Golf Players

Scottie Scheffler’s Swing Secret That Won Him The Masters | PG Podcast #8

Sir Nick Faldo says Scottie Scheffler has the same swing feel as Tiger, Jack, and only a few other golfers in history. Is that why he won the Masters? In this episode, Sir Nick takes us inside the ropes and recaps his time on the range with Scottie before he put on the green jacket.

Can’t get enough of Sir Nick Faldo?

Watch 6-time major champ Sir Nick Faldo give a LIVE lesson!

Sir Nick Faldo’s Untold Story (The Beginning…) | PG Podcast #1

Sir Nick Faldo: The Risky Swing Change That Won Him His First Major | PG Podcast #2

Sir Nick Faldo: The End Of Golf As We Know It | PG Podcast #5

From the Courtyard to Green Jacket: Sir Nick Faldo’s Masters Secret | PG Podcast #6

Sir Nick Faldo: How To Win A Masters 3-Times | PG Podcast #7

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all right guys we’re back Eric and
Donnie from performance golf with Sir
Nick falo and we have just after the
best week in golf Sir Nick we just
finished up with the
Masters I’m dying to hear your take on a
couple of things we’ got like five to 10
sort of subcategories I think we’ll just
go through the list and um and get your
take so I think the first thing to start
with with the Masters this past week is
with the winner he’s the The Talk of the
Town he’s world number one he just won
his second Master’s Championship General
thoughts Sir Nick on the Masters how the
week went and Scotty Sheffer and his
performance as the winner General
thoughts I so I think number one you we
you’ve got to um give them credit
because the conditions on Friday and
Saturday were brutal you if anybody was
watching in G what did he guy you know
making a fuss I mean I you I was there I
was close it was brutal and the hardest
thing about austa is Clear Blue Skies
you know you cannot see any wind
direction and the wind you know swirling
around and that sort of thing you know
youve we you’ve heard us talk about the
knife edge of accuracy needed so you’re
you’re trying to pick a club when the
wind is swirling um some got it right
you know some got a good very good shot
just came up wrong and they really and
you really get pished um so you know I
thought the conditions I thought the
scoring was amazing you know I think
Mora and Berg shooting they shot five
under for rounds two and three and they
were four ahead the next best was Scotty
and a couple other guys one under so
give him credit for that um obviously
Scotty well you know I’m very well I’m
very I pride myself on a couple of
Majors when I went in as a favorite and
B I had an intention to win the major
you know I was really on a mission like
especially well especially the two maybe
a little bit um you know I went to
defend tried to defend and that came off
1990 but I then I genuinely went to I
went to S Andrews on a mission to win
and then when I got to 1990 and then in
92 mirfield I was world number one
favorite and it was mine to to win or
lose so I know how he felt on that to to
carry all that expectation and I assume
he went in there with the obviously
intention to win and to then go and do
it and fend everybody off and deal with
everything um I think it makes it even
more impressive it makes it more even
more meaningful for for him as a per I’m
sure um so put all that together I mean
if you saw me missing you know he’s
always relaxed he’s got an amazing
attitude that as you heard through all
the press conferences that hey I’m just
a golfer for while I’m a golfer and um
he’s able to especially in the Mages
take things down a couple of notches
which you know you’ve heard me talk
about that before you know everybody
gets ramped up for Maes and if you’re if
you’re confident enough to be able to
knock it down a couple of notches to go
okay I’m I’m all right this is nice I’m
enjoying this atmosphere I’m enjoying
the intensity um I’m enjoying the
spotlight and because I’m playing good
and I’m happy and I’m and I’m believ in
what I’m doing so put all of that
together you saw me messing around with
him on the Sunday before you know on the
Range he was up I’m asking him to hit
hooks some Fades and he’s just he you
know I take I make fun of his feet I’ve
done that for a couple of years while I
was on
TV I don’t I don’t get it I mean there
it’s amazing because because they they
do something different every time it’s
okay leaping around I guess it’s okay
but it’s not textbook you know you look
at all the great greats and everybody’s
so well planted aren’t we you know so
um and then he flies around in the feet
land in a different spot every time
that’s the bit I think is whack so I
I’ll give you a inside SC I mean he it’s
I asked him I said okay you visualize a
shot where’s it go to my hands he’s all
about hands isn’t he he’s got the feel
he’s obviously made a decision you’ve
heard me talk about this before you make
a decision what you want to do you
translate that thought picture into a
feeling and his feel goes into his hands
you know other people might be body arms
whatever it would be but his is
literally right I know through impact if
I’m going to hit a fade it’s got the F
got to be doing it you see the Scoopy
follow through he has you know he
rotates that way and the club’s pointing
over there and it and he gets it a
little like he did on that shot on nine
everybody else was bouncing and hopp him
to the next level behind the flag and he
was able to throw it smid in high a bit
more spin brings it back for kicking the
first kicking of the day so he’s got
that kind of follow through he messes
with it open it up to save it for these
little F and he’s got this you know very
unorthodox just go for it roll
everything over hookie thing leg goes
around the corner I mean it’s wacky but
he’s he’s
enjoying having that um
trust because you know as you know this
it’s a millisecond when you hit the ball
and he can and he can react so he can
save it he say you watch a couple those
follow throughs he’s saving it it’s like
oh bit too much of that give me a bit of
that so that’s a millisecond isn’t it so
um that’s where he’s at
um did everything beautifully I mean
pitches beautifully chipped in three
times in the week hold a lot of good
nasty p i mean those greens were um I
made a comment you I quickly looked at
my phone and the humidity dropped um to
28% on I guess that was Saturday yeah
Saturday I was screaming at that and
that’s why it went crazy you remember
when everybody couldn’t get it within
six feet you know every part every long
part was blown and I thought I remember
I was talking to I talked to Steve SMS I
said just humidity affect the grass and
he said yeah I said that’s when I
quickly looked and saw how low cuz
Sunday went back up to 40 I think that’s
probably Norm um so you know little
things like that those greens really do
re act and I thought it was just
brutally brutally difficult and I
thought the guys did pretty darn good is
Scotty a guy who’s out there grinding
like compared to the other to the other
players is he hitting same amount of
balls more balls showing up earlier
what’s what’s he look like before and
rounds um no I would I would say he’s
not a
grinder it’s like he does his little
checks um you know he still used he’s
got an old 79 with you know the molded
grip to double check his grip and you
watch him do that every time he stands
up he makes sure his grip so he’s
feeling so that’s very important you
know I’ve done little lessons on that I
mean how good is your grip and he’s
double cheing it’s really good so he
knows when he grips it that face is
exactly where he you watched him he
lifts the face up has a look grips it so
he knows that’s absolutely Square well
sh that makes sense doesn’t it so he
knows if he Jiggles it through impact
whatever he does
um it’s going to react how he intend so
very very important part of go the grip
fundamental people think a it’s all
right just you know but this ferin can
see it and feel it if you shut it one
degree it says oh I’ll open it two
degrees for you and then and then you
get and then you get you get some other
reaction so
um um yeah I thought that put all that
together and he stays calm I mean that’s
the other very important thing watch his
face didn’t get too twitched out I mean
he made a bad he made an un unfortunate
as he said he hadit a good shot on on so
on Saturday he had a good 79 into 10 and
he gets a hard kick ends up in the
bush and took his first double forever
then bog is the next so that was the
worst run he’s been on for about two
years probably literally literally yeah
he has he had a another crazy stat it
only made two B Bogies in a row like
once in the last I this season or
however however long it is has been but
how about that it’s not like you know
he’s he’s got the 50 literally 50%
bounce back which is a very important
interesting thing is it a mental thing
in the Pro game but you know so he’s
hardly given any shots away so that’s a
nice way to go and play golf when
because you’re scrambling so good you
just don’t you don’t don’t make mistakes
on the scorecard I saw that I saw stat
it was like his bogey percentage was
something so low was ridiculous yeah
yeah which is very important if you’re
going to make if you if you can make
five birdies around and you only spend
one you’re rich you’re going to be a
champion that’s that’s the that’s the
top of the pile that’s the top of the
pile as simple as that folks is just
just make those half a dozen B birdies
and only waste one you’re going to be
the best in the world I think a couple
more quick on Scotty obviously we could
probably talk about him for the whole
hour you know ending up itself but
interesting note you said about him
feeling things through his hands yeah
and I’ve heard tiger of course talk
about that I know you in the past I’ve
talked about that Jack I’ve heard talk
about that it’s interesting in the era
we’re in now where a lot of the modern
coaches and things that I hear is all
like take the hands out yeah use the
body take the hands out yet a lot of all
you guys right the greats of the greats
in tournament play often times we’ll
talk about feeling things through your
hands which I think it’s an interesting
sort of counter to where some of golf
instruction tends to go and with that on
Scotty the other thing C Nick I noticed
and watching back a lot of you know your
highlights with the podcast we’ve been
doing and obviously I grew up watching
tiger and when you would watch tiger on
the weekends always and I think Jack was
probably the same
way tiger always just seemed to hit the
spot the like shots and spots he was
supposed to and let everyone else mess
up I’ve seen that in your Majors as well
it’s like you did what you’re supposed
to do let the other guys falter and it
seemed like this weekend we got a lot of
that certainly on Sunday with Scotty did
you notice that is that something you
see with him and you’ve seen with some
of the greats of all time you do what
you’re supposed to do and let the others
falter yeah but that’s a that’s a that’s
been able to deal with the the pressure
the whole situation and trust and you
know where you’re G I mean calling Mor
was a good example perfect example he
was playing beautifully and then
suddenly Sunday afternoon it was all to
much so you know you’re as only as good
as your weakest point so suddenly he
started to strain on it lean on it and
start go left right and then you’re not
sure where it’s going so yeah that
that’s what you’re trying to do is
that’s the whole big picture is you are
comfortable in that situation you can
operate and the golf ball is coming off
the same and you don’t and pretty
rarely I mean okay you’re going to hit
you’re going to pop the odd shot offline
but it’s not a drama it’s like oh not oh
my goodness and then you overreact don’t
you how many times you block one right
and the next one goes left it’s like
okay well that one was a bit off then
you you you click back into it so or
you’re just not hitting it left or right
too much and know I know when you play
your best it’s really short or long is
all you’re worried about you’re rarely
going to hit one crooked he picks safe
lines like that’s that’s what but I know
it looked like I was like gosh that is
the smartest line to pick yeah you know
what I mean but then he hits the shot
too he hits the shot right yeah like he
hits the shot he hits the ball where
he’s supposed to hit the ball you know
yeah I mean he I again I talked to him
on that one he he’s a middle of the
green player and you I mean I so you did
I tell you this story so I played with
Jack in 19 1983 I think we were at uh at
um so I’m just on to Tory Pines
um thir third round Jack shot 63 I shot
71 felt like
81 and I came back and I thought how did
he do that it was a piece of cake and
then when I talked to him like he aimed
in the middle of the green if the pins
on the right he obviously tries to fade
it and he says if I don’t fade it it
ends up in the middle of the green if I
overdo it hopefully it’s on right Edge
same with the draw and I thought well so
that’s when I started work on shot
making and I think but it makes such a
difference if you’re just 15 ft closer
than the other guy if you can just work
your little Fades and drawers isn’t it
they tuck a pin if you can’t do it you
bail out and you’re 40 ft well that’s
not that’s 3% holding zone or more
likely 3% 5% three put Zone but if
you’re good enough to tip it and it now
in it’s 15 18 20 ft your percentage is
huge you’re back up in the
15 you know 20 ft I think is isn’t it
15% maybe 20% if you’re really good you
make obviously 15 feet 10 feet you’re
starting to get 10 feet 9 ft something
you’re 50% chance so huge huge
difference just by being half as close
as the other guys you know so I think he
does that he’s able to just hit it a
little closer you watched him on and in
the right place there was a couple of
really great shots yeah um he hit
Everybody’s In The Water didn’t he hit
one into 15 yeah he everybody was having
a drama at 15 he just slices up a three
AR nicely even coming even Under
Pressure you know that hot shot at 16 I
said looked a piece of cake hit it in
the middle in the right place it fed
down got a nice easy part pop it in to
get you know another bit more of the
cushion so he makes some things look
he’s just very comfortable in in all
aspects of his game yeah I I think that
and you you were remarkable with that as
well Sir Nick it’s like one thing to
have the game plan but you gotta you got
to hit the ball there and you guys both
did that good we’re GNA move on from
Scotty I think we could talk about him
all day but there’s some other big
storylines of the week probably even
with that or even higher obviously
Tigers consecutive cut streak was a big
deal this week I’m not sure what you and
your friends talk about Sir Nick but
we’re always talking like hey what do
you think tigers going to do is he going
to make the cut how is he going to
finish I thought watching the first two
days that it was remarkable that he
played how good he did what were your
thoughts on tiger his performance the
cut streak and all that yeah I will give
him credit that you know as I’ve said
people if you’re 48 and fit and you’re
not playing you run the risk of missing
the cut don’t you so the fact he’s all
these injuries and how he has to
re rebuild almost I hate to think how
wrecked he is after a tournament you
know he must have been wrecked that he
couldn’t teared up at the players and
then he was he was wrecked Friday night
we saw him sitting on in the Champions
Car Park nobody around sitting on the
back of his car absolutely
shattered you know he’ he’d given so
much to make the cut that I know from
experience it when you there’s so many
players where it’s almost their goal to
make the cut and then you’ve used so
much energy you come out the next day
and you and you could tell mentally he
was just shot I mean I saw him go down
that seventh hole B you
know and I thought that must be hard
so I don’t
know I I I I I was OB was on comment I I
fast tracked to I hope he’s still
enjoying it because you
know you can’t enjoy he’s now gone two
or three years trying to get back
rebuild after rebuild come back what’s
his best performance is it about a 50th
or something is there’s more Miss
there’s miscuts there’s withdrawals
only there is not a good performance so
coming from the champion of champions
that he was to can I finish a tournament
you know physically and
mentally I I just hope he’s enjoying it
I mean says he’s going off to rebuild to
get ready for Vala okay fine
but I I can only Peak on personal when
you’re getting old and you’re having to
do all that physical and all that pain I
could bet it’s bet it hurts like hell
trying to rebuild that leg each time and
back and then you go and
you’ve shoot 18 over and you’re just not
in the tournament really
but I don’t know so I I think I’ll leave
it at that I just if he’s enjoying
himself doing all that fine great but if
you’re not wow you’ve got what
is it’s maybe then it’s time to make
another decision whatever that might be
that’s a great point you know what one
of the other things Sir Nick I think in
golf we’re never rooting against anyone
certainly but do you sleep a little bit
better now that Rah didn’t uh win back
to back
you know and join that
group well I said I did say in J didn’t
I I mean it was all in I mean I did some
British stuff and could they made a meal
of it C is all in just and if a guy’s
good enough to go and do it hey good on
him I mean and if Scotty’s got a chance
he’s the next man hey he might do it hey
if he joins the club fine wonderful my
goodness it’s something special you I
was in just saying I short would love to
hang on to it because there’s only three
of us right now but K is not in my hands
so um now that was all ingest so um uh
you know it yeah we gave him a hard time
and it was it was factual he hadn’t
prepared the same as the year before the
year before I think he won three times
and I heard he played so he played 17
rounds less so he hadn’t put the Reps in
and and as we know
4 holes no
cut with a with a Monster guarantee is
not the game it’s not the same mindset
as actually going out and
competing because that’s what remember I
commented but riviero and rbo made a
downhill six-footer on 18 he was 14 back
and he fist pumped to make the cut I was
there I saw it TV and I said That’s The
of Being a competitor the cut
they’ve got none of that at live you
know it’s just go and play remember
Tommy fleetw comment he went and looked
and said oh they’re all wandering around
and relax well of course you are if
there’s not if
there’s I could promise even the best
players in the world if they because you
don’t doesn’t mean you play badly when
you miss the cut there’s 60 guys really
playing well and you can go on a golf
course and go wow how how the heck do I
get to four I’ve got to get to four
under to make a cut so that’s not
playing badly if you’re three you know
so um it’s not the same and they know it
and maybe they felt it so uh it’s not
you know
it’s it’s not the same competitive sport
when you’ve got
a fat guarantee and I was sort of it was
I was thinking the same thing too I’m
thinking I’m watching them play because
they were at the raal I think that you
know it’s a difficult course to play but
gosh the vibe is totally different
playing way less tournaments and guys
like Rah I was very interested to see
how he was going to play and defend and
then like guys like Brooks I think you
watch DJ play now and since he went over
there not that he’s a non-factor but
it’s like he to me his he’s just he’s
enjoying the cruise yeah yeah it’s like
holy cow he’s just enjoying the walk I
mean and he’s publicly okay with that I
mean he’s he’s like yeah yeah yeah well
that’s fine right hey if that’s we’re
not knocking that if that’s what you
want to do if you are happy doing that
that but as a sportsman as a competitor
you’ve got to go you’re going to go
what’s how meaningful is this and as we
know you
know you read it everywhere from the
psychologist you know you need it you
have to struggle to set a goal and and
have a intention and all that sort of
thing and then you reap the rewards
because you achieve something there’s
there’s very little achievement if if
it’s thank you very but think of other
sports I’m I’m a formula one fan they
gave every every driver Five Points
before they started the race it would
not be the same you know they’re
fighting for a point they’re going
ballistic to get into top 10 to get a
point but they said well 10’s already
five points for no it would not be the
same that’s one of the ultimate in
competition how you know what they’re
doing but it’s just it’s very similar
isn’t it yeah and it’s like you know
obviously no judgment on any of the guys
just very very you know different dnic
watch yeah I think another guy we were
all watching this week Sir Nick was a
guy looking for you know the career
Grand Slam a guy we talk about every
year which is Roy
mroy anything you see on your end
observing and watching him and from your
experience there any reason why he
hasn’t been able to win at austa
anything with his gamec yeah I I
go he has lost bottom line he’s lost his
Trust In His short
DS um you know when you’ve you when you
look at a
shot good example six couple of years
ago I could see in his face the six when
I was on the court on the 16th oh they
put the pin right in the front and it’s
it comes down to a point says only like
three pieces left of the flag of green
and then and that’s it if you missed the
gra by foot you saw you’re in the water
right and then there’s a bunker right
says a thin little Slither so you think
well the old whatever you he thinks he
optimate shot is you just turn it in or
and then this little voice or then you
just don’t have the trust oh don’t
overdo it don’t so what have you seen
but not don’t overdo it water to left so
then you think okay can I deal with it
no B you block it so that’s what happens
with guys when they they when you can’t
hit your your natural shape call
it when you you’ve lost your trust you
you overcompensate don’t you it’s like
the guys who fade it and then they lose
their trust they aim left woohoo and it
goes left same so when you’re a drawer
of the ball and you think it should turn
in and then you lose your trust you
think oh don’t overdo it boom you block
it you can see it in his body so he’s
got that going on
um I obviously did TV with Butch
um you know Roar is such a fantastic
driver of the balln I think we were
talking about the other day you know an
impact with a driver hitting on the up
your shoulders are there aren’t they on
a and on a impact of a 99 when you’re
trying to work your shoulders are there
very different so I would get him to
ditch I’d get him to say only hit half a
dozen drives that’s it if they go
peeling off thank you put the driver
away go back to your 99 and your 89 and
get this right get this angle going so
you can trust find some trust to make
ball and keep it simple don’t go just
find something in your body that
produces a little fade a trustworthy
fade I mean that’s what he really needs
so easier said than done yeah gosh you
know what so interesting Sir Nick as you
say that I’m thinking because he just
went and got some help from Brad Faxon
with his putting you see some guys it
seems like these you know guys on tour
are willing to go to former greats with
certain areas of the game but you don’t
see it a lot with full swing like that
just made me think right away like
imagine Rory with someone like you
guiding around the course and like
advising like I wonder why does stuff
like that happen and I just don’t know
about it or no I I wonder why I I’ve
offered I’ve said to him look you know
where I am
wow u i to come to Montana for a day
come you
and I’ve got some I’ve got plenty of
drills where I think I could help him I
really do um Can he’s obviously
seriously talented and then you and on
the putting thing my goodness everybody
says the putter is not working or
whatever but look how many misreads he
has by a
hair he you know he look he stands back
and looks and thinks it’ss at left Edge
and it goes left just by half a ball so
he’s just not he needs to I mean Brad’s
will help him with his stroke and
everything you can stand but you’ve got
to be a great reader of the greens I
mean great you’ve got a better really
see the subtleties I think he misses out
the subtleties you know he just I think
he just need might be a very simple
little form to shake up the formula I’ve
read the greens a certain way you can do
it it’s fun doing a test you know you
read it ball hole and you go ah it’s
four inches right put a te Pig down go
down the other side and go oh let’s just
say reading it the other ways
two what did I say Cup right two cups
right just for an example well then go
back and either get a either get a
device where you can roll the balls it’s
not actually a
stroke and then see which one you were
reading it best it can be as simple as
that especially for the club golf that’s
so you know and
I I’ve never heard that in my life huh I
never heard that oh it’s a simple well
isn’t that simple don’t hit the part cuz
you might you’re compensate get
something get something to roll it even
if you if you if you snooker it you know
go Bonk hit it with the other end and
just see how it rolls and go aim at the
for one cup and aim at the two cup one
of those is right that’s genius it’s
like one of the least practice skill in
golf oh yeah you know and then so you
got oh and that and you again that and
again that can change you know so you
might go for a while where you I just
missed by a fraction we go and look at
the other side and see what you know I
like doing especially on Mega far
screens I’d go around the other side
because then you look and go the last
three feet it’s got to be there’s a
little Mark that’s a foot off line it’s
got to go over that because that’s the
you know when it’s ticking coming down
the hill on gravity that’s the last
three feets running on gravity isn’t it
has to come straight down just about out
and then you then think well so it’s got
to be a foot right you can actually draw
you can either just then there’s a point
then you go back to your ball and then
obviously there’s a curve to that point
has to be because there’s break here as
well Jordan SP reads them that way so
you know I asked him he was a midpoint
guy find where the last bit it
tracks and then get a curve to that
point so that’s one way of doing it you
know other guy do purely you know it’s a
3% and they know gives them a good clue
but even that’s got to
be really good CU if it’s
2.7% it’s not get me or two and a half
you got to be really good to see half a
half a percent or feel half Pros I bet
bet some pros can get that down to
feeling a third of a percent so
practicing reading the green and then
you know then you can really do see the
the shape really does help but um Scotty
does Scotty does Scotty does goes he
breaks it up I used to do that one as
well so you get a 15t part go up to 6
feet and look at the six footer and go
okay that’s right Edge then he goes to
12 ft and it’s like obviously it’s a bit
more or it might be a little you might
sense the H that’s actually going the
other way before
that or keep it simple you go back to 12
ft and go okay it’s a bit more so it’s
now 2 in of break come back okay now
it’s a cup of break okay but sometimes
when you break it up you can suddenly
feel the difference in the middle of the
P cuz so many of
them smidge in of a double breaker like
it breaks doesn’t break then it breaks
you got a better spot all that so back
to what that makes sense doesn’t it so
if you it does yeah if you’re putting
you got the best stroke in the world and
you roll it beautifully hit it but if
you’re not seeing that you’re missing it
by half a
cup that’s that seems like Rory at the
moment just burns the edges so I would I
would just really grind fine-tune the
reading yeah that’s such good advice if
if you guys are listening maybe leave a
comment down below if you want us to do
some more videos at some point green
reading stuff it’s interesting I do that
test at a lot of our schools over the
years and if you take a 100 amateur
golfers and have them like place a tea
where they think the the you know
breakpoint is 99% will underere it like
not even close to the right thing so not
only the best players in the world but
for amateur golfers yeah no that’s it
it’s seeing the true
break it
um Dave pelts didn’t he do that test and
got he literally got 100% even the pros
100% will Mis will not read it enough so
it’s it’s that and we oh we jam it in
and and then you hold it at the wrong
pace and you go yeah that’s the other as
we know that’s the other very important
thing that’s what gust is so difficult
to how can you get it perfect Pace that
thing’s coming in on drip speed as I
call it’s going just isn’t it it’s just
coming down the line a Johnny Miller F
line yes that’s so good there’s so many
little subcategories there we can go
into what one other guy I want to touch
on though while we’re here still not
sure I’ll get the pronunciation right
but ludvig oberg it’s oberg yeah I mean
this guy is brilliant Brant I mean this
this might be if anybody looked so
composed for his first major if if
anybody looked what’s so comfortable
hits the ball so well and he’s got a
great swing is no there’s no there’s no
contortions that’s what I like about his
swing it’s a tall guy but he whoops it
and but there’s no contortions in the
body or the face or anything the plane
is there’s no strain of the plane it’s
just like on playing on playing isn’t it
wow and the thing comes out like a rifle
um he is going to be sens well obviously
is you know he’s makes a rer cup team
and he’s a hasn’t even finished a
tournament or whatever we know plays
great win win wins in Europe last tour
of the Year wins the last tourn of the
year on the uh PJ tour has a great Rider
cup here be our very first major right
in there and we all thought he’d be
right in there bit like Scotty my
goodness he went in the favor and that
was oberg was one of my picks to say
well I did week before I
said he is different he’s very special
he’s got an incredibly good game
beautifully balanced and wow you watch
him if he gosh if he can just stand up
and nail it like that minimal
fuss uh obviously you can take that he
can take that game anywhere any golf
course is GNA sue him so watch out I
mean it’ be a big they’re going have to
they go PJ next um Val harer in val
harer in May I don’t know what that will
be like how old is he well that’s what I
was wondering too sir Nick because I
know when you played in the first Ridder
cup you were super young how old were
you when you when you won your first
major oh it’s
30 so just just to scale that too how
good he is how old is he he’s gotta be
what 23 22 23 24 yeah yeah he’s he’s
brand new straight out the rapper he’s
yeah I like no I I I followed the I
followed the old school when they all
said oh you’ve got to serve your time
and your apprenticeship and you know 30
is a marvelous age and he it’s you know
that goes in there and it sews the seed
these kids now go no to hell with that
I’m ready I’ll go and play Let Let Me
Loose um yeah a different ball game I
did I was a pro For What from 7s 11
years before I won my my first major God
so um yeah he’s
obviously same thing he’s got everything
going great game and mind yeah when he
walked down when he was walking back
towards the clubhouse at the end I just
couldn’t believe I I was sitting with my
fiance and she doesn’t really watch golf
and she’s like wow he he is so composed
and you notice they kept the camera on
him for a really long time almost he
just looked like a like he’d been there
100 times Champion didn’t even
Flinch and he he was really one he was
one I mean on 12 there’s you know or 11
I’m sorry there’s one place you really
can’t hit that second shot seemed like
they were in between clubs I heard his
caddy say hey if you’re going to hit
that are you comfortable with it turning
right to left he said yeah over hooks in
in the water but he was really one swing
away from being a shot I would I would
say that was a mistake when when you’ve
got the well personally you’ve heard of
me when you’ve got the wind right to
left and the pwns left and you can’t
really feel where the wind is I’m
surprised they went with a
besid they went for it that was the
perfect time to just nail a fade Against
the Wind and if he finishes 30 feet
right tart thank you very much that’s
all that was needed at 11 um didn’t have
to go for Wow get it super close um so
yeah that was just one little silly
silly mistake which just really slowed
him down um at that particular time yeah
hopefully and I’m sure it’ll be a I’m
sure it’ll be a lesson learned I think
one other guy I was just curious to get
your thoughts on we could I I could sit
here and talk for like hours about this
stuff but I think for the sake of time
here another guy who’s got a really good
efficient goal swing who looks like he’s
going to be in contention with Majors a
lot who played really well was Max H you
know on 12 he hits it a little long gets
that that kick into the bushes back
there but outside of that what do you
think about his game how he performed
and what the outlook for his you know
game is in years to come I I watched Max
on the Range good two years years ago
and I was very
impressed how minimal the Fades and
draws were you know the Fades was two
yards the draw was three yards and he
was churning that out and I thought I
think that’s why he plays well in bad
weather um you know he’s a kind of a
he’s a different character everybody
loves him on social media uh but on the
golf course very quiet very head down
get on with it um
does everything well learning learning
very well I’m sure if he got to if we
got to another rough a rough weather
major he could that might be the secret
because I think he keeps it I think he
has no problems with that and that could
that could help him yeah I think he uh
kind of like ludig where he’s like man
his swing just looks like there’s not a
lot going on it looks pretty simple
looks like you can repeat it over and
over um but I think was pretty good in
terms of the topics I me one of the
other things I just was curious when you
were watching especially with the wind
in the beginning like did that do you
remember playing there in years with
when it played that difficult or did it
feel like maybe this was as hard as it
played that you can remember yeah I I
don’t think I remembered you know
gusting that I mean they got everything
you know they the golf course was
dry um obviously which they can dry they
can dry it to whatever level they want
with water
literally the whole Golf Course is sub
air um so they can control that so I
don’t remember when almost like the per
as I said The Perfect Storm it was dry
really firm humidity and clear skies wow
really really difficult to know what to
do and to keep control of the golf ball
really difficult really I mean that was
that was an unbelievable test I think I
was sort of saying wow 75 if you shot 75
on that
day didn’t do you much too much damage
so but I so I was really surprised with
there’s a couple of rounds were uh mberg
was the only one in the red I mean in
under to break 70 I think um and col
Mora was pretty good so yeah it was when
the best in the world of you could you’d
take a 75 that’s gives you some idea how
tough it was yeah it’s like it the
Augusta and the Masters produces again
it’s my favorite week to watch guys
leave some comments down below what you
think about the episode things you liked
you know during the the week watching um
any questions you have Sir Nick we
appreciate your time as always uh Donnie
appreciate you being here and I think
we’ll see each other again pre um PGA
Championship we’ll have our next episode
out with Sir Nick if you guys want to
check that out obviously subscribe click
that like button all that down below and
we’ll uh we’ll see you guys next time
thank you sir Nick all right thank you
chaps we’ll see you soon thank you


  1. Great interview guys, SNF content is magic. Green reading was really interesting, you should pick this up with SNF again and ask him about his work with Craig Farnsworth who helped turn around his putting and helped contribute to his '96 Masters win!

  2. Just brilliant, one of the game’s greatest players well done lads could listen to SNF all day long when it comes to golf

  3. Everyone is talking about Rory not winning the Masters. But the fact is he has played 40 majors and won not a one. That is far more telling that he isn't going to win any major again.

  4. The argument about less rounds on LIV does not hold water…Brooks played even less rounds before 2023 Masters and he was right there, and won the next Major. Just another anti-LIV comment from an ex-PGA champion…Love Nick Faldo but I really wonder if jealousy isn't a big part of it because they never had the opportunity in their time to get the type of money the golfers are getting on LIV…?

  5. Rahm had more or less the same run 2023 as Scotty in 2024…think both won 3 tournaments up to Masters and then the Masters as well.
    Wait to see what Scotty does going forward before hanging "one of the best ever" around his neck…he's on 2 Majors, not 12!


  7. Ludvig is a fantastic talent and he’s 23 but remember this tiger wins the masters by 12 at 21 years old ⛳️⛳️⛳️👍👍I think he was ready eh

  8. Isn’t it interesting how we believe those with great records when they teach us golf. Maybe there’s people more articulate than Sir Nick but do we believe them. The answer is no we don’t unless they have proved themselves with a great record. We believe Sir Nick. It’s all about believing isn’t it. How can we obtain optimum learning unless we believe the teacher 100%. And because people believed Confucius, he became a great teacher influencing an entire nation. And because of the resurrection the sayings of the Nazarene were believed. Queen Elizabeth 1st was a believable queen because she was for England with a record that proved it. Thank you for getting Sir Nick on the programme because his handy hints are always invaluable because we believe them.

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