Golf Players

Mid DGW34 Review | Best FPL Chip Ever Used | Fantasy Premier League 23/24

GW34 halfway mark and basically if you had Palace players you are smiling, if you didn’t you are crying. Oh and that Liverpool lineup…we soldier on.

Timestamps for this week:

0:00 stream lobby
2:05 episode starts
3:50 Freehit Killed Us
11:55 The Greatest Chip Ever
16:25 The Golf Day!
25:30 Our Weeks
30:45 Palace v West Ham
36:00 Luton v Brentford
39:25 Wolves v Arsenal
48:20 Sheff Utd v Burnley
51:47 Everton v Forest
55:40 Villa v Bournemouth
1:00:07 Fulham v Liverpool
1:09:05 Q&A

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Golf Day arranged in partnership with ESA

“An entertainment and sports agency with a mission to leverage the power of sport to help businesses find new commercial opportunities, promote personal and professional development, and make a positive difference to society. Key elements in how we approach this are diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and increasing equal opportunities so that talent can shine through, wherever it’s found.

The founders, Jon Southcombe and Mrinal Madina, have over 50 years’ combined experience in sports and entertainment, notably in the tennis, golf, and cricket sectors. We know these sports inside out and have the right connections and expertise to translate your goals into reality”

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#fpl #fantasypremierleague #fpltips #premierleague

right guys welcome back this is above
average FPL my name’s Adam and as always
joined by Baker evening mate evening
mate long time n see yeah it’s been
about 24 hours 36 hours something like
that depends on yeah what was it about
11 10 11 o’clock
yesterday I was to drive home long mate
funny enough that’s long in a car on
your own after a night out night before
I’m not I’m not joking I’m not joking
for So for anybody who doesn’t know
obviously we had the golf day um
everyone knows we the golf day and yeah
so I drove back the following straight
away the following day but I found this
drink in Tesco this like get more vits
it’s called it’s like an electrolytes
type drink but not like Lucas that gives
you like sugar energy stuff like that so
it sounds like an ad it sounds sound how
good your voice is for voice overs but
she not get we need to get some
sponsorship and get these ads cuz she so
good at them it’s not an ad but
genuinely the best thing I’ve ever drunk
post uh post a session because I didn’t
feel hung over at all yesterday felt
terrible today at about 12:00 which is
good when you’re driving for like nine
hours it does help yes exactly it’s
um but yeah got loads of food down me
and everything so yeah it was pretty was
pretty settled before before I left so
it was good it was good but the whole
the whole weekend was good in the end
whole week well not week the start the
start of the weekend was good the rest
of the weekend’s been absolutely
horrific day was not good for me and you
mate that was not good that was
terrible but what like what do we do I
mean you know I’m to be honest I’m I’m
at a point now where I’ve actually I’m
like I feel like I wasn’t really caring
and now I’m so beyond caring about it
it’s I’m like in the worst position
possible cuz I should care like every
week as we do this but I actually don’t
care yeah yeah well I think I think you
know look FP is a game with paths isn’t
it like like and some people do play
week to week and some people just you
know set themselves on Journeys and and
sometimes the journeys that you take are
of your own choosing and sometimes
they’re forced on you you know injuries
and changes are fixed and all sorts of
things can happen in that world so you
know for you um you were put on a
journey where you kind of had to Wild
Card early sure and then you chose a
path which was you still were going to
free hit correct that was that was your
path in terms of that but at the time
you did that you didn’t know what
fixtures would fall into 34 and 37
correct so you gambled and the
gamble uh hasn’t
paid no it has no it hasn’t even like
even when the fixes came out though it
didn’t actually feel like there was a
there was a terrible thing there cuz you
know the big teams were the ones that I
wanted the most of I I wasn’t so fussed
about the the Bournemouth you know well
yeah I say the Bournemouth the Palaces
the Everton like I didn’t really care
because yes because up until very
recently like palace’s attack has been
pretty muted and I I know that’s kind of
timed well with obviously the return of
Alis and a but at the same time they’ve
had bit
they’ve had bit part in sort of
contributions in the last yeah few weeks
and even then I didn’t feel um so
uncomfortable but I did have a quick
look tonight and you know maybe doing
this you know five days ago might have
been even more beneficial but you know
they for the first time this season
they’ve they’ve topped over 2xg like
three times in six weeks which they just
didn’t do in the past it’s a perfect
storm but you could what I’m saying is
you didn’t know that in gameweek 27 was
going to happen like you didn’t know
that like like so therefore your path
got chosen and you’ve done you’ve
reacted the best you could to it I was
in a world where my team it looked like
it was better to Wild Card late so I
would be like right I’m going to PR hit
29 and I will be in a position where my
team looked really good this week like I
had 10 and not just icky doubles like I
had 10 really really good doublers and
I’ve either got Harland or Palmer coming
off as my 11th 11th man like it’s in a
really really good position but things
fa I’m
unbelievably this week like so not only
yes do we have Elise say back and Palace
happen to be in you know a really good
position and trajectory but we
also that they play West Ham who
happened to play Thursday night in the
Europa happened to score early which
meant that you know they were up they
were against it and then they go out of
Europe and then they’ve got nothing to
for and so it perfect storms you know
and that’s that’s exactly what happened
so and it was really easy to pick him if
you’re on free hit because kuna got
injured yes so all of those things
happened to collide and present this
incredible opportunity um which might
have always been the best opportunity
but just happened to play out as good a
day as anyone in the history of
Dreamland could have had you know this
is this is a day where you know if you
play FPL and you freeh hited this
weekend you’ll remember this forever
like this this is it you now attack
you’ll attach your memory to a chip you
know what I mean you’ll feel good about
it forever more and if you didn’t you
probably won’t feel good about it I I
will remember it I think I will remember
it but that’s why we play this game you
know we play this game to somehow end up
on a journey and it turns to work out
and if it you do happen to get it then
it’s great and if it doesn’t
is a CR mystress mate and uh I’m trying
to think of I’m trying to think of a
scenario in the last four years where I
have actually been on that side of
variant like properly there’s been a
couple I’m not going to hide away those
but but like really like gameweek 36 a
couple years ago kdb captain that was
nice obviously but it made me feel great
until and we’ve spoken about him before
but but Andy Martin blast his triple
captain that day and I can’t remember it
for good reasons after that for that
reason um you know i’ had others where I
had like the Canelo 18 pointer against
Newcastle so you know and I captained
him then for 36 points his the last goal
he scored before that was the season
before against Newcastle in the same
fixture so those things they do stick
but outside of those two I can’t
remember a real significant positive
moment that I’ve had which is like I can
remember all the negative ones if you
think like a triple Captain but so easy
to do that is it it’s so easy to do that
but I also think it’s because we
attribute so much we always attribute
when it’s not right to to bad luck like
you do you do you know in that sense and
when it goes well you don’t want to call
it good luck because then what’s the
point in play in this game so therefore
you know we almost exhaust that so much
quicker like like I feel like that way I
definitely felt like that way this
season I felt like it last season and I
kind of felt really unlucky the season
before but I played my wild card like s
before last in game week 26 and at that
time I was 800th in the world yeah right
remember and I don’t didn’t feel lucky
for 26 weeks didn’t feel lucky for 26
weeks but I must have been incredibly
lucky to being 800 from the bloody world
but all I remember is I then played my
world card and then had 11 red arrows in
a row um and blew it so I I you know I
do think we do attribute the bad luck so
much more than we do you know the good
luck to it um yeah when when it we talk
about when it pays relish it and that’s
kind of like it yeah I’m not in for
begrudging those that are celebrating it
this week because he’s incredible I am
[ __ ] him no I’m not really I’m joking
I’m joking I’m joking I just don’t know
again I mean i s outs in the chat hi s
out um um but I was looking at FPL
optimized and I’m I’m literally 150
points negative 150 points from the
prime sample in terms of variance which
if anybody is higher than that please
just comment prove it and I’ll send you
a mug a coaster I’ll send you yeah I’ll
send you the whole lot because I I
genuinely feel like I’ve been like the
unluckiest manager this year out of
anyone that I know yeah and I am I’m not
making I’m not making decisions I’m not
making great decisions no I’m not making
not making it up it is it is there what
you want but I do think there is this
this place where um because you’re
willing to be brave because you’re
willing to take risks and do certain
things then there is an ability that you
can be an outlier in the positive mhm in
the negative and in this situation it’s
been bloody negative do you know what I
mean whereas um and almost like then
when you shout about it people are like
well I don’t really hear it because I’m
not seeing that anywhere else but it is
true it’s 100% true you’re you’re like
150 points below what you should be
expected which is insane
um there’s been this season some
unbelievable paths that you know whether
it be content creators are on it whether
it be reviews predicted it other models
have predicted it that have really
landed so well like Dwight mcneel last
week review start saying that and Dwight
mcneel scores a 30 yard Banger today and
you’re like what the what you did you
notice I haven’t I haven’t heard any
complaints about content creators this
week on the timeline it’s very funny
that very interesting exactly very
interesting um but how good how good was
this chip then let’s let’s let’s
quantify it so we will head over to live
FPL so if you did not use a chip this
week and I’ve ignored all the other ones
for for the sake of it I know there were
some bench boost out there but if you
did not use a chip and that was 68% of
the top 10K you did not use a chip
average 39 points obviously it’s lower
in the overall um St 39 points like no
chip which we know cuz that’s basically
us yeah exactly but if you were on a
free hit 21% of them average
62.7 so that’s 22 points ahead on the on
the free on the free hit and to go
there’s more and there’s more to come
everyone’s got 11 doublers and three hit
so everyone’s got 11 players to go yeah
it’s just it’s just
insane um so you know fight on the
timeline free hit 34 versus free hit 29
like there’s no debates right just it’s
objectively objectively I would have
taken like
hindsight taken four five points or
whatever I would have got with my team
in 29 if I had just left it and taken my
70 points this week or whatever I might
have got because I would have had a I
would have had mateta I would have had
Elis because those are the three that
people sort of people that I would have
um you know and so yeah I
mean well
done like enjoy it enjoy enjoy it if you
win FPL from it then fair play if not
then you’re just another loser like all
like the rest of us but um and someone
said grumpy Adam on a Sunday uh I do
enjoy that grumpy Adam on the wine
grumpy Adam on the wine you see that
yeah I’m on I’m on the wine so I’m
straight water this
evening uh EMR has dropped us a Super
Chat saying M mateta and E non-free hit
owners this is our game week yeah I mean
but as I say there’s there was a lot of
ways that you could do that because do
do you want Mata and a going forward no
not really really there are better ones
to go beyond beyond that so if you
didn’t have a wild card like how many
people would be on like a triple up
Crystal Palace at this time when you’re
looking at they’ve got another good
fixture next week I think it’s Fulham
and then they’ve got United or something
like that something well which which
could be pretty good seems Seems okay
yeah it’s it’s but it’s it’s it’s been
tough it’s been tough you know the Mata
one is interesting
um realistically you know unless you
took Harland out this week for him so
there’s like three ways you took Harland
out for him this week you don’t have
salanki you do get Mata um or you don’t
have Darwin and you do have
Mata and if you didn’t have Darwin and
you did have mateta this week on nonf
free hit you’re in the money you still
have had a really good week yeah um
that’s been that’s been the biggy you
know that’s the other part about the
free hit non-f free hit
so many nonfree hitters had Salah and
yeah um and I think a Lo well I mean
obviously a load of free hitters did
have Salah as well I think a few may
have a few may have stayed away from
Darwin because of minutes it was less it
was it was more risky to go away from
Salah from an ownership perspective much
easier to do it on a Darwin because J
was back I think yeah so it kind of
worked that way around a lot a lot a lot
more three hitters were busing enough to
cap in this week as well yes because
that the sum of the parts of where they
were at
um so you know add that all game in mate
and it’s uh it’s like I say it’s been
phenomenal but the idea that it would
be it’s never this much it’s never this
much in terms of an average ever you
know what I mean like normally when we
look at these this could be like we’ve
done many of them we’ve done many of
these where we look at when whenever
it’s big free hit weeks if you go back
to any previous pods we’ve ever done a
look at the free hit weeks it’s like 10
15 Max at the end to already be 23
points is literally the greatest free
hit I’ve week I’ve ever seen
mad okay well let’s swing back let’s
swing back to and talking of swinging
back let’s swing back to to Thursday
where we all we all descended upon
Newbery or a bunch of us did so 24 of us
descended on newb for the first above
average FPL golf day um honestly it’s
probably the best 48 hours I’ve had in a
while it’s absolutely outstanding the
course was good and um the the company
was you know just just brilliant so 24
24 of us there I’m not going to name
everyone but um yeah in the chat there’s
loads in the chat and these are all the
these are all the photos from the first
te so everyone looking very Smiley
everyone very happy to play um people
were a bit more frustrated a little bit
later on down the line but the standard
of golf the standard of golf was
outstanding across pretty much everybody
yeah um so yeah I just wanted to thank
everyone again for coming um we’ve got
some really good feedback everyone was
really complimentary of how it went and
they really enjoyed themselves I mean
again like check in the chat check on
Twitter all of that sort of stuff um you
know I think we’re really proud of it as
a as an event proud and you know we need
to shout out um Esa so Esa are the
entertainment sports agency and that’s
run by uh Rell Madina so Rell is now a
good friend of ours they are an
entertainment and sports agency and what
they’re doing is they’re leveraging the
power of sport to help businesses find
new commercial opportunities and
promoting personal development and
things like that basically trying to
make a positive difference to society so
what Mell and his team does is they
speak to companies speak to
organizations and um and you know they
help to arrange these kind of events so
if you’re interested in something like
that then um you know get in touch with
us and I can get you in touch with Mell
and um you know he will be helping us
with our with our next golf day as well
and so you know one that we’re we’re
really looking forward to um yeah and
the weather was pretty goodart from
about 20 minutes where we got hammmer on
which was uh outstanding we got away
with it in our group we were last group
oh you in a halfway house halfway house
just as the rain came down so yeah and
then and then on the turn there was a
little heart of the team we like just
we’re just staying here ah nice so we
did get away with it a little bit in the
rain side of it but um it just just a
really cool day and like I say everyone
played fantastically I mean I think you
know one from last got 38 points on the
day which is just absurd um yeah and um
yeah yeah just good fun really good fun
you know look the thing is fpl’s like
we’re all data nerds in that sense so
there’s a good chance there’s lots of
good golfers as well and the standard of
golf there were some some really good
ones and you know I think I’d like to
Hope as well there ones that were we had
like as many 28 handy cappers we had
single hand finger handed cappers and
everyone did well we’ll pair people up
with with good people we play a scramble
format so you know even if you were 28
handicapper you got to play with with a
goodie to to help you put yourself in a
good position it was it was good fun it
was good fun and what you’re seeing Onre
firing uh firing through some photos of
the day and this was all sort of on the
golf course stuff um obviously Beyond
this we went out into Newbury which is
one of the quietest towns I’ve ever been
in and really big town for a really
quiet Town yeah but the cheapest beers
in the world genuinely so it hilarious
cuz I remember so John um John Alin who
was there what a guy John is by the way
um he was there and I remember the first
round he went to buy literally pulled
22s out of his pocket or his wallet and
the and the girl was
990 and he was like what like four beers
four beers he was like what four beers
for less than a tenna in war about
between seven and nine and the place had
outside of the 15 of us it had about 21
people in in total it was nuts it was
good it was good these photos was seeing
I all of them and some of the
entertainment in the evening was put on
by can see him in the chat FPL Soccer
Crazy uh like you’ll see him on Twitter
his name is maggot I’ll let anybody go
and ask him while his name is maggot um
but you know a man’s a good man where he
turns up takes photos all day for us and
uh then in the evening got told off by
the bouncer for doing flips and
it it was brilliant it was so um what
man it was it was so much fun um yeah it
was great and I can’t wait to do it
again yeah I can’t wait to do it again
and if you are interested in getting
involved in in more I’ve put the link
back down in the description for the uh
for the form so if you do want to get
involved and that’s obviously on the
YouTube anyone on on audio um you know
head over to the YouTube the link for a
form to get involved with the golf day
is going forward and you’ll start
receiving emails from myself as we start
talking about the next event coming up
in September
and um but we did have some winners so
um we had uh quite quite funnily me and
you took home a prize each which was
cheeky so let me tell you the story
right I walked in and she was like get
on yeah yeah yeah and I was like she’s
like have you got well I said to me have
you got you got a trophy she was like I
was like yeah she was like did you buy
that trophy yeah she was like so you
bought yourself a
trophy I haven’t I haven’t told
I was like I suppose I
have yeah and uh oh yeah because well
you won the fireball par three nearest
to pin I won the fireball par three so I
had to give you a had to give you a
double Fireballs so I got onto the uh
onto the red teas if you haven’t seen
those get to get get to Twitter those
those videos are on there I think is
your one on there mine’s on there and
you also won I also won the nearest a
pin as well yeah yes but there were
other winners so die Thomas hit the pin
on one of the uh I think it was the
fifth and finished about finished about
six inches from the hole Yeah top blad
die and then Andy Goodland the pro
um he smashed one of the biggest drivers
I’ve ever seen Down 13 Against the Wind
about 295 Against the Wind something
like that I hit my second and I was
about 40 yards past him after my second
yeah um I felt like it two good shots
yeah and so you know we had um obviously
we had uh we had winners in the in the
competition itself the scramble
competition and so third place was Andy
Mack and Andy Goodland so shout out to
them they didn’t win any prizes but they
won uh they they got third place which
was amazing and then second was John
Peak and Joseph Krill so shout out to
you guys and then the
winners were Ral Medina and Rich Clark
they got 46 points and there was some
little niche things it’s not this is not
Bandit 46 points we had some Niche
things some yellow ball double points on
stuff as well so it’s you know you had
to keep the yellow ball in play but you
know they they absolutely smashed it
they won it on countback versus uh
versus JN and Jo and Joseph by the last
second round of countback last three
holes last three holes um yeah we had
full drama didn’t we because we almost
announced the wrong winners we did but
we’re professionals we Wi on that V and
uh and checked it out but we got the
right one so yeah Ral and Rich fantastic
pairing and um yeah well done to you
guys and well done to everyone CU you
know as I say there’s even a few guys
that um you know at that 28 level it was
a tough day one a couple of spoons
couple of spoons as well so John and Sam
shout out to you guys and uh what else
happened oh so yeah and also you had
like David as well so David comes across
from Belfast
uh he come from Bel come across from
Belfast think it was yeah and um he
sleeps in heathow the night before comes
and hires a set of clubs to play with us
loses a club which gets handed in thank
God for that he then comes out to with
us on the night out then then disappears
off to the Bristol for Saturday night
and then runs the 10K that FPL Lea had
organized this morning
absolute absolute animal so shout out to
him and and shout out to Joseph who lost
his keys as well he’s lost his car key
on the golf
course like it all happens it all
happens the average F golf day and no
more St get told Sam Sam broke his key
as well Sam Price broke his key
brilliant it was good fun it was good
fun and uh goes on on the golf day stays
on the golf day yeah we’ll we’ll move
back we’ll move back let’s move back to
fpl now so thanks to thanks to you lot
for listening we we’ll time stamp this
bit and if you’ve already skipped this
then too l
late uh yeah so here’s my team uh just
very quickly running through it uh
obviously have Rya you know the two6
specialist that got 10 points thanks
very much um Gabrielle six points vardal
still to play against um against
Brighton uh van dijk Liverpool con seeed
goals so but he always pops up in a
double game we can get a goal apparently
so let’s hope that happens still time um
I was actually priced out of going bumo
to Bruno Fernandez which was quite a
lucky thing in the end um Boomer gets me
nine points sacka with three i’ got
Palmer to play Salah Captain um harand
Darwin and
holand really not liking the idea of
having hland in my team at the moment
I’m genuinely contemplating like a minus
12 just to rip [ __ ] up um in future
weeks and I mean you’ve got to like him
more than having [ __ ] Darwin Nunes in
the team mate like he’s doing his in he
probably plays more minutes which is
about it right now yeah um you know he
didn’t even look like he was going to
score against commentary today
and so there I am I think I’m like 33
points or something [ __ ] it’s just bad
man it’s just bad bad as well like
that’s you know good hits against the
crowd and well this is it like Ry and
bumo took me took me to about seven
points ahead of
expected um and I’m now 20 points behind
expected chers Palace let’s move to your
team yeah
killer killer killer killer yeah my last
I was always bringing as I in my last
decision Saturday morning was Lis Diaz
Trent um and I went DS obviously Tad
um uh and yeah that’s where I am you
know I’m not much better Netto and go
gets one point munas Emerson gets there
everyone announced on Twitter Muno go
Muno go I was like yes can’t believe it
that’s going to get me that literally
would have just saved everything and nah
no no no Emon Nicks it in first um
gabber yeah Gabriel sber at least they
sort us out you that’s not not a good
thing for us personally um Diaz saaka
Salah I mean come on Salah cap again
morning I was I was kind of like salaro
salar um and it just I just felt like
look they need the response TR Liverpool
especially trusting Liverpool I’ve got
triple attack I was like you know you
start to play on your head oh I could
have the Liverpool front three you know
in in a double game week um and yes
including Captain see they got five
points between me for having the the
so-called First Choice front three all
season um yeah a with 11 points uh and
then Holland still to go or Palmer
depending on whether he’s okay or not um
and sanki with s six did he end up they
got no bonus in the end
no that’s really regular with sank
that’s been you know a problem to him
all season is even when he does tick
along he rarely gets I think it’s only
been twice this season he’s got um got
all three
bonus because he
misses Yeah well yeah Villa also scored
three goals which doesn’t doesn’t
doesn’t really help yeah but none by the
striker this is still be Watkins still
beat him there he did get not two
assists two assists yeah like it’s like
a goal anyway it’s just behind a goal
anyway isn’t
it not for a strike well 9 and 9 18
versus 24 you just need six is a six is
a fair old bit okay that’s true you
chances I guess
yeah so looking forward to the rest of
this game week and I’ve pressed on well
card active um weird while C active
because it’s like I might get some
double Rises so do I want to take him
out do I not want to take him out
I mean do you think do you think that
like do you think you’re GNA get another
rise from Salah surely not people are
pretty Savvy uh no and salah’s done now
sah went up last night so that got me
ticked off he’s not going to go up twice
more is he okay you know um so yeah s s
um I’ll move s out tonight so Darwin was
one wasn’t he Darwin was one but then
again that I still need Darwin to go up
one yeah I don’t think he’s going toen
yeah n today that’s not happening um I
could do a seller I could do a Dar going
up one um and I could do a CBA going up
more at the moment if I sell them yeah
just not players that got just not
players that are not doubling now so
it’s it’s tough tough for them to move
might you think you might as well just
get your players in that you want yeah
who’s going to want to go spend six
million on CA now do you know what mean
this part of the Season yeah exactly
it’s not going to happen not going to
happen not not quick enough to offset
the number of people that will start
moving those guys out yeah
agreed we’ll see cool um where do we
want to start on the weekend’s games I
mean we’ve watched as much as we can I
guess let’s let’s just let’s do Palace
mate let’s just let’s just uh which game
is the palace game Palace game was
be that
one should be that one yes a West Ham
West Ham literally rolled over yeah
literally just rolled over it’s just
there hasn’t there’s only been like
three times I had to look right there’s
only been like three times where Palace
have scored four goals across two game
weeks three or four times
Max um they scor four goals in 35
minutes four goals in 35 minutes like
it’s just like I say it’s utter utter
Dreamland and its Perfection you know in
terms of it it’s the I’ve got I’ve got a
Bott of Fireball here and I’m
considering I’m considering knocking it
back all the boys on the pitch is
relatively a new manager still in that
world the team that are beached have
just been coming off European loss it’s
it’s it was all fit into one nice neat
little package um and I smashed it 14 14
shots between those
three yeah so many so many but it’s it’s
a brilliant front three like has a front
three you got those three with SP fans
Teo son and Brennan or matto
Alis I would
take Alis say e and
Son probably probably just have the
threee I would I would if you take I
mean as a free if I was selling you a
forward line it’s it’s a it’s a really
good forward line you know it’s likely
is a fine Striker let’s not overhype him
because he’s had a few good games
right I mean but he’s he’s hard to play
against you can’t have an off day on him
like when we played Palace Mickey vaner
van had an unbelievable day like he was
so good against mateta but he had to be
like he’s massive like he beats people
up quite oldfashioned in that type of
way playing um and it’s perfect for for
the bowlers um um yeah like I say it all
nicely they’ll continue to tick along I
think there is even an argument like you
say even on wild card you know is is if
you wanted to be looking
352 have him perfectly use him um do I
think many people will bring him in no I
don’t think we will you know that’s
um that’s that’s it isn’t it but he’s
he’s if you’ve got him or ready and you
weren’t on free hit you leave them there
it gives you a prime way of looking at
sort of 352 angle
um yeah it’s a yeah it’s it’s quite an
interesting setup glasner has actually
it’s quite a very sort of a narrow it’s
kind of a narrow 55 type thing going
going on which is um which is kind of
clever I guess uh yeah it’s making the
most of what they’ve got exactly is
really using the resources they have and
I guess allowing Elise and just to
basically Roam and wander around in that
you know middle third forward middle
third of the pitch is is pretty cool
actually you can just let them do what
they want yeah yeah they’re not pinned
to they’re not pinned to the wings you
know what I mean doing that stuff
they’re using using the Mitchell world
of bit it does work like that 36 game
home to man united on the Monday night
yeah yeah he’ll just beat up I mean I
mean Maguire he’ll yeah he’ll just be
out McGuire yeah yeah yeah it’s I mean I
mean they play casemiro center back
today I think I mean I know I know
obviously what happened today happened
today for United
but I I don’t want to judge lineups
versus commentary
like tenh as bad as he is would have set
did set up completely differently to how
he would do in a Premier League game so
let’s not pretend that it was oh so they
screwed up against centry oh that must
mean they’re going to be the worst team
in the league it’s not they’re not good
but they’re not terrible terrible like
that y yeah basically they’re good
they’re unlikely if you’ve got them and
you’re not a wild card you keep them
because yeah um it’s easier to keep
mateta you know I think a lot of people
are going to look at if you’ve got as or
Le say they’re going to look at
obviously the Spurs and Chelsea because
they’re doublin and you’ve also got
Gordon and you’ve got um Bruno for
example um in the world well up to you
but like understand that when they score
it is all going to go through these guys
cuz the system sets up perfectly for him
yeah West Ham just straight up void
don’t go anywhere near see you next
yeah easy or E yeah there is it where we
going um let’s go let’s go to the start
let’s go to the start where a Tony
brenford again just stepped up
and smashed loot into
pieces not even in the squad this
week it’s weird now is it like like we
um uh guy often comments and ask Ki we
be he um put in the comments last week
and was like no no I think it’s just the
injury last week um and I was like okay
it might still just be the injury it
doesn’t feel like it’s just the injury
does it and it almost feels like
brenford are reacting to it they’re just
like it feels like Whistler reacting to
it and boomo mate like you should have
had more points outstanding he was
absolutely outstanding and even even
some of the even some of the work he was
doing was ridiculous like even just sort
of the dogged work that he was doing he
so it he looks so calm about it the way
he was the way he was pressing around
the pitch and he does look so good on
that he does look so good at the moment
he’s so I actually think strangely you
know we talked so much about Tony you
know doesn’t stick to position it gets a
bit weird bumo goes inside goes there
and does that this one he didn’t bumo
basically just stayed as a right right
winger and he was much better with with
it like it was like you looked at you
were like well this is just a fantastic
right winger this is one of the best
right Wingers in the league like
literally that’s what it looks like
watching him um and whis is a really
good Target man
um and leis Potter it just felt like
they all know what they were doing Louis
Potter’s like yes this is what I came
here for when he was in the championship
it was really good left Winger and then
he’s been mucked about as a wing back
stroke come off the bench do the stuff
and you’re like ah I’ve got two Wingers
and I’ve got wher in the middle it’s a
bit like we just said with Palace it’s a
good front threee yeah and everything
everything else just needs to function
and as you say like with with Tony not
stepping out into these positions where
he almost doesn’t belong and you know
some that does that has worked for him
in the
past watching watching leis Potter Drive
um drive at that Lon defense was with
joyous and to be fair to Luton they’ve
got absolutely no Defenders right now so
yeah it is it is really a case of if you
do have transfers that are outside of
doubles so for m is it it is so tough
for them um it’s also obviously Le
part’s being helped by the fact that
regg’s also suddenly the best left in
world you know two big CH uh two big
chances created four key passes seven
like does all the stuff what did you
text me 28 Baseline 28 Baseline
yeah yeah 28
Baseline it was just
insane Sergio regon what man I again I
just don’t understand where that come
where that came from because he was
always so wasteful with us like he
wouldn’t like he wouldn’t get those
completed crosses because his Crossing
was so bad he wouldn’t get like the
shots on Target because his shots were
so bad and then suddenly now he’s in a
brenford Shir it’s uh it’s all dreaming
can we just blame con marinho say again
can we just blame con marinho yes
absolutely yeah stream down stream down
stream’s back up don’t worry carry on
stream back so so start start again with
walls and Arsenal wolves and Arsenal um
you got 10 points from a keeper wolves
only got 0.14 XG Arsenal though only did
1.28 XG as well the other side you know
is so this was a game I watched this
and you know coming from the golf day
sitting in not doing much in the evening
had it on um and it was
horrible it was it was horrible and and
interestingly I think um I think this
this was last season my personal
experience from watching this I would
have been like this is the worst game
I’ve ever seen this team’s horrible it’s
disgusting I hate it like what are they
doing um but because this season under
sort of an we’ve seen the
complete inability to control and
prevent chances and strangle games I had
kind of a bit of respect for it watched
it and I was like they’re so good at
strangling teams like to keep a team
that I know wolves had loads of injuries
but wolves were so up for it they were
really working as hard as they possibly
could but you can’t stop this Arsenal
defense they’re so good they work hard I
mean KIRO wasn’t good to be fair as far
as far as the guys go but Gabrielle
like he’s such a leader like he’s just
shouting at every there’s only about 80
minutes in where uh kir around him and
he was twice in 37 but then means that
you don’t have an Arsenal defender in 36
or 38 for me is just
insane yeah it’s just insane like
like they’re the best defense we might
I’ve ever
seen um we’re getting Frozen again mate
we’re back don’t worry we’re back we are
back yeah I don’t know why it’s freezing
but we’re we’re
um yeah they’re the
best probably the best defensive team
we’ve seen in this league
um so
you yeah keep them whether whether
whether if you’re going to only have one
Defender whether it should be Gabrielle
or C but I think it’s a question
because you’re utterly riing on the goal
Gabrielle you’re utterly relying on it
and I know he can score it but if they
do games like this when they control it
and do
stuff CA is going to beat him every
week it’s going to beat him every week
on the bonus like he’s always there or
thereabouts like it was very very close
for a very long time between Ry and CA
then you know little extra save does
enough gets gets over the line but
I if you ask me who gets gets you know
is going to be involved in the bonus for
the next
three he probably get or three or four
then he probably gets that little bit
more you know is is Gabrielle is more
likely I think to get booked and he’s
just definitely going to get um less
bonus than than Toba it’s it’s a
conversation you know because most
people on double um in the attack side
of it obviously we saw hav playing the
eight he did did it really well but he
was really good at it um but then he’s
not playing the nine he got 10 minutes
play the nine you know in his simple
just 10 minutes of playing the
nine they he almost scores yeah and
could have scored twice so one he missed
and second one he should have been put
in so if you got to have it again on
threee here like that’s the one that
hasn’t come off that most of them have
got kind of expect him in mid week he
plays back in the number nine when he
plays the number nine he’s FPL gold um
but yeah I don’t see that there’s room
going forward for Arsenal attack but I
think it’s Madness to completely go off
defense I mean the defense is the
defense is too good it’s too good
defense is is just too good you will not
find you not you yeah I think it was uh
which week was it I was trying to think
which week we were talking about a few
weeks ago where I saying that you know
Arsenal Defender is more likely to get
you a clean sheet than say a double
United for example yes by clearly and a
Chelsea I I would much I would much
rather have a Gabrielle than a Thiago
Silva I’d much rather have ryer than
petravic um or you don’t necessarily
want to in 35 like like you’d think but
well yeah I mean Toten going to score
three goals so it’s fine you don’t you
don’t want them in that week but I mean
Gabrielle in 35 is is a worry you
probably still want sacker in 35 because
we always can see the
penalty there’s that too um I think a
lot of people will will will sell sacka
this week um and if he blanks midweek
like it’ll be floodgates open because
people will want some back people will
want Bruno they’ll want
Gordon it’s
coming so yeah I mean I mean definitely
I would definitely I would have celra
above Gabrielle right right now I think
100% I mean I actually really like
having ryer in that position because
it’s just don’t have to think about it
obviously if you’re bench boosting I
guess if you’re wild card and then bench
boosting you’ll get double double keeper
right so you’re not going to go there
but well again again I’m just going to
throw throw that that out there on that
one is um
yes but let’s go through the double
double Keepers that you can have just
quickly in our heads so Vicario
yeah so Vicario and Petrovic they double
you know most people are going have one
of those two because they want to play
the doubler in
35 yes and then in 37 yeah alongside
them you could have Onana who has two
home games although one of them is
against Arsenal or you could have Edison
yep so you can have Edison but then it
limits you obviously on City players
yeah and it’s bit more expensive but
then Deka you know when ry’s at home to
Bournemouth in
36 if you’ve got Chelsea you’ve got him
home to West
Ham pich yeah don’t mind much if you’re
doing Vicario away to Liverpool don’t
want to play that no and if you went
forio and Anana we just talked about it
your way to Palace don’t want that
so the game you could probably get in 36
you know might offset what you get in 37
yeah true and we’ve got the old thing
with Chelsea so Petrovic looks probably
like the better one of it but what if
Sanchez is back yeah we don’t
know we don’t
know um yeah I like I say I don’t you
feel like you want to go for it on on um
on there but maybe
maybe just Ryan and gabri because like
if Ryan and Gabrielle were on your bench
um got the clean against man
united but this team could bully man
united in
37 easy quite comfortably that might be
a differential yeah still being on
double double Arsenal defense yeah I
mean for me obviously I’m not moving
anywhere no and that’s part of the bit
of um for me who in that later Wild Card
bit there’s a little bit of here that
just thinks this hasn’t played out like
because the opportunity teams on
Newcastle are man united are Tottenham
and a Chelsea and you’re like
oh all of them can be terrible all of
them can be terrible you’re taking you
got you have to take some and
unfortunately because everything else P
hasn’t paid off you probably got to take
a few wild punts on it um do we even
know Pop’s back for example it doesn’t
sound that
way okay but I just think I just think
sh Gordon isack is just way too good to
go anything else
fair you know if trippy trippy everyone
we go look at
but I can’t face
that I can’t face that come on let’s
move on but yes move
on you choose
uh just go through sheffi United Burnley
and I think I know I can see obviously
you know Sheffield United do dominate a
lot of the chances here and there some
big chances but Bernie misses a big one
early on and all this sort of
stuff but there was going to come a time
where burnley’s good football was
actually going to pay off and they were
going to walk over a team and it just so
happens to be a team that they’re going
to be playing next season as well
probably yeah it’s at their it’s at
their level this is this is how I’m
seeing it it’s it’s one of the teams
that they’re playing at their level
and when they were playing against them
last year you
know they um good they’ve got you know
they got some they got
some reasonable players in there but I
mean we’re not talking about either of
these teams from
a from an FPL perspective so I guess we
should just enjoy that you know
company’s finally got one
over did you see
um did you see uh Wilder comments about
gerbich no so so the keeper gerbich
which is unfortunate name for a
keepering it because just sounds like
yeah but he said uh ask on garbage he
yeah I’m just calling garbage now um uh
no he hasn’t started his United Career
well we understand that uh um there was
not opportunity to bring him here and
there was a reason why because we
weren’t comfortable in that position and
let’s get it right don’t think anyone’s
comfortable with that position everyone
was clamoring and we thought CU so he’s
basically throwing the other guy fing
him what was his name foding him
throwing him under the bus um but yeah
obviously it’s not been a great start
for the big man what does what does he
expect he goes from like being coached
by a team that that he goes from
Atletico Madrid right where the team in
front of him is coached by Diego Simeone
it’s like the most Sim exactly it’s like
the most organized defensive unit you’ve
ever seen
that makes no mistakes or very little
mistakes actually knows what the hell
they’re supposed to be doing and then
turns up at Sheffield United where where
he’s facing probably he’s probably faced
more shots in the games that he’s played
here than he ever faced in his Atletico
career it just destroys you it’s destroy
when you Keepers doing this because it
is actually they’re the better team for
most of this game in terms of the create
chance creation but if the guy’s just
going to just let stuff in then
don’t matter look letting four goals of
the four goals themselves equate to like
less than half or just about half an XG
like absolute
um so yeah that’s a
problem I mean they missing Bogle you
know I told you boy that was it that was
the Bogle was back it would all been
fine but you look at a people like this
and that’s why I do think like bro
Fernandez next
week is just going to par shot this guy
yeah well this week this week this week
same week yeah yeah this
week well if he can Parry it and then
hland can finish it off then that’d be
great exactly uh we’ve got three games
go let’s talk about this
one um those
three I mean the game’s crap
but I mean what else is there to talk
talk about other than other than Ashley
Young tweet about the Tweet the Tweet as
well the tweet’s fantastic but how how
would you feel how you like if it’s if
it was your club and they tweeted it and
you were the fan you know of that of
that club how how would you feel about
then would that it it it comes across as
the most childish thing that’s ever SE
that you’ve ever seen but at the same
time you’re still fuming because
everything they’re saying is correct
like because the decisions the decisions
to not give at least two of those
penalties was was a joke it was
literally a joke it’s weird it’s it’s
such it’s very strange Behavior it’s
very it’s got very much like Chairman’s
taking control of Twitter account or
work experien kid has gone [ __ ] it I’m
only going to be here for two days who
cares somebody who’s already on his
notice period right or something like
that has gone give me give me the
password or clber because they employ
clber they clattenburg yeah exactly
could explore I can imagine him ringing
up some guy being like you’re putting
this down let me just I’m I’m going to
dictate it get it down get it
down consider I’m going to be
considering my options what what options
right what options you’re about to get
fined so let’s start with start
there it’s so stupid it’s
so so stupid so are the challenges and
so are the decisions they they they are
they’re just terrible terrible decisions
the secret everything’s timing but like
like let let somebody else do it first
let somebody impartial say what on
Earth’s going on here and then and then
you jump on the back of it guess the
problem is yeah you know is is it’s it’s
it’s hard because it’s emotional and
it’s massive like like in terms of the
relegation battle which is you know it’s
big of course um
it’s it’s big it’s big I get it neither
of these clubs have any money so they
need they need money right yeah it’s
desperation times funny in it that was
it last week or week before we started
talking about the fact that we don’t see
the pgmo apologies anymore yeah we don’t
we had that conversation that we don’t
see that and it’s almost like like I’m
saying is there is that bit still to
keep coming out and saying yeah we need
to get better
like we can’t
magically we should be able to but we
can’t we don’t seem to be able to
magically just make officiating better
we have to find ways but there could be
a little bit more honesty about that was
a big
crap well they tried did they not try to
get hard web on the on the TV on a
Monday morning or something they started
doing that but it was just it was just
propaganda mate it was it of course it
the same scrap with Derm gallager right
and just der Gallagher being made like
this I don’t like how they make an
individual retired referee escapegoat
for every referee’s decision at the
weekend I think that’s horrific but at
the same time weird I think they do need
to I mean do we do want transparency but
we know exactly what happen it’ll be the
the VAR and the ref won’t officiate next
weekend and Forest will get a fine
that’s what it’ll be yeah and it still
be crap again next week yeah it’s just
uh um but yeah
again don’t need the teams mate we a’t
going to be going near these two have
far see
later see at least probably one of you
next year but maybe not
both I think we will though do you not
think the three three relegated teams
are going to be the three pred teams now
other way around but yeah three PR teams
are going to be the yeah yes yeah yeah s
yeah Lon Luton for all the will in the
world the injury is just too much
yeah it’s too much I
agree and are we conceding fourth to
Villa no not yet I don’t think so I
think there’s still look we’ve got we’ve
got tough games coming up and somebody
mentioned in the chat about whether
there’s going to be Tottenham chat for
for wild card 35 we’re going to try and
arrange we’re trying to arrange
something so just keep a keep an ear out
for that um yes but I I don’t think we
have to I think you know Villa have
still got who have they got who have
they got got still to play I mean well
they haven’t got as many games to play
the the issue is going to be more can we
win our games rather than yeah and
they’ve also still got Europe to
consider as well yeah they have but but
this is another thing you know they came
out and they were absolutely rubbish for
the first half they were rubbish you
know Bournemouth should have been miles
away comfortably the better team they
were full on hang over things but um
real moment Magic from the young lad
really good really good goal that is you
know um especially because it’s in the
46th minute completely changed
everything yeah I I didn’t even I didn’t
even realize that they um they equalized
actually yeah I completely I looked at I
I looked for fpl’s last tweets and um
and then I when when the dib goal goes
in and it went Aston Villa to bourou I
was like when did they even score the
one but it’s but yeah they
they’re finding ways I mean we know of
Emory like like what he did with Seva
repeatedly in Europa when it comes to
Cup finals and this is Cup finals you
know for Villa it’s massive finished
fourth like it’s enormous like so like
he will be treating every single game
like a cup final to get over the line um
and he did that really well and OE
Watkins is just unbelievable the the the
hold up play and the passes for both
those two
goals just
unreal like I think we win the Euros
this summer and I think if Kane got
injured we’d still win the Euros this
summer volley
Watkins down the line I mean you could
put car palman is a number nine or
Watkins is number nine or Kane is a
but he can’t do anymore like what a
season the amount of goal involvement he
has 36 36 goal involvement 19 goals 17
assists I think it is now just
ridiculous yeah it’s insane it’s insane
yeah no look they we don’t I don’t want
to say they’ve locked up fourth because
you know we’re two games we’ got two
games in hand on them and we’re six
points behind him so I’m not going to
say that our games are more difficult
very true um but we’ll know basically by
the end of 36 whether that’s going to
happen we will
know I think you know next season what
we are going to have
potentially is less double game weeks
that just makes a really easy set and
forget I hope they price OE really
difficult n and a half another n and a
half 10 million pound Striker like make
it difficult
course and
Bournemouth I say Bournemouth I mean
just just switch off from them I guess
now because I guess those are people
that are wild card and are not going to
be any in there
and um and everyone says GNA be so sank
esack is going to be so popular is it
yeah on go so popular is what it is cool
moving on um just got the last great pen
B so lanky though CU whenever it’s a pen
this is the one game I haven’t watched
any of so I’m just trusting you to to
tell me unbelievable pen um really short
run like one thing you wouldn’t do
against sem is like a free three step
run up but he does like this he does
about 20 steps without moving and then
whacks it and just blasts it top left it
was yeah it was
nice nice and then the final game
Liverpool three B and
one game starved really good
opportunities but you know saved
by good
finishes I mean f were really good for
for one going half time really good for
one going
half time you know they Diaz felt like
the only sort of lively person I felt
like in attack for them you know it’s a
big drop off with no mallister really um
in the middle um Trent had a free kick
which he let Elliot take yeah first one
and what’s he done but
then then for the second time this this
this weekend there was like moments
where you were like well that can’t go
cameras were were in a position to show
stuff my first one was earlier the truss
hard goal I don’t know if you saw the
camera but the camera like couldn’t have
been in a better position like directly
behind his foot that showed him just
punting it just punting it straight
forward that was that was fantastic and
then this one as soon as there you were
like well that’s just a goal like before
he hit it before he yeah before he even
took it you were like and then and then
as they were lining the wall up like
Neville was like that Wall’s not going
to work there mate like that’s just not
going to work and you could s sort of
where it was cuz the camera was right
behind it you could sort of see Leno was
trying to he trying to peek around munis
at the PO he was like looky looky and
then you were like he’s got no chance
mate he’s just going to pass that into
the top corner literally he’s just going
to pass it there it was perfect and he
was he was he was away celebrating
halfway through it oh mate just gone it
was it felt like a penalty didn’t it it
felt like a penalty it was it was that’s
that’s done
um but um I think I think the
interesting take for me on Liverpool is
klopp made the comments sort of embargo
comments I think we did get them
before the deadline but I certainly
wasn’t in a position to be looking at
the comments um around it but he made
the sort of comments about people like
needing to forget injuries and stuff and
just get on like this is
it kpps klopp’s got no more time in this
league this is it this is all he’s got
left all loyalties a down mate like he
will pick the team that he thinks he
will get them and it’ll be like who is
hungriest what I what I really noticed
with with gakpo who hasn’t had you know
the many chances as as the others is he
was horrible like like he was full like
he was on the Mane train of I I can’t
see you I don’t know where you are
people were making room for him and he
was like nah M I’m I’m shooting I’m
doing whatever I can to do it he was
like he was playing on his own you know
for most of it I know gets you know the
assists they grabb much more but trust
me like normally what we see from gakpo
is is that he’s quite an unselfish
player he was like I’ve got a chance hit
a start I’m going to do everything I can
for it um
and that’s just a problem and Jos is a
problem because he’s the best finisher
in the club so he’s going to want how do
you not play
josa how does he not play josa in
midweek yeah you play J you play J as
much as you can play J you play J as
many minutes as you can play it and then
you just and then you just let Darwin
loose against tied defenses and just
just hope he just barrels something in
somewhere no I agree and you know J Dar
could have had a hat-trick in in in 20
minutes was there but what did what
happened with the hatrick he well he was
offside and then he was offside and
then he didn’t get to the last one for a
mo like like that’s the problem that’s
the problem Jo has just got so much
classes he’ll play him whenever ever he
possibly can um
even on like when you look at um if you
don’t have Mo on wild card we take Mo
out this week you know people will take
Mo out for example people take Mo out
for Sun Sun you have some Surplus money
people will take Mo out for um uh for
Bruno for example all those type of
players um there’s some money slushing
about potentially you know trippier is
not that hard to afford but if you ask
me potentially would could Trent maybe
outscore the likes of a trippier over
the next few game weeks and and be a big
option again I think we need to see we
need to see what happens in week in in
the midweek right we need to see if
Trent starts because we know Trent’s
ability from um an attacking sense but
Liverpool still aren’t keeping any
cleans and not keeping any claims that
still that still concerns me given that
they don’t have any doubles left so y
you know so it isn’t like a four-point
baseline for a four-point flaw for just
appearances and then you get upside from
assists and what what have you you know
your flaw is two and if he gets an
attack in return whether it be an assist
or a goal then great but they’re just
not keeping cleans so if he plays Gomez
I mean I can’t see him playing Gomez
against Everton in the week I he he will
start with Trent but you know he
obviously brings him off for Gomez this
week you’d unlikely even if you brought
him in especially on wild card you might
not play him at 35 anyway because
because you’ve got Newcastle defense um
home to CH United you’ve got and then
you’ve got say Gusto and porro but let’s
just say porro is
injured like and and he doesn’t make so
latest is the sort of Hope R for the
weekend but let’s say he does
like whether you went to a Romero or
vanent or whether I went Trent and went
well West Ham just looked a paing in 35
then in 36 he’s home to
us like Trent putting in those Corners
that we’ve been seeing against us he’s
then got Villa again really leaky
against against the the setpiece all
season and then it’s home to wolves who
are literally CLI crawling over the line
at the end of the season with no
players there’s a couple of double
digits I feel like there’s a couple of
double digits there in the Trent one um
it’s you know if you looking you’re
chasing and nobody’s getting there with
the like people aren’t probably looking
at doing it I still think it’s one
um I mean you’ve got yeah okay I mean
you’ve got you if you’re if you’re
dropping Salah then fine I think you
can I think if not if you’re not then I
think your money is going to be tied up
in defense if you have one Arsenal one
city a Newcastle a Tottenham these
aren’t cheap players right so if you go
vardal I guess you’re you’re something
like five por is like
5’8 Gabrielle CA you probably have at
like 55 and you know they’re not they’re
not cheap and I guess you’re trying to
FL you’re trying to sort of fill it out
with gacho and Palmer and
stuff but well I think the Midfield I
think Midfield five the 10 play midfield
five will be Bruno Sun foden Gordon and
Palmer isack Jackson and Harland up top
yeah that’s what it will be providing
isack doesn’t get
booked yeah they they’re like your front
eight they’re all okay priced but
they’re not expensive priced you still
got a bit of money to Buck around with
at the back you still got some money um
and especially it depends on your
Keepers as well like if you go in Edison
then it’s not if you go Edison then you
can’t have obviously evard in that world
you can got to work through which ones
you can have where where’s that third
City but I got to be um shares shar’s
not cheap now 5.6 share is
now I can see some people doing burn for
example and then you get a bit more
money um yeah I just I think um someone
saying kdb instead of Bruno like K KB
inste of Bruno yep a kdb
like like what I’m saying is somebody
somebody there that can just do these
maybe maybe it’s s
there maybe B that on Liverpool I think
they’re really hard to trust because I
think I just think klopp’s now like
whoever’s going to we won’t see it
because it’s going to be literally he’s
going to be there at training and be
literally look at him in the eye and
going either tet you you yes
yes that’s that’s that’s how he’s how
he’s going to go out on this because
they’ve got to win everything because
Arsenal strangled them city a
city theyve got to go Toe to Toe who do
you think is going to get
there don’t we’ve already talked about
like General football stuff who do you
think is going to get
there I still want the city to get it
had this conversation I golf day but I
like I don’t I don’t know any City fans
that that are going to annoy me like
I know lots that annoy me for the other
two you know in that sense um and
obviously there’s one we definitely
don’t want to um oh I don’t
I I I wouldn’t begrudge clot getting it
I really wouldn’t at all as a as a final
way of playing um you also when I’ve
just watched the teams this weekend
you’re like I don’t really want to watch
the team that strangles their way to it
don’t want that I wouldn’t want that if
I was a neutral complet neutral of it I
I’d still want a Liverpool or City to do
it because I still think they’re the
teams that are going to I’m going to
enjoy watching more it’s weird that they
it’s weird that they’ve sort of almost
reverted into this into this ridiculous
defensive unit park the bus it’s park
the bus it’s basically it’s it’s artz
artz has always been that way he’s
always been that way even it was bad he
would revert to strangle games um the
difference now is they’re so good that
even when they strangle games they still
somehow could done two three in the last
it’s 1 nil that the walles were just
like trying to attack them and the more
tried the more chances arsenal were
getting at the end yeah so they were
like wolves just don’t know where to go
wolves were like well okay we’re losing
one nil that’s not too bad we’re not too
bad we haven’t got many players you know
Gary nilson at the end I was really
proud of my team yeah but in the last 10
minutes that that turns to uh should I
have a go yeah let’s have a uh oh chance
chance chance chance chance that could
have they could have finished
40 um and again you know you just gone
oh everyone says we’re boring but we
could have we want 40 because that
happens every week but they’re just
good they’re just good but City I’m all
in on City all in on City okay love it
love it I I’m not pass between City and
Liverpool as long as it’s not Arsenal I
just I genuinely just don’t care other
than other than just just not Arsenal
please that would be
great um okay cool I think we’re there I
think we’re there thankfully because I’m
knackered I’m exhausted um we do have to
apologize for for yesterday
genuinely the stream although I I
tweeted like early in the morning the
stream on Saturday was dead when we
turned up at the hotel because when we
did when we turned up at the hotel we Lo
led into the Wi-Fi checked the upload it
was like
0.4 megabits per second upload and I was
like well this is 10 times worse than
even my Wi-Fi here so we were never
going to be able to do it and then the
motivation just disappeared after that
to even try we bought so you
know I literally bought a little
suitcase with that much stuff it was
quite cool made feel like we were like
actual professional outfit I was like oh
we’ve got that we got this you notice
you’ll notice that something’s not
behind me
right so the uh I’ve left it in the car
because I took it down so it would be
part of the backdrop for in the hotel
the FCA Bronze award which I almost Left
Behind almost Left Behind um but yeah no
we were definitely committed to doing it
but as soon as we got there it became
very apparent that it wasn’t going to
happen so we’ll try again in September
we’ll try again in September and see how
that works we we might have a bit more
time in September I think because we
won’t be so we’ll ask the right
questions we’ll ask the questions by the
way what’s your upload speed yeah that
is exactly right that’s the problem
though isn’t it like I sort of I sort of
knew it when I drove in because I I
arrived uh Thursday night like at 9:00
and it was there was no lights anywhere
I was like this is the most pitched like
I went over that little bridge and I was
like I think there’s water under there
but I can’t see it you know is is um but
as soon as we got there I was like oh a
hotel in a golf course is obviously just
miles away from anything anywhere yeah
so the internet’s always it’s crappy
yeah true we should have realized it we
should have realized it we’ll learn we
will learn mom is asking did anyone
surprise you at the golf
day did anyone surprise me I mean we had
a guy get told off for doing
backflips on the dance floor that was
surprising called
maggot that was
uh I me the story of why the story of
why he’s called maggot was the was
probably the bit that I still don’t know
that story I’ll ask him I’ll ask him
that’s not our it’s not our story to
tell so or your story to tell our story
um but now as I say that was uh that
that was a fun weekend I’ve seen um so
John Peak who came second he said he
changed his YouTube name from come on
you Spurs CYS to fpl Bandit there he is
in the chat today um he said even
Bournemouth getting penalties when the
Spurs get one who knows
man who knows we don’t do the stuff to
go this is that’s also true um but yeah
I think we’ll leave it there um as we
said we’ got potentially a uh a Spurs
related audio pod coming up in the week
just need to confirm that um so listen
out that will be Audio Only um what that
means when you say Audio Only is because
you’re not there and you press all the
buttons I press all buttons yeah so
Audio Only means I’m not there um and
on uh I’m
on uh with Ryan which is uh football
box on
Wednesday so that’s coming up and then
Thursday team
selection Wild Card selection Wild Card
selection so we’re probably have to get
ourselves a little wild card gu another
Wild Card guest otherwise yeah yeah I’m
not going to be able to help you too
much but I’m just going to sit there and
cry at all the good players you’ll be
sitting there
really I’m gonna get I’m gonna get this
guy okay good oh yeah you’ll be really
angry because we’ll be putting triple
man united in our team and triple
Tottenham in our team and triple Chelsea
in our team can’t wait can’t wait to
take out all the Arsenal got double man
united head of the game mate I’m so far
behind I’m head that’s how it was with
Alvarez um cool when’s the next live
stream probably Thursday
Thursday second half of the man united
uh Man City Brighton game is that what
it is we be there will’ll be there with
their golf skills uh Momie says sorry
last thing anyone surprised with their
golf skills so I played with I mean I
played with Andy Goodland who’s a pro um
so it came as no surprise to me that he
was very good at hitting golf balls I
play with yoges was what’s his handle uh
yog J uh that is a great question I can
find that actually hey he plays off
four that’s I I’ve never seen a man off
the tea strike the ball as well as that
ever ever I don’t think he’ll mind me
saying he’s he’s off the tea he’s
comfortably a scratch golfer
um well you know one whole as I said was
442 yards and he had 90 yards in big
that was that was pretty big that was
pretty big so yeah that was uh that was
that was that that was special yeah and
um and I also play with Andy he’s it
sounds like I’m giving him [ __ ] here I
also play with Andy Mack who’s in the
chat and um who who who hits the ball
ridiculously hard and we’ve got a
wonderful video of him topping it off
the first T which is great uh but
honestly hits it absolutely miles hits
it Absolut H absolutely miles as well um
why he’s not called FPL Big Mac because
he is big yeah he’s yeah big guy big guy
as well
everyone everyone was great everyone was
absolutely brilliant and um say we
really enjoyed it looking forward to
September so if you want to get involved
Link in the description fill in the form
I will uh I will include you on the
emails basically and um yeah let’s us
know how you got on with game W 34 so
far uh you know I will when we wake up
tomorrow morning the comments are just
going to be I’m on free here I’m on 90
points I’m on free hit I about 80 on
points I was about to say I’m not going
to read any of
them I might I might I might hit a few
likes but um yeah yeah just keep sharing
the good stuff um you know be positive
about it because I am fully negative
right now and is it is what it is
um shout out to our friend Ivan 83 he’s
on decent 83 This what happens when you
don’t know what your rank is and you
just make good
decisions yeah that’s said to him
earlier I was like Ian you on 40 points
more than me and I’m on basically a gray
arrow and he just said what’s an arrow
and I was like you you got me good you
got me good there what a man what an
arrow what an arrow 83 points what a man
love him right um mate we’re out we’re
done we’re out done go we’ll see you
later later


  1. Theres a name for this isn't there where you remember the negative outcomes so much more than the good ones!

  2. Great pod lads, looking forward to having Adam on. Ill be on wildcard and definetly not looking at getting Triple United for now 😂

  3. Free hit, on 85 points and a ridiculous 40 point green arrow with half to go. But my gameweeks tend to be very two-parted, and I fear the turning point was Liverpool and namely, picking VVD over Trent. I have a feeling Foden, maybe Haaland, possibly Isak, potentially Palmer will narrow that gap between the no-chip and FH averages. Everton crumbling with Salah and Darwin on the returns could be big too.

  4. GW 9, 2021/22 I was forced to free hit. Brought in Mount for 1 week only and he scored a hat trick. I captained Salah who also scored a hat trick. Never forgot that week 😁

  5. Brilliants these pods. Worth it just to listen to Baker trying to cheer Adam up most weeks 😂

  6. Remember Haaland Foden and de bruyne play Brighton (trash team) on Thursday. The free hit could work out decidedly less well if they do well

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