Golf Players

Wesley Bryan Friday Flash Interview Corales Punta Cana

Wesley Bryan Friday Flash Interview Corales Punta Cana
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Mark wish Ley uh backing up that 63
yesterday with a 66 today it must be
pretty satisfying to get in at 129 15
under yeah um it was a little touch and
go there for a second uh few holes kind
of got away from me um but all in all a
really strong finish at the end to post
a pretty good number talk about that
finish a little bit Eagle Bo birdie to
close out um yeah so get to the par five
I just missed a couple birdie l and um
hit a great for iron in there right at
it went just over the back of the green
On The Fringe and uh at that point I
didn’t really care about score I just
knew I needed another chip in to catch
Mark Hub which there is a little bit of
a controversy going on right now of One
whether a putt off the green counts is a
chip in um and two what a hole out from
like 200 yards counts as a chip in two
chip-ins no chip in so um either way I
knew I needed to chip that one in it was
a pretty good opportunity to to catch
them so so was able to brush that one in
and then a good driver or hybrid lob
wedge uh and then a decent putt on uh
number eight and then nine I feel like
just kind of got away with one there and
uh was able to make a 30 foot putt with
10et of break so um Putter’s feeling
good in the hands and uh hitting the
ball fairly well and off the te’s been
nice so been a good couple days what is
it about that stretch of holes 7 through
10 you’ve played them eight under over
the two days is it like is that like the
the scoring mecca for you or how does
that work uh I mean I I don’t know I
sometimes it just works out in your
favor um I think I think Nine’s a pretty
difficult hole um but hit a couple good
ones there and uh wasn’t able to bird it
yesterday and then um hit it close I
mean it’s a it’s a pretty good wedge
opportunity on uh eight and then seven
I’ve just hit two two solid drives and
two solid approach shots and it’s it’s
worked out nice so far so you mentioned
Mark Hub before have you guys got a
yearlong thing going there with uh no it
just he just chipped on the first toll
and I got angry yesterday so um and then
from there the balls just kept going in
from off the green so uh scribs in the
scoring tents helped us sort some things
out I think right now that we’re we’re
we’re tied three to three but we’ll see
he said he said to see me on Sunday when
you look back you’ve gone through some
injuries but I remember you coming here
in 22 and you played nicely finished top
15 and I think that was your best finish
that season and right before that I
think you were kind of right around
keeping your medical status or try
trying to earn it when you look back at
that now does that seem so distant ago
or is it really close um I mean really
I’ve I’ve had a lot of these type of
Seasons when I first got out I felt like
it was a good couple year run um and
then really just a lot of life change
since then um a couple surgeries that
put me out for a year plus um a few kids
and uh a move back to my home uh town
and so I just feel like it’s been really
like just a lot of life change and and
it’s kind of hard to look back and
reflect on the golf stuff because
there’s just been so much going on
around the house and um but I mean it’s
it’s all good things um and yeah that I
I remember being here a couple years
back and um finding some pretty good
form and and feeling a little bit
disappointed but also knowing that this
is a golf course that I really like um
um fits my eye um a lot of the shots off
the tea and um around the greens I I
love the pass palum stuff I mean it’s I
I just feel like if you have a lot a lot
of shots in Your Arsenal around the
green I feel like this is a a good spot
um to be able to use them also um I I
enjoy around the green so like when I
come here and Miss greens I get pretty
excited at times so um yeah I’m just
excited for the weekend having said all
that is it do you still have a little
tendra burn somewhere down where it’s
IBC week and youve won there and it’s
home like does it still oh no week do
you think about that much no uh Steve
Wilmont and the whole Tournament down
there the tournament staff they’re good
buddies and I still see them a lot um
still go down there periodically and um
I mean it’s it’s one of the that that
tournament’s given me more than anything
I ever could have asked dreamed or
imagine the game of golf and as far as
having any sort of bitterness towards
them not playing I I not bit oh yeah
would I would I rather be there than
here probably I mean I i’ I’d like to
have this form down there that week but
um or this week but anyway here this is
great um I try not to I I just try and
focus on the task at hand where I’m at
um and the opportunity I have which is a
great one here this week so um going to
obviously keep up with those guys down
there but it’s this is really not a bad
alternative what do you got planned this
afternoon uh uh I think we’re going to
go to the the reserve the lagoons hang
out with the girls and I hear the
water’s pretty cold there so I’m excited
enjoy all right
thanks sorry


  1. Who on Earth isn’t rooting for Wesley right now? Such a regular guy, humble guy. I hope he pulls it off.

  2. These are the most honest, non white bread, post-round interviews I've ever seen, in all my years of watching golf and any sporting event, for that matter. Wesley winning or even just being deep in the mix, late Sunday, would be huge for the PGA tour.

  3. Wes was once the #1 guy on the PGA tour with wedge accuracy, and his putting when I first started watching Bryan Bros. material was insanely good. Skills like that, once acquired, are never lost, although they can and do fade away at times. Such is golf. As long as he can avoid hitting himself out of play with an erratic driver, Wes can and should with this tournament wire-to-wire.

  4. LIV are missing a trick not getting Wesley and George on board. They additinal exposure they would get is ridiculous. PGA seems entirely oblivious to it.

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