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Tiger Woods’ Genesis Invitational Round 1 ‘overall positive’ | Golf Central | Golf Channel

The Golf Central crew reviews Tiger Woods’ opening round at The Genesis Invitational, calling it an “overall positive” day. Plus, hear from Tiger himself after his round. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #TigerWoods
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Tiger Woods’ Genesis Invitational Round 1 ‘overall positive’ | Golf Central | Golf Channel

tiger wordss making his big return there
was no limp in sight he looked healthy
for anyone who missed it how would you
sum it up very
quickly overall positive I would purely
for the fact that as you said there was
no limp in sight that’s great for the
golf fan that is fantastic um I think uh
we’ll obviously watch as the week goes
along see if there any fatigue sets in
but for day one very very positive okay
we’ll save it don’t drop all your
nuggets yet because we are going to do a
deep dive on tiger for the next hour
let’s start off with the highlights
shall we starting from his opening
t-shot the powerful first would an
iconic scen this is at Riviera yeah
regardless of who you are you got to
believe that there were a few nerves
there nice for Tiger to get that one
away I know he missed it in the right
rough but not too bad over there yeah
you know the adrenaline would have been
pumping the tiger just to get back into
competition to be out there alongside
Justin Thomas Gary Woodland some of his
guys here and then A really lovely short
game moment here missed his second shot
well to the right but left it in the
correct spot and made that look very
very easy and well you got away with a
birdie starting out look at those crowds
by the way you’re looking at four or
five rows deep around that first green
on a Thursday any tiger does that well
this now on the power four second after
a good drive a bit of a weak iron shot
out to the right and then just a chip
that got away from him one that he would
certainly like back so opened up with
birdie followed it up with a bogey on
the second back to even now on the par 4
third this the par the second shot came
up short in the greenside bunker a
pretty good bunker shot that ran a few
feet by and H just a little bit of a
Myster there for Tiger said again to the
press this week that it’s just these
greens these poana greens that always
just causing problems here at Riviera
drops to one over now the par three four
beautiful high fade the shot that’s
called into this fourth green lands it
just short uses the Contours perfectly
gets that one to roll down there within
15 ft of the hole this was one of his
shots of the day without a doubt so it
was moments like this this pu that we’re
about to see if he can just roll a
handful of these in this week it’ll make
such a difference yes it will and you
can see right here he knows this is
right in the middle no struggle with the
read on that one and as you say Anna
just needs to make a couple more parts
back to even par of course sporting the
new Sunday red logo it’s a new Tiger
Woods that we’re seeing in front of our
eyes now on the path 3 six yeah new
Tiger Woods this was the old Tiger Woods
another lovely iron shot there leaves it
underneath the hole in the correct
spot he still gave us some moments of
magic out there today this for birdie
not an easy one here big break left to
right no trouble at all for tiger and
he’s back into the red moves back to one
under pass so makes the turn now on the
par 41 this
t-shot actually hits a beautiful high
draw here with the driver just flies it
maybe a little bit too far and from
there you never really know on number 10
at Riv where you’re going to end up and
that one ends up in a horrible spot
underneath the back lip of the bunker
he’s forced to actually play away from
the hole and actually unable to keep it
on the green the really unfortunate
break and this is such a strategic hole
it’s one that we’ll dive into later in
the week as well the par 41th it’s
renowned on the PGA tour and it will
catch you out so this now on
11 showing a little bit more resilence
resiliency excuse me another perfect
bounce back there for
birdie gets back to one under so would B
12 and 15 drop to one over we now catch
him on 17 still sitting at one over 17
playing over 600 yd up the hill tiger
still with enough popping his Bat to get
there in
two yeah still got that he would make
bogy there by the way on 10 but he’s
back it even hard two put birdie for him
there on 17 now on the power 4 18th his
second where he said he felt a bit of a
back spasm over the last couple of holes
yeah we’ve uh we’ve all done it
unfortunately it’s such a horrible
feeling you know that Ball’s come out
the huzzle and you hate to look up and
see where it’s going to end up yeah I
know we can’t say the the s word and
golf can we it’s just something that you
can’t do H we probably shouldn’t we can
but we
shouldn’t from there tiger puts on a
little bit of a magic Clinic just an
unbelievable shot using all of his
imagination gets that in there to pin
high and leaves himself a good
opportunity to say bar not many people
know this course better than Tiger Wood
does says he is out here this week to
win this was the safe path yeah would
have been unbelievable up and down just
a little bit of a pull off the blade but
ultimately gets it in at one over par
72 and it was just great to see tiger W
back out on the course something that we
are so lucky and so blessed to still be
witnessing in this game seeing the Great
8 to2 time PGA to winner out there
competing competing to win and just
getting it going again again so as he
mentioned he lacked consistency you can
see it here on his scorecard a bit of an
up and down day ultimately it was an
opening round of the season for Tiger
was one over 72 as he spoke to the media
today about what it was just like to be
back what tiger talk about today it was
great seeing you a lot of good uh not so
good how would you describe it a lot of
good and a lot of indiffer um it was one
of the other um I think what I don’t
know how many parts I had one one many
uh he either making birdies or Bogies
and and uh just never really got
anything consistent going today um I
struggled with the speed of the greens I
couldn’t believe how fast they were
today even though I made a couple um I
ran a bunch of by the whole it was it
was very stressful um but i’ the golf
course is in such perfect shape and
considering amount of rain they’ve
gotten uh to get the golf course this
fast uh is pretty impressive the short
puts I thought were really good talk
about your emotions because every hole
you get a warm Ovation uh and you
haven’t been out here for a while were
you nervous can you can you tell how you
were feeling oh definitely nervous um I
I care about how I how I how I play and
uh certainly was feeling the nerves um
starting out and uh I got off to a good
start bur buring the first and then
giving R back up and the next two holes
and made a couple more birdies it was
one of those days um just never really
got anything consistently going and
hopefully tomorrow I can clean it up
we’ll see you tomorrow you got it thanks
dog tiger I’m not going to say the word
but on 18 oh definitely hi
shank what what happened there and is
that still a shock to the system for you
in happens well my my back was spazzing
in the last couple holes and it was
locking up so um I came down and and it
didn’t move and I presented hosle first
and uh shanked it how did the Foot and
Ankle hold up you think uh foot’s good
uh legs a little bit sore um things are
a little bit sore but uh that’s to be
expected um that’s nothing that uh we
weren’t prepare for and uh we got some
work to do ahead of us tonight and
tomorrow coming into this what where did
you think if anything you were lacking
you know in in prep what what would it
have been it looks like you’re getting
the ball out they’re fine Iron’s good is
it I think just show sharpness um I just
uh haven’t um as I said making the
adjustments on a fly like that and the
feel for around and how to make those
adjustments I haven’t done that in a
while and uh as I said when we were
playing hero I was getting better each
and every day um but I then again I
haven’t played in a while again so um
that’s kind of the frustrating part of
it as we look tiger big picture for the
rest of the year and and a hope to play
you know once a month or something like
that is this something you’re going to
have to deal with every time you you
come back or do you think by the middle
of the
Season once a month ballpark is is
enough to find a a kind of Rhythm where
you don’t have to deal with I don’t know
I don’t know I don’t know what that
looks like I’m hoping that that’s that’s
the case I’m hoping that I play that
much uh as far as the the physical ups
and downs that’s just part of my body as
part of what it is and uh that’s all
right I accept it and I accept the
you know that you might be rusty every
time you I’m going I’m going to be rusty
and I need to do a better job at home
prepping and and we need to do a better
job either lifting or treating and and
continuation of of rehab protocols all
those things um I I just haven’t done in
while well expectations are still always
going to be relatively unknown for us
watching as fans the media and for Tiger
himself really every time he tease it up
but a very honest and open account there
of what he made of of the day it was a
little bit inconsistent a little bit
Rusty good to be back sort of just
getting back into the flow of things
what was your account of sort of what
you just heard from him there exactly
what he said you know he expected to
come out here with a little bit of rust
you know you can’t
simulate competition at home you know
you can put in all the Reps put in as
much work as you can but you cannot
simulate that competition so we heard
him say that I understood I was going to
be a little bit Rusty and he was you
know there were times where you would
expect tiger to get it up and down from
a very basic spot and he didn’t um it’s
it’s going to take a little while if
he’s only playing once a month he’s he’s
going to have to get used to just
showing up and feeling a little bit
Rusty it might take the first round of
every tournament to knock that rust off
which puts you behind the eight ball you
know you’ve got three rounds then to
really play well if you’re trying to win
these tournaments everybody talks about
rest versus rust and Reps versus rest
versus reps I should say and that’s
always something that tiger is now going
to be really competing against and as
you say it’s it’s trying to reinvigorate
that feeling of adrenaline and
competition that you can’t do unless
you’re in competition how does he go
about trying to mentally prepare himself
I mean it’s tiger W he can prepare
himself for anything but it is hard to
simulate it really is and we we’ve heard
Tiger address it several times that the
adrenaline that adrenaline he’s hitting
at 10 15 yards further when he shows up
in competition so you’re at home you’re
hitting your s 175 180 yards you get out
on a golf course in a tournament all of
a sudden that 79 goes 195 yards that’s
very very difficult to get that feel
okay well if you missed any of the
action we have showed you the highlights
but Brennan’s going to hone in on The
Good the Bad and the Ugly of tiger words
from this opening round so take us
through it let’s start with the good
stuff shall we yes for all you Western
fans out there well this was definitely
the good this is Tiger just walking down
the hill on number one you can see right
there no limp in his gate looks really
really good and you know you might think
that that’s something pretty small but
that’s what we kept a very close eye on
that as the day moved
well this was very good just an
absolutely beautiful high fade with a
forine the exact shot that was required
at the time to hold that green by Weeks
end there’ll probably be maybe 35 40% of
the players that will hit that green
tiger uses the Contours perfectly always
being one of the best iron players in
the game and showing it off right
there well and if the the evidence on
four wasn’t enough after another really
nice t-shot you can see here the
distance control again on number five is
absolutely perfect this one a little bit
of a draw trying to get into that left
flag and again perfectly in pin
high now the other thing we were trying
to keep an eye on is just how much speed
does Tiger have 17 was playing over 600
yd up the hill tiger able to bu his
second shot under the green get that to
chase up into the heart of the green sto
a lot of pop in that bat yeah like you
say I mean if you did miss this round
and there was plenty of good stuff to
take away from it considering it was his
first event in over 10 months officially
on the PJ tour so that was the good how
about some of the bad what does he need
to work on after this 18 holes well here
at number two he hadit a weak iron shot
out to the right that wasn’t the bad
this was very very basic Chip Shot if
Tiger’s playing week in week out he’s
going to get this up and down 95 times
out of 100 that one gets away from him
and turns out into a soft
bogey here we see it a very basic bunker
shot all the way up in the bunker
slightly on the up slope about as easy
as it gets as far as a bunk shot goes
leaves that one a good 10 ft short of
the hole unable to convert in another
very soft bogey a couple of moments
maybe he’d like to forget and then the
ugly we did see this in the highlights
but it just looked all a bit
uncomfortable coming up here
yeah we heard him say that his back
spasmed and it was for the last few
holes but that that’s straight out the
huzzle and we’ll say it Anna that’s a
shank that ball dead right off the
huzzle finds himself in an absolutely
shocking place down
there can’t imagine Tiger Woods is even
now overly familiar with cranking the
ball no not something we’ve seen and he
just hit an ad down out of the Fairway
this was an Adon as well but this was
just a a moment of Genius right here
very small window that he had to chase
that through
somehow actually gets it to chase all
the way to pin
High yeah it’s interesting to see sort
of the highs and lows of his round what
do you think we are going to see
tomorrow it’s not like he can do that
much work after today but I imagine
mentally he he will be much more
prepared for it tomorrow I think I think
he’s going to come out tomorrow and he’s
going to be a lot sharper I don’t think
we’re going to see the the soft Bogies
the the failure to get it up and down
from the very basic spots um I expect to
see a lot cleaner round um you you have
to believe that there were some nerves
today you know it’s been since uh last
year’s Masters that he’s played a
tournament round I know he played
obviously hero and played the PNC but
played around on tour so that’s that’s a
long time we’re talking almost 10 months
there so um I have to believe that there
were some nerves um I think he’s going
to come out tomorrow feel a lot more
comfortable and as I say just play a lot


  1. Ummmm….Woods made 6 bogies and was suffering back spasms near the end of the round. To clean up his play, he needs to play in more tournaments and spend more time practicing. But it sounds like his body isn''t going to let him do that. Don't see and "overall positive" there.

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