Golf Players

Golf’s Future: Balancing Legacy and Change

We explore the evolving dynamics between the PGA Tour and the LIV. Camilo Villegas offers a candid perspective on the shifting landscape, touching on key points such as:

– The emotional rollercoaster of the PGA-LIV conflict
– How LIV’s financial backing has reshaped the industry
– The impact on world rankings and the future of golf competition
– The need for unity and cooperation in the sport

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I’m just curious to to to know more about what’s what exactly is going on in the world golf me too and how we’re going to how we’re going to tangle this rope um it’s a sensitive topic but I think um I think it got a little emotional at the beginning there was a lot being said and yes we’re talking about the PGA Tour and live MH I think there were times where certain parties felt like they were going to win the battle and I think when Phil came up and made those comments a few years ago at at Riviera I think maybe the PJ tour and a lot of the players felt like this live thing wasn’t going to happen I think things turned around and and and we realized that that the Saudis were really in it and it became a little personal and and it be and it’s it’s an unfair Financial battle and I think once we realized that it was going to be when I say unfair is that we can’t we can’t beat him financially and maybe we should have not said all the emotional things that were said and bringing 9/11 into the equation and bringing so many emotions because it became pretty hard to backtrack and say you know what we need them that’s the world we live in and we got to accept we either we either we either work together or they’re going to eat us up and and they’ve kept pushing and I think it’s become personal and I think they are not going to stop unless we I think it’s it’ll be pretty cool to to to bring in some some private equity and part of the corporate US World to maintain credibility I think we need the Saudi money and we need them if not they’re going to keep taking players because I don’t care what a players say and I don’t care what they believe and I don’t care what what their morals or or or or their beliefs are everybody has a price M we live in that world and there going to keep taking guys yeah so I am I’m curious and I’m I’m excited to sit down and maybe I don’t know how I don’t know how deep into the information I’m going to I’m going to be able to get in but hey I’m going to say what I believe and I’m going to just give my opinion and and then from there it’s it’s all about thinking and analyzing what we were talking about earlier today I think we we put everything on the table we we we look at the information we we we break it apart and then we give our opinion and and that doesn’t necessarily mean that my opinion is going to be the right one or the wrong one but but but it will be my opinion in my honest opinion so we’ll see we need to we need to we we need to I think I think the game of golf will win definitely I think the game of golf will win I hope the game of golf wins H I think the fans are are getting hurt right now I think the world rankings are are obsolete right now mhm yes the guys that that went to live knew the consequences of about world ranking points therefore a becoming a victim is not is is it’s not the right approach they knew what was what they were getting into but at the same time I think it’s it makes the world ranking little obsolete it makes no sense that Dustin Johnson or H Nea rank where they are or or Cam Smith so that hurts the fan um that hurts the game and hopefully everything kind of kind of Unites there’ll be some consequences for the guys that left mhm because of X or Y fair or unfair doesn’t matter we don’t know but time will heal and hopefully we we we all come back together and and just put a good show and that’s that’s why we’re there for to get the best players together and and compete try to try to kind of just kind of just kick everybody’s butt that’s that’s what we all do yeah I mean listen I mean if that’s your voice of reason that’s coming into the room I think that’s a phenomenal one I mean I think all of us as golfers um from a competitive sense but most importantly from the perspective of you know folks that love the game and want to see the game continue to grow we all got into the game of golf because we first love the feeling of hitting a great shot and then we watched on TV and we saw the greats right and we aspired to be with them one day and um I think to have someone in the room and and nextt and strs is is a phenomenal partner too good friend of yours it’s interesting you would stay at your at your mom’s house and I would stay at your house every time we went to to Ohio so yeah world yeah he’s a good dude he’s the best very knowledgeable but I’m excited to see what comes of that and and uh I think you have a a wonderfully rational perspective as well you’re looking at things from the lens of this is the new reality that we’re in and we can’t act like that was what was yesterday right you’re looking at the cards that were dealt today and I think that’s a great perspective that’ll be really welcomed in the room there uh and so I’ll be excited to see you know what things come like we all will and firmly believe that Above All Else the game of golf will prevail yeah I hope it does and I think it will I I don’t think that there’s a chance that it won’t because look at look at all the kids coming into the game right now look at all the YouTube channels that have millions of views you know like it’s golf’s cool right now yeah but like I agree that the world rankings need to be yeah sorted out for sure and and Idols need to be reestablished and and like everything competition competition is healthy competition it came and and there’s consequences and there’s and there’s and there’s [Music] um winners and losers but but but if we get together I mean when anytime you get together you’re stronger than than independently in my opinion and and it’s either we stay independent and somebody wins or we get together and everybody wins so we’ll see mhm yeah yeah

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