Golf Players

UConn Meets Purdue in National Title Defense

Mike Francesa previews Monday night’s NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship Game between Connecticut and Purdue! Mike also discusses John Calipari’s move to Arkansas, the weekend results for the Mets & Yankees, an early look at The Masters, and Monday’s solar eclipse.

00:00 Mike breaks down UCONN-Purdue
35:18 Calipari’s surprise move
45:24 Mets, Yankees win weekend series
49:12 Eclipsed out

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[Applause] good morning everybody and welcome to the Mike Francesa podcast the Mike franessa podcast on the BET Rivers network is brought to you by casamigos tequila casamigos tequila is brought to you by those who drink it we couldn’t have a busier Monday all kinds of crazy stuff coaches moving and we’ll get to the Calipari news in a couple of minutes uh eclipse this afternoon which I want to downgrade but uh I’m just not I’m just not into it okay we’ll get to that later the MS is right around the corner this is M’s week and we will cover it like a blanket wall to wall and I don’t care if you’re even not a golf fan if you’re not a golf fan become one watch the Masters there are a few events like the Masters which will begin on Thursday but first we have a national title game tonight as the two big guys finally or here uh I picked this game as the final before the championship started I don’t think that was any great achievement um I would have been happier if I got all four final four teams right I didn’t I lost I missed Houston uh I picked Houston Purdue uh Yukon and Alabama uh I told you I thought both favorites would win I actually thought both would win easier than they did both covered but I thought Purdue would win easier I thought they would pull away in the second half they had a lot more trouble because their guards played absolutely awful basketball I Smith’s game was one of the worst final four games for a lead guard I’ve ever seen um and Yukon really had a tough time let’s be honest give Alabama Credit here’s the thing though Alabama played as good of offensive first half as you can possibly play as a team at the final four first of all final four is usually a very tough place to get settled early game on Saturday usually teams very much struggle with their depth perception because it’s such a big building it’s a very odd setup with the basketball floor I hate the way they do it and it really makes it very tough you just don’t feel comfortable shooting in that set thing but Alabama put on a show I mean they shot the lights out in the first half they shot eight of 11 from three now you’re eight of 11 from three you’re a final four team there is no way you can be losing at halftime they were which told you all you need to know about Connecticut and Connecticut only and I picked Connecticut okay I’ve been on them I picked I I I played them before the tournament started I told you all along I thought they’d win this thing I told you they were ahead above everybody else they still are Connecticut only covered that point spread because of the fact that they hit those big threes in the last two minutes I mean Kevin hit a three then Newton hit a three and then Spencer hit a three if they don’t hit those threes they don’t cover but they did and they cover so they wound up they kept their record intact they have won 11 straight over the last two years NCA tournament games and they’ve covered all 11 which is absurd it really is it’s absurd but they have done that and they are a very heavy favorite when you consider Purdue puu as the player of the year they have a guy who has been in terms of offensive efficiency one of the best players to play in college basketball in many years in Ed this year Purdue is an elite offensive team as an offensive team their metrics are way ahead of of Connecticut but Connecticut has a terrific big man in Klingon who’s gotten better all the time he is a better athlete than Ed he is a better defensive player than Ed he’s not anywhere near the offensive player and Edy and what he can do in terms of scoring getting people in foul trouble and then passing the ball to Perimeter Shooters that’s a big key Purdue did not hit their threes against Tennessee but Edy went to the foul line 22 times and scored 40 points against Tennessee he played terribly against NC State he put the ball down low he got a stripped he made bad passes he let NC State push him out I thought he played badly but not anywhere near as badly as the backourt Jones was huge for Purdue absolutely huge and they just wore down they actually hurt NC State with their defense because of the size of 80 because their game was inside and Horn did a great job forcy State kept them in the game the whole way really was Dynamic but they didn’t have another scorer and burns couldn’t score inside really with any strength against Ed which I told you that going in so purdo didn’t play well they played badly offensively as Smith said I stunk the joint out he did he was one for seven from the floor he hit one three and he had six turnovers he had two backourt violations I mean he was awful and they still won going away in a low-scoring ugly game the Yukon game against Alabama was a good game and when Alabama tied it at 56 you said okay now Alabama made a decision they were going to play off castle castle is an incredible Talent he’s not a good outside shooter yet he shot the high 20s this year from three he opened the game banged a three he banged another three and then you can’t put him in the game in the offense as a screener and let him play off that get weak side roll to the basket for dunks get behind the defense remember it was castle at 56 who got fouled went to the line made his free throws then got a bucket in the lane a little tear drop up and now they’re up 6056 and never headed it was Castle who did that it was Castle the team in scoring he had two points against Illinois he let the team against against Alabama he scored 21 points that’s the versatility of what Yukon brings now we’ve talked about Yukon for months they have no weakness they can play at any speed and they prefer to play a little slower as a matter of fact this game tonight probably will not be as fastpaced as you think do not be surprised this game’s in the high 60s because neither team plays that fast the one thing they both do is get offensive rebounds and they’ll score off those other than that this could be a really lows scoring game the question you want to ask is this a is a is a line too high at six and a half if you go historically with what Purdue has done this year the line is too high but if you go by the fact Yukon never plays a close game I mean they won by 14 on Saturday and they were outplayed a good part of that game they have this ability to do this every single day they just are Relentless they’re like it’s like stopping water you stop it here it comes out of here here they can never ever an opponent can never get complete compl containment of them at any point and if you go into a scoring drought which Purdue does not do very often because of the big man you have big problems you have to keep those scoring jobs and O did a good job of that there were not that many big runs there was the one run late that allowed them to get the big lead and get the lead they did to win the game how does Purdue win the game tonight remember this everything Purdue does is offensive Purdue is an elite offensive team they’re a good offensive rebounding team they get to the foul line they have three players who shoot very above 45% or right around 45 or above from three they can hit that short corner off an 80 pass gills hit a couple of those that were big Jones H some big threes and they survived the Smith Nightmare against NC State how can they win the game they’re going to win the game on offense they have to overcome their defense Purdue is a poor to just flat out bad perimeter defensive team they don’t handle screens well and they do not stop people from getting open looks NC State got open looks all night they just didn’t hit a lot of them other than the horn and Horn kept them in the game they give up good looks all the time now Yukon is an erratic three-point shooting team even as good as Spencer is he can be erratic but all four of those guys all four of those guys can knock down a three you know that they’ve done it they’ve done it in the past they can all knock down a three so going in and knowing that the key guy Spencer’s going to do what he does and to me the guy who makes them go is Spencer he makes them go sorry for tale ofing but someone might be but that’s okay don’t worry about it um Spencer makes them go he makes all the big decisions he has the ball in his hands late he gets in the lane he flips the ball inside to The Bigs he makes good passes he has a great head fake in the lane to hit the two he goes out and hits the three he is the dagger guy for that team he seems to always be there to hit that big shot but the guy you have to watch is cariban and caraban is going to be an interesting player in this in this game because you know that kingan’s going to play straight up on Ed the one difference is this kingan does not play anywhere near the minutes that Ed plays kingan does not go above 30 minutes now tonight I’m sure he’ll try to go above 30 minutes but I don’t see him going much above 30 minutes which means Johnson’s going to be in the game he’s going to try and run him he’s going to try and get ahead of him and get those lobs he’s great at that Johnson’s pretty he’s a pretty decent backup player but clingan’s going to be in that game and how Purdue plays when kingan’s out of the game is going to be a fascinating 10 to 12 minutes or more if he gets in foul trouble so I don’t see them needing to play anybody they’re going to play kinging straight up on Edie but when Edy comes and makes that turn into the Lane they are going to come back the gods are going to come back to strip the ball because Ed has a habit of taking the ball and making it low and when he brings it down low he loses the ball they’re going to go in there and try and strip the ball away you’re going to see that time and again they’re all going to do that Castle’s going to go in and dig and do that they’re all going to dig and try and take the ball away now they might commit some fouls away because Yukon commits fouls but Clingan has not F out of a g this year and he’s only had four fouls eight times so will he get in foul trouble tonight I believe he will will he get in dire foul trouble which means he gets two in the first three minutes of the game who knows I’m sure puru is going to go right in and try and establish it right away with Ed it’s going to be a fascinating game to have these two bigs these are two first of all very good teams playing in the championship game there’s no mismatch here yukon’s favored because their numbers are staggering in what they’ve done recently and how overwhelming they been against every opponent but they have a you know the player of the year they’re a very efficient offensive team their metrics are superb I’m not a metric but their numbers are superb they get to the foul line they make their foul shots they make their threes usually they have three guys who can knock it down and you’re going to figure Smith who is usually very good when the defense Hedges will he hit those shots today they’ll be there for him will he hit them I figure he can can’t play worse I mean he he just played an absolute nightmare his first shot will be very interesting tonight if it goes in you got a different game if he misses who knows it might play into his head because he really had a nightmare on Saturday the versatility of the other four players for Connecticut is what makes Connecticut go they have four guys and they all can do virtually everything Newton he’s like a Swiss army knife he can use him in any way Castle can guard anybody and is going to be a a terrific Pro he’s a lottery pick great athletic skills great ability to jump I mean just terrific talent and caraban is such an underrated player because he hits you with the dagger three he can go inside he can go outside now the one thing here is that Purdue is a really good offensive rebounding team and they got a size Advantage here so it’s going to be interesting to see how much they muscle Caravan with their power forward whether they go down to him and throw him the ball whether he hurts them on the offensive glass Yukon if they seal off their defensive glass they take a weapon away from Purdue I talked about how Purdue can win the game they’re going to win it on offense they’re not going to win this game on defense they’re going to basically survive their defense especially on the perimeter both teams will try to get the sneaky break when they can they’ll shoot the three on transition they’ll take it to the basket we know that they’ll run when it’s there when they don’t they’ll slow down and play very much half court very methodical and Purdue of course is going to try to throw the ball into the low post as much as they possibly can and run their offense through Ed which they want to do Ed had 40 against Tennessee he played brilliantly he did not play brilliantly against tenness State and Purdue turned the ball over re ridiculously in the NC State game if they turn it over like that tonight they’re dead I don’t think they will now ironically both teams shot 10 of 25 from three in the Saturday game Yukon is a as you know if you watch him is a very ertic three-point shooting team and that goes for when they’re open when they’re not open I mean they basically can be up or down from three they have good games they have bad games Purdue is usually very good from three they were not good in the Tennessee game they made 10 against NC State and that really killed NC State NC State needed to have an Advantage from three to have any chance to win that game and that’s why they lost by 13 pzu wins the game by one getting Yukon especially Clinger into foul trouble number two they win the game by keeping their turnover number reasonable which means somewhere around 10 or under for the game and three and this is this will be the key they will get good looks do they knock him down do do they hit the shots that they have hit all year I mean that’s really the that’s really the key for them do they hit the shots that they have hit all year Jones was big on Saturday he was four for n from three and he hit some critical threes Gillis came in and hit two big ones Looney was three for five from three I mean lawyer was La lawyer was three for five for three Smith was basically a nightmare he was one for nine for the game one for five from three these guys are good three-point Shooters Gillis who comes in and he’s in there to go shoot that one especially from the corner shot 49 from three this year Smith shot 45 from three this year lawyers shot lawyers shot 43 from three and kman ren shot 39 from three they have five guys who can all bury a three at 40% or better they got three guys at 44 or 45 and above they can knock down threes and that is going to be critical those are the three things they have to do now where is yukon’s Advantage it’s not with kingan kingan’s not going to outscore Ed if kingan comes within 12 points of Ed if he is within 12 points of Ed in terms of net scoring that would be a home run clingan’s not a scorer he’s not a good offensive player he’s still learning he’s getting better but he’s not there he is a terrific terrific shot blocker he’s very athletic he’s getting better he’s the better Pro because he’s the better athlete he’s a lottery pick for sure and he’s moving up Ed’s methodical he’s not a good defensive player he has a habit of putting the ball down low and losing it he’s a good passer he a very efficient offensive player he will make his free throws he will pass the ball well and he’s obviously got the big man shots that you expect he is a prolific scorer Yukon wants him to get 20 they don’t want him to get 40 and they don’t want him to shoot 22 free throws as he did against Tennessee if he’s shooting 20 free throws producing this game to the finish that is critical they are going to shoot more free throws tonight that’s going to be the case whenever Ed’s in the game clingan’s probably going to spend some time now remember he’s only a 30-minute player anyway they are not afraid to play Johnson on this in this game their offense changes their defense is going to have a problem how their defense handles when clingan’s off the floor is going to be a very interesting thing and I’m sure the game guys tonight will keep a stat of exactly what he does when clingan’s in the game and what he does when kingan’s out of the game when he’s out of the game they’re going to him all the time and they’re gonna have to double him they’re gonna have to hit him with a hard dig to try and slow him down there’s nothing else they can do there’s really you know his size is enormous and he gets very easy offensive rebounds and he’s and they’re always looking for the lob they’re always looking to drive it into the paint have one eye on him looking to flip it to him if they can for the dunk not force the issue but do that so it’s going to be fascinating tonight right from the start with kinging they’re going to challenge Edy I don’t think there’s any question and they’re going to challenge Edy on defense because but Edy does not get in foul trouble he does not attack a lot he blocks shots that he can block he doesn’t go after shots can’t get to he doesn’t commit a lot of fouls he plays amazingly for a guy that size plays the whole game now remember the tournament games have an incredible number of built-in stoppages so you’re playing from commercial break to commercial break you’re never going a lot of time on the clock in the NCA tournament without a commercial break they’re built in you don’t even really need your timeouts you can unless you’re really getting hit with a crazy run you don’t need your timeouts in the tournament games you can just play the next timeout and most guys will especially in the first half unless a team is just killing them because they’re so frequent now I’ve been on I’ve expected this game all tournament I’ve hoped for this game and I thought Purdue would have an easy run to Tennessee I was very worried about Tennessee and rightly so that game could have gone either way they wound up winning at 6660 and then remember he’s they won 66- 60 uh 72 to 66 I think it was it was Sixpoint spread I think it was 72 66 he scored 40 of their points think about that he scores 40 7266 they he scores 40 of their 72 points and he scores 40 on 13 to 21 from the floor only took 21 shots but 14 of 22 from the foul line in that game Tennessee shot 11 free throws Purdue shot 33 now Purdue didn’t shoot well from the foul line that night in the in the regional final they shot 63% which is bad and he missed a lot of free throws he actually missed an extra one that he didn’t get credit for because there was a lane violation but he was actually 14 to 23 missed nine free throws he usually is better than that but like a lot of guys big guys late in the game he gets a little tired and a free throws come up short it’s happened to him a couple times it happened in the Tennessee game where he missed three or four critical free throws late and they used them on the release on the Press which they should not do when it’s that late in the game because he’s played a lot of minutes and a lot of times maybe he’s a little tired at that point you don’t want him on a fat line especially when you got three guys who shoot 84% which Purdue does so how many free throws foul trouble for Yukon how many free throws Purdue gets and how and how much Ed dominates when clinging off the floor because at best case scenario no foul trouble clingan’s only playing 30 minutes that’s what he plays he’s not playing more than that Ed’s playing 40 minutes unless something happens he does not go out of the game which is remarkable for guy’s size it really is now where does Yukon win this game they don’t win it with clinging and needy produce a better offensive team they win it with their versatility they win it where they always win it with Spencer Newton and caraban and Castle kinging is enormously important but he’s playing against a guy who is right now a more accomplished player a much better offensive player and clearly the player of the year he takes a backseat to him we know that but their ability and produce ability to defend these guys in everything they do which is there’s nothing they don’t do they’ll drive it they’ll throw lobs at each other they’ll take it to the basket they’ll shoot the three they’ll go out on the break Castle will attack the rim Caravan will attack the rim he will shoot a long three Castle’s the weakest of the of the four three-point Shooters Spencer is the best but Newton and Caravan can kill you from three and they have a habit of taking a vulnerable point in the game and just attack it’s almost like they smell blood in the water and there they go you hit a lull and they just take off Purdue has with the big man and his ability to get shots and his ability to get to the line they should be able to thwart Yukon runs that’s one of the most important things you have to do to beat them you cannot let them get out and get a 12 14 or the historic run that’ll be remembered forever the 30-point run against Illinois which was outrageous but again I mean no team in college basketball in years had a 30 run on an opponent they had that in a NCAA tournament Regional final game which is remarkable but that’s what they do to you all of a sudden the lead goes from 2 to 10 to 12 12 to 15 in an ey blink so how Purdue handles their versatility is the difference I think this is going to be a very good game I think this is a game that again could we see Connecticut even with five or six minutes left absolutely could we see them behind a couple times in this game absolutely could they get in fouls trouble yes they it’s going to be a fascinating game to watch on so many levels it’s going to be a chess match it’s going to be so interesting when kingan’s in kingan’s Out how they play him I mean it’s going to be a fascinating game from so if you like college basketball it’s gonna be a game you’re GNA love from from an X’s and0 standpoint but again Yukan is like this just Predator that Waits and Waits and then hits and you know what o said the right thing to them in the Huddle where he said they haven’t been in any close games we’ve been in a million we handle close games let’s see if they can well you know what they did they got this 56 Up place is going crazy Alabama’s really playing well they got the game tied did you blink nope it didn’t blink it did not blink Castle went to the foul line [ __ ] [ __ ] hit a little floater in the lane now they’re up 6056 and away we go but you realize when it came to Breaking that game open it was late when they broke that game open they didn’t break that game open you know until really late it was Alabama was in there right to the finish that uh three that that cariban hit he hits the three it is Sears hit and Sears was terrific wasn’t he Castle’s a great defender and Sears still got 24 points that guy is a scary he reminds me of Brunson he’s like a he’s not the playmaker Brunson is and brunson’s still a scorer first but he’s but this guy is a pure scorer but at his height he can still play in the pros with that shot he’s an amazing player caraman it’s 7365 after Sears hits two free throws with 340 left Carman hits the straight on 26-footer now they’re up 11 they come down SE makes a wild three from like 30 ft 76 68 two and change Clingan gets a dunk they come back they get a they get a uh a Miss Nelson misses a layup they miss a three and what happens Newton with a minute left breaks the game open 8368 with a three at 105 and then Spencer hits a three with 33 seconds left to make it 8670 of 16 and the final score is 8672 so they hit a three they hit two threes in the last minute of that game which were critical to the score being what it was just shows you how well Alabama played and that game was you know 68 4 68 it was not a game where they exploded early or had big leads and they still handled it very very well they’re going to be in that same kind of game tonight with a team that’s going to play real well offensively again and brings a lot of weapons and the score is going to be a little lower they not get an 86 tonight this game’s going to be lower than that might be 70 winner might get 70 70 I don’t even think the winner get 75 in this game I mean I’m not interested in the open 100 but I don’t think they wi to get 75 I think it’s going to be lower than that and this game will be close the question’s going to be late can they handle what Yukon is going to dish out on offense because that’s not their strength and will Yukon just hurt them with their athleticism on the perimeter with their versatility with their flexibility with their ability to play really in and out outside and inside play Above the rim play below the rim do all the things that they have to do offensively with the versatile guys they have and I think that quartet put the big man aside that quartet will be too much for pdue now I’m going to say you’re asking from a point spread standpoint if you think getting 6 for Purdue is a good pick I’m not I wouldn’t ever tell you that’s a bad Play Because Purdue is a terrific team with with a great scoring big man uh and this is by far the best opponent they’ve faced and you saw them play a close game on Saturday so they could clearly play a close game here and who knows maybe we get a game that comes down to the final shot who knows but Yukon has a habit of opening these games late and they’ve done it Time After Time After Time so if you’ve been on the Yukon bandwagon which I clearly have I’m not getting off now so even though it’s six and a half and I think that is a very high line for this game I still go with Yukon because hey like I said I’ve been there for all the parties I’m not getting off now they have been remarkable and if you’ve been on their bandwagon you’re not getting off now that’s all there is to it both these teams if you’re interested in such things have covered the points rting all five games in this tournament Purdue uh uh Connecticut’s covered 11 straight NCA tournament games Purdue’s covered all five in this tournament so far too and they’ve been great against ranked teams this year their numbers are staggering against the point spread so if you liked Purdue here I would not think he was silly um but I’m sticking with Yukon I think they’ll win and I think they’ll find a way to somehow get it above that very high line for this game at 6 and a half now calip Parry am I surprised yeah I’m surprised first of all remember this was a chain reaction SMU surprisingly fired their coach after two seasons Enfield jumps USC for SMU USC jobs open musclean jums Arkansas for USC now remember two weeks ago the ad of Kentucky held a rather ugly press conference where he had to hold a press conference to say we are bringing John cipar back now I told you he wasn’t going anywhere because the buyout was $33 million but now what happened at Kentucky is the fans don’t want John there anymore the love is gone the ad and he don’t like each other they don’t get along Jon doesn’t feel the love he knows that the only reason he’s there is because of the buyout they would have loved to move on so what happens is Arkansas supposedly went after some younger coaches hey I don’t know if they did or they didn’t okay let the basketball reporters go out and find that out did they go after beard did they go after the Kansas State coach I have no idea okay if they did they did if they didn’t they didn’t I have no idea but I know this see John Rick guys like that who’ve been around a long time had a lot of success made a lot of money in the sport they hobnob with the big players they hobnob with the big alums the big boosters all right they go to racetrack all right Rick was at Kean on Saturday which is everybody speculating hey Rick is always at the racetrack so don’t don’t go by that all right would Rick like to go back to Kentucky I’m sure he would we’ll get to that in a second but he’s too old makes no sense now John feels no love he knows that the fan base wants him out he knows the ad wants him out he knows they are sick of what he’s done they want him to use the nil he keeps bringing in freshman now it brings in great freshmen but the they have gone into a tremendous drought John is a tremendous program Builder wherever he goes he will bring in top players and he will build the program has he lost with very talented teams yes has he won with talented teams yes has he you know been in the final four a bunch of times yes has he been in the championship game yes has he won the title yes so has he won enough titles to sue people well that’s up to the you know the beholder he has gone into a terrible drought at Kentucky they don’t want him there anymore he knows that John doesn’t need money he has more money than he could ever spend he’s made a fortune he made a fortune with the Nets he made a for forget it he’s got a ton of money and he gets a call from a big Arkansas boost now remember Arkansas is falling on some hard times but Arkansas is a place where you can win big just ask Nolan Richardson they have great facilities they have more money they can count they have greater Alum they are first class in every way it’s not as it’s a nice place to live he’ll be loved when he shows up there now because they love their programs they have as powerful and Alum base as you have you have Jerry Jones you have the wall the Walmart people and remember the Walmart people are all Arkansas people it’s they building they the name it’s been named after them the Walton family is huge at Arkansas and Tyson is another big billionaire booster and he’s John’s buddy so Tyson calls him up and says hey John listen how about this this this and John says hey if I’m going to do this I got to have this this this and this they said hey no problem so they gave whatever he wanted they promised him a ton of nil money he hasn’t really wanted to play the nil game he’s going to have to there he’ll also recruit players there and he gets away from what is an ugly terrible and for him intolerable situation in Kentucky ky’s happy because they don’t have to pay him $33 million to go goodbye they want to get rid of him so they’re happy the question is where do they go for a coach now kuy like the Yankees they start at the top they’re Kentucky there’s only one Kentucky so they’re going to go after The Usual Suspects will they go after Danny Hurley maybe he’s not going to leave will they go after Jay Wright absolutely will Jay Wright Take it not a chance they’ll go after Billy dunan will Billy dunan leave to take it I don’t know I don’t know what Billy’s thinking those are the automatic calls they’ll call the Celtics you know why okay if you don’t know Bo you’re not a big college basketball guy right they’ll get a know there too now who do they go after do they go after oats he’s at Alabama he’s got a big buyout now everyone’s going to get into this patino thing patino was at Lexington was in Lexington on Saturday because he was at keeland keenland is a stone throw from the University of Kentucky which is in Lexington he land in Lexington ke’s across the street ky’s down the block it’s not a big town it’s a great town it’s a beautiful Town one of the really underrated towns in America gorgeous place and has a lot of wealth Lexington um and they love two things horses well three things count bourbon but horses Bourbon and basketball now Rick tells people now hey if I had it to do over again I would never leave Kentucky he did great at Kentucky he built a monster team at Kentucky won the championship and then obviously left Rick is always leaving he’s got that he’s that he’s he likes they jump around he’s always been one of those guys would he leave St John’s for Kentucky in a heartbeat will they take him not at this age it doesn’t make any sense hey do their fans like him they love him he won for them they are fond memories okay they love to screw Louisville all right it but he’s going on 72 years a of age you’re going to hire a 72 year old coach no doesn’t make any sense now don’t patino wouldn’t worry about how it looked that he left s John’s or anything else he would jump he would run there but he’s not going to get off the job that’s all there is to it he’s too old so where do they go we’ll see I gave you the names at the top that they’ll clearly call they’re gonna call Billy Donovan they’re gonna call I don’t know if they call Danny or not they’re gonna call Jay Wright he’s gonna say no j r founds this nil thing all very distasteful and he’s 100% accurate about it and he got out in front of it he was very smart same reason Sav got out why Sav got out because you heard what he said he said all my players want to know is how much money they’re making them who wants to coach in that situation and it’s getting worse by the day I mean college sports we know it is dead so who winds up there I’m not sure you know and I don’t really care so when it happens fine I’m not going to go make phone calls to find out I’m P those days so there’s guys out there who can do that they can go out and run around and speculate but hey it’s a dream job for anybody very few guys coaching in college would say no to Kentucky if they’re in their primary career it’s a hard no now remember a lot of these schools have gotten to the point where they have put these very significant buyouts in these contracts it’s a very normal thing now to have a very big buyout as protection see Kentucky doesn’t care that Arkansas they don’t have to worry about the buy out Arkansas because Kentucky wants some gone so they’re like see you don’t the door hit you now they now they just saved $33 million they got rid of Calipari which is what they wanted and they saved $33 million to boot so now they can invest that in a new coach and whatever they save they can put their n El’s so caliper goes to Arkansas Will he win there yes he wins everywhere he goes the question is Will he win the big one he has had more Talent teams than anybody else so from that standpoint people can be very critical of his performance especially recently now couple other things Mets went a couple in Cincinnati they go to Atlanta for four they’re three and six okay Lindor finally hit I knew Lindor was going to hit yesterday why because the Lefty was pitching if you’ve noticed how predominant it has gotten Lindor kills left-handed pitching what’ he do yesterday double Homer I have to confess I bet Lindor they hadit a home yesterday I don’t usually bet home run guys you know he was I thought I was going to get like six to one I got 325 I was I was like Wow 325 but they’re smart they know he hits home runs against lefties Lefty was pitching he hit a double his first time up in the middle of the game he hit a home run so he had a couple hits here’s how amazing it is and people haven’t made a big deal about this last year he had 31 home runs he hit 15 right left-handed in 417 at bats not bad he hit 16 in 185 at bats right-handed that’s ruthan 16 homers in 185 bat is a homer every 11 at bats that’s Mark Maguire numbers he kills left-handed pitching last year he hit 281 and 240 against righties but his slugging was up around 600 against lefties and about 400 against righties he kills left-handed pitching and he did again yesterday as for the Yankees they’re eight and2 they’re flying high and Stanton yesterday you know everyone hates Stanton until he hits those bombs and they love him he got he got the swing in the day before and got a home run got a couple of hits and then yesterday he got he got into one and when he gets into one I mean nobody moves in the stadium you always know when a Ball’s crushed the left fielder or the outfielder it’s hit over doesn’t move well last yesterday was one of those the ball off the bat he just knew it was way way gone Grant Slammer Yankees win Yankees are doing fine they’re eight and2 Mets are 3 and six that’s where we are and the Mets four in Atlanta which is obviously very very dangerous territory for them right now at three and six they don’t want to come out of there three and 10 so try to get a win where you can if they get two they throw a party now remember Masters this week so we will have Wall toall action tomorrow I’ll go over all stuff with the Masters Wednesday we’ll preview it we’ll do everything with the Masters long shots you know favorites the whole thing Sheffer is a heavy favorite he’s four to one the next guys 11 to one ramen mroy everybody’s gonna like Rory because he played well yesterday don’t get into that Rory’s you know until he putts better I don’t see him winning any Majors now could he be in the leader can he be on the board absolutely is he going to win it I doubt it Sheffer 4 to one not good odds and I love Sheffer but I’m not betting him to win the M 4 to1 r at 12 to1 or 11 to1 is a is a pretty decent price and there’s better prices so we’ll get to that we’ll do plenty wall the wall daily on the Masters which I love which begins on Thursday so we have a couple of days with that now I don’t know about you but I’m eclipsed out I am eclipsed out I mean I can’t watch any more things on TV you watch a news formance now a news program now the network news you know it’s 630 I like to turn Network news on everything is about this Eclipse hey I’m driving on the highway the other day and the board says you know the boards up there Eclipse Monday use mass transit why do you have to use mass transit this thing takes somewhere between three and four minutes maximum so you’re telling me if you’re driving along and it gets dark and you’re turn your car lights on which you’re supposed to be on anyway you can’t drive for three minutes or if it’s somehow dangerous to your vision pull over and close your eyes for 3 minutes it’s three minutes maybe four minutes maximum I don’t get it now I’m not a science guy I don’t like science I don’t like science fiction I don’t watch science fiction movies I’ve told you that many times I’ve never seen the greatest science fiction movies ever made I’ve never seen any of them I’ve never seen a Star Wars movie I’ve never seen 2001 whatever you would consider the great I don’t watch horror movies I don’t watch Chop Chop movies like Halloween and I don’t watch science fiction I like you know movies Boy Meets Girl boy loses girl good triumphs over evil you know that kind of stuff don’t like science so I don’t want to rain on everybody’s parade and go into a rant about this Eclipse stuff if you’re big on it if your kids are big on it God bless but I mean enough already please you it just happened already I mean the Yankees moved their game because of it they moved the time of their game you have Network specials today in the middle of the day to cover this thing it’s four minutes give me a break please you know one historical note produc in the final for the first time since 1969 that was a very important college basketball game and I remember it was a sunny day on a Saturday afternoon and I was playing a game a baseball game and I wanted to get home to see the game and those days the final four used to be on Thursday night and the championship game was Saturday this was Lu Al Cinder la game now Purdue had a really good team and they had a great Sharpshooter named Rick Mount if you remember in those days there were three Ultra scorers I mean Ultra scorers the great Calvin Murphy who I loved at Niagara who scored 69 points in a game who was a great scorer I mean would score 40 score 50 Pete Maravich at LSU who was leading scorer ever and Rick Mount all Sharp Shooters all first team all Americas all great Shooters and all wonderful players Murphy became a good NBA player Mount really you know had didn’t marovic obviously we know the Saga repeat Mount had 28 in the game Jabar was his last game he became Jabar he was Lu Al Cinder remember they took the dunk out when he went to College he played three years in college he went 88 and2 at UCLA won three national championships was the most outstanding player in the tournament three years in a row this was his swans song it was Jabar a sophomore name Curtis row Lynn Shackleford who had that left-handed shot from the corner the other forward John Valley and Hines in the back court Jabar had 37 points on 15 to 20 shooting and 20 rebounds 37 and 20 a nice tidy game in a 20-point win and his last game and I remember SI always had a lot of coverage of alender and it was L’s last game dad was in attendance it was a big game he was coming to the pros the whole thing the end of the alinder era would it be the end of the UCLA Dynasty and it wasn’t because they had a for one on the bench on that team named Sydney Wicks and Wix and Rowan Patterson kept winning until the redhead ball of fire got the UCLA by the name of Bill Walton and all he did was lead UCLA to 88 straight wins and two national championships before those guys decide to get a little reckless and a little wild in their senior year and they lost four games a game at Notre Dame which broke the 88 game streak the Lost weekend Oregon and Oregon State when they got beat by both teams they used to play both on the same they go to Washington State in Washington one weekend and they went to Oregon Oregon State Lonnie Shelton beat him they lost backto back games unheard of this was a team that had won 88 games in a row Walton won his first 60 or 70 something games at UCLA lost to Notre Dame lost Oregon and Oregon State and then played the semi-final classic against NC State which they lost in overtime in the semi-final game at NC State went on to win the championship against Marquette and Al Maguire in the championship game with the great David Thompson you know Thompson they had a big Center named burles they had a little God Nam Monty to Howard I mean it was it was but Thompson was like Michael Jordan before Michael Jordan he R up with a terrible drug problem but I remember those days and the UCLA Dynasty and you know we haven’t had a team as dominant as UCLA until this team Georgetown with Ying was never as dominant as this team is the great UNLV teams was never as dominant as this Yukon team is the great Duke teams never is dominant Florida back to back never is dominant what Yukon is doing if they can finish tonight is that amazing they will be one of the dominant champions of all time they will be an historical team if they finish this the same way this evening that’s how special what they’ve done is and check it out tonight’s a very special Monday night game we’ll see you [Applause] later


  1. Purdue is not the better offensive team. Uconn is actually ranked as the best offense in cbb and have been since they beat Illinois who was the top offense.

  2. UConn doesn't get rattled, they play a 40-minute game. If Purdue turns the ball over they lose, the transition game of UConn is deadly.

  3. “I’m not into the eclipse. Also, if you’re not into golf, get into it!” Ok Mike, I didn’t know it works that way!

  4. THANK YOU for the reality check on the eclipse nonsense re Mass Transit!!! 😂😂😂 ☀️🌙🌞 FOUH MINUTES!!! Exactly!!!!!!!

  5. Ian concerned that the SNY sports network is being dropped by most of the streaming services. As a lifelong Mets fan who never missed a game I no longer have access to the games and have lost interest. This can not be good for future interest in the Mets by young fans who no longer have easy access to their games. The future growth of the sport can only improve if the masses have reasonably easy access to the sport

  6. The last team to keep Uconn under 10 points was St John's, where it was a 5 point game in the BE semi.
    The last teams to beat Uconn were Seton Hall…who won the NIT, and Creighton.
    The committee should had put in both SJU and SHU.
    Kinda shady how Mike didn't mention how bad Virginia was and didn't deserve the bid.
    This was a no doubt Uconn 20 point win. Purdue lacks the guard play to help Eddy.

  7. Mike please cover the Knicks playoffs games like you’ve done the tournament this year. Thanks in advance

  8. Mike…hitting 3's is part of the game. If, if, if. Biggest word in sports. Purdue never had a realistic chance in this game unless the "ifs" went the other way.

  9. Mike, consider this: From 1999 – 2024 (26 tournaments inclusive), UConn missed the tournament 9 times. They have won the tournament 6 times out of 17 times. Incredible!!

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