Disc Golf Doubles at Centennial Park! (alternate tees layout)

Mike and Garrett team up against Sean and I on the alternate tees layout at Centennial Park, in Pearland, Texas! The scores for the previous round determined which partners teamed up in this round.

Disc Golf at Centennial Park:

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#DiscGolf #Doubles #BestThrow #FrisbeeGolf #FlyingDisc #Frolf #Disc #Frisbee #2v2

hey everybody welcome back to the channel we’ve now arrived at the doubles portion of this experiment here in parland Mike’s up cuz he won so we’re doing first and last place player teamed up and then second and third place two old bo Bogies versus these guys hope you can have a name picked out by the end of the round big gun yeah big gun little gun big gun little [Laughter] accuracy that didn’t work I can’t do anything right today all right Nick I’ll go next cuz you’re holding the camera thanks you sir I ain’t done that all game damn it my game started out well hey this isn’t working hang on ah there you are yeah I’m sorry everyone I like the other way better yeah well you know thats everybody else there we go get up there baby there we go that’ll work all right we’re 73 ft out [Music] oh that’s my partner now you got to make it now well nope can’t make it I didn’t need you [Music] closer oh oh my goodness that looks so good oh no oh go Yar up first buddy been there done that thank God we’re playing teams nice [Applause] [Laughter] yay I would have laughed if that would have [Music] dropped okay got a putt no we don’t get up Sean okay okay put it in Nick on [Music] it ah too short I didn’t do that right no I like the aggression though yeah oh good try nice attempt [Laughter] [Music] he trying to ice me like it’s going to work oh nope I overshot that okay ice one SE nothing apparently crap I got in your head I went hot onto that mother no it’s my normal mess had to Y oh oh well you got it Nick you can get that one yeah all right we got this double Mando here with a basket about 180 ft that way [Applause] is that your Spore yeah oo there you go skip yes sir oh Sean okay thank you need that you need to get closer I will work on it ah a little too high that’s what I wanted though just not the height your putts all right that’s all you got to do ah good bed that had no chance that’s what she said [Applause] yeah come on baby oh too high wow great putt your mom’s a tree thank you oh skip there you go okay great shot great shot oh too high thought you made both mandoos all right Nick come on give it to us under the basket baby oh that’s good that’s good oh yeah now I get to be stupid thank you that was good that was good that was I like that oh this is Nick’s c e I touched it sanitize you don’t have enough that’s probably oh Rolo we’re about the same distance so we’re just going here first oh trust Mike Mike nice job let me clear this basket for you thank you sir yeah he that’s my partner y’all all right we’ve arrived at 5 Al oh no save them Garrett save them there you go looks like he’s saving them Garett goodness go that to all right well I guess I got that work out good for him come on flip over damn it that’s twice it didn’t flip [Applause] be tripping I can’t see little too much Annie but it’s out there still worked out better than mine dude all right we’re in a tied spot we do not have a direct line of the basket son of a about time mhm there you go okay we can P from there get it there you go oh clutch turkey D I thought you were going to catch it you looked I was like I was Scar’s taking out the competition oh my pancreas I have no response for that great putut thanks sir that Spore is a stable boy yeah was early okay there whatever I didn’t do that right at all oh you oh get it oh that’s pretty good good timing with that Branch going up and down all right I finally hit something okay that was an interesting kick it’s a good spot to be in though is that the local route yeah [Music] remember that is not a D1 I don’t know what they’ve misprinted that but that is not what that is you need to fiser on that a really good throw yeah really good A little tree love on that too yeah damn it way too high oh it came out early oh we got a PT but I had a basket that didn’t come out early you got it Nick come on there it is oh come back baby oh look at that wow oh it’s okay we can make that we found the gust yeah wow there you go didn’t even get my putter [Applause] out thanks sir yes Nick had his putter out yeah how otherwise a good throw Mother Nature no man she’s vindictive today all right it’s our turn play more we got one more to hit yeah we got a oh you missed it Sean oh there it goes flip over flip over baby flip it was on the right path and everything a Nick oh I didn’t hit the tree no disc is already there though for great shot there you go buddy a I believe in you oh you let me down well I got no choice but full sending oh you got to send it dude you got to let her rip Tater CHP all right Nick hey can I see your disc sare second thank you oh no it’s I want [Music] foot should this up oh go yeah go heck yeah wow all right oh this is stupid but I’m going to throw it anyway yeah at that point oh I hit that tree with a sword ass you did damn [Applause] it there you go Nick all right it’s out there at least that’s was better than what I did well this looks very familiar can lightning strike Trace I hope so oh have made that twice goodness must be a storm in the area a lot of lightning strikes that was bad come back in that would be something wow great clothes so birie good job to everyone and by everyone I mean the other team all right well that’s going to do it thank you we not done yet we’re not done yet oh almost not done Jesus Christ Nick all right thank you’all for watching and have a great day [Music]


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