The CJ CUP Byron Nelson | SweetSpotDFS | PGA DFS Strategy

Welcome to a DFS Strategy video for the 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson. Let’s hit the SweetSpot and smash this tournament! Check out the time stamps below to see what I cover!

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Find the Cheat Sheet and Bucket System here:

0:00 – Intro
2:31 – Giveaways
7:41 – Website, Cheat Sheet, and Optimizer Request
12:02 – PrizePicks Sign Up
14:12 – Course and Tournament Information
24:54 – Past Optimal and GPP Winning Lineups
38:14 – 7K Combo Buckets
55:44 – The Bucket System
1:18:52 – Marquee Tee Times
1:40:55 – TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (Skip Forward)
1:56:26 – Building Lineups with the SweetSpotDFS Optimizer
4:09:09 – Outro

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The Bucket System:
How to use the Optimizer:
Does Projected Ownership Matter:

Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio

#PGADFS #FantasyGolf #CJCup #ByronNelson

[Music] for [Music] yo yo yo what’s going on everyone welcome to a DFS strategy video for the 2024 CJ cup Byron Nelson I know everyone makes fun of it it is worth making fun of because it is two long titled names there used to be a CJ cup its own tournament and then it switched to CJ cup at Shadow Creek and so on and so forth and now they dropped the AT&T sponsor and it’s just now the CJ cup Byron Nelson so the typical Byron Nelson that you see every single year you have a ton of tournament information uh not so much course information we’ll get into that later on in the strategy video but that’s also what I want to remind you of what these strategy videos are all about going over the course and tournament information oh by the way my name is Eric I forgot to mention that and welcome to Sweet Spot DFS we’re trying to Target the optimal lineup every single week and I go over pieces that I think will help you do just that those being the course and tournament information looking at pass optimal and gpp winning lineups going over the bucket system we’re not going to review the Zurich I don’t care to talk about the Zurich um I could show you well I I’ll leave it up to you guys you let me know if you like me to review the Zurich I know some of you are in chat like Joan and AJ love um if you’d like me to review the Zur I will if not no big deal it’s a team of event it’s it’s whatever like doesn’t matter to me but um we’ll go over the bucket system I’ll go over the Marquee tea times and then we’ll go over the 7K combo buckets cuz those are all pieces uh to narrow down our process to hit the optimal lineup and that’s what the whole goal is is to hit the optimal lineup so that’s what we’ll be doing in this video going over all those pieces and then we’re going to build lineups later on in the video but just a reminder for all of those that are unaware I like to do giveaways and this is the last day before I do a monthly giveaway so next Tuesday I’m going to be doing a monthly giveaway where we could be giving away I mean we’re going to definitely give away $100 you see the goal that we smashed all the way over there to the left 718 out of 700 I had said for every 10 subscribers over that goal I’ll add $10 to that total right there so we’re sitting at 100 it can be 110 or it’s going to be 110 as long as we keep you know at least nine of those users or or not users nine of those subscribers over there with the goal um but if we get two more subscribers two new subscribers we were just at 719 I don’t know where that last the other guy went but if we can get two new ones and maybe even 12 new ones I’ll not only add $10 to move this up to 120 but we can get to 730 subscribers by next Tuesday I’ll bump it up to 130 and if you want entries into that giveaway one be subscribed to the channel I’m not going to give out money to a non-subscriber two comment just like everyone here in the live chat and if you’re watching this on replay just comment down below you get uh entries for every little bit that you participate so those that are watching it live right now like Joan AJ uh Gabriel Brown what’s going on man um comment after this video’s been published after it you know the live version goes away and the replay comes up you get an additional entry that way you help me out I help you out uh it’s a win-win for both of us so we’re going to be doing the $5 weekly giveaway cuz I do that every single week to the people who participated last week in the one video that I created this this week I will be doing a second one I’ll do a website video uh i i t I intend to do that every Thursday is to have another video out there where we can just chill chill just like in this video uh or in these streams we can talk about anything that’s going on I’m just going to be working on my website and my database if you didn’t already know I do have a website you can check the link in the description down below to check that one out um lots of cool things I plan to uh provide with that so check out the website I’ll put it on the screen here shortly but um yeah go sign up on that website if you haven’t already it it I honestly I’ve been working on it this last week I again will work on it in my Thursday night streams if you go over there that’s where I was getting at with all this I got distracted if you go over there uh and what I mean by go over there Thursday night if you check out that stream you comment in that live stream you’re going to get entries into the giveaways if you if you do the replay you’re going to get more entries into the giveaways and more entries just give you more opportunities to win money so that’s that’s the only piece that I’m trying to here um well how about this let’s go ahead let’s just do our giveaway right now before I get into the other things that I’m offering this week um we had 49 entries for the zerk classic appreciate all those that participated there was only one video like I said I had a deployment call that Thursday night that just kind of took me away from being able to stream it was a lot longer than it it was intended to or we intended it we had a couple issues and had to stay on the line stay on the phone for quite a bit of time so uh I was not able to do a stream so we only have one video where we had entries for the giveaway and that’s kind of why the participation count is a little low but that just means for those that did participate your chances of winning are that much higher so let’s go ahead I’m going to hit the drum roll here once I push this to a yes we’re going to find our weekly giveaway winner for $5 drum roll please Mr Guru Nick two entries sir you get five bucks from me reach me um through Twitter I know we talk on Twitter here and there uh reach me there or email me at sweetspot DFS and uh we’ll get you five bucks there congratulations sir so these are going to go into the weekly giveaway or the monthly giveaway I should say so let me go ahead and do that right meow [Music] you can see all the uh monthly giveaways we we’ve already done I already added them I don’t have to add them cool they’re already in here we have 323 entries so far it only takes one we’ve already seen that it only takes one uh to one entry to win so looking for or if there is ever a reason just to do it I mean we’ve seen it several times before where one entry has won the giveaway so if you’re afraid to to comment don’t be so those uh those are the giveaway reminders for you know winning money some other things that I like to provide is a cheat sheet oh by the way let’s let’s talk about the website first go to the website because you can find everything that you need on this website it is called SWOT there’s a link for this in the description below I’m going to show you the full the full range of It Go check it out go sign up uh you do not by the way if you scroll down you’re going to see all these subscription plans I’ve had some people already do the Weekly subscription plan I’m going to give you a free week for you um um signing up I I don’t want anyone to sign up for these just yet because there isn’t there isn’t enough for me to I can’t justify it I can justify what I currently have on the site for you to give me money um if you want to become a founding member and have lifetime uh lifetime access to this website that’s where I encourage you all to go if you have the money again this is what most people spend on onee subscriptions to other websites so if you want Lifetime and by check check out the stream Thursday night I’m going to show you what uh what I have cooking for this website go sign up for this one wait on these okay just wait on these do not sign sign up for these just yet if you want if you want to support me go for it that that’s cool I’m just trying to give you a warning I didn’t really give that warning out last week and I had two people sign up which hey I’m I’m thrilled about it’s awesome really appreciate that um but yes I uh I don’t I there’s there’s yeah anyways I’ll leave I’ll leave it at that um but go to the website sweetspot fantasy tools you have a cheat sheet and an Optimizer tabs here with videos the videos uh I forgot to update the Zerg classic last week but I plan every single time that I finish one of these videos to update them here so I’ll just go ahead and go to the videos um page and you can see we have the Zurich RBC Heritage the Masters are up there so you really don’t have to go to YouTube if you don’t want to you can go to sweetspot and check out my videos there um they will I they will prompt you to go to YouTube and that’s probably where you should go to anyways probably easier to watch uh but you can go there again I have an Optimizer I can’t attach it to the website so you have to put your email in here and request now and I will get an email with whatever email address you apply there and I will send you the optimizer that way so no longer do you have to reach me there email me at sweetspot DFS atgmailcom which you still can if you want to um but yeah you can just request it here super simple super easy that’s where you can do the optimizer uh also the cheat sheet is on here as well so this is just a sweet URL that goes straight to the uh or I should say an HTML um plugin that reaches the Google Sheets page so you can just check it out right here if you want you got the little tabs down here at the bottom just make sure when you’re scrolling if you scroll inside this box uh you’ll be scrolling in the the cheat sheet just go over to the black part uh of the screen and scroll up and down and that’s how you can scroll up and down the page or you just click here this little button here and it will send you to the Google Sheets page so everything on this cheat sheet I will be covering in this uh this video I also have it up right over here CJ Cup this is the cheat sheet has the dream sheet the bucket system all the stuff again that I’ll be talking about in this video you can find on the cheat sheet so if you want to follow along with me you can either go to the website sweetspot click on the cheat sheet there or the description of this video go check it out down uh a link for that in the description that’ll send you straight to the cheat sheet um and then last last piece I already mentioned there’s an Optimizer we’re going to be building lineups with this Optimizer a little bit later tonight just a reminder this can be yours too if you’re subscribed to the channel and you reach out to me whether it’s through the website or through the email I will send you the optimizer and then one last piece because I always kind of forget to do this I should say always but I am partnered with prize picks sign up using the promo code Sweet Spot put $20 in your account and I will give you $20 back so you to play it for free and then price pick is going to match your deposit up to $100 so you can either do 20 40 60 80 100 it’ll get doubled by prize picks and you’ll get $20 back for me so there’s a link for this for Price picks in the description of this video just click that sign up using a sweet spot uh and then I will send you $20 so that is available for you I don’t have any other reminders so we can go ahead and get into this video but I do see some sad news in the chat that I want to acknowledge because I always tell Joanne that she can come to this uh this stream and you know speak whatever you want to uh longtime follower Joanne I’m sorry to hear about about cancer that’s that’s unfortunate uh thoughts and prayers are with you [Music] um and good luck I hope I hope it you can beat it and then um yeah continue to be healthy so again thoughts and prayers to you Joanne everybody else that’s in the Stream hello welcome charlot Caren hello sir nice to see you once again Lombardi Lee I don’t know if I said hi to you already but uh hello to you as well Gabe says uh hello for the 30 minute check-in good luck everyone thanks for what you do you’re welcome Gabe if you’ve got lineups send them or if you got uh comos you want me to build lineups with send them through uh Twitter and I’ll get to them there okay so we’ve done all the housekeeping items sorry that takes forever I never really I don’t have it scripted I hate when people read off of scripts I like the you know go with the flow type of nature so that’s what I did um let’s go ahead and get into the first segment which is the course and tournament information when it comes to the course and tournament information I always like to start out with the tournament fact sheets which you can’t really see on the screen all that well I just realized I don’t know if that’s always been the case and anyways you can go to the to find these fact sheets if you want a link for it I can provide one for you uh reason I like going here and and and pushing you guys to go here you get all of the um all of the tournament statistics that you need you get the golf course the tournament uh the par the yardage the stimp like there’s so many good pieces you can use and and by the way these are all data points you can use for researching average green size which is pretty large anything that you want check it out obviously I say this every single week and I’ll continue to say it the most important piece to me is the turf grass your greens are bent grass and if we go back to the cheat sheet you’re going to find out that bent grass is the grass that I have chosen uh in the course fit model there’s not a second grass so we can just hide this uh hide these columns but yes bent grass is what I have I have not kept track of zoer grass just yet but you could also use that if you have uh if you’re using any websites that track that stuff you certainly can use that and obviously I see te’s and rough are Bermuda grass which again you can use that this time of the year the the Bermuda isn’t going to be super dominant but it’s still going to have characteristics of Bermuda and if you want to use those for short game and approach all the more power to you again these are all data points for researching so if you got a website which you will have with mine pretty soon uh I will have this stuff and you’ll be able to track um which players are good in those types of turf conditions course architect that’s another data point you can use for researching Tom weop otherwise other than that I don’t really care to cover more of of this if I go back if I go to my sheet and we go to tournament history uh Trinity forest was the tournament used just just prior to this one actually let me go let me go to the results page TPC Craig Ranch which is the golf course we’re using uh that we’re on started here in 2021 the the the tournament started playing at this golf course in 2021 like I had said Trinity forest was before that so 2019 2018 you had Trinity forest and and then before that was Las Cenas and that was for his back as far back as my data goes which is 2013 so those are the three golf courses that were used in rotation we just have really technically 3 years of course history but I’m going to be using tournament history uh I will be using all years dating back to 2013 why I do that is you tend to find the same golfers coming to this event um year after year and this is more of a Texas thing than it is a golf course thing so I would much rather use uh golf course you know I well I I’m going to use course history SL tournament history because you know I just tend to find that the golfers that that play this golf course or play these Texas golf courses uh tend to find themselves at the the top of the leaderboard more often than not and and and what I mean by that is like the good golfers not necessarily the bad golfers the bad golfers are going to be Diamonds in the Rough that you we just going to have to jump on you know when we don’t want to and I don’t necessarily care you know if their course history is good or bad there’s still going to be quote unquote bad golfers that you’re still going to have to roster and obviously we’re going to find that out when we look at pass optimal and gpp winning lineups it just happens that way so I don’t mind using tournament history if you don’t want to if you’re in the belief that it’s just course history you want to look at you’ve got the three years 212 uh 2021 2022 and 2023 so use those for course history otherwise tournament history you know go back for as long as you want because the Byron Nelson has been uh the tournament title for this tournament dating back since years way back when it’s one of the older tournaments on the PGA tour so let’s take a look here what what do I want to cover the golf course I usually map it out uh just to see what shot shapes are important none really are that important so it’s pretty wide open which kind of I guess leads into weather apparently it’s going to rain here Thursday and Friday there’s going to be some wind check your weather forecast Wednesday night we’re not going to do it here Tuesday night I’m not going to pretend to know what’s going on with the weather just check them Wednesday night if you want and if you want a weather wave Advantage where you select all PM or all am or whatever by all means do so I don’t really build lineups that way and I can make an argument for not doing that I’ve done it several times before so just throwing that all out there for you guys to basically you know digest all the information and figure out what you’d like to do just want to throw that out there again looking at the tournament uh we have a full Fields 156 golfers your Cut’s going to be top 6 5 in ties your strength of field is 219 we had will zat torus withdraw this was a little bit higher it was like 233 I believe and now it’s down to 219 which is pretty low uh let’s see what was last year’s last year’s was 223 so it was just as bad last year 350 in 2022 and I don’t think I have 2020 oh 2021 I do uh 275 so as the years have gone on I mean 2022 was pretty strong but outside of that 2023 was pretty uh pretty weak two uh 223 and and one reason to look at strength of field is just to see you know DraftKings does and I’ll talk about this with salaries when it comes to pass optimal gpp Wing lineups but DraftKings will put their best golfers at their highest salaries so talking about salaries is important and to understand that some of your top price guys finish inside the top 10 of this leaderboard now I I will also say the 7K range is kind of dominant so I believe the 7K combo buckets will be very uh advantageous this week to look at so just keep in mind that you know again with the strength of fields being this low it does look like still cream Rises to the top we’ve had several top priced guys inside the top 10 every single year at TPC Craig Ranch so keep all of that in mind that’s those are all valuable data points to use when constructing your lineups this week okay I think that’s all that I have to talk about with tournament and course information we don’t really necessarily need to uh look too much more into everything uh related around that so let’s just jump right next or right into the next segment which is pass optimal lineup or pass optimal in gpp winning lineups and this is sponsored by the fantasy golf pod they’re the ones that are are changing the monthly giveaway from $50 to 100 so they are uh contributing into that pot being just a little bit bigger so go check them out Wednesdays usually in the morning now around 11:00 a.m. hit them with a like hit them with a sub a subscribe or subscribe to their Channel let them know that you are thankful for that uh extra money for the monthly giveaway by doing those things but we are here in 2017 again this predates TPC Craig Ranch but just you know just to go over the the common salary builds and uh for the optimal and the gpp wining lineup we start here in 2017 and in your optimal lineup we have a 10K golfer an 8K 7776 so 10 8776 you leave a lot of money on the table when you do that that’s $2500 you leave on the table um a more realistic lineup which uses like $449,800 and above takes out one of those 7K guys and brings in a 9k so if you follow this channel if you’ve been following it for a while you know of the 1098 776 approach build like start that way put a dummy lineup together with a 1098 776 and then just try to find your best golfers if you don’t like anyone in the 6K range you can sub up to a 7K golfer and have three 7K golfers if you don’t like anyone in the 10K range drop down to another nine so it’ be 99 8776 or you can even go 998 877 so you can always do things like that I always uh I always mention you can make two substitutions and obviously or I should say what I mean by that is if you start with a 1098 776 one sub from or one substitution from one tier of salary down to another that counts as one and then another tier to another that’ be two or if you want to drop down two tiers or drop or bump up two tiers you certainly can do it that way as well but we often see that rule plays out pretty well when trying to figure out the right salary combination um that fits or that hits the optimal lineup moving on to 2018 our optimal lineup left $300 on the table and yeah $300 on the table is pretty good doesn’t start with a 10K golfer starts with a 9 N 8 7 77 that’s 49,7 so actually it’s 2 ‘s and8 and 3 sevens that’s basically what I just said start with a 1098 776 get sub one of those tens down to a nine and and a six up to a seven and that’s what you have in 2018 I don’t have a gpp winning lineup for that so we’ll move on to 2019 and I also don’t have a gpp winning lineup for this uh your optimal lineup actually started with an 11k golfer 11,400 we don’t have that this week so no no need to really think about that uh but we have an 11 a nine an eight a seven a six and a six so that’s another common build that used up $49,100 of the salary it’s probably going to be your best bet now there’s not I don’t think there’s another way to use up more salary than that so keep um keep that in mind um let’s see [Music] here Joanne that’s nice um the I I love our community as well and yeah all of our hearts are broken for you uh I just saw shy Carden uh message or or say what’s the soff rating compared to last year so I’ve always kept track of my of the strength of field rating um based off the calculations I know how to create so last year strength the field rating basically what you do is you take last year’s FedEx Cup rankings they all get Point totals uh I I copied the formula down from the owgr before they switched the new model the only thing I didn’t understand was home field advantage so there was always a bonus to the strength of field when you had more top 10 FedEx Cup uh players in the field from the year before in you know it just it was weird so I kind of cut that out cuz I could never create the correct um uh I couldn’t get to the right number so I just cut that out so it’s just literally owgr and the FedEx Cup ranking from the year before and the formula that they used for those things so that’s how I get my owgr and that that way I get to stay uh consistent whenever I do the owgr stuff or the strength of field stuff sorry anyways uh moving on to 2021 we didn’t play in 2020 your optimal lineup left $800 on the table and it started with a 10K golfer a 9k golfer an eight a seven a seven and a six so that was the top of the leaderboard not only just with position places but also DraftKings points so Ed up $49,800 1098 776 your $5 gpp winning lineup start with a 10K golfer a high 9k golfer with Wills alores uh the 8K golfer that was mentioned in the optimal lineup the seven the six and another seven so another 1098 776 approach but that used up closer to $50,000 and that’s I think you know this week it’s going to be really difficult uh in my opinion to well I shouldn’t even say that well it’s going to be almost impossible I think to hit the optimal lineup and use up as much salary as possible I almost think you have to look at salaries this week I I suppose you know what we can get there after I go over the next two years yeah let’s talk about it then uh I’m going to mention how leaving a lot of money on the table this week actually might be more advantageous than than uh than any other week so I’ll talk about that when I get to the 2024 but let’s move on to 2022 your optimal lineup here also left $900 on the table common theme and that one started with a 10K golfer common theme uh a 9k golfer uh 7776 that was your optimal lineup in 2022 your gpp winning lineup were these golfers in blue and that’s a $10,000 golfer $9,000 golfer 7777 so that’s a 10,000 a 9,000 and4 $7,000 golfers um that’s one way to do it a more realistic optimal lineup which uses up a little bit closer to the $50,000 of salary would have went 109 37s and one6 that equals uh that one I mean there were more 10K golfers in all of these years than there are this week so just keep that in mind I know I keep saying 1098 776 they’re only two 10K golfers and they’re not all that great but if I’m being honest they’re not all that great um so moving on to 2023 your optimal lineup left $600 on the table and that also started with the 10K golfer a 9k golfer another 9k golfer another one uh seven 76 so 1099 two low 7K golfers and one mid 6K golfer that is the definition of stars and scrubs and it didn’t even use up all of the salary left $600 on the table your gpp winning lineup left $900 on the table that is insane good on that person last year Well by the way I won a gpp I won the quarter arcade last year uh at this event I forgot to mention that uh I had J day in that lineup and he came out of nowhere to win at the end so yeah we’ve got Good Vibes when uh building lineups for this for this tournament um so your gpp winning L I just noticed that my chat disconnected so I wanted to double check that I’m still live that you guys can still hear me and I I see that I it’s still going on um your gpp winning L did we already covered G oh no no no the gpp winning lineup had $9,400 Jason day $11,900 Scotty sheffler 7677 so three low 7K golfers and then that mid 6K golfer in CT pan that left $900 on the table and then last year I started keeping track of The Sweet Spot optimal which follows All The Sweet Spot rules the Marquee te times the bucket system all that stuff that lineup started with a 10K golfer two 9k golfers and three 7K golfers and just so you know that sweet spot scored 775 the gpp scored 756 so we would have easily beat the gpp and your optimal scored 794 so we were right in the middle The Sweet Spot optimal was right in the middle of the optimal and the gppp wining lineup okay so let’s talk about uh strategies for this week when it comes to salaries since we’re on pass optimal and gppp wi lineups and we went over everything like I had mentioned there are two 10K golfers and that’s it two uh if I were to go back to or if I go back to my bucket system engine that keeps crack of salaries we want to look right here and I suppose last year we only had two 10K golfers that’s what this right here indicates two 10K golfers that’s crazy uh before that it was 45435 so the last two years we had two what was last did herel Hatton and Scotty sheffler those were only two 10 kick offers that doesn’t make sense that’s that’s correct it was Scotty at 119 and then T Hatton at 101 $1,800 difference between the two so we have a lot of the same and they both finished fifth and I wouldn’t even have told you like last suppose tier will finished third bird heading into the tournament at the Wells Fargo Championship huh okay well let’s take a look at this year yeah see I just don’t see spe or Jason day being the same like they’re not one obviously they’re not the same golfer as Scotty and T Hatton we could always make the the comparison that spe and day are better than TL Hatton but as they’re coming in with the form that they have I don’t think I trust them all that much I I didn’t trust tile Hatton last year but I did trust Scotty sheffler I had no issue playing Scotty sheffler last week or I mean last year I I yeah this year this year 2024 spe and day that’s difficult I’m not sure I can I don’t know with how few of 10K golfers by the way uh will zator was in the 10K range so we did have three but now we just have two so when it comes to lineup building what I was kind of getting at when I was going over the 2021 pass optimal and gpp wining lineups this is probably going to be a a year where we leave a lot of money on the table like to be honest I think we might have to leave a lot of money on the table um starting with three NK golfers seems very viable normally I don’t like to do something like that but this week the golfers that are in the 9k range I feel a little bit more comfortable playing than you know doing a 1098 lineup that’s partly because I don’t really trust any of the AK golfers most of them are over uh overpriced but in a field like this it’s probably suitable um I mentioned okay another reason I mention three 9k golfers is because our 7K range is back to normal we have a ton of 7K golfers we have 41 that’s kind of normal you know before when we had the 5K range we had to make these weird calculations to try to figure out what were the old salaries like now we have it kind of normal and quite frankly some of these 7K golfers much better than those 8K golfers I would much rather play the 7K golfers than the 8K golfers um I just there’s nothing inside of me that wants to play any of these guys more than the 7K golfers I could I could create a mix of three or four 7K golfers that i’ much rather play than one or two 8K golfers so I as much as I like I’ll say hey this week would be a good week to actually leave money on the table but also unless you can make a really good argument as to like say Peter quest which I know a lot of people are are wanting to play this week if you think Peter Quest is a better golfer than everyone in the AK range each each golfer in the 8K range then you treat him like he’s an 8K golfer or a 9k golfer and you just for seeing as much money on the table as you’re about to by treating him as as an AK golfer you just got to stomach it just don’t look at the number that you leave um the the salary that you leave on the table just don’t look at it and and that might be the best way to go about building lineups this week I don’t personally know if that’s the route I want to go I have to do still do some more lineup building but that is a theory that I don’t mind testing so yeah that those are my thoughts when it comes to salaries this week uh especially going over the pass optimal and gpp wi lineups I’m going to ask the chat really quick do you want to see a review of the Zurich Classic if you don’t we’ll just move right into the bucket system get into the 7K combo buckets um and then the mar T times we’ll we’ll do that but if you if you do want to see the Zerg classic I got no issue reviewing so for those that want to see it just type a one in the chat I’ll also wait to see if you guys just say yes review or whatever but type a one in the chat if you want me to review the Zurich if not do type of two and the majority will win so ones we review twos we do not uh and I am actually going to prepare to put the Zurich on there just in case just in case we got one two second two yeah I I don’t blame you guys for not wanting to uh okay so you all you all enjoyed the Zur as much as I did appreciate it appreciate it okay cool then we will skip that let’s go over the 7K coma buckets actually yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s go over the 7K comma buckets I was going to say let’s just get in the bucket the bucket uh system but let’s go over 7K comma buckets if you are new to the channel or you haven’t been here in a long time we’ve kind of I’ve created this new segment uh with The Sweet Spot process and quite frankly when the website gets up and running this will be for every price range it won’t just be for the 7K range it will also be for the 6ks it’ll also be for the eights the nines and the 10K range but it’s it’s timec consuming and I think the 7K range is one of the most important ranges to figure out it’s difficult like the 10K range and the 9k range those are kind of easier because you have an idea of who’s just a better fit who and and and if not you just have conviction plays that comes with the 10 and the nine whereas in the 7K range we have 40 golfers that we’re not sure you know which ones to pair up together so enter the 7K combo buckets and let me I’m going to I’m going to look at the the RBC Heritage I just want you to see that I know Daryl Mooney had asked me last week it to go if we were going to go over the uh the 7K combo buckets for the Zurich and it was like well it’s a team event it’s impossible like I just don’t see the need to do something like that cuz you know you have double the golfers they’re a team is technically one entity and it just it was it was complicated let’s just put it that way it was very complicated and I didn’t know how to do it um but for the 7K coma buckets for the RBC Heritage so that was the week before for the Zurich and I’m only showing you showing you this because we have rules the rules that we follow with the 7K combo buckets normally are the top uh how would I how would I say this these are performance trends that show up inside the top 10 more often than not based off of these stat categories you’re going to see a large number or you’re going to see like a this is a total of all of the combos that show up inside the top 10 and the golfers that have most of those combos are going to have a bigger number so that’s why Tom hogi during the ARB Heritage and we found out last week that he quintupled the last hole to finish 18th otherwise he was inside the top 10 and perhaps he would have been in the optimal lineup um we look at at this because I’ve been tracking this since the American Express so what do I have how many tournaments do I have 15 tournaments that I’ve actually looked at that I’ve reviewed with all of you in all of these videos I’ve reviewed the the 7K combo buckets and showed you this the exact same thing the top selected groups and usually what I end up doing to figure this out is I just look for a cut off point usually it’s going to be the top probably what 10% no it wouldn’t be the top it’ be the top 20% top 20% of the total 7K range I’m going to highlight but quite honestly it’s going to go down to a a a number and I’m going to find a cut off point since 16 to 17 is 1 point and 17 to 18 is one is is one point I’m not really counting 28 to 18 there was a two-point gap between 16 and 14 and that’s just what I cut it off at I don’t know if that was the correct way to cut it off but that’s what I did and the cut off is important because in the this top section we want to select somewhere between one to two golfers to put into our lineups to build our lineups around from the 7K combo buckets and again I’m reviewing this with you this is the RBC Heritage um I want you to see how well what I told you to do worked out because I like to be transparent I’m not going to try to blow smoke you know into any of you guys I want you guys to have the best opportunity to win money so when we when I review this the the golfers here in blue these are all the golfers that were in the gpp winning lineup so when I said select one to two golfers sunjay ended up being a guy in the gpp winning lineup so whoever had that guy or you know whoever had the lineup with sunj in it perfect it fits I imagine Tom hogi would have been that guy if he didn’t quintuple whole 18 um when it comes to this section here in the middle so you see two sections that have red text I’ve been finding out that the go golf down in the bottom red Tex there’s always usually one golfer that’s flirting with the optimal lineup or inside the top 10 um and worth playing so that week I didn’t know where to cut it off I mean if you look it’s like two and four I’m not just going to highlight two golfers I didn’t really want to highlight three golfers but if I highlighted you know six golfers that seemed unreasonable as well but had I you know done six golfers JT Poston would have been in there and he was in the optimal lineup and how these 7K combo buckets usually work is this group here we want one to two you select one to two golfers this group here you select 0 to one and then this group down here you select 0 to one as well so we limit ourselves from making bad decisions now if I would have you know went from here down and just said select one golfer from this range I would have been spoton you would have had one golfer from here that you could have played I mean sunjay was not in the optimal lineup but he was in the gpp wi lineup you would had one golfer right here and one golfer here and it would have followed perfectly a lot of this is trial and error I have no idea where to hit some of these cut offs it just whatever makes sense so that was the RBC Heritage I’m actually going to close this down and we’re just going to look at this week’s tournament the CJ cup Byron Nelson when it comes to the 7K combo buckets so again I’m trying to select the top 20% so I’ve selected nine out of 40 I’m trying to select around 7 to 98 would be your your 20% Mark there um so uh I selected these nine golfers here and there’s a a pretty decent cut off points I either could have cut it off here between 2020 or 22 and 2018 I decided to cut it off between 20 or uh 15 and 18 I’ve got the the years in my head for some reason so that’s where I cut it off so which means you would want to select uh one to two golfers from this range and again like if you’re if you’re uh asking me like why why why is this the cut off point well listen a lot of what I do is performance Trend analysis and when I look at 7K or just 7K golfers what do I see finish inside the top 10 more often than not that’s all that I’m doing I’m grabbing this range because the 7K range is just a power ranking that DraftKings has with in their algorithm I don’t know how to figure out their algorithm just yet um but obviously 7K golfers somewhere in the middle of the pack when it comes to skill level at this golf course but those that have decent performance Trends are going to find themselves in this top group and just over the last 15 weeks when we’ve been going over this uh we find that you know one to two golfers finish inside the top 10 if not in the optimal lineup from this group and obviously it’s golfers with no course history and with no last year finish which obviously it goes hand inand and then on top of that not playing the week before or having a top 20 the week before plays into it and I will also note if we go back to any of the years that we just covered with the past optimal gpp wining lineups the Wells Fargo Championship was the uh previous tournament before this this event released 2021 2022 and 2023 and 2019 also the Wells Fargo Championship and there was the PLAYERS Championship in 2018 and 2017 The Players Championship this is the first year where it’s the Zurich the team event the week before so there is maybe a little bit of caution to be used when when kind of using performance train friends uh when it comes to the these 7K golfers but if you want to follow along with me I’m going to I’m going to do this with my lineups as well select zero or I’m sorry one to two golfers from here uh I kind of have a favorite I’ll go over that here shortly then the bottom of the list I think I want it somewhere I think I want it 10% of the total number of golfers so we have 41 golfers 10% of that is four I couldn’t just select four because four would have been chess and Hadley so what I did is you know he’s tied with Davis Thompson and luk list I think this is fine so we want zero to one golfers from here and then everyone here in the middle is going to be0 to one as well so let’s go over these golfers Sammy valaki Alejandra tosy Rio who’s heun or heat uh Taylor pendrith Robert McIntyre Jacob Bridgeman Ben Martin James power and Sam Rider my favorites would be Ryder power he sat and perhaps toasty I not positive on toasty just yet but it would be those four golfers that uh are probably my favorites at this event we don’t know much about Sammy valami currently like right now uh Daniel bold you might want to refresh your your stream same to with you AJ love just if you’re coming in this late with twos it’s probably because you’re behind so make sure you hit that little live button down to the left uh or move that progress bar all the way over to the right uh become current with the the stream anyways I actually don’t mind playing Samy valaki and he has a 10-point cushion between him and Alejandra toy if you saw the RBC Heritage Tom hogi also had a 10-point cushion over his top guy he probably would have been in the optimal lineup if he didn’t get again a quintuple bogy which is plus five on the last hole he probably would have been the optimal lineup he would have got all those positional places um and he probably would have had a bonus I imagine you’d have a rounds under 70 bonus most likely maybe not um but that still adds more points to his total which would get him closer to the optimal line uh to be in the optimal lineup anyways like I said so I like toasty he’s SATs power rider I have no problem playing Sammy valaki and I have no problem playing Robert McIntyre probably going to stay away from Bridgeman probably going to stay away from pendrith although pendrith has always been a favorite of mine to play so I don’t mind in this range down here again select one you want to select somewhere between 0o to one golfers from here there’s a possibility this could be 0 to two and if you want to live in uh in that route go for it but a person I’m going to stay away from is M coocher he just hasn’t returned value in any of the events he’s played this year so I’ll probably just leave him be really like Kevin Yu I know a lot of people they like Kevin Yu no issue with SH Kim bazer is a good play Doug gim’s a good play Chan Kim’s a good play CT Pan’s a good play probably staying away from Ry staying away from ROM Fox I have no problem especially when it comes to bad weather I actually probably trust Ryan Fox a little bit more than just you know perfect weather conditions he’s a birdie maker also by the way so that just helps that much more in DraftKings contest uh don’t mind olison I going to stay away from graser I’ll play some shares of low no problem ramlet some collie some Palmer good uh good course history great finish last year I don’t mind playing Palmer probably going to limit my shares on Burger certainly don’t want to play uh Taylor Montgomery who has the worst golf swing on the p J tour I’ll continue to to beat that drum until uh and in until I’m done doing this DFS game but yeah that’s I hate his golf swing Parker cter CTI is fine uh Sam Stevens I actually don’t mind playing Sam Stevens gar kigo I like I don’t mind Vincent Norman and Matty Schmid those are probably the only and Ben Griffin okay I said a lot of I said a lot of things there those are all golfers I don’t mind playing so if you want to make it 0 to two from this range go for it uh and then I will also be doing one to or 0o to one from this range pick one golfer you can see Peter Quest is down here he’s going to be a favorite amongst many I have no issue playing Peter Quest I actually have no issue playing any of these golfers but I will be limiting it to zero to one so that is your 7K combo buckets if you have any questions leave them in the chat you know even on replay if you want to um you know leave it in the com the comment section go for it if you want to email me go for it it does not matter I will answer your questions one way or the other but this is kind of how I’m I’ll be building lineups tomorrow night and I will be following this religiously just so you know I practice what I preach so it’s again one to two from this range we could probably say 0o to two from this range uh and by the way you you can pause the screen right now take a screenshot of of the golfers that you see on here uh or just write down some of the names that you find interesting and then one to two golfers right here AJ love you said why not Schmid well Schmid is like at the bottom of this list I got no issue with Matty Schmid but he’s in competition with all the other golfers that I had mentioned when it comes to um this whole range so again it’s 0 to2 or 0 to one I’ll probably stick to 0 to one no no no no I’ll open to 0 to2 it’s a volume driven you know game that we play and and there’s a lot of golfers here I don’t see two of these I think the odds are in our favor that two of these guys will finish inside the top 15 and if that’s the case then yeah you’d want to play two golfers from this range as well um but I will say this the optimizer that I have currently built I have three as the max when it comes to 7K golfers that is the max condition I’m not going to do more than three 7K golf and if that’s the case uh if I pick one to two from here which again could be two hard for me to select two golfers from here because I’m not going to let myself do that um and I probably do want to pick one of these golfers down here which means if I select one from here I select one from here it only gives me the opportunity to play one from here and that’s kind of what I I plan to do I got no issue doing that so those were your 7K combo buckets again the beuty beauty of YouTube is you can just use that little slider bar that’s right here go back pause take screenshots anything like that uh to see which golfers that you might want to play this week when it comes to the 7K combo buckets let I saw some chats come in let me just catch up with those before I go into the bucket system John Bizzle what’s going on man JK Lawrence how are you Dennis Ames I just saw your Optimizer request coming through when I get to building lineups I’ll send you that uh request um JK Lawrence says Jagger’s made cut odds are top 15 as well as IM hogi day shank and Kim okay uh Josh masz goes let’s put the let’s put the Zer behind us the Goin Z zator got you good yeah so I just got a I I thought I’d be playing a lot of zator in uh theala apparently draftking sent me a notification saying Rory M was my top played golfer last week I did not win my money back I made a fraction of my money back so it just shows you you you need to have a perfect lineups in order to win money um yeah I guess I had a lot of Roy maroy and didn’t win anything so sweet boo Zurich yes we we want to boo the Zurich Edward Gail goes any concern with the folks that have not played this course at all not at all uh I think just looking at our 7K combo buckets kind of tells us that not playing is a trend that shows up more often than not inside the top 10 um I great segue by the way Edward let’s get into the bucket system and actually take a look at which stats matter the most at this event you’re good man you’re good all right with the bucket system we’re going to find out some good Trends some good stats I I should say to build our line around and if you want to follow along with me you certainly can by going to the cheat sheet I do have the bucket system here for you guys to look at as well you can find a link to the cheat sheet in the description below or go to sweetspot and find the cheat sheet there as well you’re not here yet go go for it uh and if you’re just coming here right now let me throw this out there really quick don’t sign up with these just yet I will give you the the uh go ahead to sign up with these if you want lifetime access to this website go ahead get that founding member subscription we uh still have 24 remaining we have one that has paid for it so uh and that was our $50,000 winner from a few weeks ago Jason Jason was the the guy who took down 50,000 bucks and was like you know what I think I want a lifetime subscription to this to this website so um I just want to mention that but you can find find the cheat sheet under fantasy tools up here and then it will load in the cheat sheet but you can also just click this button here and it will send you to the cheat sheet so multiple ways to get there I see some people in there already so cool awesome uh I’m going to shut that down what I like to do when talking about the bucket system is really just kind of cover uh the anchor buckets which are must plays that’s essentially what anchor buckets are they’re must plays uh there must play buckets so you want to find golfers from those buckets let’s read how the or let’s let’s learn how to read the op or Jesus let’s learn how to read the bucket system so when you go to that cheat sheet and you’re looking at this and you’re like what the heck these are your main columns you want to look at the rest of this is just data for you to parse through you know makes you feel more comfortable selecting certain plays all the more all the all the better I should say but how you read this is we look at this column here it says minimum projection so when under the Min projection you round down so when I look at this this very first bucket last year one this is the stat these are golfers who top 20 this event last year 1.48 rounds down to one so just throwing that out there or just letting you guys know the max projection is 2.46 that rounds up to three so this projection actually reads 1 to three just throwing that out there or just letting you guys know I keep saying throwing that out there like that that’s the wrong the wrong choice of words that’s how you read the optim or I need more sleep apparently that’s how you read the bucket system 1 to three is what this bucket is projecting to finish inside the top 10 one to three golfers from this bucket so then when you go to the cheat sheet hold up filter on it you should be able to put a filter on that and then I’m going to sort salaries top to bottom and select I usually don’t ever you hide this one don’t we no we hide the other one you’re right uh we look at this column here this last year column clear everything out of there and just select one these are your last year ones these are golfers who top 20 this event last year and we want somewhere between 1 to three golfers to build our lineups around now there’s a lot of good golfers in this bucket you could go with the defending Champion Jason da see who Kim finished second here last year that’s actually not a bad play either Adam Scott one of my favorites uh number one in the model Benny Anne number three in the model Steven Jagger number four in the model those are all golfers that I will be targeting pretty strong strong uh strong like I don’t know man words for whatever reason tonight just are not like coming to my head fast enough we have Peter Quest here again a favorite amongst many and in a bucket that you want to play golfers from so again you want one to three golfers from this bucket at least that’s what’s being projected inside the top 10 I don’t think you have any issues with salaries so if you want three golfers and it’s $199 that’s where it might be a little tricky but uh if you want 999 that’s going to be a little bit easy e here so that’s how you read the bucket system we look at the Min projection we look at the max projection round down with the Min round up with the max so you do that with every stat category and I just showed you how to filter out on the cheat sheet for each of these buckets you basically just again go there put a filter on it uh that’s up here on the menu bar you should be able to find it there find the DraftKings filter and then you just filter out by these five columns right here uh and highlight them cool these columns right here that’s a SG CH RF l y and LW those are all the buckets and the numbers that those golfers are a part of so to find the anchor buckets I will put a filter on here you guys can do the same on the cheat sheet what I want to do first go into the max projection filter by condition and what I want to do is go greater than or equal to two it was already on the screen but I just want to show you guys how to do this again greater than or equal to two everything’s so small feels like it’s like you guys could barely see that if I was to show you but Max projection just that’s how it is I guess okay greater than or equal to two hit okay and that’s going to like really take out a lot of the buckets the reason I do this is because I want at least one in the minimums and that’s what we see right there now another piece to look at basically I for the video purposes now technically these are all your anchor buckets but for the video purpose I want to make this a shorter segment than what it needs to be so I’m going to deselect everything and only select buckets with totals on under 30 which there are only four of those buckets uh and we don’t talk about salaries but there you go you got 9k golfers that’s that’s a a salary bucket that is going to be an anchor bucket I will be playing n9k golfers regardless so uh I’m right there with it I will definitely make sure I’m playing nine K golfers this week but we have last year ones tournament history 2os or course history twos and then Strokes game twos as well and those are all one to three so one way to look at or um let’s start with that very first bucket which is the last year ones we’ve already looked at this kind of already talked about the golfers so I’m going to be asking you to uh give me two to four golfers to build lineups around here shortly not right now but I will be doing that shortly it might be worthwhile to look at these golfers here try to figure out which ones you like cuz we’re going to be building lineups around those golfers um or if that’s what you request now personally I’m probably just going to stay away from Jason day from this bucket I really like SEIU Kim I like Adam Scott benan joerger I don’t mind playing m Hughes think I was listening to Rick ging talk about how he’s a plotter nowadays did he forget that he was going through uh speed training for for hitting the driver further I don’t know I don’t know why uh Rick who is so close to the the PGA Tour and then knowing a lot of things that are going on with the PG tour would think that about Mackenzie Hughes uh I got no issue playing Ma Hughes so if you think this is supposed to be a distance course he’s not going to lack in distance so if you want to play Mac Hugh go for it and then we have uh a few 7K golfers that are interesting to play We already mentioned Doug gim um I believe in the 7K combo buckets right oh he was down here Doug gim is right here so maybe not but we did talk about Peter quest which obviously a lot of people are going to be on um I should color coat these 7K golfers the to follow the 7K combo buckets I just thought of that right now maybe I’ll do that in the future I don’t necessarily have a favorite amongst these I’m not going to be afraid to play any of them let’s put it that way and then the 6K range I’m really going to stay away from Kevin TW I don’t like how the guy plays I don’t even care if he played well with Kelly craft do not care I’m just never going to go back to Kevin TW Carson young I don’t mind going back to he disappointed a lot of my lineups last week I forget I think he was playing with Ben Martin and they were just terrible but I don’t mind going back to him also don’t mind rensky and Sun King is a is a past champion in this event so Stone minimum 6K probably could do worse right could have done worse Dennis Ames uh says how is the value column on the dream sheet calculated what does it represent it literally represents um their DraftKings points they’re their season long DraftKings points versus their salary so whatever their average DraftKings points are for the year divide that by the salary and that’s what you get for the Val value I I it’s it’s a it’s a the calculation similar to that whatever gets you like a a percentage not so much a percentage cuz some of these go over one but Peter Quest I imagine if we look he’s going to have just over 75 points on average when it comes to DraftKings points so I’d go right here yeah this is the column that it it it uh calculates it against so 76.5 he’s $7,500 that is a value of one so that’s that’s essentially all that the the value goes into just average draftking points and this is season long so I’ve been keeping track of DraftKings points going all the way back five years or something like that so this is going back 365 days so that’s what you get with value you can take it or leave it not a big deal you know I just provide it for people who want it who want to see that um yeah that is the first anchor bucket last year ones tournament history 2 that is the second one or course History 2 it’s the same thing tournament history course history same thing we just have tournament history because we have so many golf courses that have been played so many meaning three three golf courses that have been played uh for this event dating back to 2013 we have both of our 10K golfers here Jordan spe and Jason day so both 10K golfers are in this bucket and the projection is one to three once again so 1 to three is the projection of finishing inside the top 10 it is possible Jordan Speed could finish Ninth Place could finish 10th place that bucket would still be successful but he wouldn’t be in the optimal lineup That is a possibility same goes with Jason day especially we have more 9k golfers that do finish inside the top 10 so keep that in mind the bucket can still be successful without one of these guys being in the optimal lineup with that being said I still think the golf underneath them are probably better plays like I’d much rather play Alex noren over these two go golfers and I’d much rather play Steven joerger over those 10K 10K golfers so again we want to select somewhere between one to three golfers from here I think I think it’s just going to be smart to select one of three golfers to build your lineups around from this bucket because I don’t think it’s going to be speed and I don’t think it’s going to be day that are going to be in the optimal lineup or represent top 10 from this bucket okay those course History 2 I see more questions Edward Gil goes when course history was two why would not look at course history 1 and two uh is there a reason just curious yeah so I actually just break them out into ranges so if I were to remove the filter on this and we look at the tournament history buckets so these right here course history one is 1 to 20 and the reason that I’m not combining that with course History 2 is I am isolating that bucket by itself because golfers who have good uh course history well course history tournament history I want to show you you know how well that bucket does and the success rate for that bucket so golfers who have top 20 average finishes at this event tend to not do well the very next year so if they if they had like a top 20 last year that got them into this type of tournament history uh range the 1 to 20 4% of the total amount of golfers with that course history finished inside the top 10 and dating back all the way to 2015 25% have finished inside the top 10 so just to show you what that looks like if I were to go back to like 2016 and I put a filter on this and I just want to select my course history with less than or equal to 20 cuz that that’s what would reflect this bucket you can see their course history you can also see what they finished the year before so of the golfers that have a course history uh between 1 to 20 you can see their finishing positions right here now three golfers finished 12th Place which is great right but The Sweet Spot process really only cares about finding golfers inside the top 10 and and golfers in the optimal lineup so if they’re not in the optimal lineup I want to find golfers that are inside the top 10 and obviously optimal lineup means the best lineup you can build under $50,000 or $50,000 or less I should say um we’re trying to make things really narrow so in order to do that we have to cut out golfers who finished 12th Place so that’s one scenario so you see Zero golfers finished inside the top 10 and when I go back to my buckets that’s what this if you look at the title of of of these stats here it says top 10 frequencies so it’s really just looking at top 10s and that’s what the projection is you know not often do golfers from this bucket finish inside the top 10 so when you look at it from this year if we look at course history one golfers we get Adam Scott Benny an Peter Quest Berger Norman Damon Carson young and Bronson bergon well the projection oh by the way that’s actually a good point to to remember to tell you guys remember we always want a twop point buffer two points two point buffer between the minimum and the maximum of at all times so although this says 0o to one remember I told you to round down with this number here and then round up with the other number this always goes to zero and there’s always a two-o buffer so this will go to two so you could literally grab two golfers from this bucket and I think this week would actually be a smart idea to do it a lot of times remember you’re looking at the golfers you know we’re looking at these specific golfers in each of these buckets and quite frankly it’s hard to say Adam Scott and benan won’t be inside the top 10 like I think they have a really good opportunity to be inside the top 10 for the rest of these guys it kind of tells me maybe don’t play them if if I’m really strong on got and and I’m not pairing them up with these golfers here that’s another way you can use the bucket system to your favor is okay the projections not very strong so that’s why you know I I go through all this stuff and that’s why I’m not combining uh course history one and two because it’s going to show you different things uh and it it it really Narrows down each of those groups so we can be more precise and exact as to the golfers we want to play so uh that means we already went through course History 2 I’m going to go ahead and put a filter back on this and then we go right into Strokes game [Music] 2 so here let’s just review course History 2 once again with the golfers cuz we were in the course history one yeah we want to select one to three so we obviously just saw some good 9k golfers in the cores re1 bucket like Adam Scott and Benny an well you can’t put four 9k golfers together it’s going to be impossible and it’s not you know I wouldn’t recommend it but if you like golfers from this bucket like say if you like norin and jger or you like Jagger and Kim you most likely can only play one other 9k golfer so you’d have to make a decision from that last bucket we were looking at between um Benny Anne and Adam Scott so that’s another way you can look at the buckets just like that um so that would be yeah let’s okay we’re done with Cory 2’s the last bucket to look at would be Strokes gain buckets and you can go ahead and just sort this by color just sort um well sort it by A to Z and then it will it’ll already do it by color so from The Strokes gain two golfers now these are all positive stats actually no no it’s positive off the te and positive putting and then one negative stat in between whether it’s a pro or around the green I don’t really care um to me driving and putting are the most important stats to look at when it comes to any tournament I know I’m probably going to get some Flack from uh Byron who is trying to evade a tornado by the way uh Byron you had me laughing right away in your stream by putting up small hands Tom Kim dude that was so funny I was just I was just watching while I was putting my stuff together and I hear small hands Tom Kim like no no way he didn’t just say small hands top Kim I love it it’s great this will soon be a trend that we’re going to be creating uh in the fantasy golf world small hands Tom Kim um God it’ be so funny if it it got back out to him that’d be that’d be hilarious anyways from this bucket we want to select somewhere between one to three golfers yet again I’m sorry I was standing corrected 1 to four we round down here we round up here 1 to four is the projection of golfers to finish inside the top 10 from this bucket so of all the golfers we’ve already talked about we already know Byron likes Peter Quest there’s one guy right there um he also wants to fade minm Lee which Byron that would be a fun case of beer bet I know I know you probably wouldn’t take it but your love for Peter Quest has to outweigh your hate for Min mui uh despite the big pricing disparity [Music] but this actually is really interesting so like to me it it makes me like small hands Tom Kim all that much more like it he’s been in a lot of the other buckets we we talked about I don’t trust spe or day I’m starting to actually like I was really warm on sjm this week I I was like yes I kind of I want to play sunj as much as I possibly can but now I’m just like I’m not sure I I don’t know I I have this weird like kind of repulsive feeling towards sunj like I I don’t want to play him anymore uh I might I I I just I can’t see me not building lineups with sunj so I’ll probably will and then minmo hasn’t done anything since he’s been on tour the boy that says let let let me cook or let him cook hasn’t been cooking anything just straight garbage been throwing away everything he’s cooked so far now does that mean he’s going to be okay this week it’s possible I just don’t know which makes me really like Tom Kim that much more I really like Tom Kim I also think pairing him up with Peter Quest isn’t a terrible is terrible idea either Byron this could be your and my and and the rest of us could be our community win this week I think we’re going to be on a lot of the same players um I got no issue playing these two golfers by the way 7K com bucket Samy valaki um or as he says Sami valaki which is weird I there’s a huge finish population here and the macki name is not Maki it’s macki we pronounce it macki here and they’re very like they’re hardos in saying their Finnish pronunciation correct so interesting anyways Sami valaki at the top of the 7K combo buckets doesn’t matter that he’s at the top but it’s very interesting there’s ever a reason to play Samy valaki this might be it uh there’s some really good uh High upside guys down here in the sixc range I like Kevin dhy pounds the golf ball Nicholas lindheim remember when he used to be in the 7K range I think he even hit the 8K range at one point in time used to be a big birdie maker hey $6,100 that’s I think there’s potential there um I kind of don’t mind going back to Carson Young I want to believe in Hayden Springer Chris gdup just super disappointing um yeah there’s not much to choose from I like vaki I like Schmid I like higo I like Quest can’t stand boosler but this might be a good week like the optimizer loves bazer by the way I was trying it out right before this loves the optimizer um but yeah man it seems like it’s a Tom Kim week I’m really feeling Tom Kim this week and obviously we all know all the bets that Byron and I have made about small hands Tom Kim but uh this this could be the week or maybe it’s just a spe or day week and we just we Galaxy braining ourselves they might be the best golfers in the field and we’re just choosing them we’re just choosing not to play them because they’re overvalued in a very weak field where they probably should be at those price points so I don’t know but those are your anchor buckets I spent more time than we needed to on them if if I’m being honest there were only three to really talk about the 9k range is the other anchor bucket you want to play somewhere between 1 to three and there are a total of nine so you could literally play 33% of the 9k range and still be within the bucket system um projections but yes that would be your anchor buckets for the week let’s go ahead and talk about Mary tea times and when I bring up these Mary te times I want you guys to pay attention to the golfers that uh I guess that that come out to you or that’s see man words are so hard tonight I have no idea why I can’t think of the words I’m looking for the golfers that pop out to you from the Marquee te times have them ready have them loaded because I’m going to ask you to give me two to four golfers to build lineups around and we’re going to be building lineups right after we go over the mar te times so here’s how the Marque te times work you want to select two to four golfers two to four and you don’t want them playing together from the Marquee tea times it’s like 2 to four and the reason being is that’s what we normally see week to week inside the optimal lineup so we have spe day and Sun JM in group number one now they’re already priced at a pretty high price point where combining them is just impossible anyways but let’s say you like Jason day and Sun JM do not play them together just don’t do it if you want to challenge me you’re going to be 7% right on average when it comes down to it I’ll be 93% correct I would much rather choose my odds versus your odds so just play one guy don’t play two just play one I have a long history of going over this with all of you guys just don’t do it these are for the new people that come in new guy in the back um most of you guys already know that the second group is s uh sewu Kim Adam Scott and KH Lee again if you like two golfers from here don’t play them together just don’t select one of them so really in these first two groups what you could do is go sunj Adam Scott 9796 I think that’s a wonderful start or even like seu sunj or day SEIU day Scott day Lee whatever you want to do works out for me but that’s group two group three is Benny Anne Steven jger and Nick Dunlap this is heartbreaking my dummy lineup has Benny Anne and stevenh jger in it because they just opt out of the charts right away in the very actually I shouldn’t even say that the dummy lineup is just all eyeball it’s the eyeball test it isn’t looking at stats at all I build them before I even put my models together and stuff like that so this breaks my heart because I was really liking benan and Steven jger oh by the way the input sheet or the engine that builds all of my my spreadsheets before I put in the grass stats just to throw this out there before I put in the grass stats bent grass that is Steven Jagger was number one in the model benan was number two in the model Jordan spe was 37th in the model that’s just looking at Stats it’s not looking at like uh it’s not okay it’s it’s looking at recent form performance it’s looking at Strokes gain performance it’s looking at uh fantasy points performance all of those uh fantasy metrics it wasn’t including the grass stats so Jordan spe over his lifetime has been really good on bent grass therefore he went from 37th to 10th I was like holy crap that’s a huge it’s a huge bump for him um another notable name was Tom Kim he went from second to Fourth I believe Adam Scott was third and he moved to one so I think Tom Kim’s number two in my model yeah he’s number two in my model the Bentgrass helped him move up but he was fourth already um there was one other golfer that was a high- priced name that moved Jason day didn’t move much just to let you know he’s pretty much stayed in fif it was sunjay sunjay was 23rd in the model and then when he put Bentgrass stats uh in there he he went up to 16th so that’s another reason I’m kind of iffy on sunj like I feel more confident playing sunj now than I have any any other time during the um during the year but yeah anyways group number three like I said Benny Anne Steven jger and Nick Dunlap so again breaks my heart that I can’t play Benny Anne and Steven jger together but dude I live by my rules I i’ thrown that out there I will keep the dummy lineup in like the uh qualifiers that I usually enter just in case it hits and it also is my way to track what my eyeballs see um but other than that I’m not going to put them together um if there was a week two I man I’m trying to talk myself into it like as I’m sitting here in my head while I’m talking to you I’m also talking to myself and I’m like no no no no I want to play Benny Anne I want to play Benny Anne I want to play Steph Jagger together but I will follow the rules um and and Just Go with It the next Group by the way Alex noren Ste uh Justin low and Michael Kim I like I like noren this week I got no issue playing Alex norin especially with bad weather so I could literally I have no issue going Alex norin Steven jger Adam Scott or maybe not even Adam Scott maybe I go with seu or sunjay and those would be nine K offers like three nine Ki offers I do not mind putting together so that’s one way to look at it uh you also don’t have to do that group four is shank nap and list I don’t have much to say about them other than I do like shank and don’t care for the rest the group six is minu Dri and TW I will never play TW so he’s kind of out of the picture right away I don’t mind dri or minu I if the optimizer wants me to build items with them in it I have no problem with that group seven is hubard gim and N Smith I don’t mind any of those guys don’t mind playing any of them uh group eight is Tom Kim M Hughes and Camilo the only reason that this group isn’t any better uh not better ranked I should say is because of Cam Camilo’s 104 in my model um but I don’t mind Tom Kim and I don’t mind M Hughes small hands Tom Kim that is Aaron rise Sam Ryder and Henrik norlander would be the ninth group so in chat here we go I want you to give me two to four golfers you want me to build lineups around this is also going to be our um roll call roll call number one so I’m going to clear this out oh no no no we don’t want to clear that one out we want to clear this one out so roll call number one give me two to four golfers from the mar time um Marquee te times to build lineups around and you will get an additional entry not only are you participating right now but you will get an additional entry into the giveaway so just leave your two to four golfers to build lineups around right now and then that way makes it easy for me to keep track of this and go down the list of building lineups for you guys cuz that’s where we’re at we’re at the building lineup portion of the video let me go ahead and bring up those Mary T times for you once again you can’t see everyone on the list so let me zoom out just slightly there you go now everyone is on the list and I’ll actually highlight these by threes again so it makes it somewhat easier to see on your screens two to four golfers and Byron goes oh so now all of a sudden we get on a comp course and small hands Tom Kim is second in the model this show is brought to you by backpedal the smaller the hands the easier to reverse Byron you want to know what Mark’s uh one of the most important features for intelligence in a human being is the ability to adapt that literally is a measurement of the intelligence of a person the ability to adapt so when we look in the earlier years when Tom Kim was not good despite you saying back in October he won a tournament in January and February and March he was forgive me for swearing he was dog like he was awful not good he wasn’t good don’t okay okay now now we’ve we’ve we’ve activated it he wasn’t good he was one of the worst golfers in the world small hands Tom Kim not even large not large not even a large personality very small very small very small just like his hands very small so yeah we didn’t play Tom Kim back then cuz he’s bad but now very good very very good you asked for it you asked for it okay we have a lot of participants appreciate you all we get Dennis Ames and I’m going to go in order as they came in Dennis ases SNJ love it and then sanj uh shot like Harden with his alt account love that Eric carnivore what’s going on man I didn’t see you say hi I hope if you did say hi and I missed it let me say hi to you right now F our leader oh I just saw you just uh comment uh Byron I’ll get back I’ll get back to that uh sunjay and Dennis Dennis the Menace you want Dennis the Menace [Music] Jagger bombs for [Music] arale Daryl Mooney what’s going on man I think I said hi to you already right hope so [Music] Joanne well Eric I am sorry for missing it I sometimes when I’m on like when I do my the the beginning bit I try to stay on Q although I can see I see a chat over on this screen and I see a chat over on the other screen I see people me you know uh commenting and sometimes I’ll see what’s being said and that’ll distract me um but I try to stay focused with what I’m saying until we get to this point where I can actually talk to you guys and have this back in forth so I apologize [Music] Byron did you actually get muted for calling me an idiot no way wow YouTube is uh the the uh filter game is strong it must already it must have words that are pegged I this this isn’t like I think in order to have a a chat you can’t make it kid-friendly so I don’t understand why it does that small hands Tom Kim I love it man I love it okay I think we have everybody uh if if your name’s not on that list right there let me know I think I got you all uh I’m going to build a lineup from a uh a user who is in Europe that cannot watch the uh the stream so let me put his lineup or his uh request in first just so I remember it just so I remember it he wants Alex norin and Tom hogi which I think works out when it comes to the Anchor buckets ironically it takes down everything I say about my YouTube channel have you tried to promote and it just says no that’d be really weird not like I set it up to be that way okay so the first one like I said is going to be norin I already built some lineups by the way that I thought were kind of Juicy if you guys want to take a look you certainly can um but we want norin and Tom Tom wise hogi Is it wise to play him I don’t know we’ll see uh I’ll set the minimum salary to 492 hopefully we don’t find any roadblocks with this and let’s take a look what we can build I should change all the max ownerships to 100% let’s do that actually I’ll I’ll do a poll for those that want sweet spot DFS exposures on here type the number one those that want that don’t want that type two and this goes back to two weeks AG when we were building lineups where I said do you want sweet spot exposures or 100 so I I’ll give it a majority will win so depending on whatever you guys vote uh Sweet Spot exposures will probably create more unique lineups because we won’t be playing a lot of the same guys but at that same token some of those guys might be removed from your player pool so when we get to lineups you want to build um they won’t be there so I’ll keep a an eye out for for everyone posting the numbers in here um before you guys talk about what you want after hearing what I just said so just keep that in mind I will will load up The Sweet Spot exposures I forgot to do that uh and I think I sent the optimizer out to one person already I will send it back out to you with all the exposures um updated wow so I’m going to go with the max down to the 9k okay this is crazy I’ve never seen the these exposures this low which means I’m going to have to Max I’m going to have to update this on my own I think no I’m going to leave it this way we’re going to lock in people and when we lock in people it’s going to do its thing just going to do its own thing it’s going to do what we want it to do should be fine okay can you send uh yes I will send it to you where is the website what are you talking about the website is uh you can find a link to it in the description below but it is also right here it’s right here baby you can sign up log in all that good stuff but uh I’ve made a lot of progress on the database part of it very excited this Thursday I’m going to be streaming the database stuff I am like really close to just having it all completed and building reports so we’ll be building reports that we’ll be linking to this website and then I mean you’re going to have a full-fledged database website once all that stuff gets and and by the way like I’ve got some stats that you’re not going to find anywhere else so super excited about that super rated our Superstar you remember where that’s from um Okay so so here Dennis I’m going to open up another Optimizer I’m going to copy the exposures over and then what else did I forget to do I for um don’t think I forgot anything else but I will double check oh I know what I want to do sorry for the delay everybody this won’t be that long it won’t take that long so what I’m doing is making sure all the buckets and stuff are correct and all the metrics for the optimizer that way you can use all of the features on the optimizer like resetting your lineups like if you didn’t know that was a thing you could do you can build 10 25 50 reset this is like a hard or there’s a hard reset here which everything goes to zeros even the Min Maxes for the buckets go to zeros uh it you can play around with it once you get the optimizer you can see what it does um but you could also put The Sweet Spot um defaults in there and then that will also copy over the correct stuff I don’t even think that made sense but we’ll pretend it did so I got that in there that that’s correct correct correct cool cool cool yep perfect okay so I see Optimizer requests being sent in through the website right now which is wonderful thank you guys for using the website to uh request the optimizer I will send them to you right now AJ AJ love on this day dot dot dot I’m I’m in suspense [Music] what Byron will you oh let’s go dude Oh you mean let’s go with the website yeah yeah um Can Can you what what is your email address Byron I’ll send it to [Music] you I just don’t remember what it is actually maybe if I type it in Dennis I’m going to send you an Optimizer it’s not going to have a subject line not going to have a thank you or any kind of email just so you know Edward Gil uh same thing I’m just going to send you the optimizer no subject um no message but sending it to you right now that’s correct AJ what was it on this day that no no I wouldn’t have been on this day uh and Daniel bold yeah you get you get you get an Optimizer and you get an Optimizer cool cool cool all right uh and Byron I’ll send you uh an Optimizer actually wait wait wait you just messaged me I think [Music] oh I don’t know if you sent me uh I don’t know what that was for see Byron no Linda Q nope back nine nope I don’t have your uh I don’t have your email address Byron send it to me anyways uh for Christian this is uh our fellow over in uh England that cannot watch tonight so we built one lineup norin hogi Tom Kim small hands Tom Kim Lucas Chan Kim and Vincent Norman I actually like that lineup I like it a lot so I’m actually going to save it so I think I got mostly ones no the optimizer um this is unfortunate [Music] so I decided I think you guys can still hear me but my CPU is just going like crazy right now I hope it doesn’t do this forever and I hope we don’t burn up the CPU okay we might not save lineups tonight uh here’s one thing Byron I don’t know if you’ve if you’ve come across this but I know you’ve had spreadsheet issues uh in the past but I went to optimize my Excel spreadsheets uh because it was telling me I had a lot of unused um uh cells in here and unused cells are things that are filled in with color uh things like cells that are left aligned Center aligned right aligned all that kind of stuff um and so if you hit optimize it will remove all of the settings well when you do that sometimes you just mess up the the spreadsheet itself so I’m going to wait cuz if I click on the spreadsheet it’s probably I think it’s calculating right now all the different formulas that are in here probably didn’t like that I hit a save button that’s the only thing I have not done like I was running the optimizer earlier and it was fine um but I was not saving any lineups so we’ll just make sure I think maybe it’s over or it’s done calculating nope I think I screwed it up yep I [Music] did okay [Music] um we’re going to close all windows apologize for that gosh I hate when that happens sweet got to love when this stuff happens can uh can one of you guys let me know if you can still hear hear me cuz on my screen it just it’s showing me a YouTube error saying that there’s not enough video to maintain the smooth streaming so I just want to double check you guys can hear me jeez all right I’m going to try to open up this Optimizer once again try to open open this Optimizer again what usually happens is it tries to recalculate what it was trying to calculate before and again why it’s doing this is because I had reset it or I I had hit the optimizer to it after I hit save lineups I am curious to see if I save it what it will do you can hear me okay cool cuz it did save that lineup and then it tried to calculate everything I mean it’s all working so there’s lineup one okay let’s run optimizer there’s my CPU kicking in okay and now it’s quieting down which is wonderful this lineup is norin Jagger hogi hosler pendrith and Rio huset I love this lineup fingers crossed that we are past the calculation part go I help us if it isn’t I’m going to save lineup and it’s calculating I’m actually just going to run through this and just let it do its thing it’s at it’s at 12% right now I think once it calculates it will be done I apologize for those that have to sit through uh watching a choppy version of me and a gray screen but this time I get to actually see where the calculation is we are at 30% if I try to save one more time after this and it continues to do the same things I will no longer save lineups and we just continue to build unique lineups and it’ll be just like old times [Music] do I want to no but here we are but are we yes yeah you want to see something fun here is my CPU was at 100% it is calculating down here I oh you guys can’t see it I wish you guys could see it it’s just off screen and I’m not going to touch my Excel spreadsheet you have so much dread for my situation I think the best thing to do is just let your audience know what’s going on like I got I I’m sorry you all have to deal with this but we all know I’m not trying to fit a 1H hour time frame I’m not trying to fit a 25 minute time frame I’m here just hanging out with all of you guys so you know this was a perfect situation or a perfect time for any of you that wants to leave messages for me that I can answer I certainly can like it doesn’t help with you know people who are coming to the stream and trying to figure it out for the first time or whatever we are at 80% small hands Tom Kim would be able to fix it of course you have it yeah so Dennis until like the numbers I’m giving you like it’s 85% done calculating that’s the Excel spreadsheet I anticipate once it’s done calculating everything it’s it’s using 24 uh 24 threads of my CPU um to calculate this and it’s using the load for the CPU isn’t that high but it was just at 100% And when the CPU is that bad it’s not going to provide good um connection okay cool it’s done calculating I antici you see how the load just dropped by the way I I I was hearing my fan why I knew this was up um but anyways um Byron it it that that little piece of software always comes up with um with whenever I log or whenever I sign into my computer I I love it it gives me everything that I need to know about my computer all right I’m going to run one more I’m going to save it and if it starts lagging again we just won’t be saving lineups for the rest of the night and I’ll close out of excel excuse me and there it goes okay so something like this happened before it was when I made updates to the spreadsheet so I’m actually going to probably open up a new optimizer get out of here we don’t care anymore we’re not impressed oh boy you have a nice personality uh I am going to when I can get there close this damn spreadsheet there you go we ended it um I have different copies of the optimizer that I can use I think what we’ll [Music] do here I’m really curious if I use the optimiz uh yeah okay it’s all it’s all broken sweet all right so we’re not going to save lineups tonight actually we’re going to save lineups a very manual way of saving lineups I will figure this out at some point in time those that got the optimizer I hope it doesn’t happen to you I think it might just be something about this machine uh and the updates that I made so I’m going to uh actually I’ll bring those back there’s no way it’s calculating again unbelievable dude unbelievable I can’t believe this garbage I don’t need it to calculate every single freaking time this is ridiculous this is unbelievable dude stop stop calculating I don’t need you to calculate any longer get the H out of here what a time what a time to be alive oh my goodness I’m trying to end this from the task manager and it’s not even letting me calculations recalculate before saving no get out of here nobody wants to see you anymore leave all right we aren’t saving lineups we’re not even it is that page the lineup page where I save lineups too something on this page has to recalculate so we’re not even going to touch it okay we can still hit run run lineups it’s still going to work we’re going to save them off to the side I can’t wait to build an Optimizer on my website asz Excel has its limitations [Music] re reason for taking the big hit right now I know man time to crack a bush light yes it is the spreadsheet went on strike yeah the curse of that’s what it is that’s what it is the fact that I’m on small hands Tom Kim ruined it ruined it for all of us Excel what are we doing like honestly what what more oh finally it built a new lineup lovely all right guys if it isn’t going to take two seconds to build a lineup I’m going to open up a new instance of the optimizer that I have not updated I’m going to copy over all of the information over there I’ll show you exactly how it’s done we will not optimize that spread sheet because this is BS all right so fingers crossed let’s see if run Optimizer works as expected this line up here not terrible but bazer is there there we go look at that there we go we’re back on track we’re back on track it’s not going to use The Sweet Spot DFS uh exposures so when I build these lineups for you guys I’m just going to ask you if there’s anyone that you want to remove then we will remove them this line appears pretty awesome I’m going to remove boosler because bazler shows up too much so we’re going to kick him out we’ll run Optimizer see it’s it’s running smooth now we’re good I should actually just like go through all the voice mods and see which ones you guys like all right so we kick out Bosler we get norin hogy Tom Kim luk list Peter Quest JJ spawn spawn is getting the boot which is totally fine oh Lea fine and then we get norin hogi D Tree list Quest and Norman so here’s how we’re going to actually save these lineups go here just save them here we just go top to bottom uh and I’m okay Christian I’m probably just going to create create two more good ones for you and then we’re going to move on to the other ones so we have Alex norin benan Tom hogi luk list Peter Quest Zack Blair I don’t care for that I’m actually going to kick out Quest because we’ve we’ve been seeing a little too much Peter Quest and we get norin hogi Tom Kim lcas Doug gim Nick Hardy pretty darn close I I really don’t mind NE hardi but I’d rather see someone else o the Bon we get norin hogi Kim shank gim and beroni I don’t mind that let’s do it so that’s that was a decent lineup I like that one okay moving on so those were uh lineups built for our friend Christian overseas who could not join the live show who asked me to build those uh through email so Dennis I know you said hey I’ve got your Optimizer you can skip me let’s just do some seiw and sunjay just so people see it people want to see the SEIU and sunj the spreadsheet Is WD this week alt ESV E I don’t think what is that I don’t know what that that shortcut is I know what alt f4 is and that’s what I should have probably just done but it is what it is uh okay so the first SEIU sunj lineup has small hands Tom Kim Peter Quest Vincent Norman and Sam Ryder it’s a pretty solid lineup kind of like I do like Sam Ryder this week I got no issue playing Sam Ryder uh we keep Vincent in there and we bringing JJ spawn vinc V Norman showing up a lot okay Vincent Norman I like you and all but uh that’s too much Vincent Norman well no Kelly craft no thank you o yeah so I’d be down for this lineup this is a pretty good lineup I don’t mind saving this one Garnett will be getting the boots we get seu sunj Mark hubard Luke list Peter Quest Matt coocher I don’t know if I can get back to coocher lets you manually fill in the lineups yeah I mean the only thing that I did on this page was delete and it went to recalculate so I just because I’m streaming I’m just is deathly afraid to touch that cheet I’m not going to I’m going to leave it alone I’ll figure I’ll figure out whatever’s wrong with it uh after the stream um I’m not going to spend my time trying to figure it out right now this lineup’s interesting we get seu sunj Tom Kim Davis Thompson assassin and Brennan wo I got no issue with that whatsoever none I like it quite a bit actually all right I’ll build you two more good ones and then then we’ll see where it goes from there or we’ll move on to the next one I don’t care for Zack Blair don’t care that’s a lot of Peter Quest I’ll probably kick Quest out here soon you know what I don’t mind going to Justin Su if there’s a lineup to put Justin Su in I like this lineup to be the one um yeah one more good one Quest and boosler let’s do a non husler and a non- quest cuz they’re going to show up a lot the optimizer loves those two golfers oh this actually an interesting one we get SEIU sunj Thomas dietry low Lashley and hasat I want to see one without Lashley but I really like that one Dennis are you having any issues running the optimizer and saving the lineups because it’s it’s the saving lineups for me that’s it’s just not enjoying I do have backups like I have a an older Optimizer that I’m probably just going to copy I’ll copy all this information over to that one and then just use that one always best to have a backup and and I have one I could probably just do all that but we’ve already wasted so much time um trying to figure all that stuff out so this is a pretty good lineup I I I also want to again want to see something without a low golfer like Martin lard so here we go we get well Nick hard is okay how do we leave more salary on the table with your optimal lineups um maximum salary you can switch this down to like you know if you wanted to do uh 495 you just update it right above my head so if you wanted to do something like 485 to 495 it’ll build uh this lineup here Dynamite sign me up with the stash man Chandler Phillips love this lineup but yeah I I’ll run one the way let just just to show you how you would leave salary on the table and that’s how you do it and then you get to cars young young so this one’s 495 doesn’t go over the max salary that I have right there we got time for the second backpedal of the night dude I didn’t backpedal with Tom Kim I don’t know what you’re talking about don’t you didn’t me I’ll show you Byron I’ll show you okay I’m actually going to just change this back so John when we get to yours we can leave money on the table if you’d like I still don’t even though I I mentioned it in my video or earlier on in the video I’m not going to um do it for these lineups uh but those were Edwards or not Edwards Dennis those were Dennis’s Dennis Dennis ey Denny those were Denny’s and shot likee hardens on uh the next one he wants Steven Jagger Adam Scott and the quest man himself so now I can’t say no to Quest got to say yes I really like the start of this I Don’t Mind Quest I mean these were names that we were talking about during the anchor buckets and stuff like that so pretty good man oh the save kills it [Music] okay Dennis nice it’s good to know all right man have a good night so when we start with Scott Jagger and Quest it puts in small hands Tom Kim pendrith and JJ spawn not terrible not terrible uh not a huge fan of JJ spawn though nor am I Alex mly uh interesting we get hubard hos Quest and low charot Harden do you like bazler cuz I think he’s going to show up a lot if you want me to kick him I will John ask does the optimal lineups shoot for the max salary make no it does not uh so it has like 250 conditionals that it looks at and it basically kind of looks at the top of the conditionals and it goes down um salary is it’s definitely one of the first ones that it looks at but it’s really looking at how like the amount of points this metric is like what will be the max that it can put together while following all the other conditionals and staying under the salary cap so it is one of the first conditionals that it tries to satisfy uh and then it’ll go through all the other ones but um what you would expect is the more expensive a golfer is the better golfer they are and the better golfer they are would have a higher metric next to them now obviously there’s going to be discrepancies and you’re going to find golfers uh I’d imagine yeah like Peter Quest is 954 he’s actually he has a higher point total than Sheamus power so this Optimizer would select Peter Quest over Sheamus power all the time it also pick him over KH Lee who’s at 910 but he’s $800 more expensive and would pick him over ma Hughes like and I don’t think Tom hogi would actually be selected cuz he’s at 970 so the optimizer is going to see 9100 7500 uh hogi has a 970 Point metric and then Peter Quest has 954 so 16 points the optimizer could probably find Quest and someone else like bazer for instance these two guys here are going to be cheaper than putting hogi together with someone else but at the same time you have all these high price guys like Scott or not high price but High metric guys like Scott norin Jagger benan so it’s really going to try to fit these guys in first like Tom Kim is another high metric golfer so it’s going to fin it’s going to try to fit those guys in and you’ve been seeing a lot of these 9k golfers three of them together because they have the best point totals and everyone down here is pretty darn close to the to each other so the most optimal lineup is going to have the most like the highest metric uh golers in them don’t like bow I didn’t think you would if I don’t like bow you don’t like [Music] bow yeah um I didn’t even see your your message Byron or your uh comment but yeah you’re you’re absolutely right all right so we get Adam Scott Steven Jagger Keith Mitchell Mark hubber Justin sub and Peter Quest it’s not terrible actually I I like that lineup I’m not a Hu like one golfer I just can’t stand watching is Keith Mitchell he just always looks like he’s in a bad mood I don’t know if that’s a defense mechanism but he just he looks like a little crabby little crab patty or whatever you want to call him just not my cup of tea to watch and kind of funny during the valpar how he tanked that tournament really bad that final round was awful that’s that’s how I feel that’s how I feel about Mr uh Mr Keith Mitchell but anyways we get Scott Jagger Mitchell hubard Quest and Brennan woo it’s okay my bow knows that bow does know this bow is a hoe Jagger Scott Mitchell hubard Quest Yan do you like Keith Mitchell Mr shy Cardon let me know I’m going to build you two or three more good ones Kick cashmir K Keith yeah yeah yeah you got it [Music] sir Scott Jagger small hands Tom Kim hubard Quest and Kevin stman I don’t mind ah no never mind I I don’t mind stman I I I actually don’t mind playing stman most of the weeks but this week I I don’t know old man bones with bad weather just ain’t going to work out Rafel compost I don’t mind that that’s one that one’s not terrible yo Josh so last week when when I was building lineups hubard and brem were showing up a lot and I’m sure you remember what I said about that I I remember building lineups and being like man I see these guys way too much I don’t want to build lineups with these golfers and like I don’t like brm that much and I think maybe it was you or someone else were like well actually you know what I I I don’t mind that group this week had I stuck to that I probably would have been a bit more profitable last week uh ZJ if you don’t know what a ZJ is you don’t want to play it so so we ain’t playing that ZJ Eric Barnes sure so we’re we’re we’re seeing the same golfers here do you want to kick anyone else do you want to kick out small hands Tom Kim or Mark hubard all right Joan I’m still going to build your lineups so if you want to rewatch um certainly I’ll I’ll have them I’ll have those lineups in here but have a good [Music] night um yeah let me know shy hard do you want Tom Kim Mark hubard in your lineups okay so Tom Kim gets kicked out and actually this is a pretty decent lineup Scott Jagger hubard list this is 492 leaving 800 bucks on the table sure why not right why not [Music] we get Scott Jer Kim hubard Quest and high Smith I am not I don’t think I’ll I’ll go to High Smith all right two more good ones two more good ones this one I actually would say is a good one Scott Jagger hubard nap Quest and pendrith okay we like that one HIC cupboard okay didn’t have to on this one one I’m going to go ahead and just kick him now just to be preemptive don’t really care for Nick Hardy I’m be honest and I don’t like coocher I’m going to be honest there we go I’m cool with this lineup Scott Jagger Kim Fox Quest Rider yeah okay uh I’m just going to highlight it yellow I don’t have any other colors that I care to do right now uh and those were lineups for shl Cen hope we found some good ones there those last two I thought were pretty good going on to Mr Eric carnivore who wants norin benan and Scott I feel like we can’t do that unless we break some rules so we have Scott benan and who norin actually we can do that never mind they’re all in different groups we can do that yes we can random thought but if you timestamp the lineups for members particularly those that watch back easy yes you are not you’re not wrong easy value ad if you just keep another sheet and then the members get a really useful perk that’s that’s wonderful idea man um I might be able to build that into the optimizer if I’m being honest I can I can stamp the times you know what I I will do that uh I can save lineups and create a name and a Time code that goes with it it’s a really good idea Byron and you probably could do the same thing too in a macro I just probably create another probably put it here no I’d have to put inside and then just save it across and then it would just say like you know like shik Harden at 9917 p.m. or maybe I create a stopwatch or something like that but yeah uh doing it your way is a bit time consuming and a bit tedious and I I applaud you for doing it but it also sounds like a nightmare at the same time or rather automated it if I can possibly do that at any point in time all right norin Scott and Benny Anne first lineup is a sexy lineup we have Scott norin and pendrith Schmid and Ryder that’s a really good lineup I I like that lineup a lot [Music] and then you just hit me with a nerdy as yes that my wife hasn’t given me anyways oh shik Cen hates non-members confirmed you know Byron I was thinking to myself the you having to be bunkered is a great opportunity to get close with the misses if you know what I mean oh that’s not a driveby it’s a great idea and I I applaud you it’s definitely something I’m going to uh I will Implement I’m just going to rather build code to do it for me like I I’m going to somewhere up here I’m just going to or like right here I’m just going to go uh Eric Jesus okay pal okay pal just do something like that and then it will copy this there’ll be a time stamp right here oo I just put in the look at my video okay yeah yeah yeah I got it all down now this will be like what 2 hours I don’t know how I’ll do it 17 oh it has put it puts in dollars for me okay no no no no no no yeah we’ll figure it out that just tells me you’re not adventurous old couple already just coming up with all of the excuses you possibly can all right old man Byron over there old man Byron and his old lady all right sorry uh not really but you know what I mean Scott benan hosler Stevens and tarrent I don’t mind this lineup I I’m going to save it actually I like it can’t wait for the 10-second delay to like you know get get past so you so I can see what you’re going to write the anticipation is killing me all right uh next lineup is Scott noren and hosler pendrith and sink Mr carnivore do you like haer this much that he keeps showing up in these lineups and do you like pendrith this much if you do not we will kick them out let me know byon that’s actually a really good idea I I had even thought about it creating time stamps I like that you’ve I was listening to your pod earlier today I only got to like listen to the first 12 minutes of it I think I know it was a short pod because of you know the tornadoes near you um but I I had heard your your pitch about getting to 500 subscribers and there are other uh I imagine you already know this but there are other requirements that are that are needed like you you probably I think you need still 4,000 hours of watch time so maybe you have cuz you know 5 Hour podcast we’ll do that for uh dude my delay is like 20 seconds yeah I it might be because of all the Tom Foolery that was happening earlier with uh with the the spreadsheets so you do not like hosler and you do not like pendrith so I will kick both of those guys out you know what for those that are still watching type a one in chat and you’ll get an additional entry into the giveaway I I want to reward you guys for staying through all of that nonsense that was that happened with the optimizer um like that stuff’s Annoying It’s hard to sit through and watch but I’m glad you guys are still [Music] here so type a one in chat I’ll get you guys an additional entry into the giveaway it’ll be roll call number two um we’ll run another lineup for [Laughter] you absolutely Byron uh to me it’s like it’s just is just a hangout session you know I I get to build you guys lineups um it to me like if I was watching this it would be just to spark curios like creative juices like I’m just I want to see what other people like and with my process I want to see what type of golfers go with those lineups because some of these I might not even think about putting together um just you don’t know and then you might have some of these lower PRC guys like Sammy valaki we were just talking about them like this lineup could be the nuts right here although I don’t really care for chess reevy but I do like Baki uh also just to carry on with what you were uh what what I was saying earlier it is good for you to think about that stuff right now like creating different uh member perks and stuff like that that’s awesome all right anyone else that comes in chat I’ll definitely give you an additional entry [Music] um it’s actually not on the side of the screen it’s kind of rejuvenating that’s good um all right I was distracted by a spider no worries all right Eric I think I probably have like I’m going to build you two more good ones and I don’t think a good one has Bryce Garnett over Samy valaki although I could be wrong that lineup wasn’t terrible but I definitely want to come down here and get rid of of Garnett Luke list is actually showing up a little bit here let’s see what happens on the next one I’ve been watching Pete overett and how he does his best Ball Mania drafting is with other experts on his show that draft with SL for him this is a similar process it’s a very unique logic he man I you know what I was watching Pete over that now that you remind me I I saw one episode and I can’t remember what I saw like First Impressions matter a lot and a lot of times I’ll give people a second chance if the first impression wasn’t great and for whatever reason in my head the the episode I watched I either didn’t like the strong personality that his guest had or the strong personality he had but I I probably could watch it again I I probably don’t have probably don’t have an issue but I don’t I don’t remember what it was don’t remember what it was um anyways this lineup is not good it’s actually not bad but I I can’t okay for those that play rain makers those that still do rain makers or those that have done rain makers in the past here is my one tip to all of you no matter what in the very beginning of the rainmaker season if you have an Elite Card sell it then sell it right then and there do not hold on to it don’t think you’re going to get cute with um having one of the first Elite cards and then putting it into a contest because just just so you guys know I had an Alex Maly card I got the second week cuz I won a contest that gave me Elite cards I had an Alex SMY Elite card that the um the offer for that card at that time was $260 260 or 270 it was like 260 270 and I’m like you know what I’m going to hold out I think I could probably get more money from that the very next week was 240 and I’m like no I I want to play in some of these Elite contests and Alex M is going to be playing a lot and it was forecasted he was going to play better than what he has up to this State and then it went from 240 to 200 and I still didn’t panic I was like and you know what it’s still going to be good to have Alex mly he’s going to come around and then it went to 160 and then it dropped to 100 and now you’re you’re sitting with the card that you’re just like you know what I’ve lost this much value it can’t get much worse no it does it does cuz I think you can only sell them for $40 now it’s ridiculous I should have sold right away when this card was at its highest anyways that’s my two cents in the beginning of a rain maker season if you get an Elite Card just sell it just sell it right away I don’t care who it is unless you know it’s Scotty sheffler um even if it’s Rory sell it sell a Rory card uh early on in the season for the $1,400 you’re going to get for it or the maybe even the $2,000 you’re going to get for for an Elite Card just do it just do it you’re it’s the most money you’re going to make on that card period he comes off super douche initially Pete doesn’t have strong personality it was definitely the guest probably Davis oh yeah I I can’t stand Davis madic like you’re still like a 30-year-old man and you still got bul fries like you’re like 17 years old like that’s a trained voice thing that he did way back then he can change that voice that isn’t something he was born with that was something he created yeah I I can’t stand Davis M that’s probably what it was and I had to listen to Davis madic talk backwards act T up is a douche look I okay so Joshua Maz one of the best streamers I absolutely love watching is is Doctor disrespect and there isn’t anyone else that comes off with more confidence like more I would say undeserved confidence than that guy but it just works like I I absolutely enjoy it I enjoy the Cockiness that comes with it cuz he fails a lot and that’s kind of funny but I enjoy that [Music] um but when it comes to uh yeah I don’t know who like over that I I think he’s a very good talker from what I remember and I think think it it was Davis maddic if if Davis is his his co-host that’s probably why I don’t watch it that’s probably why I won’t ever watch it cuz I can’t stand listening to Davis madic there isn’t anything important enough that I think comes from that guy that I need to sit there and listen to this vocal fry I I just I’m not going to listen to that garbage check out his his intros okay I got you okay um sorry Mr carnivore let’s continue on oh I should kick out Alex small sh Kim I like I don’t like SM hey perfect lineup I don’t like price SES that are the same price but it is what it is this is a good lineup I like this one a lot let’s go back and who did we say we wanted to remove I want to bring back who was it valaki sh Kim who was the other guy that okay I’ll just rerun it and see what it is who it is I P up yeah I mean okay so Byron I I have a I have it comes to me that you’ve never seen Dr disrespect before I think that guy is he is definitely an inspiration for video production that I have not his character I don’t I don’t I’m not going to do a character while I’m doing this golf stuff um but that video production is amazing oh he’s he said be right back okay going to watch some of his stuff quick yeah no dude all of the things that Dr D respect does trickles down into the rest of the streaming Community because you’re going to see it with the lower end streamers and I shouldn’t even say lower end I would say mid streamers like there’s nothing that Dr disrespect isn’t doing that doesn’t influence like the ninjas and Ninja is his own entity right ninjas is his own entity but he still gets inspiration and influence from Dr distrect so to does Tim so too does uh Nick Ms um and then from there because streaming is more more popular with video Gamers the people that take that stuff like you you’ll see um there’s a Minneapolis guy who does fantasy sports and you see the Transitions and stuff like that they’re all based off of video game streamers and those are the highend and production stuff that is just captivating part of me like uh downloading a lot of these stuffs and like even uh dg75 he started doing this with you know the donkey laugh and stuff like that um like the all that kind of stuff that’s all like video game streamer stuff if you truly want to be a uh to me in my opinion if you want to be a better streamer watch video game streamers because they know how to interact with their their chats they know how to provide small little um reprieves to to break up monotony you know with like things that come up on the screen again these are things I I want to do there’s just not enough time in the day to do these things um but I I intend to have funny ad breaks like honestly where the ads are just a fake product uh just to make you guys laugh like there are things that I want to add to this so it’s not so monotonous like I had someone come in the Stream the other or Not In The Stream someone leave a comment saying what is this there’s music playing it’s like well yeah who wants to sit here and and listen to a guy talk for like 5 hours without some kind of music and and just before you answer this Byron I’m listening to music while you talk if you’re not giving me music I am I am listening to music while you are talking so um I I personally need something just to you know and I honestly I I’ve also uh I’ve thought about reaching out to artists like ghost is one of my favorite bands and I want to play Ghost music on the stream thought about reaching out to them to see if I can get permission to use their music on here I’ve also thought about like reaching out to avenge uh Sevenfold to get get music from them but probably is not going to work out and I also don’t know my crowd if you guys even enjoy that music so um it would be light like how this is right now like I’m sure you bar you guys can barely uh hear the music but at least it fills in the white noise so any who M hand gamers are a thing back on the small hands Tom Kim you should have some tiny hands oh my God should I get the um I dude dude I have a a back scratcher that has a little small hand on it it’s not anywhere near me but that would be funny just have these like little hands that come up and and just start talking oh it’s good stuff good stuff well thank you and and this is also what I like about streaming is I can you know read the chat while talking and I know people probably want you know lineups being built but I think if you’re here now watching now you’re here for the interaction bass nectar works the hell is that I’ve never heard of that anyways uh small is the guy I want to kick out we want to bring back uh back sh Kim and kick out SMY that’s who the the loser was that that showed up the guy that I lost I didn’t really lose money on but I could have sold his card for more money Byron what’s your do not do that the the bass nectar what oh please a little piece of Heaven’s only 7 minutes long let’s let’s let’s be real here all right rest in peace uh Reverend the Rev we did this lineup already I like it I want to bring back semi vaki uh and kick out Ryder I want the possibility of valaki showing up again Scott norin benan Davis Thompson this was perfect outside of su I I I don’t mind this lineup I like it a lot actually so what I plan to do with all of these just so you guys are aware is I’ll just cut uh cut them and paste them I’ll transpose them and then delete them I’ll do that um once I save enough of these and get through get through the stream for the time being because I like a lot of these lineups that are being built oh you’re talking about music yeah okay this lineup I don’t mind outside of coer I don’t want coocher let let me have vaki let me have Sam Stevens those are wonderful picks but not not that all right I’m going to load up the next one FR leader are you still here sir oh by the way did I not no I did get um the second roll call what a wonderful lineup th this is my favorite lineup of the night so far Scott norin an Stevens sh Kim and Hass a and one more one more good one for you Mr carnivore i’ I’ve probably built more lineups than I should have or that I’m supposed to this one’s okay I can’t go back to Blair or L this one I can do though this one’s awesome okay that was a good one to end on for Mr carnivore thank you [Music] Eric uh Mr carnivore what uh what did the DJ name his son Eric it’s fun little Eric joke for all of you guys it’s very nerdy very dad jokey that’s what it’s meant to be but you’re welcome all right our leader all right Char Cen have a good night man we want Michael and sewu Kim I imagine we’re talking about Michael Kim and seiw Kim the Kim [Music] boys trying to locate this Kim is he in the 7K range he is 7200 in group number four you’re welcome Mr carnivore uh oo okay so we get SEIU and then Stephan Jagger Steven Jagger small hands Tom Kim Bo hosler Michael Kim and Rio hasatan F leader if you’re in the chat let me know if you want Bo hosler you don’t which I don’t uh we can remove him I think I’m just going to do that because I’m not sure you’re here but I’m going to remove him and bring back Rio CU I like Rio this week Rio is is real good you taking off too Byron or Oh no you’re saying that to Charlotte Cen gotcha gotcha we get seiw small hands cashmere homeless homeless hubs Michael Kim and SMY is not where we want to [Music] be we get SEIU Jagger Tom Kim pendrith Kim and heat we get three Kims and assassinate that time I said assassinate not assassinate I like this lineup this is a good one this one’s a good lineup Rio is going to get the boot on this one the boot H spawn comes in we don’t really care too much for spawn I’m going to name uh my so in the time stamps what I’m going to do is actually name the the spreadsheet issues technical difficulties that’s what that whole little section is going to be it’s just technical difficulties and then it’ll say skip get past it you don’t want to sit there and and watch me struggle uh we get SEIU small hands cashmere oh my God talk about all of the Kims I almost feel obl yeah no I’m going to have to kick out uh Norman we get four Kims can we get four Kims and an M that’d be amazing um uh I think I’m just going to save this one because it’s fun then we’re going to go kick out Norman and build a lineup that I actually really like SEIU benan Tom Kim pendrith Kim of the Michael kind and then valaki yep saving that one and that’s I think we’re going to I’ll build one more and then we’ll end uh those ones DJ Eric or do we I don’t know what that refers to do we play the four Kims and an N is that what you’re saying Michael has a Kim if you flip his km okay uh this line up here wonderful Kim Benny Anne Kim Kim Kim and Phillips yep that that sounds like fun too I feel like Kenny Kim would be proud to build a lineup of like that it it fits the buckets like I’m not forcing it it’s it’s just doing it naturally those lineups for FR Leader by the way uh we’re going to move on to the next one who is our our favorite uh ianian or ionian or ianian uh here in Minnesota we just call iow Iowa people idiots on Wheels ahead I don’t know what everyone anyone else calls them but I mean idiots I on or on Wheels ahead yeah yeah yeah idiots o for on W for Wheels a ahead creative I know I know I know I know I [Music] know that one was uh not the greatest delivery I know okay so he wants sunjay and Dennis Dennis the Menace [Music] um I don’t who’s Dennis [Music] Byron I’m not going to lie I don’t know who Dennis is like if if Denny McCarthy was here I I would understand what Dennis is but who is Dennis I don’t think I watched that part of your stream if you if you named someone Dennis [Music] this stream is brought to you by Eric’s grandle whiskey when your Macros are broke and you’re thirsty pour yourself a shot of Eric’s grandle whiskey I know um what’s the other one Dixon Cider uh like Dixon and then cider like hard cider hard Dixon Cider that’s that’s that’s another one that I that I I have thought about I’ve also thought about uh dressing up in a lab coat um I have two cameras so I’ll probably use the second camera I’ve got this big green screen behind me uh I I thought about just coming on and like having those we like really big fake glasses and talking to you like you know with Strokes gain stats but you know doing a voice like this and being really nerdy about things I know who you I know who I sound like right now and that’s exactly how I would talk to you guys doing something like that uh but talking about Strokes G stats yes Byron I am asking you who is Dennis I need to know who Dennis is I don’t know who to add with sun JM I don’t know who Dennis the Menace [Laughter] is AJ love I’ve been thinking who dennises for an hour I saw the name earlier and I thought I would I would understand who it is when I got there but I also have no clue who Dennis is if you combine the Kims does Tom get medium hands oh Daniel I just saw that one no he will always have small hands always it’s more of a personality thing than it is actual physical hands but he does look like he has really small childish hands uh Byron I’m looking for who this Dennis guy is is Dennis supposed to be Tom Kim is is that who we are actually trying to build lineups around I am paging Byron back nine bets lindu Byron um Byron where in the hell’s Byron what is going on all right I’m skipping you Byron until you come back and tell me who the hell Dennis is I I we’ve skipped you we have now skipped you you’ve been skipped skipped I tell you skipped okay uh Jagger bombs and gim douglas douglas gim Dennis works in the accounting department he probably does all right well when we lock in Doug gim and Steven Jagger we get small hands Tom Kim that’s what happens when you put a gim in a jagger when gim takes Jagger bombs we get small hands Tom Kim and then we get Bo hosler because he just wants to be the life of the party wherever he goes and Peter quest to go with uh cashmir Keith Edward do we like this lineup who are golfers we don’t like here should we kick anyone out right away we’re going to have to make a decision because Doug gim is isn’t being raided out better than the three golfers that uh or the four golfers that were combined with him well now that we haven’t got a response back from uh Byron I I sure hope there’s no tornado going over him or shark Nat or cornado whatever he’s he called it his cornado Phil what’s going on man a Aon yeah yeah yeah I’ll build you some lineups bow is not great I agree this is also going to be a reminder for all of you that if you’re not caught up with the stream make sure you click that little live word click the live word or push your your your progress bar all the way to the the front the front of the line to get caught up and or to be caught up oh Byron still watching Dr disrespect that’s probably true it’s probably true also the king of synth wve music uh he’s put out a couple bangers himself all right we get Scott Jagger small hands Tom Kim Yim of the Douglas kind hendrith and assassin which I I think did we build this lineup already because it’s pretty good we need uh Doug gimps where would he be right here is this it no we had a hassin one there’s one there there’s another there hold on is this it did we save the same one no we did not okay I’m a fan I like that lineup a lot I’m just comparing it to all the other lineups that I’ve built we love it Byron we we were we were going over your lineups or we were about to build your lineups but then we got stuck on who in the hell is Dennis like we’re trying to figure out who who’s Dennis you wanted uh sunjay and Dennis but nobody knows who Dennis is nobody and I mean nobody uh this lineup is okay if you like JJ spawn Philip I did not I didn’t even make my money back not even not even slightly Scott Jagger Tom Kim Doug gim pendrith and SMY there’s SMY again we’re kicking SMY out Jagger Kim Mitchell the Napper Doug gim and Vincent Norman you know what I I don’t mind this one I think it’s got high upside but also High volatility like extremely high pretty good though pretty pretty pretty good the Napper is getting the boot don’t care for Zack Blair don’t care for Blair Hardy okay so a lot of the same losers for the sixk Rangers showing up but hey never disrespect a seven or a sixk golfer right here’s a great lineup pretty balanced I think a lineup like this is probably going to take down a gpp I don’t think you got to get really crazy this week and if you are getting crazy you’re probably going to have to leave $4,000 on the table spawn is a bum yeah I agree another great lineup I this is in contention for one of my favorite lineups Jagger small hands drie gim Kim of the Chan kind and then Vincent Norman that’s a lot of Vincent Norman like if I’m building my own lineups I’m kind of a little hesit like I’m going to be hesitating a little bit because I don’t want that much Vincent Norman uh and in fact I’m going to bring back Chan Kim and even Ryan Fox I’m going to kick out um Norman and and you can see Norman’s getting picked up a lot cuz his ranking is that much higher than everyone else around him you like that one okay I’ll build you like one more good one and I would qualify this as a good one I like this one okay y Kim Mitchell drie gim and arson all right Byron are you oh I wanted small an Tom Kim Benny Z who is z Benny and then Z like is in zalot Taurus Oh the Napper you want the Napper I got you I got you I got you I it it took a while but I figured f it out it we it it’s good we’re good we’re good it’s it’s [Music] okay so I’ll go ahead and bring those back up no no no no no no no no no oh come on get out of [Music] there Byron goes I want small hands Tom Kim Benny and Z but then in his original one he wanted sunjay and [Music] Dennis yeah um so we to flare up with his back okay um I’m not going to okay I’ll pin your lineups or I’ll pin this just to say it’s your lineups we’re building but I’ll go ahead and go with small hands Tom Kim Benny Anne and uh the napper never a doubt never Scott Fox higo Novak and you yeah those are those would be favorites of mine as well all right who would you like kicked out of this one we get Benny Anne Tom Kim Keith Mitchell Jake knap Peter Quest and Taylor pendrith it currently wants to kick out nap which I think I’m just going to update really quickly going me kick out penrith [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh okay okay okay that makes that makes a whole lot more sense we there was another uh person in chat I I can’t remember who it was I think it was Josh someone was like I’ve been trying to think this entire stream who the hell is Dennis that’s so [Laughter] funny okay okay okay okay uh great lineup here Benny Anne Tom Kim hubard nap Thompson and Quest heck yeah dude hell yeah brother oh yeah now you listen here punk we’re going to build lineups the way I want them to be built because you never know what kind of lineup is going to win and a gpp we got benan Tom Kim Mitchell nap low and Vinnie Norms I’m going to kick out Mitchell I just he he’s such an eyesore in these lineups looks pretty good but I can’t do it ooh first MAV McNeely spotting of the night too bad has to be paired up with the bum boo hosler sure I’ll I’m going to save this lineup because I don’t know how many bazer lineups I’m going to save and I actually like this lineup but I’m going to bring back MAV mcne and kick out that bum bazler get a get a new hairstyle get a new style period get rid of the visor because become someone cool like become a cool looking dude a cool looking golfer and it’ be easier to to cheer you on but right now kind of looks weird man but like one of those guys you just don’t want to golf with benan small hands Mark hubard the Napper Quest and Stevens I’m going to bring back Stevens and I’m actually going to kick out uh hubard I just want to see different lineups built it’s not terrible like that lineup together is pretty good CM C 311 dri is winning this week okay well welcome in I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that user ID um chatting with us appreciate you you jumping in I like Thompson with the long irons this week kind of like B for a bounceback in Texas B’s not even a thick boy anymore B is like a got his uh his stomach you know what is that where they shrink your stomach they it’s surgery I don’t remember what it’s called that’s what he looks like he looks like a fat boy that turn skinny like really quick and not in the healthy way like he got a surgery to remove 90% of his stomach and all he can eat is like one peanut a day that’s what that’s what he looks like makes me wonder how he got shoved into Lockers in high school was is that true cuz that doesn’t surprise me he has a very shov face and not like in a very not in the good kind of shable way if you know what I [Music] mean oh gosh that’s crazy Phil not the bees not the bees bring up the Nicholas Cage uh GIF this lineup for you Byron pretty darn good man we get Tom hogi in here we get benan the hogers the kimster the napers the questers and the ride rid or ders actually I really like that lineup that’s it’s a pretty darn good [Music] lineup got to watch out for the napers they’ll get you intestinal fortitude big bow and killer Keith share visors you know what wouldn’t surprise me they seem that way you know what I mean they’re Killer Bees man got to watch out for the killer bees um we kind of saw this lineup earlier this isn’t terrible and C is here C if I’m not saying your name right let me know spell it out phonetically and I’ll say it right forever uh benan Tom Kim small hands Tom Kim if you didn’t already know Thomas dietry the Napster Quest and Sam Stevens I like that lineup I like it a lot Byron it’s uh another one in contention for best lineup of the [Music] night oh that’s that sucks man sorry to hear about that with the whole uh game being delayed and and messing around with your uh your ability to make money this is a pretty good lineup too norin an Kim naap sh Kim and c I almost threw up in my mouth right there I like sh Kim I do not like old man coocher old man coocher can just never mind here we go here’s another good one Benny an Tom Kim D Tre nap Quest and Sh Kim there we go perfect that’s it for you Byron we’ll move on to some of the other lineups thank you though those were actually really juicy lineups to build actually where is Novak maybe I’ll just I’ll uh lock him in just to see what it looks like with Mr Novak in there Andrew Andrew Nook stop sucking up jeez uh benan Tom Kim D Tree nap Quest Novak there you go perfect this is this is everything that you want I’m going to highlight this one green because we know it’s going to win a gpp has the best of all Worlds the newcomer that came in said that dri was going to win Byron hates D Tree um so it just it makes it all the better and it has the Napster in it small hands Tom Kim Benny Anne Quest who he likes and Novak those are those are all the the people except for dietry but you know what Byron sometimes you just got to play people you don’t want to play it it’ll work out okay AJ love are you still here sir on Deck is uh Lombardi Lee and after that is daram Mooney and then Joanne I know Joanne isn’t here but do I have the other guys here do I have uh Lombardi Lee and darl Mooney still here I know Mooney has he watches here and there um norin KH Lee power I do like the power uh the power play look at this we’re just coming up with all these like little isms I’m going to have to give a boost to Mr shimo uh we’re going to take down nap though I don’t want nap to show up that much and we’re off Off to the Races present uh Byron you are welcome sir first lineup norin small hands KH Lee power hosler and the quest The Quest For the gpp Win probably doesn’t go through Peter because he’s just going because the world is is one of those places where all the energy from everybody playing DFS and by everybody I mean at least 20% of people playing DFS if it goes on to a 7K golfer if you didn’t know this this is how the world works if it goes onto a 7K golfer he’s just automatically going to play poorly I mean that’s the sentiment I get from everyone else in the DFS World never play a chalky 7K guy obviously we we deal with Karma uh fun Chi Kai or key all of these weird mystical energies that come from our bodies when we look at someone like Peter Quest and go you know what seems like a good play this week all of that all that goes into into the fantasy Karma space and Karma is like yeah not today we’re going to make quest uh shoot an 80 on Thursday and followed up with the 9100 cuz that’s just that’s that’s how this DFS thing works apparently I didn’t know if you knew that just those that are in the Inner Circle we all know that’s how all works out we’re not supposed to play quest of course I’m kidding it’s a joke sometimes I feel like people believe that kind of thing we need to give a little bit of a boost to KH Lee AJ love who do you like Bo hosler enough do you like Peter Quest enough let me know who would you like kicked out of this [Music] okay I will make decisions um I’m going to kick out hosler which is a good choice because we get Mark hubard Sheamus power and Vincent Norman which I’ve got no issues with those are good golfers maybe not Norman Norman is showing up a bit too much but he’s getting the boot right now don’t really like either guy at all kick bow B’s been kicked and AJ your stream might be a little behind felt like it was more than 10 seconds did I ask that question Maybe I’m Wrong um just letting you know here’s a great lineup norin Kim KH Le hubard power and assassinate like I really like Rio this week I this is a great spot for Rio JK Lawrence I know you’re so far behind if you’re typing in one right now norin benan KH Lee power quest in Taylor pendrith that’s not terrible norin small hands KH Le hubard power spawn that’s [Music] okay norin benan khle Power Quest Rider sure I can do that one Ryder’s a pretty good low price golfer like I would much rather have Ryder in there [Music] than Vincent Norman who’s been showing up a ton you like Rio for uh round one Showdown well if he plays well round one for the price stake he’s at we would anticipate he makes the cut and puts himself in a good position to play well round three and four so if say he was a first round leader after round one I would guarantee a top 20 finish and at 7K a pretty good return on investment norin benan khle hubard power Carson young we I like that one a good one I’m going to build you two more good ones two more good ones do you play Showdown no I don’t have the tools for Showdown that I’d like and I’m lifelong up on Showdown I won a round four Showdown during the Waste Management Open back three or four years ago so I got like 300 bucks from that during the majors I’ll put I’ll put $1 um I’ll put $1 into each of the rounds because obviously DraftKings has those like hey if you play $1 in each of the majors you can get 5,000 crowns or something like that so I’ll do [Music] that I mean we’ll see we’ll see how well he does uh round one and two could be the flip could be he might be one 28th in round one this week and then 17th in round two uh really like this because Chandler Phillips is in it and I like Chandler Phillips I think Chandler Phillips is a a great golfer and if you’re going to have a mustache like that you must have enough enough confidence to play good golf Byron what other streams were you watching were you watching wi daily I see you participate in that here and there as the audience for the audience Ben Taylor um shoot kind of like this I can’t do Ben Taylor whereas David bileski would say bean tayor bean bean tayor all the e make e noises Bean thjm Alex noren KH Lee Sheamus power Peter Quest and old man coocher I was really excited about that lineup until I read Coo’s name okay perfect this is a really good lineup AJ for me to end your lineups on Chan Kim and mty Schmid sign me the hell up dude this is one of five lineups that I really like that we’ve built tonight the hell of a lineup man hell of a lineup all right we’re going to move on to the next ones that was a really good lineup to end on though uh I’m just going to kick out people that normally show up in these that I just don’t want to deal with anymore be very selective with the people I bring back okay Moving On Moving On Up Lombardi Lee who is probably 40 minutes behind in the podcast I’m building your lineup sir not you actually Lombard Lee is not behind it was JK Lawrence that I was thinking of lombardia are you still here sir he wants shimo and the [Music] quest I’ll build like one or two bow hler lineups and then just move on from there and Benny Anne Benny Anne’s the last golfer in his Trio all right Lombardi I’m going to build you 10 lineups sir bet first one being Benny an small hands Tom Kim Mark hubard power there’s hosler like I said so we’re just going to kick him out right now there’s one and only Boer lineup I feel like we’ve been seeing that all night oh um I need to cut down KH Lee this lineup is Benny Anne Tom Kim Keith Mitchell power Quest and pendrith that’s not terrible lineup two norin and Mitchell power Quest ryer I feel like I’ve saved this lineup already I’m going to kick out cashmir and bring back rer that was uh I like that lineup this is a good lineup right here norin all that all of that jazz benan Tom Kim D Tree power Chan Kim and Peter Quest yeah that a pretty good balance lineup and I I actually don’t think balance is going to do terrible this [Music] week benan Tom Kim dri power Quest West Ryder I mean it’s pretty much the same lineup as we just saw but it’s fine it is the same lineup we just replacing Kim with Ryder and I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t already save this lineup somewhere else it’s a bummer about the the whole save lineup thing being a pain in the butt but anyways we move on AJ you are welcome sir benan Tom Kim dri power request and Chandler Phillips I feel like I just saved this one with Byron or not Byron lineups um the last ones I just created AJ love for AJ love uh Benny an being the top guy Tom Kim dri power Quest and Chandler Phillips okay let’s find my Chandler Phillips lineups here’s one has Alex norin to it Chandler Phillips there’s another one nope not the same one it’s awesome here’s a Chann Phillips okay cool we’ve not saved this one so this is perfect I’m going to build you two more good ones this one’s really good too I like Fox so sign me up this this is a great core uh I really like this core we get Benny Anne Tom Kim dri power Quest and Bobby Mack sure okay this core is ridiculous five golfers it’s benan Kim drie power and Quest those five golfers are being paired up with all these other 7K golfers that I am absolutely okay with these are all really good and then toasty shows up yeah of course yeah okay no no no I’ll save all of these lineups because uh a core like that that works with all those semk golfers I if we’re right with those five golfers that just means getting that last piece is all that matters and then this is a pretty solid lineup too okay uh I’m going to keep running this until I find a lineup that doesn’t look good all of these look really good and and just to let you know we locked in Sheamus power Peter Quest and Benny an now we get Kevin you to go with this these are all really good all right one more just one more don’t care if it’s bad or or good yeah and that’s fine uh Max graser I got no issue if you guys want to play him I’m not I don’t think I’m going to waste my money or time playing him okay moving on to the next one that was for Lombardi Lee now we go to Daryl money who I imagine is not here after Daryl it’s going to be Joanne and then Ryan Henson Henson are you still here and Scott Kim oh I don’t know what Kim that is though Tom Kim probably I imagine that’s who it is and I like it Adam Scott benan Tom Kim bazer Justin low and chess reevy uh I’m just going to kick out hosler right away I don’t want to see hosler at all no thanks Scott and Tom Kim power pendrith and Taran yeah sure I got no issue with that I’m actually pleased to see more 6K golfers showing up uh Scott an Kim low pendrith and heat love this one I like Rio more than I do pendrith so I’m going to go in here kick out pendrith Bring Back Rio I’m not going to lock in Rio just want to have an opportunity to play him we get Scott and Tom Kim hubard power and Hayden Buckley you know what why not it’ll probably be my only Hayden Buckley lineup that I’ll actually play it’s not [Music] terrible we get Adam Scott benan Tom Kim power Sam Rider yeah Chandler Phillips anytime I see this guy’s name me up and and darl if you’re watching this on replay this is my favorite lineup so far tonight uh you know what I’m going to bump down Sho I don’t know if I like shimo that much but I did like that lineup I’m going bring back Chandler Phillips just in case and and then we get this lineup which is wonderful we get low Chan Kim like these are golfers that I do trust I think I’m going to actually bring back yet again Rio and so now my blinders are on but I don’t want to see that much lower I don’t think lower is I don’t know I I got little confidence in low uh this one’s okay but I’m not going to trust Martin lard there we go it’s a perfect lineup to end on for uh Mr darl Mooney that one’s a great lineup Scott Benny Anne Tom Kim Mark hubard Rio and Chandler Phillips it’s another good lineup that I like a lot okay we’re going to move on to Joann’s lineups okay Joanne wants Jagger and hogy all right so we get Jagger hogi small hands hubard chanim in the Swedish Viking I I don’t mind that one Vincent Norman that is that’s a pretty good lineup I think what I’d want to do is kick out Norman and bring back Chan Kim I think there might be a little bit more upside with Chan Kim over Norman so Norman I’m going to get I’m going to give the boot to Norman and and rerun this don’t forget about Dennis I I did Dennis uh Denny’s lineups [Music] before we got him Jagger hogi shank hubard hosler Rio so I’m going to go ahead and get rid of hosler and bring back Rio cuz I don’t care that much for hosler and I have a feeling Joanne doesn’t care about haer I feel like I remember that from past uh streams and here’s a good one Jagger hogi Kim hubard Chan Kim and Rio yeah no that’s sign me up man I uh I like that one we basically replaced uh Vincent Norman with Rio H which I got no issue with now we we kick out Rio Jagger hogi Kim hubard chanim brandan Woo don’t mind that one that one’s pretty good probably going to kick out hubard pretty soon and by pretty soon I mean right now that one’s not terrible Jagger hogi Kim hubard pendrith Yuan Jagger hogi Kim nap Quest Rider sure I got no issue with that lineup it’s pretty good pretty pretty pretty good right as we cruise on I’ll build two more good ones Joanne hopefully we find a gpp winner here Chandler Phillips yeah sign me up uh I’ll build one more this is more like a that was more of a a lineup that I liked that I don’t mind playing but because I like Chandler Phillips because I like Rio feel like I might be cheating any of you guys that um would like to see something different Bobby ma gets replaced in this one it’s not terrible I I don’t mind playing Bobby Ma just not going to Joel Damon hey man there was ever a sign to play Joel Damon I think you have one [Music] Joanne you know what we’re we’re going to we’re going to play this one as well because Cancer Sucks and and who better to represent that than Joel Damon okay so we’re getting the same golfers oh that one actually is different that was C cashmir Keith with Justin La uh Justin sa not La all right so here’s a more balanced lineup we get Jagger hogi dri nap Quest low not terrible one more good one it was close if you like okay Joan if you like cashmir Keith this is a wonderful lineup it’s a perfect lineup I do like Bronson Bon I do not care for Kashmir Keith personally but if you do like him wonderful um I’m going to bring back beron I can’t remember if beron is a Texas person or not we’ll see Jagger hogi Tom Kim Ryan F there we go here it’s okay Taylor pendrith I don’t really care too much for but you know what this is fine I want to do one more bring back Fox and kick out pendrith and just see what [Music] happens and it didn’t disappoint we get Jagger hogy Tom Kim Fox Chan Kim and Quest there we go cool those were Joann’s lineups uh we get Ryan Hensen next you know what for those that are in the chat AJ love I think you are very far behind my stream I would say you probably like five minutes behind maybe 10 um okay for those that are still watching and that are caught up I’ll even give you a little bit of a pass here um hopefully you know like the JK lawrences from earlier have already caught up after I say go live now but type in the number three for roll call number three so we’re I’ll do one last roll call for the night I think we’re getting close to the end of our lineup building I know I still have Philip Hall Phil if you’re still here I I know I got your lineup still to build um I might need you to post them again because I’m about to scroll down a little bit and when that happens sometimes I lose all of the comments go ahead type in the number three and uh we’ll give you um couple more giveaway entries John Bizzle John I think you also put lineups in too right I I I will let you know it might skip out on me AJ love you’re caught up that’s wonderful JK Lawrence is caught up too I love that you Jim too high and fall asleep sometimes I forget to do uh a third one cuz I get too tired appreciate you all still being here okay so we will go to hubard and shank homeless hubs and the shankapotamus I know where hubard is $8,800 right right right right no $8,100 there we go and then shank is 8,000 something 85 okay these are lups for Mr Ryan Hensen uh as expected we get Taylor pendrith here because pendrith is the anchor for the balance builds that’s what I’ve learned Norman and hosler no thank you yeah if I don’t say bye usually I fell asleep hey man I I hear you oh come on don’t ruin a perfectly good Rio lineup with bazer Jesus so this would be at the point in the when I’m building my own lineups that I do this don’t want to see this crusty old guy anymore not even old but you know what I mean and this is cool uh Rio’s going to get the boot but not before building a good lineup Benny Anne Tom Kim Adam shank hubard Davis Thompson and Rio we like that one and now I get a Chandler Phillips lineup yeah sign me up man and leaving $700 on the table probably wouldn’t do it any other week than this week I thought about uh doing a challenge where if someone could take down a gpp of course it’ be like if I had money I’d do this um but if you could take down a GP P by building nothing but 7K golfers in your lineup I would double whatever you made but I don’t have that money how how awesome would that be though I almost feel like this is the week you could build all 7K an all 7K lineup and take down a contest of some kind um this lineup is fantastic Sammy valaki he’s part of the 7K combo buckets like yeah sign me up anytime like like someone like Sammy shows up and it just happens to be one of those interesting takes of building lineups just happens organically I’m all in all in on it this is a fantastic lineup we get Ryan Fox to go with Quest I imagine if Ryan was here he would say kick out Quest because he is not someone who likes to eat chalk so we’re going to kick out Quest I’m going to bring back Fox and we’ll build some new lineups and this is a wonderful lineup as well we get benan Tom Kim shank hubard Fox and Stevens I’m at I’m at the computer about to head to bed yeah well guess what I’m going to wake your ass up right [Music] now uh which other ones do I have that are loud as hell I think that’s [Music] it no it’s definitely just that one oh my God Mr awaken up was gifted a membership but by uh Byron Byron I appreciate you man appreciate the hell out of that that’s awesome and now we get a reason [Music] [Laughter] to oh I would I don’t know do I have I don’t know maybe I have some gifted ones let’s see you’ve inspired me to go look see if I can if I can gift some out I don’t think my month has happened yet I cannot you know what I’m going to join you there we go I knew it was going to happen I knew it was going to happen I had a feeling that if I gifted a membership after you did we would we would give it to a person that you know we might be able to cheer up their day I just had a I had a really good feeling that was going to happen I had a really good feeling that was going to happen well I hope I hope she uh when she logs back in she’s going to she’s going to see that hopefully she got an email about it hopefully it picked up her day a little bit um this lineup did we save it already for Ryan benan Tom Kim shank hubard Fox Stevens yeah we already saved it make it stop I’ll give away another membership I agree man uh this lineup by the way I like quite a bit cuz we have Alejandro tosy in there short King himself Alejandro toy oh Matt Wallace uh I actually think this is a great place for Matt Wallace the fact that this showed up I wouldn’t be surprised like if I know Ryan unless he hates Englishmen I think he likes this lineup Davis Thompson might be a little chalky for [Music] him but I think he I think he probably likes this lineup good night Byron have yourself a good night sir thank you for stopping in and participating as always um I will build one more good one for Ryan Jimmy Stinger actually I don’t mind going back to Jimmy I I’ve I didn’t play him last week all that much because I was kind of iffy about putting him in a team event but I like it let me see if I can build another good one Jacob Bridgeman maybe Ryan likes Bridgeman maybe somewhere in The Ether he was told Richmond’s okay you didn’t hear it from me though okay so I feel like I have a few of you guys still here I need to build lineups for Philip Paul being one of them John I think you’re another one I’m about to scroll down and when I do it’s going to probably skip out on people okay okay I got one more there we go um got Daniel bold he was the next one in line norin an and Quest we’ve been building these lineups all night so uh Daniel I there there were lineups earlier and actually so norin benan and Quest I’m going to go show some of my lineups that I’ve already built that I’ve saved so norin benan and Quest let’s find those ones here’s one norin lineup that’s not it norin nope norin norin benan no Quest there oh I don’t have any norin Benny and and quests I thought I did those guys have been showing up a lot this is crazy like this lineup right here I actually like a lot there’s a quest but no manyan or norin [Music] weird hey I kind of like that if we can’t find one it’s it’s not a bad Omen I thought for sure I’d see some norin benan lineups not the case there we go here’s one So Daniel bold here’s one uh let’s make it yellow that’s norin benan C Le Sheamus power Quest and Sam Ryder here’s another one see I knew we built some norin benan KH Le Sheamus okay so it’s it’s with KH Lee that’s why so we will we’ll still build you lineups don’t get me wrong I’ll still be doing those here’s another one norin uh banan sorry I should zoom in it’s not like you guys can see that I should know better uh norin benan Mark hubard Sheamus power Quest and Sam [Music] Stevens scanning through the rest and that’s it so we what built two or three okay we can build some [Music] more Phillip I have not gotten to yours yet but I would I would much rather or I would appreciate it if you uh posted it again and John if you had a lineup can you post it as well I I know I’m going to get to the like I know I I have to scroll down and currently I have it like bookmarked right now as soon as I get rid of the bookmark YouTube Just shoots me all the way down to the bottom of the comments and I I I miss all the ones that were sent in between that book mark and um where we are right [Music] now norin benan Tom Kim small hands Tom Kim Peter Quest Taylor pendrith and Sam Ryder it’s a good lineup I like it [Music] norin benan Tom Kim Mark hubard Quest and David skins that’s not terrible norin and Tom Kim Luke list Peter Quest Chandler Phillips yeah sign me up this is a great lineup [Music] norin benan Tom Kim Peter Quest Taylor pendrith sh Kim another great lineup um I don’t know if I care too much about uh pendrith but not bad I see another Pender th up I’ll probably kick him out Scott and Ry perfect appreciate that man I am going to still try to scroll down and see if I can find any other people’s lineups but as it is right now um I’m just I’m afraid that it’s going to we’re going to uh I’m going to miss some that one was a good lineup That was I think a really good lineup norin benan shank Yim Quest I did no I didn’t boost up uh shank gim Quest and pendrith so pendrith is getting the boot but I did like that lineup that’s it’s a good lineup norin benan Tom Kim Mark hover Quest and Campo yeah sign me up I played a little bit of campio and I can’t remember who he was with um in the Zurich and didn’t do so hot but I’m a Believer in campo’s um his skill level Dylan woo haven’t seen a Dylan woo lineup yet so this is fantastic I don’t mind add with Chan Kim it’s a lot of small hands Tom Kim by the way a lot of small hands Tom Kim lineups tonight and we haven’t really been a pro Tom [Music] Kim uh podcast for a while but hey it all turns around here’s another good one Benny Anne Alex noren Mark hubard Thompson Quest and Stevens actually no we already saved that one that was already saved that was one of the first ones I highlighted but Sammy valaki at 49300 so we’re leaving $700 on the table be very curious if this one um I’m going to highlight it orange I’ll be very curious to see how well that one [Music] does um I’ll build one more for Daniel one more good one and then I will move on to whoever’s next or whoever posts in the chat o Andrew Novak and Luke list there we go that’s a good one very [Music] good uh and another good one anytime I can put gigo in a lineup sign me up dude especially in a windy event I just have a feeling that oh boy oh boy we don’t want [Music] that okay and another good one Keith Mitchell in it yeah whatever Daniel bold this is this is pretty good I don’t know if we’ve already saved this lineup but we’ll we’ll we’ll deal or we’ll uh deal with it cashmir Keith don’t really care here I’m going to kick him out and bring back Rio again I am I’m a sucker for Rio okay I I’ll be I’ll admit it I’m a sucker for [Music] Rio and this is pretty good too jeez [Music] okay if I don’t fix my Optimizer and how it saves lineups I will most lik play all of these lineups which means I will have probably an 80% exposure to Tom Kim which terrifies me all all the slander that I I gave him um in the past is going to come back to haunt me I just know it I just know it it’s going to it’s going to haunt [Music] me okay all right I’m going to scroll down and I’m probably going to lose where I’m at but hopefully I can find another oh there it was John Bizzle Sammy Scott and Quest so I got tears John and now I’m going to lose my there yep there it goes God it never fails it never fails wish I could show you what it looks like on my screen uh I have another I have a computer over here it’s my my work laptop that I have my YouTube stream on so I can track all of the comments on it so I can’t show it to you yeah I’m it basically went all the way to the point where my Optimizer was having issues [Music] I just saw Edward Gail’s uh comment I’m I miss that for Byron’s Optimizer I would delete all the guys he likes it’s pretty fun [Music] [Music] there’s a lot of there’s a when you go back and read like when I go back and read the comments there’s so many that I miss like there’s like some fun interaction going on with blaming Byron for my spreadsheet issues that I missed um AJ love going this is like when a girl says she likes you 80% I miss that one that’s that’s pretty funny okay anyways we got there and then obviously I will do Phillips after this Philip uh John was just a little bit before you I’m going to play all Kim lineups you do you man you do you all right so we got Sammy Scott or Sammy uh valimaki scottt and Quest it’s uh this is one of the more interesting combos of the night I like it I’m here for it where we at Sammy you’re 7K flat there we are we’re need him a little bit of a boost so we don’t have to try to knock out people [Music] okay how can we see the Mary T times well sir you can do one of two things well we can do one of three things but if you want it for your own use you can either go to this the website sweetspot go to Fantasy tools cheat sheet I’d recommend just clicking here that way you can put a filter on the dream sheet that it’s already at go ahead put a little DraftKings filter there and then you sort like this under column o and you get your Mary te times Mr awaken up that was back nine bets Byron gifted you uh a sub so if you ever get the opportunity go check out his uh podcast he usually does Sunday night nights Mondays and Tuesdays Tuesday is his own one um go go give him hell over there we always do like me and and a lot of the crew here uh we like to go over there and distract him because he’s got add really really bad so we like to uh try to get his attention off of his screen um but AJ love you can do it here um or just go to the the cheat cheat or I’ll just put it on the screen for you right [Music] now here’s the the current uh Mary te times in [Music] order uh Mr waking up Byron uh logged off for the night at least that’s the last that I’ve heard of him we hitting our wall we had a few lineups to build and then we’re going to call it a night first lineup for you John we get Scott Jagger hey boy Mitchell Quest Montgomery which I highly advise against do not play that that golfer and there’s Bosler two back-to-back golfers that I just I can’t stand stomach even with Keith Mitchell gross I mean hey John if you like those guys play them don’t let me convince you otherwise if you like them play them they they fit the buckets they fit The Sweet Spot process there’s nothing wrong with those lineups if you like them I just personally don’t this is a wonderful lineup minus Keith Mitchell would you like me to kick Keith Mitchell out of there or do you like Keith Mitchell in that case then I’ll just leave it I’m actually going to go ahead of you wait for your 10-second delay in me to you cuz that’s just how the stream works I’m going to just do this beat you to the punch why do you have a feeling Scott is winning he’s do I wouldn’t disagree with you I do like uh Scott and here we go it’s a great lineup Scott Jagger hogi fox Quest vaki sign me the hell up this I think this is really close to my favorite lineup of the night been saying that for a few of these but o ad norin okay sure we get a four pack we are locking in four golfers I like this uh I’m going to bring back Fox it could break maybe it won’t doesn’t uh we get Scott nor and hogi Quest vaki and Cy Parker Parker of the cies uh not terrible I’m not going to save it not that I don’t I don’t know well kti C is a Texas family this could be a good tournament for Parker to play in maybe that was a lineup to to actually save here’s a lineup we have Philip waiting for lineups to be made and he loves Aaron or he wants Aaron Ry this is a hell of a lineup Scott norin Ry Fox quest vaki of course John always man oo we get Vegas I don’t mind this you know what I like it I like it enough yeah I I was going to say I don’t mind this you know if I need to add a 6K golfer what am I doing I’m building 100 some lineups this week of course I’m going to add a 6K golfer and then it breaks uh let’s see we have some golfers that we could probably bring back no I could probably bring back Norman he probably will be selected no no uh sure we can bring back Damon see if he gets selected Justin c will probably be selected campio we can bring back maybe he will same with woo um maybe Carson young will be selected maybe Callum Taran and I think I’ll just leave it at that so let’s see we got two 9k golfers locked in am am 3:00 a.m. golfers so maybe that’s also what’s kind of clogging it up o cam champ okay yeah sign me up man I got no issue with that yeah it was the am so if you’re playing the weather waves uh if it looks like PM currently is actually going to be the um the wave Advantage so this one doesn’t play into that but if you wanted to do the opposite this is a perfect lineup for that can we set the minimum at 33k and Max at 35 so I can win yeah I’ll do that after this no problem with that uh interesting lineup here Scott nor and McNeely you quest vaki sure let’s save it it’s Unique it’s weird it could work why did I save all of that don’t know Sun Bay season uh I don’t know man I was saying earlier in the Stream that in in the beginning of this week really yesterday and the day before it was really like I kind of um we can’t see we can’t see saved lineups this week AJ says what do you mean like after the stream’s over or after I’ve done building lineups you want to see Sav lineups I I’m not saving it in in here because we had some technical difficulties earlier so I’m saving them all right here and they’re vertical so the lineups are vertically done um Mr awaken up I was saying uh before today and before I was listening to some podcast not that I’d really get swayed based off of what others say it’s like man yeah I’m not sure if I’m really feeling sunj and I was also saying when I was running my model sunj was um he was like 24th in the model before adding grass stats and then he he shot up to I think what 17th in the model or something like that where where is he he’s 16th in the model he’s up here he’s uh row five with Jason day and Jordan SP he’s 16th in the model and that’s including all the stats that I mean he should be inside the top 10 if not the top five I’m just not sure how I feel about him like I’m I’m cool with not playing him I don’t know I’m just getting like a weird like maybe I don’t want to play him okay so we have caught a snag we can’t do all of those golfers together um so I’m gonna take out norin since he was a late ad and I’ll run two two more oh ah whoa whoa whoa let’s go back that’s a first Jordan Speed spotting we’re going go back go back that was the first Jordan spe lineup of the night and we don’t get him back this is a good lineup though Stanger can’t believe like I I remove Taran and we don’t get Jordan spe back interesting we haven’t seen a lot of the 10K golfers yet uh Matthew neith wonderful Choice by the way I think he’s a Texas boy he might be he might not be but I have a feeling he is compos give me one more column Taran I want to see Jordan there it is there’s the Jordan lineup AJ says I think the optimizer should be a cartoon with arms and a mouth and he just runs lineups and talks smack about the golfers that pop up you’re on that good stuff hey AJ another Jordan Speed lineup by the way Scott gim Quest vaki and Justin sa $600 you’re leaving on the table don’t see anything wrong with that I did say two more lineups but I’m kind of curious to see if we see another spe lineup and we do with Chandler Phillips of all people yeah sign me up what a lineup I like that all right one more good or bad does not matter one more and it’s not good so that those were lineups for Mr Bizzle John hopefully uh you saw something you liked in those okay last lineup of the night we’re going with Phillip with Scotty and rye and Scotty being Adam Scotty and a Aon Aaron Ry think I’m just going to give him a little bit of a boost just so we don’t have to deal with kicking him out or picking out other people manually so we’ll do that uh and actually I’m going to keep uh valaki boosted we get Scott benan small hands Tom Kim a Aon JJ spy whatever it’s not terrible I don’t like it I like this one though Scott benan Tom Kim Aaron Ry vaki and Chandler Phillips yeah I’m I’m kind of uh fanboying uh Chandler Phillips a little too much tonight but not a bad 6K golfer Bobby Mack another good lineup here I think I just have to save this one now a lot of uh uh International golfers on this lineup on this team in fact it’s not a single well Tom Kim is technically an American ooh Alejandro Alejandro Alejandro whatever that song is it’s probably not even Alejandra from uh Enrique glacius look at this I mean small hands Tom Kim the only American but I actually I like that lineup a lot is this going to be uh an English domination we do get a couple more Americans here I don’t mind it but I also don’t care for it uh it’s not terrible I think I’m just going to kick out valaki it’s as much as I want him in my lineups I’m not going to have you guys suffer through all of these lineups with him in it we get Scott Kim Mitchell Ry Quest he Satan which isn’t terrible again Mitchell and hasatan oh they get paired up a lot I’m just going to kick out cashmir Keith and bring back Rio again another Fanboy option pick an do I have a Phillips poster above my head no why would you think that it’s a we weird question to ask uh here we go oh $800 left on the table that’s spicy I don’t know if I could do that [Music] sure oh kick an uh oh you said kick an and I’m not sure where that was but we won’t be playing an coocher no thanks Scott Kim hubard Ry hosler Quest yeah I’m not saving that but if you want to not a bad lineup I’ll save this one though Ryan Fox it’s a lot of quest I’m going to go kick I’m going to kick Quest out I honestly I wouldn’t go this hard on Quest most of these lineups I think I’ll probably delete except for the ones that I’ve highlighted because I just I don’t like being Overexposed on some of these golfers that have a lot to prove and haven’t really proved much this one I don’t mind if it didn’t if it I wish it didn’t have pendrith it’s not a bad lineup though o Nick Dunlap sure haven’t seen him this one’s okay Scott hogy Kim Ry pendrith and Dunlap sure small hands Tom Kim uh we don’t speak of this guy’s name chess and Hadley interesting not bad I’m going to build you two more good ones philli this one’s not bad ooh sign me up I don’t mind this one again I don’t want this much pendrith I don’t really see this being a good spot for pendrith like I’d much rather bring Fox back and kick out pendrith Palm her cooch guy’s laughing at his own jokes over here uh Scott Kim hubber Ry Fox and Sam Stevens there we go that is a wonderful lineup and we have hit the last row last column not building any more lineups tonight I’ve hit a wall that was the wall right there um we’re going to call it a night I appreciate you all being here if you’re not um oh that’s a good lineup I’m actually going to save that lineup uh if you’re not signed up on the website if you haven’t created a user it’s pretty simple just go to log in once you go to sweetspot log in up here once it gives me to the login page don’t want to don’t know why it’s taking so long doesn’t doesn’t want me to log in apparently is my there we go go to join now you see the free Price go ahead select free and then fill out your information that [Music] way these are plugins that are behind my website so I’m I’m imagining the plugins are slow yeah uh sign up it’s free you do not have to do anything uh and then in the future I will just there will be hidden things on the website that if you’re not a member whether it’s free or not you won’t be able you won’t be able to see um so just go ahead log in if you haven’t you can find the cheat sheet up here the optimizer all that good stuff you can find all that stuff up there that was a lot of pendrith yeah that last lineup though that was that was uh Saving Grace that was a good one so yeah uh check that out as for me uh or just a reminder why is that showing I was in a different tab this whole entire time uh just a reminder giveaways if you’re not subscribed to the channel do so comment just like all these fine folks that are in the chat or comment down below uh when this is going on replay which will be in like two minutes um get entries into the giveaway I will be giving away a 100 bucks I said for every 10 subscribers over the goal that we smashed like three weeks ago for every 10 subscribers over that I add $10 to that pool right there so we are currently at 718 I think we got one or two me uh new subscribers we got two so we’re at 720 we can stay at 720 by next Tuesday I will be adding $20 to that pot but of course we can continue to add to it by adding more people to subscribe to the channel so if you want to get up to $30 added to that pot go ahead subscribe if you haven’t and then comment roll call 4 sure we can roll call four that’s fine um and yeah you guys can be all added to the giveaways so if you are here still might be um unfair for those that probably just left as I was saying my my outro we can do roll call for just type in the number four [Music] for [Music] I forgot to to mention this this is what the new uh thumbnail is going to look like I almost thought about busting it out for this week but um here’s a little sneak peek this will be coming up for the PJ Championship so the first time you will see this thumbnail this is going to be the new one and we’re going to be moving on with this one going forward so no longer are we going to get the white Noir themed thumbnail we’re going to get the Crosshair thumbnail this is going to coincide with the uh the website being fully functional and sweet spot DFS being full bore moving forward [Music] all right I’ll uh monitor the chat but I’m going to take off we we’ve hit our wall a while ago I appreciate you all being here thank you all for watching leave a like on your way out comment and subscribe if you are if you haven’t and I’ll see you in the next one Thursday night website stream check it out all right bye


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