Followers Golf Bag Rating (What Would You Change?)

Followers Golf Bag Rating (What Would You Change?)

In this video, we’re reviewing the Followers Golf Bag and discussing what changes we would make. If you’re a golf enthusiast, this review is for you!

welcome back Rob with another episode of raing my followers uh golf bag looks like we got a pretty good looking golf bag here a couple things I would add probably help your game out a little bit but we’re going to start off with the Rogue driver love that driver great driver especially if you’re trying to get a really cheap driver now and you’re trying to upgrade you can get them really cheap it’s amazing I still have the 3-wood it hits bombs super straight uh we’ll start I can’t see with the loft is on it then he’s rocking looks like he upgraded to the Callaway Maverick 3-wood I personally went with the Rogue I think the Rogue is better than the Maverick uh the new smokes I haven’t hit them yet but I’ve heard them they are amazing or even the paradigms the Maverick series I wasn’t a huge fan of um but if you’re hitting it straight good for you this is just my preference because when I rate these golf bags guys it’s all in good fun it’s my opinion uh we’re going to sit over here looks like you’re rocking some oh nice some Titus t200s I believe looks like you got four through pitching wedge don’t really see the P wedge in there uh maybe it’s hiding somewhere but if you don’t definitely get a p wedge maybe left it on the green or I can’t see it um he’s rocking the Callaway Jaws wedges he’s got the 52 5660 if you do have the Titus t200s they are um strong lofted so you’re going to have a bit of gapping between your pitching wedge and 52 I would have went 50 54 58 better gapping otherwise you’re going to have like 6° instead of four degrees of gapping um You’re Rocking The Odyssey white hot blade pop popular putter Odyssey is one of the most popular Putters on tour great putter um I like mallets but if you’re not three putting that’s amazing looks like you got a nice 14 way bag with the well in it for the putter super easy to get out especially if you put in your carart doesn’t Clank as much great golf bag um you got kind of like the blue not my favorite coloring but if it is yours that’s cool it’s a great golf bag keep your clubs organized couple things I would add in your golf bag I would probably like try to get a fivewood or seven wood um that way if you need some Fairway finder I think it’s better than a driving iron depending on what your handicap is if you can hit it gr but if you can’t definitely go with that and also I’d probably throw in maybe like a three hybrid for gapping just for those long shots you might need get a three hybrid in there but overall good looking bag good looking bag I would switch out the Maverick add those things overall yeah I like it man I I give this bag uh seven out of 10 yeah solid golf bag so if you guys want me to rate your golf bag send it into me and I’ll rate it as well as send some your uh golf swings

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