Golf Players

Golf Talk with Kyle – Liv Australia, Golf Swing Review

CBG Merch

let me see if this is
working yes we are
sweet make this bigger give me one
second welcome everybody good morning
good morning e
testing testing
testing there we go
all right guys so
uh let’s go ahead and get started
here basically this is going to
be it’s going to be a first test run of
a live stream that I do on
YouTube I’m gonna try to do these on
mornings it could be around this time it
could be even uh later
I don’t know I just
uh kind of wanted to see if anybody was
interested in this more than what I was
doing on the uh the Youtube so much
easier way for you to subscribe to the
membership this will be a members only
chat at some point if we do get a lot of
people in here uh but basically I’m just
going to watch some videos on the
internet here we’re going to probably
watch some live golf on the final
round um I don’t know we’re just going
to watch some videos I’m going to break
down some swings I’m going to give you
my input on swings if you’re in the chat
and you want to ask a question you want
to watch a video you want to do you know
whatever you have anything to ask me
this the time to do it not sure how long
I’m going to stream for you know we’re
just going to wing this out and see
uh see what it’s like but
this the full highlights live golf
Aline Alina I don’t know how you say
that uh I apologize but yeah this just
on super charg now I will say they have
uh look at that giant cam Smith these
the Australians are
crazy this looks like if you were just
to take a screenshot of this photo right
here you’d be like that’s the waste
management right there
it’s like a state
fair yeah that’s my
boy he is somebody to watch watch
for he’s a
grinder Ed just a a really good
player good guy too
old Johnny boy looks like he’s been uh
eating well at least that was uh what it
looked like in one of those social media
posts but who am I to
say I got some nice C Cups going
myself food’s
good bunkers look really firm
that was
nice that was beautiful watch that again
real fast how he does this look how soft
he is through the through the sand there
that’s maybe one of
my top favorite swings of all time right
here look how quiet his
uh his lower body
is look out if you were just to
say see him at a
dress and you put you compared the dress
to that right there it’s almost
identical that’s how quiet his lower
body is through his iron swings I love
that who’s this guy
Jin Jin
airo kma Jiro
kma sorry about that I did not know we
have ads on but we’re rolling with it
just like tayor did right
there one of the one of the better
players out there
the fastest golfer on the
planet to look out today the have
that thing was
nipped that’s a look at look at right
next to
him these divots right there I don’t
know if you can see my cursor or not no
but those oh yeah you can’t see my
cursor cool yeah those divots right
there look at you can see the grain so
he’s really he did probably that four or
five times and just getting the the feel
of what this should feel like that you
have to fully commit on this
shot looks like he’s pretty neutral
maybe a little weight over on his left
side just a little bit face open just a
bit balls a little at the back of the
stance I mean for some people this shot
can be an absolute nightmare an absolute
nightmare some people would just take
out the flat stick and try to roll this
bad boy
but this is
uh this is why he is winning out
there it’s like you got to imagine it
like as a almost a normal golf swing in
a way you’re just taking it back
shorter that is
a that is a horrible looking
shirt what what
the what in
the soccer playing World is he
wearing he looks like he should be at a
soccer game in
Brazil maybe as a
ref that’s one of the worst looking
shirts I’ve ever
seen that’s wicked
man that is
whoa how lucky is
that that is
unbelievable Jason you can see it
Jason morning Philly with the
lab I played with uh buty yesterday and
uh he was using that lab
putter I rolled it a few
times and I gotta say it is just it’s
very easy but the one thing I don’t like
about it is
the uh the grip that he had on it he had
one of those like Square it’s kind of of
a square grip just not nothing it wasn’t
round um but other than that I feel like
if you got something properly set up for
you that lab putter you’re going to see
a lot of people putting with it it’s
just too easy to putt
with now I will say when you do the lab
uh fitting they
offer uh two different types of shafts
and that was the Acura shaft which is
the upgrade
shaft I got the old the the non upgrade
shaft and I didn’t like it at all so it
may be something to uh
upgrade Q School this year uh so if you
saw the saw the uh thumbnail yeah I put
that up there because I never really
talked about that um besides the video
uh but no I will not be doing Q School
this year
unfortunately I just don’t have the
funds to do it so this year I’m kind of
just uh I’m G to do the US Open this
upcoming week and then uh just kind of
try to save up some money and hopefully
play in some more tournaments next year
try to get my game a little bit
better working a lot PR when I
can just was having a I wasn’t having
that much fun last year playing bad
golf losing
money so I needed a I needed a little
reset that was a beautiful
shot that’s why we’re trying to do
different different ways to try to earn
some money so I could save up to have
money to play in tournaments because if
you don’t have money to play in
tournaments it’s
just you may as well
just go to the casin
know I got get some water
that’s an underrated golfer right there
Carlos he’s really
good God that that shirt is God awful
holy smokes
I can’t I can’t get past
it unique action there let’s watch that
again really really puts it in the
pocket from the top I mean you look at
that position the club is
way way low
I mean those are some good angles
though that’s tough to do though he’s
definitely has to have that ball a
little bit more in the back of his STS
but it does GU it looks like he’s
rotating on the back of his foot too
it’s an interesting
swing it’s
good but it’s interesting try to get up
the top
so yeah he like he goes up and then he
moves back all at the same
motion and that club is pretty vertical
so from there he has to go pretty steep
down at it and then shallow out at the
bottom of the club or at the bottom of
ball oh what’s up Max I didn’t realize
that was you bro um
H yeah if we get if we get all the way
to the to the US Open I’ll keep you in
mind brother you know that those good
times besides that first day but you
know you know how it
goes oh
oh Mr Kim that man can still
putt don’t matter no matter how long
he’s been away he can still
put so look how he hit this shot look
how much sand he hit
and how much Le forward lean he had
going through
that that was
textbook that was
texbook he make
it look at
that look at that don’t ever be afraid
to pull out the putter if you don’t feel
confident in the
chipper I want to take a look at his
swing always a unique
hands hands real low he’s a big dude so
that’s why it kind of looks a little
awkward but golly
God he opens that thing up quick I mean
he has that thing almost to the top and
it looks like his lower body is just
kind of barely I mean he’s turned
but it just looks awkward holy [ __ ] that
looks awkward but he man he gets it done
somehow look at
that I mean you to draw a
line you were to draw a line from here
to here that mother that that thing is
pointing over
here which means that this line has to
get back on this plane somehow but if
you were to look at the
beginning that line is probably
comparable to the setup line that he had
at the
beginning which is why why he is
technically on plane but man that
is for a big
guy on a Down Slow golly that Expo that
exposing the blade or the the club so
much right
there coming off the hill may come back
what a cool golf
course that’s a a that’s a a unique
swing as
well I mean that’s where you you see all
these guys and none of them have the
same swing really and
that’s should tell you that every swing
is unique
so you may have
a an image of what you want your swing
to look like but it may not look
anything like
that all a matter of does it get it
done does it
work just hitting little saw off
shots he works his body
well with the way oh whoa
whoa whoa
whoa whoa that’s the is that just a
normal claw and it just looks
weird am I tripping out or is that just
does that not look
weird good morning everybody you’re just
joining watch a little golf little
breakdown of golf
SS I do like the leash he’s an ENT
miss him on the
tour heit he hit some cool
shots let’s watch that one more
time see how he sped up through the
through the shot watch that watch watch
how quickly he he moves watch how little
his uh his wrist roll through this shot
too so from here all he’s doing is
pulling down actually just rotating more
or less with his uh his body I would
like keeping up kind more of a quiet
lower body just trying to Splash the
sand what’s up Matt I appreciate that
what a cool golf course what a cool
area kind of looks like Arizona golf to
honest is just this like is that the
popular spot to be I guess the part five
a cool camera
angle I mean that was so
nice that
was it’s just like like I said it’s like
a it’s like a full golf swing but not
you got to feel like you’re hitting a a
shot watch how watch how quiet his lower
body is too right
here it’s all rotation
I know who won this but I don’t know
what team won
it Team game is uh is real tight too
oh the
Rippers I like that
name I don’t mind the team game concept
I like I’ve said in my my story post
it’s it’s odd to me that we’ve kind of
created this thing where you play and I
and and when I say this I say this from
a competitive player who has done it and
has experienced this you know for the
for the pro and for the
player it’s you know there’s going to be
players that disagree with me when I say
this but it’s fun to me me obviously
you’re an it’s an individual sport
you’re playing against the golf course
and you want to beat everybody out there
including your teammates but what people
don’t understand is how lonely it can be
if you don’t have a team surrounding
yourself out there playing professional
golf and I can see how like for these
guys now they have a you know not only
they have their
individual uh thing that they want to do
they have something that if they’re not
having a great day they may not have be
having a great tournament but their team
may be right there so there’s something
to fight
for you could be 10 overp par whatever
it is you could be in almost dead last
but you have something to fight for to
help your team out so to say and
also you know doing stuff with that team
building the bonds that you you have
that what they get to do off the course
help each other they get to practice
together you know you build a a
relationship that actually betters each
other in a way if you do it correctly if
you’re do you know doing it right and
and it’s just it’s just fun I don’t know
like my high school team was awesome my
college team was awesome and then you
know once I was done with with that it
was just like okay well it’s me versus
the world which is cool but I can also
see how it be cool it be like okay
there’s another team I could join you
know we can help each other yada yada
yada so that’s that’s what I see when I
when I see the team game um just from my
experience it’s team golf is fun U you
know individual winning is is fun as it
gets that’s why we do it that’s why we
do it but like I said it’s there it’s it
provides a lot for the
golfer ad
is out there just
dominating curious if you’re if I’m
hoping to get the YouTube stuff going
more or focus on
um well right now I’m just trying to
make I’m trying to make as much money as
can so I can have a bank roll to go play
golf next year because just golf is so
expensive life is expensive right
now you can’t play professional golf
if if you don’t have the funds so right
now I’m just kind of chilling trying to
trying to grow to YouTube in different
ways trying to make money
ways just to help out the golf for the
future but yeah we’re grow we’re going
to try to grow this grow the Golf
Channel or the YouTube
channel this is one way I think I’m
going to try to do a little bit more
streaming on Sundays maybe recap the
week what went on in the golf
world maybe answer some member questions
right now I have the chat open so if
you’re not a member it’s all good it’s
all good there’s a membership button you
can join that’s where all those videos
are for the
lessons five bucks a month you can
subscribe and then unsubscribe just have
it for one month or leave it on your
choice but yeah that’s one
way trying to do some lessons on the
the the Brazilian soccer player
what was
that I tell you what Danny Lee be eating
good too that’s for damn
sure that’s let’s just look at that one
time so good look how close his hands
are that’s what always amazes me well
that’s also how he gets the club up so
quickly it’s not as round as say Brandon
I mean if you were to compare Brendan
steel between Lou usas this is almost
the exact opposite of what uh Brendan
does goes he kind of takes it inside
from the beginning too but still more up
then much more downon
he comes out there Papo every now and
then yeah that was a great shot
I can’t even get the pause dep pause it
on the back
swing I mean that’s just you can’t teach
that there’s no teaching that
ever sorry about that
for if you have YouTube premium I guess
you probably don’t have to watch the
commercials you could hear the clip I
have no idea who that is either oh what
shot who is
that ole tree
ever going to do golf Challenge
videos uh I mean yeah we all
always definitely do more stuff like
that I don’t know about podcast this is
R podcast right
here I just don’t like like I don’t like
going places to do podcast I mean I I’ll
do a video podcast with people
but I think this is going to be more or
less the the
podcast I like the fact that I can catch
up on this talk to you guys break down
swings [ __ ] a little bit
oh babo did that the other night but it
popped out out of a bunker it’s brutal
never seen it before 360 ripped it
out what the hell
that was an unbelievable shot no way he
oh you see it hit this little bump right
there boom Oh my
God that’s unbelievable that’s so
lucky sting
this is this is what I mean like I mean
I guess he’s kind of in the mix but look
how look how look how pumped they are
look how pumped they are he’s not even
in the in the in the in the lead and
they’re high fiving look at
this that’s what
te 21 under remember the previous team
record was 49
oh I mean
look at this
crowd you look at this without the the
graphics and you know it not knowing
what what tour this
was you might say that’s a PGA Tour
oh The Stingers and the Rippers are tied
too I didn’t even realize
that oh what a terrible
butt what a climatic finish right
there Ty oh he needs this come on Lou
come on Lou come on
Louie got it oh yeah dead center that
was clutch
see even I mean I know I know that that
he would still try on that one second
place but I mean that meant a lot that
meant a lot for a lot of
people rip it into
him so what are they doing a 2v2
oh I don’t understand the format
here oh what a shot
damn look at the people in the back
cheering come on
Mark got it
it oh dude there had to been some drunk
there I mean
Hammer I mean this is this is
fun you can’t say this is not fun
try to get what a shot what a
shot just getting heckled
look at this
guy look at this guy right here watch
this guy look at that look at that
face oh God that’s
funny oh [ __ ] you hear that somebody
what that was so
unlucky with a
putter what a
shot that was a great shot
this is such a hard shot right
here go W go wide open he’s got that I
mean he’s got no room to land this he’s
got a firm bunker ball below his feet
just a little bit look how low his hands
are he’s gonna try to pick this straight
up and stick it straight back in the
ground oh my God barely
barely got over the
oh I mean that was so good that is so
oh come on Dean
[ __ ] excuse my my language there but
don’t do that You’ already lost
win only needs
one I would just go ahead just miss that
one for the hell of it give him a
show I mean that was fun
look how big that dude’s ears are holy
missing any
secrets that’s gross not a chance I’m
ever doing that I’m
sorry not doing a
shoy not doing a
chewy so
yeah that’s
that anybody playing golf today is the
Tiger Wood
USA I thought that was uh I thought that
good I thought
uh I thought that was fun exciting
I thought it provided uh good
entertainment yeah it was fun anybody
have any uh would love to play golf yeah
I know me too my golf course is uh taken
up right
now but I’m going to go out there and
Putt here in a little bit I just wanted
to hop on for this little little catch
up hope you guys enjoyed that
hope you guys go play some golf today
hope you guys uh join the membership if
you haven’t already said $4.99 a month I
got about eight videos up there right
now you can just uh hit the chat it’s a
join you can see it it’s not that hard
to figure out uh if not all good all
good we’ll see uh we’ll see you next
time you guys have a great day

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