Golf Players

Grant Horvat Vs. Luke Kwon (Stroke Play)

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all right guys we have a big one to my
left we have Luke Quan you guys have
probably seen him before but today we’re
doing a
match really shows whoever comes out on
top comes out on top that was absolutely
rope I’m not just saying this grant shot
was legitimately really good one of the
best back NES I’ve played before it is
incredible Championship St
course it’s going to be a interesting
finisher I can tell Luke’s getting fired
up now how this is going to work 18
holes today will be going on my channel
18 holes on Luke’s Channel it will be a
continuation from day one to day two and
basically it’s straight up stroke play
cumulative score 36 holes Luke it’ll be
fun uh tons of golf to play so really
shows you know whoever comes out on top
yeah comes out on top exactly we got a
beautiful golf course today let’s jump
right into this on the first te myself
versus Luke one this one I’ve been
waiting for is that bunker and play yeah
Ben plugged in it Ben ker that’s a good
yeah oh that’s
money that is perfect monies
wow wow that was it just all right just
home that was absolutely rope this is
good this feels kind of like I’m playing
against Wesley or George up at this
that that’s fine right up on the hill I
think I’m 0 for 12 on hitting this
Fairway so everything’s normal it is
kind of tight it is you got to hit like
a fade you you naturally hit a little
bit of a fade yeah holy okay flat spot
yeah if you’re going to miss it Miss it
big they say yeah this is a great angle
I don’t really cut it too much so I mean
there’s kind it’s almost a little bit
hurting it’s hurting yeah 75 79 I got a
six old my gosh some of that’s
wings I think that hit the car path yeah
I think it hit the caddi like this I
just pulled a little left of the green
there all right I got 152 adjusted it’s
barely missed a divot is it hurting it
should be hurting feels down right now
yeah it feels like it’s down right now
oh there it is yeah now it’s off the
right I mean I have an eight iron but
152 yeah if this is actually downwind
like I’m feeling right now back bunker
plugged it’s a little
right short right down the hill I mean
the commitment level on that swing was
so high guys just to be clear once again
today 18 holes on my channel 18 holes on
Luke’s Channel a continuation score 36
holes 36 hole basically tournament
between us uh this is a US Open
qualifier yeah as long as they in go I I
heard it hit something mine I don’t know
if he like I thought it maybe hit here
and flew there but that would be hard to
believe Luke’s going to be scrambling
for par as well so you guys know this
course will beat you
up sit
down sit
down sit down Sit oh we’re on the green
yeah I was trying to land it more right
in here I just carried it too far all
right we got a par putt people that are
just completely clueless this guy’s aim
pointing chips that’s just a little
different he just aim pointed a chip now
I’m scared that’s not showing how good I
am that’s just showing how clueless I
am Rocky start here for the boys this
first hole just seems to eat people a
lot yeah this first hole just is always
trouble it’s just really difficult I
don’t I wouldn’t give it up inside left
left Ed
oh my gosh what a good read Kevin not
the best chip there but uh left to right
starts to Bullet From grantant Here We
dang that was a respect of a tap in that
was that was a very nice
tap y boogey bogey start guys that is a
tough hole and there is a lot of tough
holes out here if you guys watch the the
Ben Cooper match you’ll know it gets
aggressive out here but stroke play is
where it gets fun all right guys before
we go on with the rest of today’s video
I want to give a huge thank you to
better help for sponsoring today’s video
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ways but for me when I’m stressed out
and I need some
therapy I look at that ocean right there
that beautiful blue water but seeking a
professional therapist through Better
Health is also a great option and you
guys can do that very easily first you
guys can go to their website and use my
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experience you guys can do this all
through your phone or computer through
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however you feel most comfortable
therapy and talking to somebody can help
a lot of people and I want to give a
huge thank you to better help for being
a huge sponsor of the channel and
sponsoring today’s video now let’s get
on with the rest of the video second
hole here par 4 Quan you can almost get
on the screen pin Heisman Trophy winner
this down win left to right I don’t know
about the downwind part the left or
right part I know left or right
jeez that was rip it’s probably going to
bunker bunker probably got the hardest
shot in golf that’s why you hit driver
on this hole down the left side I’m
going to keep it down the left side
nice thank you this is crazy Quan to
think about but the last time we were on
camera together was the good good cup
yeah and you guys have probably seen
that at pay’s Valley that series and
that L I was honestly that was one of
the best ball striking weeks of my life
and you still beat me and I just
remember like I was trying so hard that
entire week I was like dude this cuz I
was like careering it in every video
yeah you wereing pretty good that’s the
last time we played together it’s been a
while year and been a long time Quan’s
up there in the bunker me he’s going to
have a long bunker shot I like where
we’re at birdie this whole last time I
played here you remember that Sky
yeah oh
no pretty down one
yeah dang I missed it by a little bit y
it’s kind of fluid guys if you’re new to
the channel thank you so much for tuning
in if you guys do not know luk K Quan he
played on the corn fairy tour was a
really good Tour player as well he’s
been on a lot of good good videos you
guys have probably seen him but just in
case you don’t know him he was a tour
pro really good golfer I’ll ask him some
questions about his game today cuz he
reminds me of playing with George and
West like I’m going to have to come out
here today and just play great golf but
I like the challenge simple shot simple
real simple I will say though if I get
this if I get this up and down this
isn’t even my video you have to like
this video if you get it up and down if
I get it up and down
oh what a shot dude I hit that so good
too good some might say these greens are
just so fast it’s like when I set my
putter down it like slides another long
putt here on the second Hall Luke’s got
a decent birdie look and then we’re on
to a par five after this so hopefully we
can get out of these first three holes
at even
par my gosh
I knew it right when I hit it yeah that
felt good man that was a good they are
lightning I always thought my pot was
going to go slightly left but I’m also
an idiot so don’t listen to me this one
might be actually pretty darn straight I
was going to say like a little left at
the start and then it does a little bit
of both a little bit of
both oh my oh my oh I couldn’t all right
don’t like the video anymore yep you’re
not allowed to like the video to dislike
it okay dang it I saw his now this looks
pretty straight maybe just a hair left
it wants to go no I I wouldn’t go too
far from the center I like dead straight
back of the cup oh okay dead straight
back of the cup let’s do
it good well done come on baby I kind of
learned a little bit from Quan’s putt
there if I didn’t see his I would have
played a little more break right to left
but get one point for assist yeah you do
I’ll give you like $5 working on my
triple double right now I’ll probably
make a triple double today onto a part
five one over to one over one over to
one over feels like I kind of gained one
there by making that put that was a big
putt that was nice just for momentum I
like that taco golf guy that you play
with I love Taco you guys together are
actually really funny like it’s honestly
I’m not even going to take any credit
that guy is just hilarious on his own
but it’s like a very different vibe and
the two guys that you guys played
against were hilarious too who the two
um I don’t know it was in the Korea Cup
oh my God oh God such a good video it
was the weirdest energy but it was just
like hilarious so our caddy today
actually his name is Kevin Foley he
played on the corn Fair tour is what
we’ve been told and PJ tour and
PGA that was
good really good watch he knows the
Tracer you filmed a YouTube video before
haven’t you no that my first one no way
yeah I don’t actually yeah I don’t I’ve
never done this YouTube
thing cover the bunker oh that might be
okay good
oh that looks like it hit me with this
he was like like this oh okay so that
looks like it absolutely plugged no it
did not it looks like it he would if it
would plugged he would have said no I’m
telling you it plugged
oh filming this video right now it’s
April 1st it’s April pools I actually I
looked on my phone today and this golf
account posted a picture of me it was
called Golf and jokes and it was like me
pulling up a master’s invitation and
they’re like it was like April Fools
we’re laying up here we got a Fine Line
in the Sand here Skyler he was holding
an April Fool’s joke on me not funny
dude I hate plug
lies oh yeah like falling off balance it
is let’s go baby that felt good I’ve
never seen anyone fist pump a layup dude
I fist pump everything I just get so
excited with golf CL F pump that layup
that was a really good layup I can’t
that is actually crazy to think about
he’s thinking about going for the green
right now he’s got a tree in his way I’m
basically in YouTube golf I just assume
I’m going for every part five and going
for off the tea box and anyway so with
that assumption I’m just trying to find
a shot here you’re going to have to keep
this like 5 ft off the ground oh I can
do that part just fine the the draw part
is kind of sus I don’t know I could be
in the bushes on the right but I can get
low oh my
God oh my gosh it might be dry no way it
was up in the bunker and it came left
you can you can drop it went up into the
bunker there I don’t like the sound of
that I can drop it SK like it skipped
across the water onto the other side and
then went left Qui drop up there 97 yard
I’m going with a 56° the door’s kind of
open here to take a little lead and get
this up and
wow hey that was respect that that
thing’s already filled I didn’t have
time to diagn that divot and that thing
was filled Juan yes he skipped across
the water went up along the bank here I
watched it we can probably see it on the
camera and then he I think he went back
into the water so he’d be hitting his
fourth shot taking a drop getting up and
down for
par do
how’ that not stop I don’t know CL went
from almost being in the hole to now
he’s got 15 ft for his car I think it’s
like outside of that Mark like rolling
outside of that Mark or you don’t think
it’s that high okay starting line okay
this shot deserves to be a little closer
who cares what I think it is where it is
hard left to Rider it’s going to be
swinging I would lean you left Center I
like that that’s where line
at well guys after the third hul I’m one
over Quan is two over a lot of golf to
play like I said I think there’s so many
gable holes coming up that I think we’re
both going to bring it back play a good
round of golf today but it’s a big match
Juan wanted to play the tips today so I
usually play one up here it’s
7400 yd from back here that is long
yod sit
there out I can’t believe that stayed
out of the
bunker oh
Bo what are you doing is that not wind
um that is wind and I mean sorry wind
doesn’t exist I just to it that looks
like that’s in the bunker we’re in a
good spot right now guys we’re out of
the bunker Quan’s just in
we have 123 to the
pen got to
set it was just a little tricky with
that stance but that could have been a
lot worse we’re out of the bunker we’re
chipping just in the rough there you
tricky up and down but Quan telling you
he’s got tree trouble we’re looking fine
this is going to take a lot he’s got to
hook it around the tree out of the
bunker and cor and control the distance
and he’s got water right
why am I crying like a baby it’s just
golf man good trying no it’s okay to let
it out K I know you have a lot I have a
l you have a pent up cuz golf will just
it’ll damage it you just got to let it
out sometimes I was still landing on The
Fringe but it’ll spin a little bit into
that wind it’s crazy out here at this
golf course every single shot it feels
like you have to almost land it off the
graen really you might be able to go
super high and then landed
on look at that look at how we standing
that I felt like I spun the crap out of
that I think it was ripping that’s as
much as I could spin it oh
Sky keep
going honestly not bad I thought you
made it for a second yeah kind of look
good for a
while and I am like 18 overp par at this
point yep all right well guys I’m two
over still a one shot lead Quan is three
over I feel like we’re not even playing
that bad a golf but we’re going to head
downwind super soon we got a driveable
par 4 par five it’s time to make some
birdies coming in let’s go we’ve got a
210 shot here par three I mean this is
just an absolute Beast once
again I not
it that’s all
good pretty good oh wow it’s coming back
is it yeah cuz I don’t think it is now
it just went it it was drawing then it
faded I’m not on the green I know you’re
just off the right I might be in the
water no no you’re hanging up all right
we have a left to right chip this is not
easy at all I have not left myself with
an easy chip
Grant what are we doing why would we we
we’re not even faing this let’s go that
was the latest reaction ever I just
can’t believe that just went in oh is
that real go just said Nice Shot that’s
all Kanan gave me yeah he’s like nice
he’s like good shot man I think I have
uh I think I’ve only hit one green and
it’s from like a green side bunker shot
we got to clean up on that area first
but let’s uh let’s try to get this St
down I’m making golf look really hard
today Juan here for the par it’s a big
pot harder
you whatever kind of sand uh 270 to
cover that trap yeah into the breeze
let’s call that about 290 huh it’s into
the breeze yeah but you just got to get
on front quartering yeah you started at
bunkers that
oh it’s on the
graen dry I didn’t know if that was
going to make it over the
water well boy um where the parking lot
all right guys well kanan’s probably
going to be able to drop up there hit
his third shot I think that’s in the
water I filmed with Ben grer out here
and he was like I think he was 7 over
through seven and he was thinking the
same thing I think I truly believe at
this point it’s the course because like
he was saying the same thing to me he’s
like I’ve never in my life experienced
this and like this course you can
actually play really good if you’re on
it’s really just around the green it is
around the green if you start missing
the greens around here it’s just greens
are still firm and fast I mean you can
still get up and down it’s just harder
right we’re going turn around we’re
going to flip a switch how make this
we’re just going to chip it in right
here call
telling you this course never fails
hopefully I can break my Rec I think my
record out here is 72 or something like
even or one under so I’m going to be
trying to break that
today pretty good thank you it’s hard to
tell on camera just how steep that Hill
is but it feels like you’re going up
Everest that is so bad
yeah but all right we’re back to even on
the day Quan is 6 over now a lot of golf
to play if you think about it right now
we have another 18 holes on his channel
we are only like 15% of the way done 10%
even this is unreal I don’t remember the
last time I’ve done this legit I don’t
remember when this has been every time I
play here this is what everybody says
this is just craziness wow but a lot of
golf to play though they everyone’s got
to remember that I mean we have another
18 holes tomorrow on your channel and
it’s a continuation so it’s not just
today me if this was a tournament I
probably still would miss the miss the
cut but there’s still a lot of golf left
yeah it’s
true 194 actual go of six iron here 190
Club center of the green got a great
round going this is even par anything
even or under here is incredible golf
oh yeah it’s it’s just short of the bun
leaving it like off the green but like
in good spots yeah it’s just you were
exactly in the same spot last time when
you play yeah yeah I remember almost
chipped it in this hole just scares me
it is just
scary oh yeah that’s really good really
good really good don’t click off just
yet I will make a double from there I
promise I’ll find a way I good I mean
here we go again with the Flop shot we
just got to land it on though right
yes oh
S I just I today I just want one
standard Chip Shot that’s all I’m asking
for I still have not hit the green yet
this one doesn’t count though but I can
maybe make this as an up and down
[ __ ] yeah real nice good I didn’t drift
that that’s okay that was huming it
dripped into the bottom of the would
still be going down there you’d have a
40 footer my gosh all right guys even
par to six over dog leg to the right it
goes straight over there the Green’s
over there we need to hit it just over
this bunker this bunker that you see on
the water it’s very descriptive I I got
the bunker part that was good after the
bunker part
yeah that should be good perfect oh it’s
drifting oh I assume it’s fine dang yeah
it carried I didn’t even know I could
carry it that
far that’s good feel like you say that
about once around yeah I didn’t think
that that was going to carry I kind of
want to have some fun with this it’s
about that
time what a shot that was
sick it’s so it’s fading here it
comes oh my dude that thing faded like
30 yards icept the body English if I
didn’t do that it was probably going to
stay straight you know honest question
if you looked at Scotty shuffler swing
from like a distance just say like
Scotty’s teeing off from like here over
here and he’s hitting the driver okay
what would you think his handicap is if
you just didn’t show me his feet he
looks really good like I would just be
like dude this guy looks like he can
play pretty solid right but if he only
showed me his feet up be like what this
guy bowling like what’s going on here
yeah right it makes it it hurts my brain
cuz I watch him at the players and he
pures it every time yeah but like his
ankles looks like it’s about to snap his
left ankle and then he’s falling over to
the left and holding on it’s like this
crazy maneuver it he playing some really
good golf it is beyond I will say just
to make myself feel a little better
today since I’m 6 over par my last
tournament in college golf was at
Nationals mhm in Eugene and I beat
Scotty like five and four I think you
played against Scotty yeah I was the
only one on our team that won match play
that day you played against Scotty
shelfer in match play yes yeah I was the
only one that won so then we got
eliminated but now he is completely
dominating me in the wallet Department
dude that is cool to hear I’d never do
that okay 25 27 number pitching wedge
that’s crazy I didn’t even put that
together Quan grew up in Dallas so he
probably played a lot with Scotty he was
just saying that he actually used to
play with him a bunch
my misses are really good today cuz that
was a little bit of a Miss but in
general when I when my misses are still
straight I play good golf surely I can
hit this green yeah I got a 51 trying to
hit it like uh 110
yards I actually might have
Miss yeah did you chunk that it kind of
sounded like it I didn’t want to but it
was like a chunk and run you know yeah
from 110 yards yeah you played like the
little chunk bump and run bum turn run
all right Sky we have we have
accomplished our goal of hitting the
green I think it’s right to left I think
you should just hit it just hit it yeah
like right now
okay that’s
straightened that’s straighten I gave
Quan that putt down the hill right to
left for the
birdie man I just it’s hard to be
aggressive cuz I don’t want to have like
a four five six-footer coming back that
keeps me at even par Quan six over onto
the par five ninth hole got to keep down
the right side we got the American flag
in the background beautiful looking golf
money that’s nice that’s as good as I
can hit it there real
nice oh yeah when you get the little
sign from the caddies
nice perfect perfect really good we’re
gonna have Ledges into a far five give
me a thumb Kevin yeah oh two thumb wa I
don’t know what that was anymore I think
we’re actually going to have like mid
eyon some of this part time Beauty like
we both hit those really solid you play
that little fade just about every time
Tred to I mean I can hit a draw but yeah
I came up short the time before so I got
a little PTSD if you guys remember the
match with Ben I came up short here so I
got I’m going to learn I’m going to take
more club we got 211 to the pin I’m
taking a four
iron oh
boy where that end up oh there it is the
tree spit it out wow that was in that
tree for a long time was it just like
hanging out there and then it just like
randomly fell I honestly think if I draw
a nine iron it’ll get there what do I
have 18 yeah it’s a draw a li 185 raw
number 9
iron all that for
that today is just a big SMH Juan is
currently walking this off you can tell
he’s starting to lock in look at
him he’s walking it off right now the
number do you guys see that so he has a
probably like a 35 40 yard shot I need
to actually start practicing my clothes
have been my travel bag for like the
last 3 weeks I this is this has got to
stop 27 holes to go after this but here
go that’s still
long see how that’s I landed that back
here with a 56 we got a birdie putt to
get to one under after nine holes hey
that last putt was pretty good I think
you’re right I should just get up there
and just whack it I mean if the re was
there it was in the hole yeah no you’re
right like if the hole the hole was like
a foot right it would have been in the
hole it would have been a great put if
the hole was not where it was exactly
yeah like I mean the thing is with golf
you can make an excuse up for basically
any shot you think about it hard enough
you can say it was the grain the wind a
worm a twig bad putting stroke you know
if it’s high tide it breaks less if it’s
low tide it breaks
more no way I he
right yep oh I snuck it in can’t believe
that first putt broke we I thought it
was a dead straight putt after the front
nines even par to six over
crazy golf hole dog leg to the right you
try and cut it off it brings the water
into play so yeah you guys will start to
see some Drone footage actually we
weren’t able to fly the Drone there’s an
airport really close as well so I think
that was shutting down our drone for the
nine that’s safe but I hit that so hard
dude oh we’re good I just anywhere dry
on this hole I’m happy
oh boy oh boy oh
boy that is asking for a
lot oh we carried
it carried
itow that was not necessary all right
well that t-shot is really difficult I’m
happy your just made it over it’s
actually perfect oh it went further than
I thought going to be like on that hill
but when we’re into the wind like this
and you kind of spray it a little bit
high and right gets that heart rate
going oh my gosh but I got to say this
back N Out Here at Trump International
is one of the best back NES I’ve played
in Florida it is incredible couple t-
shots yes the elevation points are wild
guys I’m so happy this is right here
because if I went a little bit further
rolled across the cart path it could
have got kind of ugly so 150 to the pen
I’m going with a nine iron right at the
covered it pick him on the left side
there might be on the green or just in
the rough here we go Quan just hit an
insane drive he could have HD in the
water there and that could have got
really ugly we got 27 holes new n new me
new new 27 New me we got to get
something going so we got 99 yards
crosswind I think just off the left just
try land at the
number sounded good oh yeah nice shot
there holy cow that was really good holy
cow I didn’t know I still had it I
didn’t know I still had it that was a
low fade wedge yeah here we go Kanan has
a really good birdie look I mean he has
like 5 ft for birdie we’re down the hill
what do you see here should be coming in
off the left side somewhere it’s a
little left to right just off theed just
that little white spot on the left side
yep I like
that it’s not bad tough to judge out of
that stuff yeah really tempted to line
us up uh sky but yeah I’d be okay with
this one oh really yeah oh I was going
to say no no I’m okay with this one I
think we got to fine you’re right you’re
my caddy I got two c it’s a short one
all cuz all you got to do is hit the
line those were like 25 Footers fuel
putts this is hit the line roll it in
you know I really wish putting was
actually that simple cuz I actually do
hit my
lines nice there we go good bir broke
the seal floodgates are open
yeah Quan gains a shot on me there he’s
five over par I’m still even par onto a
par three
here all right here we go 155 flag
adjusted oh that flag’s kind of in a
small spot I’m going go with a uh softy
little ner I think we got a little bit
of help
so oh
I totally forgot I said soft N9 I just
hit it hard what am I
doing all right dancing oh sky sky what
do you know missed another green I
should change my my middle I don’t even
have a middle name but that should be my
middle name Luke Miss green Quan yeah
way pretty
good I genuinely thought that was good
speed it’s got to be left to right man
Quan just rolled out to a good 7 ft it
Ain a whole lot left right
though gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh
I’ll give Grant some time here go first
little left to right little
cleanup well striped the putt just over
it new 25 new you it’s got to be a
little right to left for the par this
would feel
huge okay well guys okay two three put
yies On a par three man that was next
fast this whole 12 we got a par five I
assume I hope one or 560 kind of going
to the left I’m going to go three-wood
cuz I know I can draw this one a little
bit better
so oh I healed I almost it’s fine if
this club had a husle I actually would
have shanked
that it’s a good thing it doesn’t have a
it’s perfect that’ll do one-handed
perfect it’s as good as we can do it I
don’t know why I let go of the club
you’re tur into West I I don’t get that
one if you want me to be vulnerable for
a second with you I uh I hate my shadow
over me when I’m heading the mall really
one of those yeah I saw my shadow there
and I literally it scared me scared of
my own shadow some so if the shadow is
behind you like let’s say oh it’s okay
I’m fine what about here what about like
on the right side like it doesn’t matter
if it’s over top of me and I see my head
moving I will literally so you love
cloudy days love cloudy days I will play
two to three shots better on cloudy days
and that’s that’s actually true but I am
in the stuff could be not
good why did I hit it so hard for a shot
I’m going
backwards guys it is like 300 to the PIN
I just can’t I can’t logically go for it
I would actually be mad if I did
something really stupid right now just
because I want to beat
Quan perfect um all right Sky you going
for it well I don’t know if I can say
I’m going for it anymore cuz this is now
technically my shot and regulation for
the green uh I don’t think I I can even
hit the green here we got 310 flag
it’s only 270 is to like the 275 is to
the front of the green honestly if I can
get in that green side bunker just left
that is
beautiful getting that bunker
boy dang that was a good swing I think
we should be good third shot here par
five Juan’s actually really I mean you
had a great shot 100 shot yeah downwind
I’m going to go with the 56 right at
it oh my God
not my best B it a little thin and swung
too hard but other than that it was
great we’ve got like 10 yards probably
from The Fringe to the flag which
honestly sounds like it’s a lot of room
but we’re downwind the greens are really
firm really fast I’m going to have to
just barely get it on the
green I played that exactly how I wanted
to if that’s not 2 ft it better be 2T I
got to land this chip guys just off the
green should trickle
down really well
done really
good you didn’t even read it jeez this
guy’s good he didn’t mark that
one push
it it’s currently now 1 over to 7 over
onto a par 4 the holes are about to get
really exciting coming
up welcome to the break 80 series
starring it’s only me he’s doing a
terrible job of that well actually no
he’s doing a great job of that here we
go whole 13 par 4 433 into the wind it’s
kind of a
beast that is so
good real nice you play Draw fade uh
draw I don’t know why when I hit Fades I
don’t understand how they happen they
just do follow Grant except the other
way little little two-yard
fade oh
no the hole that’s another hole over
there right that might be on the private
nine but we’re playing everything today
as a hazard so Quan will be able to drop
up there but he’s obviously going to
have to take one stroke penalty could
still be in I got say though when you
come when people come to Florida like I
said it earlier the chipping is
different cuz of the grain it’s just
it’s so intense I mean I didn’t think
that’s the problem really it’s just me
adjusting to like How firm and fast
these greens are right cuz some of them
are like just very subtle but they’re
like up and over a ridge so like you got
to get it there in order to obviously
get it over the ridge but once you get
past it’s just slippery right like
there’s been a couple of those on the
front line but like this it’s just a
good Championship style course guys
we’re in the middle of the Fairway we
have not found Kwan’s ball yet was in
the jungle there trying to find it what
do we have 159 159 I’m I’m I have a
seven iron I was going to flight
something 59 landed 55 plane 65 70 all
yeah yeah I like that little seven iron
kind of flighted one I love
that oh
no overdid it sit
there okay hey we’re missing it in the
good places though I think we’re just
fine that’s some dedication 74 into the
win I don’t know if it’s seven is enough
but then I can’t get over the trees if I
get six we’ll go seven get it over the
trees at
least oh I think I clunked it
go we’re on the green I think guys we’re
over here on the left side funky lie to
kind of just carry this on the green
it’s almost on the mud
here just muddy got it catch the ball
first there Sky I got Bamboozled I
thought this was actually on the green
legit but I’m not but I will get it up
and down what’s my middle name again
Luke Miss green Quan green
Quan Nice
Shot thank you uphill putt here for the
par left to right a good bet see if we
can get lucky these are the
ones no way let’s do some cleaning
here nice
spot y Miss oh man we’re using the whole
cup all right well that takes me to two
overp par Quan is eight over they’ll
maintain our six shot lead this is this
good I never expected this I got to say
I got to say though this is like a
really cool format it’s something new
I’m not I don’t think I’ve really ever
done this what we’re doing basically the
continuation it’s kind of like the first
round of a tournament feels kind of like
a tournament cuz tomorrow’s basically
our second round we’re going to wake up
go at it for the second you’re going to
sleep on the lead I don’t know why I’m
assuming that you’re I’m going to say
you’re sleeping on the lead it’s going
to feel weird I might not I might be
tossing and turn you’re going to be
sleeping all right tonight it’s going to
be a little it’s going to be interesting
I’ve never had to sleep on a lead before
downwind par 4 300 to the end of the
14 what’ you say far there I hit that
good I tell you oh
yeah in the same spot almost oh that
kind have
Dred maybe my ball has a gash in it all
right I got 102 apparently the flag is
like five on so don’t miss a short cuz I
think if you miss a short it’s rolling
back like 60 yard
so oh yeah he got to come back SP oh man
that’s a good shot pry CL that could
literally go in the hole it might go in
that might be in the hole I was worried
about it spinning off the green honestly
spun back to the hole that might be in
the hole I really hope you’re right cuz
I am woful at putting ideally you want
to land at probably 75 that’s going to
play 85 I’m a little long it’s okay yep
man really yeah it landed 10 ft from the
hole you think it’s going to be 40 ft
away yeah a little deep I heard oh all
right guys we got like a what is this
60t 60t butt yeah well the numberers uh
24 * 3 is what 72 oh man we’re shooting
it with a rangefinder right to left yeah
it’s right at this Mark here you have to
stay right at this Mark really he so I’m
going to have to play a ton of break
that looks so
good that is that is honestly such a
good putt thank you this is exactly the
putt I’m talking about it’s very subtle
but it like is slightly up a uh slope
and it goes right back down you can see
the grain switching we’re going to
convert man Luke birdie Quan Luke break
80 Quan
oh sick three
foot thank
you y wasn’t expecting that at all um
that keeps me at two over we’re gaining
a lot right now LCA is now nine over par
yeah I don’t think luk pan has ever been
nine over par in a YouTube video
a great video idea would be to have like
a 20 handicapper come out here and you
just watch them play or like see what a
20 handicapper would shoot here because
or a 15 take a even a 10 they probably
beat me they would beat you that’s fair
um but it’ be interesting to see
signature hole here this is absolutely
beautiful got to keep it left of those
bunkers I’m going over Maddie’s head she
is very brave just trust I trust I don’t
know what I trust but
myself one of my better ones
today take a moment when you hit one
like that to just watch It Feels
Good Nice Shot nice sh that was
smoke that was absolutely smoke that’s
called uh make a bogey from 8 ft kind of
swing that had an extra bit of just like
something your glutes just fired
different maybe make and you have giant
glutes like I can hit a four iron here
middle green maybe a big one like I I
can hit this about 210 you think that’s
enough Club four iron good one will put
you on the middle which is a good Target
okay four iron here we got 215 of the
pin into the
breeze well oh there’s a good
layup oh my gosh that
lay oh
wow that is a great layup you hear why I
said like I was going to lay up right
before that just laying up guys little
lay up there God I don’t know what to do
anymore you don’t think it’s a soft four
this is a 220 Club soft four you could
almost started at the flag five just
kind of airor a little bit right 205
honestly this is my 205 Club but I also
obviously don’t want to land on the flag
so we’ll make something
happen wow that’s Lay Lay Lay good
layup I I don’t what did I landay bunker
Shor of the
short that was a good like 150 shot well
guys those were two really good layups
there you know little wed shots and
you’re short of the bunker wow this is
actually a beautiful little approach
shot I like the look of it a lot just
got to hit it on the green it’s going to
break left
oh my
oh thought you did it oh man wow okay we
got that for birdie to get back to one
overp par we’re actually having a great
day got 41 yards just kind of like feel
it in there yeah little ride of it
little Zip Zip check check Drive check
all right skot we’re going to retire the
line just feel it in there just be an
athlete nice there that was
great good one takes me back to one over
clan that was a birdie two birdies there
guys Juan to eight over I am one over
couple more holes to
go guys we have a we have somebody in
the Fairway we’re actually going to let
him go through so he’s taking his time
want to zoom in on him he’s right there
he’s walking across the
Fairway have to wait for a second oh
he’s tired oh oh come on
man good as I can do
it part four you just got to keep it
short of the water up there
oh that struck so well that’s going to
be fine
R yeah that’s fine f i mean it sounded
good but it was a good shot let’s be
positive all right scy I got 147 that
flag number doesn’t really matter cuz uh
kind of downwind you also don’t want to
be in the back bunker cuz that’s
basically an auto bogy probably just
going to work off that front number 135
is downwind as well so let’s try to hit
this like a one yeah 135 shot
where is
it right
left he coming back off the hill that’s
all right almost been Heisman 135 to the
pin I’m going with a 50° I’m playing
this a 125 shot just because of the wind
behind us and it’s a little bit
downhill oh be good oh my
gosh that is really good thank you oh my
gosh really good
thank you
okay okay okay okay kind of bombed it
but it’s kind of easy to do honestly I’m
not just saying this grant shot was
legitimately really good moving quite a
bit left to right let’s try not to bomb
putt oh
my man what do you see here this is
looks like it snaps a little bit left
it’s like we’re inside right that’s what
I saw from that side let me look here I
don’t think you need give it up I
agree yeah really good thank you very
good back toback birdies there takes me
back to even par now two holes to go
yeah this is a really good day here at
course I got to say this hole is so
difficult you can’t miss it short but
you also can’t miss it long because
there’s water behind it it’s a beautiful
golf hole but it’ll sting you
that was nice oh be
good oh yeah look good yeah it’s pretty
good that t- shot is so intimidating
anything dry yeah it’s 207 yards to the
pin there I just hit a six iron I think
it’s going to be
perfect fly that’s going to work fly lot
on the front side what a beautiful golf
every time I tea it up here this place
is insane just this waterfall in the
background then the next t-shot 18 even
gets better so two beautiful holes to
finish hopefully yall are enjoying this
video I’m glad I covered this water cuz
I was hit so poorly but we have a chance
T putt here kind like right to left and
then kind of straightens
out sorry about the audio guys there is
a giant waterfall it’s a good problem to
have but just a little
nice I got a little bit excited on that
first putt didn’t think about the speed
it bit me it’s all right guys well that
takes me to one over onto to the 18th
hole let’s finish strong
here final hole one over to eight over
we got a birdie to shoot even he’s got a
birdie to break
80 that’s that’s true but we have
another 18 holes tomorrow I’m not trying
to like rub salt in the window just I’m
no you are trying to
oh boy that was
Bri final hole today hopefully you all
are enjoying this video see what we
finish at all right guys we’re on the
18th hole here it’s going to be a
interesting finish here I can tell
Luke’s getting fired up he doesn’t want
to play Bad nor lose nor do I so just
try and hang on strong second shot here
onto the par 4 out of the sand we’re
going with the six iron 180
yards oh my gosh that was hit
no dang hurt you dude that felt like my
best swing all day I I like taking
enough Club to get there wish I had a
slightly better line on the last hole
but here we are Beggars can’t be
choosers I have been a beggar today
that’s for
sure there’s no way no
way I thought going to land just short
of the green I honestly thought it was
going to be pretty good the way that
that reacted on the green it took one
bounce and just shot to the back all
right guys well 18th hole here 18 more
holes tomorrow on Luke’s Channel to
determine the true winner I promise I am
not usually this bad so you it’s usually
a little better so hopefully I can show
up on the next 18 cuz I need to for this
little uh 36 hole match I’m going to be
tossing and turn in tonight sleeping on
the lead take some melatonin yeah I feel
like if this ball landed like 2 yards
shorter it actually would have been
pretty decent but we got a little right
to left downhill chipping kind of like
outside that leaf outside the shadow
yeah it’s at the end of The Shadow if
not more yeah
TR to drive it lower than
that let’s finish strong big chip here
get this up and down we shoot a one over
par which is really good out here I
would take that every single
no hit it too good no just kind of came
off the face weird we’re going look at
the bright side I left myself with an
uphill pot I really wanted like I
actually really want to make this but I
know the moment I think that it’s just
going to be a rammed butt I’m going to
have like 5 ft coming back I really want
to make it but I don’t want to have too
much work
left oh my gosh I towed
it hey solid round thanks man that is
the first 18 holes I ended up with with
a 742 overp par which I would take every
single time at this golf course Luke
shot a 9 over 81 so we got a substantial
lead heading into Luke’s Channel
hopefully we can hang on to that but
thank you guys so much for watching the
channel make sure you subscribe till
next time peace


  1. Grant, Love your channel!! Only loving advice for ya is when you’re giving a shout out for a product or sponsor it’s hard to see your face very well with your hat way down. Sounds picky I know but we older folks hear better when we can see the face 😊

  2. Grant , how on point was your caddy for your great round of golf on this video… I think dude was good for about 3 strokes from what i could see , P.S. to all golfers reading this , when you are done playing your round of golf for the day , and you and your friends/family go to the bar for drinks or the restaurant for some food , plz plz TIP your local SERVER or BARTENDER the appropriate amount . There are many different gratuity guid apps you can get on your phone . THANK YOU…

  3. I am a 14 handicap currently I will gladly take you up on the round out there for some easy laughs 😂😂😂

  4. I honestly think Kwon came to the point where he realized he was too good to be playing with a YouTube grown brand like Good Good on his back, and wanted to represent himself more and play for a bigger brand like Micah and Grant are doing with Taylormade. I respect it!

  5. Play a round with indycar driver Scott McLaughlin! Fantastic guy and I believe he is a scratch golfer, if not very close to it. Would be great content to see!

  6. Mad that other golf content creators are promoting gambling and Grant is promoting meditation and mental help, love that from you G

  7. Grant, question for you… why are you always leaning all over the other person in the cart with you bro…. lol😂you are always leaning into the other guy in the cart….

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