Golf Babe

Play-Off Drama at The Berkshire | Girls’ U16 Amateur Championship 2024

Having held a five-shot lead heading into the final day France’s Louise Landgraf fell back, allowing England’s Charlotte Naughton the chance to step up to the plate.

Take a look to find out who came out on top in the dramatic play-off at The Berkshire.


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welcome to the girls under 16 amate
Championship here at the boire we have
girls from 22 different countries Vine
to take home the trophy past champions
include Hannah darling Franchesca
Fiorini Rosie Bim Grace Crawford and it
was Germany’s Antonio Steiner who came
out on top last year the highest ranked
player in the field this week is Louise
landra who plays off an astounding plus
three equally as impressive is one to
watch Hong Kong China’s Sabrina Wong the
12-year-old also plays plus three so
let’s get into the
action after round one it was Francis
Louise langra leading the way at five
underpar just one shot clear of
Ireland’s Olivia costolo France’s malel
Schmidt and cypresses Lucy Lynn all
sitting at B
under day two is underway the leaders
are off and as you can see the weather’s
taking a turn for the
wor one of the Front Runners Brina Wong
got off to a tricky start with a couple
Bogies however fought back with a couple
of birdies before the turn including
this beautiful up and down on the
9th this wasn’t the only up and down
worth praising our leader Louise
lancraft also showed her class with this
bunker shot and tapping Birdie on
15 coming down 18 Olivia Costello with
the highest rank gbni player in the
field hit the
green with three birdies and three
Bogies on the scorecard the Irish player
made part to finish the day at 4
under but it was 15-year-old Louise
lancraft who charged ahead of the
pack she concluded the day with six
birdies and a par on the 18th in front
of the crowd
with a score of nine under she goes into
the final round with an impressive five
lead leaving England International
Charlotte Norton and 14-year-old Lucy
Lynn all in her
weight It’s the final day here at the
bark here it all comes down to this
who’s going to be our 2024 girls under
16 amate Champion let’s find out
the girls got off to a terrific start
all demonstrating the skill of the field
with three birdies in toe for their
leading group on the third hole langra
costolo and Norton all making it look
like light
work costolo with three birdies on the
front line was creeping up on our leader
however the ninth hole saw the
scoreboards Rewritten with this
incredible up and down from
Norton and yet another birdie for
lancraft her third on the front nine it
left langra at 8 under costolo at 5
under with Norton joining her putting
them just three shots behind meanwhile
over on 13 the French girls put on a
Leah giron saw her third birdie of the
day with this beautiful chip and pu a
rules official was on hand and saw her
correctly replace her playing partner’s
ball with a round of 69 she finished at
three under teammate Jazelle Xiao
followed suit with this birdie she went
on to birdie three holes back to back
concluding the day at two underpar All
Eyes returned to the final group as the
crowds gathered with a couple of Bogies
on the back nine this saw costolo Fall
Away From The Hunt she had a solid score
of five under
however England’s Norton showed skill
and determination right through to the
very end as she continued to close the
gap on land
graph this Birdie on 18 awarded her a
big cheer from the
crowd and a place in the playoffs
against langra after she tapped in this
parut the pair went back up 18 then
after a couple of t Paws continued down
first both girls reached the Green in
three with lovely approach
shots however this heartbreaking M part
from Norton saw landra take the win with
this tap in she ultimately finished on
800 par the lowest ever winning score in
the history of the girls under 16 Amity
very happy with what I did and proud of
myself even with not so good last day I
still managed to win but uh Charlotte
and Olivia played really well and put up
a great fight so congratulations to them
too I kind of told myself like Tak one
shot at a time and um whatever happens
happens I did my best but I’ve been in
this situations two times now this year
so I’ve not got used to it yet but it’s
definitely the experience has come a lot
into play so it definitely was a bit
easier for me well that’s it we have our
champion what an incredible four days
here at the bark watching some of the
most impressive young amateur golfers
we’ll see you next year

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