash to the left sideline so I think the armst strring thing I try not to say it too much because I think it’s extremely overrated with him and I think he’s G to be a really good NFL quarterback look his dad’s a high school coach you can tell on the field when he’s playing at Oregon these two years he’s in control he’s the man it’s really easy to see all right but you you have Drake May and Bo Nicks on the board still your team is up drafted ing which quarterback are you drafting well what team am I just just talk just he you’re you’re the GM which quarterback are you taking Bo Nicks or Drake may you it’s your team so don’t worry about which team it is I know I know what you’re saying well if I could see him in person that would probably decide which one I would take the one that just made it look easy wow what a answer right there just all right all right shut your ass up okay I it’s tough I I I guess hey look I’m ranking him number five so I’d have to take Drake May or Drake May over Bo Knicks you would okay all right but you know hey we we’ll we’ll see I think it’s I think when you look at these teams they’re going to try to draft somebody that really fits the profile they want and that’s where it gets a little tricky judging these quarterbacks right I think you got to look at teams and go this fits him this team fits him whatever yeah and you know hey a guy I know very well we were in the same draft class with Joe Montana would he would he to love playing in up here in New York instead of San Francisco would you change your opinion maybe of him if he had to play in Green Bay New York you know all these cities where you could Buffalo um it would change what we think so I think a lot of times it’s a same thing with these quarterbacks coming out yeah definitely definitely and you’re right like style you know as they say in boxing styles make fights and it’s the same too for quarterbacks as well Styles really do make just like the teams in their environment that they play in so it is very important all right so you got you got Bo Nick at number six and that leaves me with my number six and JJ McCarthy and right you know it’s really not a knock on JJ I actually am in not actually I have been impressed with him throughout this process I really have I changed my view from where it started at the end of the season to now how I view him as a quarterback I think he could be having a very successful NFL career there’s no doubt about that he has the skill sets for it you know when I stack him up against the others I still just don’t see enough I didn’t see enough evidence to say that he should be over a Caleb Williams jadden Daniels Michael pennx and Bo Nicks because of just the lack of you know reps where the game really was on his shoulders to perform at a very high level from the first quarter to the fourth quarter with his decision making and with making Dynamic throws he made a lot of great throws on third down I saw that stat multiple times throughout this process he was one of the best quarterbacks on third down and that’s great that’s really good you know at the same time though it it it just there’s too many games where I just see like you know routine kind of completions and I don’t see the wow impressive plays like I see from the others and for me he is a project uh he would not be someone that I would be looking to start from day one even though he has been coached by an NFL quarterback and an NFL head coach I would still be looking to groom him into a program to get more acclimated to the NFL game and I’ll say the other thing too that kind of concerns me a little bit too and not to say that he’s like this player but you know he kind of has like a Zach Wilson look to me on the field he looks athletic you know to a degree but he kind of looks small a little to me at times you know and that’s where I think with Drake may I move him up over J uh JJ because I know that as you would say size is you know skill it’s a talent you know it’s an advantage to be big and strong in the pocket in the NFL and for JJ I think he kind of plays smaller you know at times to me you know that’s how I saw him at Michigan now when I saw Michigan’s team on the field I realized why he looked small because everyone would look small on that damn team because of how big they were but he plays a little bit on the smaller side for me I don’t really know how well he sees down the field consistently the way that I’ve seen other guys in this this draft class and I think those two things concern me you know as far as the evaluation and where I put him at this number six ranking all right I understand that it’s hard to argue any of those points and um you know he’s progressed like I in my mind you know I we’ve I’ve said it many times I kind of want to you know it’s like I send so I want to get it off my chest is I thought I said well when he decided to come out I go wow what a mistake he’s going to go in the third or fourth round yeah and then as I watched him and the more I watched him I started okay I see it I think he is athletic uh his body doesn’t bother me at all he’s going to put on some natural weight you know same with Jaden Daniels you know everybody hey you gotta be who you are you know what you know when you’re that’s who you are let’s say Jaden Daniels if he puts on 15 pounds real quick I’d go everybody go oh yeah he’s getting bigger yeah I’m sure he’s getting slower and he doesn’t feel as good because that’s not who he is right now time will take care of that I mean Jaden Daniels weighs 200 10 pounds okay I don’t know what he weighed in at the combine I think it was that right but I’m sure it’s a little bloated or heavier but I don’t look at him on the field and go oh he’s undersized he’s every B at 6’4 when you get around him and um so it’s not not a problem with me that’s for sure and JJ McCarthy i’ never thought about his size he looks like he plays big on the field can throw over people if he has to and uh mobile I think his Mobility is just much better than think or give it credit for it yeah it is good it is good I just you know it I think his Mobility is very good the problem I have a little bit too and maybe this is the structure of their offense too just didn’t see it enough on film you know and you see offense no I understand you know but there are times though too where just you know players just kind of making plays and doing that stuff too and like you know with Caleb you know just like in that comparison by from my one to six ranking it’s not like it was part of the offense of the USC off offense for him to reverse field three times and throw a dime down the field 40 yards on a line you know and I just feel like I don’t see enough of that natural ability in that same Regard in that same class by JJ doing that stuff you know I saw that a little bit more from Drake I saw that more from Bo I saw that more actually from Michael penck at times too even though it seemed like he was a little bit more gungho on staying there and hanging in the pocket to throw but I just feel like the other guys they had more repetitions of that and that for me it it allows me to sleep at night when I’m in this draft class too because you know if I haven’t seen it it’s hard for me to use my imagination say oh well he’ll do it at the highest level in in the in the world of football and it’ll just naturally click to him you know so that’s where you know I have a hard time just manipulating my brain to say oh yeah well you know that was Michigan he’ll he’ll do all that other stuff in the NFL now you know vers versus the Cincinnati Bengals defense and Luan rumo you know it’ll he’ll just work it out all of a sudden you know so that’s that’s a little bit of my concern a little bit with with JJ but I still think that he can be a great Pro I just think it’ll be a little bit more time for guys like him and Drake uh you know and even maybe Bo and really really for all these guys you know just just again depending on where they land what team they’re with what coaching staff and really what coaching staff can utilize these quarterbacks you know more than more than just honestly harming them because you know uh Greenberg says this on ESPN get up all the time right he’s just like you know more quarterbacks are ruined the NFL than they are groomed and I think there there’s a lot of Truth to that too there really is I agree now you’re quoting Mike Greenberg you never quote me you know I said what the hell am I doing wrong here Mike Greenberg yeah he’s only worried about one thing the Jets the Jets the Jets we got to get a receiver we need to do this or and you know oh it’s it’s great I do let’s it is yeah I like he’s he’s part of that Kirby enthusiasm crowd too that knows the exact episode that I’m talking about you know what killed him you know the Jets and a little bit of the Knicks you know so that’s that’s really what it comes down to but hey good times for the Knicks right now and hopefully better times for the Jets coming here soon too yep okay let’s do this let’s swing right over to where we think they’re G to be drafted okay no surprise you’re GNA go from here too so Caleb Williams no surprise he’s going to Chicago Jaden Daniels going to Washington guar guaranteed guaranteed okay guaranteed you’re saying he’s already his name’s on the on the piece of paper ready to go oh well they’re going to it’s it’s going to be the last second because we’re we’re listening to trade offers uh who’s going to do it and he could be somebody’s trading in and no they’re gonna take Jaden Daniels all right if they trade out I don’t care then I just I’m not gonna watch them this year no I mean do you agree with those first two picks yeah I I you know what I haven’t seen much that would say for me to disagree right now so um all right now let’s go where do you think third pick of the draft third pick go yes New England yes okay I really feel confident and I hate to do it this way but I’m sitting here TV’s on I look over Albert Bri Greer Breer right okay what what about it New England looking the trade to get out of the third pick okay I didn’t need to see that to say this because I I think they would always kind of thought New England’s going to get out of that pick and move down and they’re going to get some picks and I think it’s going to be Minnesota coming up and this will get you I think they’re gonna come up and I think they’re gonna draft JJ McCarthy at number three JJ McCarthy at number three to Minnesota what do you got Minnesota no this is all you right here player this is you well you’re not gonna do it too no because I honestly didn’t prepare for it so I’m not doing it well oh my God so we got to give you a big notice so where you think these guys are going Jesus okay so okay let’s go to this so the fourth quarterback taken in the first round New England traded with Minnesota so they got Picks 11 and 23 okay right okay and so New England now with the 11th pick is going to take Drake May 11th pick they’re taking Drake May okay I think it’s a good fit I think when you think about their team they need a quarterback uh you got Gerard Mayo defensive head coach uh I’m sure he’s still going to help out on the defense and Alex Van Pelt is the offensive coordinator what did he do at Cleveland with you know last year with what they did on offense a lot of playaction passes get the football down the field really make it easy for the quarterback the ball yeah yeah run so just balancing it out not going to get the shotgun and throw it every down so who does that sound like to me it sounds like Drake May okay yeah all right you agree you like that I I do like that a lot I think well it’s great for Drake too you know because I do think that it’s going to be a good combination too um and I think he kind of fits to that New England environment with his size and strength too I think that plays into being a good New England Patriots quarterback too because like you said with Montana and San Francisco I think Drake would fit very well into that environment late in the year too and be able to throw with power and accuracy down the field when the weather isn’t so great so I do like that pick all right so now the fifth quarterback who’s that I’m goingon to go Michael pennix okay to where to the Las Vegas Raiders wow I know that’s kind of out there and I think my your brother Christopher I think he might have said this too but I just feel hey you get him you’re indoors who you play against right boy I I just to me it can work I’m sure the Raiders would love Jaden Daniels you know Antonio Paris recruited him to Arizona State all that but there’s no way you can get up all the way to in position with the Washington football team to get him so Michael Pennock indoors with the Raiders I know they need other positions but you know they drafted in the first round last year Tyrese uh Wilson who’s a really good defensive end who had foot injury finally came on that you know of course they got Max Crosby so they they got you know they they got the makings of it I think the defense is going to be so much better but Michael penck throwing the football wow I just I look at it and I kind of like it it could they move down and still get him maybe if you want to play that game so um interesting pick though what do you think about that I I like that pick a lot and I I like it too in the sense that like yeah you’re getting a quarterback that you know like we mentioned earlier is weatherproof is can can go shot for shot with you against some of the more aggressive teams that are that are in that conference and and I really and of course especially in their own division too with what Shawn Payton’s doing with what you know momes and Reed are doing you know with now with Harbaugh and also to uh Herbert I think Michael penck being added to that we know that Antonio Pierce wants to run the football and be physical at the line of scrimmage and I think Michael penx would fit extremely well into that type of environment too with that play action passing game like you saying for Drake May and New England I think Michael penck would flourish in that type of world and being able to throw the football aggressively down the field very similar to how we saw that the Kansas City Chiefs adapt you know who they were offensively late in the year to make this Super Bowl run you know and and just playing off the physicality and then just Precision passing down the field I I love that Michael penck picked to Los Angel uh excuse me to the Las Vegas Raiders yeah we’ll see where that goes you know then the other one I looked at and I not looked at but now I’m GNA take B knck he’s the sixth quarterback that could go on this and I have him going to the Denver Broncos but I don’t have them going I think the Denver Broncos look at it and see B Knicks there and go who else in this first round or who do we have to worry about picking B Knicks and I don’t know if that you have to worry about that so they can move down get some extra picks or something like that and take him and he fits Shawn Peyton I I mean I don’t know what else to say smart GNA delegate knows how to run the offense control it Shawn pyton oh my gosh he wants you to check into the perfect play every time and you got to do it in time so you got to look at that clock know that offense inside out um and of course everybody always says well this is a good the modern day Drew Brees well I don’t know Drew Brees was really damn good so well if they find the modern day Drew Brees and then it looks like it’s good days coming for Denver and that’s a Hall of Famer yeah when you get a modern day Drew Brees but yeah so it it it fits everything that I think Shawn Peyton wants to do and it won’t be like we got to rush him in there either yeah so you know Jared did him he knows Shawn Payton played with him last year played some games played solid so I I would expect him to be the guy and then if that if it ever got to a position where they can make the switch and know that they’re going to get better because of that then that would be the time he would come in probably somewhere in his rookie year okay so what do you think about that I I love that I mean really you know just from my experience you know small cup of coffee at a rookie mini camp with Shawn Payton in the new uh with when he was with the New Orleans Saints excuse me um you know I was in let’s say six meetings with him and the offensive coordinator and Lombardi and those guys and just listening to what they say and how they they kind of go through this information and and getting their quarterbacks prepared I was like well damn you know I would really hope you guys sign me because this sounds like a lot of fun to learn it and to play the position under you guys because of just how wellth thought out these things are you know how much time that goes into creating this offense to make it quarterback friendly to make it aggressive to make it well thought out so things are really layered each and every play you know that build to the next play you know he’s not just calling plays and just saying hey let’s just see if this works you know there is there is a certain Symphony or chemistry to what he’s trying to do to build plays out as the season and the play as the game goes and you know I think that’d be great for Bo I really do and the library of plays is really big it’s endless it is what you saw and you know I’ve told this story the library of of Alexandra oh yeah he’s got it all but I called him one night when I was doing games it might have been a Thursday night I don’t know if it was whatever so I called him because I’m just kind of looking for little thoughts and hear what’s going on so it’s like 11 o’clock at night their time down in New Orleans call his cell phone he picks it up almost immed hey how you doing hey are and I said oh I I hope I didn’t you know he goes oh no we’re all sitting around got my feet up on the desk we’re watching film we’re trying to come up with a couple more plays and I just love it but it’s you know the end of the week the energy it takes to get the team ready every week and there they are we’re just looking for something new you know whatever yeah you know probably looking at 1950 games and go what what what do they run there you know it’s yeah for sure but he’s that type of guy and so that says why he likes to put so much on the quarterback yeah because you know Shawn was a quarterback too in Eastern Illinois I think he played in Europe for a year or two years so you know he thinks like a quarterback and he kind of runs his offense like well that’s really me out there not them right right you agree I mean that’s what he thinks Drew Brees he thinks like me oh good I can beat him right you know Drew comp to pass yeah felt good D way to go let’s go to the next play and he’s got that good mix too of just like the bill parcel’s background too where he kind of has that old school toughness and like I don’t give a damn attitude too so you know I think that’s why his teams always have a little bit of Edge you know whether his players like him or not doesn’t matter you know he he gets his teams ready to go and and he definitely knows what he’s doing so well they’re not like that pick a lot we we talk about this with the quarterback and all that the one thing he always does though he’s goingon to run the football to keep the team balanced and keep his team tough yeah you know what what you what you have to do well you know he he’s a coach that he’s really gonna do whatever he needs to do to get the damn W oh yeah and that and that’s what great coaches do you know they they adjust and they find ways to make it work for what they got and I think for Bo you know he’ll be creative and making sure that he can ease him into the position and then eventually you know be able to let him go because he’s just going to keep building on those things and teaching him that way you know hey good for Bo man lucky you Bo and I think he I think he would value a guy like Bo because he just wants a good soldier you know that’s something that I think people forget about with Drew Brees not to say that Russell Wilson wasn’t a good soldier but he was a different stage in his career you know when these two met you know but Drew Brees like when you he the stories about him dude was just a soldier you know clocked in clocked in first clocked out last you know and just like was always there just on it and I think Bo has kind of shown and displayed a lot of those things as you listen to his story from Auburn to Oregon and how he’s kind of become that and I think that would be a match made in heaven for those two you know you said earlier about all he went through at Auburn and now he’s at Oregon and how that all fell in place for him it was all good and I always say this and I love the quote because I think it’s true Terry Bradshaw once said uh you know to be a successful quarterback in know first you got to go to hell and then you can go then you can go to heaven but is a tough learning period for all quarterbacks the game no matter what even once you’re a veteran it’s still tough but uh you know you gotta you gotta be able to withstand adversity and then hang in there and just make it work I if it’s possible which most of the time it is which you displayed in your own career too you know sometimes yeah well yeah more than not in this New York media so well okay well it’s a different goddamn compliment Phil all right gez as I always say to you shut your ass up okay no so we all right we we kind of gave another thumbnail sketch of the quarterbacks we uh I had the courage to say where I think they’re going to be drafted you didn’t uh so I understand I don’t just don’t give a damn you can keep playing that game I don’t care I’m I’m honestly I’m over it now I just want to see what happens this weekend well you’re you’re the one that said to me come on it’s you know I’m like okay all right let’s do it I wanted you to rake them Phil I don’t care yeah good I don’t care where where where you project them to go after you talk to all your friends in the NFL who have told you where some of going whatever Phil you’re on the phone all the time like oh so what do you think what do you think tell me tell me yeah hey I can honestly say I didn’t call one person in the NFL for any info what are you what are you R rolling your eyes for who in the hell do I know I don’t know anybody yeah I don’t know anybody you don’t know anybody no not not to where I can call them and ask them questions like that all right sure sure okay well all right I guess I’ll go to confession this week for lying I don’t know okay you’re such a jerk all right well anything else let’s go you got that’s all we got I’m just so proud of you for finally you know Just Having the courage to rank them really proud of you man you did it it wasn’t that painful right and we’re going to be back me and big Phil we’re going to go to the studio we’re going to break down some film we’re going to go through some more of the stuff that they’ve shown on film here coming up soon right I know we’re excited to do that we’ll do that post-draft too so we’ll be able to kind of talk through those plays and discuss you know whether or not those things or those attributes really fit this offense or maybe where those coaches are are going to start to add those attributes to their offense because of who they drafted and I think that’ll be exciting too to uh to kind of play that game a little bit um but it’s always guy yeah it’s always exciting just to talk with you Matt and have you disparage me and say bad things about me but it’s okay that’s what children that’s what children do well I’m never gonna go up and do what Dad did yeah okay I know that story too I did it myself so yeah that’s all right well I played football and now I’m in media too so there you go that just tells you everything yeah it does it’s all good all right Matt all right Phil next time next time I’ll see you next time player see next time you to believe thank you to believe Sims complete Instagram and Twitter Phil Sims on Instagram and Twitter and then follow us on YouTube and ask hey call Phil and ask him some questions all right we’ll answer question let’s let’s do that okay I see you good you a man have a good day


  1. Truly appreciate the Simms family analysis, it’s much better than those commentators on the sports shows. 👍👍

  2. How can you just call Caleb Williams "Patrick Mahomes" before he is even on a team? Mahomes is so good that his ankle injury 2 years ago in the playoffs made him better. He got hurt and got better bcuz he was less likely to attempt a risky play. Caleb Williams will be an all time bust and it won't be said that way for 6 or 7 years when he's a back up or a salary cap problem.

  3. Drake Maye Blasphemy. I hope we can trade up for Him. Drake and Jefferson will be a weekly highlight real. No doubt about it. He is not a boring game manager. 🤣

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