Golf Players

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#이동국 #이동방송국 #이동술국 #김형범

제작 및 출연 광고 문의

Today’s guest is… "Freekick Specialist" Kim Hyeung-bum You told me that your mother owns a beef restaurant That’s right I remember that Located in Cheonggyesan Mountain in Uiwang Premium Korean Beef Restaurant "Jinbuchon" *Jinbuchon Cheonggye-dong 249 I watch your channel regularly So I brought you here to serve you some food (Thankful) I have to at least see you through YouTube I also saw you commentating Didn’t you start commentating first? No, I was preparing to start at that time so I needed some resources for reference But your commentary was a bit… Haha It’s pretty hard You were good though But I struggled a lot too Anyways, this place was founded by my mother Who made me a soccer player Something that I can promise is I always tell my mother Whoever talks about Kim Hyeong-bum And now, whoever says they came after watching Lee Dong Gook TV We will provide free stew or drinks All of the resources that made Hyeong-bum a soccer player came from here Meat comes out with Hyeong-bum’s mother (Joke) Hello Manager Hyeong-bum must have played well because he ate this On the left is Intercostal beef and on the right is Bottom Sirloin Both are 1++ so please enjoy You didn’t serve me this when I came (Joke again) (What are you talking about) You probably had food better than this when you were young Hyeong-bum was a player with so much talent In the end, injuries stopped you right? Right How many surgeries did you have? Around 5? How many on your knee? 5 on the knee 3 on the right, 2 on the left When Hyeong-bum was active He had a lot of muscle mass Look at him right now, he is huge He has a really hard body His thighs are massive But he dribbled a lot He took a lot of shots He changed directions a lot So that must have damaged your knees But you also tore your ACL like me Yeah, I did injure my ACL But you played for a long time even after your ACL tear Were you okay? Did you not have any aftermath? I was okay After tearing my ACL, I never injured that knee again Did you have an aftermath? After I tore my ACL, I suffered from Knee effusion so I had liquid inside my knee People who play soccer will see Those who had an ACL injury have a camaraderie When I joined Jeonbuk in 2009 He was one of the most popular players in the team Something I want to add is By the end of 2008, I was on the national team I made the K League Best 11 I was in my best form But I got injured in the playoffs So I rested a bit That’s when Dong Gook came in Since then, my form dropped… I think you’re spreading ACL injuries! Some people said it was a disease For real though After Dong Gook came and I tore my ACL For the next 3 years, 2009, 10, and 11 The reason I didn’t play with you that much is because As soon as you came, I was suffering from an injury for 3 years Yeah, you were recovering and that was it I made a return after 6-7 months 9 minutes into the game We were attacking in the second half near the corner flag I remember I always wore the number 22 shirt But that year, there was no number 9 So they gave me the number 9 So I wore the number 9, then 9 minutes later… (Heartbreak) I played 9 minutes 9 minutes! After that season, I told the manager to switch my number back to 22 People have preferred numbers There are numbers that suit you well That comfort you Are you in touch with Choi Kang-hee (manager)? I don’t have his contact (Surprised) You don’t have his contact? When he went to China, he switched his contact information and never told me (Oh really?) I want to see him with you When he became the national team manager in 2012, he called me up I think that’s my last national team match That’s when I played with you on the national team Delicious-looking ribs and sirloin This is the best quality beef I’ve eaten recently (Take a bite) It melts inside your mouth This… People with no teeth can eat this! You don’t even have to digest this It just melts inside It literally melts as soon as you eat it But… It looks like Dong Gook is already accustomed to it(?) Those who were seniors for a long time They don’t carry scissors and tongs I’m a guest He doesn’t offer to help once That’s because I don’t want to ruin this kind of beef When would I have to chance to eat meat cooked by the son of a beef restaurant owner Dong Gook was always good at beating the press, even as a player When others came, I always did it (He actually did) When we won our first league title The manager was wearing Hyeong-bum’s jersey inside Hyeong-bum was his son When I joined He was trying to change his last name A lot of fans know this After we won the title, I was on the pitch The manager came up to me and hugged me He said, "You played today too" I was wondering what that meant because I was in the stands He approached the supporters’ section Took off his shirt And pointed to his back He had my uniform on He took it off and gave it to a fan He meant that, since he had the shirt on the bench, I played today as well It was probably his disappointment that he couldn’t play me When Jeonbuk first won the AFC Champions League in 2006 You were a key player He probably wanted to share the moment of winning the first K League title with me Anyway, after he gave away my uniform His attention switched to Lee Dong Gook..! He threw you away with the uniform! He threw me, then went to you I felt sorry to the team, to my teammates, and to my fans But Dong Gook covered that up for me So I’m forever thankful for Dong Gook As a player, you know that feeling You came back after 6-7 months But you had to go off less than 10 minutes in And repeat the recovery process Some people think of retiring in those moments But you recovered without any complains You even made the national team at the end, in 2012 Yeah, the manager called me up again so I was able to play my last match in the national team Even though I didn’t train or play a lot with Dong Gook I was close with him We went screen golfing together Bongdong (in Jeonbuk) is pretty far from urban areas That’s right So there’s nothing for the guys to do in their spare time Which can be pretty stressful Especially when your recovering from an injury If there’s nothing fun to do, it can be super boring Because it takes months So I offered to play golf with him Because it’s unique Yeah, but that was your purpose? Yeah But you keep winning money off of me… (Panic) I thought I was a pushover to you But that was your intention… (Having fun teasing him) I misunderstood I have to be hard on you I told him as soon he he swung Wow… You’re a genius! I threw a bait and he took it But as he recovered for a few years He said he was a single handicap You learned fast right? Yeah, within a year I was hitting low 80s In my second year, I was a single handicapper Right now, I don’t golf He improves fast, he must have that sense I lost some money to Dong Gook So I tried to win it back But I never played him ever since Let’s play sometime If you think you’re better than me, I’m not playing The build-up keeps failing Honestly though, even if you win the bet The dinner fee costs way more That’s true Dong Gook came over to my room often Since he commuted from home But I was in the clubhouse I had a computer in my room So we used to shop online together The younger guys are good at this Yeah, we are We aren’t, so we try to get their help What did you want to buy? I remember exactly He bought a pair of jeans upon my recommendation Dolce & Gabbana I recommended him a pair and he liked them If we won, I bought a pair You know what I mean? I have to gift myself I played hard and won Pat myself on the back Because if it’s not that, he always wears Nike (Yeah, he always wears Nike) You were one of the top 10 freekick takers in the world That’s why his knee was bad He was at a 90 degree angle That’s bad for your knee I was in form so I’d shoot without warming up No wonder I had a bad knee Did you go to Daejeon in the end? I went out on loan I actually requested that move I wanted to be fit again for a season Yoo Sang-chul (manager) requested for a loan I recorded a career-high in Daejeon that season You did well? I scored 5 and assisted 10 (Most games played in 2012) I got 15 goal contributions and made the national team again I thought my body was back at it But I went through too many surgeries My stats were good and I looked fit But I knew myself You knew you weren’t healthy but just played That’s right After that season, you came back to Jeonbuk At the end of 2012, I returned I was preparing for winter training Right before winter training, they let you sleep outside So I went home to sleep And an article came out That I was traded to Gyeongnam FC I didn’t know anything The manager wasn’t in the club at the time The club just let me go Without negotiating with you? Yeah, regardless of my intentions Because it was an agreeable condition There are clauses that let you sell players if their salary is higher If your salary was 10 cents higher, you could be sold That’s a bit unfair to the players because they don’t have a choice But I understand Jeonbuk because As I said, I was in form when I returned in 2012 But in 2009, 10, and 11 They were paying me for nothing for 3 years So they were waiting But I was over my 30s So it was a decision they had to make And that was the end of my time in Jeonbuk Then you went to Gyeongnam When I went on loan to Daejeon Coach Lee Heung-sil gave me permission But he came to Gyeongnam (Interesting) He knew the state of my body too well My knee was so bad So what he recommended was When the season ends Play in a warmer country That might be better for your knee So I picked Thailand to play in a warmer country I went to Buriram United But of course… My knee was already crushed I returned just after 6 months and announced my retirement It’s so disappointing You couldn’t even play properly because of the injury I retired when I was 31 or 32 After retiring, you tried other stuff like commentating Did you ever think of returning to the scene? Not really After retiring, I was completely away for 3-4 years Because I was hurt To return to soccer All of my friends are still playing You couldn’t watch that It was difficult for me So I was away from the soccer world Before I knew it, I was old It wasn’t easy for me to pursue a career as a manager I was thinking of what I should do I wanted to interact with the fans I was looking for ways to connect directly with the fans That’s why I started commentary and YouTube I think it suits you well Hyeong-bum speaks well You look composed when you commentate But this season, I’m taking a break I commentated the K League for 2 seasons It’s for my development Most importantly, my body feels better What are you talking about, are you coming back? Now that I can run properly I want to teach young players and offer lessons Play with some amateurs and adults Something that I’m planning is I’m trying to make an adult amateur team I was always sitting down, commentating, and doing YouTube I was itching to play We (Lee Dong Gook FC) should sign him Instead of talking I want to show who I am This signing would be huge I saw your videos with Won-hee and Ji-hoon Their performance… Ji-hoon is pretty skillful Yeah But Ji-hoon can’t run Since I retired earlier than you I have some experience playing futsal I use my sole as if it were my hand You were criticized when we played 11v11 for using your sole too much That’s true… (Discouraged by the truth) You must not have a lot of memories playing together then… We did play a few matches together but I returned, played a few games, then had another surgery Dong Gook was there every time but We didn’t play together a lot I don’t have a lot of memories with Dong Gook on the pitch Heyong-bum’s crosses are really good so I probably would have scored more goals if he was there What can I do if he’s always in the hospital… I was looking forward to playing with you because In 2008, someone that I played with was Cho Jae-jin I loved it I was combining with foreign players Then I tried with Jae-jin, and it was so good So when Dong Gook came, I thought it would be so nice We needed a player who could hold the ball in the final third and link up with others So I was expecting a lot But Dong Gook combined with Eninho instead of me If you were healthy, maybe Eninho wouldn’t have come Eninho, Luiz I miss them Eninho needs to be on this show with Luiz Luiz actually might not be able to come to Korea because of tax issues People on this show would have a couple of drinks but you don’t drink right? Yeah, that’s why I’m fit and didn’t gain weight I’ll show you on the pitch What if you get injured 9 minutes in again!? Hey… Come on! You’re making me anxious No, I’m stronger now I lost about 10kg Wow.. (Surprised) You didn’t know? You liked my picture on Instagram I just press that unconsciously Oh… Unconsciously..? I thought he knew (Bitter) Personally, I don’t like to see players gaining weight after retiring… Because you were an athlete Yeah Right now… Sorry Woon-jae..! Hey… Woon-jae was like that when he was a player too! I’m not talking about Woon-jae alone though People might think, huh? Apparently, Woon-jae was like that when he was a player too Please don’t misunderstand Are you talking about Jin-kyu? Jin-kyu is still in the scene… But he looked like he was going to gain weight He was big when he was a player Yeah He had a big butt Last but not least, Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew Excellent visuals This looks so good I liked how it looks You should eat some, you need some time to eat Wow… Extremely happy When I first came in, I knew I had to try this stew But his mouth exploded and he kept on talking I could see the stew on the menu there He kept talking and talking I was finding the time to order, but this is awesome I wanted this so bad This is a great idea I recommend this stew to everybody Wow… This is the best Do you want some to go? Hey… I’d take it if you give me some The Soybean Paste is handmade by my mother The secret to its deliciousness I prepared this I didn’t want to come empty-handed You can gift this to your subscribers It’s an air massage seat for your car You can install it in your car and get a massage It operates through windage It also has a heating system I thought it would be nice to offer a gift for your subscribers Wow this is great! Thank you so much We’ll support you by your side If you leave a message for Lee Dong Gook and Kim Hyeong-bum in the comments, we’ll pick one person to gift this item You’re younger than me but I’ll serve you as my senior


  1. <구독자 응원 댓글 이벤트> 이동국, 김형범 선수를 향한 응원 댓글을 남겨주시면 한 분을 선정해서 김형범 선수가 직접 증정한 '닥터웰 자동차용 에어 마사지 시트'를 드립니다 많은 참여 부탁드려요!

    <구독자 응원 댓글 이벤트 추첨 완료>

    응원 댓글 남겨주셔서 모든 분들께 너무 감사드리고 다음에도 이런 이벤트를 만들어서 최대한 많은 분들께 전달드리겠습니다 감사합니다!

  2. 전북의 레전드이신 동국형님 채널을 이제야 봤습니다. 구독하고 응원합니다^^

  3. 동국이형 전북으로좀 와주시면 …
    형처럼 간절하게운동하고 엘리트축구경험하고 또한 성적도 내셨고하면 전북에 큰힘이될꺼같습니다 형 진심으로 현장복귀원합니다

  4. 어릴때 아빠가 축구를 좋아하셔서 같이 축구를봤던 기억이 있는데요 그팀이 전북이었던 그당시 아빠께서 좋아하셨던 선수가 김형범 선수였는데 큰부상이라서 너무 안타까워하고 아쉬워하셨던 기억이 나더라고요 사실 그 선수가 김형범 선수였던걸 최근에 알았네요ㅎㅎㅎ우연히 유튜브보는데 아빠가 어 김형범? 하더라고요 그래서 아빠도 보냐고 물었더니 아빠가 좋아한 선수잖아 전북 기억안나냐고 하더라고요 채널석세스도 잘보고 있습니다 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셔서 너무 잘보고 있습니다 이동국선수님 김형범선수님 언제나 꽃길 응원합니다!!!

  5. 안녕하세요 저는 무용을 전공하고 있는 여대생이에요
    종목은 다르지만 무용도 돈이 많이 들어서 부모님이 많이 지원을 해주고 계세요
    특히 어머니가 제가 연습이나 대회 때마다 운전을 해주시면서 따라 다니고 있어요
    장시간 운전과 서포트로 몸이 피곤할 것 같은 우리 어머니
    곧 55번째 생신을 맞이해요
    제가 아직 학생이고 무용에 집중하느라 알바를 하지 못 하는 상황이에요
    운전하실 때 마사지 받으며 조금이나마 덜 피곤 했으면 해서 당첨 되어 어머니께 이동방송국과 이동국님, 김형범님 도움을 받아 선물로 드리고 싶어요
    축구를 좋아하는 가족의 영향으로 어렸을 때부터 친구들과 축구도 하고 가족들과 k리그 직관도 가면서 이동국 김형범 선수 알고 있었고 응원 했었어요
    이동국 김형범 두 선수 부상으로 인해 축구화를 벗게 됐다고 알고 있는데
    더 하지 못 한 것은 아쉽지만 이미 훌륭한 선수였고 대단한 업적을 남겼다고 생각해요
    이렇게 영상으로나마 추억의 선수를 다시 볼 수 있어 좋았고 형범 선수가 계획하고 있다고 했던 현장에서의 아마추어 지도에서 좋은 결과 있기를 응원할게요
    이동국 선수님도 항상 가족들과 함께 건강하면서 축구 발전을 위한 다방면의 노력 계속해서 해주시면 감사할게요
    닥터웰 자동차용 에어 마사지 시트 꼭 당첨 되고 싶은 마음에 글이 길어졌네요
    K리그 화이팅 전북현대 화이팅
    이동방송국 화이팅 이동국 김형범 선수도 화이팅!!

  6. 전북경기에서 많이 못보던 동국이형 혐범이형 투샷보니까 좋습니다!
    전주성에 두분이 자주오셔서 승리요정 좀 해주세여! 형님들 있던 전북이 그립습니다 ㅠㅠ

  7. 이동국, 김형범 선수 언제나 응원합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ! 두분이 같이 있는 모습 보니까 전북팬으로써 행복하네요!

  8. 2009년 챔결 2차전 전북이 이겨서 첫 우승했을때 그라운드 난입해서 선수들과 얼싸안고 너무 행복했던 기억이 있어요ㅎㅎ 그땐 다들 처음이라 그런지 난입해도 아무도 안막았는데ㅎㅎ 형범선수는 기억 못하겠지만 그날 양복입고 풀메이크업 하고 있었는데 1층에서 우연히 마주쳐서 저랑 같이 사진도 찍고 했었어요ㅎㅎ 저한테는 아직도 너무나 큰 추억이네요ㅎ 그때 그 낭만 넘치던 전북이 너무 그리워요ㅠ 왜 전북이 이렇게 된건지ㅠ 최강희 감독님도 그립고 라이언킹 이동국선수도 그립고 형컴 김형범선수도 너무 그리운 하루네요😢

  9. 동느님 계시기전 태초에 형컴이 있었죠.. 아직도 못잊어 우리 22번!!!!!! 전북의 역사들이 나란히 앉아있으니 가슴이 웅장해지네요.. 선수님들 너무 사랑하고요 가끔..씩은 우리 전북 추억하면서 기강 좀.. 잡아주세요. 사랑합니다. 알레 전북!

  10. 저 김형범선수랑 꽁병지tv에서 풋살했었고, 식당도 다녀왔습니다. 선물은 제껍니다.ㅎㅎㅎ 김형범선수 축구적 재능과 입담으로 제 2의 인생도 행복하시길 바라겠습니다.

  11. "던질때 너를 같이 던진거야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" 우리 형범이 + 이동국 레전드님 토크 미쳤다 너무 재밌게 봤습니다ㅋㅋ

  12. 저에게는 대한민국 역대 최고의 프리키커, 명불허전 세계 10대 프리키커 김형범 선수 부상으로 인해 너무 아쉬운 비운의 천재, 재능을 몸이 견뎌내지 못한 천재성 재능의 프리킥과 크로스, 정말 그 명품같은 구질의 킥은 잊을 수가 없기에 ,너무나도 그리운 선수입니다. 유튜브나 예능에서 혹은 이동방송국에서의 그라운드에서 뛰는 모습 자주 보고싶어요~

  13. 제 최애 선수 두분께서 나오셔서 즐겁게 시청했습니다! 그 시절 저에게 잊지못할 행복을 주셔서 감사했습니다.

  14. 2007년
    전주대축구부시절 전주성에서 형컴형님 뛰는걸보면서 진짜 기술좋고킥력하나는최고다생각했네요 그리워서계속유튜브챙겨보고있었습니다. 다시현장복귀하셔서 좋은기술을 전수해주는 멋진지도자가되시길 바랍니다.~^^데이비드형컴 파이팅!!

  15. 생각해보니 정말 동국이형과 형범이형 같이 본 적이 많이 없었네요ㅠㅠ
    형범이형 몸만 완벽했다면 더 완벽한 전북이였을 거에요!!
    두 분 모두 화이팅입니다!!!

  16. 이동국, 김형범 선수 함께 그라운드에서 많이 뛰진 않으셨지만 K리그를 대표하는 선수이기에 큰 박수를 보내면서 항상 응원합니다.

  17. 선수생활하면서 이런저런 우리가모르는
    몰랐던 그런얘기들이 집중하게만드는 프로입니다. 잘보고있습니다😊❤❤❤❤

  18. 영원한 마음속 영웅 형컴!!!!프리킥 차기전이 가장 기대가 됐던 선수인데 그라운드에서 많이 못본게 아쉽습니다. 동국이형님께서 십자인대 아픔을 딪고 성공하신 것 처럼 형컴!!!! 유튜브며 아마추어 축구팀!!또한 축구계에서도 언젠가 보길 바랍니다. 베컴보다 형컴!!!!포레버❤

  19. 김형범 프리킥 스타일이 진짜 간단하게 차는 스타일이었는데 피를로처럼
    그게 꺽어차는 스타일이었나 무리없이 가볍게 차서 잘넣엇는데

  20. 이동국선수님 전북 감독으로 오세요 김형범선수 코치로 그때가 그립습니다

  21. 김형범 벤투 16강후 한국 감독이어도 16강 갔다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    황선홍한테 뭐라 할지 기대된다 ㅎㅎㅎ

  22. 김형범선수 수원전에 9분만에 다칠때 직관중이었습니다. 넘어지자마자 땅을치며 통곡하는걸 보고 저도 맴찢이었네요.. 벌써 오래전 일이라 이젠 웃고 얘기하지만 그땐 얼마나 마음아프고 힘들었을지 상상도 안되네요.. 앞으로도 건승하며 행복한 생활 하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 김형범선수 화이팅!

  23. 저는 축구선수는 아니지만, 축구하다가 십자인대 완파되서ㅠ 수술했네요. 형컴형님과 동국형님 마음 둘다 알아서 가슴 뭉클하게 영상 봤네요. 이제는 재활 잘해서 다시 달리기 연습하고 있어요. 재활 잘해서 다시 복귀하는 그날까지 화이팅!!

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