Golf Players

All-Access for Tim Widing’s second-straight Korn Ferry Tour title l The Weekend l Veritex Bank

‘The Weekend presented by Korn Ferry’ is an inside look at the intense competition on the Korn Ferry Tour as players seek a life-changing victory to propel them on their journey to the PGA TOUR. In the final two rounds of the Veritex Bank Championship, Tim Widing puts together an impressive showing to capture his second-consecutive title and put himself in the driver’s seat for a PGA TOUR card. Also included, the stories of Frankie Capan III, who shot a historic 58 in the opening round, and Monday Qualifier Griffin Wood, who entered Saturday with the lead in his first ever Korn Ferry Tour event.

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in the last 35 I felt just like not bad
but just like so tough you know 10 nice
Griff Griff yeah nice to meet you g
after the first four or five holes I
just felt really comfortable with my
game and where I was at you know I’ve
been putting a lot of work in just
trying to dial a few things in and I
think it all kind of came together which
was nice today and then you know
whenever you’re out there playing well
and and going low I just I really just
wanted to keep going when was the first
time something like under 60 entered
your mind uh I’d say going to the back n
but at the same time I’m really just
still trying to hit every shot just stay
really patient and and present out
yeah he actually didn’t know he shot 58
when he walked off he asked me m what
did I shoot
what was
that he was in his own so it was fun to
see it was a very similar momentum today
to yesterday the greens are very similar
to where I’m from in Arizona so I’m
pretty comfortable on it
I made some really good putts on the on
the back nine on 12 and 13 like 20
Footers and that’s kind of my my bread
and butter I thought it was maybe around
61 or two I kind of was just not paying
overall it was really just just a battle
I felt like you know I was hitting a lot
of good shots where I was looking and
wasn’t able to capitalize on some of
them and then a few that just didn’t
really go my way and gave a couple back
you know the first hole obviously drove
the green which is sweet two didn’t make
birdie hit a fairly decent shot on three
didn’t make birdie hit a good shot on
for and M and on Bogi five so then I was
like man I hit all these good shots I’m
you know back to even but I mean that’s
kind of how days like this are when when
it gets this windy I think you know you
can hit a lot of good shots but you
still have to make all the putts and
when you’re you know almost blowing over
out there it gets a little tougher and
then you’re kind of factoring in things
sometimes I feel like the wind almost
helps like the wind helps all of these
yeah it does the wind helps yeah like
the whole back I feel like the wind is
very generous
I was really happy with how we finished
I mean burning the final three
happy to finish strong and look forward
tomorrow A lot happened today I feel
okay with how it ended
up my driver broke on the fifth hole so
it was just kind of hard adjust him to
it was tough putting out there today it
was windy or today than it has been all
week which is saying something so and
that affected some of my putting um but
17 I made a really good putt that was
huge to to not make a double
bogey I think it was helpful to get out
there today and get this kind of get
everything going on and all the the
pressure from today out of the way and
uh I think I’ll be able to to chase a
little bit tomorrow and get more
comfortable in shooting and
score I was trying to just you know
obviously still try to be aggressive
make birdies but just a little smarter I
mean be a little more mindful of my
shots and really make sure I’m committed
uh in the win especially when it’s
swirling and changing a lot it’s can get
easy to um you know change clubs or
doubt your decision but I feel like I
was very comfortable out there today and
just try to commit to every shot and
executed pretty good when kind of DED
out a little bit on the back nine and I
had some you know good Eagle looks and
good bir
looks don’t make it bird for a few holes
and now I’m you know confident in my
game that I can you know get started a
couple holes later and but it’s always
nice to get a few in to kind of get
build that
momentum it’s been a long day we’ve been
up for 13 hours
13 and a half 13 hours
grinding let’s go get one more right
here nice stand with little bird the
there too f with you good luck tomorrow
every budy good job man good work coming
into this week I kind of had the mindset
of course I want to come out and compete
but no matter what happens this week I
still you know had a great week last you
know week winning you know no and I can
win and compete out here just that helps
a lot not worrying too much about the
result just trust in my game and see
happens so thanks for
playing remember last
year right just started something big
right thanful for apprciate it yeah cool
well play
well nice to meet
you awesome this thank you guys for
playing you guys play well today sir
from y Sweden Tim
Ving come coming here Monday night I was
just you know still trying to soak in
what I just did last
week I was just playing very relaxed and
having a lot of fun out there on the
course and I think that helped a lot
with the nerves especially
today after the nine holes both Frankie
and Trent uh played amazing Golf and uh
that kind of kept me just very focused
and kind of on my own
game whole 10 no Frankie miss his birdie
pot so I think I went four up on on him
after that M Tren cuz Tren Eagle
to but after a eagle pot you know four
shot lead kind of give a little bit
cushion finally after 14 I knew it was a
little downhill but in my head I just
wanted to make it real bad um and I
think I just hit it obiously hit a
little too
hard but I was still pretty calm over
that second part I hit a good pot
surprisingly went left on me and lipped
out but then I’m really proud of how I
handled that know I kind of laughed it
off was able to get back toback birdies
six uh 15 and 16
that was like my first up and down today
good my chipping is not been good all
right see you at the finish level tast
good day looking quicker this time I
better looking
quicker leave you
hanging yeah left Edge buker
that’s we’re just going right there same
thing with let’s
go where the slope 255 M 255 yes sir
sun right in my
face can’t see it
can’t left edge
of IED it to the front
edge got
6 that’s right on that’s exactly the
slope though so probably 66 yeah it’s up
two more with that from where we are but
four four up two just two so that would
be 64 correct
Wy it’s going to be nice having two
weeks off now to kind of process what
just happened the last two
weeks obviously PD tour has always been
a dream since I started playing golf but
yeah we’re not there yet
I mean it’s easy to kind of look ahead
and you know but I’m just trying to be
here right now and enjoy this moment and
see wherever it takes
me you shoot eight I think so
yeah easy game for Mr Tim liing right
now boys get that on easy game Tim you
get it but our champion of the veritex
bank championship for 2020 for is Tim de
from obviously winning is great but to
see myself out there under the gun to be
able to do those things we talk about is
um what I’m most proud of

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