Golf Players

The Key to Nipping Your Wedges Off Tight Lies | Golf Lesson

If you’ve ever chunked or bladed a pitch shot, Chris Tyler will show you the technique that ALL playing professionals use to avoid the big misses on the golf course.

0:00 Intro
1:19 Peter Malnati Technique
2:49 Step 1
5:06 Step 2
6:21 Step 3 🕳💥✌
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ball position 50/50 wide to wide shake
the tension out use your
feet woo it’s spicy I want to welcome
everybody back we are going to be
starting the processes of becoming a
better pitcher of the golf ball today
because I’ve had a mountainous amount of
requests on short game when are you
going to start putting out short game
videos rest assured my chitlin at home
we are going to be putting out a whole
lot of short game content in the first
part in the middle part of May we’re
going to be ramping up our video series
you’re going to see quite a bit so today
what we’re going to do is we’re going to
help you eliminate the catastrophic
misses and you know exactly what I’m
talking about that ball when you’re
standing over it and you’re ready to
rock and roll and you stuff it in the
ground or you knife it over the green 40
yards and it really leaves you smoke
coming out of your ears and ready to
quit the game alt together we’re going
to work on eliminating that miss when it
comes to this game this crazy game we
call Golf it’s all about mitigating our
misses managing the miss taking that
catastrophic Miss and parking it on the
sidelines so that it doesn’t come out
when the heat is on So today we’re going
to work on a technique that’s going to
help you be a lot more bulletproof but
before we do that I want to actually
take a good close look at mady’s
technique with a wedge in his hands
because there’s some attributes in here
that all of us can learn from now one of
the things that stands out to me the
most when we look at this technique is
that he’s doing everything he can to
eliminate a lot of the big functions
from the hands and the arms that get us
into trouble in the first place if you
watch a very closely you can see that as
he starts his takeaway and moves into
the back swing you can see that the club
head and his chest are moving at the
same pace and then in the downswing
watch the club head in the chest all the
way through the point of contact into
his finish position you’re going to
notice that everything is moving as one
piece and this is a very good technique
for a lot of you to learn as your
Baseline movement when it comes to
working on developing a good wedge
technique now I know a lot of you at
home have this sort of misconception
about being able to go out there hit
shots on different trajectories and a
lot of you try to manage that club face
by forcing your hands into these certain
spots when in fact that creates a lot of
the chaos that we’re trying to get you
away from that starts to steepen the
angle of attack and unfortunately you
don’t have any sort of mechanism built
into your golf swing that’s helping you
shallow things back out the full swing
is a big series of steepening and
shallowing moves and so is chipping and
pitching technique for every steepening
move that we have to put in the golf
swing we got to figure out different
ways to be able to shallow it out so
what you want to remember is that the
technique that I’m going to teach you
today is a baseline technique can
actually be very consistent from one
swing to the next and you can make
little subtle manipulations to your
setup and to your body on the way down
that can help you create that delofting
situation without disrupting the angle
of attack a substantial amount and
without disrupting your swing plane in
your path let’s go ah and take a look at
that now okay so what we’re going to do
in Step number one is we’re going to get
really good at establishing a good wide
sort of Swing Arc that’s got a good
solid angle of attack for you to be able
to work off of his Baseline now to do
this what we’re going to be focusing in
on is getting our chest our arms and the
club to be able to move in unison with
one another from one side of the ball to
the other now what I like to use as a
focus Point here is I like to use my
sternum and the club head moving at the
same rate and I like to use my trail arm
and my trail wrist is kind of like my
governor of width if you start folding
up your Trail arm or setting your wrist
a whole lot in these little small swings
you’re going to be collapsing your width
you’re going to be steepening the s
plane and you’re going to be steepening
your angle of attack so what we’re going
to be trying to feel is when we’re
turning our body we’re going to try to
keep our Trail arm fairly straight here
we’re also going to try to keep our
wrists from having any sort of big set
to them now I am a very handsy player by
nature and what you’re going to see is
is that when I start making these swings
on this shot that I’ve measured about 46
yards is that if I were not to set my
wrist the club would look like this if I
were to go full max range of motion the
club would look like this I’m going to
try my best to feel like I’m erroring to
the side of not having any wrist set at
all this will help keep the club from
wanting to go straight down into the
ground on the way through it’s actually
something that I work on personally so
what we’re going to do is in this first
point is we’re going to start working on
getting the connection and the wideness
into the swing shape and you’re going to
get really connected to that movement at
first it’s going to feel very mechanical
and it might feel a little bit tense
through the hands and the arms and then
in Step number two we’re going to work
on shaking out that tension and start
making it a little bit more what we’re
going to be trying to do on the golf
course or a little bit more realistic
okay so let’s go ahead and take our
setup we’re going to start with a little
bit of a narrow base here so 50/50 and
all we’re going to do is just start
turning our sternum in the club head
keeping our Trail arm straight and
relaxed with very little set we’re going
to turn our chest and the club and stay
really wide onto the lead side and
you’re just going to do this back and
forth for just a few minutes
here now when you go watch those swings
even with being a little bit more tense
you’re going to notice that you created
sort of a nice shallow sort of Swing
plane you’re going to notice that when
your hands and arms get down in front of
your body that you don’t have tons and
tons of forward
shaing now what we’re going to do though
is we’re going to start trying to get
the club to want to bottom itself out
because you’re going to establish a low
point with these movements now when you
do this if you start keeping the tension
levels down in the hands and the arms as
you’re thinking about getting to wide
and if you start brushing the same bit
of grass every single time then you’re
ready for step number three where you
can start hitting golf balls but in Step
number three I’m going to give you a
little subtle Focus Point that’s going
to allow you to start manipulating The
Loft ever so slightly to help create the
sort of trajectory that you’re looking
for so now let’s go into step number two
we’re going to do the same thing as step
number one so we’re going to stay wide
but on the way through
we’re keeping our tension levels
down so the club will want to brush the
grass and I mean all of the tension that
you have in your shoulders and all of
the tension that you have in your arms
keep it
chill okay so you can see the club is
one to brush its way through
there so now that you’ve done step one
and two where you’ve been able to go
wide to
wide and the club is starting to bottom
out then you can start hitting some
stay 50/50 through your feet and just
start playing around with it wide to
wide now I hit that golf ball pretty
solid and the ball was quite a bit up in
the air I didn’t have the big chunky
Miss and I certainly didn’t have the big
thin Miss is my technique 100% perfect
there no it wasn’t just like my practice
swings but it’s shallow enough and it’s
moving at the way that it should be
moving through the low point that I
could still hit the golf ball well
without having that big Miss remember
building a technique to help you
mitigate the Miss so let’s do a one:1
ratio just getting comfortable with this
and then we’re going to work on the
advanced technique or making this a
little bit more to your
liking so
wide there you go so what I like to do
in Step number three when we start
picking up the pace here is I like to
use the pressure of my feet or the
pressure in my feet to help control the
low point we know that if our weight is
really far forward that our whole body
has to be over in that position which in
turn is going to help move the low Point
more forward if I keep this same
technique in place and I have my body
forward then theoretically I’m going to
have more delofting to the club at that
point when it makes its way through the
point of contact which should help lower
the ball flight so what we’re going to
do inside that technique that you just
learn is from that wide sort of position
back now I want you to put 70% of your
weight on your lead foot as your hands
and arms start to swing through to the
other side getting nice and wide so
you’re going to go 50/50 at a dress wide
going back 70 you swing through you keep
the technique exactly the same the
tension level is the
same there you go so now I have the ball
going at the same distance but on a much
lower trajectory so I’m not trying to
force the hands to do this to create the
delofting situation I’m keeping the same
technique but I’m using my body that’s
why you’ll see a lot of the best
chippers and pitchers in the world will
have their head slightly in front of
where it was at a dress if I’m going to
hit a neutral pitch shot where I’m just
trying to hit it good and solid then I
and I’m trying to hit it kind of up in
the air then I’m going to stay try to
stay 50/50 I might even go 6040 again
this is a feel sort of thing that’s only
going to be developed through the amount
of time that you spend practicing it and
learning more about what your golf DNA
is all about out so here we
go so we’re going to go
chest chest okay staying
wide Club bottoming out now I want to
see a little bit of a lower trajectory
so I’m going to do one
rep so you saw my head kind of move a
little bit in front of that one same
technique there you go that is a low L
spinner without me having to force the
hands and the arms and the club to that
spot and it applies for the same way
like if you want to hit something
straight up in the air then you have to
have the wherewithal that you don’t want
your weight to go forward so I’m going
to use that same technique now staying
wide but I’m not going to have my weight
shift onto my lead foot as I get wide to
the lead side so you can see that’s a
much higher shot
there so I never changed the technique
from that neutral movement that you
learned I stayed wide with my trail arm
I tried to stay wide with my wrists I
kept the club moving into a wide
position on the lead side and then I
allowed the pressure in my feet to help
control the lofting on the club and that
helped me eliminate the big misses so
that I had the club moving through the
point of contact nicely every single
swing so I want you to go out there and
try this out I want you to lay down your
Baseline technique and once you get it
laid down now you’re ready to start
opening up the imagination and start
learning different shots and we can
certainly help you out of that from
beginning to end if you guys have a
wonderful day we’ll see you in the next


  1. Yes, I know I'm not as wide with the wrists as I want to be BUT clean contact was still had. I'm working on it, just like you:) Timestamps for those with shorter attention spans…
    0:00 Intro
    1:19 Peter Malnati Technique
    2:49 Step 1
    5:06 Step 2
    6:21 Step 3 🕳💥✌

  2. Chris. I enjoy the videos but I would like to know what club you are using when you are hitting irons. In this video the face looks very flat. Is that a sand wedge, or a 54?

  3. My range has notices all over saying, "No chipping less than 80yds due to waterlogged landing area." So I'll park this video and return to it later. Amazing the game took off here in the UK at all.

  4. "Why shift forward and change your low point when you want a lower trajectory ball flight? Wouldn't changing to a lower lofted club and using with the reliable stock swing be better?" asks the guy that carries 4 wedges and has just 3 stock wedge swings..

  5. I know we’ve been working a lot on other things in my swing but I couldn’t resist practicing this at the range today. I was hitting the best pitch shots of my life today. This lesson is pure gold

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