Golf Babe

Mac Boucher and Micah Morris take on Accuracy Alley | Golf Galaxy

Mac Boucher and Micah Morris meet at Golf Galaxy to put the Qi10 LS model through Accuracy Alley. A game where each golfer hits a shot and the person with the lowest dispersion distance wins. Watch the video to find out who is crowned the winner of Accuracy Alley.

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all right everyone I’m Michael Morris today I’m at Golf Galaxy with Mac voucher today we’re going to play a little game to see who has the best dispersion with our tailor made qi1 drivers I’m hitting the ls Mac what are you hitting hitting the ls as well H we’re going to hit 10 shots alternating see who wi alternate see who has the best dispersion let’s rock paper scissors to see who goes first paper scissors spider covers everything you win yeah you’re up all right so we’re going to alternate shots best dispersion win good luck see it man you’re all warmed up I’m going to need it no I don’t think so I’ve seen you hit driver I think I like this I think it should be going back toward the center line yeah not bad it’s not a bad start there yeah far off line 40 42 feet left 42 ft left from the center line Thanks for teing out my ball I got you all right that’s a good start mine might curve a little bit more than yours I have a feeling I would expect that out of you o could go left thank uhoh okay that’s going to be right by mine a little bit farther left all right all right I’ll take it 102 that’s not quite by yours but we all right second shot for me low Fade’s kind of my shot when I’m trying to get one in play so I’m gonna kind of keep trying to do that oh please go back to the right oh okay just not the fade that I wanted but the dispersion is good okay if I’m missing just a little left but it’s a you know nice what I’m looking for that’s better that one looked pretty good yeah it goes a little better there look at that all right you’re you’re you’re winning so far slowly working my way back to the middle line but I’m kind of thinking I need to just favor the left side right now well with this challenge you obviously you want to be favoring that Circle it’s true or just yeah that was hammered that was I hope it draws because I hit it on the toe oh see that see look how big my circle just got even though that’s just like that’s a good dispersion relatively speaking but both those inly one as long as I avoid the double cross here I should be in good shape should be all right it’s pretty similar to the other ones your circle still significantly smaller than mine and the problem is mine can’t get any smaller you’re going to have to dial it in a little bit or hope for me to uh Miss quite wide which I am known to do the cool thing is that last shot I I hit it way out on the toe and to see it not go left and stay I mean that’s relative to the center line that’s a pretty good shot and normally when you do catch in the toe obviously you’re going to get that hook especially with your speed EXA it’s pretty impressive to stay in the air and not getting that there is is I love seeing that that’s good all right fourth shot somewhere down the middle middle here oh I liked it that was see that keeps my circle that was a really good golf shot yeah that was that was your best one for sure it sound like you caught that one pretty middled as well so like you I’ve kind of caught majority of the three shots I’ve hit pretty in the toe you kind of have like a a consistent like are you a tow Striker you I’m definitely tow Striker just because generally speaking catching the heel it kicks up Spin and I just hit it nowhere so toe kind of drops the spin a little great then but it is great too that I’m hitting it left cuz I don’t want to ever see the right side of the golf course generally your circle’s looking significantly smaller than mine o that sounded really good 170 ball speed out of you that’s a little bit the flight that I like there a little flat I like that little pull cut yeah I do like a pull cut that one was closer to the middle so again that’s why I just love the twist face with these tailormade drivers it’s um it’ll save you on those non middled ones I love that little shot it’s like a little pull cut yeah it’s a it’s such a good shot to just keep in play 100% 2300 Spin 2 with a cut is we like that that means that face is staying really Square all right fifth shot for me I got to keep hitting him right down the middle if I want a chance here oh that’s right see the funny thing is I thought that thing was going way right and it actually is pretty good 57 feet that was barely offline yeah that’s right side Fairway all day it’s always nice when you mis strike it and you think and you still hit at 360 and it’s something I’ve noticed since kind of putting this driver in plays my Miss hits feel pretty darn good should be just left maybe a little bit not bad again jeez Mac you’re putting on a stripe show right now I like these little flights I mean normally I curve it a lot more so that’s pretty straight in my books but uh 14t off the line you’re your dis right now is incredible all right find a little rhythm here shot number six for me I’m going to try to start something a little left and work it back to that Center Line I think this is going to be really good sounded great okay just a little bit right not bad that’s all right though y I am swinging a little bit faster so a little bit faster uh let’s just say significantly faster I mean I’m going to say we’ve hit a decent amount of shots here every single shot we’ve hit it’s been in the Fairway yeah that was a little spinny a little low might be my most left one okay but still where’ didd you hit on the face I hit that one a little bit low toe low toe low toe low toe and it goes right I know it’s crazy how I mean that’s good ball speed too considering where I caught that one on the face for that ball speed to even be remotely close to that I’m I can’t complain for a low toe to come out almost the same as like a low heel or a low Center strike yeah that’s amazing I’m pretty happy with that it’s cool to see see the numbers you know like you you see these drivers you hit them in per you hit them on the on the course and like it’s hard to tell sometimes but then you see the number and it’s like okay it’s it’s real totally oh that was hammered it felt really good please go what okay again it’s that looks more offline than it actually is if you were on a golf course you’d be picking up your Tey pretty quick and I have three left three right and they’re all the pretty much the same distance from left or right which I really like to see that’s got a cut that’s got a cut that be your first yeah that’s good okay that’s really good yeah that that’s kind of what I like to see in the golf course right there yep that’s so playable and you’re still hitting it I mean ball speed’s getting up I’m catching you moving up a little bit also we got to remember this is the l s yeah so you slip up to the max you’re talking have you hit the max at all I I have yeah I’ve done testing with it it’s I’m actually considering like if I’m in the right driver right now because it’s so good on the M hits another good swing there those are like the exact same flights we just hit I love that right there for getting something in play I mean just a little Chip Shot 352 that’s Chip Shot pretty average 352 Chip Shot all right number eight that was low in the face not going to go very far I need that to go okay need go all right look at your consistency though though right on the left side of the center line yeah you I mean I can’t believe I almost to that like I can pretty much show where I hit that in the face and it’s still 172 ball so I’m pretty impressed with that honestly all right number nine for me couple couple good ones right down the center here and we’re gonna have a nice little ball game on her hands I like it it didn’t go any farther left than that one you’re fine doesn’t hurt yeah it’s been a pretty good display so far I honestly thought one of us was going to hit a really loose one yeah knowing uh so this has been a good showing sounded good yeah hit it I think it might be left a little bit whoa Mac you pumped one out there I’m coming wow oh I don’t want that though I want that to be uh yeah that kind you hit it farther like close to the line but you hit it so far that it kind of messed up your dispersion a little bit I’m not going to complain with that but I think we can all say that that’s that that didn’t hurt your dispersion even though the circle got bigger yeah bigger I out drove my c three of the shots all right here we go very last shot I will say if I hit this one on the line and you hit one just a little bit right it could honest it’s going be close especially with our one delete that we get to do y it could get real close sounded great how’d you hit it I hit it on the toe so ideally it’s drawing a little bit oh the high cut so that’s kind of the first one that I missed right and it’s still it’s still in the Fairway yeah all right that’s kind of that’s kind of interesting for me to have five left five right almost almost identical on both sides what’s your normal mess on a golf course would you say right right okay yeah low cut probably right where the other ones are wow that was awesome clearly Mac takes the dub I just want to take a second to look at these numbers here because for me I felt pretty impressed by that I mean 10 shots not one single shot went you know out of the Fairway left or out of the Fairway right I think there is I mean they say the average Fairway is 50 yards wide exactly so average Fairway is 50 yards wide um my plus or minus to the center line is 78 ft Max plus or minus to the center line is 43 ft so you beat me by like 30t but all things considered we hit every single Fairway yeah I mean that’s pretty awesome for us that’s pretty good yeah good job man you got the dub dude guys that’s me and Ma voucher we did the accuracy challenge with the new tailor made qi1 LS head to your local Golf Galaxy and experience drives in 10k for yourself [Music]

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