Golf Players

3 Things That Shane Lowry Does That Will Help Your Golf

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Shane Lowry recently paired up with Rory McIlroy to win the Zurich Classic. In this video, I break down the 3 things Shane does in his golf swing that will help the mid handicapper to hit the ball further, stop slicing it, and strike the ball pure.

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Shane lry paired up with Rory maroy to win the Zurich Classic the only team event on the PGA tour this last week what I thought I’d do is just break down his swing to have a look and and show you the three things that you should be doing that Shane does that will improve your golf game Shane isn’t necessarily known for his like brilliant golf swing it’s pretty unique to him obviously he’s grown up in Ireland where it’s windy so he’s definitely a shot maker as opposed to like a perfect technical swinger he Swings with a lovely rhythm it’s very risky he manipulates the ball a lot around the course and there’s definitely some moves in here that will that will help the average golfer so the first thing that I really like what he does he is really really good leg action in his back swing and what I mean by that is his right leg moves straight back in the in his takeaway so that just sets the club in motion for the hands to work in and the club to work deep it also allows for a good hip turnning the back swing and a good hip turn in the back swing will lead to a bigger shoulder turn the other thing that Shane does which is worth copying if I just draw a line on his on the edge of his knee on the face on what you see is his left knee comes in quite a lot on the way back now I don’t know Shane personally but he doesn’t look to be the most mobile man or the most mobile golfer on the PJ tour so allowing that left knee to come across and for that right knee to go back that’s just going to allow him to create a bigger hip turn which is going to allow him to make a bigger shoulder turn and achieve more depth at the top doing this is going to help you hit it further it’s going to help you hit the ball more from the inside and it’s also going to stop you swaying so much on the way back a lot of golfers hit the ball from the back foot way too much so focusing on bringing the knee back turning the hips more it’s just going to keep you a little bit more centered we don’t really want to sway off too much because that’s going to give us strike problems and strike problems give us every kind of problem so that’s point one point two is Shane does an absolutely amazing job of turning his shoulders on a 90° angle to his spine so you can sort of see halfway back how his shoulders have turned well 90° to his spine the reason we want to do this is because it’s going to help us strike the ball before the ground ground so if your shoulders swing back and they’re flatter than your spine angle then that means you’re coming out of posture and it makes it very very difficult to strike the ball properly on the way down if you were going to design a robot to hit a golf ball it’s an arm that swings around a fixed Point um that fixed point is the top of your spine or the base of your neck and where we really want to do our best to make a turn around that point because that’s going to allow us to return the club down to the same place so Shane does a great job of working the legs right leg straightens left knee comes in left shoulder goes down and he hits pretty much a pitch a perfect halfway back position there where he’s he’s managed to turn on a tilted angle which is angled down towards the ball and and that is absolutely A1 so if you want to improve your strikes it’s really going to help if your left shoulder Works down down your right shoulder works up and you get that steeper shoulder angle oh hey you still here thank you so most of you guys watching this are not subscribers and although the few subscribers that are watching this thank you very much for being here I could really do with the help if you subscribe like and comment even if you think I’m stupid that really boosts the engagement it helps get this video out to more people and helps me grow so anything you can do to help that’d be great the Third thing that I really like about Shane’s swing that I think would help a lot of golfers is it’s all to do with his legs and his hips so Shane stands with his feet quite close together again this is the sign that he’s not particularly mobile a wider stance makes it harder to turn it makes it harder to shift your weight so standing with your feet closer together as long as you can stay in Balance then that is absolutely okay and it’s going to help you make a better back swing as Shane reaches 90° of turn with his shoulders um we’re at full turn we’re at full hip turn what we start to see is as he finishes his back swing you can actually start to see his left hip move across so the club is still in the back swing phase but his hips are starting to transition so Shane before he even gets to the top of his swing he’s probably moved two inches towards the Target and then as he starts down we see that really big shift three four five maybe even six inches towards the Target by delivery and what that does is that allows him to get his arms down in front of him and hit that absolutely A1 delivery where the club is behind his hands and he’s primed to hit the ball a long way from here what I see a lot of golfers doing is getting to the top of the swing and not getting that big shift in and turning instead of Shifting and what that what generally happens is the golf hands will travel too much out towards the ball and then have to work down very steeply and what happens then is the shaft instead of working down in front and behind your hands Works through a very steep position here it causes you to lose power it causes you to hit a slice and this is a sequencing problem so delaying the turn and getting the hips to go across Ross instead of around just allows you a split second to get the club head down behind you as opposed to over the top and from there you’re able to just swing through turn as hard as you possibly can release the hands as hard as you possibly can maximum power maximum speed maximum closure and that’s what gives you a draw so point three is that early weight shift forwards get the hands down and then aggressive turn through like I said at the start this isn’t really a it’s not necessarily a textbook swing but it’s a really really effective one Shane’s won the open he’s won plenty of times now he’s he’s he’s streaky but when he’s on he’s really on and it’s more than just sort of like swashbuckling niceness that makes him a good player he actually has some traits in his swing that make him an excellent ball strike and those are the hip turn the knees the shoulder tilt and that sequencing piece in the down swing where he just gets his arms down and then releases really hard through the shot so you need to go to the range work on those three things straightening the knees getting the shoulders to turn down instead of around and then that little hip bump before you start your down swing you just need to go to the range work on those three things and I have no doubt that your golf will improve thanks very much much for watching the videos if you can please like and comment to boost the engagement And subscribe if you don’t already that’ be great if you like what I put out in these videos you like what I say about technique I can actually help you with your game no matter where you are in the world so if you just want to click the link in the bio it’ll take you to skillist which is an online coaching platform and there you can look to see what I do and actually I can help you with your game so analyze your swing give you some drills and tips to help you improve so we can work together to help you lower your handicap but anyway let’s get back to the video


  1. Jack, I'm having a problems with ball striking with my irons and I lockout my trail knee in the backswing. Do you see this as a possible issue?

  2. Golf analysis at its geeky best. Lee Trevino perhaps. I’ve been watching his swing again recently and I’m not sure it’s as idiosyncratic as we always thought. I’d be interested in your analysis.

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