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Ryan Garcia FOOLED US The Entire Time – Ep 30 – The Casuals MMA

This week, THE CASUALS are shocked about the craziness that Ryan Garcia pulled off. They also talk about Dana White’s UFC 300 clap back video, the insane price tag for McGregor vs Chandler, and YOUR casual questions.

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Welcome to THE CASUALS MMA — a combat sports and MMA show hosted by casual fans who really know nothing, but sometimes have hot takes.

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00:00 – Casuals Duo Today
3:33 – Ryan Garcia vs Devin Haney
11:35 – Ryan Garcia Tricked Us All
25:28 – Luke Rockhold KOs Joe Schilling
30:00 – Karate Combat
32:00 – Dana Claps back at MMA media for UFC 300
36:33 – Jamahal Hill vs Khalil Roundtree UFC 303
43:34 – $12k Price Tag for Premium McGregor vs Chandler Tickets
49:55 –  UFC Fight Night Picks
55:08 – YOUR Casual Questions


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Ryan Garcia he literally lost his mind from head trauma CTE whatever but he was acting so crazy he didn’t make weight he’s drinking a beer on the official weight what sold me on like oh he’s going to lose was when he didn’t make weight but apparently there was strategy involved he got all of us karate combat’s been doing this for a minute the Dome is sick and they have a lot of cool names on it’s called the pit oh my bad cuz it’s not a dome yeah it’s definitely a pit it’s inverse of a dum yeah I love when they found in the concave spear wrong Nick see khil Round Tree get a main event against a former champ they’re going to definitely build him up there’s always the top comment that says khil Round Tree fights like he’s beating somebody up like they owe money oh do you remember that my God you remember that that obli kick oh show this clip but just like blur that part out cuz that’s insane is that kick should that be happening in this sport the Casual we don’t know nothing at welcome back to the casuals we are an MMA and Combat Sports show hosted by very casual fans that don’t know anything at all guess what it’s just me and Nick baby we got stood up today we got deal uh so unfortunately our fearless uh short shorts Korean leader David is not here uh unfortunately his flight was delayed he’s doing some work and probably having some fun in Hawaii but he will be back here next week callau my Customs dude D he had too many spam massis in his like hey man a lot of pork in your pocket they’re like these are 10 massis the limit is five that’d be crazy too many spam mu it’s going to smell like is it musubi or musubi you’re asking the wrong guy honestly best musubi there we go is that right wrong what is it I don’t know I think it’s it’s either musubi or musubi I call him Onis that’s just how I kind of like that’s how I rock you’re so je it’s not the same though isn’t it uh but dve is not here and you’re probably like well why didn’t you guys bring a guest in well last minute we were supposed to have a guest here a special guest a very special guest I don’t want to reveal he’s an important guy important guy to the UFC I’ll say that not even to the MMA World MMA world uh UFC what other leagues are there ran name more pfl uh keep going how many leades can we go tell some Legacy uh Forge Fury fights uh combate oh LFA mfo no that’s not a thing I know what’s mfo I was say la mfo oh okay like the band Ry yeah Ryan shout out to Ryan uh but we had a special guest who was going to be here today but unfortunately he had to cancel not his fault he’s also doing some other MMA stuff but he’s going to come back on the show and we’re going to get some juicy details on some Fighters and some just insight to the MMA world I’m very excited for him he’s a lot closer to the fighters than you think maybe Daniel Cormier punched him in the face before no don’t say that no it’s not true I never happened okay we’ll see what happen just the camera angle anyways let’s continue yeah let’s continue we’re hyping something that may not happen cuz he could cancel again he could just never show up again yeah but guys I’m here with Nick Dunn the only real fighter we’ll ever have on this show not true and myself Gilbert Round of Applause for John naah John N third mik third mic today and uh obviously changed the set up like 18 times appreciate you John you know things happen when you’re in the podcast producing World evolving all right let’s get into some uh fight recap let’s just jump right into it the hottest news on the market right now the market price for this is delicioso John are you familiar with uh Ryan Garcia a little bit well that’s what we’re talking about oh come on Ryan Garcia versus Devin Haney happened this past weekend probably the biggest fight in a while in boxing a lot of buildup uh two young Fighters B 25 have fought a total of seven times now they split it before the fight this weekend three and three and now it’s it’s four and three I wonder who won Ryan Garcia uh insane crazy crazy I I believe he was the underdog going into this fight it was like as high as like plus 700 at some we should have put money huh honestly look we I don’t remember how we talked about in the last episode but I remember it being at the very end and we’re all like Deon Haney absolutely de Haney cuz we saw the Antics going into the fight mhm and in my head I’m like Ryan Garcia is either he literally lost his mind yeah from head trauma CTE whatever but he was acting so crazy he didn’t make weight he’s drinking a beer on the way on the official W what sold me on like oh he’s going to lose was when he didn’t make weight yeah and he was acting like a goofball because of it but apparently there was strategy involved dude let me tell you he we he he got all of us yeah even Devin Haney was like oh I’m about to beat his okay did you see the clip of Ry Garcia they’re doing the face off is this the singing One the singing one where he’s singing this could be him I’ll be like and he’s just rap I don’t know what the [ __ ] he’s like o girl come on and he’s just singing away he going and he’s just dancing dancing he’s like yeah that’s all I got and then yeah I don’t think ryar is taking F serious play that Cliff Michael doing what I do all white looking nice okay come through I don’t know if Ryan Garcia you taking a fight serious or not like it’s insan you’re like I don’t think he is cuz he’s just singing dancing Deon Haney’s like I’ve known this guy since I was 15 he’s acting kind of crazy yeah yeah they fought aventures Al together yeah and there was a couple moments too where David Haney’s like we need to check this guy’s mental health like he should not be fighting and there was a lot of people saying that we we should this guy’s going crazy it’d be a shame to watch him fight and get beat up because that’s what we all thought we thought he was going to go out there and get slaughtered correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t even the athletic State commission also kind of go like Hey we’re going to check on your mental health that seems kind of serious I don’t know if they do they do that normally in boxing fights or if they do like a mental health check I think that might be standard in like the athletic commissions but he passed it with flying colors yeah like like what are you doing uh all right so we’ll get more into the story lines and kind of like the aftermath of all of it but uh just the fight itself let’s do a quick uh breakdown of the fight uh were you expecting Ryan like what was your feeling right when he knocked down dvon early on you mean Dev Haney another black guy whoa okay [ __ ] up so me and my wife we started watching a fight and she’s like and she was saying we should have watch us fight you know she’s saying all that stuff like was saying like this messed up he’s not okay this is not good y whatever and I was like look he’s going to be fine like he’s a fighter he’s done this before some guys are crazy outside the ring and then when outside the ring and then when they do fight they put it all together so I’m explaining to her she’s like what do you think’s going to happen I was like Ryan Garcia has a crazy left hand that left hook we all know about it every knows about it yeah it’s the Alex Pereira equalizer in a lot of ways right so he’s going out there I and I told her I was like he could still catch Devon Haney but I’m expecting Devon Haney to to use his jab a lot be a more technical fighter pick him up apart and especially I didn’t I wasn’t expecting Ryan Garcia foolishly I was not expecting him to beat his game and he got all of us bro yeah he dropped him how many times this fight so I think technically three but some people are saying like it should have been six and I’m a little confused about the ref uh situation I wasn’t I forgot about it but like to my understanding in boxing if you get rocked and you need to and you’re falling over and you fall on the ropes you fall on Ryan Garcia the ref anybody that usually counts as a knockdown even if you’re holding on to someone you get knocked out I think so I think in the context like they should give him a knockdown or a standing eight or something because there were so many moments in this fight where I didn’t think Devon Haney could make it out of the round M right and a lot of the moments Devon Haney’s walking up on Ryan Garcia and he does that cool defense where he puts his butt on him oh dude and he turns way and he shells up and Diamond Haney couldn’t really do anything with that but bro also this okay look just a side tangent um doing that butt maneuver situation like hey I’ll take the body shots and hit my left butt cheek while you’re at it this is why I don’t think a Ryan Garcia can come to MMA and fight Shao Ali because then as soon as you give that hey number one rule MMA don’t give the butt up cuz you give that butt up uh your back’s going he’s going to grab the hips and is he’s GNA go Kaka yeah he’s going to hump you for sure so really quick so when you’re watching this fight right you get he gets the knockdown early on and then you see you see Deon kind of like okay regroup and he keeps winning round after round where you like oh it’s fine it was just a flash thing at the beginning did you expect round seven I think and like what was it 10 11 and whatever for R for him to get continuously knocked down yeah I wasn’t expecting that man I wasn’t expecting that like I thought eventually Devon Haney was going to recompose himself thought and he was he was doing a good job but then that equal he’s got power in the late rounds and dude his punches are so fast bro what and I bet the mental part of it too is Dev Hane is going out there being like man I can’t lose to this crazy [ __ ] guy honestly I think he he had some uh he was in his head a bit oh absolutely if I lose to this ceh head or whatever he thought of Ryan yeah o cuz you look at Devon Haney right Devon Haney is Undisputed meaning he he’s undefeated right 29 what is he like he’s like 30 and0 or something something crazy I don’t know what his exact record beat lenko yeah which I thought he lost by the way but hey on the record he won name so he’s beating all these guys he’s ranked as like one of the top pound-for-pound guys in a sport big name and then for Ryan Garcia to go out there looking like he did a train he’s admitting to drinking every single day up until the fight and he goes out there and I don’t want to say Slaughters Devon Haney but kind of Slaughter Devon Haney I don’t really remember any punches that were notable that Deon Haney hit him with one or two but nothing nothing like what Ryan did I the most of the fight he was just on ice skates and maybe that’s unfair to Devon Haney but dude he was hurt so bad in that fight and for him to even make it to 12 rounds is incredible yeah his chin is out of control so you don’t know [ __ ] about boxing bro none of us know [ __ ] about fighting straight up so exciting though that’s why the sports fun so exciting when you get these very specific matchups that are kind of like historic in a way oh ABS best thing about boxing is these one fights these these oneoff fights well it’s you know just like MMA it’s let me ask you it’s the stars that make it Ryan Garcia is very polarizing MH but he is a star when you hear him speak and going into the fight remember he he he called the the the the uh the bridge falling in uh what you call in Baltimore he kind of called it all right okay okay so okay okay we’re done with the fight all right okay we’re done with the fight analysis there’s now let’s get into the fun stuff the fun stuff so Ryan Garcia was on Patrick B David’s podcast and next favorite podcast now pbd baby that’s to pbd you know what pbd come on this pod yeah come on pbd come back to California for a bit yeah leave your leave your 40 million Florida come back to California um but yeah Ryan was on there and so this like one of the first big interviews we both watched it today I watched it live I was like oh what’s this and to hear Ryan Garcia is so like calm calm explaining everything to a te that was like design like the marketing PB like bro you marketed the [ __ ] out of this I thought me and my partner thought you were on coke you were acting crazy you were unwell Ryan’s like yeah bro he nailed it and from what I from I understand he didn’t tell anybody the not even his parents his trainers Bernard Hopkins Oscar the only person that knew was one camera guy even his other friends in the crew didn’t know really cuz the other C his buddy was like bro you should um we should just act really crazy and just sto everyone I’m like that’s it you see the okay so the video of Ryan Garcia at the uh I gu the media ways where he’s drinking the beer the quote unquote beer at the way right that turned out to be just he says it’s apple juice and sparking water which is [ __ ] hilarious so funny so he chugs the beer the look on Oscar De La Hoya’s face terrified while he’s like what the [ __ ] is going on to my star Golden Boy worse than me and I do Coke every day like I’m known for it it’s kind of my thing yeah to see Oscar nervous that made me nervous that made that made all of us nervous yeah but Ryan man in this in this interview and kind of the things that have been coming out like the the beer thing he’s a genius bro but I will say this that he did say he admitted to the alcohol saying no I did I did drink though he was drinking a bunch dur and then Bernard Hopkins was he’s like yeah Bernard Hopkins hates it he doesn’t even like when I do weed or any of that but you know so he’s old school maybe Ryan should also just maybe not do that in Camp well you know he probably shouldn’t but no he shouldn’t Nick don’t even try to play that he shouldn’t I don’t know man think about what he could do without I saw a really funny meme of Ryan Garcia Jon Jones and Conor McGregor saying that the best base for Combat Sports is cocaine and they might be right they might be right the best Bas cuz there is something to fighting a guy who just doesn’t give a [ __ ] yeah something about that is really scary granted if he has really good cardio and he has a you know power left dude R I couldn’t believe some how fast some of these shots were that he was throwing in the fight that’s crazy like you see it when he’s like training on Miss be like Ah that’s just mits you see it happen I thought he was faster in this fight than even the tank fight and I think would you say the weight and all those like hydration Clauses part I didn’t know that Ryan couldn’t weigh more than a 100 so for people listening when he fought he lost a tank you look at the pictures of that 140ish right or like 13 135 135 135 and then the re uh rehydration Clause was he couldn’t weigh more than 145 yeah so he couldn’t gain more than 10 pounds which is so crazy they so he was saying like that’s [ __ ] up so like my brain’s dehydrated I’m just weaker for this fight he weighed up to 160 wow so I’m like also why did they do that yeah it’s it’s so much gamesmanship in the terms for boxing I don’t know about the glove stuff or even yeah but even that becomes a whole thing right like I want horsehair gloves no I want these kinds of gloves whatever you hear that in like a lot of negotiations when it comes to boxing fights not UFC UFC is like hey you’re going to poke each other’s eyes this is what you’re using use this glove but that’s the reason why there’s an argument for putting all fighters under one promotion right and then you get a guy like a a Visionary leader like Dana White himself whoa are you an apologist no I’m not an AP bro Dana White come on people are haters dog people are haters on Dana White for all the stuff he does we’ll get into that yeah we’ll talk about that um but like no one’s moved the sport farther than that guy yeah right as far as MMA but when it comes to boxing it’s like we want to see Ryan Garcia beat the best guys Ryan Garcia wants tank yeah right rematch all day yeah he wants that fight but apparently tank doesn’t want to come according to Ryan Garcia he doesn’t want to come up and wait uh cuz I didn’t know he was 135 I forgot that a lot of these guys are way smaller cuz they’re so secretive about their weight how much they weigh it’s a big thing in boxing it’s so public you know what people weigh before and after a fight it’s crazy um but yeah I’m excited for Ryan to uh do that rematch at on his terms cuz I think he kind of has momentum right now oh ABS bro the balls in his court uh all the balls including the 12 million doll uh so if you guys don’t know Ryan Garcia also so first of all if you’re new to boxing or don’t really follow closely Ryan uh missed weight by 3 lbs and he made a deal with uh I keep saying dvon yeah you call him Floyd Mayweather next yeah you know what uh with LeBron James uh call Devin Haney he said he would be for every pound that he weighed over the weight limit he’d pay him what $500,000 so 3 lbs 1.5 million already went to Devon Haney yeah but Ryan had a little something something his back pocket he bet on himself to win which I did not know you could do that yeah and he won 12 ion doll so basically that that’s insane that’s how we got paid was a bet ins also I did not think athletes could do that apparently like lyd Mayweather used to always talk about how he would do that only if you win is that the thing yeah you can’t like try to better yourself and lose CU that’s when it gets obviously really fishy right um like we saw the James Krauss thing yeah his fighter Derek Miner lost lost in the second round dude an injury or something like that and they had beted on that they want some money that’s the reason why they’re under investigation right that’s why James Krauss is banned for the UFC yeah so it is pretty crazy um but once again speaking of the genius on King Ryan for him to have that foresight to pull that off to have the balls to ride out two million bet to Vegas when he use like plus 700 or whatever the odds were oh my God that’s a big [ __ ] deal um 2 million on yourself1 million we talk a lot of times people go uh people talk about about this in the UFC where if Fighters they miss weight there’s a disproportionate amount of Fighters who Miss weight that actually have a higher win percentage because of they’re not killing themselves to make those three extra pounds because you lose so much in those three extra pounds and then your ability to rehydrate y y yada so maybe you should you should just not make weight so you can have the advantage going into the fight but kind of they’re they’re so specific with the weight and the gamesmanship like you said about the hydration Clause they got to get rid of that that’s [ __ ] lame all at the contractual stuff before fight I did not know how intense that was in boxing yeah they care so much about everything I think that’s the reason why these fights don’t get made take too long they take way too long um cuz that’s the biggest argument is like tank doesn’t want to come up to 140 145 and if you’re tank [ __ ] you saw Ryan Garcia look big and strong at 143 yeah like a killer dude bro he’s big he’s a tall strong guy and with his his left hook is out of control I I really can’t comprehend how fast it is in the fight um okay so let’s get it some so he had the foresight is it for Sight fory what is it John not scy oh scy Scyther is a Pokemon yeah we’re not talking about that shout out to that Pokemon he’s a bug type uh Stupid he’s a bug type of Pokemon uh he also predicted the bridge in Baltimore falling down what’s the odds on that that’s insane he was saying so much wild [ __ ] he talking about Boh which I didn’t really know too much about Bohemian Roo is that just basically a private club back dating back to the 80s where stuff happens I I think it’s the elites that’s what they call where all the elites the people that run the world the billionaires the kajillion and they just like to have sex parties where they bring in kids kids here’s that’s what it is right John yeah skulls skulls and bones skulls and bones oh God so he was talking about this early on in the promotion of the fight and people are like bro he’s crazy has no evidence he’s crazy but then he comes out on pbd and talks about it when you see him talk about it yeah he fired up about he turns off kind of the character of like the it’s like I’m serious this is [ __ ] up and I have evidence and another guy has it and we’re going to expose it on a documentary or that’s sick I’m like good but it’s God Ryan man Alex Joe’s technically already exposed it so it is true it is true yeah he filmed it really Alex Jones but also it’s like Alex Jones yeah yeah he’s he’s in a little hot water right now he’s still in hot water always hot he’s boiling he’s a crab that’s been boiling forever yeah in hot water all time if you want to take out Bohemian Grove you got to make sure you don’t have any theories on Sandy Hook you the prerequisite if you want people to side with you yeah you can’t be talking about how Sandy Hook was a was a god this is okay we might be demonetized for even saying say that so bleep it out Michael uh but Ryan Garcia man all this crazy stuff the Coke the Coke allegations all that he says he don’t do Coke you believe it uh I do believe it and he I do believe he smokes a lot of weed and drinks I do believe that yeah he said he was going through a divorce did you know that yeah and then that’s why he was with so many of models on his Instagram P which made me also think this guy is not taking this seriously there’s a new girl every like oh that was like a shtick he was doing I saw one video of him like kissing some girl and I was like what the [ __ ] is this you I looked at the girl I was like dude you’re going to lose what are you doing yeah cuz you can’t be having sex before fights that’s what they tell you speaking about sex and fights I learned all this also a little more about P didy from Ryan Garcia’s podcast P Carl Winslow Carl wissow winow and uh I’m getting this wrong John if you can look it up it’s Carl wins though has some Diddy allegations as well dude a lot of people got Diddy allegations but I don’t know if it has to do with Diddy or somebody else but Ryan called it out and made a really he’s very funny yeah he made some funny jokes that’s the other thing too is I didn’t realize what a fun guy he was yeah I I wasn’t really a fan going into this fight cuz I was like I didn’t really kind of turned me off a bit some of the antic yeah I was like I’m good bro I don’t know if want to watch this y y y and then watching him do the 180 and just seeing what a marketing genius he is I’m like [ __ ] I can’t not be a fan now yeah he’s a stud dude but yeah yeah 50 Cent alleges that P did he had a sexual relationship with Carl winslo from okay so yeah so they share this story they read this on pb’s podcast Carl uh Carl Winslow from uh or you said 50 Cent reinal V Johnson is name uh on Family Matters and then Ryan goes I guess family don’t matter matter like this guy’s got singers man that’s [ __ ] hilarious uh but that’s wild um he was even [ __ ] on for Devon Haney he’s like he’d be kicking with py oh bro he was going off he’s nailing it very topical this guy yeah very really good with the Ze guys yeah he could be a comedian I think dang I didn’t know this is he bet 20K on Devon Haney damn it there something funny Izzy did uh you know how Garcia was doing all these like uh Instagram lives he’s always like walking around and talking uhhuh and then Izzy popped in and cuz like literally Ryan Garcia was just talking like was rambling walking in circles and then I he types him where’s this guy walking R he’s like honestly man I don’t know I’m just walking in circles but the whole time he’s walking that’s the most Saye thing he could apartment um but honestly I’m excited for see boxing does these things and gets me all excited well it’s but once again it’s just the character it’s the character of Ryan Garcia like he can’t repeat it that he cannot repeat this that’s the problem he’s he might find another way to do it we all know yeah but man how genius was that yeah like the balls on his kid and then to go out there and perform the way he did is incredible he pitched a shut out dude yeah he made Devin Haney look so bad to the point where everybody was questioning his pound-for-pound status and saying I think Devon Haney is actually underr like overrated yeah and that’s how and I like Haney that sucks for him man he’s getting all the stuff now and that left hook and he said he broke his jaw apparently his his cheek was all busted afterwards so we’ll see what happens I think they’re talking about the rematch but they’re even he’s even shutting that down too yeah he’s ready to move on he’s like I’m good off of this yeah I think he fight Shan M Boxing oh that’ be insane that’ll be fine that’s a good time I heard Shan Al he had a quote and he was saying um I just need a couple more fights now if I make a couple more fights the UFC is actually down and they say as long as it makes everybody a [ __ ] ton of money let’s [ __ ] do it so they’re open but I think the numbers have to be right I don’t know what numbers they’re looking for but they don’t want small numbers no no no they want those big lit Conor Floyd numbers that’s what you need that’s going to be insane um yeah man we’ll see what happens with uh boxing Ryan Garcia I’m definitely like now locked into his career again absolutely so much stuff is going to happen more than ever now yeah and now there’s a reason to pay attention to him cuz you’re like holy [ __ ] this guy’s actually beating the best in the world he might be king Ryan he King Ryan right now he King Ryan he’s got the world in his fingertips or Palms which one the way you said it was like I don’t know how hands work yeah what would you say is better that’s a good point fingertips no let’s move on we’re not talking about that that supposed to be a throwaway a break and we’re focusing on it throw it away you think Luke rockold KO Joe Schilling in a karate combat uh fight they said it his first win since 2017 that’s wow pre pandemic he hasn’t W since pre pandemic yeah cuz he had that killer row of all the fighters like he he lost to Who’s Who good for him so for him to get that W that’s a big one and Joe Schilling is a [ __ ] animal dude and I think about karate combat it’s kind of fun what they’re doing they have a new CEO and I’m sorry I’m forgetting his name I’d love to have him on here I’ve been seeing him do the podcast rounds but that there’s something about karate combat when it first came out I was like this is kind of dope like the the event of it all you know how like we were talking about UFC 300 and how like just looking at the arena how like the lighting the production design was amazing karate combat’s been doing this for a minute and it looks dope the Dome is sick and they have a lot of cool names it’s called the pit oh my bad what I call it the Dome it’s just like you and fingertips and pal you think everything’s the same in it’s not Nick cuz it’s not a dome yeah it’s definitely a pit it’s the inverse actual pit it’s the inverse of a dome yeah what an idiot you’re like yeah I love when they F in the concave spear wrong Nick wrong but Joe Shilling here I thought I like the belts oh wait oh like the black belts these guys are definitely not karate black belts and I like the pants I do I will say this one something to it when we train Muay Thai it’s fine we wear shorts I love kicking in like karate or taew dop so you hear the snap the snap makes you feel good about yourself and your life and your marriage sometimes I walk around my house with Karate pants just making hey babe I apologize for what I said earlier I was being passive aggressive um but yeah shout out to Luke rockle getting that check left uh Joe Schilling an amazing Muay Tha fighter kickboxer he’s very famous for knocking out that one guy at the bar right oh my God damn that was a wild wait what was that Joe Shilling just say Joe Schilling bar fight and it’s going to you’re going to see him knock out a guy in business casual close and face planting him who’s like 56 and he just smokes him dude Oh my he [ __ ] smok check this out if you haven’t seen this so this guy I think he’s acting like a little a little drunk right little he probably killed a bunch of saes that week Joe Shilling walks past him that’s Joe Shilling right yeah what happens uhoh oh oh man that is rough okay so let’s he’s in Jorts too go back Joe shilling’s in [ __ ] shorts no he’s not he’s wearing full jeans yeah is he he’s wearing jean shorts oh my gosh he’s one of those uh sharks yeah what’s that show called what you talking about the sharks that are mutant sharks that we Street Sharks Street Shar Joe Shilling is a street shark dude look at that Jorts one time I we took a picture with Joe Schilling and we’re like dude Joe Schilling you’re the man dude and he looked at my ears he was like holy [ __ ] yours are [ __ ] up go po knocks you out and shorts shorts yeah Joe Schilling’s uh I mean I don’t remember what that story was but I feel bad for that guy cuz that wasn’t like a he just escalated that to a onew yeah maybe maybe he said something to him maybe JS maybe yeah maybe he called him an f- word or something oh hey that requires a one two for sure you know Joe Shilling don’t play that um and he just looks kind of mean doesn’t he dude he’s a scary he’s scary as [ __ ] there’s some dudes that are just built different and he’s scary uh so what do you think so karate combat I’m into it I love how uh they’re not just using karate people anymore they’re bringing in like didn’t Anthony Pettis fight Ben Henderson yeah yeah like I like what they’re doing they’re like look we have this kind of we got a stand out right from the UFC um bare knuckle there’s a lot of failed MMA organizations or just Combat Sports organizations but dude Cy combat dude if power slap is a thing right oh my God is it still a thing look going back to marketing as a whole right who thought power slap would have this long of a life Dana White yeah no none of us did we were all like what the [ __ ] is this goddamn sport but now it’s kind of it’s kind of becoming a real thing and it’s because the marketing is pretty good like I can’t turn my head away as much as I don’t want to watch that [ __ ] I can’t turn my head away but if karate combat keeps putting out these really exciting shows and they get guys like Craig Jones okay so I didn’t know this was a karate combat thing they’re doing doing submission grappling at karate combat once again they’re just trying to get eyes right Craig Jones brings eyes to the sport he’s the darling of the grappling Community he’s actually opting out I say he’s bigger than Gordon Ryan I’m talking about just like social media right now he kind of he probably is cuz Gordon Ryan’s taking a Hiatus cuz he has a bunch of these stomach issues that he can’t compete oh he kind of lost a lot of weight yeah you know he’s he’s he’s he’s dealing with his health stuff right now so ADCC is like the Olympics of grappling Abu Dhabi something right submission gring CHS and CRA Jones famously was saying yo I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here I’m not going to compete this year which is a big deal because they’re paying me 10 and 10 they’re paying me like $10,000 if I wi that’s it 20K for him yeah that’s if he if he wins the whole thing so he’s like dude [ __ ] this I would need to do seminars for me to make this worthwhile Gordon Ryan that’s what how he makes money that’s how yeah on top of his instructionals he make stupid money off of but Gordon Ryan’s also the biggest name in the sport so he could demand kind of a little bit more but I forgot like Craig Jones who’s competing in karate combat and making these he tapped this guy out twice by the I don’t understand I didn’t even see it so the guy passed out or he so he passed out in the Triangle the ref comes in checks and says are you okay and he’s like I’m fine so then they restart him back in the triangle and then he chokes him out again to sleep and he fights in the UFC oh who is it his name is R say that name where is it rette oh yeah renette [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] denov and he’s like I think he’s like three and0 in the UFC he’s got a bunch of wins damn and he’s like one of those scary dagistan guys all right karate combat karate combat I like it I want to go to one of those fights uh we should just go to one we hit up Rob dude Rob MD Dojo MD Dojo hook it up baby all right let’s get into some fight news Dana White claps back at MMA media for UFC 300 did you see the video what did you think so what’s your take on the entire thing salty bitter delicious how do you view the marketing of it all so Dana White makes this video highlighting making compilation of all the MMA media people [ __ ] yeah all over UFC 300H and as I was watching this I was like man these guys look real dumb saying all this stuff about UFC 300 but I remember my stance in my head you know as you’re recollecting everything you’re like I didn’t [ __ ] I wasn’t saying anything bad about UFC 300 but then you see all the Heavy Hitters and I’m like damn we couldn’t get no love bro we couldn’t end up on the hot mixtape but I will say fire for him putting Brendan sha first that’s like his arch nemesis yeah cuz Brendan sha and and Dana White they go kind of back and forth don’t they and AOL helwani too they made sure that aani is featured a lot in the UFC 300 clapbacks Eric yeah but pretty much the whole video is compilations of everyone talking mad [ __ ] also who are some of these guys I have no idea I don’t know who any he does a show with uh Luke Thomas right yeah we got to get those guys over here we got to talk to fellow MMA casuals jump on here I mean I feel like they’re not casuals but you know jump on here um respectfully you know so there’s two ways to look at or there’s you know different perspectives on this um people like erel are like whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy like I said that at the time because that’s how I felt but I gave you props and said that show was amazing and you proved us wrong but Dana White always holds receipts yeah and you get to do really fun videos like this yeah no other CEO does this no this is good this was a fun time it makes everything interesting like we need more things to talk about creates more news for the sport more eyes on it because the uufc 300 was absolutely huge and then he shows all the stats of I think one of the crazy the coolest stats was the max hallay knockout I think was the most liked video of all time in UFC’s Instagram and they got three million view three more three million more followers on the UFC page so three highest G is it just Conor fights yeah probably um so it’s pretty cool to see how far the sport has come and then we all know how special UFC 300 was cuz that [ __ ] was special very special and and the fights that came out of it the moments that came out of from it number one Tren and three in China China let’s go that’s that’s huge that’s huge for Nick I can’t wait China number one hall and then to see all those yeah dude it just was it deserves way more credit than it got for sure but you know what I’ve been thinking I’m still on the UFC 300 like energy train I still think about it I still like look look up stuff about what’s going on aftermath after thinking about it I feel kind of bad not kind of I just feel bad for Justin gatei man yeah he took the risk when it’s like everyone’s like bro just fight for the title then did you see his statement No what’ he say he’s a Class Act dude what did he say he just was hey I want there took a shot took a risk I knew if I beat Max Holloway I would have fought for the title but that’s the nature of the beast that’s the nature of the game yeah so once again another reason why everyone loves [ __ ] Justin gatei he doesn’t give any excuses he just says what it is and let everyone else speak for him really um oh yeah and speaking of uh gatei in Holloway Max did a little interview and he tried to show us with his terrible x uh quality his leg hey X how about you fix your quality Elon what’s going on dude like 240p what this less than 24 it’s like 10 140p oh is tuckle Carlson doing a show on here that’s crazy he doesn’t show on X yeah he so after he got fired from Fox he was like I’m just going to go to x wow that’s where he did Putin that was on X that on X like Elon is making moves apparently X is buying up content these days and I heard they’re buying up Podcast hey X up you want like a less than than 10K view podcast yeah you want you want about 3K four to 5K views yeah come on board we got a rabbit fan base we actually do shout out to you guys yeah shout out to the fans bro you guys are awesome guys are keep we had a really great episode last week you guys Keep Us Alive you came to support so uh keep doing it keep sharing the podcast it’s a mid roll ad share subscribe yeah please share it to a friend that likes MMA or hates it we or or friends that you might think would hate are stupid tis or just tag Ryan Garcia and tell him to come on this be side with it King Ryan King Ryan baby uh Jamal Hill khil round tree for UFC 30 303 I saw this and I love this booking it’s a little scary khil rry is that [ __ ] bro he is what is he on a five fight win streak right now I just saw the fight with him and Anthony Smith scary and where he’s standing over Anthony Smith about to drop a hammer Fist and then doesn’t my God this dude is incredible do you think it’s a little quick for Jamal Hill to come back yes and no here’s my thing I heard Jamal Hill talk about this this fight he said you know what I’m that [ __ ] too yeah he kind of is you got to have the attitude I think I really like what he’s doing he’s not moping around could is it too soon probably M but it’s like I but we’re normies yeah he’s not he’s not a normie this guy was on Contender series and became Champion I don’t care who you say who he fought bro he became champion of the UFC we talk about Alex Pereira all the time but like Jamal Hill became a champion pretty quick too and fought some bad guys and coming off of big losses remember he lost to Paul Craig and his arm got [ __ ] destroyed yeah and everybody was kind of writing him off cuz no one really thought I think in the UFC space and MMA space no one really thought Jamal Hill could be champed the way he was and how quick he did and for him to beat Glover toer the way he did oh my God I wasn’t expecting that but khil rry he’s we’ve been following him for a long time he’s would you say like he could have been on the path to just being a journeyman cuz he was winning losing winning we saw the talent therein he made some adjustments what would you say the biggest adjustment is Tha right so he went to Thailand right his T his his his clinch his everything he just looks way more calm he’s a tiger Muay Thai guy right yeah and he he polished cuz we all know he has Raw Talent he hits like a truck and if you could harness it the right way you’d be like all right cool let’s see what happens cuz I remember in this fight for the tough finale mhm the big knock was he got held down and just laid him prayed you know and everybody was like oh he’s a quitter he’s got no fighting in him and I think for a lot of Fighters that would be kind of where they would start to have that downfall they start listening to the fans a little bit they listen to the media and they kind of have this identity of like yeah maybe I don’t have it in me and then for him to make the changes that he has in his career dude he’s a freaking animal and he’s he’s big man and he’s fun to watch his his style is so pretty to watch and he’s throwing knees in all these different places there’s one training video that he has where he’s he’s doing clinch sparring with with other black dud the black dude hits him with a crazy elbow and hits him with a beautiful trip yeah so so seeing khil rry get a main event against a former champ they’re going to definitely build him up to to be something man but yeah khil man I think everything is I mean early picks go I’ll give you m i got khil bro give me your reasons why I’ll give you mine I got khil um um I think the height is going to be a problem the speed might be a problem but the funniest comment in the world anytime Kalo fights there’s always the top comment that says khil rree fights like he’s beating somebody up like he owes him money like they owe him money and it’s true because there’s so much like malice in every punch that he throws that’s what makes me a little worried though about him like burning out during a fight you know definitely five round fight just throwing everything yeah but you know he’s he’s I think the gradual increase of competition that he’s fought sometimes you can’t rush guys and I think K rry is a good example of that and this is another great example if we’re watching this that this guy owes him money what is this he’s just jumping these guys dude I’m lay on my car payments yeah bro yeah like I just imagine he’s talking through his teeth while he’s he’s beating these guys up oh oh do you remember that my god do you remember that that that oblique kick oh yeah all right show this clip Michael but just like blur that part out cuz that’s insane uh that okay and that’s as he side tent another MMA side tangent is that kick should that be happening in this sport yeah good and I agree with you I just wanted to test you to see you know it’s like you can’t knock it bro you got to be aware of those front kicks you got to be aware of those those oblique kicks and how do you feel about this do you think UFC as they evolve should we include Soccer Kicks and also Soccer Kicks is a little wide uh wide a little wild you think a a socer bro a soccer kick but that’s also like soccer kick is rough dude cuz it’s it’s shinbone to the side of your head you could do way more damage I think with it um brain trauma is like bro you can’t come back from that [ __ ] you sure you te your ACL obviously it’s a a damaging damaging injury yeah but you could potentially come back from that right like and be fine yeah okay so I’m going to go with um CL Round Tree I just want to put it out there I do love Jamal Hill I’m a big fan of him I’d love him to come on here um love your content on YouTube I just wish you would take a little break but I’m also just kind of a little bit on the Khalil round Tre just seeing I’m on the train I’m on the train I’m a little on the the train he’s in a good place right now he’s on a good fight W streak he’s um I think mentally he’s in a happier place I know he just got married to M Kang in Thailand let’s go she’s also Muay Thai good partner good support system I think khil he could be uh he could be could be Champion CU everybody was talking about I would love to see him in Alex that’s what everybody was talking about these are like what a clear path for him to get to the Belt Jamal Hill Jamal’s not going to want to wrestle no he’s going to stand in a bang he’s going to stand in the bang and then Alex they ever fought he’s not going to wrestle that’s going to be insane these these are just good matches for KH right now unless an shows up in little different story yeah you want to know what’s crazy from this video clip that we talked about of Cleo sparin right here in the clinch when I first saw this video I was like I can’t believe he just did that to Jared caner okay it’s not Jared caner it’s not but it kind of looks like him the same haircut it’s really the haircut from behind it kind of looks like that could have been a white guy with that haircut like Jared it’s the hair for me let me tell you if it was a white guy with that hair cut I’ll be like cancel that man get rid of that guy you can’t do this brother hey can you make my hair look like this photo like Jared can in here we can’t do that to your hair dude brother we can’t do this no do it and I’m going to fight K Round Tree uh but yeah very excited for this fight what big fight for K on International fight week we got o Conor is that a UFC card UFC 303 303 D that’s that’s oh was that the uh Conor card we might have to we might have to support K Round Tree that’s GNA be insane fight holy [ __ ] um speaking of UFC 303 uh Conor McGregor Michael Chandler on that card as well it’s finally happening that’s the card is looking kind of yummy right now we got Jamal Hill K rry Conor McGregor Michael Chandler I think there was another fight announced I’m trying to remember who it was um I’ll look it up but big news we’re not going to go to that fight why not yo why cuz the tickets cost $122,000 I saw some some people were complaining about the nose beds being around $300 $400 this is kind of like UFC Miami a bit huh was it like that at UFC Miami I think tickets were kind of you sounded like you you fight out don’t why I what say it again uh was it like UFC hey I’m not going to do that again you got to rewind it rewind it cuz kind of sounded like Max Hollow for a bit whatever dude I don’t know what you’re talking about uh we got Michelle Waterson finding that card Jen Robertson Joe Piper back on that card oh Joe Piper okay this I’m curious they’re they’re probably do one other big fight on that card if they already got Jal Hill oh they didn’t even add it yet okay there’s still more to more to happen on this car yeah it’s still very early still early um yeah $122,000 that’s uh that’s rough I’m sure that’s probably to sit down so it’s floor seats plus like you get to go to all the special pretty much what Robin got to do oh per person okay yeah so I think that’s the you get to go to all the VIP events um maybe probably meet some of the fighters and 12K and then they had one below it for 11.5k you know what I could afford that one same [ __ ] same thing so how do who goes to the I mean like I’m a super fan but like that’s a lot of money yeah you know we just poor we just s poor right now yeah I’m also guys John John can probably for it we can’t oh for sure he has like 18 monitors in front of him get all the money for all this stuff he’s the man of charge right now uh but yeah that’s tough I mean but it’s a McGregor fight it’s and it’s traditionally the UFC International week yeah it’s a big c that’s the craziest Irish fans are to come in yeah there’s the Expo there so a lot of international people I think even the idea of the Conor McGregor being a McGregor fight is that all these celebrities are going to pay money to go to fight absolutely we’ll see everyone there but also too with UFC 300 everyone’s talking about the UFC yeah everybody wants to get a absolutely so they could probably bump up the ticket prices a little bit cuz now it’s you missed out on 300 don’t miss it on on this yeah man I think they’re it’s only going to get more expensive from here it’s like real estate dude you got to get it early I’m okay this is going to sound crazy I think if Michael Chandler gets hurt Max Holloway needs to step up needs to step up that would be Conor’s worst nightmare uh I think he’d like that matchup worst nightmare but I think he likes that match up yeah that’s true he want to throw down brother so there’s some footage of Connor Sparr have you seen some of that oh no but I got some right now and he’s looking real flowy he’s doing doing his you know back every time but then he doesn’t Okay so check this out a lot of things that I didn’t even think about footage this is one of the footages one of the the clips one of the footages one of the footage footages um and one of the main comments is show are the guys even sparring hard with Connor are they even pushing him cuz it looks like I don’t think they are I always feel like I’m I don’t know who these guys he’s sparring with are but sometimes I’m like why is he fighting that guy look at all the people in the crowd n for people watch The Spar that would be sick but um I think that is a wor like that does make me worried right because Conor is such a big name everybody wants to be cool with Connor is this SBG yeah oh oh oh he just spinning back kicking people I want him to do that I just don’t know if he’s going to do that in the fight because then he’ll just go into like karate stands Connor that’s Peak Connor boxing stands Conor no bueno no no no he can’t try to no bueno Silva but already him stupid already him throwing and doing all this stuff I’m like okay this is great to see but um early pick early pick take Conor okay okay I’m asking the wrong question truthfully in terms of fight analysis con Conor not heart because we want Connor to win obviously yeah I think Conor can win there’s a lot of ifs right a video that he can take him down whenever he wants he probably could but he’s got to get past that left hand even is the left hand even a scary thing anymore absolutely really cuz Dustin por said nah that [ __ ] CRA by though he got cracked by that and he still came back and and beat him up but that’s Dustin po he’s the diamond he’s he’s jumping Gillies all day but then there’s also this clip right right above that video of sparring footage of Conor just being you know drinking wine talking to the camera looking a little bit he said he’s going to stop drinking aloh crazy eyes yeah but that’s always Conor do we Jake jillen Hall films so we have a friend of a friend like wearing a polo while working out like what is this we have a friend of a friend of a friend who knows Connor who worked with Connor like some real estate stuff no you don’t know okay and they were telling us that the way Connor is in roadh house is exactly the way he is in real life oh no breaking car doors breaking Prest doors just walking around that’s funny is that what he was saying when he was naked that’s his name that guy’s name is Dalton so he’s calling and he just that’s it he’s walking around dude you’re a big fan I’m starting to realize past couple episodes you always find a way to bring this movie up bro Connor’s the man tell me what you like about Roadhouse Connor that’s the only reason why I watch the [ __ ] movie if it was bisbing and jillen Hall it wouldn’t have been as fun like bisbing is great but like Connor was the comedy relief in that movie that’s true he made me laugh more than any media movie I’ve ever seen in my life I don’t know why I brought that up up but I just it was the only thing on the foref front of my brain so I had to use it as example all right yeah yeah hello you know all right you don’t know media love media that shoots in Atlanta you think I audition for some of those I never get it yeah they got no Asian people in that I know I always I always get an audition for it I’m like I’m not booking the role for Daryl Daryl it’s Darnell my bad um all right let’s get into uh okay there’s a fights this week but let’s just let’s talk about it just say names go ahead um so remember be quick though cuz we got to get a question pull up the names pull up the names all right but keep talking it was uh Alex Perez yes he’s fighting as a last minut replacement I believe okay against uh mat matis matis matis Nicola and he’s a guy that beat Matt Schnell and he koed him a bunch remember he dropped like three four times that’s right that’s right and he did that cool samurai sword thing yeah um I feel like I haven’t watched much of Matas but I feel like Alex could get in there with his wrestling a little bit and mix mix things up and make it a little dog fight but all right I’m going to go Alex too if you say Al solid wrestler yeah he’s a dog too that like if you’re a dog and you wrestle and I don’t know too much about your fights that’s who I’m picking yeah yeah yeah all right Ryan span and bogdon uh gusov oh my gosh g bdon b bogdon he’s one of the guys that looks just like Anthony Smith yeah he’s that’s the guy right yeah that’s the guy then I’m picking Anthony Smith yeah ubekistan I’m going Ryan spane ryanan is a great fighter Ryan Spain is scary as hell he’s knocking guys out with Jabs was some say he’s Clark Kent yeah some people say that guys he has a Superman on logo on his chest Ryan span’s the man dude shoot maybe I should pick click Ryan span who did he lose to recently cuz I know he he’s coming off a loss yeah did he fight Smith they did this as a joke that’s a bit check that out John this is the last guy he lost to right a split Anthony Smith and look at the is fighting same person same person dud they’re making him fight Anthony twice to make him relive the trauma and I think bogdon’s only had one or two fights in the UFC I take it back I want Ryan span to win I want him to get Redemption over Anthony Smith that’s the closest he going to get against evil Anthony Smith all right uh women’s flyweight we got Karen Silva shout out to that hair that’s dope and it’s Ariana lipsky I’ve seen Arian lipsky and she’s pretty solid but she’s she’s been on a little bit of a skid yeah can you click on her Karen Silva I think I’m gonna go Karine Silva oh nice she’s on a three and0 skid of winning oh [ __ ] she chucked out O’Neal yeah i’ I’ve never heard anyone go dude I think she’s kind of on a skid of winning that’s 2023 she hasn’t fought since okay oh that’s December hey when you’re winning a bunch all right lipsky let’s go lipsky I wonder why she’s the underdog lipsky by tap out probably because time uh all right we got Austin L who looks oddly familiar I don’t know why vers jont denz I like that Austin Lane is the guy who coaches izy aisna I think Eugene I was like is that Eugene B it looks like Eugene bman dude uh I’m gonna go with him because he looks like Eugene bman yeah that’s a that’s a good beard I’m gonna go with a guy named yonata bro yonata yonata J silent you’re not I’m gonna go denz denz all we got Jonathan Pierce vers David onama onama onama Uganda where’s David so when you need him to do an African ACC African I can’t I don’t know that’s David that’s the only thing we could do Koopa Koopa David onama I like him you know what it is when I do it I just feel like I shouldn’t be doing it but when David does it it feels right it feels like you’re good yeah like he got he gets a pass that’s how I feel about you when you do Conor McGregor I’m like Nick’s good some people do like that’s too much I don’t [ __ ] care no will you say daled DED that [ __ ] scene where he’s walking around with the it’s just ridiculous hey Michael edit a clip of Nick doing Dalton and Conor doing side by side side by side and have people vote who I watched Road house before I came here [Music] D dude you’re duh all right Tim Means for dirty bird all day dude I’m never not rooting for dirty bird I normally would go for people with the most amount of uh marks on the name but today apostrophes uh Dirty Bird to me dirty bird Also let’s do a quick thing Ronnie y y Yaya yaa Ronnie yaa yeah he’s been fighting for 85 years huh but I got the homie Victor Henry dude a couple of bunnies bunnies couple of my buddies uh train with him couple of my snow bunnies be training with Victor Henry um and he’s the man I’ve been following I’ve been watching him fight out of the UFC he fought a bunch of Russian organizations and he came to the UFC beat a lot of really good guys Ronnie bar Barcelo whatever um he’s the man he’s minus 500 so I’m going to go Victor Henry I’m going to go with Victor Henry as well cuz you know you got to trust Nick in these matters is there anyone else who you want to cut there a lot of Fighters I want to get to the questions before our time runs out let’s go to the questions let’s talk to the like someone named machete butete M I like when a Chinese guy is named maete he bro he looks like he’s from Venezuela yeah he does that Chinese at all he don’t look Chinese he looks indigenous above him Chinese face Chinese name yeah that looks like me that’s Johna sister leang na leang na dude guys leave in the comments below if leang na is related to John no John says he’s Korean I don’t think so I think he’s Chinese brother John you’re Chinese you might be Chinese 100% Korean for he’s like don’t [ __ ] say that I’m a little nervous there buddy guys it’s that time of the show where we do fan questions lights are slowly changing hey dude that’s pretty good come on John faster on the light it’s still there we go I’ve seen I haven’t seen lights as fast in my life dude all right well you haven’t been around enough professional sets that was kind of slow John but we’ll work work on it we get some better Tech uh all right this is a question from Instagram from gandes 22 if poon goes up to heavyweight how fast does he get a belt fight oh I think I think immediate I think his first fight at heavyweight is a belt fight is there a world where poon goes up to heavyweight without a belt maybe like a last minute replacement or something just to see what’s up like an Anderson Silva Forest Griffin kind of like that would be kind of sick who would be impressive like that’s some Alex rare [ __ ] though yeah who would he fight last minute like that would make that’d be impressive at heavyweight cuz say Tom asol not fighting whatever or stee or John of course we want those fights seral gone o yes Striker fight that’s a good match up for him like there’s a fight with uh volov versus um the other Russian guy who looks just like him who’s not volov yeah Sergey toov no Sergey the guy who got knocked out by Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah by Tom so they’re fighting in a world check this out this is the most realistic do it Nick do it the lights Chang somebody somebody pulls out one of those guys gets injured they’re having a hard time finding a last minute replacement and then guess who steps up for the UFC Fight Night perea the UFC Fight Night yeah at the Apex no actually as I’m saying I’m like H that’s probably not likely um but dude he’s such a big name right now if they need a big Blockbuster fight for a later UFC I could totally see them being like you know what let’s do it let’s do [ __ ] Pereira and ASP andol depending on cuz Jon Jones the Stipe stuff it’s going to be it’s going to put a hitch in things so I don’t know what’s going to happen with that yeah we’ll see I mean what do you think poon here’s the thing I I think based off on this question I think he’s going to fight for the belt he only goes up if he gets the belt yeah the guy doesn’t have a Long window he’s not going to be like I need to work my way up to a heavyweight fight it’s going to be a belt right away whoever it is I don’t care cuz that makes for a really good story too I love it the good marketing is there you can be a three world three belt champion in like 10 days AB insane um all right uh here’s one I think I now get this guy’s question this is from Ian Jeremy 97 what is the best meme base for MMA meme yeah isn’t that the thing that we just said yeah was which was I have no [ __ ] idea what yeah we were looking at MES you called you pointed it out I was like oh I get it now I don’t even I forgot the answer I don’t even know the context I just said PowerPoint is probably the Ryan Garcia cuz you were saying something about like what’s the best B after oh cocaine cocaine meme base is that what he means I think that’s like free Bas you saying free base or meme base m e m e so now I’m guessing like oh cocaine or she talking about MMA hey look Ian Jeremy maybe you can send another question next week can clarify this cuz that was quite confusing is there anything on um on the uh YouTubes yeah let’s see what we got here so we have the first one training with CJ you look for one I I’ll read this question yeah read it uh Ben this is training with CJ from the YouTube been a fan since we out here at MMA thanks shout out to lift godak Costa AKA my powerlifting Brethren hey one question should a beginner focus on one fighting style or jump right into learning wrestling BJJ Muay Thai all fresh and you love the podcast guys we need casuals MMA merch don’t worry if you can get us more views on this podcast buddy get more people here we will make merch also we need to see more [ __ ] leg David so guess what those shorts keep getting on shorter they keep getting shorter and uh what can I say you’ll see his dick at one point yeah we’re going to have to blur it out put blur uh more for the question for Nick Nick what is your philosophy on someone wanting to get into I guess he’s MMA or just fighting I think nowadays you kind of have to learn a stand up I used to always say just stick with one yeah pick one stick with that for a little bit and then you can Branch off but I feel like nowadays you have to have some sort of striking art and some sort of grappling art you need both yeah so whether you pick and choose and do BJJ or wrestling or nowadays most two gyms have a combination of both because wrestling is such a big part of the meta in competition Jiu-Jitsu and even in MMA it’s like you can’t really get to the fight to the ground unless you know how to wrestle yeah so you need to do some sort of grappling boxing is always good and mu you can’t go wrong with either of those things um I would say either probably mu Thai and Jiu-Jitsu would probably be the best thing you could probably do it sounds about right yeah right especially also like I don’t know if you’re trying to be a professional fighter but if you’re trying to do it more just I want to learn you don’t have to like pay all this money for all these classes you can just like when Nick was saying you probably could just start at one fall in love with it if you try something different definitely but I guess it depends on what you’re trying to do with fighting yeah if you’re just trying to learn self-defense I would say learn some Jiu-Jitsu learn some Muay Thai it’s probably going to be the best well-rounded base that you could learn um any do any new questions on that no it’s the same ones okay cool uh y’all think hallay uh would fight McGregor at 170 if does has fight his fight play out we talked about it a bit but I don’t know if Max would fight um McGregor at 170 do you think that would be a thing you know what I feel like Max Holloway is a bad matchup for McGregor in general because 170 yeah I think so max is like big but not that big but he’s 5’11 dude that frame can put on a little bit more body weight than probably Conor’s frame Conor’s a big strong guy but it’s not even that it’s just the conditioning yeah right if if Connor can’t knock out Holloway which is very likely him not being able to KO in the first couple rounds I think the later rounds just plays into Holloway’s Pace it’s just a perfect match up for Holloway and Holloway has shown that he’s elusive he could defend big Power punches um and he could just slice people up so I feel like that McGregor fight is going to be really interesting as a rematch and this is the best Max we’ve ever seen yeah and this is the worst Conor we’ve seen there you guys have it Nick thinks hallay 17 beats McGregor and I think most people would say that right you think that’s fair the 170 look at Ryan Garcia between 135 and 143 see there’s a weight does play a difference absolutely but once again and how tall is Connor tall enough to go Conor’s walk out but Michael Chandler plays the dalon what his name thrash I don’t know I don’t even know what his name is in the movie but you know he says dted all the time I know he said uh all right this question is from we’ll do one more question we got go guys this is mmm chin hyphenated zp2 FS we’ll say mmm chin uh do you think the greatest combat athletes are born or made PS you all deserve a lot more attention than you have now much love Chris from New Jersey thank you Chris sh Chris thank you like I said help us man help us get more eyeballs on this all right do you think the greatest combat athletes are born or made o that’s a good I think they’re made dude I think they’re they’re like obviously you’re born with god-given talent and ability but you get what you get right how you stay in the game how you become Champion is based on the habits your training habits your your mentality your mindset I think all those come that’s harder to develop who do you think is a fighter just for example maybe doesn’t have the best athletic ability but became a champion [ __ ] look at Max Holloway there there you go like he he doesn’t necessarily he’s not a specialist in any kind of like he’s obviously a standup guy yeah right but physically he’s not like a cyborg looking like that yeah he looks yeah he’s a tall skinny lanky guy he said he didn’t fight when he was younger he was kind of just he doesn’t have crazy power punches he doesn’t on paper I think a lot of people might say he doesn’t have god-given ability right I don’t think that’s true but I think a lot of people would say that and he’s a good example of that Demetrius Johnson another guy yeah he’s just a really technical highly skilled guy who spent the time to train Muay Thai specifically do a bunch of Muay Thai fights a bunch of Jiu-Jitsu fights just gather all the skill bases and uses his brain a lot more Cory sanen he’s not a champion but he’s probably going to be eventually you can say the same thing about sugar Shan Ali yeah right it’s like he doesn’t have he has one punch KO power but it’s about how he sets it up yeah I don’t really think it’s like like enanu who’s just Raw Talent like that is a little bit of both yeah probably you one would say he’s that’s great he example like oh he was a born mhm he was born just to knock you out yeah absolutely Alex perea even a little bit maybe that yeah natural power born but you look at how he’s been able like a lot of times in fighting they would say you can’t just be a big puncher you have to have technique they would say that about like Deontay Wilder he’s just a big puncher but you know that can get you really really far but against the top Echelon guys who are just as big as you just as fast as you and then when skills are equal or or when weights equal and skills aren’t really equal you start to see the you see the big gap because it is a skill-based sport of course being physically strong athletic having great conditioning aerobic base whatever that could help and bring you up but how you develop those skills over time and use it all together is really important because they always say like fighting is mental and it’s like if you don’t come into the ring with your ability to be like I am the baddest [ __ ] here and I’m going to knock you out I’m here to fight I think I think it’s really hard for people to sell in the sport if they don’t have that mentality right so yeah kind of a long answer for a very short question yeah he’s like bro I was just trying to say PS good job relax Nick I don’t need your freaking Ted Talk guys sorry dude sorry that is our show today this was fun it was our first time uh just two people on here but guess what we kind of roll with it as that one guy from the UFC would say we rolling Bert Bert I almost said crer what’s his name ber Watson Bert Watson Bert crer wat we should get Bert Watson on here that be what he up to talk to him catch up with him I’m hey what’s up long time no see papa why did he get fire why did he get left from the UFC I think it was the merger they were asking people that wow but like that’s why people were complaining like he added so much to that yeah here’s the crazy thing he added so much that remember everyone was like why would you fire him like people Fighters were pissed but then once again UFC brand we haven’t thought about him since UFC is really good at but he would really add to the brand now though he’d be a great character for bring on on Mike somewhere you know what I mean yeah B Watson come on this podcast we’re looking for you man we’re looking for you we’re looking for you uh make sure you follow Nick at Nick the year you can follow me at gas but make sure you follow o media subscribe to this Channel and also leave a comment down below how about this guys how about you leave your questions in the comments for next week and we’ll answer some of those so if anything comes up the next couple uh days newswise or you just have burning questions for a a guy like Nick or David just put them down in the comments below and hopefully we’ll also get that that one guess that was supposed to be here today on pretty soon because it’s gonna be dope uh we love you see you guys next week [Music] [Applause] peace the Casual we don’t know nothing at all


  1. Ryan made everyone think he went crazy so the odds would go against him heavily, then bet on himself to win and cashed out massively. that must feel amazing

  2. My favorite comment thats been reposted a lot is that Ryan fought 3 people that night, Haney, the Ref, and the Judge lol

  3. I really wanna see Ryan fight pitbull next. And then maybe whoever wins that fight gets a rematch against Tank. that makes sense and would be really exciting

  4. Hey Causals! David’s flight was delayed, he wasn’t able to make it and our special guest had to cancel but will be back for another show!

    Who do you think get the win at UFC 303 and why? Jamahal Hill or Khalil Rountree?

  5. 8:46 That silly shell only works on guys like Devin Haney that's likely why he used it. I don't think he'd ever try that with stronger guys like Teo or Gervonta who would lift him out of that shell.

  6. This shows how stupid and gullible people are to believe anything on the Internet. I was telling people it was all marketing and when people genuinely was telling me he’s really going through it I couldn’t help but laugh to myself

  7. I don’t buy it, I think to post some of what he was posting like the ig stories of “we got him”. You have to be slightly unstable. People forget both things can be true. He can be mentally struggling AND promoting at the same time

  8. Yall need killerbee back i first saw her on helwani’s show then here then watched a good amount of her fights and she’s knows hella stuff about mma in general real life gangster

  9. unironically i actually liked this episode without david more because i feel like he barely talks about the fights and just jokes around the whole time 😛 (love u David)


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