Golf Babe

ROOKIE Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Solar States Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

H1: 00:57
H2: 01:58
H3: 02:54
H4: 04:53
H5: 07:42
H6: 08:49
H7: 10:11
H8: 11:59
H9: 13:25

This is the playthrough for Rookie division with various wind for the The Solar States Tournament. Playing from 1st tee.

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Hello everybody welcome to this playr
for rookie division with various wins
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last but not least the info box on the
right hand side gives you the club
distance adjustment elevation adjustment
also at ball and Club type I suggest you
to play with have in mind that those are
all suggestions and you don’t have to
follow it if you don’t want to but there
is always a plan behind it so let’s go
to holdall number
hole number one is a fun part for in my
opinion because here we can actually go
for an hole in one playing from front T
allows us actually go for a rough bump
in a cross win and a tail win but you
obviously have to have the correct
amount of spins and here we come once
again which you will hear many times in
this video that we come in a scenario
where we’re going to have to guess a lot
because we do not have a good ball
guideline adjust this Max plus 20 I’m
using two Top Spin and two right spin
based on how the ball rolls out we don’t
really need the two Top Spin we
definitely need like what can I say like
maximum half a bar of Top Spin if if
even that but it’s still safe and we’re
getting ourself a shorted wedge for the
PIN for those of you that do have the
possibility to play with four uh Back
Spin or more which you don’t really have
with the lower level clubes but for
those that do have that possibility you
can bounce over the bunker if you do not
fancy the rough
on hole number two if we do have a
crosswind or a Tailwind I will be
playing with my sniper and go for a
rough bump and that’s because I do
believe that the rough bump is
definitely especially with the sniper
that do have a nice ball guideline when
playing rough bumps that do have a very
good chance for a drop playing with a
long iron such as the backbone uh if we
you have a Tailwind as a rough bump is
not really something that I would
recommend I would so recommend to bounce
on the farway before the rough and
bounce up towards the pin but the rough
bump is by far the best chance for a
drop here in my opinion we are very
close to Min clubs we playing Min
distance with 10% elevation ball Clips
the rough rolls up the green and
dropping niely dead center for the ho in
one for hole number three you can see me
playing with a quarterback level seven
I’m using all the Top Spin which is a
little bit more than three bars it
looked like and as much right spin that
I account with
aazar just is going to be mid plus 10
sorry about that you can see that in the
info box I do suggest a katana ball
instead of a quazar why it’s that it’s
because the katana will give you more
power on the approach which means that
your max Club will be closer to pin it’s
going to give you more room and also
that it does have three right spin which
I do think is helpful especially if you
do have a wind coming right to left now
we do have like the three Top Spin here
that we’re using and whilst that works
we have loads of room on the second
fireway so there’s nothing wrong by
using a another driver that gives you
more Top Spin so let’s say like even a
lower level extra mile with a 4.5 bars
so Top Spin would reach you a little bit
longer and then you wouldn’t be that far
away from the pin now you know again if
we would be rolling a little bit further
we would be closer to hold if we would
be having a ball with more power such as
Katana we would be a little bit closer
to hold and that would open up more
possibilities here now we are forced to
bounce on the farway I do personally
enjoy having a rough bump there on the
top left uh to attack the pin which is
not really that aggressive because
there’s so much rough to work on that
you have loads of room but again as we
are going so short on the drive we are
forcing oursel to just go with this type
of bounce up play and for me this type
of bounce up play especially with a ball
guideline that is not fully uh developed
it’s going to be such a hit or miss and
it’s very easy to miss so much that I’m
doing here in the
video whole number four here with a
crosswind and a headwind we’re going to
bounce on the
farway and get down the left side of the
bunker and the trees we obviously want
to roll far down enough to not have the
trees in our view when it’s time to take
the second
shot um if you do have a tailwind and
you have the possibility to play with a
power Fireball you can go for the small
PAAD that is to the right in the Water
by the green you can bounce on that up
to the pin that’s an aggressive route
obviously in the water is most
definitely in play with that but it’s a
possibility and for those that do want
to take that little extra risk for a
possible reward of being on the green or
actually getting a ho in one on a par
four can do so second shot we do have
the Thor we’re going to be close to the
m line here so you’re going to have to
decide for what you want to do either
you go for a dunk but the dunk here in
opinion is something you’re going to
have to be familiar with if that’s going
to be your Preferred Choice of play
because the dangerous part with dunk is
that if you’re not adjusting properly
you may hit the pin and that might
actually roll you out of the green and
and then you have a wedge instead of a
pot you can obviously bounce up towards
the pin but the benefit from a dunk on
this type of Fairway is that the Fairway
and the Fairway Fairway and the green is
extremely bumpy and the dunk is
obviously taking that away by us going
directly into the hole so up to you to
decide what you want to go with and
obviously we play with a thorn here in
hole number four we do not play with a
sniper no elevation on the second shot
here for the dunk that’s the same
elevation I would be doing if I would be
bouncing up towards the pin take your
game to the next level with our ultimate
tournament text guide for the solar
States a tournament a full nine of the
sunshine Glades comparing Sunshine glaze
with the most recent 180 tournament
porell Cove this is going to be a much
more friendlier tournament with some
chances for or like hopefully some
chances for some par 4 ho in ones but
otherwise in general a fun week as the
sunshine glaz is at least in my opinion
a course that is very enjoyable to play
for those that are looking to improve
your game play and also have an
advantage over your opponent sign up for
our guides we offer guides free to-play
balls paid balls for um anyone that do
play expert and master division so if
you do want to joining the largest guide
community and improve your game play
then do so scan the QR code here on the
screen or use the link clor
and you can find in the description Down
Below on H number five this is a tough
part uh three in my opinion and here we
do have a replay that goes with one
right Spin and half a bar of a Back Spin
what we’re looking for here now
is to get this ball guideline to be
short of the hole so it’s not going to
show the roll out but pointing at the
hole that’s obviously a difficult thing
to do from this distance because it’s
you know the ball guidelines position is
definitely very subjective from here
adjust Min plus
20 we are using a 20% elevation for this
particular part three now when you do
drop down into the sun you can either
compensate for that using overpower or
pushup or you already have bundled that
one in your complete setup by you know
having the aim point to compensate for
that which we do have in this replay
ball bounces on the farway goes over the
bunker and rolls down dropping nicely
for the hole in
one ho number six we’re going to play
the down the right hand side here sure
you can play left hand side if you would
so like but then you’re going to have to
play with a different driver the benefit
from the right hand playing the right
hand side is that it’s going to make it
as conservative as you Poss can whereof
it’s a little bit more aggressive on the
left hand side due to having to bounce
over the water three Top Spin three left
Spin and we’re using some curl to push
the ball in left we’re using our
quarterback and we are doing a Max plus
10 getting to around 300 yards from the
here we’re going to play with our sniper
now I can see we do not have the sniper
here on the second shop we’re going to
have it there and we’re going to play
this one as a bounce over and it’s going
to be no elevation here uh for the
sniper and you can see that I’m playing
with no spins I’m trying to simplify
this second shot as much as possible for
those that do want to go a little bit
more aggressive you can play for a rough
bump a little bit higher up if you would
so like not something you have to do but
it’s something that definitely
possible perfect ball it is and it bounc
on the farway up onto the green and
we’re missing just left but this is
definitely a good chance for an
Albatros hold number seven we are going
to go down on the left hand side using
the four and a half bar Top Spin and one
right spin I’m using a navigator because
I do feel that there is value in
reducing the wind as much as we we can
especially for the approach now
obviously you can play with many
different type of balls here but it’s my
personal choice to go with a navigator
in this scenario Max plus 10 is the
adjustment Simple Center the ball and
let the ball roll down the farway
without risking going into the rough on
the right and the bunker on the
left on the second shot we are then
looking to play with our backbone and
the backbone is uh um long iron that you
do get to upgrade fairly quickly in the
beginning of stages of the game
obviously if you do have a gasly level 7
plus or a B52 level 7 plus I would
recommend to use that instead and the
reason for that is because you do have a
better ball guideline and also a better
accuracy but especially the ball
guideline will then help you not having
to guess how the ball is going to bounce
uh here now on the Fring because that’s
the difficult part in my opinion if
you’re going to have to guess how the
ball is going to roll
out you are going to be inconsistent
it’s just how it’s going to be so
some many cases especially with shots
like this I believe it’s definitely way
more difficult to drop shots
consistently with having a poor ball
guideline now we’re not dangering
anything we’re getting the birdie but in
the end you know obviously we do want to
push as hard as we can for an eagle
on hole number eight we do have a replay
that is attacking the pin from the Min
line so we we here use the P1 Min line
so you can see that we’re playing with a
navigator we’re looking to have the
Yellow Rain to be very close to the
rough or sorry not the yellow ring but
the red ring there looking to use
somewhat around one Top Spin and one
left left spin ball guideline is and
then position to be going at the hole
favoring the right side of the
pin adjust Min + 10 from this
distance so making the correct movement
here making the adjustment and it’s time
to hit perfect have in mind that if
having a higher level sniper like the
replay here in the video has then you
will have a good ball guideline the
lowlevel snipers is going to have a
pretty poor ball guideline it’s going to
have to be a lot of guess work when it
comes to aiming at the hole so obviously
having a better Club is definitely going
to be an advantage here but a perfect
ball regardless though is still going to
bounce over the water and get yourself
uh minimum a
on hole number nine we’re going to play
over the water on the left hand side the
reason for that is that it will give us
a much safer way to get the eagle but
most importantly it gives us a very good
look at the albatross if you’re playing
on the right hand side on this course
you’re going to see yourself struggling
immensely to have a chance for the
albatross and it’s actually going to be
a much tougher way of saving the eagle
or getting the eagle Max plus 10 is my
adjustment I’m using all the right spin
that I can together with all the Top
Spin that I can so for those of you that
do have more Top Spin than 4.5 I
recommend for you to use that because
the more Top Spin we have the Lesser
overpower we can use and that goes hand
in hand as well with using a ball with
if so more overpower sorry more power so
let’s say you play with a power four
ball or a power five ball instead of the
power three ball Titan that I’m using in
the video you give yourself a chance to
start higher up and therefore don’t have
to use that much overpower now you can
decide uh for two ways of playing here
one you go for the rough bump up there
the rough bump is a bit aggressive so
you’re going to have to kind of know
your stuff to uh make sure that you’re
actually hitting rough if you feel
uncomfortable with that then the bounce
up is the way to go and the bounce up
isn’t bad but it’s somewhat with lower
level clubs doesn’t really give you a
decent ball guideline to follow and I
I’m saying that every time that if you
do not have a decent ball guideline to
follow we are relying more and more on
the luck by uh with our aim because we
can’t know for certain that we’re
actually aiming at the hole no elevation
on this CH and once again we are
bouncing up the Fairway and getting
oursel uh nice little the look at the
alatos thank you so much everybody for
watching in this play through for rookie
division with various wins if you do
want to improve your game even more scan
the QR code here on the screen will go
directly to clashy Via the
link in the description down below last
but not least hit the thumbs up
subscribe to the channel and turn on the
notifications those three things will
help the channel immensely thank you
once again for watching I wish you the
best of luck in the gold Flash


  1. 6 antro smugis 0% su 3 kamuoliuku minimum distance ir per skyle turi riedet nes letai rieda. 7 pirmas smugis su 5 kamuoliuku tiesiai prie skyles. 8. 10% su 3lvl kamuoliuku min distance +1 dadek

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