Golf Players

Rory/Lowry, LIV Adelaide, Golfers as Quarterbacks, Hannah Green at Wilshire | NLU Pod, Ep 828

This week on the recap pod we open with a recap of the better-than-expected-Zurich Classic where Rory and Shane Lowry win in a playoff. Then we call in KVV for a segment we’ve been workshopping all week in conjunction with the NFL draft: comparing pro golfers and pro quarterbacks and vice versa.

From there we pivot to LIV Adelaide as well as the LPGA at Wilshire, Rory’s potential return to the PGA Tour policy board, tour players receiving equity, and more.

Run of Show
00:00 Intro
01:12 Agenda
02:09 (SM 10 wedges)
03:46 Rory/Shane and Zurich Recap
21:43 (Best fit, Best feel!)
22:51 KVV Segment. Comparing Pro Golfers was Pro QBs
54:21 LIV Adelaide
1:18:34 Hannah Green wins the LPGA at Wilshire
1:25:28 Tommy Lad caddies
1:26:13 PGA Tour equity
1:35:48 Rory back on the PGA Tour board?
1:38:28 NBC Sports coverage of Professional Golf
1:42:38 NLU news and notes

This episode is brought to you by Titleist and the new Vokey SM 10 wedges, Rhoback and FanDuel.

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the
no langa podcast s here got my guy TC we
are twinning money round roback style uh
if you’re watching this on our podcast
YouTube channel hello TC greetings s
konichiwa see uh Neil Schuster is here
uh we got hello Neil how are you uh I’m
I’m good you got different lighting I if
you didn’t say anything I would have
thought TC was tan when you were gray
but you’ve outed yourselves as wearing
the same uh the same pullover look I
wasn’t going to change this is my
favorite Rob guy s’s trying to match his
his background there the black and white
background he going to blend in 1940s
Europe we’ve got an action-packed show
we are going to be talking about Zurich
we are also going to be doing a bit we
have been talking about uh all week we
are going to be comparing uh
professional golfers to NFL quarterbacks
and vice versa I guess I don’t know I
don’t want to I don’t want to shoehorn
that TC is going to lead uh that part
happy draft week you know in honor in
honor of the draft uh what the what the
[ __ ] are the Falcons doing that will
save that for the
ball I know this to golf stick to golf
but I am incensed with the strategy
coming out of the Falcons from you
wanted me to give a rundown of the show
this what this what happens then we the
balln noers went two hours this morning
you’ll get plenty of Ballers okay okay s
s please continue we have Liv Adelaide
we have Wilshire on the lpj tour which
is wrapping up as we speak uh we got a
little DP World Tour we’re going to talk
PJ tour Equity bunch of questions Rory
potentially heading back to the board
some glorious NBC takedowns this past
week uh we’ll be talking little tus
sauce coming up that’s the Run of show
Rory and Shane Lowry won the Zurich
Brendan steel and Ripper GC won live
Adelaide uh uto katsu orawa won the isps
Honda in Japan Handa s that that was why
I said konichiwa see and then uh Tim
whing I assume he has closed it out by
now he was up by a billion uh on the
corn fairy tour for back toback 30 under
30 under approaching a man Cody’s that’s
at Cody’s uh course Texas Rangers golf
club and he’s not the guy that shot 58
on the cord fairy tour this past week uh
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it’s it’s been awesome loving the sm10
all right guys Zur kind of crept up on
us a little today we weren’t planning to
open the show with it but uh you know
it’s it’s not our favorite event not my
favorite event it was sneaky good watch
today Rory I I do feel Rory’s got to
feel a little sheepish about this being
his 25th win uh you know in this format
in this field don’t you think they
shouldn’t uh it should not count towards
his career win total it’s kind of Sam
sney if if we’re being honest agreed
yeah I think it I I’ve kind of
consciously avoided this event for the
last three four five years it’s just I
don’t know the course course hasn’t done
it for me it’s felt like an afterthought
I’m kind of burned out after the Masters
I watched a bunch of it today a lot of
it because I was on the Pod tonight A
lot of it because Zach was in the hunt
for whatever reason the the course was
vibing with me
the yeah and like I don’t know I love
alt shot I think all shot’s great I
think the you know the four balls is
whatever but it just got me thinking of
man like this should be one of the more
fun big time events on the tour and it
should be a more limited field it should
be at a awesome awesome Classic Golf
Course and it should be like you know
prime time or like you know let’s say
you do two rounds or three rounds of
stroke play and then you do a round of
match play like it should feel bigger
than it is right it’s the one team event
they do all year and I think you could
see it at the end there with Lowry and
and Rory those guys like that was fun
for them yeah right and it was fun you
can tell that like the European Ridder
Cup team they like there were more of
those guys on like you know potential
players on the European side playing in
this event this week and it just it
should be more of a like year-to-year
big event and it’s not and so but that
said like it was it was entertaining
golf today which was more than I could
say for previous years and you I would
also say watching in years past Xander
Klay looked like they were having fun
when they won Cam and Lehman it seems
like everybody kind of comes away with
it you know that’s one has a good
experience in playing more team golf but
I agree with you TC like it could be um
more iconic it could they could pour
some gas on it they could be more
thoughtful about it I guess as the
argument you’re making I do want to make
a point about Rory I agree it shouldn’t
count towards his career wins but
getting dubs in whatever format I mean
you know you go to you go to the the rec
center you get a a recck league
basketball win it makes you feel pretty
good uh Lauren cogin won the NIT came
off of that said it it really helped her
confidence and she Monday qualified into
an LPGA event you know I I’m I’m happy
to see Rory that that’s that’s positive
juice for him and I I it’s like it’s
kind of like hey did you have did you
have a hole-in one on a short course
cool that’s a hole in one that’s on a
different list you know there’s an asct
but it’s good that’s still a joyous
occasion and it should be celebrated as
such so did you win over Martin trainer
yeah yeah yes yeah did did like that’s
the thing like sometimes it feels like
this when Russ Cochran is playing in the
field or like it feels like a [ __ ]
mule giveaway sometimes or I mean z Zack
Blair and Patrick don’t call me Lawrence
Fishburn like come on man what like I
don’t I never heard of that guy it’s
unbelievable I’m watching with my
father-in-law my wife said like a baby
shower for a cousin he’s like who are
like who like you know he’s not a golf
he’s like are you like Ryan brem who is
that a real person I’m like yeah I know
he’s like can we turn the NBA back on
I’m like yeah you know maybe when it’s
commercial I’ll flip it back over Ryan
brm is an alpha you might have to
apologize for Ryan brm your Bri takes TC
he was B’s the exact guy that’s like
there’s too many [ __ ] T cards this
fall speed impost well I and I wanted to
I looked up his data golf I sent you
guys a screenshot of his data golf like
profile and it’s like it’s like the
deskilling the game argument like his
picture should be in the the deskilling
like the dictionary next to that it’s
like he’s gaining like 1.7 Strokes on
the field all like driving distance and
then everything else is just like minus
minus Strokes in every other part of his
game it’s pretty sick it uh it it felt a
little coldblooded from from roor and
Shane who have kind of all the status
they’ll probably ever need to like
everybody else in contention was like
the the story line was the two-year
exemption going to come with this one I
mean we’re kind of handing out here it
always feels like such a backhanded
compliment or backhanded comment when
they say like how big the two-year
exemption is going to be for somebody
it’s like hey you’re not finishing the
top whatever like you you have no shot
here like this is your one shot to be on
this tour for two years I every time I
hear that I laugh of like yeah I don’t
know if you’re going to be out here in a
couple years unless you win this
tournament there’s a at stake right here
and yeah dude Martin trainer has the
weirdest golf career I’ve I’ve ever seen
I quiz you guys on this already so
you’re gonna know it he’s played 136
events in his career he’s made 38 Cuts
he’s missed 98 cuts out of 136 events he
had at no point has he ever had a 50
round moving average of scores that’s
above average or even average at no
point even like a little snippet of his
career even a 25 round moving aage
average no 25 round stretch has he ever
played at tour average or better in a 10
plus year career yet he has one on the
PGA tour and he almost won again he’s
won twice in the corn fairy tour as well
the weirdest golfer I’ve ever come
across we had such the our slack there
was cracking me up today we like first
off we used to have the trainer the
trainer act which was season long
betting game TC kept counting his
nuggets wrong so we were like there’s a
trainer rule that if he miscounted his
his plays had to bet all 100 nuggets on
Martin trainer next week which is so
sweet and it was the next week turned
out to be the Puerto Rico opening almost
one and then we’re calling him like a
he’s like a venture capitalist where
he’s like yeah there’s just you know lot
of like it’s asymmetrical returns that’s
all he’s searching for he’s got a lot of
write-offs man a lot of miscuts a lot of
lot of you know did not finish on that
uh on that profile but God he just I
don’t know man he he
there’s not a lot of Swag there that
last that playoff hole was was tough to
watch the uh they shot 63 today though
him in Chad I was GNA say that was one
of like the maybe the that’s probably
one of the best rounds on the PGA tour
this year like 63 and ALT shot with two
bogeys 11 birdies I mean they were in
the clubhouse before coverage started on
CBS though so I think you know the
lights got makes it even more remarkable
like it’s it’s crazy of course he chunks
the just completely LA s over the chip
may need some sm10 right it was I don’t
know I was weirdly captivated by it
today there’s there’s in you know
there’s guys like Bren like Bren almost
made a [ __ ] hole-in one on a on a par
4 that’s not supposed to be
drivable there’s there’s you know um
weird like H was putting so poorly uh
Zach was putting really poorly it was
it’s really weird when like like I I
would consider Zach like one of my
really good friends one of my best
friends and it’s really weird when you
see that ju toose with like oh man you
know what like this is kind of a a get
out of jail free card like Zach you know
Zach played really well almost like you
know top three or four at the uh
Heartford event last year keeps his card
his wife gave birth like six or seven
days ago to their daughter and he’s
playing this week with with Fishburn who
I mean Fishburn melts the ball but like
he had a few down the stretch that were
just off the plan it right Zach couldn’t
make a putt Fishburn hit a unbelievable
shot into the par five sth his second
shot in there and Zach missed the Putt
and then Zach rinsed it on nine and he
was just like man I was aiming like
right of that green and got a gust he
hits a draw anyway and turned it over
and you know they make double there they
made double on
17 when it becomes personal these events
seem to mean more of like oh my God like
my friend like he’s all right there’s a
million dollars per guy or $1.2 million
do per guy on the line here plus if he
wins this he has a two-year exemption
after this plus that’s gonna free him up
to just free ride and like he can Bas
swing five baby push his chips in yeah
so I told him I said Zack like nobody
wants to see you play Quail Hollow in a
couple weeks because like that’s not a
good course for you so that’s the upside
here you you’re not winning the A on
swing five you’re into you know you’re
back just but like needs to get in the
top 100 or so to keep his card but
that’s what I would say too like TC like
the the guys that we’ve been fortunate
enough to get to know and have put
themselves out there within our content
like and have really endeared themselves
to our community Max hom and and Zach
like it does it’s really person really
personal for us that you know our
friends with Zach but also like for the
audience like they’ve been along this
journey with with him and a bunch of our
guys along the way that’s uh I don’t
know that there’s some there’s something
to that in terms of uh you know the
whole Community kind of rallying around
somebody on a Sunday which we felt it
it’s also really cool to see like like
Zach’s getting a four iron in the same
hole that Rory’s getting a seven
iron you know there’s certain shots from
I’m like man like this this feels like
like me playing against Freddy like my
son my seven-year-old son in basketball
sometimes and Zach just he’s just really
good at golf like it’s awesome he he
didn’t have it today and I feel bad
about that but I mean still still a T4
yeah um but yeah it was I don’t know
it’s a weird event man it’s it’s uh you
know there’s there’s some young guys
there was three three sets of Brothers
in the field this week like the
fitzpatricks the Hoards and uh the cies
were all in the field this week I think
the PJ tour probably needs to do a
better job of like setting up pairings
and and you know feature groups and
stuff like that like why not why not
pair up two sets of the brothers right
or there’s all sorts of fun weird stuff
like Chris gup and and Austin ekro
barely made the cut this week finished
top 10 like it’s it’s a good it’s a good
place to watch guy like Davis Riley and
Nick Hardy there’s there’s young guys
playing together you see who kind of
Vibes off of one another um Team golf is
cool but it just there’s just so much
mediocrity mixed in with it I think in
this event where like again Russ Cochran
like I don’t give a [ __ ] about your
600th start like there’s no difference
between your 599 start and 600th start
it’s round number no difference it’s a
round number yeah it’s just like with uh
who was the lady podcasts couple weeks
AG yeah yeah right yeah shout out to KRA
who was the lady on the LPGA Tour like
she’s going for a hundred you know
executive starts and majors and it’s
like I don’t care like earn it like
don’t ask for exemptions in you gotta
earn it right it’s weird because we I
think at one point I I I’m I’m I
struggle with this because it seems like
it either is a specific uh idea that we
have suggested in the past or seems like
an idea we would suggest in the past of
like Z’s got nothing for it why don’t
why don’t you making a team event and
then they do it and you’re like well no
not like that not like that and I don’t
I don’t have a great uh answer for this
because um like the teams don’t really
like make sense you know like you just
have Max graser and I don’t even
remember his partner and you’re just
like okay I have no idea why and you
can’t build the story up in this amount
of time to like make this partnership
yeah you can’t like it’s just so Random
right whereas you have like a Rory and
like a Lowry thing it’s like okay well I
know you two from playing in the in the
rider cup like that’s fun and like there
is something too I mean just for I was
stunned that Rory was playing this event
I mean I I I four weeks in a row HFF the
Masters off a signature event uh playing
the week before the Masters like just
seemed like the worst idea but it does
seem like I don’t know I’m reading
probably too much into it but just the
the road the the the journey has been
pretty lonely for him in terms of just
like everyone on the LI side obviously
hating him and a lot of tour guys hating
him through it like felt like he just
wanted to do something with a friend
like just like have play with a friend
and like have some fun go get good
dinners and just have fun in New Orleans
like just Pro Golf can be really lonely
and there’s that aspect of like yeah
this is this is probably a really fun
event for them but I you know all your
ideas about how to change it and all
that it it’s things just work the
opposite way right it’s not like the
tour is like how can we put a great team
event together it’s like no Zurich is
like this tournament is saying we’re
gonna do something to separate our event
out it’s going to be at this course it’s
going to be in this community it’s going
to be to raise money for these
organizations and giv Zurich a bunch of
credit like they you know they’ve been I
think this is their 20th year sponsoring
it they came in like in 2004 which was
what a year before Katrina yeah and you
know and they’ve stuck with it they’ve
poured a bunch of money into the
community and all that you know and it’s
a good event I applaud the tour for for
trying on that front but I just think
like all right like if this is the only
team golf event on the entire schedule
that feels like a little bit of a waste
right especially as we’re about to talk
about Liv Adelaide and you know the best
elements of that event are the team golf
right and it feels like all right let’s
let’s not you know throw that out or hey
man maybe if it’s like different you
know if it’s match play and you have a
team but you’re playing singles or
something like that I don’t know I I
think there’s there’s something with
like the the European Ridder Cup team
they seem to use this as prep right like
uh you know you had uh Bob McIntyre
Thomas dietry playing together you had a
few other guys play you know obviously
the Hoy guards playing together uh I was
a little bit terrified to see zalatoris
and theala tying with Russ Cochran and
Country Music sensation Eric Cole this
week well I would think like zalot
Taurus and thala would be a pretty good
pairing yeah bizarre pretty
complimentary so yeah oh nyj DK said
does the Zurich exist in the ideal
future of
Gulf I I I wish that I think we’re going
to talk about Liv and I like the team
gol I like team golf being a part of the
highest level of golf more often both
tours are missing on that Concept in
various ways like nobody’s figured it
out quite yet uh let me throw an idea
back at you Su how would you feel if
they rotated this event in as a
signature event next year with teams you
had with teams same same format so
smaller field and like dudes do you do
you feel like that would add do you
think do you think that would work yeah
it’s not building to something right
like it’s a onewe team like you’re not
it’d be different if there were six team
events throughout the course of a year
and Ro like who’s going to take down
Rory and Lowry would be a much different
question than just like all right you
two it’s just so hard to build that up
you’re like you don’t remember who
played year-over-year it’s one one out
of 52 weeks and it’s just that I don’t
think he would I would feel that it’s’
be better than this of course but I
don’t know if I would burn a signature
event just to to do this because it also
comes down to television as well well
it’s hard it’s it’s just hard to build
up two story lines at like the double
the story lines in terms of individuals
and what it means for them whereas like
usually what works best for go Sunday
golf on TV is like it’s this guy and
this guy coming down to it and like you
just the drama builds a little bit
better versus like when you’re cutting
between guys playing alt shot and you’re
not really able to remember who’s on
what team it just kind of can lose a lot
of context but I think that helps with
like if you make it a bigger event and
you make the teams a bigger thing of you
know people are watching Thursday Friday
Saturday kind of turns into you know
what like I you know I know these two
guys are playing together whereas for
like most of us just tuned in like I
tuned in a little bit on Friday I didn’t
watch much Saturday because I don’t
think the four the four Ball’s tough
yeah four ball is worth anything I think
on the flip side like you could kind of
make it feel like the member guest where
it’s like the PGA Tour member guest to
where like there’s no FedEx Cup points
up for grabs we’ll juice the purse even
more and it’s like an exhibition like
can play with whoever the [ __ ] you want
so it doesn’t even have to be a PGA Tour
member it’s kind of like Brooks playing
with his brother right of like play with
whoever you want whoever you think is g
to help you win so if you need to team
up with but like you know each guy gets
to basically bring a guest because
that’s what I that’s what I struggle
with a little bit yeah that’s what I
struggle with a little bit it’s kind of
it’s kind of this thing where guys are
guys are getting you know a little bit
of a bump that they’re kind of dra in
off of other guys like if you play the
game right with the with the partnership
you can like I mean fish today right
like you could I mean Fishburn was gonna
get a [ __ ] two and a half year
exemption on the PJ tour you know like
that I mean it feels a little bit
chintzy or unequitable especially when
we consider like this is serious golf
this is you know owgr like all right
like this doesn’t really factor into
thegr obviously but it does in a way
because it would get these guys into
yeah bigger and better events right I I
think to answer the question from nyj DK
it would be like the future of golf I
think should have individual Golf and
team golf right and I think so like do I
think this exists in that no because I
think the team golf structure has to be
some kind of continuous format and
structure and not just kind of random
who are you playing with this week that
be that’d be my opinion on so we’re
gonna we’re going to turn it over here
because we uh we got a great a fun
segment here which again I didn’t think
we were going to talk 20 minutes about
zer this week because uh uh but it kind
of kind of snuck up on me we’ve been
planing this say that every week we said
Sunday’s usually deliv like as much [ __ ]
as we give the tour they us we thought
we were gonna lead with Adelaide we were
planning to we were until Rory came back
and won uh you guys know roback best fit
best feel I know TC knows it because we
are rocking the same exact qzip it is
spring there’s nothing better for the
season than roback they’ve been pumping
out new designs left and right which we
should try because uh we’re stuck in the
same grape uh qzip I’m wearing one of
their athletic shirts right now I would
I would recommend people check out their
t-shirts Columbia Blue that’s right it’s
in my laundry right now uh Beyond just
go they got bathing suits now uh you can
use these to go from a hot day on the
course straight to the pool the
performance Polo’s moisture wicking
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course or just in everyday life and the
Q Zips this again I love the zippers the
little designs they have the zippers the
different colors they’re just sharp
looking great for a night out on the
town or on the golf course as well they
are the ideal secondary layer if you
haven’t already load up on some rowack
for yourself and for others code nlu for generous 20% off your first
order through the end of this week
that’s rhob 20% off bottoms qzip
hoodies and more with code nlu spring
golf is not the same without roback and
before I turn it over to UTC we’re going
to welcome in a uh another balln knower
uh who wanted to be involved he did not
want to talk zer did not want to talk
Liv Adelaide but he wants to talk about
NFL quarterbacks as PGA Tour players or
professional golfers whatever you want
to call it Mr Kevin Van valkenberg good
evening kbv how are you Sly thank you
for letting me put my hand up uh if i’
had known that Rory was gonna be singing
Don’t Stop Believing at the end of the
Zurich I might have uh I might have
joined in I if you guys saw that clip
you can’t be a fair weather Zurich fan
you’re either a Zurich fan or you’re I
know you got to be all in or not but you
know what the the QB’s stupid
comparisons to NFL players that is it’s
truly my first love so thank you guys
for welcoming me take us away grad first
of all glad to have you last thing on
Rory too I was glad to hear him say I’m
playing my way into form I’m not sitting
on a range trying to pound balls and get
ready for the PGA he’s trying to get a
dub a dub is a dub I respect that and
he’s like I’m like I like playing golf
right now and there there’s something to
be said for that so no more golf swing
nonsense just play the golf guys we love
making compar
between between stuff I think uh 98% of
our friendship is built on doing dump
like this so we had to take it to the
airwaves and bring it uh bring it out
one of the one of the first things we
ever wrote on on the website was we put
together like it was called the nlu all
pig skin team NF like basically PJ tour
players uh which obviously now we will
open this up to live as well but PJ tour
players as an NFL team I think we that
was like one of the original chz you
know like hey like hey you know chz
would be the perfect Scout team guy he’d
be a gunner on the punt team we had pH a
quarterback Gary Woodland at running
back I think Jason day was a safety DJ
was uh ex receiver you know lot of lot
of good comparisons you can go look that
up yeah so let’s bring that back though
come the come August whatever when it’s
training camp time I want to Rebo KV
I’ve already I’ve already got a
draft uh sorted out one of the things we
struggle with is offensive linemen and
and you know
interior defensive guys we definitely
have to run a 3 four they got some
development going I know there’s some
Guardians out there yeah we gotj on the
line sunjay could definitely I think he
could play guard Bron needs to come back
though so okay anyway but today we are
going to do basically current golfers or
past golfers to NFL quarterbacks current
or past no really no rules just right uh
you know Outback style in in honor of T
saw season 9 I think the one that that
that just kind of came off the tongue
for me was Scotty sheffler Patrick
Mahomes um okay you guys tell me if you
agree or disagree well make the case CC
you gotta make the case I
mean so preface this I think there’s no
tiger comp right I mean I know that’s my
stance on this you I think there’s not
one start there start there’s your tiger
comp yeah yeah all right I look I got a
list I’m gonna just start thr on names
guys uh to me Prime Tiger Woods so you
can pick I think different eras for this
stuff I think you have to think about
this in a specific way broadly I will
say to TC one of the ways that we came
up with this idea is that the commanders
took all the top QBs to Top Golf they
had you know they wanted to see what
kind of golf swings they had so I
thought’ be a natural comp for this to
me Patrick Mahomes is prime Tiger Woods
all right probably already the goat even
though he doesn’t have the most Hardware
deep down kind of a cornball kind of a
nerd shows up to work when sunglasses uh
you know a problem he had a problematic
dad who sounds outlandish things all the
time uh if you want to avoid discussing
Mor murky moral arguments uh don’t
Google his last name in DUI but truly
like the guy who can do anything and
everything out there all right so that
to me tdbs patri Mahomes end of argument
okay that’s a strong case I like that I
don’t like that for Diane Woods you know
with the Jackson Mahomes comp there uh
yeah well you know you know I I had so I
had Scotty as momes as far as current
guys just because momes throws That
Awkward arm angle he’s got some crazy
footwork going on he’s got okay he’s he
seems like he could have goat Tendencies
I’m not sure he’s there yet he’s the
current best in the league by a pretty
wide margin right now like like this
could get out of hand really quick I had
momes and Scotty too because of the
unorthodox style and kind of the the
ability to get super hot and and and
stay that way for like whoa now we’re
trending into historic territory but not
not not really knowing where this is
going to go with other goats already
named in the past yeah okay would you
like to know where I put Scotty would
love if someone is named should you get
to have to throw out your comp that
we’re not going to be able to follow any
rules on this let’s just let’s just
away go ahead who you got for Scotty all
right I had Joe Montana as Scotty
sheffler kind of a ho home dude who
didn’t maybe pass the eye test as a
young man went on a generational tear
that left everyone Dum struck while he
Shrugged his shoulders hugged his wife
exactly the kind of person who In the
Heat of the championship would look over
in the crowd and be like hey that’s John
Candy to me that is like Scotty sheer to
a t just a sort of a good allamerican
boy I disagree vehemently I think that
sells Scotty short I think SC
Joana was the goat before show didn’t
put up [ __ ] numbies though and like
like he won some championships but like
Joe Montana feels more like a kka or a
you like somebody else where like no no
we’ll get there shler just feels like
his statistical dominance and
the and everything that he’s setting it
feels like I don’t know Joe Montana is
like back then no one was throwing you
have to look you can you to make the
argument work you have to slide Scotty
in a different era but no one was clle
was completing 65% of their passes back
in the day back then that was what made
Joe Montana ridiculously good K kbb’s
introducing a a fourth dimension to this
argument I wasn’t going too too deep
into the uh into the history books I’m
gonna throw them back at you let me let
me reset things here I’m gonna go ludvig
CJ Stout I think we’re all gonna have
this one was not number one TC Tumi Kaya
you know shout out was not number one
not Tak number one he did Nakajima as
well excuse me uh but the evidence now
you look back the evidence the town is
so obvious you’re like oh my God what
was every what how was how did we not
see this coming so I think that was an
obvious one just kind of a layup anyone
disagree kind of a Texan well it’s it’s
like incredible start to the career
incredible Talent like you know hasn’t
won anything yet still hasn’t won
anything but like might be the second
best in the league already and we don’t
really fully know it until we see
another year but like that ISC was on
the Block for both early he was a big
big stoud guy I was despite my aversion
to Ohio State quarterback I was like you
know what I’m going to set that aside
st’s a
[ __ ] all right I’m gonna take Rory
here guys and I don’t think you guys are
going to like it or agree but I don’t
care uh I think he’s pton Manning uh
just a a numby just numbies on numbies
on numbies on numbies and has so I’m
equating like two Super Bowls a Super
Bowl is worth like two majors is in this
right so for Peyton’s career I would not
say two Super Bowls was enough like he
just was not the dominant person in in
the era of in terms of winning Super
Bowls and just incredibly talented but
just left wanting just a little bit more
but it was so consistent every single
year always produced I got to push back
I like the argument but I don’t think
the style of play matches up I have Rory
as Aaron roders it’s it was an easy for
me undeniable and effortless talent that
others covet like the the arm strength
the the the fluidity of the swing and
the way they play the game seems to come
easy to them uh but they you know lately
they can’t seem to to stop talking um so
that’s that’s why I have Phil for Aaron
Rogers so you know maybe maybe I got
Phil for somebody
else okay no might be Dental to us but
like maybe we don’t we do less podcast
maybe we get out from the microphone and
we and you know we try to finish the
career uh strong that that’s Rory I
think if Rory has a late career like if
he wins two more Majors so I get tripped
up a little bit with majors and Super
Bowls right because they feel there’s
not that many quarterbacks who have won
Super Bowls which is crazy to think of
too only give well one Super Bowl a year
they give out four majors a year it’s a
little different but I think with Rory
yeah NE I said the same thing like talks
too much uh hasn’t won big stuff in a
while he he more trouble than he’s worth
I also said like Rory could be like CTT
Warner right like Kurt Warner you know
very dominant know if he was bagging
groceries though you know like he was
maybe back Hollywood right I don’t know
about that listen anybody else have pton
Manning as a comp I did yes I had him as
spe you go first and then I’ll tell you
my Payton Manning I had spe uh standout
in college kind of like everybody kind
of anointed him came into the league
played really well early success it
always looks a little weird to be honest
pton had that funky he’s always like
throwing down like his his release was
always wobbly but he got it done he very
cerebral player um you know very
thoughtful and uh overprepared
overthinking things and then kind of
some late career injuries like we’re a
little worried about speed in his wrist
I mean pton like doesn’t have a neck
anymore so I you know I don’t know
that’s here what that broke down for me
though pton was always in charge and spe
is never in charge He’s just never like
never in control the situation yeah he’s
never inol okay I think I got the one
here Payton Manning is Phil Mickelson
gifted comedian with a penchant for
overthinking every situation late career
accomplishments overshadow the fact that
an early part of his career he
repeatedly gagged Under Pressure almost
certainly has paid to make scandals go
away all right so K I had Phil as as
Brett farre but that La that’s decent I
had the same thing I said absolute
Gunslinger horn dog did it his own way
disgraced himself toward the end
probably taking advantage of poor people
I thought that one was too easy oh my
God was a [ __ ] layup I hate my yeah
God that’s so much better than my far
who was your all right someone throw out
I I don’t I hate it already I mean like
more style of Play It’s style of play
it’s not it’s not off on field or off
field at all it’s just like incredible
Talent incredible big moments when he’s
got it going it’s like there’s maybe
nobody more exciting but also just does
some of the dumbest possible [ __ ] always
trying to throw it into traffic uh
throwing you know throw it back across
the field where you’re rolling out the
wrong way that’s that was what reminded
me of far see I’ve got spe as py
doesn’t necessarily look good we’re not
sure if he’s good but like somehow
punches above his weight gets it done
and like might be elite as
[ __ ] all right I have suceeded early
too Lamar lamb yes has never had a
normal day when he steps on the grass
instead of making a normal throw or a
normal par will do [ __ ] like throw the
ball and catch it to himself or
purposely hit it off the roof of a
clubhouse had tremendous success in his
second professional season then spent
some time in the wilderness some people
swear he’s Elite other people can’t
stomach the weekly throw ride that’s not
a bad
argument that’s not bad all like you
what you’re gonna tune in if Lamar or
speed kind of TI too right with the
Under Armour with spe and L with the
Ravens Baltimore connection my Lamar was
uh was sah uh that was mine too great
highlights exceeds expect like exceeding
expectations no you know everybody
thought Lamar needed to switch positions
uh a little reckless uh and kind of
wondering when we’re going to take the
ne next leap and maybe polish things up
and and win win
something yeah uh that would be my Josh
Allen as I had saw hith a true YOLO guy
you have to kind of Ride the Lightning
if you’re a fan sometimes he gonna do
fun Bonker [ __ ] sometimes gonna like
purposely hit Shanks and mega eject uh
that’s really good my my Josh Allen is
Xander just very very talented I’ve got
the opposite a ton of production a of
production gets tantalizingly close uh
and in in the biggest moments in the
playoffs just does dumb [ __ ] and does
not does not win the big ones yeah but
xanders feels always in control whereas
Josh Allen feels always like on the edge
of his seat I had I had Rah as Josh
Allen absolute units overpowering Talent
looks Unstoppable when it’s going well
but sometimes it just looks really
really off and they look like they’re
just not like they’re just mentally not
in it guys I had Rah I had Rah as
rothberger like kind of
uh just kind of like guardy overweight
but like just like under like under the
the pump gets it done like you know he’s
a gamer he’s Scrappy he he punches above
his weight even though he’s one of the
best like most talented dudes in the
league and when you’re behind you’re
just not you’re not catching it see
that’s what I thought I thought Brooks
and rothberger was a layup kind like
okay I think I got a good I had Brooks’s
tb12 same oh no way goodness gracious
who I yeah I’m out on that Brooks is
Brooks is John Elway okay I think Neil I
don’t think expand the board different
eras everyone agrees that he’s an
alltime great my least favorite athlete
sorry to interrupt but my I just want
future Generations are going to look at
his regular season accomplishments and
argue that he was mediocre uh it was
sort of a you had to be their situation
John laway Brooks always probably both
always had a Zen and his lower lip
physically gifted freak who loves to
tell you that he could have been a
professional baseball player in another
life okay that’s good that’s very good I
think I I think I had this three Super
Bowl losses for La that’s tough com
Brooks doesn’t come up short Brooks
after he what came up short in the US
Open came up short in the Open
Championship that year like Brooks has
had his five time I mean f he has a
losing record in Super Bowls for La like
the the the major champ of the
generation I don’t know can have a be a
comp to a losing record in the Super
Bowl won f [ __ ] two of them though
man two he did back to back that’s a lot
of Super Bowls like two Super Bowls is
likeor Eli won two Super Bowls too we’ll
get to Eli yeah well we can go there now
yeah I got I got Eli I got JT and Eli
boom TC me too yeah I I was like you
know what I’m not sure why I’m getting
I’m getting vanilla Vic Daniel Jones
vibes from uh JT but that just just
keeps springing to mind but I think
that’s leading me to Eli JT has like
Perpetual resting [ __ ] face just like
Eli did but also like Eli’s got two
titles JT’s got two majors right uh I
think Eli’s probably a hell of a lot
cooler off the off the course and just
generally speaking than JT though so I
had Eli as morawa um okay he has like
two sneaky championships but kind of
like asterisk a little bit like fluky
David Tyree helmet catch helmet Catch Co
PGA Championship regular season like
you’re just not Eli’s just not rolling
off the tongue like gosh you’re kind of
overachieving on the biggest stages a
little bit like we don’t see week toe
morawa like putting up you know putting
up numbies and being the good week toe
player uh that that was that was the
comp for
me all right I got one I feel strongly
about I think Tom Brady is Jack Nicholas
so good for so long it’s honestly a
little bit annoying understood that you
didn’t have to do flashy YOLO [ __ ] to
win other people would Under Pressure
while you chipped away at their souls
friends with former president Trump uh
has both of them have almost certainly
lost a ton of money in various get-rich
schemes crypto also have the most
Hardware you know you can say whatever
you want about dudes being more talented
you know should be the goat whatever but
they’re the ones who have the the the
Rings to back it up got no argum with
that that’s that’s it’s yeah with with
Brady it could be something where like
people didn’t know whether he could
succeed without belich we don’t know
whether Jack can succeed without Barbara
yeah that’s true true uh all right I
want to throw one at you I got uh Adam
Scott is Matt
Ryan prototype of the profession
longevity probably certain to be
successful after the game I feel like
both of them seem like pretty
well-rounded individuals hard not to
think that they didn’t fulfill their
potential and then of course like 283 is
kind of like the British Open four bogey
finish just just kind of some stuff
where you’re like damn dude like a
little bit of wasted Talent there and
and looked just looked like a pro golfer
and a quarterback those two guys are
like the
prototypes he was my backup for Xander
Matt Ryan like that was another Xander
comp for me that’s a fair one I think
he’s got so much
more I don’t know Style Just Xander is
Justin Herbert like you just don’t know
if he’s got that dog in him like all the
tools are there
analytics no no no no Herbert is
fenale tent I’ve got the I’ve got andiz
telling me how good they are and and got
to look at the advanced stats you got to
look at the stroke stained he’s
unbelievable but he hasn’t won [ __ ] he’s
won six times we’ve been over this big
nothing big yeah won the Northern Trust
a playoff event wow that’s like hang in
the banner for literally the 50 best
players in the world were at that
tournament what are you guys talking
about honestly Ruiz we have Ruiz on the
podcast here he is kvv the only thing
that would that would keep me from
saying Xander with Justin Herbert is
Justin Herbert hasn’t gotten as far as
Xander has thank you in big moments as
well so I feel like the fenale thing
might be a little bit offensive towards
Justin Herbert but I don’t have a
problem with that at all I had Luke
Donald as Matt Ryan borderline Elite for
a period of time you know kind of plays
within himself doesn’t have like a power
game at all got it done more with
Precision classy understated uh he’s
going to you know he’s he’s going to be
a g of the game for a long time I’ve got
your Herbert it’s right in front of us
it’s Cameron
young I can see that yeah I mean won six
times Cameron Young’s won zero like you
know he profiles out really well drives
it great has we’re talking about Majors
with these other guys like oh he hasn’t
won enough Majors Cameron young hasn’t
[ __ ] won neither is side of the
Northern Trust in this is it was a
playoff event he won a playoff event 800
points my comp stance just cuz got Sol
so fired up I think I’m on the right
track uh all right I want to throw I I
got I got one I want to throw at you the
blow Pig uh Jaylen Herz I had the same
thing NE success didn’t come immediately
uh at any level kind of been you know
struggled like can’t figure it out
mentally a little bit you can’t argue
with the current results but it also
doesn’t look great the mega cut equals
the tush push you know kind of the uh oh
yeah right just kind of doing it in a
way that you’re like oh well yeah that’s
kind of mashing down on the grass behind
the ball taking advantage of the current
rules like maybe wish that things were
different but they are what they are
production is production and and he’s
balling out his teammates seem seem to
like him a lot you guys tell me when to
stop here real quick the field of the
2021 Northern Trust John ROM Dustin
Johnson col morawa Xander shley Jus
Thomas Bryson Shambo Brooks ke Patrick
kley Harris abraam an Jordan terl Hatton
Victor hin Roy mroy Ruiz sermon going
down the lead his his production on
third down is unbelievable God won the
[ __ ] tourn
I got another one TC you like this one
Dak is Patrick Klay regular season
performer with a weird hairline who
makes makes it him look 10 years older
than he really is postseason record is
abysmal might be a compiler I you know
what I had I had uh I had Klay as Derek
Carr where but I like the Dak comparison
as well just he just keeps hoovering up
money and we just a top 10 quarterback
Regard in the regular season Patrick is
absolutely to top 10 player in the
regular season so so Dak brings me to
Fleetwood because I said Fleetwood who’s
Fleetwood D is he kurk cousins he’s
objective very objectively good but not
sure if you can win the big one with him
not talking personally I’m talking about
you guys uh puts up numes could also be
Romo as well like Fleetwood could be
Romo you’re getting closer TC but you’re
I got a different name for you I got a
really big compliment for him I got
Philip Rivers now Philip Rivers I got
furck Rivers Philip Rivers is fenale
with the kids come on guys like that is
your that is the one right there yeah
yeah a good one I could get down with
that for f now I got furick just because
longevity like won a won a shitload of
games won a shitload of
tournaments like I know furick won can I
give you Breeze for
furick yeah that makes sense yeah all
right that makes sense one one Champ
Major ton of success ton of yards always
really good but always should have
not NE I had Breeze for Zack Johnson
just like you know what like punched
above his weight kind of a weenie like
got on like gets on camera and everybody
[ __ ] hates him
like okay yeah wood Romo I’m I’m kind of
coming around on I had Jim Kelly which I
think is a strong compliment there but 0
and four in Super
Bowls got to a lot of them though got to
a lot of got really
close fleetwood’s only 33 years old okay
JC whole career in front of me I think I
got a good one from Kirk Cousins Kirk
Cousins is an amalgamation of Corey
Connor Nick Taylor and Adam hadwin uh
all nice guys inoffensive in every way I
hope you get paid a ton I’m not sure
you’re ever going to be a superstar but
I admire your grind your politeness your
Canadian esque work ethic you just feel
very Canadian to me you like that kbv
yeah you like like that I like I do like
that I had him as horel ktk cousins as
horel uh maybe talks a little bit more
like runs his his his mouth out runs his
brain sometimes a little bit you gotta
respect his game you gotta respect his
game yeah kind of worked has worked his
way to in into like respect and and had
to do it over a long period of
time I’m obset this name hasn’t come up
yet who is the Bryson
comp I struggle with strug that I just I
had what did I have for Bryson I had
Justin Fields high level unique talent
can’t seem to stay health and find the
right fit I think I had Russell Wilson
Mr W just says the dumbest [ __ ] like it
behaves like total dweeb has won a Super
Bowl has won a major like but just a
total goober like this is this was one
of the easier ones I’ve got Mr unlimited
but Gary Player
undersized never [ __ ] shuts up flying
complete complete just cornball goober
Ultra successful in business Mr
unlimited that’s that’s Gary Player I
still don’t understand the Russell
Wilson the the viral whatever Tik Tok or
whatever it was that like all the things
that he loves and it was like the first
three things are like family football
faith and then the fourth one is flying
like the flying gets up there with
family football and Faith like how much
flying he’s not a
pilot all right I’ve got a historical
one okay uh I’m going to go Arnold
Palmer is Joe namoth the original Mr
steel your girl kind of responsible for
building the whole league when you think
about it refus to lay up or check down
could smoke a cigarette flirt with a
reporter win a trophy cut a commercial
have a drink all in a day’s work do you
like that or do you like Johnny
Unitas that felt I don’t I think that
Joe was like a little bit more cool
whereas Arie was cool I think Joe Johnny
nitus was not particularly like cool he
was just like emblematic of like
hardworking you could say like Johnny
Nittis of a Ben Hogan type just didn’t
really like didn’t run his mouth just
put the work in the grind whereas Joe
namoth was like Hey I’m gonna like put
on a fur coat I’m gonna flirt with your
girls there and I’m gonna be I’m be the
whole reason that this league exists I
just feel like Arie was a lot better
than Joe nth too that’s what yeah well I
mean look again that’s the comp of like
there was only so many Super Bowls that
were getting out back then like you know
Arnie probably should have won more
though Arnie only won six Majors right
seven Majors so the idea that like Joe
maybe if n had won a second Super Bowl
but just kind of what they represented
for the league I didn’t think this went
through very much but for uh I had
Patrick Reed as Joe nameth just for the
we’ll win I guarantee it and uh and the
top five call and winning winning one
major that was very dumb but uh get near
the end here you gotta pick you gotta
pick your uh pick your remaining best
ones all right I I think uh I’ll guide
us kind of to the end here because I
think there’s still some strong comps to
be had cam Smith I have cam Smith and
Joe burrow I I had that as well TC I
think they’re very I think cam is
greater than some of his Parts I think
he’s I believe in him
wholeheartedly uh I think Joe’s a little
bit probably a little bit more dedicated
to his craft but I think when cam wants
to be dedicated to his craft he like he
wins on the biggest stages
he’s uh he’s maybe not the most
physically talented currently but he’s
punching above his weight and I don’t
know I think there’s there’s something
there they like that’s one of the
reasons that this whole that this entire
debate was set off because s compared
Joe burrow to Justin Herbert or or uh uh
xand you guys you try to do Xander like
Herbert Xander to Herbert or or to a to
a burrow you said and it was like no
like that that’s offensive that’s that’s
not good at all that was on the it’s
closer than than Herbert though I I’ll
stand with that okay yeah uh all right
last couple that I had uh Dan Marino is
Greg Norman defined more by what he
didn’t do than what he did all-time
talented dude uh who for some reason
couldn’t put it together kind of
sometimes comes across as a bitter
weirdo uh but truly like a one alltime
skill okay let’s see here Adam Scott ah
had of him as Jimmy G very pretty yeah
uh you know he’s one a lot but you kind
of Wonder all right like is there is
there enough substance there I’ve got
web as dton the Red Rifle that works
yeah I’ve got Bubba as Cam
Newton uh I kind of love that I had
Bubba as
jamus but I don’t think that I think Cam
better um I only anyal I had uh Brian
Harmon either Tua or Kyler Murray uh
just both the Lefty and a height joke uh
there uh P padrick Harrington for CT
Warner of just like a a short stent
heater could have had Duvall in there
too uh for Kurt Warner of just like very
very proficient gobling him up in a very
short period of time I think herrin’s
great because it’s kind of late career
like older when when the success comes
Nick Dunlap Bryce young um you know just
going through it right now yeah don’t
know about this don’t know about this
and cam champ was Justin Fields uh for
me okay that I can get behind I’ve got
one last one it’s I think it’s the
easiest uh Team Rose is flacko
that’s great just that’s really good
said uh I’ve got Matt wolf is Deshawn
Watson shout out to kbv for this one uh
possible Mal content possibly an idiot
uh but also Todd marinovich could also
be an option as well uh I’ve got Max as
Jared Goff Southern California guy uh
everybody or I think I think G’s from
from Northern California but everybody
kind of rote him off early in his career
here and he’s back and he looks the part
he has the tools uh future looks
promising and people seem to love him I
had him I’d burrow for Max I fully think
it through but uh Just Swag like the
relationship he has with fans and the
the swag is not quite the same but he’s
popular both popular
players uh the last year that I had were
uh I had Alejandra toasty is is Baker
Mayfield short temper short guy power
being of an elf bouncing around all the
time down the leader board here
yeah one other the alltime I had Tom
Watson as Aaron Rogers like Hall of Fame
start to his career constantly praised
for his smarts turned out maybe wasn’t
that smart maybe got poisoned by the
internet a little bit a
series is Robert F Kennedy a legitimate
candidate uh havland I had hin is Trevor
Lawrence kind of in the Wilderness at
the moment Ultra talented works hard sky
a limit but not sure if we if he’s got
it your Watson cracks me
up are you serious
Ser all right I think we got to move
toward can you guys get down with that
or not yeah that’s great we gotta move
on good last I got two I got three more
I got three more char Charles how the
third as Charlie wherst cuz he’s just
made tens of million dollars just
hanging around Tom Kim is RG3 just a
complete fra came on the scene everybody
loved him but now he turns into a
complete fraud that’s a good
F yeah exactly and Jason crack Jeff
George kind
of I love that all right Kevin we’re
gonna say uh farewell to you thank you
for joining us on this Sunday evening
and so long
Siri Siri play me off stage thank
you all right no l up is sponsored by
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alrighty uh off to Adelaide not only for
tus sauce episode 2 which you can find
on our YouTube channel but this was also
uh live golf Adelaide uh Brendan steel
won the individual portion and the
Ripper GC uh won this one in a playoff
guys we are going to start positive what
were what did you like uh or were there
things to like about live Adelaide for
you Neil I’m going to throw it to you
first I I like mean this sincerely I’m
very happy for the nation of Australia
the event looked like a ton of fun to be
there in person and it’s cool to see
Australian the Australian golf Community
fired up about it and having a good time
and I’m and I’m I’m legitimately happy
for Cam and the Rippers I think if
you’re cam Smith this is kind of like a
massive success you went out way out on
a limb uh you got paid for it obviously
um he and Leash and and they wanted to
bring golf high level golf to Australia
and I think if if you ask them they’ve
succeeded in doing that and then they
win their you know Home Country event so
I would say those would be the positives
TC let’s see first of all I it was was a
complete coincidence that our Adelaide
episode came out this week or last week
it was uh that was not intended but kind
of a happy accident I think the grain
they need a better setup they need it’s
not like all right if you want this to
be your live major you need a more
demanding golf course it felt like a
corn fairy Tour event as far as the
setup and as far as the the ergonomy and
all that stuff obviously the positive
section here TC no it is well I’m always
the one that’s positive about Liv so I’m
just going to you I’m gonna I’m going to
take it head on here right uh I hate
seeing Bren and steel win that sucks
Stinger like I can’t help but like just
completely respect those guys like us
haasen schwarzel Dean ber bur like they
they’re they place they Hoover up so
much money it’s crazy uh your guy Andy
ogal tree won like $900,000 this week
nuts um Let me let me see here all
right the notebook evolution year one
versus year two I thought that was
interesting to follow like 47 under one
last year for the teams they made it a
little bit more difficult but uh it was
crazy to see the aces Aces won last year
they finished dead [ __ ] last this
year what was the what was the final so
47 under for the teams it was last year
was 47 under this year was sorry 53
under this year for but there’s they’re
counting more scores this year in the
final round right so yeah all all four
scores count let’s see I I do want to
shout out the cleaks came in dead dead
last last year behind behind the
Majestics and the iron heads uh the iron
heads had a great great first two days
they fell off the pace drastically on
Sunday whereas the clicks 20 under on
Sunday they played awesome they they
finished seventh Majestics finished 13th
19 shots behind the 12th Place team they
were dead last by 19 shots bad side of
though I just want to I just want to add
like they’ they’ve had more resources to
work with you got Stenson Stenson pter
Westwood those guys are almost getting
beat by Anthony Kim who went on like a
15-year Coke Bender allegedly and and it
you know it’s like guys like have some
[ __ ] Pride like and then that’s not a
slide on Anthony Kim that’s like hey man
like Anthony Kim’s not playing poorly
like these guys are playing awful if
Anthony Kim’s coming back and and almost
beating these guys he had a poor poor
Sunday but yeah I don’t know I think the
I think where I N out a little bit on on
Adelaide is I think Australia starved
for great Sports I think they’re starved
for Great Golf uh I think this is more
of a reflection on Australia and
Adelaide in particular I think it’s a
great City I think people just like they
want world class sporting events there
and I think there’s some sort of
controversy around how much the local
government or the state government of of
South austal
paid to host live but I would say like
you know what your your citizens seem to
enjoy it they’ve seem to to really like
it but it speaks more to the strength of
golf in Australia and what we’ve been
saying for a long time of like hey
there’s no reason for the PGA Tour other
than just sponsorship dollars and and
you know like guys not wanting to travel
down there there’s no reason for the PGA
Tour to give Australia the stiff arm and
the stink eye and [ __ ] on them as much
as they do because I think like two
pretty big reasons like that is the
reason though you can’t yeah yeah but
that’s what I’m saying of like all right
like you know what if piff wants to be a
part of the worldwide golf thing all
right cool then like net everybody up to
where we don’t need a great sponsor I
don’t need a massive sponsor to take it
to Australia like I think that’s if piff
wants to be involved in things get the
best players down to Australia for the
Australian Open or the Australian PGA
and all that like that’s a win I feel
strongly that Australia should be one of
the you know venues for worldclass golf
throughout the professional golf slate
um I think we all agree on that I think
it is you know it’s it’s more
complicated when there isn’t a Saudi
Prince paying for it right that’s the
that’s been the the the hook of the
whole thing I think
like but S I think we’re past that point
now where like there’s going to be a
Saudi Prince paying for it one way or
another tot it should be in the future
EOS system 100% like it the reason why
it h it hasn’t been is relatively
obvious right and I know it’s like it’s
not it’s not either or right it’s not uh
a lot of people in Australia love live
golf simply because they have this one
three-day event that’s there and like
that’s your right and your prerogative
right we may have a different
perspective I have a different
perspective on it as an American golf
fan like do I do I think that it was
worth upsetting the apple cart on the
whole system just for this one event
down there very far away from my home I
don’t but if you have a different
perspective that’s very much fine I
think it is also a uh it’s not one of
the these things where we’ve never said
like everything that live touches is a
bad thing right if you like a really
micro like small narrowed in thing this
event serves a golf hungry audience like
and is looks like a whole hell of a lot
of fun like if I was 25 years old and
had no idea what the hell was going on
in the golf world and that fell on my
doorstep I would absolutely be out there
slamming beers and having fun like that
is it’s an outdoor Festival there’s a
concert like as a fan of competitive
golf do I think that’s like that the way
that I would love professional golf to
go no I don’t but like that’s not to say
that a ton of people don’t deserve that
and and really enjoy that event is one
thing and I think lrange looks pretty
cool in terms of like I mean the the
Australian style of golf of bunkers cut
into the greens really cool slopes on
the greens really cool pins I watch the
I didn’t want not watch a live but watch
the highlights and like watching those
shots come into 18 getting over that
Ridge and stopping back there that was
like some really good golf like for the
golf sicko stuff in there uh the
atmosphere is legitimately fantastic
it’s different like they’re straight up
like yelling in guys back swings for
Stinger GC in the playoff like because
they’re playing against the hometown
Aussies I’d never seen with water
bottles that but like no legitimately
like I think it was burmester was like
chipping into 18 and like somebody
yelled when he took the club back like
as loud as possible like when it win the
bunker they cheered I was like oh that’s
very different again like that’s not who
we are as Ripper GC though that’s not
what we’re about like that was not uh I
don’t know if that was best fans in golf
necessarily on display there but it’s
like a totally different like thing
again do I think this is worth that’s
gone on of course not like absolutely
not but that’s not to say like this this
event is at least putting something on
the table many of the live events are
not they’re not adding something to the
golf ecosystem like this event could
almost stand on its own in terms of like
you don’t need to have the other 13
events to like uh how do I say how do I
say thises make sense like no I let me I
know what you’re trying to say I am
getting a little tired of uh live being
like taking the game Global like glob
they’re like mashing the whole world
together like it’s always going to be
like it is in Australia and it’s like no
no no that’s like that’s the unique
successful Market but like if you’re
going to go to Hong Kong it’s not going
to look like that can I play something
for you Neil because this was like again
they they try to sell you on so many
different things that they are and like
if it was this this would be a totally
different conversation but literally
like Phil was on Pat McAfee in January
and explained this and this was like
alarm bells to me of like holy [ __ ] you
guys are claiming to be this
fan-friendly thing and then you go and
say something like this about what your
model is like I’ll play the audio if
this is from Pat McAfee on January 10th
Phils when we have the ability to
control the product meaning uh live
knows what they are selling and you know
what you’re buying as a sponsor we are
now integrating golf on a global scale
and we’re going to different countries
and utilizing tourism budgets to get us
there so the reason we’re going to Hong
Kong is they are paying an exorbitant
amount of money to bring professional
golf at the highest level there and
they’re using the tourism budget to do
that we were not supposed to go back to
Singapore this year and then the tourism
board at Singapore gets involved and I’m
talking tens of millions not just a
million or two literally says it the
quiet part out loud like we’re this
isn’t about the fans this is about what
tours and boards are willing to pay us
to come there so you go from this super
fan from the event to next week at
Sentosa there’s G to be no one out there
again just like there was last time they
weren’t going to do it until they came
up with all the money so again if this
was like representative of what live
golf is and was going to be this would
be a different the whole thing would be
a different conversation but this is an
outlier on their schedule I just get
angry when I talk about this because I
look at like the Australian PGA or the
Australian Open I’m like you could
[ __ ] turn those events into a scene
like this and into like all right like
we’re we’re sitting here yelling about
how how starve how golf starved
Australia is and those events are some
of the most prestigious in all of all of
golf in the history of golf and like why
can’t why can’t we make those events
feel big like this and have you know and
like that’s where it’s like all right
listen if if we’re not going to have the
biggest money sponsors or whatever if we
have to top it up with FedEx money or
with you know Comcast business top 10
money or with DP World money or whatever
do that right because it’s the health of
the game worldwide and you create more
of a global product and more of a global
tour like I don’t think what Phil’s
saying is necessarily wrong of like the
same thing the pgl guys were saying of
hey like you know a lot of these
companies want to sponsor stuff out of
their Global Marketing budget they don’t
want to sponsor stuff out of their North
American Marketing budget or their
European they like everything’s tied it
and that’s why they spend money on
soccer or Formula 1 for instance and
golf’s much more regionalized and so I
think there’s there’s this sense though
of you know it just feels like and and
really like the PJ torto is the same
thing with with tourism dollars like the
Bermuda you know Championship or Myrtle
Beach Classic P Conor the Myrtle Beach
Classic and it’s on a smaller scale and
I’m not you shouldn’t be like getting
money from touris and Boards it’s just
like you can’t you can’t like act like
live is this thing which is Adelaide
which is an incredible in-person Fan
Experience incredible atmosphere
something that is unique in golf like
the PJ tour I mean has Waste Management
which is totally different like that was
a unique interesting environment and
then you go backwards the very next week
is where I’m at of like dude you’re kind
of just building the plane while flying
it which is yeah we don’t have to do the
whole thing of like yeah you
should it feels like Coachella more than
it feels like a golf court or totally
tournament too like Lucas Herbert’s
caddy got hit in the head with a with a
[ __ ] water bottle this week too and
it’s like all right like what are we
doing there right so I think there’s you
know it’s tough to strike that balance
right and and I think you know it
doesn’t feel like they’re like all right
Bryson’s backstopping like a
[ __ ] pz is hitting yeah gr like
it’s you know it’s it’s not serious
until the end and then you know and then
the team like and like the individual
stuff doesn’t seem to mean anything
whatsoever other than these guys playing
for dollars and the team stuff most
weeks doesn’t seem to mean anything
except for this week when you have like
a HomeTown team winning and like props
to the Australian guys prop like Matt
Jones Lehman cam Smith Lucas Herbert
they were minus 14 minus 13 minus 12
minus33 when all four scores count
especially on on on Sunday like that’s
that’s a big deal they played really
really well and I think there’s
something to be said for that like the
team stuff at its best Works same thing
we were saying earlier with like the
Zurich well I let me let me let me I
agree with you I just think both in both
cases it’s still missing a lot there’s
something there with the team stuff but
it’s missing a lot I I started off with
like the good and and I sincerely mean
like I’m happy for for the Australian
team and and I’m you know look like a
really fun in-person event it remains a
very schizophrenic thing for me to watch
on TV that I like lose interest in very
quickly I I I find the TV product to be
very poor and I’m just I guess I’m
really frustrated and it’s hard for me
not to roll my eyes when I they start
talking about how this is a you know we
should turn this into a major and like
just the the Pomp and circum just the
faux juice that they’re trying to you
know just like baptize me in I’m like I
I just makes me want to unsubscribe and
I I wish they would do themselves a
favor and just go about their business a
little bit instead of telling me how
much they’re changing the world show me
don’t tell me yeah a little bit man like
if you want if you want me to take it
serious like allow me to like take it
serious without telling me how I should
take it so serious it’s just very
frustrating as a viewer for me and
that’s you see Norman’s quotes
afterwards he said uh this is from Golf
Digest Australia that he feels sorry for
those who doubted live and says the
people have spoken in regards to live
being a success in Adelaide Vindication
is not the right word it’s the ignorance
of others who simply don’t didn’t
understand what we were trying to do I
actually feel sorry for them because
they now see the true value of live golf
and want to be a part of it again I
would love to like go back and I think
like one of the positive things I said
about Liv from the very start was like
oh I’m glad like this this means more
professional golf in Australia I’m kind
of disappointed they’re not having more
in Australia D like four of them like
it’s like why don’t you have one in
Adelaide and one in Brisbane right or or
one over in Perth or something like that
like there’s at least twoo especially if
you know like like Phil’s Phil’s kind of
full of [ __ ] when he talks about the
tourism budget stuff it’s like no like
the tourism budgets aren’t floating the
$25 million purse week to week you know
and and all these M like it’s not a it’s
not a serious business
here that’s where that’s where I
struggle a little bit so like but that’s
that’s my that’s my issue with it a
little bit is like if that’s if that’s
the the deal then then shoot your shot
or you’d say like take you Lear Vues
take what you learned in the first years
markets and say like oh like and then
and then make some changes to it in year
two and like oh Australia was really
popular why don’t we do four events
there instead of going to
Sentosa um or yeah or like maybe they’re
trying to prove some type of last year
or Las Vegas this year and there’s
nobody there it’s like all right you
know what like figure out all right cool
in the US the Pacific Northwest doesn’t
have any pro golf but can I pause just
this is again I know we’ve just said
this too many times we don’t even want
to say it anymore but again go back to
the Genesis and the like it’s not it’s a
sportswashing exercise right there’s
reason they have so many US events in
the places they do it’s because they
want to do business in the US it’s not
because they want to create the best Fan
Experience at all these places right
they want to they want to provide SP you
know they want
to the the live golf I still do not
believe is the endgame right I I I if
they wanted to create the best worldwide
golf product Global Golf product they
would not have as many events in the US
they as they do right that that’s where
like they lose me on like yeah then this
Standalone event works like I have no no
beefs with what they what just happened
this past week still how it fits into
the whole 14 event schedule like you’re
gonna you’re gonna lose me pretty
quickly after this one it’s funny that
like they’re they’re bitching about
World World Golf Ranking points it’s
like all right like the Zurich doesn’t
get owgr points you know uh I don’t know
I think there’s there’s there’s
something there with Team golf but yeah
this this doesn’t seem to be it or the
best moments from live have been team
Golf and yet seemingly all of the money
is going to the individual stuff and the
team golf stuff only comes out once or
twice a year yeah when there is some
type of like nationalistic thing I mean
like if I was trying to consult for
their business I’d say like is there a
way for you to lean into like the
nationalism of like the South American
guys like that’s when they seem to have
the most juice is when they’re totally
going to these guys’ home countries that
are that are kind of have organized
along some type of common either
nationality fact the fact that there’s
not like how have they not gone into
Mexico City and had an event there triek
or or or buenos Ares or or Santiago like
the fact that they’re not like those are
the places that I thought are South
Korea like those are the places I
thought that they were going to you know
what like this is where the game is
going to grow yeah this these are the
emerging markets and we’re going to go
nuts here and they haven’t even tried to
do that it’s crazy can I like honestly
the answer to that though is probably
like where where the Saudis like want to
park their money and and where they want
to invest like is it South America I
don’t know I don’t know enough about
global politics and and and you know
investing to like determine that answer
but I’m again the decisions are going to
be driven more by that than they are
like serving a golf Market yeah which
which it’d be lying if I said that
didn’t worry me even you know like okay
I’m not going to save the world like I
get let me say I get over the sports
watching thing it still concerns me that
if progolf has run on
by a you know a sovereign wealth fund
that has ulterior motives other than
identifying like you know doesn’t exist
to like have like to set up a the best
golfer in the world you know what I’m
saying like to set up an event that’s
like geared towards BR the best golf the
tour is not perfect there either like
five events in Texas and and really
underserving a lot of Market you know I
mean that’s fair but I guess I go back
to some of the governing bodies like the
USGA and I know we have our issues with
them but these organizations that kind
of exist like solely for like you know
competition golf comp I think that’s the
other thing too is like golf Australia
like they’ve done a really poor job in
Australia they’re part of the problem
right like they’ve they’re they’re part
of the reason that golf in Australia is
underserved from a professional
standpoint too it seems like they they
are hiring more serious people like
they’ve hired the revenue person from
the Philadelphia 76ers they’ve hired you
know people that have worked at IMG
pretty recently stuff like that I think
there’s there’s something there you know
we’ll see what happens with the tours
over the next next six to 12 months of
like all right if this stuff gets folded
in everything I keep hearing is like
tour basically needs to string this out
through 2024 to ensure that a lot of the
guys that left don’t get like their
status is
expired by the end of this year so so
they have to re-qualify like that’s how
that’s how uh I don’t know tacky they’re
thinking in certain ways right like
that’s it’s still Monahan right it’s
still still the same [ __ ] that got us
in this
yeah um yeah I don’t know and also I
think the tour like the PGA Tour might
be under selling itself a little bit too
of you look at like all right let’s say
Zurich one of the shittiest events in
the PGA Tour schedule you look at the
closing scenes there if they did the
same shots and the same the same
pictures I know social and the same
little tricks and slights of the eye you
could and and then had a big ass concert
after the event you could easily easily
make that look like live yeah like if
they tied it in with JazzFest is going
on New Orleans right now you know like
if they took a camera crew out there and
like check out the After parties which
you know what like why not maybe they
should do that I know that’s can I say
one thing though like this last thing
I’ll say for live and this may like
maybe it’s because I just became a
father maybe I’m not the kid anymore I I
can’t the shouey is
disgusting I can’t I just I I I look at
like it it kind of it’s like revolting
to me to chug a beer out of the shoe I I
don’t know I feel like it does that make
you guys oh yeah and now it’s like
sponsored too like it’s everyone’s
drinking out of like a I’m not even
going to say the name of the brand it’s
like branded now it’s just like that’s
that’s way too late to get late stage
capitalism on on or way too early to get
this this uh you know I maybe like maybe
it’s too much information with how much
my feet sweat about I’m just like oh my
god dude are you serious yeah um sorry
one more thing I just got to I gotta
shout out my okay Canden Shan said will
there be apologies for Martin Ker’s
final round 65 to secure the seventh
Play Place finish for the
cleaks no like that’s so stupid like K
that’s the first good round ker shot all
year why why should there be an apology
Seventh Place finish he’s looking for
sustainability out of the captain yeah I
mean Blandy had another top 20 finish
he’s always top of the market I was
talking to a couple guys out there they
said he said Bland’s wedge game is like
everything that blocky thinks is wedge
game is it’s like truly world class do
you have the standings do you have
standings or live results in front of
you at all please don’t if you I have a
trivia questions if you please not I
don’t I don’t I can get them up though
do you think between the two of you you
think you can name all 13 teams in live
golf I know I can okay go uh okay the
iron heads okay the Cs okay the
Majestics okay the aces yeah uh the
Ripper Ripper GC yep um fire L Fireballs
yep Legion 13 oh yeah the legion 13
Legion 23 y 23 the contagion um if Fork
yeah torque if you if you say a name
twice you’re out by the way how many do
we have so five
remaining um well Neil said them all I
don’t know uh there isn’t there I can
say wrong names smash smash smash
there’s not a Nix team but there should
be there was they used to be yeah oh the
range goats the range
goats h i I see like now I don’t know
we’re not we’re doing fine we’re doing
fine I just got a um High Flyers High
Flyers like I don’t know if we’ve said
we got three more two more two more this
is tough because I’m not sure if you
said the aces or not I did say the aces
okay so he did say the aces um uh
Stinger one team remaining
punch used to be a team but they’re no
longer a team um it is
basball the names are so
dumb The Crushers The Crushers got it
yes good stuff good stff I don’t think I
could have done it I don’t think I could
have done it Crush what’s up next for Li
what do they have up
next at Augusta was just cracking me up
man so they go so they go
into what I’m sure they go to Houston
they have a month off then they go to
Houston the PGA is in between then they
go to Houston so they go to Houston in
June of June and then US Open Super
Pleasant Nashville okay so Us open and
then Nashville so they’re playing three
weeks in a row with with us open in the
middle yeah and then uh Andalucia and
then uh UK then Green Brier and then
okay but they I guess they don’t have
the merido event on the calendar yet on
on the schedule but they’re going there
at some point this this fall is that the
team finale I don’t I don’t know we’ll
we we can tackle that in a future
episode uh on to the LPGA it has wrapped
since we have started Hannah green horse
for course has looking like a looking
like a treadstone operative she wins the
uh JM Eagle La Championship presented by
plpro uh really tough name for a great
event at a great golf course at Wilshire
she uh shot a final round 66 to win by
three over MAA Stark herenu jiny youngo
uh Jin Yim finished third and then Ty
for fourth the remaining two names so um
J him had what 63 I think the the
tournament record on Saturday Wilshire
yeah Wilshire looks awesome I’ve never
played there I’m I’m dying dying to get
there looks like kind of the best
elements of La great small bunkers still
small bunkers are greens side and those
little little Hollows and stuff create
all these really intricate bunker shots
and uh finishing part three is so good
like that I that that tournament always
has come down to that in the past and
was really good in the playoff last year
and uh she won by three this year it was
it was so it was softer this year uh but
no surprise the Australians do well
there Grace Kim was in the final group
she didn’t play well today but uh Hannah
green back to back there that’s strong
good to see Maya playing well as well
she back to- back Runner UPS back toback
weeks was running up the Chevron last
week and um just always good to have a
little West Coast uh West Coast vibe
zone in the evening this time of year
yeah Esther hensel’s playing she didn’t
have a good finish today but uh T8 still
she’s playing very good golf and is
gonna qualify for that solheim Cup team
what’s on that team I don’t really know
it’s a good question German there’s like
the Germans are always kind of
mysterious when it comes to golf
so I need to learn more about her yeah
and then uh Charlie hole continues to I
was receiving reports on the ground that
she had ripped four heaters before she
got you the 6t are they real heaters or
is a vape pin no I think real heaters
yesterday yeah like I know she’s got the
Vape rig as well her life insurance
premiums must be
enormous can you tell that story
no uh car what happened with carlot
sagana this week DC oh this is a leg I
mean I got it from like four different
people Cades officials help what do you
think the TC’s scale is what he got it
from four people is it one and a half
what what do you think his multiplier
is slow play at the I won’t tweet it out
unless I have it from two people at
least uh and then afterwards that
doesn’t equal four I know I eventually
got it from four people so it’s it is
very much confirmed carota hit in the
she she teed off I don’t know why they
sent her off five minutes before the
next tea time maybe because she’s a
[ __ ] single and she should be flying
and and but like her cat’s aim pointing
from 30 feet away it’s crazy or you know
doing Plum bobbing and all that stuff
but it’s it’s um carloa goes off solo
Saturday morning and Bird’s the first
hole and the the the group behind her is
waiting on the te on the fourth hole I
she hit it in the water she was waiting
for a ruling and all that don’t care at
all you should be a whole and a
half in front of the next group
at least at that point and I guess she
play you know I’m not sure you know I
don’t think she I don’t think anybody
waited on her the rest of the day but if
you were like she is the slowest player
on tour and I like she seems delightful
I like carot but you gota like you got
to be self-aware right and and it’s so
bad like to be first off and people to
be waiting for you on the fourth T is is
egregious like that should be Auto DQ if
you’re on if you’re in that position
position like cool get off the golf
course right now you’re not getting a
paycheck this week get out of here I
wish there was some way to that slow
play became a a
priority for the
uh that’s the other thing with live both
supposedly there were all sorts of like
Phil and bubble were playing slow as
[ __ ] this week I guess just clogging and
that’s a shotgun so everybody’s on the
course at the same time and I guess
Phil’s new CAD is wildly slow and Bub
has been doing all sorts of weird stuff
playing slow and it’s like man like you
can’t you really can’t do that in a
shotgun because you’re clogging up the
whole course all the way around you know
circular bad clogging up the drain uh
what what’s up with the Carlton Woods
members TC you got uh 25 of them
reaching out to
you yeah no I would say probably a dozen
honestly they were they were uh God damn
man you want to talk about some angry
angry men this is the golf course that
the Chevron was at last week yeah that
we were mildly critical of the golf
course I don’t think we yeah I think we
were pretty positive about it like hey
it was better this year than it was last
year seems like a good country club golf
course is it major championship worthy
probably not do we like the changes they
did every year uh do they need to get
rid of the the you know backpack blowers
in the background yeah um but I think
overall like I don’t think we were
unfair to it at all I give him PR CS for
hosting the event and all that I don’t
think Houston’s a great golf City and I
got more DMS and emails from from
members that were just I guess it’s
called cartel Woods is what they is
their their nickname uh but they were
just oh my like like you’ve never
[ __ ] been here before you have no
idea what this place is about what like
what constitutes a championship major
venue and I’m like I don’t know man it’s
like porn I know it when I see it right
it’s you know and it’s like I don’t
think we said anything unfair about the
place it’s just like they’re playing the
the the a women’s British Open at the
old course this year you want to go up
against open at Lancaster con club and
they’re playing the KPMG women’s PG at
sahali like I think those are in a
slightly different you know and and then
the Evan’s not a real major totally and
and so I think like those are in a
slightly different Stratosphere than
Carlton Woods how dare you
and yeah when they showed the Aerials
any Aerials from the Chevron the houses
around that course were like bigger than
anything I’ve ever seen like that’s
that’s where p is you live in Brooklyn
though you know that’s probably well no
but like I you know I know like country
club the south in Atlanta those houses
are like triple the size of the like you
know where the Texas everything’s bigger
in Texas crazy crazy but yeah they’re
just so hostile and I’m just like why
like you guys are I don’t know it’s it’s
it’s strange it’s strange so I’m
monitoring it Sol good to know uh we had
Tommy lad was catting for his stepson
this week on The Challenge tour got love
to see that that was some some wholesome
content um and the I know you love
that’s big of you to say you know I’m a
Tommy fan uh the the uh as soon as I saw
the picture of the trophy in Japan I
knew TC was going to love that one it’s
a helmet trophy uh at the at the Handa
there um yeah that was that was sweet I
think uh Handa that’s I wish that was a
wish the like that’s another example of
like hey like why can’t we play the DP
World Tour like why can’t we fold that
into the
Japanese open you know like the Japan
open Dunlop Phoenix stuff like that all
right we got a lot of uh a lot of other
stuff to get to uh we can kind of move a
little bit quickly through some of this
stuff but um the equity uh e Equity was
doled out I guess is a way of phrasing
it this this past week on the on the PGA
tour side I’m citing a few quotes from
Shan Zach’s article on but
players receive a capital interest a
board for a specific piece of PJ tour
Enterprises uh based on a myriad of
factors players will be ranked via a
specific number of membership units akin
to a stake and a company the value of
which will vest over a specific period
of time high performance play high
performing players will receive a
greater stake in PGA Tour Enterprises
which will be home to the tours
commercial operations that’s where ssg’s
money is going which they hope will
increase in value over time I figured
why don’t we just do a few frequently
asked questions a lot of people are
going to ask about this there a lot of
these were answered in in in Sean’s
article as well but uh ask you can ask
me the first one S I can help you with
this I read read that article in detail
what about
China uh uh no comment on that one so s
next question uh so did players receive
a big cash payout no they did not uh I
think you can think about these like
restricted stock units so it’s an
eight-year vesting cycle so they will be
paid out four years they’ll get 50% of
their Equity based on a 12 I think it’s
like what 12.3 billion valuation for PJ
tour Enterprises so whatever and they’re
keeping it confidential so whatever
Equity Grant you got first vesting 50%
will vest in uh four years but what’s
sick about that is there’s GNA be a
massive tax bill with that because
they’ll be they’ll be taxed as as income
even even if it’s like there’s no
liquidity event and then two years later
25% moral vest and then the final 25% in
eight years uh and well I guess it’s
part of the frequent asked questions but
I’ll just skip to it well what happen to
ludvig and all the guys that you know
didn’t get Equity right now or there’s
going to be a $ hundred million every
year up for grabs to 20 guys so I’m
guessing that like a guy like Scotty
sheffler or ludvig whoever baled out
this is basically like the new pip it
kind of feels like where they’ll just be
able to like cut you know kind of like
they do at a company like Google they’ll
be like oh well you had a great year you
exceeded the expectations here’s some
more golden handcuffs to keep you around
Neil congrats on the dividend thank you
recently to that was big news huge last
week uh so I’ll ask you the next one why
did past why did past accomplishments
get weighed so heavily well so this is
uh you know a a initial offering um or
you know this initial Equity round there
like as you mentioned uh I think you did
four frequently asked questions in
advance there but that was impressive
but uh there will be future initial if
you keep playing good golf you’re going
to keep gaining Equity uh in PGA Tour
Enterprises but this was a uh a lot of
like right place right time for aot guys
of you know you’ve accomplished this and
you’re still playing on the PGA tour and
you’re one of these 36 guys you’re going
to get pretty darn big payouts Tigers
was 100 million Roy was 50 JT and Jordan
were 30 uh but this was not like just
Boys Club you get this much you get this
much it was weighted based on how well
how many times you’ve played 15 events
how many times you’ve you know won
Majors or big events which I think they
probably count players as a major in
that as well so JT’s got three of those
speed’s got three of those that’s kind
of the the the genes or how getting
started in this initial round 750
million I think going out if I have that
right in this to that group one um of
which was I think 80% of the total yeah
so Big Time Players it’s it’s crazy to
me that the number of people who who
equate Equity with a cash payment yeah
and it’s all just yeah it’s but it’s
there’s some real hazy stuff here for me
of like okay so it’s all based on this
12 billion valuation I I kind of did
some like I was like all right what are
the other leagues worth I think NFL this
is all very rough but it would be like
140 billion for like the NFL valuation I
think MLB is probably in the 75 billion
range if you that includes the
franchises or not that yeah that’s
basically like taking the franchises and
like multiplying the average value by 30
teams right so just to give you an idea
but there’s a lot of liquidity there’s
more liquidity events because there’s
units like actual like franchisees that
that that trade hands which like so
there’s like liquidity events that
happen I
don’t when when is there going to be any
chance for these guys to cash out is the
question and it’s crucial that that 12
billion number keeps going up right and
and you know ratings are down so it’s
like I guess it’s it’s logical to think
that every other sports League live
rights everything is going up so like
the PGA Tour should track like with that
but um can I take that it is all it is
all a little bit like kind of trust us
like this will pay out in eight years
but it’s also trust yourself because
like now you if you’re Justin Thomas if
you’re Jordan spe I would imagine the
largest stake you hold in any one
company or organization is your stake in
PJ tour Enterprises and you and the guy
next to you and the guy next to you and
the guy next to you are all in charge of
driving the value of this thing so
you’re you have some skin in the game
right and when it becomes the tour is
coming to you to ask you for something
it’s just a different decision tree now
of like hey is this going to help the
entertainment value of my Sport and a
huge part of what PJ tour Enterprise is
going to do from what I gather is like
buying up golf stuff like just events
buying up properties buying up blah blah
blah it’s GNA be a massive golf company
more than it is just a PGA Tour 501 C6
traveling golf competitive golf circuit
so all these guys are going to have a
stake in that and be able to you know
it’s the part where it gets more
complicated but use their their Fame
their leverage their relationship with
other sports owners and all that to help
Drive value and all these different
properties that the pjw Enterprises is
going to own and manage and operate and
all that so it is like why should you
care about it is is a question and like
honestly that’s up to you like I don’t I
don’t tell anyone to root for players or
people’s bank accounts like that’s not
uh why you should care about it I think
the the idea here is all right y’all we
all have this Equity none of it’s
vesting for four years you’re gonna
stick if you want to you know if you
want any of this you’re gonna need to
stick around for four years it’s going
to probably be worth more by the time
that it does vest in theory from 12
billion up to whatever that might be so
Rory’s 50 million might be worth 80
million by the time it vests you know in
four years and you get 50% of that at
that point like it gets people rowing in
the same direction it prevents what Liv
was so how Liv was so successful was
just like kind of quartering off each
individual person and being like hey
here right here is 50 million bucks do
you want to leave that all that other
stuff behind you have no stake in it
like you got to go play for all that
like how does this sound right now and
that was really appealing now when Liv
comes dangling in theory when lives
comes dangling a bunch of money in front
of you it’s maybe a different decision
for and these are the guys that have
already decided to stay so maybe it’s
not a different decision but financially
it’s a different conversation when that
starts in theory with this Equity so
yeah I think it’s an interesting case
too with evaluation like you don’t want
to be too high but but you want it to be
high enough to where you can get a
proper amount of money from SGS and so I
think there’s this whole myth that SGS
is pumping this money and it’s going
straight to SG just or SSG yeah so yeah
sorry not not not the shotgun
start and uh but yeah it’s it’s kind of
one of those things where there’s if
these players are are acting like
owners and SSG as well like I think
they’re going to take I think SSG right
now is getting a look under the hood of
the PGA Tour and how it’s run and the
people that work there and there’s a lot
of dynamic smart strategic you know
smart like really good people that work
there and then there’s a lot of not
there a lot of fat there’s a lot of like
really bad [ __ ] and I think that it’s
going to be really interesting over the
next 12 to 24 months how that kind of
evolves and and how they trim the fat
and and I think a lot of that plays into
if you look at like the tournaments as
franchises right of like the value of
the PGA Tour is predicated upon you know
the like the strength of the Waste
Management Phoenix Open and the the Tory
Pines event and the T championship and
all that stuff it’s like all right well
you know what a we don’t own any of that
[ __ ] right now or most of it right now
like so they’re bringing more of that
under under Championship management and
then B we don’t own or operate any of
the strongest field you know the the
majors the rider cup that sort of thing
so bringing that stuff
inhouse uh or I think the next step is
they’re going to they’re going to start
holding the major hostage for larger
payments that don’t just go to the purse
that go to the organization as well like
all right you want our players give us
a100 million this year you know like I I
could see them doing that with Augusta
and you know who knows maybe maybe
Hurley and and Dunn and those guys are
are shielding austa from that a little
bit but I could see that being a USGA or
PGA of America thing unless they play
ball in the Ryder Cup I I just hope we
get like 72 Steve Cohen and Home Depot
Arthur Blank and not Mets Steve Cohen
freaking Falcons Arthur Blank based on
the draft a few nights ago but that’s we
we could take that on a different and
and John Henry for that mattero dude I
mean kill like oh yeah these guys are
great business guys no doubt we listen
to the Trap draw when we do the owners
breakdowns but some of the decisions
they make with other franchises they own
worry me a little
bit uh on another PGA Tour notes Rory
potentially pending a vote heading back
to the board um another flipflop from
from Rory uh quite some surprise I’d
imagine this has something to do with I
would I would think I really don’t know
this is a total guest and this is not
sourced information has something to do
with something getting close he has a
good relationship with the ocer uh some
more representation on that board of
people that have a good relationship
with piff and yaser and can hopefully
see things through to uh to an agreement
would be my thinking I have not that is
again that’s total speculation on my
part but I would have to think that
something to do with it I think that’s
probably some of it I think some of it’s
also like Webb just doesn’t want the
heat anymore he’s got his exemption good
I think Webb wants out of the [ __ ]
kitchen he’s going to get his Quail
Hollow exemption and all that he’s like
you know what I’m good now uh I also
think Rory could like he’s seeing how
slow this thing is is is going guy
Kennings had quotes this week about how
slow this thing seems to be that all
three parties have not the quote was
maybe I I when I first read it was that
nobody had met I think it was like hey I
haven’t been involved with anything yet
which totally but I like that guy
Kennings is kind of voicing up and
saying you know what like we’re over
here too because I think the European
tour DP World Tour they could easily
throw a wrench into this thing and say
you know what we have all these these
tie-ins with the governing bodies and
thegr and all that we are going to
basically set up a world tour with piff
right and it’s the piff DP World Tour
and they bring
you know let’s say they bring the
Australian Open or they bring the Dunlop
Phoenix in Japan or they bring all the
you know all this other stuff under them
and basically and then and then Rory’s
got a good relationship with piff he’s
got a good relationship with with the DP
World Tour and then they say all right
cool and you know what the live guys can
play here as well that could be very
much a cheat code to like you know what
like Jay could actually be the glob tour
exactly and it’s like Jay either get
your [ __ ] together or you know what man
like we’re g to just all right cool like
you want 100% of the equity in this
thing cool we’re going to go over here
and you can have 100% of the equity and
something that’s not GNA have any value
anymore you know and and so I don’t know
I think I think guy kings is I would I
would take guy Kennings in a in a battle
over Jay any day of the week
lree former agent knows where the bodies
are buried has seen Jay misplay this for
the last five years bring it on
baby we shall see um there were two
glorious uh NBC takedowns this week
first of which from Dave Shad lowski at
Golf Digest was a fantastic article
about just highlighting they don’t have
a color a a a color announcer announced
yet for uh the US Open which is not very
far away and it just proceeds to just
tear down the so-called leaders involved
in this one by one said sometime Sam FL
Sam time in early March Sam flood the
executive producer and president of
production n Sports told a few
colleagues he needed to shake up the
Network’s golf coverage undoubtedly eyes
must have been rolling uh because the
last thing NBC’s golf production needed
was for uh flood to make up uh make
things shake things up further and on
cost cutting Maneuvers one Stafford jok
that pretty soon we’re going to be just
doing artist Renditions of coverage as
opposed to showing actual shots with a
camera um is uh Dave’s request uh to
interview flood were denied and Tommy
Roy via text took a pass on answering
any person questions did he take a pass
on asking on answering other questions I
don’t know it’s a good question Tom Tom
Roy not Tommy Tom it said yeah having
gone through all the trial and error for
rotating in all these announcers I said
and don’t even ask those PGA Tour event
how those PGA Tour events felt about
their involuntary involvement in the
experiment sources at the network say
NBC is no closer to finding a successor
to ainger the clock is ticking Us open
at Piner 2 uh begins on June 13 fast
approaches imagine CPS Sports officials
telling Masters Fred Ridley seven weeks
out that they’ll get back to him on
who’s in their broadcast lineup man Sam
flood must be so nervous this week he
can’t even spit man and then they hit
him with the current deal in which Fox
still pays 30% expires in 2025 the
exclusive negotiating period between the
USGA and Comcast begins later this year
and then is thrown open in 25 if the
sides can’t come to an agreement golf
viewers would be right to ask how much
flood even
cares I guess flood was the uh The
behind Jack Collinsworth and The Clapper
being on NBC broadcast apparently he
celebrated for his his you Innovations
and hockey broadcasting he’s the guy
that put uh the guy down on the ice
between the penalty boxes and you know
he’s done some he’s done some good
things in hockey was was what I read in
his bio it is such an unserious
organization and you know what the the
great part is though like they’re
they’re just getting started with with
the PGA tour deal that doesn’t expire
till 2030 we’re only in year two or
three of that right amazing it’s gonna
be fantastic I’m curious I’m actually
very interested to see how they what
they do with the Olympics this year um a
Molly I know and and whether it the cost
cutting expands I mean because you know
outside of The Clapper and pregame stuff
you know Sunday Night Football is still
like I think a fantastic product once
the game starts
yeah coach dunie Rodney
Jack Chris Sims we can take all them out
of it once too that’s what I mean I I
that’s why I prefaced it I’m saying
their personnel choices have been like
kind of
Clueless uh but the the old guard that’s
still in there when the game starts I
think is really really strong uh we
won’t get into too much of this but Dan
wilin at USA uh USA Today also took them
to task for uh just coming up woefully
short on delivering on Nelly cord’s
moment uh at the Chevron
total lack of quality of cameras and
flipping back and forth between the
Heritage and the lpj which again is all
stuff that we’ve said for many many
years but to see that get a little bit
more run in some more public places was
a delight to see so I I I don’t know
Brian Roberts it’s
disgusting what they’re doing to golf
and and like you know all this stuff
about growing the game and all that like
I some of the hypothesis about why
Masters ratings were down because people
were outplaying playing the game and I
think there’s this n natural kind of
battle between professional golf and
people going out on a Saturday or Sunday
and just being like you know what I’m
just going to go play golf instead of
watching the [ __ ] that you’re putting on
my TV Let It Burn there you have it TC
uh we have t sauce episode three uh will
Air this Wednesday at 900 p.m Eastern we
are making our way to Melbourne uh and
have a lot of episodes uh ahead of uh
once we get to there and a lot of other
stuff in between it’s gonna be fantastic
uh TPC Craig James week uh with spe and
zot tus in the field for the Byron
Nelson remember the five uh we have Liv
Singapore uh and then lpj is off this
week so s it’s the it’s the it’s the CJ
cup honoring Byron Nelson thank you
thank you for that I am tired I did not
know we were going to go an hour 45 on
uh Zurich weekend but um listen
quarterbacks and and live adate are
going to take up some time so thank you
everyone for tuning in we will see see
you back here uh next week uh we got TC
and I got a little travel coming up this
week doing a little filming we’re going
to have a ton of videos coming please
subscribe to our YouTube channel you can
watch these podcasts on our podcast
YouTube channel as well or just listen
to them wherever you want to uh likewise
so thanks everyone for tuning in see you
back here next week cheers go go cleaks
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  1. Went to Zurich Saturday. Great crowd. The TPC Pete Dye course was in great shape. The players genuinely seemed to be enjoying themselves. Also, Peter Malnati gave my two year old son one of his yellow balls after hitting his tee ball on 18.

  2. TC, Joe Montana never threw a pick in a Super Bowl. His playoff stats are otherworldly. Go do your homework young buck.

  3. Give me Constructor's Cup style team-based events. Titleist v Callaway v Taylormade etc.

    Teams based on OEMs (Scottie/Rory/etc. on team Taylormade, Wyndham/Homa/etc. on team Titleist, etc etc)
    3ish regular season (larger field) events, first starting during the PGA Show
    Championship (smaller field/"all stars") before the FEC playoffs
    Cut some commercial load in favor of lower-interference banners/popups for OEMs to show what clubs are being used for the upcoming shot
    All stars get a bye for the first round of FEC playoffs
    Aside: would also be interested in a skills competition… I want to see pros hitting weird shots.

  4. I have Rory as Drew Brees. Popular for being a supposed good guy. Majors/Championships does not equal the regular season production and talent. Also ”undersized”.

  5. KVV crushed the NFL comparisons. One I had was DJ as Aaron Rodgers. At times, they look like the best players to ever do it. A lot of regular season success, feel like he should have more major titles/SBs than they do (2 majors, 1 SB). Have used more illegal substances than the average person.

  6. Fellas. If you don't have enough content for a good podcast maybe consider not releasing an episode, this was a disgrace. Keep this nonsense on the trap draw with all the other ridiculous crap I don't listen to. Stick to golf.

  7. Feel free to unsubscribe from LIV. I just don’t care. There are a couple players that I don’t mind, but still just don’t care what happens there. Obviously you all know what’s best for your content and good on ya. It’s a great show and I’m always here for it, but LIV content is a fast forward for me.

  8. It must have been a demanding week for NLU, but I commend you for digging deep and still finding a way to criticise LIV Adelaide and LIV in general.
    LIV Adelaide was a bit like the WM, except with a better course, better field and better behaved crowd. Yes Lucas Herbert’s caddie was hit by a water bottle but that was after Herbert had made a birdie putt (his was the last group of the day) and he encouraged the crowd to throw things at him.
    And LIV Adelaide was also a bit like the Zurich, except with a better course, better field and a teams comp that meant something. Remembering of course that the ultimate aim of LIV is that the teams are self sufficient financially, their income being a combination of winnings, merchandise sales and sponsorship. Every time they win, even now, counts towards that.
    And speaking of merchandise, did you see the incredible amount of merchandise that the crowd was wearing…and you still think those fans were not golf fans and only there to party?
    And finally, another point you alluded to, how else could the PGA or anyone get the worlds best to travel the world every year apart from the way LIV did it? The Americans simply won’t travel.
    They could develop a circuit whereby there are events around the globe with huge ranking points and lots of money such that they’re impossible to resist….but Greg Norman tried that 30 years ago and the PGA tour shot it down.
    You’ve painted yourselves into a corner with LIV and the only way you can get out is with a tooth brush coated in paint stripper.
    Face it, LIV is doing great things for world golf. JCB will be great.
    They’ll take it to new countries next year, probably South Africa and South America at some point but you still won’t be satisfied.

  9. Between the ode to Stump the Schwab by rattling off the LIV team names and the QB comparisons, this pod had me losing it like Neil after KVV's Watson/Rodgers comment.

  10. Wow wow wow….thought u guys understood golf & what it means to global golf…the PGA strangles the community (players) of world golf to US soil but claims they are the world tour…just look at the support the event gets down under & the point of difference Liv is trying to inject into golf (not perfect) but atleast they have made it happen globally…what has the PGA tour done for world golf….very disappointing TC & the boys

  11. The QB comp segment was great. The Herbert and Cam Young comp was spot on from Soly. The most accurate one IMO. Also my comp for Matt Ryan was Jason Day. Very good players, who had one ELITE year each

  12. The QB Game was ELECTRIC. I love this main podcast & TrapDraw crossover. Schuster brothers absolutely FLASHING. But it’s just not a fair fight against KVV.

  13. Jim Kelly = Willy Z. Went on generational tear on the biggest stage multiple times but came up short every time.

  14. How do you take Liv serious when AK walking around oversized polo untucked looking like a guy at a municipal course after an bender

  15. These guys are clueless when talking about LIV Adelaide….they don't even understand that all major golf events are sponsored…every PGAT event have sponsors….typical NLU…..the course was great.

  16. The PGAT is hated in Australia…they spent a long time maiming the Aussie tour and poaching Aussie tour pros with money….

  17. I love how it’s been 2 years and everyone is saying Australia is starved of golf yet only 1 golf corporations has come to the party. Melbourne and Sydney (the 2 mega cities in Australia, I live in Adelaide and we’re similar to Portland) both rejected Greg’s offer because they pledged their allegiance to the pga yet pga hadn’t offered to come here. Sydney and Melbourne golf fans are calling for a second LIV tournament. Why doesn’t the pga go to these mega cities tourism committee and ask ‘hey give us some money and we’ll bring a tournament to you’. I don’t know the reason why but aslong as LIV continue to support us as golf starved fans, I’ll continue to support them. Plus my local tax dollars spent on LIV were worth it, the amount of money which has been injected into the city of Adelaide is enormous.

  18. Thank you gents. Appreciate you continuing to prosecute the case for Aussie golf to be involved on the world stage just like the Aus Open used to be. The world’s best duking it out at the great McKenzie courses down under should be one of the best golf tournaments.

  19. This was a top notch POD boys! The QB/Golfer comps session was incredible. I have to shout out TC for his take at 1:42:08. Great take there on people just getting out and playing VS watching awful coverage.

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