Golf Players

KIHL Anzac 2024 Day 4

Live from Hamilton

[Applause] [Applause] get going now oh I’m on now yeah the one’s off you don’t ladies and gentlemen sorry about the little delay there we are back underway so took a while to get the stream on but even the computer didn’t want to wake up this morning camera said it’s too cold but we’re off a tight one n lead after Donald Hall just scored for the under 18s pass Maya and goal we are here in Hamilton for day four of the KHL and took allar weekend day four the last day this is the sting in green we our division one teams our division one finalist last year as well taking on the New Zealand under 21 Squad two under 21s with a one nil lead thanks to Donald [Music] Hall sorry it took a while to get it on board thank you for reaching out to Zan kingy we anytime we have some issues with that non stream make sure message South for Coach will make sure to get going as fast as we can [Music] number five FR Tam going through Center drops it off to number 10 Robertson there taking a chance but the stting back in control Oscar Hamilton there sending around to Sean Craig John Craig a very vocal player this morning already and the under 21s get control back just in front of the benches play a turn right there oh but this St putting up a challenge to pick it away as Shane mlan doesn’t let him get control Shane mlan taking it further up right through the center of the rank going through can he go all the way Shan Craig gets the onetime right on the corner of the goal oh beautifully done and there’s the celebration of course Sean Craig an absolute character but one who loves the sport in and out of of the rink does everything anything he can to keep the sport going and playing for so long have Stevie Cooper T taking the face off there sneaking in there one the bush Rangers to play for the sting this morning dman collecting the puck hurly now in the corner number 44 too Roy oh beautiful dangle there sneaky way getting around the players Master eyeing up his man Stevie Cooper to stick on him Roy with the puck Cooper there going right into the crease peeling back at the face off Circle back to Hurley Capital Penguins player played on The Sting last year as [Applause] well sending it up over to Mitch Hurley oh lost control as Han Young Lee takes it away behind the goal going through the face oh lost to St Cooper get LS a pick stti sticking onto it oh beautiful save by m as the puck hits the rafters and we’re going for a face off I think that’s Ben one teeth and number 23 for the sting or sting SL hand Jersey is wearing but hey if they are here why not make sure they can stick around and keep playing a couple games now L make sure to comment below where you’re watching from who you want to see win today’s last three games we have a couple more after this we had our finals for the Pacific Shield Josh McMaster there right in the corner taking it away nicely at the face off Circle going through the center oh tries to get around but just can’t keep on his feet gets back up dor sing it across on [Music] [Applause] tee a 10 there Robertson Robertson moving it smoothly cross the T blocker save by mayata hanang Lee going for the center see on the bench looks like BR K is not playing this one gotting his coaching Persona going this time sends it around the boards hanyang Lee oh just goes too far and Tes and take the puck with him now Shane McLean there with number four and we get it through Shane mlan well done there to to get them back on the board and going to a face off right in the center c a turn with the puck at the face off Circle hiding behind the goal joshh wood collecting it down when chasing in Oscar Hamilton trying to stick to it save of the bouncing off the glove there of maata oh Shan Craig using the boards to bounce it around number four there on the under 21s Donald Hall the early goal scorer but now the sting have taken a short lead and 21s took on the coach Out All Stars last night put up a huge battle but just couldn’t come away with the [Music] win now the under 21’s utilizing in their own zone for now oh tries to get it around down D’s there to take it though Oscar Hamilton coming in from behind Daryl Smith there to poke it forward now Fraser tan back in possession going past the benches as he gets some fresh scares out there on his side drops it back to Han Lee eyeing up a shot but Hugo Roy gets in the way of it oh pick nicely as number four Donald Hall had to get back onto his feet moving around nicely Sting with Puck sending up Conor par poking around to his passing around to his player Cooper getting involved no chance there sting back in [Applause] possession and the number 10 with a Chance oh off the helmet there here G takes a shot oh he got through oh nicely done kopar did his best to jump onto that one but just snuck past early with a great [Music] shot 519 yeah [Music] down one there with the puck now in his own Zone heing behind M AR and goal my shuffling around a bit trying to screen the players Han young Le with the puck for the under 21s McLean pushing him around and getting involved Shane McLean there droing back to number four for the St as dman chases it so does Donald Hall for the under 21s but stting have possession now up to Shane mlan oh goes too far Josh Wood calling for it to go to to his right side pinned right against the boards not letting up hanyang Lee there to help out and takes it away for the under 21s sh mle waiting for it on the crease but Josh mcmas got to it first takes a shot goes well high and back in position is well back to face off I should say [Music] Puck’s been dropped challenged and got Puck gone wide maturely chasing after it but the other 21s get to it first Josh Master going through MCM at the center circle peeling back around just skating through r can Tam keeping a stick down when he gets a chance oh Tam Tam and Oscar Hamilton fing for it kingy there KY takes a shot through but way too far to make a chance from it [Applause] King shot pu just on the side of it takes a shot but doesn’t make it through P gone all the way back as mcmas dropping it pulling back OD Robertson number 10 there working hard to get it chly there curly going through the center drops it up to or sends up to Hamilton but just goes too [Applause] far and H with the puck now trying to build himself a chance as Robertson on off to pick up to the side and he gets it through beautifully oh nice partnership there Tam going for the shot doesn’t make it through so Robertson comes into the face off Circle and slides one through and successful goal there trying to close that Gap 3-2 game now 1 minute left in this first half of the first game today we have three games today with our main event today being our final with the Pacific cup or Pacific Shield I believe we are calling it going through trying to get around dman there cam oh Young Lee trying to sneak it past oh not making it through that time this under 21 squad has been one for the story books this weekend watching them play against grown adults lot of players field players probably have for quite a while but playing against a high caliber would be no easy feat now Hugo Roy with the puck going right through the center oh tries to get a chance but the puck drifts away just too much R pokes it away but luckily dor gets to it first oh Master lost his footing couldn’t pick up the puck shamee McLean Qui Master the the Wards Josh [Music] Wood would be behind the goal trying to open up a CH chance 6 seconds remaining in the first half M oh nicely done s to that bat not enough cuz Hugo Roy got right in the way all right we’ll take a short 2minute break and then we will be back for the second half a 32 game to the division one sting over the New Zealand and 21 national team see you [Music] shortly e e [Applause] man [Applause] all right ladies and gentlemen it’s time for the second half as we get back underway now if just joining us this is the New Zealand under 21 national team for the for New Zealand inline hockey taking on the division one sting so please stay tuned for the rest of our games as well we have two more games after this one but right now the division one sting have taken a tight lead of 32 he did under 21 with the last ones to score close they get to one a one goal deficit if they can get another one through time the game up will be in for an exciting game of hockey but at first Mitch Hurley chases after the puck heading into the corner Josh MCM taking him out [Music] though Co fedos going through there number four oh beautiful save there by Conor par nicely done up to kingy kingy slows right down the stop going through a left side into the center moving around now mcmas MCM the kingy oh what a shot beautiful save by MAA to get a glove on it eyeing that up and catches it right out of the air so much traffic in the way from M AR too and he was able to see through all that and almost sense where the puck was going to go getting Glover in the right place at the right time great effort that’s why he’s Wonder great goalies here and different one goalie at that as well Al he was also hosting Al KL draft for season 3 and what an Entertainer he was in that got himself the nickname of bro Rogan can’t understand why but he’s the Bro [Music] Rogan Sean Craig sends it across to Hugo Roy Hugo Roy going through the center Josh Wood try to turn around and get in the way Conor Robinson ready to take back to the body W oh tries to send it over to number four there couldn’t make it happen before Donald Hall now the ones hanging out behind the [Music] goal Josh Wood over to Hall Hall takes a shot but K B’s stick gets in or skates get in the way Master there oh peels back around now folks if you’re watching and want to learn about some of these players and then oh beautiful goal there for the under 21s tying the game up and just like that m changes the game completely plenty of time left in the second half but we’re Now setting at three oh Puck’s about to drop jerich mlan and referee there mon for the thing today collected him from the bush Rangers had seeing how he has been playing this weekend for Bush Rangers played their last game yesterday another loss for them but so good in there joined by Stevie Cooper he said in the mic for the last game as well a good yarn and he invaded the team photo and there’s Stevie Cooper right [Applause] there Josh Master going through n going around up Puck up into the air tries to swat it down with the hand but no chance there but he’s still got position and oh he’s lost it now though has to drop it all the way back conip skates out of the crease of it to give it a hand give him a [Music] hand moving around Cooper pushing him back a bit Robertson collecting it at the face off Circle drops out of to kingy kingy send it across the rank but goes to the wrong players kri Los picks it up sends it up oh going down number 18 for the sting couldn’t pick that up Shane mlan looking the Hamilton Devil’s pants [Music] there sh mlan Oscar Hamilton now Josh kingy holding on to it oh Josh would had it just L the Sean Craig gets there now Shane McLean trying to open up a chance not happening that [Music] time number four K freed L there sends it up to Sean Craig Sean Craig tries to get over Hamilton but Fraser t comes out of nowhere collecting it intercepting I should say Shan McLean one to beat as the goalie oh ran out of space trying to get too pretty with it car freed L now over Shan C Shan Craig Runs Out of Space Josh Wood there to take it away Cham M clean now Craig trying not to jump in too soon Hamilton trying to push Robertson right out number five sha Craig did taken that nicely in front of the benches winds up the slapshot number five there now Josh Wood going through launching it up into the air but Joe dman captures that putting it back onto the ground at half halfway [Music] line gentan on the left side waiting for it to help out where needed shaking the hand must have been a bit sore catching that one out of the air got plenty of padding on there on the gloves there for that [Music] reason and face off one by the sting here Puck you go Rory Rory going through MC Master Ohan Lee now collected for the other 21s drops it off to MCM at the face off Circle Donald Hall dropping it off there oh Donald Hall heals back to the side to pick it up hanang Lee luckily there dman taking out Hall cam the ball send it across to Hurley assistant Captain really moving around takes a shot no dice there number 11 Josh kingy on going his left side PS back dropped Bas B getting around waiting for the opportunity takes a shot doesn’t make it through as a sting GRE game possession 9 minutes 40 seconds remaining Joe D four nine for for a tried to slot it through mcmas toor there now D moving it through mly with the sting there takes a shot oh pushing the master right out of the way on teeth there going through S A Rip in the bush go play Bush Rangers pants there cartel hockey designs can for oh takes a shot hits Kip there the chest Young Lee right there getting control back by Shane McLean chasing him down to get it back to the sting oh poked away theor play goes down and hand up in the air for a trip against hanang Lee tripping call pretty obvious one there didn’t last long for to leave penalty before got back in possession and Puck Frozen by marata m Maya not probably not looking forward to being on the penalty kill right now but he can handle it an outstanding player [Music] KY chases it [Applause] [Music] back who Inn the puck round oh nicely done s mle going through sends it across to Shan Craig doesn’t have to reach off The Twig but still in possession short-handed oh tries to get it across but taken by Roberts there as the sting head back into defense to reset those triangle triangle defensive line there Fraser Tam dropping it over to kingy oh McMaster to kingy sorry and back to McMaster takes a shot loose Puck doesn’t make it through mayata keeps it away from the net Master kingy taking a shot but off the stick going high go oh great way to push him away McLean pushing him out oh the dirty dangle there Sean Craig winds it up takes a shot short-handed not making it through under 21’s kingy back in possession sends it across to Tam Tam tries to get it over to big Master for the corner shot but not happening Robertson Rob back okay now try no goal M after using the pillows or the goalie pads to keep it [Applause] away n and back to full strength a successful penalty [Music] kill well needed penalty kill while tied up three all but under 21’s moving the puck around nicely just at the center circle [Applause] Robertson moving the puck around Now ladies and gentlemen whereever you’re watching from make sure to comment below and remember these these Lads and blue they’ll be heading over to America the great us of a to play in the NCH the North America roller hockey championship finals it’s like they’ll be playing against the best of the best and inline hockey players in America players that live and breathe hockey obviously much biggest sport over the is ice hockey but obviously very similar codes a lot of those players in the Big Show of the NHL have been in the NCH before so lots of skill will be seen there and I’m sure the under 21s will play well oh justifi the goal oh after the whistle though whistle without him the puck on hand on the puck [Music] surprisingly shamee McLean going for the face off against Josh Wood in position and has been taken curly there trying to send it across the dman but not happening Jo D Jam for the sting and also the Des of all k jerseys and Allstar jerseys number four Donald Hall trying to get another one peels back around oh just goes way too far downman with the puck now to [Applause] MTH oh tries to pass it off but nobody’s there to take it with them Mitch Hurley now holding on to it at the face off Circle Steve [Music] cooper cooper there taking a shot goes around Shane McLean there and the corner again just like I I said it throughout the week but still so good to be see so many people still sticking around to watch the hockey even if they may not be playing much more they’re still sticking around to watch these players come give it they all are on a cold Sunday no less that is commitment to the sport Shane McLean tries to get over Craig but Fraser Tam there trying to make a make a play out of it and he’s got the puck now 3 minutes 35 seconds remaining in this game both sides needing a goal to make something happen before we otherwise we will be going to overtime will happen we’ll have to stay tuned to see what happens Josh Master battling it out against the boards with strong Craig here now Tam going through cutting through there but as he swap sides with Josh McMaster Master MCM moving it around [Music] number five Tam hitting back behind his goal with just below the 3 minute Mark now sends it up to kingy KY tries to get around the The Sting players but as they all line up can’t get a chance oh hanang Le going right through the side they couldn’t get control of the puck pu goes up into the air oh it’s unfortunately there is hany Lee chasing that chasing after it to pick it up thing there digging it out as hang Le truck coming along but still batt against the boards the board getting pushed around there loose stick completely Robertson trying to make the charge but Dalman not letting up Murley now just below the 2-minute mark 1 15 1 minute 50 seconds remaining number three Josh Wood hanging out behind the goal [Music] Josh [Music] Wood over to Young Lee Young Lee sending it across save by Ma ARA right off the [Applause] [Music] chest moving the puck around number eight Young Lee back to Robertson in the last 60 seconds of this game we’re still at a deadlock something someone needs to get the puck at the back of the net who will it be first blue with the chance that’s under 21s loose puck right in front of M is goal Tam collecting at the a now Josh Wood chasing after it mck Master going through mck Master now 28 seconds remaining Master holding on to it seems out of Josh Wood Josh Wood at the right side of Face Off circles master in the center oh poked away but mle there short C now C fre Los I should say sorry freed Los dropping it back to Hurley now mle 7 Seconds need to use this otherwise though out of time tries to take a shot well wide and there goes the buzzer we are going to have overtime period ladies and gentlemen getting some more exciting hockey out of this game it’s not finished yet overtime be 5 minutes 3 on three Golden Goal so stay tuned for that and we’ll see you shortly after a short 2-minute break [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this [Music] [Music] I’m this [Music] [Music] 1 and we’re about to get back into it 5 minutes 3 on three overtime Josh McMaster ready for the face off there The Sting hit becking as well Shane McLean taking the face off for the sting call is ready looks good H wood get around wood trying to get the goes down right in the middle of the face off Circle Mitch Hurley with the puck now over to Mclean mle moving it through the puck over to Hurley now Hurley at the face off Circle very careful of how they play this overtime period you have everything to play for but everything to lose it’s a Golden Goal over time maturely off a chance and he seals it oh well not even a minute in there was about 44 seconds it took for him to finish off the game but of course a brilliant if eff from the New Zealand under 21 Squad to get a play so well against these players here the sting all the other players throughout the TW weekend as well I believe that finishes off both these players allar weekends now as players going for the handshakes and all the good yards after it and good to see 21 coaches heading out with them as well but we will be back for our next game so don’t go anywhere we have our third and fourth game coming up very soon so see you then [Applause] ah [Music] do you need you the it’s not [Music] first one last yeah it’s true [Music] [Music] d looks a little bit some but this on [Applause] another [Applause] oh [Music] oh did you hit me for the I [Applause] [Applause] many [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that’s [Applause] 16 [Applause] spe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this get [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Applause] [Applause] the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] out [Music] [Applause] I’ll jump on there with you dare I’ll figure it out oh ladies and gentlemen welcome back we’re getting almost underway for our next game which is the playoff for third and fourth in a specific Cup Series spefic Shield series I think we’re calling it this is the man cup All Stars taking on the i l 38 plus [Applause] jents now we have leis Dawson lined up at the face off Circle ready to take it and who will he take it against no other than Daryl Smith time no issues no and right on the neck of time our referee skates it to the ink and the Puck’s been dropped one by the Gant Squad Daryl Smith with the puck now Dar getting around the goal as Marty Nelson putting on pressure onto him tapping with the puck oh lost it just D Smith just missed it on the reach there Z Bo there Z Bo holding on to it sends it around for T teen tries to take a shot safe by Andrew kougan up into the air s right trying to reach for HCK into the corner for Nathan Sergeant to pick up wearing divin K’s jerseys he’s not here this weekend Mark you now back to Sergeant Sergeant tried to S it down but Dawson had a stick in the way slowing it up K with a shot now takes it and freezed by Baye that’s Samuel Bay and the net there for the man cup All Star Andrew kougan and the net for the 3 out plus jents [Applause] hsby down to green hsby with it now drop sending it back down to number eight Van Beek Jared Carroll holding on to it now getting eyed up by the mup all stars Mari Walker trying to shut him down oh opportunity there but couldn’t get the stick onto it Jasmine horn Pesco now going through face off circles now the center can she go the way look at it go oh tries to get the dangle on it doesn’t make it through Carol going on takes a shot and stick save there armsby tries to get around Adam Carter with it now Carter sending it up just in front of the benches Kieran o’donell number 12 Kier oon there trying to go through the the jents doesn’t happen as ORS shuts him down Mari Walker sending it back to Carter Carter going up now cam green with the puck and Adam Carter there John [Applause] Van W Pesco with the puck Pesco going behind the goal now Kieran o’donell with it Kieran oon still scoreless 3 minutes into this fifth [Music] period one Pesco up to TI and oh can’t get the reach on it which is really was the heart of [Applause] him besides and now the jents with it as Shan Craig The Sting Jersey oh and Banks one over the top nicely done and there we go shooting his own teammates Oscar Hamilton getting involved with it as well pretending to actually take the shot oh Sean Craig an absolute character always won for the new celebrations part of me always hopes he scores on the streams just so we can see the celebration he’s going to come up with a good Sally Zack boy there K Oscar hamon Mar [Applause] Nielson nson cross Dawson Dawson going right on his right side anthan Sergeant trying to communicate with his teammates where to go tap in there oh not happening as Oscar Hamilton push pushing through now D Smith takes the chance oh it doesn’t make it through Sam Bay had the hand up of the a trying to catch it got right past the goal anyway K with a Chance oh goes wide and oh two opportunities there one after the other and both missed darl Smith chasing after it Kel just missed it Nathan Sergeant taking a shot oh and Samuel B managing to freeze the [Music] [Applause] puck now k k P sending it all the way down to Mari Walker who’s behind the go oh but it misses out on it and gives chance of Jared Caroll to pick it up and he’s done just that he’s taking it through oh Adam Carter all the way back down here and has got in the way jasine H Pesco with Puck taking a shot too many bodies in the way Shane Pesco now and Mari Walker there oh nice turn around there by Mari Walker and kogan Saves the Day 11 minutes 10 seconds remaining in the first half here it is 1 n lead to the KHL 30 plus gin All [Music] Stars Jared Carol take his chance oh Tri to get the dangle cam green pulling back hearing the support from his team to call calling for it z boy passes it to his right side over Lois Dawson Lois Dawson now cut through to the C takes a shot over the top of the goal van be has it for the for the jents moving around using the boards gets her T stepping at the face off Circle jop VY now Van Beek van be to Green Green strong pass over to Jared Carol there still try to get out of Their Own Zone a chance to clear it now now cam green with it oh unbelievable was a pass and I think it just got right on target SL I don’t I think same B was expecting a pass I wasn’t ready to get in the way of it and it just snuck into the corner of the post a lot of Mone Mario Walker getting control the 2 nil lead to the KHL 38 plus jents moving around Mari Walker position try to get position back oh both lost it as luckily they to recover Dean Gibbons out as a skater today wearing D Smith’s sting Jersey oh beautiful work try to get it through all jents couldn’t quite make it make it pass the all stars at time still loose Puck Sean Craig with the buck trying to get a wrap around Adam Carter pushing through nice hustle there and kind of dangles it away from Sergeant oh but it goes too much D give there take right over to OD Donal there K Donal for the all stars over to Walker Walker taking a chance oh off the pad save beautiful work there my Walker Oh lost as Shan Craig takes it now Dean gibons gibons on the right side has to pull back he got for there crashes into the boards there K [Music] oono [Applause] Carter now the Oscar Hamilton for the gentleman Squad there taking a chance going all the way doesn’t make it through sto trying to get possession back now want to Pasco right there oh bounced another one and against Samuel baz oh that’s unfortunate there just couldn’t get in the way of it 8 minutes 18 seconds remaining and the gamman squad have a strong three-goal lead while Zack bie with the puck now [Applause] nson I think it is yes over Dawson Dawson gets a dang on it skates into another play Mar nson still pushing through John Van big with the par over to Jared Carroll and to Oscar Hamilton now did it plus J get through Jared K the P one winds it up takes a shot off the pads three-goal lead they’re probably expecting to just make lots of shots now not too worried about how how these next few minutes go if they can hold onto this lead give him a chance to try some tricky stuff have a bit of fun with them Dar have just lost it there get a back across to Hamilton [Music] over to Carol Carol going right side green calling for it Carol want to take it to South oh but he goes [Applause] down Hamilton up into the air zovi now in position for the all stars going down the left side two players to beat but he’s got support there of taen Lost It Oscar hamton taking it away behind goal right on the line now Van Beek has it as he dropped it off fresh skaters out on both sides Marty Nelson H him behind goal Adam Carter going through Orby doing his best to keep up with him [Music] [Applause] now odonnell heing odonnell trying to move through oh Walker right there but couldn’t get the stick on to it hand green shots taken but Sami Bay May to make some saves this time good to see 5 minutes 34 seconds remaining in the first half of this playoff for third place Mark kitchell gets the call from Nathan Sergeant so sends it over Sergeant hit behind goal oh nice poke away to get away from Sergeant ker there at the face off Circle oh strong call from of Nath and Sant op up an opportunity gets a p get green right on the crease now Sergeant moving around let’s get you with the up into the air for Kel bring it down K just going through hor Pesco that’s PES oh lost it just as as a 30 plus taking some shots Sean Craig you filthy man trying to sneak through a Michigan a so slow Mark Kel sends it across as Craig not happening Mari walking out Puck relatively oh a relatively very clean game it’s been so far oh nice dive block there to slow the slow them down a bit good use of the boards now back to Jas M [Applause] Pasco Carter there Carter trying to figure out how to play hard Pesco in the corner Jared K not trying not wanting to overcommit sticking around there oh beautifully done by Kieran O’Donnell and that gets the All Star on the board 3-1 game three minutes 29 seconds remaining in the first half ladies and gentlemen if you are just joining us this is KL Allstar Weekend for Anzac Day four our final day this game as the playoff to see who gets third place in the Pacific Shield series Oscar Hamilton going through now B the middle face off cirle takes a shot not making it through Samuel Bay gets a glove on it [Music] Ethan Ser with the puck now after the face off Mark kitel moving around oh the sergeant oh nicely done get right into the C takes a shot safe by Samuel baz and goal Zack boy with the puck now just another 3-minute Mark drops behind him Nathan Sergeant there Zack [Music] boy beautifully done z boy sending it all the way up to tapping tapping right there with Mark K on him going into the boards there K sticking with them getting a stick around them trying to stay in his [Music] way 30 plus jents with it D Smith sends it across to Oscar Hamilton no luck there as Zack boy picks it up for the all stars boy taking it now over to Nelson Nelson in the right corner back to over at the other Corner Mark Kell number 27 for the all for the for the 38 plus All Stars taen taking a shot safe by Andrew kougan and nson Oscar Hamilton moving around darl Smith Smith did trying to get it across for the onetime not happening as Jas Mah hor Pesco sends it out to Walker Walker there with Carter takes a shot Carter there to recover it oh takes a second shot not happening Hornet Pasco building it up trying to get it away from Hamilton Hamilton has it Sergeant now Kieran odonnell Adam Carter o Donal taking a chance going wide Jared Carroll Mari Walker pushing Carol right against the board there battle in front of the net we get a glove on it and Andrew kougan doeses that slow things down for a face off 43 seconds remaining and the first half 3-1 game to the KL 30 plus gents going through right side is John Van cam green there in the center oh little soft little popcorn sh there to try pass it [Applause] through Jared Caroll oh almost poked that through luckily the 38 plus Allstar idea to take it away from man oh nice used of the boards for a South pass there Mar Walker going through left side and the face of takes a chance oh Carter gets it through with the assist from Mari Walker with two seconds [Applause] remaining great effort there [Applause] closing the Gap ever so slightly just before the end of this first half a 32 game now these play both teams played against each other already this weekend I believe start of it but that brings us to the halftime break so we take a short two minute rest and we’ll be back for the second half think around sh [Applause] you [Music] you it’s funny being on NHL and you watch the call and it’s like charging from halfway sge giving his hit a shake I think it’s starting to fall off the screws are coming loose on the side of it if someone just go grab a screwdriver um we’ll make sure s keeps keeps it on for the rest of the game but ladies and gentlemen we’re back for the second half it is a 3-2 game the experienced 3ud plus Allstar well gents have taken the lead only just with the man cup scoring at the last couple seconds exact like just before the 2 second Mark actually and the first half now they’ve tasted that power and they want to make it happen oh Tappen going right into the boards but he’s used to that ice player there I believe as well I think it’s on Christ Church if I’m could be wrong Kel sing around Dan Gibbons there skater today the season he’s actually going back into goal oh snuck through where did that even even come from time the game up nicely done who seven by look Mari Nelson stevenh got the assist 19 scoring great effort time the game up pretty quick in the second half what an exciting half we’re about to get get into of course there are few things that are certain in life death Texas and Andrew kougan little kids watching from behind in the behind the boards while he’s in the net and that’s just so good to see them one see see the D [Applause] play Kieran O’Donnell in the center circle Jas Hesco now going left side eyeing up the goal pass it across to Carter Carter to K Donell oh Donald there ripping the woi lightning pants as well shout out to players down down low on North Ireland if you’re watching this hopefully one day we will see you in the KHL playing here in the Allstar Weekend oh beautiful save there by Andrew [Applause] kougan want Pesco oh beautiful low stick oh [Music] and going for a face [Music] off Lis Dawson taking the face off against Nathan Sergeant there Sergeant wins it get msby now everyone’s chasing for it as nobody’s going to get nobody’s there to collect it Zack boy there with Cam green choosing a player to find out the match HS be there now Zack bovy with the puck cam green sticking to him trying to find a spot to get onto him Zack boy oh all way through can he make it oh nicely done Lewis Dawson through the face off Circle dangling around and hits off the [Applause] bar2 Andrew kougan looked like he was looking around to see what how that got in but ManUp All Stars take their first lead of the game I said these players the players have all played against each other throughout the weekend but this is two specific teams I think started off the weekend on day one and high high paced game but over 4 days of hockey you’re going to start to get tired so here we are on day or three days of hockey now on day four you’re going to start to get tired lose that momentum and so it’s been a much more Cala game much more well disciplined game as well Dions Banks one sealing the game again oh beautifully work Dee Gans nit minder this season for the Dolphins but now back into his skater for this weekend for a few games and clearly good to see him back at it making those brilliant shots like that time the game up for the for the 38 plus gentleman Squad hor Pasco using the foot to get around oh Sean Craig putting on the pressure now a chance dangles goes into Samuel Bay though [Music] darl Smith taking the face off against Kieran odonnell challenged there but the gents have it Jo jent gets of a k Dar Smith there trying to get back on the ground Sergeant calling for it and a nice take from him to keep it winds up the slap it doesn’t take it from there see Mari Walker grinning about it pu gone behind the net Oscar Hamilton batting the net down to make a bounce [Applause] out aan Sergeant move it back and forth Tyson and kitchell passing it around Sergeant skating back a bit Sergeant probably pretty happy with how the Rangers have been this season Sergeant sergeant one of the co-founders of the league as well but if you any any skate skating supplies here in his make sure to hit up S Skate Supply oh beautiful shot there by the coach J Oscar Hamilton almost lost control and he’s done he has lost control now Adam Carter in position for the all stars Mari Walker there Mari Walker number 26 at the face off Circle G behind the goal now [Applause] Carter getting Kieran oon to switch with them coming through to the side I Walker Oscar Hamilton holding on to it for the Jens now Nathan Sergeant Sergeant sends it up to the Jens oh nicely done oh three of them there but couldn’t get enough of a handle on the puck to get it behind the net for all in the second half here Kieran odonnell trying to go through drops back to hor Pesco Pesco takes a shot goes wide Mark Kell moving around then B behind his [Applause] goal with armsby there to help out Shane armsby going through sends it up to halfway Carol Carol takes a shot not happening cam Green Oh Marty Nelson pokes it away nicely making the jents have to turn around build up their speed all over again Jared Carrol there with a Chance winds it up oh beautiful catch there from Sam Bay to freeze the park ladies and gentlemen we’re here in Hamilton at the Hamilton inline hockey club great hosts here for the KL through the throughout the season and especially for our antic Allstar Weekend Harry taen going through now takes a shot not happening [Applause] o sends it around Lis Dawson trying to get to it Zack boy boy SS it it’s [Applause] taing oh tab tries to get it through from the side not happening and whistle call to as the puck stuck in the net 9 Minutes 7 seconds remaining in the second [Music] half Carter there Adam Carter a city oo not happening and Carter at the face off Circle takes a shot oh unbelievable that it’s got to be over the line that has to [Applause] be oh unreal I could have sworn they had gone in Andrew kougan Luck is on your side with that [Applause] one all Walker taking that back up Walker in their own Zone J [Applause] Carter one to Pesco Pesco moving takes a shot goes wide sh C here and whistle blow and freeze the [Music] puck both teams getting lots of changes in 8 minutes 26 seconds remaining in this game for all deadlock oh the all the players lined up ready for the face off just realizing they’re just ready in the wrong Circle I guess they’re a bit like sheep they see one or monkey see monkey do and oh we’re over here now I guess we’ll go to this one take a few bumps to the head and they forget where they’re going Marty Nelson hos Hamilton now with it oh drops it off nicely there Jared [Music] Carrol bie over there taking a shot oh nice work there J Carroll moving things around getting the puck going oh sends it all the way around L [Music] Dawson Mar nson yes out to TA Ben be sends it around but tap in there to take it away for the ManUp All Stars just under 7 and 1/2 minutes remaining still at deadlock four all N2 there sends up to it’s Lou Dawson to PO neelson now Dawson calling for it neelson just looking for opportunity to open it up gets over to D Dawson Dawson looking for shot oh blocker save neon there collecting it takes a shot heads into the skates Daryl Smith two on one van big there oh beautiful work by Daryl Smith gets us out of the deadlock oh almost parallel to the goal and took a shot on the side made it through great effort Samuel Bay just couldn’t get in the way of it too much experience of Daryl Smith helped him build that shot Mar Walker Nathan Sergeant Sant got it for the of the jents Adam Carter car going right through onto his left side drops it back over number 12 Kieran odonnell losing track of it there aan Sergeant takes a shot oh Locker save or P save there mark [Applause] Kell K moving around Adam Carter and Nathan Sergeant [Applause] thereo s green right there cam green holding on to it oh off the skate of an Allstar Kier o Donal Kier o donnal has it with taking on two of them Al’s got support there with Adam Carter right off the boards [Applause] here oon oon taken out Walker in the corner with arms B reaching around him oh Sean Craig you silky trying to get all silky with the moves the second attempt he’s head ban again is he going to get it he’s he wants it bad he’s down bad for [Music] it hard Nelson Nelson trying to go all the way through Shan Craig now going through Nelson getting a stick around but leis Dawson now got SP Harry tap right there Puck goes right up into the air gets back down in the corner oh and it gets through with tied back up as leis Dawson seals the deal 5 all with 4 minutes 27 seconds remaining in the in this game unreal [Applause] a nson moving around Nelson dropping it off to dorson into the center circle P going up into the air Zak Boba gets it back down diving shot [Music] Hamilton on the goal H [Applause] boy neelson moving around nson behind the goal three minutes 30 seconds remaining in this game five all [Music] [Applause] deadlocked seven sross to taen taen get a blocker save oh neelon going down taen drops the [Applause] back oh both go to the [Music] box for ring roughing call both sides [Music] there jasman horn Pesco Adam Carter the puck now both sides down a player could open up a bit more space on the rank see how they use it calling for it kir don’t with a chance can he make it through oh not happening Pam green John Van big Jed K there C green cing control of it over to odono odono looking for a chance oh blocker save by Andrew kugan Carol Carol there sends it up to green green at the face off just between the face off halfway line over to Van be van be just crossed the line there over to Green but just miss the getting a stick on the puck great is AC cross sending it up or sending back car there recover it Jared Carol looking for who’s got available but it’s Adam Carter trying to get to it and Shan Craig there as [Applause] [Music] well oh beautiful work Jasmine hor Pasco now collected it hor Pasco across oon oono takes a shot not happening cor Pasco drops it off to to Carter Cara looking for a chance oh save by Andrew kougan and goal 11 seconds left of this penalty 10 [Music] but qu know waiting for [Applause] whistle hor Pesco with the puck one to allar last year for KL oh lost the puck s Nathan Sergeant trying to SC and get there penal has been served now we’re just waiting for a whistle before can get back out onto the rank Nathan Sergeant there sent up to him by Shan Craig still at deadlock 45 seconds remaining what is going on here we’re going to stay this way oh it’s happen can he go all the way get it through oh beautiful work oh nicely done what a way to get back out to rank seeing a teammate score and hearing the boards being absolutely beaten by Marty neelson while he was in that box 34 seconds left and taen takes the lead with a huge grin on his face look at him oh he’s happy about that one oh what a way Marty Nelson at the face off circles heading behind the goal now BBY over the soldiers oh just getting her ass oh got a whistle for pity as well 15 seconds left could be a game changer Hing hooking Cole 15 seconds left D plus need to get something in Adam car the puck trying to use it up now get in there get in there oh and interference call now another verit to the box in the last few seconds of the [Applause] [Laughter] game think Sean Craig trying to SN become a Referee but uh unfortunately the wrong color jersey check a few stripes on there and might get away with it not quite the right signal they going for Sean 3 2 1 Puck’s gone and that’s the game mikup All Stars take third place with a last minute goal about 34 seconds remaining of the game when they scored that goal and here we have it 65 congratulations to the man cup All Stars gaining second place oh third place sorry my bad third place against the 38 plus coach out AAR geman now 38 plus gentlemen Veterans of the sport a lot of these players lucky enough to be playing with them throughout the season as well and now playing against them in such a key game but up next we will have our final game for first place to see who wins the Pacific Shield I believe at 11:15 as puck drop so please make sure to join us and we’ll see you then did you score on that thing you Bing that see my see my big S shame I’m wearing this jersey eh makes me look bad can you can you like change it to a dolphins one you can do that beautiful oh look Green’s my color man when when we first did it and you showed me your jersey I was like cuz I wanted green last Le if you ever need his DNA you can just come to the window and just peel it off all the handprints [Music] [Applause] what [Music] [Music] here [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] all what did you want your [Applause] [Applause] SA [Applause] [Applause] [Music] as [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] why he [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] all [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] good yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shut sh [Applause] [Applause] this is [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] not pretty cute [Applause] on the [Applause] I have turn it [Applause] off followers only delete delete block must have blocked half mterial B [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh ladies and gentlemen welcome back we are just about to get into our final of this year’s kihl anac All Star weekend I know it’s a mouthful to say but it’s been an exciting weekend so far it’s all come down to this little shout out to the soldiers for for div W this weekend over and weekend for coming whole weekend undefeated incredible effort so now up we have the New Zealand under 18 national team taking on the UN the KL under 21 Young Guns so it’s about to be a game of young Talent speed lots of durability under 21 the Young Guns have had some to on it and you can see the under 18’s got their coach Ian want to make a giving him giving them all the cheap codes all the good word looking very swish in his suit as he came into the ring today of course the announcements of the team lineups today under 18 national team Hugo Roy Daniel Middleton Caleb Scott Josh mcti siren Hurst Matthew Hansen Lan Robertson C Lou K freedos Zack Williams and Zane Cooper and Zack Williams first to be the goalie for the under 18s and the Young Guns Troy borwick TJ Dale Georgia Rossa Brooklyn L poto Mex to Richard Wang Theo Taylor Ben Toby web Ron Williams and Caleb Rock in the net and we get underway as Co Fredo sends the puck around the corner bis trying to steal it back for the Young Guns a drale Dale back for the Young Guns Dale there D good position now Daniel m going right through the center over to K fro but runs out of space as the puck goes too slow for him and his doesn’t match his Speed Max toer there going left William going down as a [Music] goalie nice work by the Young Guns to keep it moving in front of the under 18s goal and freezing the pack for the first stoppage of the game this will be a very fastpaced game both sides very young players obviously very imagine they’ll be very tired already playing a lot throughout this weekend Ryan Williams and z and well Ryan Williams taking the face off for 21s and it was Hansen taking it for ands Caleb Scott pushing the Taylor right into the boards [Applause] [Music] be both look they push him out sticking to them Daren Hurst there helping him out Ben trying to win it back8 have a shot goes away Caleb Scott there picking it up taking it into the under 18 Zone hitting behind the goal Zar Hurst Caleb Scott with chance up into the air goes right around Troy Boswick B moving around B now Ryan Williams Park number three been my ke right there just can’t get around ke trying to make some moves at the face off Circle Theo Taylor with it and Caleb Scott for the Andre chains Taylor vers Scott right there battling at the corners number six for the Andre chains you go Roy now Caleb Scott going to left side takes a shot through Center but doesn’t make it through as goes wide Caleb Scott still in position Ryan Williams trying to change that Scott drops it back a little Young Guns Theo Taylor got one to be zaren HST in the way can he get around him and take a shot oh gets around but doesn’t make the shot well enough bin ke now get the Pu off fourth with ke going through couple players drops it back to Max Tower ma to hanging out behind his own goal to just stalling them basically oh Young Guns have a chance now just got to get around Middleton but that’s not going to happen because Daniel Middleton takes that away Hugo Roy with it in front of the benches m going all the way to the crease waiting for it and Caleb Rock catches that one right out of the air and we’re head into a face off on the left side of Kell’s go Max to against Daniel Middleton GJ Dale in the corner Dale getting pushed around a lot but he’s still holding on to a pin there C fre Los can see the coach in one giving giving his players a word on the bench there number five there strong batt for it look Robson and hand up in the air for a penalty first penalty of the game and looks like a slash and [Music] call definitely not too happy about that one as Max to and D back as Kos ready to make some moves midon back to Fred Los over Robertson and Fred Los at the face off Robertson but missed it there to with a chance to go collect it not happening Fred Los holding [Applause] on under 18’s utilizing this power play to try to get on the board early Robson back to Fred Los F sends it to midon around the side of the goal P up into the air D now fighting to get it back onto the ground as Robertson goes to chase it takes a shot goes right around the goal luckily they didn’t bounce in after it came back there and Caleb Brock freezes the [Music] puck slow things down for a face off Middleton and langoto will take it langoto trying to win it for the Young Guns still but Co fre Los takes a shot on this power [Applause] play free lose now Robertson takes a chance and gets it through Power Play goal first goal of the game of this final goes to the under 18s today oh how are the Young Guns going to handle that after taking an early deficit just over 11 minutes remaining in this first half 5 12 6 P dropped now for our Young Guns players here if you’re watching them and you got some family your friends in this team and you want to see how well they doing the regular season the KHL on their website have live statistics throughout the season as well so you can see the goals the assists how many games they played and of course the extra fun statistic of how many times they are in the Box a few players that make a second home out of the box here and you can see all that on the KHL website with their live statistics Richard Wang chasing at the face off Circle S H with the puck first mve around oh Puck loose in front of the goal goes around fourth with now behind the behind the net ke moving around to the corner hug go Roy keeping a keen eye on him making sure where he can stop him ke still holding on to it behind the net looking for an option Young Guns moving around a lot more now waiting for an opportunity to arise and there’s Richard Wang at the out face off Circle there to take it away Hanson sticking sticking onto him though but he’s dropped it off the KE cutting through rot lots of rotations coming from The Young Guns keeping themselves moving a sport we if you’re standing still you’re not going to be able to make any plays always moving in this spot otherwise oh Caleb Scott with the puck now takes the chance oh beautiful attempt there F just couldn’t get it through ke there to collect it going through the side there G loose and see Lou takes it San Lou Lou put still putting on a strong battle to keep it and two of them Williams send across the case behind the net ke going left [Applause] side B [Music] poto I’ve seen Lou put trying to win it for the ands Lou has it now Lou Got Away on the boards Richard Wang clst down Brooklyn poto using the boards as his breaks to slow right down now Caleb Scott has it over to low again Georgia Roso good challenge against Caleb Scott there Rosser dolphin I believe Daniel Middleton [Music] there Middleton playing holding on to it behind the net sends it around now over to Lou s Lou behind the net gets it over Daniel Middleton this under 18 Squad using this weekend as a great opportunity to practice and train together and play together and Heist and then in some important games before they head over to March and July for the North America bowler hockey championship where they’ll take the best of the best of hockey players on GE roster and N Josh McKenzie go down together then Middleton now hanging out behind Caleb’s Caleb Rock and go oh s ling up a chance but L to poto with a chance to get away from the net decides to go back through getting Middleton there getting out T Dale sending it up oh Brooklyn land poto and the poto oh back in a pass to Dale DJ D getting around TJ drives down now behind the goal with Robertson not letting up giving him a push around there for trying to lots of Defense pushing the under 18s away from there keeping control Middleton there drops back over Troy BWI Daniel midleton on the ground gets back up straight out to the bench Caleb Scott Scott going through a couple players 6 minutes 22 seconds remaining in this first half a 1 nil game very tight lead for the under 18s Young Gun still yet to get anything on the board Doo Taylor coming through ladies and gentlemen make sure to comment below where you’re watching from who you want to see take away the Pacific series or trophy for 2024 and of course who you want to be seeing scoring the next goal let just know if you got somebody let us know in the comments if you’re supporting someone specific or just a team or you just come along just to watch the stream CU it came up on your YouTube feed Richard Wang tries to get it back Joy bwick takes a shot oh Unfortunately they couldn’t make it On Target Zin Hurst now Scott going through to the beach but he’s got Hugo Roy to help him out and Caleb Rock goes on to to Puck to slow things down as we head back into a face off both teams get some fresh changes going McGinty and Brook poto taking the face off Toby web there in the corner oh nicely done gets it over there the poto around the goal josa mckeny now m he had lots of putting lots of body on the line throughout this weekend a lot taking some big hits against the boards as well preparing him for what he may end up facing while in America as well Josh mcin with the puck now back to Robertson Robertson has to chase it back a bit to Cole fros 4 minutes 27 seconds remaining in the first half still only a one goal game Young Guns forgetting they’re supposed to be putting pucks on the net as well not just trying to slow them down but Ro trying to keep up speed of K Freo is just too good seven there cenan l oh trying to get it through but they can’t too much power of the of the under 18s loose Puck taken by Kos to pushing it pinning him right against the boards kicks the puck away with the skates now Joshi there oh loose Puck and taken by web web photto a web right there oh golden opportunity to swap it in but just missed it co Fred Los with a chance trying to wrap it around ran out of space passes it off P going right in front of the penalty boxes in front of the time bench now Josh mcti sends it back to Robertson Lou on his right side Fredo switching with Lou now Lou with the puck Hugo Roy calling for it Roy and Hansen both making themselves available well they get the fresh skers out there AR Hurst going all the way down for a cherry pick [Applause] head down oh nicely taken by Hurst there Lou with the puck Shan Lou at the corner batt and Su now Troy Bor going through Bor behind the [Music] net 2 minutes 23 seconds remaining in this first half need to be making some moves to get the puck down the other end looking for an opportunity just for it to open up before the under 18s take this away under 18s don’t want to overcommit and lose out on getting the puck around them oh Caleb Scott takes that nicely but Troy borok back in control for the 21 Young Guns Young Guns going through the center Richard Wang takes a chance oh unbelievable couldn’t get a glove on it but there he does reaches just a little more and recovers it nicely Zack Williams and go doing doing the hard yards in front of the net all weekend with the other goalie Zone Cooper waiting to switch out at the second half and just like that oh no no freezing the puck loose Puck got a Blocker on it but just got away and then freeze it again 1 minute 41 seconds first half one goal game so far and good challenge there oh get it through a did make it through nicely done and that brings us to a two goal game no they’re trying to who got it there we go who was who was the one stealing that one nicely done by six Hugo Roy to get there one a two go game in this first half but both goals coming from the under 18s Caleb Scott with the puck now behind his goal like be running in circles getting me dizzy oh trying to take out the coaches in the Box in the bench there frisbee frisbee Puck down to the referee and game just before the and the pucks just keeping rolling oh what’s going on come on ref you got to catch it when they pass here keeping it moving game just before all the players lined up on this face off Circle and CamRock is waiting for them on the other guess they just kind of decide they want to choose where it goes Ryan Williams with the speed on him takes a shot goes all the way around the goal not happening there TJ dyles picked it up over to Tower MKS towerer number 91 trying to find a slot not happening next to 53 seconds remaining getting pinned against the boards there still pushing through oh again good challenge there from the under 18s lost his stick but he’s still putting his body on the line to hold him up the beauty of the sport playing without the stick and goes back in tries to get the hand down to stop it but thankfully goali is there Brooklyn andoo putting his hands over Zach’s eyes there after the puck Frozen I another the great play SP such a small sport you all know each other at the end of the day so a bit of fun Daniel Middleton using the skill of his skaing to do those quick switches oh ran Williams takes the shot goes over the top Danel Middleton need to recover 18 seconds remaining in this first half at the face off Circle he goes into the corner over to Lou Lou there helping out but goes to K fedos with Bor trying to take it away Middleton shipping it up into the air nicely but not enough for one the under 18s to get to it Beno ke had control there but that brings us to the end of the first half a two goal game to the under 18s we’ll be back for a second half the Young Guns are still yet to get on the board so hopefully we’ll see them do something in the second half to get there see you shortly [Music] how e e all right ladies and gentlemen as we get back back into our last or second half of our last game Young Guns hitting out Zack Williams staying in goal for the under 18s why not when he’s been playing that well been steing a yarn of Kos there while they’re waiting for the face off but now they’re locked in it’s two goal game to the under the under 18 so far still yet to see anything on the board for the Young Guns we’re going to see some changes in this half hopefully just they still got to tie at least get some of the board want to try to tie the game up oh three Los of a chance there but he got ran into space decid to pull back rather than take a nasty shot oh it goes for the shot there though no no D there find Williams there for the Young Guns working hard to keep control it’s in onl K fre Los left up the heels a bit to slow [Music] down Fred Los skating nice and nice and cruisy over the Middleton the par goes back to [Music] Freed now folks if you’ve been enjoying this weekend so far and you want to see more of it Ryan Williams now if you’re wanting to see more of this KHL hockey make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel hit the notification Bell so whenever we go live you are always getting notifications and of course head to our Facebook Instagram pages so you can keep up to dat what’s coming up next after this weekend the next KHL event weekend will be from the 11th of May and lvin I believe it is the home of Levin Thunder where we have be hosted in the hor so if you liveing the area make sure head down to that oh loose Puck around the goal if you live near Liv why not make your way down to the rank on the Saturday 11th of May some 12 to what coach is all about the community the sport and of course the action number 10 HST with a chance there not happening after Puck goes up to the a Georgia Rossell with the puck now sending it around Hurst there for six Hugo Roy at the face off Circle seeing a few players call for it takes the shot himself doesn’t make it through as a hits Caleb Rock on the chest M the Pu down s Hurst oh not Hurst L poo sorry got confused by the pants bring the same [Music] ones Lang poto moving around Co fros trying to stick in his way Young Guns with the puck good control there sending it down there Zack Williams staying ready if needed getting the stick out a little and Puck going loose in front of the [Applause] goalie Caleb Scott pinned into the [Applause] corner web trying his best to get it through but we freeze the puck and we going for a face off 12 minutes 39 seconds remaining in this game a 2-n lead for the under 18 national under 18 Squad who will be heading over to USA play the NCH Finals over there Troy B now chasing her back b gets a little dangle going there to just keep it away from the guys in pink the under 18s now if you like the look of the jerseys of all our KL Allstar players and our regular season teams as well that is all done by dust athletic designs Joe Dalman GM of the sting oh good challenge there Troy borwick there with the puck on the side of the net goes around Ryan Williams calling for it at the crease Richard Wang at the center line over to Williams just FR of the penalty boxes Caleb Scott closing in on [Music] him moving around [Music] tries Dale with the puck hanging out behind the [Applause] Nee Caleb Scott Now Toby web good challenge there very clean game it’s been so far bit of bit little bit of intensity oh there just as I say there and goes up oh and off to the box we have a visitor s l heading to the box for a tripping call could this be the chance for the Young Guns to get onto the board who knows but ladies and gentlemen make sure comment below where you’re watching from and hopefully you are enjoying this game so [Applause] far oh and that was it already scored the goal finishing off that penalty to all of you watching at home it’s great to have you here enjoying having you on the on board West the KL supporting us wherever you are that that goal giving the Young Guns a slight Edge over the competition the under 18s there and Young Guns fighting behind the goal TOA whip wh with the puck we going through the trying to go all the way around the side drives down now stick off the side Puck goes up to the air still stays inside the rank to be whip there and the corner pinning him down it’s Robertson laying the poto coming along Middleton skating around keeping his composure as he goes through left side just over center line now great effort there by the Young Guns to get it of course Lang couldn’t see where it was going Middleton chasing it Caleb Rock getting ready to pounce on it if it comes to it but the Young Guns get back in possession for Center Line TOA oh pu going goalie going flying to find the puck to there over the Drive St rolling Packers drives now tries his best to get it flat again the puck around Ron Williams a chance oh beautiful poke there for Zac and goal Andre tains boasting a right back down D gun’s getting ready for the Box formation again lost it Cena L there 9 minutes remaining in this game Brian [Applause] Williams B Now using the balls to get it back to ke used used well Troy bwick hope you folks are home hope you been enjoying this stream throughout the whole weekend we try to stream as much as we can throughout these event weekends to get you guys at home be able to see what you’re watching and of course for the players to be able to learn from these streams as well they can rewatch these games and I’m sure a lot of these players do rewatch it to see how they can improve and that’s how you that’s what he love the sport B Mar ke keast going through the center oh goes to the right face off [Applause] Circle ke the hitting round at the corner coach in want makeer there looking very swish dressed up for this final now the coach W said said he makes a habit of not saying not saying don’t or never to his players because when it comes down to it he may say something that one day does come from game that they need to do that specific thing in a rare occasion and they second guess themselves so some small things like that can help be a wise coach and with his plenty of experience as a player even when he was and his incubator born at the hospital it’s a Canadian who gave him a mini hockey stick so clearly that was just a premonition to see has great future of hockey ahead himself Troy BWI oh poked Away by Co freed Los Cole going down left side pulls back to the Face Off CLE coach want make time do some looking like time go back around oh hug go Roy going all the way through can he make it struggling a bit there as some sticks clamoring onto it oh good challenging there 638 remaining in this game good challenging against the boards getting pushed right against it EV now the physicality of this game is coming out late in the second half Daniel midon with the puck can he expand the lead [Music] again nine chopping it back number nine Josh McKenzie dropping it back to Daniel Middleton in number eight it’s five there Robertson Robertson moves up to Middleton Middleton the face off Circle takes the shot goes wide around the corner Robertson at the corner to Middleton Middleton moving it around over to Scott Scott and Middleton passing it back and forth with Robertson dropping back to help as well trying to open up up a shot to get past this box formation that the Young Guns are forming [Music] here and the Young Guns in possession once again giving the chance for players to get some fresh get on the bench and get fresh runs out there as well T Taylor Taylor behind the goal [Music] Taylor passes it up to web web using it the face off Circle 5 minutes left in this game under 18s Chase it down as Robertson picks it up Robertson pass it out the corner midon going left side oh missed the puck what happened there believe Middleton jumped into Ro game yesterday as well to play for KL team once again oh unbelievable oh just got a gliding through and the crowd erupts with excitement after seeing that oh now the game is getting good to0 in this game now 4 minutes 33 seconds at one just kind of came out of nowhere and just snuck through and the 18s aren’t going to be too happy with that they’re going to be wanting to take some Vengeance and get one in the net and these last few minutes ladies and gentlemen let us know in the comments what you thought of that goal there what so make sure to take a guess of the score it’s always a bit of fun in comments see what people think oh nicely done by Hugo Roy to collect it in front of his own go there 4 minutes remaining sends it all the way up to Matthew Hansen there Williams now the [Applause] corner Young Guns have it behind their own goal both look there moving it around looking for a chance to play it sends it over to ke on his left side going up top just in front of the benches box I should say Ben at the face off Circle running out of space goes wrap continues to wrap around to his back San L getting a bit of pushed around there Richard Wang pugs it back to to bwick B launches one hits the boards behind the net Wang trying to play it but can’t get around Lou there Richard Wang getting pinned right [Applause] there nice nice pushing push play from Lou there Puck goes loose four has the chase [Music] it just at the 3 minute Mark now think TJ Dr to whip K web sends it up into the air as a stick going onto it TJ Dale moving around great effort by Kos holding on to it still needing to make something happen in these last couple minutes now as we all tied up at a two all deadlock D there with the chance can he get through oh R the space l poto has got a chance oh B go beauly done wo oh now that is what hockey is about those small assists there dropping the puck behind and launching it through Unstoppable goal there had the crowd erupting there the stands was shaking it up oh we take a quick time out and then we’ll head back into these last 2 minutes and 11 seconds [Applause] yeah got to early [Music] play m and there’s a timeout over so as we head back into these last couple minutes that’s right 2 minutes 11 seconds remaining in this game as the Young Guns just scored a nice goal bar down from the face off Circle face off one by the under 18 Squad Daniel Middleton goes down Cole freed Los with the puck moving around behind the net Prett moving through oh Tried by Hugo Roy poto trying to go for another chance can he get another one throw oh under 18’s put on the pressure to keep that away now Daniel Middleton with a chance now sends one throw Caleb rock is absolutely not get that out of here Max toet says okay I’m taking that with me TJ D has it in the corner Now Toby web getting pushed around with Hugo Roy there L the poto looking to help out Daniel Middleton strong effort there going through to peeling back max TOA behind the net almost in the last 60 seconds of this game oh web forgetting the breaks and using the boards instead both going through passes it across oh doesn’t make it throw extends The Twig gets it out there oh no goes right back to Hugo Roy with a chance can he get it through oh oh the crowd are up there with that one risky pass right there in the final seconds 45 remaining truly The Final Countdown now Young Guns with the tight lead not comfortable they’re just trying to you to H that as much as they can before midon can seal it away but he doesn’t get it pushing through using the skates B keeps going goes down fighting with the puck while he’s on the ground challenging right in front of the Penalty Box here oh Toby web moving it nicely 16 seconds remaining the Young Guns doing their best to use this oh Brooklyn L the poto takes a shot doesn’t make it through ZN HST sends it up to Middleton goes too far Caleb Scot there with a Chance takes the shot goes right around the goal 3 seconds remaining 2 1 and that’s the game the crowd erupts as the KHL Young Guns take the win and frustrated scenes on the under 18 side as Zack Williams tosses his twerk through the a outstanding game under 18’s taking the early lead and the Young Guns coming out of nowhere after that second half to just kick a into G and they found the back of the net with the puck and that is how cookie crumbles in this game hey I don’t go as we are about to give out the award to the winning team here and of course the MVP doesn’t even know he’s given the award to for the winning team must have not been watching the game but 32 what a way to end our ANC allar weekend ladies and gentlemen if you’ve enjoyed this make sure you stick around and follow our allar or C YouTube Facebook Instagram all of that fun stuff and of course stay tuned when we go to so when we go to Leen and our next round on Saturday May the 11th you’re able to keep up to date with the games happening there he want to make a walking out looking like he’s just come away from a wedding [Applause] Ed cheer of Applause for the Young Guns winning that and Toby we accepting the award on behalf of them nicely done MVP [Applause] awards going to messy hen [Music] Caleb Rock winning the MVP of the series congratulations there great effort and we’ll take some photos so thank you so much for joining us this weekend we’ll keep you up to date with the next KHL events online so please stay tuned and we’ll keep you up to date with how the under 18s and the under 21s go and their campaign at NCH in America in July so until next [Music] time yes I am e

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