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Rugby: The Vodacom Bulls will not make the mistake of underestimating the Ospreys ! #vodacom bulls

After last week’s unexpected loss against Munster, and with the Ospreys beating the Stormers in Cape Town, this week’s match against the same Ospreys suddenly becomes much more important! The Welshmen are typical tough, never-say-die rugby players and they will want to prove a point by achieving their third victory in a row against an SA side in South Africa!

The Bulls have lost Johan Goosen to suspension for three weeks, and Jake has opted for a more settled look to his side compared to last week. His loose forwards especially look much more settled and experienced with players selected in their preferred positions. He has also moved Canan Moodie back to wing and explained his thinking behind this.

Listen to what Jake had to say!

Na laasweek se onverwagse verloor teen Munster, en met die Ospreys wat terselfdertyd met die Stormers afgereken het, is hierdie naweek se wedstryd teen dieselfde Ospreys skielik baie meer belangrik! Die Walliesers is altyd tipiese geharde, kannie-dood tipe rugbyspelers en hulle gaan definitief wil wys wat in hulle steek met ‘n derde agtereenvolgende oorwinning oor ‘n SA span in Suid-Afrika.

Die Bulls het natuurlik vir Johan Goosen verloor vir drie weke, en Jake het teruggekeer na ‘n meer tradisionele span. Veral sy lostrio lyk meer gebalanseer en ervare, en met Nizaam Carr daar behoort kaptein Elrigh Louw se taak ligter gemaak te word.

Hoor hier wat Jake alles te sê gehad het!

Rugby: Bulls se jongspan kom sleg tweede teen ervare Munster! #URC #vodacom bulls

00:00 Welkom by Raakvat Rugby!
00:23 Saterdagaand was nie lekker nie!
01:04 Dit lyk darem of die EPCR dinge gaan verander volgende jaar
02:31 Wat dink jy het verkeerd geloop vir die Bulls?
05:27 Wie anders sou kon kaptein wees?
07:14 Hoe het ons jong lostrio gevaar?
08:32 Hoekom nie vir Carr speel nie?
10:25 Dink jy Canan Moodie werk op senter?
13:03 Jy dink Canan is beter op senter as op vleuel!
13:57 Kom ons praat oor die Bulls se losskakel!
15:15 Kort die Bulls nie ‘n meer aanvallende losskakel nie?
16:26 Kom ons praat oor die skeidsregter!
19:59 Daar was ‘n paar twyfelagtige beslissings
20:26 Hoe het ons slotte gevaar?
21:05 Dit was nie lekker om RG teen die Bulls te sien nie!
22:19 Ons kan nie die Ospreys onderskat nie!
23:14 Hoe lyk die permutasies vorentoe?
26:32 Dankie vir die saamgesels!

Megafoon,megafoon sport,RadioRugby,MW Welman,Simon Riekert,south africa,Vodacom Bulls,champions cup rugby highlights,rugby world cup 2023,mw welman,raakvat rugby,vodacom bulls,jake white,munster rugby,bulls vs munster,Bulls,Jake White,Cameron Hanekom,Josh van der Flier,jf van heerden bulls,RG Snyman,Rugby: Bulls se jongspan kom sleg tweede teen ervare Munster! #URC #vodacom bulls

Rugby: Vodacom Bulls se jong span kom sleg tweede teen ervare Munster! #URC #vodacom bulls #ospreys
Rugby: The Vodacom Bulls will not make the mistake of underestimating the Ospreys ! #vodacom bulls

we we were thinking about n this week as
as rather on six than than anacom how
did you feel that experiment went last
week and um did you bring him in for
who’s the captain
sorry yeah no so it wasn’t so much what
what Cameron got wrong or right it was
more just that combination of of having
lud on flank and this week having yanis
back who covers that Ro as well um I
just felt it was you know better for LC
to go to Lock and then that new SP
combination I mean as I said there’s
nothing I don’t think that’s the last
time CER will ever play six he will play
six again and and you know I’m sure
maybe the combination will be different
and the pin will look a little bit
different but it’s also a line sight you
lose that game and people think that it
didn’t work you know um if we had won
that game people would have said it it
was fine so it wasn’t so much about you
know um what he did or didn’t do was the
fact that Janis his back covers seven
and four if he goes to seven and lud
doesn’t need to be at seven because he
calls the line outs and then Ludi can
play lock um and while while um r l
still got a Hy injury um the more
exposure he gets at calling line outs
and in that position the better for us
as well and and then
um in terms of the the captain SE yes um
the the communication with the referee
and the like we were a bit outgun there
yeah that’ll probably help with having
gam is bit older but he a captain he’s
bit wiser as well and we spoke about
that it’s interesting on Monday I spoke
to Al about it he just said look you
know probably didn’t get out of the game
Captain C was we wanted to get out of it
but you know to be fair Conor maray you
know XM test talking to the refi and
then Petman talking to the ref and
thenon you talking to the ref I mean you
can’t really compare those guys have got
Mass experience they know what to say
when to say it and that’s one of the
things that has been a secret of many
successful sides is how they can getting
to the referee and I mean as in in
different times of the game with things
they want to get through to the game and
they did it you know much better than us
not for one minut um underestimating the
fact that we need more leaders on the
field but they will come I mean lud’s
been a captain before lazar’s been a
Captain Al’s been a captain when we get
Ruan and marel back that’s five captains
we have on the field a little bit like
the Vox when I was coaching you know
started over John Smith and then all of
a sudden skogberg became a captain of
Province John de V became the captain of
Province Victor three Captain the Bulls
um you know all then then then we had so
many more leaders on the field so it’s
uh still working progress wise and and
you’re right we probably a little bit
we’re a little bit shy there on what we
wanted to get out of out of the way we
want to manage the game as a captain
how do how do you feel about 10 and and
by that I
mean exactly life like when
when this weekend well you know s to be
fair I mean Quon isn’t like for like
with him you know he’s obviously a guy
who’s played 13 for French top club and
won the top League he’s played fullback
and not many fl Maybe D in would be the
equivalent in another franchise that
could go from 10 15 13 12 suppos likeis
would get and so it’s very difficult to
to find that kind of guy to back up but
Chris has got his own strength he’s calm
you know he’s uh he understands he
studies the game he’s good student to
the game um he gets you know him and
arold get on really well talking about
off and on the field so there’s a little
bit of something there that also works
for us and but you know yaku he’s only
been with us for a year we’ve been
together now for Four Seasons this he’s
basically been half a season with us so
he’s still he’s still not where he
wanted to be it’s not his fault I’ve
spoken to you know we’ll we we’ll have
enough depth and enough variation one of
the things that we we we want to try and
get to especially at 10 is that can
cover all in one position you know what
I find
is uh when you’ve got a guy that can
play two different positions on your
bench you don’t always have to take your
10 off and if you look at the teams like
mon doesn’t come off you know they’ve
done well in UFC Howen F doesn’t come
off England you know there there’s a
there there’s logic and the good starts
leave their 10 there to play as much
time at 10 as possible and and the guys
on the bench can either play 10 or they
can play another position you know like
Daniel McKenzie can come on a t if they
need him to or if he has to go to
fullback he can play fullback while
Munga stays at 10 um guys like Dan
Carter didn’t move I mean I know he
played a few games with 12 but didn’t
take him off when they let him finish
these games at 10
so um we’re not there yet I mean that’s
something we be working on um is making
sure that we we have enough dep at 10
and and as I said some 10 that can play
different positions as well which gives
us balance to our to our
23 um obviously these guys result last
weekend was was a surprise I imagine for
most sou Africans um you guys play to
um what is it that you saw that that
could make him a threat for you guys um
I they’re not I mean I think to be fair
I I think people surprised because they
won in cown and sides haven’t generally
gone there and won because it’s been a
tough place to win for any for any team
and credited that they play well they
probably deserve that one um but if you
look at their results I mean they’re all
very close it’s not like people can blow
them away um even we spoke to monster
afterwards and I remember the moner game
it was a real dog fight for a long
period of time before Mana you know
finished off the game and won it
and they very you know they they stay in
the fight um and and as I said they’ve
been competitive I think they’ve been
the top you under correction but I think
they’ve been the top wel team the last
three seasons anyway I think they finish
top is a finish top of their conference
so I mean consistently they have been
the one team that have that have you
know been the toughest to play against
in all three years
coach um how is how is the mood be in
the camp since Saturday’s game did you
get the reaction that you would have
wanted cuz I’m sure I mean the boys AR
used to losing that so did you get the
reaction that you would have watch it
and see from the team I the answer to
that is I’ll tell you tomorrow when the
final whistle comes that’s the answer
and the reaction is irrelevant people
will be down in the change room they’ll
you know she don’t like losing but the
reaction is that reaction important the
reaction is what happens in the 80
minutes tomorrow that for me is the is
the measurement of where we are as a
so I can only answer that once I see
what sort of reaction they have come the
final and I think you’ve spoken a lot
about know question the not being able
to use it because of injury now is
finally back how big of a boost is that
and how difficult is it for him to come
back during what could be the business
end of the season as well
well if let me say this I mean Yannis is
one of those guys who’s won the European
Cup and the Engish fhip there not many
guys that have done that
um so he brings to the team in the back
end of a competition when it’s now
knockout stages an incredible amount of
of knowledge understanding calmness and
there’s another guy might not be a
captain but he’ll definitely have some
leadership qualities on the field to
help those youngsters as well and you
I’ve only will now for a short space of
time but I can tell you that in his book
he’ll know everything about the hprs he
would have known everything about the
lineouts he will he would have done his
homework he does it every week even even
though he hasn’t been playing he’s
incredibly detailed guy incredibly
bright so the impact for me is like you
said you know what does it mean coming I
I can only think for the youngsters they
they if he can exol what he knows and
what he’s learned and what he does in a
week in his preparation to this group of
players then then it’s really added
value just the decision to move com back
to we
yeah well I mean it’s not it’s again Ian
I’ve tried the 30 probably hasn’t been
hasn’t been buzzing there it’s not his
fault he hasn’t given me what I thought
Harold has been tried and tested with
Chris They Know Each Other Well as I
said they didn’t play golf together
regularly so they me they played
together they and they trained together
a lot David can play 30 and then the
back have played for South Africa so
it’s not like you know Sebastian got a
bang on the head he’s out this week so
that’s been forc other words he’s not
um and he will go back to 13 again I’m
sure you know I’m I’m sure I’ll have use
him there 13 again when Sebastian Serio
Peterson and all those guys are
available um but for this week it’s got
nothing to do with you know tactically
or technically or whatever I know he is
I know play got to find a play went and
way the set up of the team
now play and C in the back three not
know not losing
anything just just like your question um
just for the record did you have a
hearing this week yeah did you plan to
yeah well there’s a thing called um I my
phone but there’s a thing called U I
wish say the name for it but basically
we we accepted the fact that it was you
know it was a rig
card um I think it’s called an
abbreviated process basically what that
means is you send in your
submission um you have we got a report
and then say
you I really really want to explain to
you that great Casey wrote a report and
he was the player who got he’s the
player that incredible incredible
sportsmanship mean the report rout was
Spar on and other words there was no
there was no agenda he wasn’t trying to
nail anybody he said he picked the ball
up he was going to pass it he then he
then changed his Direction he stood up
because he he saw person coming he said
that uh said person didn’t have any
intent didn’t wasn’t coming to hurt him
it was just a rugby incident and I say
that you because think about monster and
Bulls are vying for playoff playoffs and
monster and Bulls are vying to finish as
high as they can and they wouldn’t be
they wouldn’t be not aware of the fact
that ifon gets six seven weeks that’s a
hell of a thing for our campaign so I
can tell you I was super impressed
sending a message send their team a
message because it shows why they
Champions why they won it it shows why
they’re so high up in in in in the
competition and why they considered a
great Club because they were I mean I
can’t overemphasized that when I read
that it was word for word what I what I
saw all popped out of the rack I was
going to pass it I saw him coming I
changed I stood out I mean it was a
regular incident he probably came off
worse than me these are words that that
he wrote um and we spoke afterwards and
you know and I just think that shows
close the the you guys pretty much
control well last week it’s last week
wasn’t wasn’t some we wanted we lost
own you got to win the own GES that said
it you to get some of the
ones um so it wasn’t ideal they be play
against a team
that you know don’t undervalue that you
as I said the champions of the UFC they
consistently in in the top of most
competitions they play I gave you that
analysis or that stat which is spooky I
mean one guy got 115 test matches and
he’s 10 years older than than strum off
who’s playing his 50 your Seer you know
you look at you know you look at camon
or you look at lud and you look
Aton they got more test caps than than
these guys who got professional Senior
Games so we’ll get there we’ll get 100%
sure that we have men we probably could
still won that game and that’s with the
squad we have at this moment top
experience for us so if you answer your
question we still got our Des our hands
we still got three games of L us there’s
still a lot of rugby I’m sure you all
aware lot of rugby of teams that still
got to play each other that are close to
each other it’s not a case of you know
teams that are that are near got teams
that r at the bottom of the L you know
tonight all and that has an impact on
someone’s going to take points from
someone um and then con and man and
holer still have to play Linder and
those guys need those wins to finish in
the top eight so there’s so many other
intriguing situations that can happen um
and while we can control winning at LOF
this and obviously getting to the last F
we know we still have our Fai in our
that’s yeah that’s one thing last week
does I’m sure you saw you go game was
slow down a lot and it wasn’t thing we
got a we got a communicate from the
referees this weekend and from Tampa the
head of refere saying we need to be
conscious of the fact that we can’t have
can’t have games going
on50 minutes whatever it k s to the TV
we going going to make sure that game
when we can’t stop a serious injury
obviously then take start you can’t have
Gams that drag on and drag on because at
every stoppage there’s an injury so it
was something that that hours than have
spoken about so you know hopefully it’ll
count in our favor because it’s altitude
3:00 in afternoon it’s hot it’s
something that we got to it’s no
different you know it’s not like it’s a
hidden tactic when we go and play Europe
and it’s freezing cold and it’s raining
and the wind blows one way out of in con
and you can’t get out of your corner I
mean that’s the reality you know so we
got to use our advantage which is
Altitude heat you know soccer field
Sundowns playing tonight so that field
will be like a football field tomorrow
that suits us because that’s the kind of
rly we want to
play Jack I mean we spoke a bit
about even captaincy yes but looking at
it as well Al’s stats last week were
exceptional I mean he literally from the
front top down carries
and yeah it’s funny BR he actually I get
the thing he wants to you know and I
mean that in in a last way you know
sometimes you get kids that they sit in
a class and they ask want to the Closs
Captain you get some kids who and I
think he actually quite enjoys it it’s
not like one of those things where if
you make him the captain then he doesn’t
do the other side you know and and I
noticed that too with it in other words
it wasn’t in all the games that he’s
played and me the captain is actually
being up front with a lot of things
so it’s going to make us better and it
is going to make us better if he wants
to Captain and he and he you know and
that means that even if he isn’t Captain
and he and he feels as though he can add
value it’s going to make us so much
better so you you’re right you you spot
on remember Jean was the same Johan used
to ask me every time I announc the the B
team and I said John’s the captain to
say and on the
just had quite a bit to say last week
about squads Etc and coming back to that
debate a b but I mean the way they’ve
doneal it now they could lose their top
spot tonight this weekend because and it
just shows you the Perils of of how how
play in but you know again I mean I
spting my wa to see him in fact he came
to the hotel off the game and said and I
asked him what did you do differently
this year to last year I mean last year
you won nothing and I mean as in you won
so many games and ended up the campaign
losing to lell and lost to mons in the
semifinals so if you think about the 95%
win rate last year in terms of weekly
success but they ended up winning no
trophy so I just asked him how you going
to do it what are you going to do
differently I mean you can think about
it it’s got to lose still got to get
through to lose I know they got
Northampton but too
are a strong team in terms of champ
ships that they won they too are
managing their squad to win another
championship so you look at n to one at
four times to lose one at five times two
biggest clubs in in Europe play couldn’t
play each other in the final then you
know then then they might not finish
first which means they might have to
play away in a semi-final again or you
know in of of of
UFC and that just shows you and and
again I say that because even their
squad with Incredible Talent with all
the experience they have are still
trying to find a way and they can jugle
properly to make sure they get the best
success in both and I think what I
appreciated about what Leo said uh was
it is difficult and I mean I’m again I’m
I’m repeating myself but it was
difficult for a GU with 32
Internationals and guys that are you
know that are coming from overseas that
he that he’s bought you can imagine how
difficult it is for team still trying to
find its feet uh in this car and also
trying to find its feet with and really
really in experience group of players
thought so he was SP up and he he summed
it up for everybody I think that don’t
underestimate the how tough it is to
actually get everything right and the
margins are so small you know let’s be
fair margins are you know you can get
one right and both wrong you know or you
could get both right and then all of a
sudden you’ve got the secret secret to
success you if they don’t win anything
this year and I’m me then say the model
didn’t work they go on and win both well
then the model that they’ got that that
the that’s the Judgment or the or the
sort of measurement that all the coaches
are trying to
find I one their last two games in sou
Africa monster also their last two games
in sou Africa yeah um I suppose in a way
that there is a bit of a um looking for
um responsibility on your guys side to
make it difficult again for this that’s
something I think all sou African
franchise you don’t easy
to what thing we really want is we want
all the South African SES to boting
teams when teams come here as well you
what we can’t have is and I’m not to
talk about this year but what’s happened
in the past is teams have come here and
eaten like the lons when they’ve come
here and eaten you the Sharks this year
that doesn’t help the picking order
because what it does is they they get
away ws and we now def us to get away
so um but you know BR there’s so many
four rounds left and I mean I’m so you
know so not profused but I’m so aware of
all the permutations that can happen we
WI four games with bonus points come
first you know we could end up winning
four without bonus points and come six
you know so you know I’m not I’m not
sure on that step but what I’m trying to
say that that’s it’s there’s so many
things that can happen this team wins
that one doesn’t win that one you know
that one’s going to play a game I mean
you look at for would say con have to
play um Lin round last round week after
European Cup rly is that a good or bad
thing for K is that a good or think for
ler what happens if K need to win that
to be alive you know there’s so many
things former forers Lions last
weekend yeah exactly I mean that’s
before I even talk about the Bulls
there’s so many permutations that could
happen the lies could have to win in
Cape Town to stay alive in the
competition so but again isn’t that
wonderful competition I mean that’s what
you want you want the last weekend to go
down to to where where teams can either
stay alive or they’re
e e


  1. Sleg om altyd terug te kyk, maar die span sou baie moontlik Munster geklop het..nou kan die bulls nie onder eerste twee kom nie. Jake maak baie foute met span keuse, ek is erg omgekrap dat die ander bestuurslede en CEO nie eienaarskap neem en ‘n keurders paneel saamstel om die coaching team se blinde kolle uit te wys nie.

    Om die Ospreys nou te sien as ‘n bedreiging is eerder nou vanuit ‘n gebrek aan vertroue.

    Om Hanekom op 6 te speel is om Matanzima te vra om skumskakel te speel..die man wil duidelik los wees en is nie ‘n fetcher nie. Moodie op 13 was ook duidelik ‘n fout, dit was reeds by die bokke sigbaar. Die bulle het ‘n geweldige probleem met verdediging in die agterlyn, om serious beker contenders to wees, sal hul baie beslis die tjekboek moet nader trek…Serfontein en Jessie is ‘n moet!!!

  2. Jake praat te veel en sal goed doen by die stormers of sharks, ek hoop sy visa om in pretoria te bly verval binnekort en is onhernubaar. Kry vir Heineke of Ackerman en binne een jaar loop die bulle met URC..en binne twee sal hul ook waardig in die champions cub kan speel.

  3. Hy praat te veel. Sommige spelers speel te min. Rede vi beserings wanneer wel kans kry. Waar is al die spelers wat hy GEKOOP het. Sharks selfde. Hou op leeus en cheetahs te beroof.

  4. Jake is een van die beste ontleders ter wêreld. Goosen met sy regop-verdediging het hierdie wedstryd vir die Bulls verloor. Dis belaglik om nou die skuld voor Jake se deur te gooi.

  5. Dis lekker om Jake op sy gemak te sien, hy het n "one-season-wonder" verlede nou veruil vir n "by-die-huis" tuiste in die Bulkamp en SA rugby gaan baie vrugte oes hier.😊
    Ek dink Hanekom is ons volgende "fenoom"….

  6. Mense is darem maar vinning om Jake te kritiseer, mense wat niks van rugby weet as ek na hulle stupid comments kyk nie…

  7. Jake, let's unpack your approach. It's common knowledge that you are known for building a team for quick success as in 2021. Then your success seems to have flattened out. Are we now seeing that?
    Back to your team. Kriel and Chippie Foster failed a previous time. Kriel is not a 13 he is too slow and can't take the outside break as a 13 should. Chippie Foster say no more.
    Matanzima played 50 games last week him and Smit still can not scrum after 3 years. Well, suppose your flawed contracting model is to blame because you have no one else to pick. So, as for static slow but "calm" Chris Smit. Carr is not a 6 everyone knows it. If you are experimenting, then why not try Grobbies at 6? Moodie needs more time at 13.
    Beating Scarlets should be no issue. Since Cardiff, Leinster, Saints, Munster, it seems there were a lot talking from your side, and your team did not back you up. Chris Rossouw not a coach at this level.

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