Golf Players

LIV Golf Pro Goes After Tiger and Rory: It’s a Blatant Flop

For months now, the barbs have flown between players on the LIV Golf circuit and the PGA Tour players. Even now, after the two rival organizations have singed a framework agreement that puts parameters in place for a future merger, there’s plenty of animosity to go around. Recently, as more information continues to trickle out about the TGL, LIV players have had plenty of snide remarks about the new golf league. But some of the harshest criticism about the league yet came from one of the bigger names in LIV Golf.

welcome back to golf extra for months
now the barbs have flown between players
on the live golf circuit and the PGA
tour players even now after the two
rival organizations have signed a
framework agreement that puts parameters
in place for a future merger there’s
plenty of animosity to go around
recently as more information continues
to trickle out about the tgl Live
players have had plenty of snide remarks
about the new golf league but some of
the harshest criticism about the league
yet came from one of the bigger names in
in live golf don’t forget to hit that
like button and subscribe for more
videos just like this one now let’s get
right into the latest live golf pros to
go after Tiger Woods Rory mroy and their
new golf Venture Ian polter a longtime
professional player from England has won
a total of 17 professional tournaments
in his career three of which were on the
PGA tour polter has even had several top
10 finishes in major tournaments
throughout his lengthy career even still
when he decided to move over to the live
golf circuit in June 2022 it didn’t come
as a huge surprise to many given his age
recent tournament performance and not
least of which the payouts that he stood
to receive from the upstart organization
in a recent wide- ranging interview Ian
polter discussed a wide variety of
topics related to his new career with
Liv Golf and also commented on certain
aspects of the PGA Tour the most notable
thing that polter touched on in his
interview was the tgl Rory mckoy and
Tiger Woods’s new virtual golf venture
that is starting up in the near future
about the tgl and its potential to
change golf polter said everyone big
businesses celebrities sports stars
suddenly want to get in with team sports
look at rexam football club with those
Hollywood actors and other superstars at
other teams clubs and franchises he also
added look at the news in F1 with mroy
joining the likes of Anthony Joshua and
Trent Alexander Arnold investing in the
Alpine team it’s not just a potential
profit margin it’s being involved and
the fun to be had it’s a win-win
everybody wants a bit and I think Liv
has been a leader in this yeah
definitely in golf so as it turns out
polter feels that the new Venture on the
PGA tour is taking the lead from Liv go
in its Innovation but there was another
live player who had even more to say
albeit anonymously in the same interview
where polter was interviewed this
Anonymous live player said will you be
tuning in on a Tuesday night to watch
guys hitting it into a screen it’s a
blatant fop to Tiger and Rory to keep
them on side and earn them millions of
guess what guaranteed money who that’s
about as strong of an admonition of tgl
as we’ve seen at any point so far since
its announcement but it’s far from the
only issues that live players have had
with the event after all since the
announcement of Liv golf many PGA
players have bemon the lack of tradition
in the Liv format where unique changes
such as only playing 54 holes and having
a shotgun start have caused the stir in
the golf world these tweaks to their
tournaments have even cause Liv players
to be excluded from the official owgr
rankings which might have repercussions
on the participation of Liv players in
future major tournaments so it’s
understandable that live players aren’t
super excited about the PGA shiny new
toy in their virtual golf league even
though some on the Liv circuit seem to
have severe misconceptions about the
future prospects of the tgl those PGA
Tour players who have agreed to
participate in the event have already
given their thoughts on the matter most
of which have been positive and some of
which have helped to reveal even more
information about the tgl which was
previously fairly limited take John Rah
who has been announced as one of the 18
players who is planning to participate
in the tgl at the 2023 BMW Championship
ROM spoke a little bit more about the
tgl giving it a first look at the
specifications of the virtual setup by
saying from what I hear we’re going to
be 35 yd from the screen and the screen
is going to be 60 ft wide and 40 some
feet tall I can’t even picture how big
it’s going to be it does seem a bit
unfathomable but once it’s all set up
it’ll probably all make a lot more sense
Rah himself has already seen it at least
in some form or another I’ve seen a
virtual reality little video of it I
haven’t seen it in person it’s different
to what I expected I didn’t realize how
big it was going to be which makes it a
lot better Rah also touched on an
important point about the tgl that it
will be much more conducive to sports
gambling than normal golf which is a
huge Point as legal sports betting
continues to grow across the sporting
World ROM said like many sports nowadays
I think that it’s going to allow for
probably a lot more live gambling which
is what a lot of people are trying to do
nowadays when they’re watching sports I
think we can appeal to a different
audience and I’m looking forward to that
as well I’ve heard a lot of great
reviews and thoughts from friends of
mine looking into it before they knew I
was invested in it and wanting to play
he finished his comments by saying I
think we have the opportunity to do
something very special Adam Scott an
Australian professional golfer who has
been a longtime leader on the PGA tour
is another announced participant in the
tgl he also made some revealing comments
about the future league and why he
decided to join up specifically about
Tiger Woods what Scott liked about
woods’ stance on the live PGA dispute
evidently this had considerable bearing
on Scott’s decision to join the tgl as
he said to Sports Illustrated we never
saw much side taking from Tiger during
his career that’s fair enough he was a
competitor and he was interested in what
he was doing now he’s showing his
feelings on things creating something
like tgl with Rory is just another
example of how he is having an impact on
the game certainly when Tiger goes in on
something it’s going to have an impact
no matter what Young Star Colin morawa
was also excited to join up with the tgl
saying I’m incredibly excited to join an
All-Star roster at tgl it’ll be fun to
be part of an Innovative and Progressive
format that will help attract a new
audience to golf he made an important
Point as well that the team aspect of
the tgl despite its ironic similarities
to the live golf circuit appeals to him
and other PGA Tour players who only get
the opportunity to play in a team golf
format during the Ryder Cup and other
special occasions morawa said during my
amateur and Collegiate golf career I
love team play and the added energy it
brought to my game especially in match
play that has only been elevated with
the opportunities I’ve had to represent
the US in the Ryder Cup and President’s
Cup and I’m looking forward to being a
part of a tgl team next year as well
beyond that I think the design of tgl to
provide sports fans the world’s best in
a weekly Prime Time Golf competition
from start to end in only 2 hours will
appeal to a broader spectrum of casual
golf fans and introduce our sport to
younger fans at the Zozo Championship
Min wo Lee may be the most unknown name
on the tgl roster also gave his thoughts
which were definitely on the lighter
side he said look at the roster it’s
crazy seems like everyone and then
there’s me I’m trying to do my best and
compete with these guys these guys
obviously major Champions and best in
the world I guess a bit of my fun
personality and hopefully I can play
some good golf there too like morawa he
likes the team format saying I really
like that type of format team event I’m
not sure what team I’ll be on but yeah
I’ll be really excited hope I can get a
couple of big boys and we can end up
as for who will be on his team that has
yet to be determined but Lee’s wishes
May yet come true I was hoping to be on
his Tiger Woods’s team because I know is
trash talking with him and JT it’s
pretty funny I don’t know if I’ll be
trash talking him because I don’t have
much to back up against his words but
maybe I can try and throw him off a
little bit but I know he’s a man of many
talents so I’m sure I’ll be fine comment
with your thoughts and make sure to
subscribe for more content like this
we’ll catch you in the next one


  1. Keep dreaming. LIV is going nowhere. Woods and Rory carry no weight whatsoever when it comes to LIV.

  2. Who cares what LIV players have to say about the new tour. It's NONE of their business! They've got their guaranteed contract money, playing in shorts under a loud disturbing music environment. They got everything they wanted, why complain about something that doesn't effect them one bit? I'll tell you why. THEY ARE JEALOUS impetuous children. even with everything they got, it's NEVER enough, so what do they do? Tear down other players and the new league. I sincerely hope the TW & Rory takes off. Screw LIV!!

  3. Poulter is such an asshole. He's just bitter he's never won a major and hoping that there might be a 'major' in LIV. And the young players it's just a winning lottery ticket. Not talent or merit.

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