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FULL RACE: Kubota High Limit Racing at Texas Motor Speedway 4/13/2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024
Texas Motor Speedway (Fort Worth, TX)

Capitol Custom Trailers QuickTime – Brad Sweet (13.735 seconds)
TJ Forged Heat One Winner – Brian Brown
DMI Heat Two Winner – Brent Marks
BR Motorsports Heat Three Winner – Jacob Allen
Winters Performance Heat Four Winner – James McFadden
FK Rod Ends Dash Winner – Jacob Allen
B-Main Winner – Kerry Madsen
Jake’s Golf Carts Fastest Lap Award – Tyler Courtney (14.016)
Hard Charger – Corey Day +7 (16th-to-9th)
Lap Leaders – Allen 1-8; Courtney 9-21; Macri 22; Courtney 23; Macri 24-30.

A Feature (30 Laps): 1. 39M-Anthony Macri[4]; 2. 7BC-Tyler Courtney[3]; 3. 49-Brad Sweet[5]; 4. 1A-Jacob Allen[1]; 5. 83-James McFadden[7]; 6. 19-Brent Marks[2]; 7. 24-Rico Abreu[9]; 8. 26-Zeb Wise[6]; 9. 14-Corey Day[16]; 10. 8-Cory Eliason[11]; 11. 9-Kasey Kahne[12]; 12. 1-Brenham Crouch[14]; 13. 5-Spencer Bayston[15]; 14. 57-Kyle Larson[10]; 15. 25-Kerry Madsen[21]; 16. 17JR-Ricky Stenhouse Jr[19]; 17. 88-Tanner Thorson[18]; 18. 9P-Parker Price Miller[24]; 19. (DNF) 42-Sye Lynch[17]; 20. (DNF) 73-Hunter Schuerenberg[20]; 21. (DNF) 13-Justin Peck[13]; 22. (DNF) 21-Brian Brown[8]; 23. (DNF) 15H-Sam Hafertepe Jr[23]; 24. (DNF) 55-Chris Windom[22].

NEW Championship Standings (After 5/59 Races): 1. 7BC-Tyler Courtney (345 PTS); 2. 49-Brad Sweet (-22 PTS); 3. 19-Brent Marks (-33 PTS); 4. 14-Corey Day (-61 PTS); 5. 5-Spencer Bayston (-62 PTS); 6. 1A-Jacob Allen (-64 PTS); 7. 24-Rico Abreu (-64 PTS); 8. 26-Zeb Wise (-78 PTS); 9. 9P-Parker Price-Miller (-82 PTS); 10. 13-Justin Peck (-104 PTS).

(0:00) – Laps 1-13
(10:14) – Laps 14-30
(17:45) – Whiskey Myers Victory Lane

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lights go out green flag coming out next
time by Jacob Allen on the pole outside
of him is the 19 of Brent marks row
number two the 7bc of Tyler Cordy and
the 39m of Anthony mackery Row three the
49 Brad SED and the 26 of Zeb wise row
number four the 83 of James mcfaden and
the 21 of Brian brown row five the 24 of
Rico AB the 57 of Kyle Larson and the
rest of the field Paces in behind 30
times around $122,000 to the winner
Texas Motor
Speedway here we go off of Turn number
four down to turn number one Jacob Allen
will have the early race lead and makes
a little mistake right off of Turn
number two and brem marks crosses to the
inside Brett marks will have the lead in
the turn number three Brett marks taking
advantage of a mistake right there off
the second Corner car the wall upside
down back straight
away upside down on the back straight
away the 55 of Chris Windham getting
into the wall and going for a wild
ride Chris Windham several
several issues there as he did a couple
of 360s also Kyle Larson looking the
wrong direction Rico abrew is stopped in
turn number
two renam Crouch stopped as well I think
the red lights may have came on as
Windam it may it looked like he got
upside down I caught it late but I think
maybe a couple drivers may have seen a
red light potentially and they came to a
stop at Kyle Larson looking the wrong
Direction so lson is going to get that
car pushed
into the work area potentially here and
to the attention of Paul Silva Trevor
Canalis and the rest of the crew down
there for the fulcon brothers trucking
number 57 car yes he is going to stop
down there so Tony Lea if you got
anything for us down there take it away
guys they’ve just rolled the 57 to a
stop here Paul Silva leans into the
cockpit of Kyle Aron’s machine no real
urgency right now Chase they’re talking
it looks like Trevor’s in there as well
they’re cleaning off the rock screen
Kevin now is looking over everything
down here to make sure it’s safe and
good to go back on the track but they’re
checking the steering right now he’s
cleaning off the front Wing Trevor is no
real urgency right now I don’t think
Kyle feels anything wrong with the 57
Chase maybe just coming to make sure
that things were a down there on the
Silva Motorsports 57 and he’s going to
have some work to do coming from the
tail end the field as attention now
transfers over to the 55 AC Chris Windam
as they have the tow truck over there on
scene waiting for a push truck to get in
behind that 57 of
Larson Kyle Larsson on the poll of
tomorrow night’s Nascar Cup race here at
the Texas Motor Speedway Tony Ball Silva
just walking around you know possibly
nutting and bolting this thing but I
don’t think that’s the case I think he’s
actually making a quick adjustment to
the right cor the right rear corner of
Kyle’s number 57 we saw him do that at
East Bay also when Kyle had some trouble
and had to come in they put a turn or
took a turn either put a turn in or took
a turn out a quick weight jacking
adjustment on the torsion arms that run
uh side by side kind of east to west on
these uh Wing sprint cars Chase it’s a
it’s a quick and easy adjustment to give
the driver a little bit more handling on
one side of the race car versus another
so nothing has been taken off nothing’s
been replaced on the 57 and they’re
lining up behind Kyle they’re getting
ready to send him back out on the track
yeah Kyle arson going to come back onto
the racetrack and that gives me I know
he didn’t break anything or anything but
still got to use the sound effects he
comes out of the work
area yeah it’s not looking too good if
they’re trying to change a front axle
Tony they’re not making good time down
there must been a couple of things going
wrong down there that were hindering
their progress because uh they have
they’ve only got one minute down there
and they’ve probably used up about all
of that so far well Brad Alexander’s
trying to get in here and I think really
Chase it’s just how the impact happened
for Chris over there at the end of the
back straet away it’s just very
difficult uh to get to the nuts and
bolts they need to remove to get that
front axle Exchange
this is typically a very quick exchange
but I think just with however Chris’s
car hit the wall hit the track whatever
happened over there I didn’t have eyes
on it it’s just making it very difficult
to remove the quick nuts and bolts they
need to to get this front axle dragged
out I’m definitely not going to
speculate and tell you there’s any frame
damage cuz I simply can’t see any that
doesn’t mean there is or there isn’t
they finally got the top Wing off but
they are still trying to get this front
uh front axle assembly removed Chase it
does not look very promising down here
yeah not looking good good the lights
are going out right now so Chris Wham
trapped in the work
area and since it’s a complete restart
and we forgot to say it earlier Texas
Motor Speedway we got them racked we got
them stacked and we’ve got the grand
stands packed let’s go racing off at
turn number four we are
green that yellow flag certainly a big
help for Jacob Allen as he makes off a
turn number two clean that time and
he’ll have the lead at a turn number
three Tyler Courtney getting by the 19
of Brett markson up into the second spot
Sunshine been on the podium the last
three races in a row with Kota Highland
racing trying to do it again and if he
can get by Jacob Allen to be his third
win in five races as they work down the
back a little bit of an issue for Brad s
off the pace down the back straightaway
he’s going to block the 26 of Ze wise
and hang on the P5 for
now one car off the pace into the INF in
the back stretch at Sam haer te Jr his
night will come to an end and we stay
green there’s James mcfat underneath the
26 and 7 wise that’s the race for p six
down the
backstretch Nick faten trying to crack
into the top 10 here his first race of
the season with Kabota high limit
racing top five relatively spread out
there’s a slider from the 83 mcfat
catches a little rut right there off of
Turn number two picks up the left front
tire and moves into
P6 good move there from mcf now slides
up takes the air off the nose the 26 is
z wise and drives away down the front
straightway Rico ABW now coming to call
looks underneath of 21 Brian Brown into
one and two traffic up the road for
Jacob Allen and Tyler Courtney I believe
is tracking him down as maybe some
contact right there between Brian Brown
and Rico Abu Browning way out of the
groove and loses the spot to Justin
pek interesting stuff there between
Brian Brown and Rico ABW Brown loses
another one out to Casey
Kan traffic is looming for the 1A of
Jacob Allen he’s on the same
straightaway as Kyle lson Parker price M
and Ricky stous
Jr Jacob Allen going to have to make
quick work of these lap cars as Tyler
Courtney the last time I was 310 faster
in lap
time Jacob runs the top Tyler Courtney
runs the bottom car bobbles up the road
that was Parker chry Miller Here Comes
Jacob Allen to the back of the field to
the inside of Kyle lson into it turns
three and four they’re three wide Jacob
Allen trying to get by Parker price
Miller H Kyle Larson down the front
straightway Kyle Larson makes the move
now Tyler Courtney he’ll make the move
on Jacob Allen and take the race lead
away Tyler Courtney to the top spot
Sunshine now trying to find a way by
Parker price Miller and turns three and
four he’s side by side with Kyle arson
now they get single fou down the front
straightaway Tyler Courtney cannot make
the pass on Parker price Miller Here
Comes Jacob Allen Brett marks and
Macker Sunshine makes the move on the
law firm there and turns number three
and four and puts a lap down on the nine
P Anthony Macker now looking underneath
the Brett marks this is for the third
position Anthony Macker up the racetrack
he’s got third off at turn number two
Anthony Macker up to the third spot
Jacob Allen now getting by the lap car
of Parker chrys Miller no lap traffic
between your leader and the second place
car Mack’s up to third sweets to Fourth
and marks Falls all the way back to the
fifth spot Brad sweet little mistake
behind the number nine Pia Parker pry
Miller right there and nearly gives up
the spot to the 19 at BR marks marks
goes to the top side turns three and
four drives around the outside can’t do
it brat swe hangs on the
fourth back up front Tyler Cor cannot
get by the 57 of Kyle Larson that is a
tough lap car to get by and that might
play right into the hands of Jacob Allen
and Anthony Macker as larsson’s trying
to get around the outside of Ricky stous
Sho in turn number
one Larsson makes the pass there so now
Courtney having to challenge his Nos
Energy Drink teammate to get by him to
put him a lap down we got a caution one
car stopping on the back straightaway
coming to a slow stop as the 9p of
Parker price Miller caution comes out
here with 17 laps to
go potentially heading towards the work
area there is still 17 laps to go in
this race so there is work time or work
area time for Parker Bryce Miller if he
still chooses to use it he’s heading
your way right now Tony well Chase he’s
head my way but Kyle Larson’s already in
the work area he’s pulled the 57 back in
again I think they’re just checking that
thing over cleaning a ton of mud
cleaning a ton of dirt off it let’s go
over here and check on the 9p of Parker
price Miller burning and fuzz lean in
and it’s obviously very hard to get
close enough to hear what these guys are
saying they’re putting their attention
to the left rear shock here and Parker’s
pointing just kind of motioning to the
whole left side of the card something
with a shock on the left hand side of
this card seems now Bernie and team have
uh shifted their focus to the front left
corner of this chalk sticks torsion bars
number 9p going to work cleaning off the
wing and they’re trying to make a quick
adjustment over here on the right front
torsion stop but again I don’t anything
coming off or going on right now Chase
so uh Parker obviously not happy with
the feel of this 9p they’re really going
to work on this front nose wing and
cleaning it off but Parker tells him to
get out of the way so nothing comes off
the 9p nothing goes on to it and they
are ready to put Parker price Miller
back out on the racetrack Kyle Larson
gets the Jeep lined up behind him he’s
heading back out on the track as well so
Tyler Courtney is your race leader with
17 laps to go Jacob Allen running in
second Anthony Macker in third bradu
fourth and Brett marks in fifth sixth is
James mcfaden seventh is Zeb wise eighth
is Rico ABW ninth is Justin peek and
10th is Casey
Kane it will be a double file restart
here so lights are out going green next
time by with 17 laps to go looking for
any big movers here in this one don’t
really see anybody that’s jumping out at
me that’s really moved up a ton of
positions there in that first 13 laps or
coming around to the restart
Zone green lights come on and we are
back underway here at Texas Motors
Speedways ver track good restart for
Anthony Macker he’s going to take
advantage of that go right by Jacob
Allen James mcfaden got a great restart
as well he’ll go from six to Fourth for
a moment but Brad s drives back around
and it takes that fourth spot right back
now sweet sizing up the number one AF of
Jacob Allen as they run down the front
straightway swe trying to get in that
third spot
James mcfat back to the left rear of
Brad s but s’s got momentum on the high
side to maintain that position Anthony
Macker might have something for your
race leader here as Macker is about
three or four car lengths behind Tyler
Courtney to turn number one he might
have that same speed that the 7 BC’s
got Macker not one of the full-time high
rollers he comes into the night up there
in the top 10 of the point standings
however we got one off the pace on the
back straightway the 21 of Brian Brown
is going to draw the caution Blackjack
Bryan Brown off the pace pulls the car
into the infield and yellow flag comes
out with 16 laps complete and 14 to go
you see a lot of mud on the front of
that race car I have to imagine these
drivers are really going through some
tear offs tonight at the Texas Motor
Speedway dirt track as you get a look
right there on your flow screen at the
Frozen farmer pick Pine or choose
cone drivers choosing which lane they
would want to start in for this one and
our buddy I think that’s Cody down there
runs out and grabs it and brings it back
into the infield we’re set to go go back
to green flag racing and this time by 14
laps to
go does Anthony Macky have anything for
your race leader Tyler Courtney he gets
a decent restart right there might have
some here in turn number one runs right
there on the bottom of the racetrack
Brad swe shoots around the outside of
Jacob Allen and Brad sweets up to third
the dur dice roll driver trying to make
a move for second now but we got one off
the pace it’s the 13 of Justin pek as he
comes to a stop in turn number
two and race fans uh we would like you
if you could please uh take your seats
while there is green flag racing action
so that the people behind you can see
the racing if you’re standing up in the
grand stand we please ask if you could
sit down so the people behind you could
see the racing action we appreciate you
very much for cooperating with that we
want everybody to see the great racing
action that we have with Kabota Highland
racing so the caution comes out for
Justin pek who had a great string of
races at Gold Nile Speedway two Podium
finishes over there two third place runs
and now an issue as he’s going to take
that b Motorsports number 13 car to the
attention of his crew with 14 laps to
go doesn’t look like real much of a
frenzy over there oh yeah here okay
here’s the crew they’re down there
towards the end of pit of the pit Lane
there so so uh Tony do you see anything
wrong with that car I don’t see anything
from here well I was trying to watch
what happened to to Justin pek on the
start there and he just kind of came to
a slow stop as they go lights out they
lean in the crew can’t find out what’s
wrong with it either Chase they’re going
to keep working on it down here thank
you Tony no guaranteed time after the
halfway point in the race Tyler Courtney
with a single foul restart he’ll like
that and takes advantage pulls away from
Anthony Macker Brad swe right back
around the outside of Jacob Allen and
sweets back into that third spot he had
it on that last run but that CAU in NE
gate of the pass and brat swe now takes
back last time by Tyler cor to 1402
Anthony MRE to 1426 so Sunshine looks to
maybe have the better car as far as the
lap times go may get to traffic by the
end of this race 12 laps to go and
they’re almost on the same straightaway
as s and Parker chice
Miller traffic might be what Anthony
Macker needs to see here if he wants to
put a move on Sunshine in the closing
stages of this one
track still extremely fast hammering it
right through the middle cor of the
infield that’s the 73 of Hunter sherberg
his night will come to an em we stay
green your leaders now on the same
straightaway as the tail end of the
field once again that’s the 42 of Sid
Lan there’s definitely a little bit of a
rough spot getting through one and two
and it’s going to cost Tyler Courtney
Anthony Macker now right there behind
him as they work through turns three and
four Anthony Macker right in the back
pocket of sunshine Tyler courtne as they
work to turn number one Macker with a
big move he’s going to take the lead to
turn number two Anthony Macker what a
move right there to get by the Kabota
Highland racing points leader and Macker
is going to have the lead here on lap
number 22 Tyler Cy right back underneath
the INE turn number one he returns the
favor slider they get together front
bumper to rear bumper Tyler Courtney
back to the top spot wow close action
for the top spot here at Texas motor
Speedways dird
track good up at the front of the field
there as they now work towards the back
bumper of Sy Lynch Tyler courney hits
the rough spot again tries to go down
little to protect Macker he shoves it
right in there takes the spot away Tyler
Cy right back to the inside Here Comes
bradu as well Brad s trying to get in
the mix as well three car battle for the
race lead as maer hits the rut little
bit of a flame popping out of the side
of that race car he continues on now
some smoke from the number 39 M of mack
that come across the line This Time by
five laps to go five laps to go for
Anthony Macker a close call The Last
Time by off of Turn number two as he
pulls away and gets around the outside
of sanch down the back straight
away Anthony Macker This Time by four to
go now a race between the top two in the
points Brad swe underneath of Tyler
Courtney cannot make the pass there as
Courtney uses silin as a
pick side lanch into the infield his
night will come to an end three laps to
go for Anthony MRE he works on Parker
chry Miller cannot get by him quite yet
Macker washes way up the racetrack in
turn number two might be an opportunity
for Tyler cordney to close back in close
call there from Macker as he nearly got
out of the racing Groove trying to find
a way by Parker price Miller two laps to
go two to go this one is not over
yet Macker trying to keep that car point
in the right direction here turn two is
definitely been an issue spot for a lot
of drivers in this one here’s the White
Flag for Anthony Macker Macker washes up
the track a little bit right there turn
two can he get through here clean he
doesn’t wash up the racetrack again I
don’t think Sunshine’s close enough they
come to three and four for the final
time and it looks like it’s going to be
Anthony Macker getting the win here at
Texas motor Speedways dirt track Tyler
Courtney second Brad sweet third Jacob
Allen fourth and James mcfat in
fifth Anthony MRE getting the win here
tonight this first since last year at
the 34 Raceway he wins it over Tyler
Courtney Brad sweet Jacob Allen James
mcpon Brett marks Rico abrew Z wise
hug from Joe Mooney the crew chief on
that car there’s Nate Ritz the tire
specialist on the 39m his first win with
Kabota high limit racing since last year
at the 34 Raceway in debuk Iowa he’s
going to climb up top he is your winner
here tonight at Texas motor Speedways
track a win worth $122,000 he’s got a
cool cowboy hat and most importantly
maybe he gets to talk to Tony leapa I
don’t know that cowboy Hat’s a lot
cooler than talking to me Anthony Macker
is going to make his way around the car
here he’s got a debrief real quick with
Joe Mooney and Nate rits you talked
about them already Chase and and Joe
told me earlier today they’ve raced 16
or 17 times he’s got the cowboy out on
you got flip it around there Anthony
Nate repits with the save
I had to help him Joe Mooney said that’s
awesome Anthony Macker how do you feel
about scoring a win here with cabota
high limit racing uh it’s pretty it’s
pretty badass uh I’m winded I was you
know obviously a physically demanding
track there with with it being rough and
we’re all close and racing inches away
and uh I don’t know it just feels uh you
know really cool to be able to go
outside of PA and and have a lot of
speed and and you know the the
competition level here at the high limit
now is is uh you know it’s pretty high
so uh to get a win with these guys is
pretty special not your first win scored
a victory last year with us at 34
Raceway but this part of the you know
the more expanded national tour here in
2024 you talk about the competition
level with like six or seven laps to go
right before five laps left you and
Tyler Courtney just started throwing
elbows with each other tell me about
that race with Sunshine yeah it’s just
uh I know he’s fast and you know I knew
everyone behind us was fast too so I
knew if I didn’t capitalize on on the
situations that uh you know were giving
to us we probably won to one race and uh
you know it was closer than I wanted it
to be with him in three and four there
but uh you know I just threw it in there
cuz you know I want to win so uh you
know me and Tyler are are really good
friends but uh obviously on the
racetrack uh we got to do what we got to
do to to win so uh you know I have all
all the respect in the world for him and
and everything he’s accomplished so uh I
don’t know phenomenal job who do you
want to thank for this win here with
Kabota High Limon racing obviously can’t
uh can’t thank Joe and Nate enough they
work their asses off all day and all
night tonight and you know it was a
pretty fast-paced night so uh you know
those two worked really hard and uh you
know all the sponsors on this thing JNS
JNS Classics and CN rigging Valley
Supply and and Randy sheer Plumbing and
Heating and and DMS trash and you know
takes a it takes a lot of sponsors and a
lot of money to get up and down the road
and uh you know I can’t thank all them
enough we’re going to let Anthony Macker
catch his breath Texas Motor Speedway
let him hear it he is your winner of the
uncle chicken Sip and whiskey Stockyard
Stampede presented by whiskey Meers he
is winded Chase he had a lot of work to
do in that race he’s he sounds like me
after going up a short flight of stairs
he is out of breath I’ll tell you what
Tyler Courtney two wins here in 2024
with the Kabota high limit racing and
Tyler man two wins a Podium back at Gold
Nile a second place here tonight what
did you like about your race car uh it
was a lot better than me tonight I uh
got a little lazy there in traffic and
you just can’t do that with the caliber
guys we’re racing against right now and
it’s just uh yeah disappointing I I gave
that up to my guys here but uh but all
in all it’s still a great night for our
no drink La cust trailers you know 7 BC
so hats off to Anthony Anthony uh he’s a
he’s fun to race with obviously he got
to run with us a little bit last year so
I got to know him pretty well over the
last summer and uh um happy for him and
his team and uh yeah obviously second
sucks but uh you know for a big picture
uh the Championships are our goal and um
you know we keep knocking out top fives
like this um you know we’ll chip away at
uh the the of the year goal so um yeah
but yeah I I feel like I gave that one
away tonight but all in all we’re the
ones that crossed the Checker checker
flag first Anthony did so congrats to
him and his team Tyler cordney looking
back on a very exciting race with
Anthony Macker the driver who scores the
win here at the dirt track at Texas
Motor Speedway Brad s comes home in
third Brad I’m guessing you wanted a
little bit more from your race car
throughout the whole night what else if
you could have anything different with
this 49 what would you have taken I
don’t know I mean it was uh it’s tough
racing out there I just just nice to get
back in the groove um you know just got
to thank all the race fans for coming
out it was awesome to see a great crowd
here tonight and kind of get the Texas
you know dirt track back on the map and
and open back up so um you know I think
we have a lot to learn uh come back in
the you know in the fall for our Big
Show um 49 car was obviously we were
fast and qualifying and and pretty good
just just a few breaks there in the A
and and might have got a little track
position just to to get up there I
didn’t feel like I was any slower than
those guys but there’s a few things I
needed my car to do a little bit better
off of turn four to get me on the front
stretch to to position myself better
that it just just wouldn’t do so uh hats
off to Anthony he did a good job it was
tricky out there that kind of got rough
in one and two and uh the line it got
pretty line sensitive in in spots um but
it it honestly got kind of a little bit
wetter as the night went on um so yeah
just just challenging night but happy to
get our na bottle parts car on the
podium uh obviously want to get a win
but uh we’ll we’ll take it and move on
to tomorrow night well Brad sweet’s
streak of consecutive top 10 finishes
here to kick off the Kabota high limit
racing season
expands now to five straight races he
has finished inside the top 10


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