Golf Players

2024 State Champs | Mixed Pairs | Semi-Final

2024 State Champs | Mixed Pairs | Semi-Final



(Eastern Ranges)


Live Streaming | Powered by The Dandenong Club & Moama Bowling Club.

good morning everybody welcome back to
bvtv we’re day four of the bows
Victorian state champions week here at
Bendigo East it’s another cracking day
and we’re down the semi-final stage of
the mixed
pairs my name is Josh Thon and I’m
joined in commentry by BS Victoria CEO
Tony sure morning JT morning everybody
hope you enjoy the match we’re about to
you semi-final action as JT
says sand belt up against Eastern
Rangers sand belt bearing needs no
introduction Kelly McCarron and Ellie
foro representing Clayton bows
Club their opponents today is champe
Oram and Rodney Peterson representing
Glen wavely bows Club
done what will be a very interesting
match in pretty much perfect conditions
JT we’ve been blessed with the WEA
weather guards this week so far and
according to Green keep Aaron tokin and
a big shout out to him and his team here
at Bendigo East he expects us to have
good weather all week which we’ve had
and uh I hope he’s right with his
forecast pretty much T to te opening end
dictated by the Eastern Rangers peing
Rodney Peterson’s the coach at Glen wav
Club champe is the club singles Champion
for this year
correct pretty well in the region
singles as well made the semi-final
there so look forward to seeing her play
today and a few Club singles at
Fairfield before joining Glen wavy I
think I heard right T yep spot
on as you said Kelly and allly don’t
need any
introduction no there’s not much they
W looks like Rod did decide to go with
his dreamline xg’s tone did roll up with
an SRV and the dreamline XG in the
rollup which are entitled and allowed to
do and he’s opted for his uh I guess his
dong colored or melbour pulse colored
yes dreamline
XG mix PS 15 ends
two and
walk and dead ends to be
replayed just apologizing for that I’d
be pretty upy with myself I B something
like that and alie’s using his xgs we uh
we can never tell that we allly we
always have to ask him cuz he’s xg’s in
his tiger 2 is the exact same color
nearly the exact same color logo um
yeah he’d hate to think he mixes them up
and plays with three and one one day
which I know could easily and I’ve told
the story before about Brett Wilkey
doing that at a UK tour back in 2013 he
had like three grooves and one Quantum
or something like that he couldn’t work
it while one ball kept ripping across on
him and he got three quarters of the way
through the singles match that um he
worked at he had two different sets of
bowls so um Common Sense prevailed they
didn’t disqualify him they clearly
that’s an error you uh you you just have
to deal with the anomaly now didn’t let
him swap it out nope okay it wasn’t even
at the club he left it at home oh right
no choice anyway yeah was my
understanding yep so two and a walk
pairs as JT says so effectively we have
players playing as a lead in a three
Skippers playing as a second as
well means both players in the pair need
to have all the
shots one would say it’s the traditional
pairs format yep
and that’s what uh state championships
are all about it’s about finding the
best players there are no time limits
there are no shortened formats
everything is about trying to find the
player we use the format that’s going to
do that some singles action potentially
later on today on the live stream
there’ll certainly be some here at the
venue if you want to come
down the other we have the other
semi-final going next door as well to T
and that is being played against Beno
Capac goldfields in gibsland
so uh the local team has made it very
deep and I noticed there’s a few City
auka people popped into to our left this
morning watching and I’m sure they’ll be
also curious with the live scoring going
on as well too
yep it’s probably our quietest morning
for the week tone only two matches and
that’s it two matches very quiet start
to the day and that’s okay we’ll build
up a little bit later
on love in the comments for Rod Peterson
plays a lot of events you’ll often see
him at Vic opens the strain opens lot of
tournaments around the
countryside it’s just missing by a whisk
out wasn’t far yeah still hung around at
the back too
Ellie asking for a big
sprint that won’t finish in a bad home
that one it’ll probably take the direct
line to the Jack if that was ever an
option you could hear allly saying big
sprint big sprint then woo woo he wanted
it to cover that Center Line as you said
JT he’s done
well morning unch have your well mate
opening end here of 15
ends the B team will come in around
seven or eight ends two time
today commentary we talking about yeah I
imagine they’re just having a bit of a l
in having a good hard look at
themselves Rod still opted for a big
weight there got the first ball short
deviated off
track yeah but that’s we get that
comment every now and again when people
winning and
uh some people are happy to be on the
stream and others really
aren’t so there’s a range of things we
balance up in deciding who goes on the
stream I’m talking to Michelle
cunnington this morning she was going to
use a real real real excuse there to try
and get out of being on the live
stream she was the witness protection
program Place herself in the witness
protection program she really didn’t
want to be on live stream but as we said
to her if you win her semi-final she
will have no choice but uh she’s got a
bit of time to prepare for
that speed from Ellie just needs another
roll thing about that flopping if Rod
wanted to play white again it’s
guaranteed going through the Jack now
that lineup plant
he’s playing a bit of weight searching
weight see I reckon this gives chances
to Alli now to potentially play his
backand and sit in the white ball it’s
got to bring in six or
seven yeah doesn’t need to go very
far what’s it got to go get the P yeah
and that sort of if I get onto my front
I’m getting it in the
game there no danger though doing
that no no no if I hit the very front
one and if just around land Y and that
is the Ultimate
Prize moves it at 2 feet three feet down
the line they’ll have
seven it’s a bit of a free hit
is it getting down no not quite need the
toos War Paul Adams uh don’t work too
hard in
invertig I didn’t see the signal then to
thank you thank you
Kelly that’s why it’s good having Kelly
and Ellie on the live stream they’d let
us know how many shots I get correct
they’ll stay out of the road to the
cameras and uh all will be good
it’s always the hardest thing to try and
get worked on when this good quality
streaming matches
on watching balls when you work for
balls Victoria caners work does it not
turn oh it’s like your idea of research
the other night when you came here for a
roll I can justify anything don’t yeah
correct sell esimo is what you could do
I have heard that as well
probably have to
feel for the Eastern Rangers paing
getting away with two there is probably
bad kind of a win
yeah might be just sort of wiping the
sweat off the brow after that first end
if Allie landed that ball that would
have been it was serious trouble
not that you can’t come back from
dropping a six or seven but it does make
it hard from the
outset lovely ball from Kelly McAn
players finding the line relatively
nicely here
to see Alli in pretty good shape
physically at the moment to JT really
struggled at the Vic open was using a
assist post if you
like uh he’s told us he’s been feeling
good this week
so that’ll make him feel a little bit
better little touch on the jack mm
not a mile away here just gets an edge
off a front Ball What’s that the
Jack it’s actually in for shot JT but
it’s very
close gives Ellie something to IR four
awfully close toing you could even split
the Gap and go
through lont
desque don’t remind that name to Al he
still over that
one this one on the SLO replay splitting
difference really Nikki
bretti needed a few more balls around
head move it two in for fler
four yeah it’s a good call launch he
does like he was really struggling with
his back down at the Vic open but he
played three games I reckon on Saturday
at might have been yeah and we said oh
how you going and next morning turned up
and he goes no I feel really good I
think we’re all a little
bit uh surprised thinking it might be a
bit of a struggle to play three games in
a day but he was very up and about
so yeah good ball Kelly they only thing
the uh same Bel team didn’t have at that
stage was a ball behind the head and now
they’ve got a good the best
one champe I think it’s just a weight
that’s going to hurt her here otherwise
her line was pretty good to actually
make some connection
similar line just on a speed
again wow that’s probably rocked up for
another second
yep a good Sider with a PRI
ball the line B on just needed a couple
extra yards the shop for Rod’s tough in
that they don’t have the backest they’ve
got the one probably y behind the head
but he has to get through two balls to
move the Jack so it’s the timing of the
weight to do that makes it trickier
versus just trying to land one ball on
the jack
I Reon ‘s going to try and slide in and
and split the
difference try and baat the
white still not the worst being
behind as I said Rod’s got to play the
exact weight if he wants that Jack
moving two three feet and trying to get
through two bows at the same
time potentially over plate and go
shooting all the way back and you’re
already two down
yep I think he’s I don’t think there’s
any other option cuz I don’t think he’s
going to dead draw it either based on
the way the head is oh thanks looks like
the Benny go8 person’s here taking
photos just blocking our camera lovely
shot of the back of his head
what’s that angle looking like the angle
of Jack is it not hitting the white ball
okay on that just being told by a
spectator no TCT and Brad’s response
then never been told in no uncertain
terms professional
courtesy it’s all happening only got two
games of bows but a punch on between the
the SN Tech and the
cameraman i’ back out guy look have you
seen him doesn’t matter Brad’s
angry I seen Brad do a push-up yesterday
it was one
but you get through it oh it was
debatable when he got back up or
not very tough shoty for
rod looks a touch high that space for me
actually think
very similar to the first 10 I think
them being only one down is actually not
a bad
result three nil played
two 15 NS JT and two and a walk
paars gibo giving you the thumbs up
JT I’ll see gibo next week you will
every chance you’ll come up against
him um could do
yeah he’s not in my single section I
know that right I can’t remember what my
pair section
is a job for next week
yep good luck to you gibo
anyway okay let me been very good these
first early few
ends one roll of yours is really good
really good you got it yeah good
lighting Kevin Jax has joins us from
England lovely to have you joining us
K yeah pretty good response from shanai
I’d like to know where Kevin is joining
from England where is he where about in
England yep let us SN
Kev ah gibbo’s just informed as he
Health’s not good he’s had to withdraw
from any sorry that give it all the best
buddy we’ll miss you for sure
good B by
Allie Vince has join us from leppington
Sydney he’s one of our
regulars thoughts go out to a couple of
uh all the people of Sydney with a
couple of awful incidents in the last
few days yeah it’s terrible makes no
sense and Kevin is from
essic made for Famous by a couple
shows on I’m sure that’s not the reason
they want to be known no
way yeah lovely
bowling does fatten the target day and
gives green probably not crazy quick yet
get a little bit quicker as the day goes
on probably between 14 and 15 this
morning and by the end of this match
great ball Rob Peterson what a response
oh he’s perhaps a touch unfortunate gets
a little whisker on the jack could have
either sat Kelly’s ball or taken Jack
clean but the screen normally it’s a
characteristics it’ll be probably
running 16 by the end of this match
yep who’s got shot here JT it’s close
it’s close
don’t think it matters they just uh a
long way to go one Rod’s got one in
there so he’d be
happy Kevin asking to send D some
wonderful I tell you what Kevin I don’t
mean to rub it in but it has been just
beautiful here the last what have we
been here 4 five days perfect Autumn
weather yep cool nights but uh
absolutely gorgeous days of about 20 21
degrees good sleeping conditions uh the
nights certainly are hardly any
wind and none of the rain to speak of
so should come out come out and pay us a
visit love to see they should be heading
into their better time of the year
though yes yeah starting to get fun over
there it was this time two years ago I
went to England for the trial of
and we had some good weather but had
some lazy weather to Oregon there was
one game where I played 15 ends in
torrential rain yeah was that only two
years ago yeah you’re only just getting
to the Evol we’re trying to
2022 4 months out from the games or
there abouts
roundabouts oh Rony Peterson’s ball has
fallen and Al’s just paused Kelly almost
mid delivery and just said hold on
like Ellie not sure that’s close for
shot and good advice to Kelly Play locky
Down getting back to uh England that uh
lamington Spar was a beautiful little
town to tone it was
magic looking for
yeah using that half
and a Bowling Club that had five greens
but they were all in a
row it’s where they play their Nationals
think did quite a bit of research on
that back when I was with
ba there was a pub just across the
road how do I know about that well I’m
just thinking what else would you need
in life you’ve got your five green
Bowling Club and a
pub happy
days except the uh 15 inches of
torrential rain and keep
that all right score update on the uh
other mix pair semi-final the next rink
across or two rinks across the the
because the the auka pairing from bendy
gok passby goldfields has got off to a
flyer 5 n after two ends against the
team Morning Joe another one of our
regular viewers tuning in from cans and
it’s raining up there too bet it’s not
cold though no no it be very warm rain
there hey I think he’s dra Shar that’s
good enough
so just a reminder for those at home if
you haven’t yet got your entries in for
either the novice which is the uh
competition for bowlers who have been
bowling for less than three years uh
they will close this weekend I think
entries for the novice so jump on to the
balls Victoria website Jimmy was saying
this morning re the men’s novice is up
to nearly 200 now it is out of control
it’s it’s bigger than what we expected
anticipated and uh we had to throw
another club in but it’s okay might have
thrown another two in in the end so
going very well and for those who are
eligible in the over 60s category the
over 60s Carnival entries will close in
another week or two for that so get
those in that’s also going gang busters
being played up at Club Barum and uh
several other clubs up in the area in
the Northern District part of the Mar m
bows region beautiful part of the world
May design to capture everyone on their
Caravans on their way up North for the
I was going to say Rod’s close but it’s
just whipping away
now plenty of Caravan parking up there
so if you do want to take a detour along
there win yourself some prize money
along the
way again head to the balls Victoria
and we cannot wait to see you there
that’s the wide
side it’s getting down no
problems could
be ‘s judgment from about a quarter of
the way into that trip said highly
doubtful that’s
up turn a bit foot short
doesn’t have to change too much from his
last ball does he JT no I reckon he’d be
playing something
similar only thing is there’s one little
bit of D if he somehow split the gap
between Ellie and the Jack and then
happen to rock his own out he would go a
down I hope I didn’t MO
in oh no that is very
stiff exactly as you call JT I just
thought that was the only danger that
there it’s three out four out five
out just checking this last
one Kelly’s ke to put a tape on
it she’s confident six yeah
Rod Peterson very stiff yeah he only has
to get a mill more of the Jack and it’s
back it is a Cru cruel game sometimes a
six to Kelly Muran and Alli foro they
now lead nine zip after three
ends as we said five zip after two ends
for the bendo passby goldfields peering
up against gips
land Gale from Sail on the mat over
where your feet are
up very good s hold on
yeah you’re basically a bowl in front
I’d be adding 2
ft I’ve never had that analogy with
reference the balls before from the
Middle Park shars sometimes you’re the
bug sometimes you’re the
windshield but I do get
it I never want to be the
bug I wouldn’t say it’s overr ker but
it’s it’s it’s going to be tough from
here now
I miss that LE Target to I love seeing
him whip at 100 miles an hour sideways
yeah he’s good
talking about this the other day on the
stream I’d like to see balls W back a
little bit in the comparisons to golf
where they need a wind back drivers and
balls oh dear JT’s in charge of the
cameras now
people yeah that’s no good I’m a typical
male cannot multitask oh you did well so
far I hate the
pressure just be there be the Wii or not
the bug it’s going to say if I control
the camera I’d just put up
myself hang on there we
go Rodney Peterson on the M
now I’m on
fire big ball next
door Skipper the Gip land rink was a few
down and drag the Jack straight back
back still has opposition Skipper has
one ball to come but unfortunately for
him he’s got a draw
within a foot and a
half and what is telling about that one
he the Jack in the
pit um and he’s moved it from probably
halfway down the ring so it’s not like
it was close to the edge of the ditch
and he still manages sit a foot eight
and inches away that’s timing at its
best yeah hang on change ah head was
talking to see I can’t
multitask was when you started to talk
that was the problem yeah nice ball
McAn in good
form thank God Brad’s
back two and a half now yes
and half for that strike
good the
P champai looking to draw in
here speed doesn’t seem far
away that helps a little bit too
yep um yeah Kevin the we’re probably
quite liking this part of the world with
the playing surfaces probably anywhere
north of The Great Divide of Victoria
have amazing Tiff dwarf greens M
majority throughout the state you get
anywhere along the Murray you usually
get really good greens as well
so these are up there with the best of
them that’s for sure credit to all the
green Keepers whether they volunteer or
paid they do a marvelous
job I think it’s almost the first thing
everyone says when they come to state
champs for the first home I just remark
on the quality of the greens here at ESP
CL see from Rob
Peterson if he’s inside champ he’s going
to go awfully close for
shot down with that well or up if you’re
in the context of Rod
champe I think
so shouldn’t be able to get to your
ball huh I think
want Jack get Jack
back yeah I love the way he’s thinking
through that and obviously as man has
experienced and accomplishes him he
thinks through the scenarios about
what’s worst case scenario where’s the
Jack going to go if he gets it wrong
okay say it looks a bit higher I thought
only marginally but enough for it not to
come in and shampe and Rod Pon finally
on the
scoreboard one to
them it’s 91 after four
RNs gips land getting on the board next
door to JT not sure whether they picked
up a one or a two but when they update
the board we’ll update the live scores
they were measuring for two or0 that y
opening end with the E ranges control
the at length they gone back to the
did at the start of the match yep so
that was their initial obviously game
plan of Prior of the match
jack spot on a just another day at bendy
guy exactly as we
ordered Kelly be looking for a couple
food on her
last she’s played very well so far
during the start of this
match she doesn’t look for our
again speed is awesome
Yep and shot
having a few giggles this morning Ellie
Kelly we we do sometimes call this
format divorce pairs yes so the fact
that they’re having a Giggles a good
yep I want to say having a gigle you
know they’re just relaxed there yes
yeah I don’t think I’ll play mixed pairs
with Kelly anytime soon don’t I don’t
think that’s your choice mate she will
never play with you
again lovely ball Rodney Peterson and
I’m not talking about Kelly McAn either
no no you’re better harm knew who you
were referring to and
uh she’s nowhere in the world does she
want to play balls with you in mixed
paars man
have you ever actually had a role with
it yeah actually I um you know the heath
kit M andd charity day that me and you
frequented a couple times I’ve obviously
been there even more than that and uh
she was my uh one of my teammates one
day yeah there she
go bad for someone who doesn’t really
play we’ll get her across one
day finishes playing tennis no net she
still playing net or just tennis no net
just a bit of tennis yep we’ll get her
one day I don’t know about
that all’s awfully close to
Rod’s second show yeah definitely second
on really just got to ba that on the
draw yes
21 ends of walking
paars right the day
off that is a long game we actually used
to be 18 ends here Joe until year or so
ago yeah it’s just too long of a day and
uh players particularly playing two
games of it times
three your
15 still 15 in still goes for a good
hours yeah CU I think Brad knows what
he’s talking
here make a reasonable bearing him and
Tay they’ve won the uh singles titles
together here in the bendo camp pass C
fields region we went to the
presentation night last night JT yeah it
was a well run night at Beno BS
Club I uh wouldn’t that that wouldn’t
happen very often would it uh a
partnership whether you’re married or
not you know but uh both Partners
winning the champ and Champs in a
region I’m trying to think of there’s
probably another handy couple in this
area that could potentially do it and
Kev Anderson and C Miller um Kelly and
Ellie could potentially
do outside that I’m I’m probably
yeah we might be stuck for anymore that
could potentially do
it it’s a great part of our sport you
know Brothers play with each other
brothers and sisters mom and dads with
their kids we saw a couple of mother and
son pairings yesterday Susan Harry
Coleman Jody fruen and Ethan fruen
correct we’re in the mixed pair so you
can’t get divorced when it’s your
mother get locked in your bedroom though
particularly when you’re hurry and
you’re in
third Ethan Ethan may not uh suffer that
fight Rod needs to be around that ball
which he’s awfully close he just doesn’t
want to move it too far which he hasn’t
very good ball Rob Peterson expect some
weight here from Alli I reckon they can
go and if he does hit it it should kill
versus going
back hang on he’s the
divorce I spoke too soon everything was
all in good nature before
now Kelly just seen this slightly
different to Kelly playing a forehand
Runner it’s
wide Kelly saying well you can play
whatever you
want which you probably could from the
way this lines up and let’s face it the
way he runs he can do
anything has got one of the best runners
in the
game Kelly’s got a reasonable Runner too
Brad no one wants your bow skills uh
tuition that’s for sure you just stick
to the cameras mate and the and the
panel and the controls and everything
else produces a wonderful show does that
Brad very fortunate to have him even
throws in little Jabs in the Facebook
comments every now and then too that was
a ripper
yesterday what was that kangaroo had
something hang off the back of it hey
this is another good effort from Rodney
pet it’s just going to be a touch short
I believe I still think it’s on this
shot just may blocks up may not be full
could be still full hand but it could be
way she Kelly’s checking what’s fourth
shot between the pink ball and Rod’s
bowl they definitely only two down still
with Ellie’s Bowl third
yeah just saying it’s not like I can
draw he’s blocked up and it’s only one
more too yeah and he be if he actually
got to his own bow I’d argue that if he
would screw back nearly towards the bows
yep wide again
no two it is so two consecutive ends
Eastern Rangers
pairing 93
now and they’re slowly in their way back
into the game score next door is 62 lead
to benyo caci goldfields over Gibs
land that played Four
in got off
I saw that com when she’s comen
now come
on Kelly certainly wasn’t saying play
whatever you want in a bad way she was
saying you know you’ve literally got
either option
but it was kind of
funny it was just my War sense of
humor if I did play mixed pairs with my
Kelly I don’t think I’d just i’ just
play the way I’d play anyway and she’d
just have to be down the other end and
cop it oh so she’d be like any other of
your teammates
then it’s not like I’m a dictator or
anything like that part of that word’s
that’s quick for you too t you’re
welcome morning Brendan hope you’re well
another one of our regular
viewers Kelly’s played a good one
already and just looking to add to it
which he’s not far away
morning Michael hope you’re
well we got all the weirdos on the
stream this
morning and that’s only dictated of one
person who just commented then morning
Jordan I like your comment mate keep
them coming
AFL have like Mark of the day and all
that I reckon we should have comment to
day going to guts the Jack just SL
lightly still be one yeah but straight
back to where sha P bow is you can’t see
shamp Bowl because it’s hiding behind
the the the rink number but it is there
literally sked by the rink number
morning vivine hope you’re
well I reckon you can just see that
little f
top of
it if Brad was any good as a technician
he’d be a to somehow get that bow too
you know he’d have a remote control what
a ball from Allie
forze there we go
see behind that number six Rod’s going
early I
reckon he asked for not the
white no it’s under the white so
behind SE
morning Jeff hope you’re well yes
Another Day in Paradise is a great
behind score next door tone gibing got
two on that third end and then BCG
replied back with another one yep a six
say shampe not far away there track
good let’s answer the first question
that I saw which was around Kevin
prefers his Falls format of four bows
than four balls
I will probably strongly disagree with
that one I think it’s one of the most
boring and mundane games of pairs I’ve
ever seen that one anyway beg to
different everyone has different
opinions that’s cool um Sean katoff uh
did JT have dreams of playing being
Steve with his knowledge of strange
animals well I did used to work with
Steve uh sha and that’s how I lost all
my fingers crocodile got
them that’s what I used to tell
everybody when I lived in England anyway
as long with telling you you’re a
helicopter pilot that one as well
goodness me and then went you a scuba
diver or
something I was Dophin I was flying the
scientist out to the Barrier Reef so
they could test the coral as a
pilot was quite
genius oh great it into could have made
four or five
E that is I love ball from K I thought
it was just missing on the side but gets
the edge of and it’s enough to rock it
into the ditch the rink number was
hiding at that bow we couldn’t exactly
see where it
was well
played that four balls and four bowls
format would be very a very skip
orientated game and I would think it
would be predominantly won by that end
where is the tomb walk enables all
Bowers to really contribute to the
game it’s not too far
away just going to slow up it’s probably
four still
T yep AG great
oh that’s that you got to get round
it wouldn’t matter if you come
shot all and Ellie Speedy now he’s just
got to S of get past Kelly’s pink balls
to count which it will good
enough you know I just saying they play
a lot of three bow pairs in New Zealand
which we do for a lot of our formats but
not here at state champs I like 242 as a
practice format e you know you’re
playing bit of practice you know leading
up to pennant and actually can train
some of your new and inexperienced
Bowlers in 242 cuz you get a a mixture
playing every spot then as well
used to be the format of choice back in
my early days at K RSL used to be nearly
everyone played 242 and everyone was
getting some really good
experience Rod’s got a pass his White’s
better well that helps a lot second
shot’s going to run at that
ball it’s holding up F that’s definitely
worth the risk even if he got Inside
Edge of the ball he’s probably getting
across the jack and jack into the pit
gets it out clean it’s worth five if I
reckon maybe
six sort of speed does he go with JT
well he’s got enough to be able to swing
around that first bow too that’s sort of
lined up with it he only has to move it
into the pit by two feet so maybe y
waight got a hook now
the speed was awesome that would have
enough they still pick up a single stops
the Run little run mini
Run 10 three played six
s JT I’ll tag out for the one and only
Sammy Rogers no worries I’ll do a couple
ends of Samy enjoy the rest of the call
no worries t
welcome Sam I Am to
sh morning that’s the most amount of En
energy I’ve seen from you in about 4
days this stroppy teenager let’s do it
I’m feeling like there’s going to be an
eight this
end it’s been a highly entertaining game
this would appear it’s one-sided um and
you know Rod very stiff there a couple
ends ago he tried to turn the Jer on the
corner and thinned it and got his own
out and went drops five five six my
apologies and that’s really the
difference in the game you know so
the last B you’re pretty
good and in the and in the flip side
there’s probably a couple shots earlier
that s could have got which would have
even mean bigger margin as well too so
you probably haven’t been watching you
probably been pretending to work inside
watch nothing that’s the plan it’s not
it looks like it that’s all that matters
you know that just come in and
talk you haven’t learned well yet Sam
that’s all right manate
haven’t hang out with you
enough where’s your boss he’s going to
have to jump in soon do something also
pretending to work I
think he’s talking to the
locals I I don’t know if they loal or
not I’ve got no idea
great ball by
shampe Alie definitely unhappy about
that one
good B Rod sit
that another cracking day here in bigo
see hasn’t let us down all week really
it’s been spot on no wind to speak of
well no we haven’t had any big wins
either have we just a slight breeze here
and there
going to inside the Pink’s
enough it’s good shot at least a couple
morning Wilson joining us from I would
say Sunny go Coast because I know K is
raining it up there at the moment so I
don’t know what the weather’s doing in
the goldie but beautiful part of the
here lovely
line just got to get there
semi probably a foot away
that one going to miss the
front step probably still want to ride
champe oh no no I spoke too
soon 18 in away you get to that down
in this one yes
still be positive to this get back
to Second shot yep and it’s close good
needs to
run there are it’s there now you
complaint wait to he split them
Rod just put himself right in the way
the camera little slide oh one way to
get the
shot little Shimmy Shimmy
Shimmy little wake he definitely
won no celebration that which I can
handle I would have celebrated if you
did what from you or the opposition
both always celebrated
internally that is purely air that is
and everyone does it if you say you
don’t you’re a liar yeah you can do you
can be doing cartwheels inside your mind
and just don’t outwardly yeah
your fi of
Wrath leave the back hand alone here
nothing to gain from playing there now
no well it’s a I’m not saying it’s a
hard shot but
it’s for make them play that shot
yeah I reckon you’re right Sean Jimmy
would have probably celebrated and
jumped up and down like a
widow don’t think he’s under the pink
he’s around
it clear clear out of the road now can
get a touch the Jack he we can get the
Jack down the line fo two fo now
probably keep all of these speed try and
change something
up Al Le’s last ball this end
have to be closer
surely just got to get to Kelly’s ball
and rock it over a couple times one two
good but it does present an opportunity
Rod he moves a jack one to two feet
around the corner he will make five or
six and when you’re 10 three down it
would be amazing at the stage of the
game he see here he is not interested in
drawing the Jack oh he wants a piece of
the Jack in the corner exactly and if
anything you can play it tighter that
way if you happen to be a little bit too
tight you get to the pink ball floppy
still Mar going to play the same
ball don’t think he’s getting down is he
that’s the pace that’s no the pace was
good yeah the pace was good he nearly
could have played the same ball it’s one
to Alli and Kelly touch high up scores
113 and we played Seven ends
yeah saw it last night back in back in
this direction towards the
clubhouse was all over it oh she’s LED
very well this game same
probably the difference in the match is
Kelly’s leading and putting champe and
Rod Under
Pressure pretty good
again when you are a world bows silver
medalist you can probably draw pretty
good I would have thought you know and
Kelly’s proving that this morning
score next
door two it bcg8 Gibs land three we’ve
played six ends
on canol and clean this one up there
Jack down the line around the corner is
good he’s a lot
closer just to hurry back to the
line thought he was getting there
then Rod change hands here or play
underneath to try I think the four hands
are shot now y you going for to just
reach set the balls bit of Jack movement
is not bad
T it’s just thed a little
bit not a bad attempt
so play Confident kill the back
end absolutely couple back to rods try
and take that shot away from
him or cover if you miss high
not far away she probably get to her own
and flop it and change the shape of the
angles oh yes there you go play the
right we to get
back still there many get that good get
that one you’ll come back to the Jack
anyway probably just overplayed it a
smidge stays on stays on which is still
the the bonus part out of the miss the
same we couple of Bs High you try to sit
down if you get past it you’re good sure
of look to stay away from it now try and
cover a well it’s much better shape now
than what it was from the ball before
that Kelly changed up so leave the head
that way as he said hit the bow if you
miss you get to a good home the other
options if you Happ to be tight you turn
Ellie’s over a couple times
too just high but it’s going to finish
in a good
home back is B you can see their ends up
what was at the
back same speed you’re reckon fraction
less well fraction less is going to get
the ball on the jack back to where rods
balls are where you keep that weight
it’s probably going to go past
them the other option is just going big
and banging him and getting out of the
way yeah play less weight just
fractionally High turns the other one
down at least a couple
yeah Miss
hand enough track to get where he wants
to want to get down a little bit more
very handy little bit Lu not to go the
inside prob yeah he definitely would
have wanted the
inside shot
going into there
just hold on a little bit more JT you’re
missing drops the
ditch you going to get back to the draw
here and try and throw another one in 43
maybe even
four just dropped this one I think hurry
oh it’s done something a little bit
funny on the last little bit goes to
out don’t know not far
away still with Rod one to come last
ball of the
end need to come up with something to at
least reduce the
count not far away he wants to split
needs the right
result oh how far is it going to
run definitely takes one out
I think Kelly’s looking for a couple
Fair experience knew what was uh at
stake so went and grabbed the chalks
early funny enough Ellie’s already put
somebody’s already put two over a little
confident that it’s two he wasn’t even
down the 10 was he I don’t know
yeah it might have
been so one
out could be anywhere between one and
three or four
what one or three or four is it not two
then no anywhere between one three
whatever mate I hope it’s
two hope it’s one or three or
four it’s a long
measure almost as long as
RS qu a final game last
humire that’s the next
step three yes not two get in hey Rod
he’s baring for three sorry Rod loves me
it’s okay 43 we played
eight who are you waving to you didn’t
even know that was the great Jeff suck
Cliff mate you need to learn up a little
bit at lbes if you don’t know who Jeff
sliff is well not many of the viewers
know either so fill us in want you know
who Jeff suck played for Australia oh
yeah what Golden Nugget winner if you
want a gold nugget I can’t well I can
but I can’t I
have your time will come one of the
greatest toian Bowers Jeff SLI shout out
to Jeff what should get him in
you just need a little bit more
education see C right Johnny Stokes look
people know
mate yeah that’s two people out of 238
on Facebook well not
everyone’s typing you know they don’t
like to that they just watch there we go
Nev Brown see they’re all they all know
Sam you’re just a young whipper snapper
another great start from Kelly mccaran
come this is good leading
Josh where’s the mate Jim he was going
to come tag me in after n he got
distracted talking to Jeff suck
what you’re an idiot mate thank you I’ll
take that as a compliment
actually you know Jim might be doing you
might still be chatting to raky
Ying that conversations continued from
yesterday evening look we don’t need to
let the viewers know what they were
talking about but it was just just
Ridiculousness we were going around in
circles for a good couple of
hours this is good Laing I went to bed I
was at just bored of their
conversation a very good stuff from
Kelly and Aly
yeah now they’ve been really well
Polished in this match so far
Sam chance here to be fair just needs to
the right contact great ball
Ro brilliant
stuff oh here he
comes he was Je stey stey
good home there by Ali they had nothing
directly behind so it gives them
something to work
with Y I’m going to tag out see you nice
knowing you Sam see you later on the
Sao no
oh just
n been looking at Jr can have
it shots not sure if they were down
anyway they are now gets me a couple of
seconds couple of balls in the area
morning Samuel hello there welcome
Wan shot this is some good lawn balling
from the last couple in I’ve saying yeah
I’ve locked in here been watching from
the side
and they look in imperious form ominous
form to Kelly and
Ali hurry right up there we going here
needs the right contact Inside Edge oh
just replaces Rod’s ball they’ve been
close fast they have been just can’t
quite get it to work for him
did you know that Jeff Su Cliff is in
the building this morning I saw him
oh I haven’t seen him today though but
obviously he is here just walked in
great bloke great
player the pleasure of playing him at
the uh moama Prestige pairs back in
October he be
us although reckon I outled him would be
hard I out him wow so you’re saying the
blame is on Matthew Along come on now
Luke’s Bargo just jummy in results there
go same
balls another stunning day here at Benny
east he stick on this back hand trying
to Kelly’s last one
gets his own front through the Jack you
think that’s where it’s
going sort of got both sides of the head
pretty well protected
here about a second in here Jim pretty
good stuff doesn’t want to tip it
anywhere mate not a
shot he was
um a bit scratchy in the first game
yesterday Ali sort of was having he said
he was as well he was he was having a
um just himself he said the G’s great
over on big he just couldn’t sort of get
it going and obviously played okay in
the Stream game last night um to come
back from Ben out of it to get over Samy
ainson and Ben hubber him and Kelly and
pair of them got it on a string this
morning the other games teetering
alonger a pce a kind a tles six in done
83 over
there the way
that um BCG
team just did a chat with the local
newspaper and they’re asking if they had
any teams who made final yet I said no
but you had a 25% chance over there or
50% chance
even Rod finding that same pack of balls
no tries to get to here can’t make it
any better
holding good one maybe last BS for
second pretty well covered everywhere as
well a they except the back that’s what
Kelly saying she’s sort of saying just
in case something flugy happens the only
place we don’t really have a bowl is
yeah it’s pretty good
option quiet morning or quieter morning
here at Benny go got some Women’s
Champion champions last 16 joining the
mix pce final this afternoon
Ali does indeed draw the furthest
back Rod Peterson or bar raffle ticket
and see what happens I re can here
he’s going to have a WHL at this I
reckon how’ he go Samm well
but Jack went spirling out of the rink
and we’ll Replay that
end good hit from Rob
pison probably a couple day and you see
how quick that Jack come faring out of
the head here straight through the
over that’s slow that slowmo stuff
fantastic Brad
good l in again Kell M there we go start
of the day I’ll be doing the
presentation with this one
then next door no change on the
scoreboard I Reon is still an end to go
on plus there’s last ball coming up of
end this two and walk pairs is not a
fast game of balls is it I always seem
to struggle coming from a Vic open into
a state champs cuz I’m used to the three
ball p Pairs and things just move rapid
and then these two and walk pairs which
look I completely get the complexity of
the game and and at this level this is
definitely the preferred
format but it is a long old
game used to be 18 in as well so that’s
long want you factoring even last night
with a few dead ends
couple games going well in excessive
three hours what a shot this is shot
ball played it perfectly well however in
the Ali forsight you can see a nice
little Jack TR down the Laine for three
here on his back
end couple of good games in the women’s
Champa champ later as
well any looking forward to more than
so I don’t got any looking forward to
more than others oh well he plays a
completely different shot to what I
thought Taylor Marin up against Sophie
kman could be one to look out
for stead trying to set the ball Al at
the head Brook Edwards Sammy ainson both
action as
well should be a few close
games terrible
here just’s going to run the last little
bit maybe that does change his H
though plays the same speed as his first
time and gets this Jack he’s going to
make a pretty handsome number for him
C but he’s gone firmer
all of it wants all of it gets all of it
and a
rebound great effort great shot
completely changes the head still one
down but not
better he was going to sit on top of it
if he didn’t get double Ricochet ball
Jack shot
yeah fair shot from
Rod adds another goes behind good work
him couple of singles the way Gibs land
on the ring next door TOS things back up
slightly pcj still lead 85 through 10 ja
and Rod’s a runner cuz he’s wearing uh
some pretty handy AIC shoes you guys
could be friends yeah but they like the
ones that the super athletes were the
carbon fiber ones to increase time
decrease times yeah you’re a super
athlet uh
yeah what have you entered some Marathon
yeah I’m going to I’m tempted to do a
Marathon this year I’m going to do a
half in July and there’s one in October
I’ve never done a marathon but I’m
to I have to give up the beer though and
I don’t know if that’s what my Lo’s
about right at the moment it just needs
to hang
on yeah great effort second shot for Kel
made that look very very
easy great shot makes a care
yeah K asking this to hang on you can
sort of see why you might get a nice
friendly scoot off the front ball and
that’s exactly what she gets and
probably hold shot now it is genius
okay let’s get the same slide oh almost
hey VI it’s 85 over on that BCG game
they lead after eight ends it’s keeps
land being live scored so you can get
end byend update if you
want yes Stan that’s uh an event or
organiz as nightmare an 18 in game that
run for 6
hours I have a distinct memory of a game
going five hours in the state champy run
at warnable a few years ago in the covid
Years yep oh really that wasn’t in that
game oh another long one yeah late night
oh mate it went
forever I can’t remember it was LE
Shiner and Brad Baron
but against someone else but it went
forever well anything can happen you
know notes own out still
oneck trying to work out what the plays
biger problem the Jack going that way or
that way I’ll let him commentate it
anything pass yours or turning yours is
value aiming for some coverage as I’m
sure you
heard if You’ have got a gap there You’
drawn another I reckon
little Shak in the head from Ally didn’t
get exactly what he wanted so let’s see
what Rod can do
here he’s needing to start make to make
things happen
no result another in the way of K
Aly pick up a single
15 three no one ends
here laid in pretty
well hold on be change it you’re right
on it so anything on that side pass get
the r
hold on
good close as you can give it a chance
good effort here get a little bit more
in time that’s to a very good home it’s
good very good
home what’s on the back of the Glen
Waverly shirt on the back of the the
sword is is fire or is that tree
or it’s got to be Moree branches doesn’t
it THS ask Brad what he
thinks you reckon it’s on the blue shirt
waves yeah
oh makes the connection opens it up good
stuff from Rod and that bowl first bowl
of looks good
now looks very
good uh you’re welcome thank you
that down no wrong
blue R thought he probably done enough
with his first open things up try and do
it again Alli just went fancy balancing
one on top of the
Jack just gets a bit Relentless when
you’ve got players in form like this he
just can’t that Rod’s play an absolute
bomb with his first and
then doesn’t even get a chance to sort
of rape his own good ball with his NE
cuz Ali’s already shut the door
again however it is loaded to sort of go
to where the balls are from
the guys from the Glen Waverly bows Club
in the Eastern Rangers region
what is it Sam is it fire is it tree
branches I don’t know
mate all I know is this the hardest
hitting question currently being asked
SPS it’s a tree with a lck of leaves
buding on
it I just
imagine the design meeting yeah that
looks good but can you add a tree with
some branches and some buds coming up no
I have the answer Doug wallow top man
antlers sh that’s a Doug every good blow
shirt needs an
antler she got the journey here
Sam she does what a lawn
ball I’m almost showing off these yeah
it’s a bit
harsh way too
good you get yours it’s good but there
it is
there that’s your
white I think you said before it’s just
Relentless stuff
looks like Gibs land have won that end
next door they haven’t updated the
scoreboard but two is an Umpire C
getting pretty close over there now we
think it’s 87 after nine the way of the
Chuka pairing from the bendig go passby
Regent it’s looking like they’ll be
playing Ali and Kelly
in that
final oh Doug Wow’s dropping absolute
knowledge here what based off the monic
of the Glenn
for the second
title Ali and Kelly in this mixed pairs
they want it back in
2021 that’d be
second pairing that would win it twice
if they did did go and Win It Jess
Wallace and Josh Sanders winning it in
2019 and 2020
we can’t have the Jack got to get right
out there
what’s Rod going to do got to play
enough weight
to get up through the balls and get and
then get a p the Jack down the lawn as
well I think does the front pink count
Kelly three maybe even four oh he’s
going real
big oh wow ultimate result
still holding no
surely surely holding one yeah big hit
well done Ro
p and a measure for a second good
hit from
Rod and he gets the single 154
now 2/3 of the game done
I’m right at it
right it’s got to startop happening
now for this rink from Easter Rangers
to win pretty much every end from here
you would imagine and pick a few numbers
up along the way five ends to go might
not get them all
in they don’t start scoring numbers
it’s changing
length almost T to
te K take a
mat two fair lead balls
here sh sh we say yeah
do that’s a that’s a
that’ll be Kelly’s to loses opening
balls for a little
while I’ve been here anyway so little
half chance
for RO to out a couple in here yes these
are the moments now for them they sort
of have to absolutely maximize loose
balls that’s not the worst time
splitting a couple of opposition balls
up and almost counting but you feel Ali
will be able to draw within
that doesn’t just draw within
that probably draws the shot more close
not really Ching
much yeah
need to hit a
tree it hasn’t hit a tree but it’s
landed on P’s back ball yeah it’s five
balls in that same spot really so
again still one but a is is it a better
one better one I don’t over convince
that one before
that see what Kelly can do in
Reply look
wide have right speed to get another one
there BS yeah sped all time for the
shots she’s trying to play s on that
ball ball long way in the end
one full ball
pass does he have the
journey not
quite we definitely Force Kell it’s
holding up
now gives a little bit of a
guide she’ll go closer I can almost
it just put the mo on
up needs to turn
Samy and turn and turn and
turn oh
what does rod do
here there was a little bit of a chance
that R’s ball out of their head but
don’t know that’s made things any
easier it’s
harder to clipy shot ball out now rods
he can afford to probably play the foot
or so away and somehow try and get Alli
out trying to play back and with his
first I’m not convinced by that when
they’re chasing shots to be honest mate
I they got to start taking some risks I
mean if he throws a couple in two or
three I think you better off drawing in
forand and short counter if that’s what
if you trying to just add another
if that was that sure in that spot on
the forehand it’d have played a bomb
then which is why I think the forand was
the better option cuz that would have
forced Ali to go
hurry hurry
well have a chance needs to hold on in
time not
over I thought that was uh a very very
nice angle I thought he was getting the
fine Edge to walk down the line then
yeah Ro can still be on the back end so
through the last one and now I can say
the back end shop
now away
interested down this time now now now
it’s going just a tad too
late he was interested for a long time
then wasn’t far at all
couple in a row the way of Eastern
Rangers 155 through
11 things have Titan right back up next
door as well Jim
87 Bas a
shot one man
he the
best he sort of know Kelly was short
yeah shot
again grouping him pretty
well giving her and Rod opportunities is
champai see if Kelly can adjust that
meter or
shot this looks so good WI
a ball turns that much it’s just a good
pleasing sight
R over the
yeah just on a tall on actually went way
further than I thought that was going it
look like he was stopping halfway down
he gets a Sol fors back
in be happy with
that proves that position
very different out
and just the one as we kind of the back
half of this
end half in front
night pretty
good right need to try s shot
ball play it just a fraction g a chance
is good here number
one land the you little on the jack
on what a shot this could be a
stop just rolled a couple of
rolls too far cracking
effort got to be a little bit careful
here Kelly needs
to cover it out to the left hand side
yeah she needs to get in them two inside
them two balls now of rods and sha
Bay has got the white that’s where the
Jack will go if they Trail it bit of
danger for him
here if Rod can get the small Trail you
make a three goes with
it prob also a shot Sam if he plays
superb way where he sits K’s ball and
falls back to the Jack and brings it
left and back up the GRE slightly for
four not asking a lot think big
Sam B a ball
visualize good things will happen
if it happens I literally it’s going to
be the best Call of balls
ever I tell you what that was the wait
him I don’t know about him celebrating
the shot I’d be on the odd be on the
grand celebra my own call fist pump
chainsa got all way back down to the
pig could wait for it
right get up past the sort of Tas enough
helping yeah for his Rod to play the
right way the chck to stick around which
I think he was going to play anyway to
honest he’s obviously looking probably
play the right way for the Jack T the
first one like said he’s probably
looking for that rock back jack up Paul
that’s another big bow in the context of
this game like if he can get this gives
him a little bit more of a hope best to
get it though drop another one here yeah
they’re going to run out of ends pretty
soon so things have to happen and have
to happen right
now still 87 after 10 next door the way
BCG over ybs land good head over there
at the
moment the last ball of that a coming
down and it’s got a bit of pepper on
it oh no oh wow
absolute chaos over there short ball Ru
in ahead has Rod gone here just going to
stick too wide Sami that
speed a white ball pass yeah draw one
roll Mak three
yes SIM from last
you heard what Ali was saying
then try and make a
three not with
that one another
one three left to play and they lead by
11 Sam
check out what’s going on the ring next
Thor after you said running shot missing
and then short ball through the Jack
Jackson up in the
ditch Umar are right again over
there one the way base AJ so they’ll
lead 97 after 11 ends over
there the mix pair
semifinal final coming up around about
1:00 of course we’ll be streaming that
also got some women’s champion of
champions last 16 singles kicking off
highly likely we’ll need a third game
today which will be a second in that
women’s champion of champion so fingers
crossed get you some singles action on
stream later this
afternoon do love a good singles game s
me are we marking
no I think we’re
right pretty good oh
Lord shamp an absolute cracker second
ball that’s what they need they need
three in in a row and three 0 multiples
for any
chance shots like that will help
Ronnie can add another couple in here
with his first few BS will make things a
little bit interesting but he hasn’t
sent it
don’t he sented
again I’ve just overplayed this so
couple loose ones from BR skips here got
a little touch
back down on
through the one way of Easter Rangers at
moment plenty of room to Second sh add
another another one in
and this one needs to hold
so so okay
line just got to stop in time
here on your last I think your line was
okay let made that
another one in
there fell into the pack
again not a lot Happening Here on in
number 13 let’s get back inside into the
count it’s good
wait stopping time for yep definitely
might things after
interesing pick up a a four
maybe so you feel like there’s a bit too
much room for draw another
okay line for it all down to speed shot
here thank you no chance of a number now
thing he T are right
out just the ball Falls in behind the
Jack way of getting the ball
out exactly what was
needed makes things very very tricky for
the r
p so what in response a mile away on to
get piece of the
Jack oh just had to draw weight on
thereabouts safer down here or doesn’t
matter I like I set one Park just there
not much of a Target at
all trying to P Rod’s last one over on
the back end nothing to work
off into this pack again of a theme of
end War Spence hope you’re doing well
pal another big day of balls coming
up Mi pe’s final after lunch as well as
women’s champion of champions
action kicking
off last ball there need to P the Jack
down the line or
sideways jams in no already who’s got
shot they both touching
no Score first resting
touches completes in number
12 with a
zero and two ends to play score remains
not sure how do you put that in here got
the ends on it doesn’t really matter he
just moved
to could you put a zero or not no it
wouldn’t go
right remains of 11 shot lead and down
yeah they need to pick a three or more
up otherwise that is all she wrote for
this one it’s probably as bad of a news
as you could possibly get for really
short of dropping CH B it’s a great shot
from Rod I stood on the side and watch
that one come
in come on
than sprad
C PR good that on
your get to the Pak good
even opening to this end
on and the crow goes mild at Bendigo
East next door Alan from
yam moving a jack
so morning Spence I don’t know about new
Talent mate she’s been playing for about
18 years he said to us this morning
right shot from all won various Club
singles titles that field was that
before Glenn wav W that the Glen wav
singles title this year and R
semi-finalist I believe in the region
singles for Eastern Rangers as well so
definitely got some
pedigree first offing her at a state
championship but she does not look out
of place one
bit R going to need to
somehow find a three or more in this end
then huge number in the last
end yours in relation to Jack
what thought you had to take a phone
call all
righty half a chance for a
couple just the one plenty of PS left
he just a title affair on the rck next
door not much separating him low scoring
gamecg had 119 through 12
ends yeah a fun finish over
there just drop in short C
I play here get back to that one turn
helps a
lot trying to get back to the
pink I lost twoot short of the
T Ali asking for far back coverage from
Kell trying to draw to the
T pretty much
does the job doesn’t draw the tape it
draws the furthest back which is
what they were sort of looking for Shon
here need to make a
number trying to sit this pink bow of Cs
just slightly wide there R here give the
chance it’s another one in behind
H’s Cows i’ say that’s helping some
another one there BS not actually sure
what it it
is K these back ball should
they holding a couple up the
front what the why you need turn out of
that K be caring ball probably makes two
three they need at least three as we
said the beginning of the end
tricky to try and get the Jack back
through the hole
is sort of playing for luck if that’s
what you’re going after he’s going to
stick to the forehand just over the
drawer trying hard
now sit on
something W another one thereabouts
don’t think that second I think my One
Beat okay I’m more concerned about what
beats the front
orange good
question my pink my other pink one beats
the front orange sure that’s all we need
tonight that’s the best so matter
absolutely spot
on to as good as he is mate and has been
for a very long time yeah well aware of
what’s happening so Rod turns Kelly’s
pink one on the left of screen it still
doesn’t bring in the front one
makes he makes a
three Kelly’s one out to the right here
of the line also beats the front left of
rods just
underneath Rod’s going to come another
butchers and see he can make any more
than a three this
end well three gets us another
end that look so
excited for
to get there in
time little turn of the pink oh misses
the lot that’s just about story of the
game haven’t been far away but K I’ll
give you one Rod’s already shaking hands
two good have been Ali and Kelly and uh
they going to be tough to beat in the
final 119 the way yep bcj over there 32
join us 1:00 for that final roughly says
it doesn’t matter if it’s one or two
we’ll shake hands on one 166 this one
will be we’ll see you at 1 p.m. for the
mix P final

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