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Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 137

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports.

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[Music] hello everybody happy Earth Day and welcome to punch lines I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and if you’re wondering how Ryan and I did on our farlay parlay this past Friday with Alex well we hoped it would be lucky and it would go something like this the ho in one video oh ho in one I got you all right so a guy hit a home run and right into the kayak they’ll do a little closeup here there’s a guy and a girl and their dog and a kayak and the ball landed hunk does that count as a splash down I don’t know technically it didn’t hit water I’m going to count it as a splash down but look at that that’s awesome uh yeah that uh that’s lucky right there but um here’s how our farlay parlay actually went for Ryan and I yeah that’s all that matters and this is Alex monoa getting a return throw from the catcher or the oh oh that’s got to hurt that’s uh we’ll see it again and there you go that’s one loss and then two loss that’s Ryan’s loss and my loss and that’s a metaphor for the past two seasons for Mr Alex monoa ladies and gentlemen behind the glass Ryan B McCormack who is hermetically sealed behind the the glass there and take him out of the box well he loses his value so we’re going to leave him behind the glass and uh he would normally be co-hosting on a Thursday but today ladies and gentlemen he is here to add to the fun and has just stopped laughing from the ball shot that Alex Mano suffered Jeff parl ladies and gentlemen you know it’s it’s really cruel because if that happened to me I would be doubled over in pain for doubled over in pain for a long time instead it happened to someone else and I’m and I’m laughing Hally I mean it’s I mean America’s fun videos has been on the air for 30 years is Tom berson still hosting the show it’s Alonso rero I ah oh wow Alonso rero really doing a lot of stuff he took Dancing with the Stars from berson too it was another game show he might have stole from me but we’re not gonna talk all right well we’re not gonna do that right now I want to really talk about that uh Jeff is here don’t forget today picks at 12:36 Ryan and I we’re gonna make a comeback right Ryan yes sir I mean with Friday we we’ll get to that in a second but since Jeff is here as our special guest on Monday again Jeff will be here on Thursdays but this this week is Monday it’s Monday that well we figured it you’re on my off day I’m in with you I know that’s very you got the haircut you look nice I feel great I feel great Jeff here’s your weekly Mets clip that Ryan found for you here’s a little Mets clip that we like we always like to have a met or a jet clip the Jets are coming up here’s the Mets clip not always about the treasure to Wario the Wario’s the bad guy right Jerry it’s about the Mets I love the Mets let’s go the Mets I love the [Laughter] Mets what the hell was that are they doing a cross promotion what the hell was that I don’t know but Ryan sent it to me and I go let’s use it for parls what what is it I’ve never even more confused in my life than right now just a Mets meme the metss oh is there a Mets is that playing off a Mets meme with Wario or with correct with Wario correct all right I I don’t even know about this obviously I’m not with the times now I just love it because it’s Wario oh we love look look I the Mets unveiled jerseys with with purple in them so it’s a shame it’s not IGI in all honesty there you go by the way I know not totally clueless and we have Mario Kart fans who you guys are Mario Kart freaks right who who would win in a game between Ryan and Jerry I’m not losing I I don’t lose in Mario K he does you have to be Yoshi though I would prer to be okay so you Jerry who do you take I’m Tanuki Mario you’re who Mario Mario who’s Tanuki mar Mario that’s the one Mario Mario dressed is basically like a little right how you know that look at me see I am let’s go at least saying Mario in that Mario it’s yeah yeah who says Mario no it’s me it’s Jeff that’s me no I know like Atari 2600 you guys want to talk asteroids or Space Invaders on the only reason I Know It uh I got a for for my wife I got her for Christmas I got her a Nintendo switch oh okay so she can play play the play The Super Smash Bros and uh while you’re watching sports and uh and uh Mario Kart see got it right there with uh with her niece and nephew who who are in St Louis so all right that’s all cute but I mean what do we what do we say about this Jeff that Ryan says he won’t lose and Jerry who I’ve watched live stream I’ve watched him play look if it first off if it’s the four of us you and I are finishing third and fourth in some order just a matter of what 11th or 12 look I’d love to see it maybe you have I’ll get 11 I’ll get 11 maybe maybe I have to bring in the switch actually because obviously you can take it on the go we’ll see how these guys do uh uh Jerry would you beat Ryan no I’m scared I I would with with sight onene sight on scene for this yeah because Ryan is well again happy birthday to Jerry who who was happy on Friday celebrated his birthday on Friday Brian is coming up shortly as well sh but I they don’t know what day I said shortly that shortly could be three weeks from now if for for all we know I know it’s not three weeks but but they’re both young they’re both right generation to be good at video games it’s funny I’m saying this is Jerry and I are legitimately the same age um but I think I would make McCormack the smallest of favorites like minus 120 and Jerry even M you know what’s amazing about this is in my trunk parked in the garage is an N64 with that game right now all right you know what cancel the rest of the show show I’m going to get it je fill the time I got you uh we’re going to bring we’re going to bring I’m going to bring it in the studio we’ll hook it up to a TV you guys could play tomorrow before the show One heat see who wins oh this is good place your bets now Joey B if you’re there make a line for us no all HP wonder is Joey B on I don’t see Joey B I see Joey where are you does he even realize I’m on the show that’s probably why maybe he doesn’t realize Frankie Fungo has got to be sad with the Pirates losing six in a row thank you Keith Lyle Pirates don’t use brooms ha uh we’re gonna get to that uh jet stat in a matter of seconds and the best two balls hit All Season Keith L said about Alex monoa yeah and uh we’ll take a aonso river you’re you’re done uh we had we had a meds clip Alec Alec I said Alex several times I mean because I’m thinking of Alex might be what what happened to that dude he was so good and now he he legitimately is terrible yeah there’s got be and it was in one year a mental issue there’s got to be not mental but I mean but the psych yeah psych he needs John Smoltz guy uh we also have a uh we also have a Jets clip for you so a Jet’s clip this a Jet’s clip or a stat it’s a stat I saw this already go ahead put it up on the screen guys maywe yeah go ahead my only comments my only comments on this uh Tim Reynolds who is a respected journalist but is a member of the cowardice Miami Media okay time said that partially injest times a team named the Jets have scored seven in a playoff game in the last 13 years two Jets zero that’s of course because the Jets haven’t been in the playoffs in the last 13 years but I mean the fact that a hockey team in the playoffs normally you don’t score seven goals so well I which was an amazing game I don’t know I I I forgot to look at the rundown so I I apologize if IO spoil this real quick no go for it but how about this weekend in the NBA and the NHL yeah where the home teams didn’t lose yeah you don’t see that very often yeah I saw a lot of memes about books going Dwayne kuchi kuch kuch threw something out there about that someone asked him when kuch is gonna be on the show he’s gonna be on soon right uh one of our someone on a text but yeah uh yeah lot of lot of Home favorites yeah well since the play-ins began yeah home teams are 19 and one straight up only the only win is the Lakers against the P get the seven seed yep that is it very Tyler glassow we stat 19-1 wasn’t that what he was before that 20 all right uh and then uh the we we can talk about the Jets this is a late breaking news story um the Jets have just traded Zack Wilson to the Broncos your beloved Zack Wilson what a what a shame I guess we’ll have to go with that Aaron Rogers kid I will say the the are equally as guilty as Wilson is and this being as big of a train wreck as it was uh multiple offensive coordinators neither of them in good uh they protected him too much they probably should have started Mike White two years ago over him when it was apparent that Mike White was better and we saw that right away when he torched Ryan’s bears in the first game he played that year oh wow Ryan look at the pur lips not happy hearing about that sorry I mean hey look they Williams is your end up they ended up getting they ended up getting Caleb Williams and and DJ Moore and other people because of in part because of that game um but uh yeah Wilson goes to pick swap jets are eating a little bit of money not a lot only $2 and a half million dollars when it’s all said and done so half of his contract yeah half of the contract and um the Broncos right now their quarterbacks are Jared stum Brock oswi Zack Wilson and your boy Ben denucci oh yeah you remember Ben denucci sure I think he went to high school actually and he went to JMU started that game in the pandemic season he went to mat ever school I think he went to Pine rich I don’t know about high school it’s a JMU guy from college but uh I really hope Shawn Peyton goes out and drafts a quarterback because if you’re going in with that yikes that could be that could be the worst team in the AFC why do I see Bo Knicks going to them in a lot of mock drafts because it seems to be between Nicks and penck for Denver at this rate penx that ball will float up there even high that guy can throw deep Ball by the way he did go to Pine Richland what’s that bonucci did go to Pine Rich Pine wow wow I pulled that one out of you knowwhere yeah that’s Matt never Matt might be comparable in age or is Matt a little older I don’t know they might have played together um we’ll have to check with Matt is Matt here tomorrow Matt is not here tomorrow the schedule just keeps Chang just tell me I’ll just be here at noon every day and whoever shows up I know Alex will be he’s a little younger than Matt yeah he’s a little younger he’s a yeah he’s a little younger than Matt is all right by the way uh uh nice job with the medream Ryan um what did I just say oh yeah Keith Lyle said U on the Mario Kart that Ryan will get middled hard you’ll get middled hard you’ll finish like in second place between Jerry and me and 11 so we’ll see I got middled hard I got midd really hard dude best sound drop ever uh today oh before I mention that by the way you can find our podcast ladies and gentlemen Sports by the book hosted by Jeff parls and Alex white uh very popular on the podcast wherever you your podcast make sure you check that one out you can see ours as well listen to ours can’t see a podcast true you can yeah in your bra in in in your in your imagination you can see it people people want to see your face they don’t want to see mine they want to see yours uh Shameless plug ladies and gentlemen I just found out this Thursday I will be at the be performing at the Dennis Bono show here at the South Point no very nice save it save it it’s already sold out I believe uh Kathleen dumbar was comedian is going to be on next week because I’m doing a show at The Bootlegger in the Copa on May 1st but if you’re going to come see me come May 17th and 18th at Jimmy Kimmel comedy club that’s where you’re going to see the real show you’re going to be you’re gonna be at the Dennis Bon Show I’m GNA be it on Thursday I’m doing a couple when are you planning on telling I just found out Kathleen dumbar just said can you go promote uh the show that you’re doing the Copa but I can also promote this show now I did a retirement village last week and so so this is two weeks in a row I don’t I hope it’s not the same Crown did I ever tell you remember the older gentleman that came in here that day just at the end of the show you were here and an remember there was an old guy just sitting in the chair yeah yeah yeah he was at the show the day before and he was kind of upset with me about a joke I made wait for real oh yeah came in and found me he goes you’re the comic for yeah and he goes oh yeah great and then he goes and then he yelled at me not yelled at me but he was just I said hey it’s a joke man it’s see we got to start stop letting people in the studio I mean I ass I assumed he was you knew him from somewh I thought he worked here since you’re I don’t know I thought he was some guy thought thought he work there even better yeah he just walked in yeah he was wearing shorts in the t-shirt he’s not going to come on Frank I seen what Sean by the way well I will say well look Sean sea Shawn has been massacred by the poor Barber that cut his hair so I mean he looks handsome he always looks handsome but the uh the hair we we we’re going to miss the hair he look might have to do a an I will remember you montage for I’ll remember all right today’s April 22nd 2024 and for the next seven days we’ve entered a week of palindromes for the day spooky show it Ryan there you go so 420 was Saturday as we know and then every day forwards and backwards is the same man mind blown right Ryan there you go so so hold on did did we get to do this next year in May Y and then in June yeah and then in July y we’ll be here for all of them we’ll be here for in September Y and one of those will be our thousandth show approximately yeah we’ll figure it out the only ones that’ll be like a true P Drome will be the 20ths if you go the full year 20 yeah that’s amazing uh it’s also listen to this it’s National Baseball day and we all love baseball here and to celebrate uh National Baseball day here’s an amazing double play by Yankee farmand with the greatest name I’ve ever heard of rock Rio oh Rock Rio great name I mean is that not a baseball name so he’s the short stop here you’re going to see him go out carefully get over the center fielder then from his butt and then watch the pitcher covering short Hops and steps on the B unbelievable by Rio there’s the replay avoids the center fielder kudos to him for ducking under the knee at the right time and then he just flips it back in the pitcher with the wherewithal to cover I’m assuming that’s the pitcher I think he what level was that double a double A yeah but I mean he’s blocked by Anthony vulpi so I just rock Rio play second base or something I mean you need Rock Rio new oh Rock Rio Vinnie Rock Rio that’s the best name I’ve ever heard in baseball and by by the way um the Yankees are playing right now they’re playing Oakland wow Oakland had The Bases Loaded in the top of the eth it’s a scoreless game in New York the only thing that’s been exciting in this game is Aaron Boone ejected in the first inning in the first B of the game when he shouldn’t have been if you haven’t seen the clip yet we’ll just tell you about it I I retweeted it if you watch yeah he complains about a call and then if the the um was it window stad says one more word and you’re out a fan in a blue hoodie Behind The Dugout yells something wad kicks out Booty like it wasn’t me it was that guy it wasn’t me he starts shagging it and um it’s all over the Internet so it’s pretty funny he got kicked out it definitely goes see the clip it’s it’s even better than it’s even more ridiculous than you could have imagined yeah and they have the S they have the shot of Boon silently just standing there not saying a word and then he gets booted all right so since it’s National Baseball day speaking of baseball what a weekend at the Ballpark we had here locally in Vegas where Jeff and I were a part of something special oh yeah uh Jeff we got some video and pictures this was Chris Andrews sports book director of Vinnie malulo also a Vegas Legend throwing out the first pitch once a year Ryan they become the gamblers right it not even once a year yeah it was for this year specifically and the hats flew out the door literally sold out all the hats there are the jerseys that our friend Andy Martell look at look look at all of us look how happy we are there’s Jeff in his South Point sh I am much taller than you you are much taller than me uh that’s the only shirt Jeff has apparently ladies and gentlemen we see this I I I have I have I have three I have two all right he has three I’m wearing Las Vegas aviators Andy martal will be here on Monday by the way so Andy did a nice job introducing us all uh oh we even have a close caption look at that two legends in the game Chris W is Roberto Clemente and for just one day they were the gamblers those jerseys Ryan sported one on Friday I believe by the way how is it possible that Vinnie looks handsome in everything a good I mean just everything he can pull it off he looks outstanding he does there we go they Ste over the there was a a concern about both of us hurting ourselves while squatting as well Chris told me to get in the writers right batter’s box because he felt that he he didn’t know where it was going to go and Andy did such a great job Chris got it there easy Vin just fires a St fires it in man there’s me I had to get up that’s all right I was ready the knees were ready pop time was great what your pop time was great you thrown that guy out trying to steal second it’s like uh Gabby what’s the guy for the Yankees uh or no who’s the guy with the 1.76 throw thereo no uh a what a picture Yankees guy was it here’s some SKS a diamond back there’s the ball in motion here’s Vinnie with the follow three awesome stuff uh well done Jerry for cutting that thank you Budd shout shout out to everyone at Las Vegas ballpark as always just care us a a a an A+ or organization from the top down obviously I I know a few Ryan of course works up there you’re up there Alex is up there an’s up there uh but just unbelievable night great ballpark great just great us all the way around yeah it was tremend shout out to Andy as well who was Andy The Unbelievable onfield MC he’ll be here next Monday sitting in that chair we have Andy uh Sean and I participated in one of the races and we don’t have footage but I beat Sean in a race so the beer he’s not used to his aerodynamics yet without the ha one of his his leg one of his steps is four of mine it’s like Darren sprouls versus like Randy Johnson running up a hill and uh he got me he got me I kind of let him win you let kids win these games you know they’re for the kids and guess what I got out of it beer three beers for free Sean also got three free Sean honestly great promotion it was great prom I got a hat I got a cool orange hat he got a gift card to Steiner Steiners thanks for airing the show so it was uh win-win for everybody at the Ballpark we had a good time I have a new segment we’re GNA play we don’t have a Graphic yet because it’s the first time we played it it’s called how’d you do this weekend uh how’d you do gambling this weekend if you took favorite you probably did well so punchies uh let us know how you did uh I’m sure Tommy will let us know I know I saw some texts from him Aaron oconor is saying different crowds Kathleen dumbar shows are great they will love you and the garlic nuts or bootle at boot leers are the best that’s May 1st I think it’s next Wednesday I’ll be doing that show and uh but save your money so you can go to that show but also May 17th and 18th come to Kimmel so how’ to do we look back at the weekend on how we did and we’re going to look at the farlay parlay Ryan and I we got to talk about it we gave out picks it was over pretty quick for all of us yeah it was a bad one you know what it is we’re Rusty Ryan we hadn’t done it in a while oh hold on the second yeah that’s right never seen this photo before when he went how how long go did you go Ry Ryan used that shot that was his Halloween outfit he was playing he looks like Tom celic I yeah I was switching mustaches in our Halloween episode that’s pretty good Ryan Pi yeah he he freaked me out I would look up I was doing the show and I look up and he’d have a different fa it was very funny actually when will that be on her chose because we’ll have to look back at that um so anyway uh Alex had uh she had a hockey game right she had a baseball she had a baseball under baseball under that’s right she had Tigers Twins Detroit Minnesota right yeah and that didn’t hit then Ryan you went with the Cubs yeah the first game they lost in the ninth inning gave up a two home yeah that was bad and then the second game they ended up winning but another thing I also did say is that Cody Bellinger on 420 had homered the last year had tripled the year doubled and tripled the year before so take his total bases did that win he homered in the second game and you know how far that Homer went 420 420t I don’t know no last year it actually did go for I think I remember that yeah yeah uh and then I said take the Lakers looked really good at halftime Lakers were playing strong but guess what they’re a little long in the tooth the third quarter I think they out scored like 32 to 15 uh got into a little trouble right there here’s how I knew Jeff parl that I was in trouble now I’d already locked in with the the Lakers right what’s that again yeah I was walking with the Lakers here’s when I knew I was in trouble when Joe kick watched walked into the game dressed like this did you see this video I look really good that they I put on this beautiful su he came in dress like grw obviously this is some sort of cross promotion one you’re wearing for the Minions movie what happened me fourth Despicable Me fourth Despicable Me Why does that bother you it doesn’t then why bring it up because they won’t leave me alone watch this they they guys I’m not your boss very funny uh genius by Pixar Disney Universal whatever uh Universal it is UN CU they have the minions right I they look he looks like Gro all you really need is that scarf in the gray he with the point pulled it off so I saw that and I oh God they’re going to kill the Lakers what the the uh gr got to be of Eastern European descent right I mean well he has that accent that yeah that I don’t know if that sounds I’ve never seen any of those not terrible i’ve been on the ride great but not terrible was I’ve been on the ride a million times so uh let’s see uh Bron only had two points in the fourth yeah he got tired Winnipeg Jets in Seattle M second game you wanton a two teamers so there you go Tommy gr how’ you do this weekend did all right Frank knew that where that pitch was going yeah I told him that was a that’s a quote from Bull Durham that Christian and I do quite a bit by the way Christian Robert wool who plays the uh guess assistant coach also on the baseball movie cob where he plays Al stump also new bomb Turk in Hollywood nights and he was in Batman with Jack Nicholson he’s going to be on the show coming up Robert willo and if you’re old enough Keith L will probably remember arless on HBO any arless fans in here all too young for Aras anyway Robert Will’s going to be on so I’m very excited about that um by the way thank God you didn’t take the uh the Knicks covered did you see how they the Sixers almost covered yeah with Maxi’s three-pointer at the buzzer yeah half court shot could have screwed it up he was like two10 of a second late late though yeah but the home teams really did a fantastic job just uh that’s what they’re supposed to do game one so far yeah they’re 14-0 is that right straight up yep and then we got two more game one tonight uh the knights in Dallas and then the um uh how do you feel about your knights in Dallas tonight uh they’ve played good against Dallas this year I think Alex mentioned that um they won all three games during the regular season yeah um or you or Alex mentioned that yeah and Ryan did yeah I talked to her about it yeah beforehand what’s the line on that game um let me Dallas tonight by the way Oakland just hit a home run wow top nine what’s that is top top nine yeah yeah 35 favorite tonight against vgk okay whoit the home R for the someone who probably played for the oh is that zov yeah fantasy points baby I’m sorry did you say Bob gof no Zack gof who was probably the only guy on the the A’s who’s uh like hey they might actually be here when they move to team to Vegas yeah 28 he was he was a really good Aviator and he was there you go figured there you go just hit home run storm last year uh he pumped up Yankee Stadium it’s Bob gof by the way is anyone know who Bob gof is I’m showing my age lead singer of Boomtown Rats and also arranged USA for Africa the Christmas song let them know it’s Christmas all right let’s move on uh we might not have done well on our faray but you know who had the best bet of the week this boxer Ryan Garcia Ryan go put that up there so uh Ryan you said this is confirmed this is on his Instagram right yeah yeah that bottom one is his his Instagram post so he put two million on by the way King Ryan how did you not get that that Twitter handle that would have been a good one to have for you well so anyway Ryan Garcia put $2 million of his own money and he was a six to1 Underdog he pocketed $12 million yeah plus the other 40 from winning the fight so he says about 50 million probably more in one night not too shabby he made 40 million on that fight why have I not heard of him and I like boxing but again I just usually just heavyweights but what yeah so that’s why he had the two million to throw around just for fun if he lost it he didn’t care right H these problems these people have huh what are we saying all this was a good show Keith um all right so hold on you buried the lead of the uh the $2 million of this where the odds went totally through the roof on Garcia and because it was him against Devon Haney right uh which match up we’ve wanted for a while and Garcia missed weight oh that’s he there had been one because this was a pretty even fight Haney should have been favored but not like that and Garcia right side the whole way and won by decision well I don’t know if you notice but Haney came in dressed before the fight as Gru so that was something that it was a whole Crow’s promotion is that is that our new thing now yeah I think uh Jeff you have to come as grew next Thursday you know what it’s fine with me just by you know what Ryan petty cash by the scar and where’s the petty Cat by the scarf I’ll be ready to go be good Sean’s directing and doing a hell of a job uh all right we’re going to take a two-minute break why don’t we take a little break here Sean we’re going to take a break we’re going to come back we’re going to read some more live comments we’re going to get to some posts and don’t forget picks at 12:36 coming up we’ll see you right back [Music] here south point is also proud to provide a variety of relaxing amenities for the guests who want to be pampered soak up the sun and let your stress melt away in our Bon style Paradise Swimming Pool a relaxing getaway where you can bask in the desert sun and enjoy seasonal food and bar service poolside and if you really want to escape come to Spa Costa delour from couple suits to a co-ed wet area our spa caters to business and Leisure Travelers who want to unwind and Elevate their senses a visit to one of our Spa’s steam sauna or Whirlpool treatment rooms will leave any any guest feeling like they can take on the world our gaming amenities include over 60 table games and over 2600 of the most popular slot and video poker machines we have penny slots including the popular Buffalo games and real machines like Wheel of 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nothing over the Yankees I’m glad I didn’t touch that game uh Yankees usually play really well at Day games at Yankee Stadium and uh have we still figured out why they played a one o’clock game on a Monday is it we Earth Day it can’t because of Earth Day I feel like Earth Day really isn’t a big thing in New York I don’t know who knows but the a are up to nothing uh let’s see so Tommy let us know how he did over the weekend um it was his birthday over the weekend he went uh he went out had dinner with friends and family uh Sean joined us at the Ballpark uh for Friday night we uh hung out MET his lovely girlfriend Angelina who thank you Minar what what did mini Dar say Min Dar just gave us $20 to get hot dogs on him thank you very much thank you Minar thank you very much now we have to all right well now I I obviously heard what I said during the break then this is the first time anyone’s ever done this for us for your show we Sean higs got us the inaugural one sorry well that I didn’t I don’t even know how that works is that just all the money goes into Jerry’s pocket and we never see it again how’s that son of uh we need cash for the hot dog cart uh oh I owe you for uh I owe you for something too um well not just that b but I also ow you you you you ow well again I owe everybody but again okay let’s talk about this here it is that ink is going to go away I owe 215 I’m good for it but I said why don’t we good for it as we’ve been past lent for what are we going to do with it though how are we going to distribute it I’m just going to give two who am I giving the money to so what are we doing Ryan does everyone get a piece of the 215 or do we just all go to Steiners and have a big ball out there so that may be what we end up doing I I was thinking half before these playoffs started right and we go 50 on an NBA Futures 50 on an NHL Futures 50 on an MLB future and then 50 50 on the Super Bowl future and then $15 Frank just sets on fire in the parking lot yeah okay okay well we have to plan that we should do that what show we should we should probably talk about that because the playoffs have already started right we could do second rounds we could do whatever we could do a series I know next I think I’d rather just take the final future right yeah okay well why don’t we we’ll talk about it this week we’ll have a we’ll figure it out um as long as we don’t have well it’s a good thing there’s no Pittsburgh team in the NBA correct cond Condors have not existed Pisces from the movie fish the Condors have not existed in a long time con Hawkins yeah the uh The Penguins of course are not in the postseason second year in a row so we don’t need that the Pirates are awful now well they were for a while they were good and I’m not letting you waste money on the Steelers to win the Super Bowl hey thank you Sean Sean cut his camera off right now you’re directing today cut them off there just show me and right just show me yeah there you go yeah way to go Sean that’s what happens um by the way speaking of speaking of speaking of the Steelers I hope all those Bronco fans yeah all those Bronco fans just kept the the Russell Wilson jerseys they can make him Z make him Zack Wilson jerseys oh man genius thought what number did Zack Wilson wear for the Jets he wore two but I think he’s going to wear number five well three plus two is five there you go you just combine the numbers there you go everyone is look Ryan everyone is playing checkers Frank is playing chess playing checkers I’m playing chess yeah uh yeah that should be interesting that should be interesting we’ll see mini Dar thank you mini dar also gave us uh some suggestions early on in the show and it’s fresh up so thank you do we what do we know about mini Dar where is he located who are you maybe it’s a female I don’t know mini Dar send us a little B regardless thank you thank you thank you thank you we appreciate we appreciate anything we do you give us Sean sound the horns he says he’s a white they say white socks and Broncos fan it’s post white socks Bri it’s post time baby that’s that’s a tough existence at the moment yeah time for post of punch lines there is pretty pi and I’m the one saying that’s a tough existence which is really saying something white socks and Broncos yeah uh hey it’s time for post with punch lines and we’re gonna start with some NBA action right Larry Nance Jr yeah may or may not be betting former like I think he wants to clarify it so roll the clip he is not jeante Porter respectfully I’m uh I’m I’m I’m just I’m betting on the pills I’m not betting I’m not huge laugh he realizes it right away hysterical I’m betting on the P I’m not betting I’m not betting to be Larry clear see very clear Larry clear he goes like I don’t have any betting apps none of that I have no betting even says that yeah I am not betting on the PS I’m betting on us to win they’re exciting team to watch I like watching and Minnesota boy Minnesota look good too Minnesota look good why are you chanting Minnesota over there Sean it’s a meme that that’s one of that’s one that that’s a big time meme you know I what Minnesota what is a meme hey no uh what is it for that that’s when uh what was that but Biden won South Carolina in 2020 in the Democratic primary he basically did like a mini Howard Dean oh no Howard yeah yeah not quite that Howard Dean’s my favorite not quite that but in the middle of ling up the states goes Minnesota like just just like with the most epic energy of all time no Howard Dean that lost him Howard that costus Howard Dean a chance at the4 I was yeah I loved it the fact that that’s become legendary and Metal Sonic 64 wait Jer that’s Jerry is that Jerry I’m assuming no it’s not Jerry that’s my brother oh it’s your brother I saw by the way we didn’t ask Drew dog Drew dog what did you do this weekend anything exciting ask me went to the L don’t say Lake me Lake me why that I went to Lake me last weekend what’s said why that reaction oh because I got a flat tire there last Sunday oh yeah uh not the nicest roads lot of rock they tell oh it’s a lake you don’t realize there’s no beach it’s all rocks it’s not that’s not a beach oh my the lake is beautiful what isn’t a beach it’s a it’s not a I thought there’d be sand that’s what live you can’t import you live in a you live in a desert this is sand yeah you could bring sand in that was Sam Kennison by the way you know when I heard oh it’s kind of Rocky it was like a Flintstones episode that was it was like an a quarry anyway Drew it’s a beautiful Lake I liked it out there but I came up uh it wasn’t even on the Rocks anymore there was a there was a hole in the road the size of a crater hit it went right to my tire pressure and just saw it Go 38 20 13 so I got out ripped my shirt off jacked that baby up like a pit stop second flat tire I’ve had in three weeks in Vegas yeah haven’t had a flat tire in 30 years two in three weeks what does that mean I don’t know bad sign for the picks at 36 right oh my god there goes my alarm just went off because I have it set for 12 ladies and gentlemen it’s 1236 time for pick of 1236 Jerry we’ve got we’ve got a special we have a special what oh we got the graphic oh God who’s singing that I need to know right now was that Sean it’s the two of you plus Jerry what he we got a Harmony going oh my goodness cuz we sang it like it’s a joke so I timed the L that sounded frightening honestly can we hear it one more time Play One More Time Jeff and I need to hear this well then we’re not getting our picks at 36 we’ll get him inine at 1236 honestly is honestly the second time around it’s even better better it’s even better uh you know Frank just think about the royalties we’re going to get for this oh Frank yeah I wasn’t anticipating having uh an NBA play today but because of news I just saw I have an NBA play okay I’m going to take the the uh Los Angels Lakers plus to seven against the Denver Nuggets tonight uh I do not like the matchup okay I do like the match up at all I think the Lakers match up horrendously with the Denver Nuggets but Ryan McCormick you know who’s officiating the game tonight oh Don our boy Scott Foster is gonna be there at the my oh high city tonight and he hates the extender I I I don’t know if the Lakers will actually win the game out right I say that part mostly in just but I will be on the Lakers plus the seven and and I’m on the under tonight in the Giants and the bets at under eight and a half tonight in San any reason why who’s pitching or the matchup or what do you like the weather it was an eight that’s been bet to eight and a half okay and I thought that eight was the right number so we’ll take the hook and we’ll go from there maybe we’re doing a parl parlay or we’re doing a parlay parlay parlay parls parlay parlay with the S Ryan do you have anything for tonight um I do have one but you go first I do like the knights in Dallas okay good there you go um or we’ve had we’ve heard the stats or the over under is five and a half I kind of like that game under as long as it’s Logan Thompson in net okay um if it’s Aiden Hill there’s no no telling what will happen there right but I I yeah under five and a half you like that all right and by the way this is I did look at baseball last night the Pirates are coming off a six game that they’re they’re at 500 1111 they got swept at home by the Red Sox basically embarrassed fundamentally they couldn’t do anything more wrong I sent something to Ryan that the uh Pirates did on Thursday and I wasn’t clear I don’t know if the the meme was clear the TW tweet whatever um the Pirates had a what was what did they call it the strikeout they had a k cycle they they had a strikeout cycle a k cycle have you ever heard of this Jeff strikeout cycle on the ninth it’s kind of a newer turn strikeout cycle yeah well here’s what it is strike out three different ways caught looking swinging and then a pass ball thrown to first base drop third strike drop third strike correct that not pass I haven’t heard that I like that so anyway the PIR that happened to the Pirates that’s how their L’s been going I had never heard of it a casy they called it uh it’s up there with scorigami that we’ve discovered on the show all sorts of things I still want to do a South Point cycle where we all get a team or two uh I’ll make that happen for you next time we’ll do it next Thursday when Jeff is here anyway uh I like the Pirates Jared Jones who I have a Futures on for Rookie of the Year probably won’t pitch enough Innings but uh Jared Jones has been dominating they haven’t scored for him the Pirates have to break out they’re playing the Brewers who they play horrible in Milwaukee they play them okay at home the Pirates have to get off the schneide and win today I think it’s minus 140 at home but it’s all about Jared Jones leading the league in swings and misses I think he has 74 he struck out like 39 batters and 19 Innings it’s little league numbers almost anyway he is a rookie but he has been cool as a cucumber started the home opener Jared Jones minus 140 Pirates at home tonight is my pick I believe Frankie Fungo will probably throw that out there later too can we hear the music One More Time well we’re closing it up now that the picks are done hear one more third time is when the royalties really kick in and this is me you and Jerry Jerry your vocal on this too it’s mostly it’s mostly I can hear the parl slamming the desk at the end I can hear it there it is hard talking top right what Jerry very talented I think that’s all that has to come all right we’re doing more segments on the show and we we’ve gotten positive feedback from you guys and everything and we’re getting graphic so we really appreciate it we love it and Jerry thank you Pirates minus 137 I do like them yes I’m a Homer but they got to win sometime and Brewers uh I think Brewers are 14- six in first place ahead of our Cubs Ryan and Pirates but uh the Brewers the Brewers aren’t that strong and their pitching is going to catch up to them traded Corbin Burns and they’re 14- six they’re 10 and two away from home I know they are but they’re due this is I know they’ve been playing very well on the road Jared Jones baby JJ tonight watch him pitch if you’re a baseball fan watch his kid pitch Yankees just got shut out only three hits against the Athletics so congratulations Oakland always rude for them because they’re moving here ran they’re going to be our baseball team here are we getting have we figured out if they’re rebranding the name yet no I they haven’t rebranded the name in any of the towns that they I know right for over a 100 years why don’t they just keep the they can’t be the aces obviously I will say I I don’t have a problem with them staying as the Athletics because the color combination that they have is as good of a color combination as anyone in baseball plus money’s green Vegas I mean they could go to a different name with the green and gold why are you shaking your head they CU I hate those two colors oh I like could they bully you know why he hates the green and gold uh why football oh Packers sorry Packers what suck okay uh could they not just bully the aviators and take their name make the major league team the last I look look I I be the gamblers like we’re taking yeah I’d rather be the gamblers than the a I don’t think baseball would I don’t think they’d go for that gamblers brought to you by draftking right exactly right I don’t know if that’ll happen why not uh all right moving on into some posts what else do we have next now that we have so we were talking about Larry net Jr um talking about basketball so correct game one Celtics uh Celtics series ver the heat they did they had a halftime performance of I guess a woman that’s won America’s Got Talent she was I think she won she was on it I’ve seen her at AGT I want to say it was on the I think it was in Chicago when we were doing the show on the road but I think she goes by red panda or something like that yeah okay it is and there’s a little Leprechaun yeah the leprechaun looks really creepy the way he’s watching her by the way so here we go what she does she’s on a unicycle and I’ve never ever seen her this what it called This is red panda that’s what I just said red P thanks for watching red panda who you’ve never seen red panda before holy crap were you not listening to the show I’m listening I just said I saw her live when I used to do warm up AGT I told a 30 second story about her wow by the way Jerry goodbye yeah really he’s if you would stop checking your email about U who you’re booking on Sports by the book the rest of the week which by the way is actually exactly what I was doing by the way anyway Jerry you were flabbergasted by that that’s pretty you’ve never so so red panda as you mention as you mentioned uh I didn’t realize she was America’s Got Talent had listen every novelty every like when I was in Colombia covering missou still at the ESPN affiliate ktgr yeah that was the one treat a year for us during basketball we get red panda once a year and everyone doing normally at half time would just even if it was the cool dog catching the Frisbee which would happen once a year as well everyone go down get their their halftime food their everything in the media room no one would leave when Red Panda would perform it is amazing I mean she’s a one trick pony but it’s good great have you ever heard about red panda performing at mizou no oh you have no I was no he he’s just trying to make a bad joke of be not paying attention that’s all was I got you I wish I would have picked up on it I’m sorry I thought yeah literally I got that’s red panda hey that’s red Pand have you ever seen you never seen Ryan Ryan’s get a collab today for that and Jerry for the jingle I love all right moving on what’s the next I’m sorry I derailed him that was hysterical matter of fact 100 shows from now that’s the clip go ahead rack it up uh next year whatever 100 CHS is we have to show Jeff just just totally going into outer space so bad what’s next moving on okay sorry all right so going uh to La when Ann’s not here everything we just all chaos going to LA new Chargers head coach John Harbaugh J har I know it’s a common mistake people make Jim Harbaugh oh my God for the pi at 1236 yeah he he got a tat look at him by the way could he look creepier any creepier yeah but that’s how he looks though but he’s why is he staring direct he doesn’t does he not know the person I don’t think I think he’s just blankly staring as they’re finishing off the 15 and oh then a creepy smile 15 and0 yeah it’s he’s kind of creepy looking he looks like Kaden with those glasses on a little creepy d moresque by the way he then had the tattoo artist tattoo uh you know you girls can get that permanent makeup permanent pair of khaki pants so I’ll have the khaki pants in La they don’t wear khakis in La Jeff he doesn’t get that one oh no I get it I get it I had to give the same reaction yeah that was the same reaction that was still whenever J that that might be the worst joke that I’m doing at the Dennis Bono show on Thursday should I not do the C honestly you should you might get a laugh no I won’t be doing that uh what’s next sir uh so now going to baseball baseball Bunch we got a bunch of baseball stuff that we’re very excited to show you there’s some funny stuff happened over the weekend what are we starting with there was a a feel-good story for the Boston Red Sox this was the best even though this was against the Pirates this guy I you’re familiar with the movie The Rookie where Dennis Quaid played relief pitcher Jim Morris realized he could throw Heat this guy cam booer inj in scho what you want to call you can see everything he’s been through here so here’s McCutchen all of very good strikes him out yep they throw that ball out this kid he was he was building ceilings as as a carpenter and at 31 years old he makes it to the major leagu his family was there in the bur cheering him on I was cheering for the guy I mean the game was 8 to one I think it was 8 to one and there he is afterwards they they cut him no I’m joking no celebrating what a great moment and he got the last out right here I think this is triolo check swing to Dustin padya for Jerry Remy playing second play second for the Red Sox now uh but he got to close out the game and just a great story those are the kind of stories I love that was a great story that’s what makes baseball amazing it’s awesome he just he realized he could throw in the 90s with no pain and he played at an independent League team and makes it back to the majors with the Boston Red Sox yep very nice what’s the uh the next one is this uh Carrie Carpenter or John Sterling Carrie Carpenter okay Carrie Carpenter uh you got to listen to this little kid I’ll stop talking now this is what he yells to carry carpenter carpenter I need to make my S and he hears that can you sign my bad I’ll sign it then I need make my sister need to make my sister jealous so kids out there if you want autographs use that line because it worked by the way Carpenter was miked up for that somehow he is on a five or six game streak of having an RBI oh there see you do a good thing for the kids yeah there you go yeah uh tigers tigers tigers are surprising in that weak division go tag it well the whole the whole division is better than we thought other than Minnesota who’s awesome Royals look pretty good too yeah Royals I mean the guards are 16 and six I mean yeah I mean they’ve played more than half of their games against white socks in the A’s but I still I mean still pretty good yeah tigers look pretty good they played the Pirates too the Tigers and uh that’s what started our our losing streak I believe um all right and then okay so you’re you’re a New York guy or at least okay you’re familiar with yeah of course John Sterling yeah of course 18 36 years how many years was he they announced for the Yankees abruptly kind of just retired right well he’d been dealing with health issues the last few years hadn’t traveled on the road in a while and then obviously the health issues became too much you could kind of hear it in his voice not just not the same oomph that Sterling had for years and years and years an AB bomb from a rod right and um so he retired he’s retiring and they this is one of the most ridiculous absolutely insane is here to present you with let’s send a couple of the players out with an 83 in TV he didn’t even rap it no no bow and look at his reaction that’s not going to fit the mini for what for what Sterling said also on YES Network with Michael K later in the day that this is now his sixth television in his apartment he definitely just said I don’t think I can get that home right I think I can get that home Yankees are like hey we leave it here it’s uh I mean that’s just totally ridiculous I thanks John with a the voice of the that run from 96 through 2000 with four and five uh there you go an 83 inch TV that you could get a Costco for probably 500 bucks they they had Rock rigio buy it for him Rock Rio there you go oh actually no it’s probably well what you called it’s PC probably PC Richards thing PC Richards PC Richards and son you know that oh no is that like crazy Eddy I remember Crazy Eddie we talked about this last week didn’t we I don’t listen to you when you talk you don’t listen to me when I talk we just ignore each other fair enough like a married couple and that’s why we have this picture of us with heart surrounding us now uh but anyway yeah seriously the gu your broadcaster and you go hey here like can you imagine if the Dodgers did that to Vince Scully thanks Vin for 60 plus here’s here’s an 83 LG here’s a way that you can watch your replacement yeah here’s here’s how you keep up with a guy that’s more coherent with you and then I don’t know if you know this to end the celebration they brought red panda out and she threw the dishes up in the air and that Frankie has never seen before by the way we’re using that clip this week later um all right and then what are is there another baseball one or that was the baseball there’s two more baseball okay what do we got the first we showed the Giants home run to start Kay u a kayak a Dodger fan tried to catch a home run in La this guy and it’s nowhere near him but he throws his glove to it that’s what little Leaguers do when there’s a ball over their head which is illegal by the way that was that was on Saturday yeah against the Mets that was on Saturday that was actually Starling Marte three-run Homer to give the Mets the lead for good in that game and watched it live yeah and I could not stop laughing for 20 minutes cuz all I all it’s like oh that Ball’s out of here and then you see the glove come in the frame like wait it I legitimately re rounded and watched it four different times to make sure that my eyes didn’t de see I imagine he’s had a few beers and he’s like I know I’ll get it oh yeah I me because you know there’s a lot of problems you know who’s caught a ball that way I know there’s a Bugs Bunny cartoon where bugs is playing shortstop and he throws a glove up and it comes back down Oh I thought you were going to say you did that that very impress bu bunny did it uh Bugs Bunny’s done it and bugs bnny also struck out have any have any have have any any actual human beings got the ball no that’s I know it’s insane uh so that’s a couple two weeks in a row Something’s Happened in the outfield on a nationally broadcasted Dodger game uh the week before it was the guy who caught the Home Run and then pulled a fake ball out from his pocket to throw it back I for it’s almost that’s three weeks in a row then because we also had show ha’s first Homer as a Dodger that oh my God that debacle Yeah that poor woman there was actually a funny video Someone put on it was like a like how the Dodger how intimidating they were a couple did a video but I’m sure they might have just done the same thing with his record breaking home run that now he’s the Japanese leader he broke uhi mitsui has 176 homers now or 177 whatever so did I didn’t see again no I I’m just sure it played its way into it’s amazing when you work at the Ballpark your whole day is gone and then you get home and the last thing you want to do is watch more baseball so I will tell you I was a little surprised that Hideki Matsui only hit 175 homers in the majors you know he had I he came over when he was older too that’s really the big thing he was big in the postseason right he had I mean yes he the postseason that’s why it seems like more because he was such a key player I me matui never hit more than 31 homers which is still that’s I mean well I mean he also was playing in the Yankee Stadium for the majority of his career a left-handed hit a power hitter you would have expected more right with that short porch That’s why Juan stto 18 to1 was the pick for home run title uh and now we’re we’re going to golf no well one more baseball one more baseball I might have to see University which white elephant is is Goki playing for him no so I oh this is amazing yeah instead of being on the hardwood they did a tip drill and not football either all right and those two watch this so he goes to go over the fence robs the Home Run brings it back flips it and there’s his buddy uh just your traditional f78 scorecard and you know what that shows when you’re an outfielder don’t be lazy when a ball like back up like I it always drives me crazy when center field or left field they don’t like if they see a guy that might dive and then they’re like oh crap I got that is a great example of a center fielder who’s doing his job don’t just stand there uh plus you stand in the Outfield so that’s why I could never play I was so bored in the Outfield and back up do that line up cover second if there’s some chaos run to Second sometimes you’ll see that center fielder be there yeah in a run down got to pay attention out there a lot going on that was a great I know you had to search for that clip because we were talking about it and found it so very nice uh yeah the guy with all the three-pointers gokki what was his name again jack Go Jack goky come on you can’t jack go what the what is going on I didn’t hit stop I’m sorry what is happening here I forget it the what do I do without because I stopped paying attention for the alarm goes off at 1236 and I hit snooze inadvertently twice so that’s why so okay great baseball Bunch that was a good baseball Bunch clips and then I think we have one more we we’re going to the world golf y ppga ladies PGA yep what do you got Ryan her name is uh Nelly Corda okay she’s won five straight tournaments tying the record um so she had won 260,000 late January 300,000 in March then the next week she won 337 and then the beginning of April she won 300,000 this most recent tournament she won 1.2 million wow and when you compare that to Scotty Sheffer who’s won four of the last five tournaments he’s won 16 million yeah I mean lpj is coming on but yeah the the discrepancy is still there but um yeah that’s amazing five five first place finishes in a row y when I was a kid the female golfer that was the only one you’d see on Sports Center trivia question for Jeff parl Nancy Lopez married to former Mets hero 1986 World Series scored the winning the Mook run who Ray Knight Ray Knight she was to R well you you g you gave it away I wanted to you know by by the way got dely quter of course family is unbelievably athletic her sisters in the LPGA as well Jessica and Sebastian Corda is one of the upand cominging American hopes in tennis now oh wow there you go wow it’s also sounds like they’re a very wealthy family that they can afford to send their kids to play Golf and Tennis all time I will let you say that not me well it’s true I mean you know that’s why pickle ball sweep in the nation get a it’s cheap uh all right Sean you did a great job direct and cut Jeff off for a second I don’t want to see Jeff there we go just show there we go joking I do have a question for Jeff but oh you do have a question for Jeff go for well so we have the NFL draft coming up this week yeah starting on Thursday do you have any props that you like I bet nothing so far now talk to me in the next 48 hours I might have something well you won be on the show in 48 hours what said well you won’t be on this show in well no it’s good he can email us in a pict sport Sports by the book I’ll I’ll have something but I will I will say this just the biggest the biggest thing right now in this draft is everyone has no idea Washington’s going to do it too I got to go Jaden Daniels yeah I you would think that Jaden Daniels they take Ryan’s boy Drake May at number two I can’t really get on him for that my boy and then my boy oh no I get it Carolina blue yeah but I you know it’s luk the one thing that I will look at uh because a lot of the good numbers are gone you could have really done a really fun job of getting a nice number of Daniels to go to a nice number Onre Madea go too I’m not buying the JJ McCarthy stuff not buying that I think the earliest he goes is four in a trade yeah Minnesota’s not going to trade up I I think it would be the Giants would move from six to four if something like that would to happen they Daniel Jones for three years at $90 million oh get out of it yeah but yeah know it’s this is a weird betting draft it because in the like even in the past like I would probably have probably about four or five bets on the draft last year I had nothing last year was a weird one as well cuz it was really just all you could really do was if you weren’t buying that car that Carolina was going to take Bryce young had one and then they were going to take stoud that was really the only thing you could really do a year ago uh yeah it just it’s it used to this used to be the best event for the betters period the NFL draft it’s still good for most betters but you have to be on it early enough before the books get their numbers all stabilized well it’s great for fans I this will be my first time watching it in Vegas I mean I that’s one of my favorite days of the year I watch I even watch Friday and Saturday I’m always watching the ticker um we have some footage uh that my buddy Frank mer Frank mergie took will show on Thursday of him uh Mike Simon who is Travis Kel’s agent we actually have a personal home footage of Kelsey getting drafted which I don’t know if been seen much we’re going to show that later in the week we’ll do it Thursday on draft day and uh do we have your buddy coming on Friday or not yeah yeah we’ll have Daniel Binger Daniel Bellinger is gonna be here he’s back Ryan’s friend is coming in and he can talk Studio no no it’ll be a video call yeah he’s in been very impressive that would have been a great get by Ryan McCormick it is it’s still a good get Ryan I’m still an excellent get and uh that’s guy’s red panda right there tomorrow we’ll have Chuck Esposito back on the show excent he’ll be able to talk more draft props he can talk about the draft props so Chuck Esposito will be here uh I’ve never been on an on an NFL draft I’ve never been in Vegas for an NFL draft uh I’m excited for it it’s being held in Detroit it’s going to be a great atmosphere and uh I I’ve never been I think was Caleb Williams minus 10,000 no since I’ve been the number one overall pick now Frank hasn’t been for months yeah what’s that there hasn’t been for months I thought there was a minus 10,000 maybe it was no it’s minus uh minus uh 200 minus 20,000 now oh it’s 20,000 D you want that I say we pull our money together guys to win 100 bucks you the petty cash right right we’ll do petty cash mini Dar we’ll take the hot dog money we’ll do it we’re getting hot dogs we’ll eat them on Jeff’s why don’t we have a hot dog next Thursday on Minar I on the show yeah is Kaden here to embarrass YK what was that right I said I think we have to go to New York now yeah I agree dollar dog we could do the nine and9 challenge Vinny get the jet fuel up the jet ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching this episode Jeff let everybody know the Times sports book Tuesday through Saturday 8 to or excuse me 9 to 10 Pacific time uh I don’t is there what’s even the time zone that’s left of us now cuz Hawaii’s two hours from here right you’re just kid confusing the hell out of 9:00 9 to 10 9:00 Pacific Time new and Eastern Tuesday through Saturday je and Alex white Alex will be here Wednesday Friday tomorrow Chuck Esposito we’re gonna talk draft we’re getting into that magic time and we’ll have a lot more fun stuff and uh Thursday I’m on the Dennis Bono show so make sure if you’re at South Point I’ll be on the Dennis Bono show I just found out like 10 minutes ago all right all right uh red panda we love you Sean great job directing uh Lin uh what’s the show called punch Lines line stands for live in Nevada every show [Music]

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