Kids in the Pittsburgh area who’ve never been exposed to golf are getting a chance to learn the sport and about the careers that support it.
kids in our area who’ve never been
exposed to golf are getting a chance to
learn the sport and about the careers
that support it the William H Curtis
Golf Camp for youth in East Liberty
offers a free camp for kids ages 5 to 14
at the Mount Ararat Activity Center in
East Liberty Dr Curtis founded the camp
where children learn how to play inside
and then they have an opportunity to
play golf outside on a golf course it’s
what we would call a gentleman or a lady
sport in terms of it’s based on honesty
and integrity interaction with people
that you’re playing with playing by the
rules enjoying the outdoor and enjoy the
engagement of something that works
physically and mentally the more you get
the hang of and more people can help you
out the better you can
be the lessons are free and all
equipment’s provided the golf camps have
been going on years around for 3 years
now and if you’re interested in signing
up for the golf program go to
kidsburg for the details