Golf Players

BAM: Ep. 148 – Reviewing The Draft Pt. II

The 49ers used their 10 draft picks to acquire 8 athletes! Breezie and Mike spend today’s episode discussing those picks!

The final 4 picks

Let’s have fun!

yo Breeze nah son this ain’t me this ain’t this ain’t me this is this is you whatever four more in the chamber man you ready to get to it click click baby click click [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what’s going on 49 and faithful ride with your boys we in the building baby what’s good Mike yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir shout out to the faithful out there man shout out to the family out there I see y’all in the chat man salute and respect salute and respect man I’m happy to be here today man it’s a good day and we started on time yes we did we were now on time yeah yeah no hate no shots thrown and I got called late but that’s cool another story for another time it is tank top Tuesday here on the BAM show what you you about I was about to strip see I’m about to you doing like the with the one show like uh N I ain’t doing nothing trying [Music] right now I’m trying to get it balanced out cuz maybe my shoulders are a symmetrical all you about the with the with the track I mean trying to make sure trying to make it even they popping then with the picture being inverted it messes with you so you start I was going there you go cuz you would have came out with some crazy you would have said something which you just never mind Mike you know what it’s good to see you bro it’s good to see you every day but today is especially good to see you cuz I know I hit you up this morning with some like I was mad all day I felt like I was the Mad rapper today I’m saying the good news is that passion ain’t gonna go anywhere I think you can Chanel that whenever you want I really I really really do well let me ask you what was your initial reaction when I just started like going from zero to 100 real quick I’m just curious to know so the messages all started coming in like when you sent the group like I was I was in the middle of interviewing people I’m hiring somebody some my phone was just going crazy in my pocket and I’m like yo my house better be on fire right now like I didn’t know what was going on cuz I don’t send one long message I break it down by sentences yes one at a time and this was a soliloquy like so I’m sitting here like yo what is going on right now like is everything okay like I’m trying to make sure everything cuz my son got out of school early today and he knows to reach me on the phone if something’s wrong so I was like it better not be that and I see I open up the like just glance at the phone real quick and it just say WhatsApp notification I’m like this mother all right man it’s cool so I just I just let it go man I just wanted to make sure you was all right I don’t even think I got back to you for like another hour like I like you did you did take your time but I needed to respond when you had the chance you know what I’m saying I just but I needed to I needed to put it on paper or or message whatever you want to call it yeah but it’ll give us something to talk about in the future you know I like that for sure for sure H 100,000% oh um I just finished my um I I just finished recording my my these are the break session for Ricky Piel okay and I picked the game I wanted to pick because everybody want to use whatever game so I picked the game and I went through that game and I was like yo this kid is about to be nasty not nasty not nice but nisty niy oh oh we should bottle that yo bottle it bro ni niy nisty however I just say nisty but you could however you want to do it like you know what I mean yo he about to be nisty bro you know what I I I wish I could that should be the brand for a hard tea liquid drink uh copyright that’s copyrighted right you know what let me just type let me copyright that nice tea we recording it so it’s here like people can’t say that they did you know what I mean this is but you know what I was saying to myself mik the ners out of all the receivers that were still available top receivers you still had some top 10 guys you had you know what I’m saying and and mind you he was in my top 10 he just a slot guy to he was just a slot guy Mike you gotta watch the film I gotta I you got to watch the film so guys the patreon start tomorrow two new tiers only tiers it’s the intro tier and then there the the tier which going to get you all the breakdowns all that type of stuff all right make sure you guys go to the patreon ww. backthe Wayne Breezy you do not want to miss that it’ll be available for you guys um you know on tomorrow tonight or tomorrow but Mike he’s nicey like he get first of all he can get open second of all he is tough I I mean because the game I I you you know that highlight saw where he made the one-handed catch yeah he got blasted like both in that game they was they was head hunting for him it’s it’s that game it’s that game and just to give a little excert of of what the video he was targeted seven times and he caught all seven passes I’mma leave it at that so check it out it’s gonna be on the patreon Miss Debbie says hey how are the band Brothers doing on this thankful Tuesday blessing to everyone in the chat remember to hit that like button thank you so much Miss Deb we appreciate you shout out to all the the members as well man I don’t think you played any sound effects when we started the show you normally hit us with something like a I hit it with the fog horn I said what’s good everybody I oh okay dang I forgot I I don’t remember hearing it it’s cool though I was too busy laughing I’m sorry of course like like dang like and yes I do have the all 22 that’s what’s taking me so long to get this stuff out all right so it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood man it’s uh it’s tank top out here what what’s the temperature like up where you are bro bro it’s it say it’s 50 something but it’s like 30 something it feel like 30 oh it’s cold up there yeah don’t it’s not warm like it was down here like yesterday was warm yesterday was like 80 like 80 easy yeah know it was beautiful out here we got our first Super Chat of the episode what’s going on baby I got the there it is what’s going on Sean uh you’re not hearing this oh so you not hearing the sounds so that’s why that’s why I didn’t okay now now it’s all making sense Sean called me last night and I was either sleep or in the shower and then went to sleep I don’t remember which one but I got to call there we go there we go I got I gotta call Sean back yeah Sean called me as well and I don’t know what I was doing at the time but I couldn’t answer the phone I hope he’s all right I crashed early I crashed early last night so I have to hit my man showing up oh I think I was watching the game it was like not the right time to call me Celtics played last night absolutely yeah no you y’all stay away from Wayne when the Celtics game is on I wouldn’t even I wouldn’t even do that I wouldn’t even do that so listen man we got we got to go ahead and get to it man we got uh four more picks to talk about they’re going to be going across the bottom of the screen um I believe we’re on you it don’t matter we both going to talk about him but uh your I believe your favorite pick in the entire draft I could be wrong but Isaac gindo running back man from what oh like yeah oh I just said from you’re right I didn’t I didn’t finish saying what I was say yeah so um this is definitely my favorite pick first of all I love running backs it’s my position second of all that mean that and that if I if I was ever if I was able to scout it I would want to scout running backs and linebackers I feel like that’s that’s that would be my Niche anyway um Isaac rendo 61 200 plus PBS 433 excuse me 431 I believe running back a 433 uh I just know he’s an early a quicker 43 I’m just trying to look for our grade here we go want to make sure I have my our grades from yesterday um you know when you look at him and if you watch some film on him you’re not going to always see the 43 speed because of the way that they utilize it him um but the one thing that stood out to me is and and and if I I hope I could find uh this particular game on the all 22 is his explosiveness and so when I when I look up uh when I when I think of Isaac gindo like what are you going to get from him well you’re going to get a strong Runner he’s just physically strong there’s nothing you could do about that he has the right body frame and I know there’s some type of report out there saying he could potentially replace Kyle yek or whatever like that [ __ ] shirt Kyle yek or whatever like that um you know what I’m saying as the fullback I mean if that’s how they see fit cool cool beans but that’s not how I’m looking at him he’s literally a running back like you know he’s a running back straight up 225 61 43 speed this kid has the home run speed how would I know because here we go where what what was I looking for last year he had a couple of long runs right and he has that Breakaway speed to where once he gets once he breaks he’s uncatchable and I think that’s what’s most important now he started his career off at Wisconsin uh he finishes last year four-year guy over at Louisville he did have to split the reps with other running backs um at Louisville and I think that might have hindered him a little bit that’s probably why he didn’t he wasn’t like such a high Prospect uh in this particular draft but the reason why kept saying that the Niners need to go after him mainly was because of his speed and versatility this is a kid that’s going to be able to be utilized I’m trying to figure out like yo why am I not finding that cuz I was on receiving um and not rushing and so I talked about that long 73 against Virginia uh and he finished that game if I’m not mistaken with six attempts n 94 yards in that game with a TD but his long was 73 and it was that touchdown he had that one explosive play so he’s a home run guy Mike how many times does Kyle Shanahan call a run play and if everything works it’s a touchdown like every time right um like I mean if everything is blocked perfectly yes it can it can go to the house absolutely and I think the ners are going to get back to getting some of those H run touchdown runs back into their system uh you know beginning next year year because when you look at Elijah Mitchell you look at Christian mcaffrey you look at Jordan Mason what don’t they have 4-3 speed all right so if that 4-3 speed is missing that means they could get down to the goal line but they’re probably going to run out of gas at some point they might get caught from behind well Isaac gindo is not going to get caught from behind like you know what I’m saying and I think that’s one of the things that they’re going to get from him he’s an outside Zone back most of his runs really gear toward being an outside Zone and he’s trying to get around that so I think this is a a really good solid pick in the fourth round he didn’t get drafted in the third round he didn’t get drafted in the second or the first uh if he was available in the fifth it would have definitely be more like a steal of the draft because you would have got really great talent from him uh in the fifth round but I think the ners got their guy and that’s what’s most important so that’s my take on Isaac gindo you know what I love the most about this pick other than like the physical tan I like his size I like his height and his weight and everything I love the fact that you have that height and weight combined with speed um you don’t see that a lot you know what I’m saying but he also runs with like a power element to his game Wayne did you know that this kid was the 10 the ninth running back drafted did you know that many running backs that came off the board before him well that’s not a lot of running backs is it considering that the first one didn’t come off till late the second round I I think that’s a lot I’m sorry I didn’t think late in the second round I didn’t think that was a lot because you knew at some point the running backs were going to have a day and it was going to start day too right like so you knew it was going to be Jonathan Brooks I think Trey Benson came off the board second which is kind of like how we had it uh Jaylen Wright I believe went right before Isaac gendo remember in the on the same day Blake corm Maron Lloyd Blake K went I think at the end of the third round if I’m not mistaken or maybe early fourth round I can’t remember no no no uh Ray Davis Ray Davis went before him and then will Shipley before him yeah so will Shipley out of Clemson so you knew there was going to be some type of run running back run the question is when was it going to start and some teams needed running backs and some teams needed to replenish or make their running back room a little different and I think that’s what K Shanahan did that’s why I kept saying he was going to stick to three to to three types of run three running backs this whole draft I think was the ones that Bobby Turner wanted Jaylen Wright really kicked off the running back way grabbed him thank you Dolphins it was a ners team that took him M yep and then 125 was Bucky Irving 127 was Shipley 128 was Davis 129 was Isaac and then 132 134 like so that’s where the run really started the ners couldn’t wait anymore he was gonna get he was gonna get picked up I I mean you know I see our our brother Oscar out there says he gets taken down too easily by fingertips not on every tackle I mean the kid average 4.24 yard 4 point two 4.24 yards um after contact that’s not bad like that’s not bad I mean there were some games yeah they did get finger T you know tackled for sure um but I think the key with him is plays yeah but we’ve seen him truck people also like let’s not and you and you’ve seen him carry people as well right yes yeah like that’s cool I I give the pick an a this is one of my favorite picks of the draft I think the Niners need to look for some backs that they’re going to have more confident in giving the ball to uh and I think that what we’re missing right now is a little bit of that speed speed element I think we are missing some of that speed element I think Elijah Mitchell and uh CMC are both uh more power related related guys than they are speed right now and I know that Elijah Mitchell was supposed to be the speed guy um but I like I like this pick a lot for the 49ers yeah solid pick for the 49ers clap it up for them man one [Music] time all right Mike we we still in the fourth round if I’m not mistaken yeah yeah the third pick in the fourth round went to wide receiver Jacob coing and this was a pick that I was completely baffled by I had no idea who this person was um I barely remember ever even seeing his name another Arizona wide receiver the 49ers have a trend the 49ers have a trend here guys they uh they all of a sudden love Arizona wide receivers so we’ll see how that all ends up playing out uh but this guy uh short fast you know you know he reminds me of who’s that ball in his hands who this GNA sound so weird Darren sprouls yeah like you like I can see it tough guy tough to take down tough to locate how about that you know what I’m saying um plays low to the ground but has speed to where he could beat you over the top you know that the the most interesting thing was um watching some of his film and saying to myself wait wait a minute this this dude is winning over the top not just in the slot I think he’s the slot monster like you put him in the slot good luck man you get a 438 guy lined up in the slot at what 51 how tall is he 5’8 57 I don’t know five I can’t I don’t have his height in front of me but all I know is he has the speed um and I think that’s super important you know what I’m saying cuz I’m not saying that we were missing that speed element but it just seemed like Kyle Shanahan needs a little bit more than just the speed element because you can’t you can’t just win with the speed in the NFL but if you have the ability to get open he runs routes pretty damn good and so like if you have the ability to get open and you have the speed to take the top off the defense they don’t know how to defend you so if you’re running up at 511 175 and and you’re running in the slot and they can’t catch you and then they line you up outside cuz Kyle uses all his wide receivers XYZ uh the bigger body frame guys will probably be used more in the zroll the flanker Roll But at the end of the day like Jacob cing is going to be able to take the top off the defense even at a 438 because of his ability to beat coverages and not just single coverage double coverage I don’t know how many times you watch he has Breakaway speed so you’re with him and the next thing you know he hits a button and he’s he’s like two three four yards in front of you mhm that’s what’s missing for instance he would have caught that pass from Jimmy garoo in the Super Bowl I’m just going to put it out there oh snap oh snap okay all right so you like this pick this a good one I I do I do like this pick he’s 5’11 according to PFF so nah it depends on what’s NFL draft thing got him at 5’8 we we don’t know how tall he is okay it’s all over the place he’s yeah follow follow the NFL draft follow the combine that’s the stuff we’re going to stick to I remember having this conversation during the draft I just don’t have that P that over Place yeah it no it it depends on what site you go to his his Wikipedia page will tell you 5’11 uh he was measured at NFL during the combine at 5’8 and some change but then he’s my height somewhere else and was taller so I listen I’ll be honest with you I kind of prefer him to be a little bit shorter than on the taller end of things I prefer him to be shorter it depends on when you’re using him you know what I like about him he plays big so at at 5’8 he’s playing at 5’11 he’s playing at 6’1 he’s playing bigger like you get what I’m saying and I think that’s what makes harder to defend him um and again it’s not about just his ability you know he’s a slot machine literally a slot machine like you know but be in a casino bang bang but at the end of the day you can line him up outside and he could win out there bro like that is key that’s his nickname for me Casino coow okay he’s a slot machine okay okay oh look at that I’m getting some nicknames for these players I like that I like that where’s my RI shot hey I give it an a man I I I really really like this pick after knowing nothing about it I like that the Niners went after another wide receiver um and I’m hoping that we have our own version of like a a Stephen Smith a Steve Smith Senior um probably with a little bit more speed I don’t know I like this kid I don’t know about his dogness yet so Steve Smith the thing that made Steve Smith Steve Smith was the dog and I don’t know if he’s that but if he’s that it’s a WAP like the literally have their receivers through 200 what year we in 24 right now so 2028 like they literally will have a a good set of receivers for the next almost four or five years like that’s crazy and if they keep drafting like this that’s saying something you know what I’m saying so yeah man there’s going to be some guys on the bubble I know a lot of people like yo Ronnie Bell’s going to be out I I don’t know cuz I I don’t think Ronnie I think Ronnie Bell has and I don’t think he did anything to not be around like I thought last year he held it down Mike what did you give um Isaac gendo I missed that an a I gave an a also yeah all right and so Jacob Cen you gave it a I’m giving an a all right um Sean Shepard with the Super Chat contribution he says so I think we got the receivers for Jennings this year and next the fast running back big boy talking about Isaac gindo I think he’s going to replace Debo short yardage though 4-3 speed uh strong one miss to the house so he say he’s going to replace dbo what are your thoughts on on these comments um I I think that if anybody is replacing anyone it’s not because of just like play it’s going to be because like contracts couldn’t be adjusted or come to an agreement on I don’t think the Niners got these guys with the intention of saying hey we got him so we don’t need him anymore you know I think they would happily replace guys at the bottom end of the roster instead of the top end with these these young players that they drafted I think I agree I I agree with you 100% And um I don’t look at it Sean as Replacements uh what’s another word for like I look at it as I look at it as a substitution I guess I I can’t think of a different word but if you have a a kid with the ability to catch the short yard stuff and you can take Deo off the field for a while and still possibly get some of that same type of production I think that’s what Kyle Shanahan wants to do his job is to make sure that the offense is producing and it never goes stag supplement yes so sub yeah supplement was the word thank thank you Oscar that’s exactly what I was talking about and then it allows you what’s going on Fernando it just allows K Shanahan to keep the formation he wants on on the field endlessly so if it’s 11 personnel he wants three wide receivers out there well he can give you the speed from Jacob cowing he can give you the uh he can give you the speed from Ricky Piel and he can give you the speed from Debo people keep thinking Debo Debo’s not a slow guy he ran a 44 you know what I mean so imagine having those three wide receivers and I know people like well Brandon nuk’s not on the field listen he has endless and he doesn’t get run down from behind he has endless coners combinations with three wide receiver sets I think that is something that we’ve never seen before and this is not about replacing Jawan Jennings you now have Jaan maybe now he can line up on the outside because he’s a big guy and or keep him on the inside or let him there’s so many endless I just think there’s endless opportunities K Shanahan’s going to use with with all these different Dynamic uh pieces that he now has in his toolbox like you know what I’m saying it’s it’s almost like having like 10 pair of Jordans which ones you going you going to compliment them today which ones you going to go with today like you know what I’m saying I’m going go with these JS with these jeans and this whatever whatever now his wide receivers are going to be like that that t is crazy and I use Jordans because K shahan loves Jordans yeah there you go there you go I like it man so that’s the end of the round four picks right yes so now we’re on to round six because the Niners traded their fifth round picks to move up to four to get Isaac gindo and then they still have one of their six round picks um that they had left in the draft and they draft offensive lineman guard Jared uh Kingston out of USC this guy was to me brought in for pass Pro um I I think that’s where he’s going to shine uh if if there is a strength there it’s going to be his uh the way he sets his base and he gets ready um and pass protection um I you know this I was like who who was this kid M what what are we doing we taking him and then you look him up and immediately the thing that stands out is is his athleticism score you know you look at the Raz and the athleticism score and it’s through the roof it is absolutely through the roof uh and maybe that’s going for sorry his R score uh I got to pull it back up if I’m not mistaken it was like a nine point four let me see hold on I’m pulling it up right now his Ras oh I’m I was way off it was 9.9 yeah yeah yeah 9.9 so it’s up there um and even the NFL Network when they do the profile on they give players an athleticism score um and it was 92nd yeah like I think his shuttle his shuttle time was Elite and you know there are a couple of things that Kyle covets when it comes to his lineman it’s the shuttle it’s the 10 yard split and it’s the three cone and if you score well on these you’re a 49er well I don’t even think the position matters right it it doesn’t it doesn’t matter just bring them down just it doesn’t matter if you if you have the ability to be able to get in and out of your brakes be able to Pivot swivel do all that all the things that the three cone drill allows wants you to do to run 20 yards Sid line to sideline that’s the shuttle right to to to run 10 yards how fast can you Run 10 yards you’re too big to run 40 but how fast can you run a 10 I think that’s the issue like I think that’s what Kyle Shanahan covets when it comes especially when it comes to his lineman whether it’s on the offensive side or the defensive side because the ners don’t feel like they’re going to allow you to run you know unless they miss tackles 40 yards down the field and I’m going tell you right now man if it wasn’t for some of the speed on some of these Defenders that we got she right yeah yeah you want to know why they getting faster just in case there’s a Miss tackle and they got to catch somebody from down behind and save save a touchdown yeah how many times did we see that last year so you this year and on once we finish up you know Jared King uh King uh Jered Kingston and and bethon grades I do have something I want to say and I hope I don’t forget it but this year was the year of something all right well cross your finger and hold on to it all right and then all right so I’m going to give my great here for Jared Kingston uh I gave this one a c minus oh my gosh C minus or C you got a C minus yes I wrote mine before you wrote yours oh that’s AES told me yours um and by the way it’s it’s closer to a c than a c minus like I’m not down on the kid yet I’m not down on all well I think run blocking is the key um and if he can if he can show that he if they kick him you know if he can show that he can kick out he can do pulling I think we see a lot of that this year if he can show that early and and rooky mini camp OTAs If he if he has the ability to do that I’m GNA be loving it it’s going to be a good grade this kid could be special if he learns one thing what’s that balance balance if he learns balance he’s got a bright future ahead of him balance all right all right uh and the last pick of the draft for the San Francisco 49ers was linebacker Tatum bethon and he is coming all the way from those undefeated simol s you know when I hear I hated the Florida state sels because of my youth yeah why I loved X-Men bad guys called in there Sentinel stin it were Sentinels but the seminal and Sentinels was like a thing in my head I hated the seminal okay I hat in my head it was crazy like Wolverine would never so then I was almost a never mind I ain’t gonna tell you I want to gash you up but there’s a college that is the Wolverines and I was almost a fan of them so but I didn’t do it I didn’t do it h you should have did it all right so tat Bon 2361 um do we have his 40 time can you get that up from me just curious to know what he did in the 40 find his stats all right so here we go man he played 2051 snaps he started out his first three years at univers University of Central Florida finished his last two years at Florida State um he didn’t do anything oh so he see he had a pro day pro day yeah check the pro day it’s not going to be at the combine did I say combine I pro day no you just said p is 40 so I just looked I went right combine um 4.77 4.77 I’m curious do do they have a split for him um it was no this is this is his uh I’m asking that question because if you watch film on him he doesn’t run a 47 he’s sideline to sideline here for him yeah I don’t see a split um so I watched some film on him and the film that I saw great tackler good finisher too right like he’s going to wrap he’s going to wrap up he’s going to tackle uh he had a total of 48 pressures so he has the ability to get to the quarterback you can use him as a Blitzer so you telling me a 47 guy slow mother trucker like this is able to get to the quarterback he had 11 sacks throughout his career all right far as nine hits as well so he’s putting hits on the quarterback and 28 hurries 213 uh plus 76 tackles so you you’re over 300 plus tackles for him uh only 51 Miss tackles but 132 stops I’m sure you could pull up the tackles for losses because that’s different stops could be just line of scrimmage no gain uh or behind the line of scrimmage but if you want to look up the tackles for a loss be my guess three Force fumble made by this kid uh he’s only given up two TDS and if I’m not mistaken he has three interceptions with four pbus so I feel like he’s going to be he can play Mike he can play the weak side like you can get him in coverage and people were worried about his speed I I didn’t see his 40 his slow 40 time at his at his pro day is not what I’m watching on the football field so that’s why I’m curious I can tell you why uh his 40 time is slow the fact that he didn’t run it at the NFL combine maybe he wasn’t invited but he wasn’t invited he got weigh and everything there weit weit weit and height and all were there so I don’t get it but anyway uh he wasn’t interested in working on the com like he only did the bench press got you so um that means that he wasn’t working on that and and Eric Crocker told you I don’t know if you guys remember the story or not he came on here and said that he did a workout I believe it was like for the the Eagles or the Jets and then he did one for the Saints um and he said one of them he didn’t work on his 40 time and then the next one he trained for like a week on how to just start right because his track yes right and he said he cut down it by like 02 like it made that big of a difference in his 40 time point2 of a difference so imagine if he worked on his start time it would be point 4.57 you know what I mean which you’ll say his plenty of speed for a linebacker so it’s nothing to uh really snub your nose out there all right so he had five tackles for a loss five and a half tackles for a loss in 2023 alone this kid this kid has the ability pulling that up this kid has uh shout out to Oscar this kid has the ability to be a monster and you you know if I can find you know some people were drafted in the first round I’m going to look up jayen Jaylen Graham they didn’t have 11 career sacks in college so Jaylen Graham played four years out of Purdue 17 total pressures two sacks five Hits 10 hurries his tackles were only 72 I believe um 70 stops Jaylen Graham the our seventh round linebacker we drafted last year here I’m going with this okay um and I believe he played Mike linebacker at Purdue I’m curious to know I don’t know what he ran he it said he ran a 464 here and you said that what’s his name was a 47 s speed Sim similar speed Jaylen Graham 6’2 220 um the Niners went linebacker again at 251 in this draft I’m not saying Jaylen Graham won’t make the roster but what if the competition said I wouldn’t make it [Laughter] no the numbers are straight up literally similar he had Jaylen Graham was probably more of a pass coverage guy he can line up in the slot he played free safety um he had 13 pbus you’re not getting that out of out of Bon oh this is this is this is gonna be legit this is the Dre green law type yes yes the D Winters that which is who they said D Winters was for yeah you know what I mean so let me just do a quick D Winters lookup I just I just want to see what D Winters did and then we’re done with this but mik do that I will read Jack’s super here’s the CH she says are you guys grading the players will you grade them later I can I was about to say we were grading the pcks uh and the pcks is based off of what we thought of the players and where they got them um you know but the players I I I think we’re kind of putting that all in there together together um we could I I’ll happily do more film breakdown on them and talk about them individually if we want to do like a highlight Series where we you know for two weeks just each individual player for the whole episode that that’s cool with me too uh I would like to do that backwards though if we were to do that start from the the last pick and work our way to the first one uh but either way I mean that I’m including part of it in my grading here so but thank you so much for the Super Chat we appreciate it so it’s interesting find numbers when I look up D ERS 511 227 but he ran a 449 he’s a 44 guy speed so I see him more as a guy that they utilize on base downs and blitzing right right he lined up he played free safety in college he also played in a slot so he has the speed to cover um at times only three pbus is a responsible for four TDS it’s interesting cuz I I wonder where where green law was I I don’t know if it goes that far back if I have to dig into the data as far as you know with with their with their basis but I think I know what the Niners are doing man like I I I think Tatum bethon has the opportunity to come up on to this team uh and win a roster spot literally and start week one as a seventh round pick it all depends on how cognitive he is out there on the football field his abil AB ility to play recognition but I think we forget that right CU if you play the weak side you got to know if it’s going to be a pass or a run and you got to be quick with it so play recognition I think is going to be on point his ability to to dissect the play break it down really quickly is going to be on point and he may do it better than D Winters or Jaylen Graham so it’s going to be interesting to see how how that works out oh my God like the depth I like the depth that the linebacker position I just got excited because like d you got dff I think you have I feel like Curtis what’s his last name Robinson I feel like he’s still around or something with the Niners right this is going to be interesting is he still here I feel like he is I feel like they signed him to something the Niners got a nice room of linebackers the issue is it’s Fred Warner an injured green law and you now does does Demetrius Flanigan fils make that Leap Forward that’s to be continued right uh listen so what’s your grade what’s your grade on Tatum bethon here um I gave him a B minus okay okay all right I just gave him a c um but that’s close that’s close in proximity there that’s not terrible because the his ability to make plays I think is innate I felt like Dre green law wasn’t dope until he started making plays does that make sense MH and then all of a sudden he became Dr Green law like right did that did that Seahawk game like change the way AB freaking l no one knew him before then I feel like that’s how it was and on top of that it built up his confidence cuz he knew him he knew who he was but when you make that type of a play and that type of a game against that type of a rival no turning back and then you ever you ever you ever you ever lost weight and then when you lose the weight you like oh shoot I’mma keep doing whatever I gotta do I’mma go harder this day I’mma go harder this you know what I’m saying I feel like that’s what Dre green law did and that’s why he became and on top of that whose Shadow is he in who’s the guy that get all the the hoop yeah so he trying to let people know silently he not the type to talk he’s just going to show it on the football field he’ll body slam your nostrils I tell you that yeah now you had your fingers crossed for something what was it that you were supposed to remember to say the 49ers drafted based off of athleticism in this draft Mike I think they went the athletic route I’m doing my two up so I don’t forget to add on what you got I said tag now I’m tagging you in I eat this cantaloupe two a words two athleticism and age age well I like to call age uh experience yes sir mhm now there was some news that came out today well at least you told me about today that may change that you talking about the NCAA covid rules ah yes that stuff is officially over no more six-year players the Niners got all the six-year players they could get they got all the experienced players they’re ever going to have hopefully it works out for them but I feel like they went athleticism in this draft they added more speed element not and not just the fastest top speed they added speed with substance I think that’s most important because I’m not going to sit here and say Danny gray is a terrible football player but if all he can bring is speed that’s not going to work in Kyle Shanahan’s offense now the question is why did they draft him yeah or was that a pick for a guy that could get the ball down the field so you get what I’m saying so like that that quarterback is no longer a part of this roster or part of this organization and now you got the changeing of the Guard so it’s okay to make mistakes man I just want people to understand that it’s okay to make mistakes it’s all about learning from the mistakes that you made Bingo that’s going to do it man listen we hope y’all enjoyed this show we broke them all down all eight of them in out now that’s it it’s over uh but we have a lot more shows to bring to you guys tomorrow I got a feeling Breezy going to be fired up so y’all not going to want to miss tomorrow’s episode man it’s going to be a lot of fun and uh we get out of here man that’s going to do it um we’re live all the time kicking it with the fam bro that’s Breezy I’m Mike and this is the BAM show peace peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]

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