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Ridin’ the Bus on Exit Day 2024 | Episode 31

Ben and Joey officially close out the ’23-’24 campaign. It’s exit interview day for the Iowa Wild and the guys conduct their own exit interviews with a host of Wild players. Guest include Jesper Wallstedt, Carson Lambos, Steven Fogarty, Caedan Bankier and Ryan O’Rourke… with two special surprise guest players as well who crashed the interviews. Ben and Joey also talk their favorite moments of the season, and plead for offseason podcast bets and punishments.

Ridin’ The Bus is presented by Explore Minnesota (

you’re either on the bus or you’re off
bus welcome aboard episode 30 a
milestone episode to end 72 games of IA
Wild hockey it is our season wrapup show
here on riding the bus the official IA
wild podcast presented by Explorer
Minnesota Joey Goldstein to my left Ben
gesson here with you with an iceless
backdrop here today if you’re with us on
YouTube you can see behind us it still
looks like Wells Fargo Arena it is still
Wells Fargo Arena changed that didn’t
change but the ice is out the wild are
out of the CER Cup playoffs they miss it
this season but as we conclude our show
our final show of the Season before we
cast off into the offseason which the
good news means more episodes we will
have a little more time on our hands to
turn out hopefully more than one episode
per month yeah but the bad news is
obviously I am Wild hockey is over yet
here we are and it is exit interview day
you’ll probably hear some noise in the
background we’re right in front of of
the Ia wild dressing room so players
will be shuttling in and out having
their exit interviews with general
manager Mike Murray Head Coach Brett
mlan and the rest of his staff and we’re
going to get some quick hits as well
with a handful of Wild players today
talking about the season some really
reflective points it’s a reflective day
when you think about the year and and
Joey let’s start with this what what’s
on your mind mind as we sit here uh
let’s see April 22nd and uh reflect on
the year that was the 23 24 campaign uh
first thing that comes to mind it’s
obviously it’s a it’s a bummer we’re not
still playing right that’s that’s kind
of the biggest thing but um successful
year I think all things considered off
the I from a business standpoint we did
really really well um which is always
nice to see especially with you know
when you have struggles on the ice right
to still have success off the ice I
think is is an important piece um but
we’ve talked about it
uh we talked about hockey on wild last
week where it’s just there’s a there are
a lot of things to kind of hang your hat
on and be proud of from this year so um
just building off of that and looking
ahead to I mean it’s crazy we’re already
kind of just turning the page right to
next year and whatnot that comes up
before you know it so uh starting all
that prep work and everything and just
doing what we can to make that 24 25
season better than this one and the year
before and the year before that
constantly trying to grow and evolve and
change so that’s kind of where I’m yeah
at right now you know it’s going to be
nice to decompress a little bit too now
that you know things wound
down down goes a shovel see noise this
is this is podcasting right here at
least we gave the heads up beforehand
that types things like that might be
happen are going to happen yeah things
are going to happen um but yeah you know
I I think that’s just kind of that’s
where my mindsets at right now how about
you I I think you you nailed it and when
you bring up the the success of the
organization as a whole and that
includes the on Ice performance which
obviously it doesn’t take a hockey
scientist to figure out that the wins
and losses weren’t Where the wild fans
the Wild players the wild staff wanted
it to be this year but to your point the
the success that was this year from a
group as a whole as a family when you
look at this building this year and the
numbers that were the attendance and how
many people came out to games and the
two things that really jump out to me
when I think about that are one you have
such an undying passionate fan base that
just cares so deeply about this team and
that’s the one thing that really jumps
out to me and it was no more evident
than the final game of the season when
you had over 9,000 people here inside
Wells Fargo Arena it was loud it was a
great hockey game when the wild beat the
Grand Rapids Griffins that night and I
just I every year I I get closer to this
fan base and you learn more and I you
get to meet a few more people and you
get to know a little bit more of the
exact makeup of this group and you just
you can’t say enough about this fan base
and then the other part of of of your
comment would be this is to your staff
to the ticketing staff to the corporate
staff to everybody that makes up the
group across the street from us here
well for go Arina and the Iowa wild
offices what a tremendous year it was
and you just can’t say enough about the
group over there and how much goes on
behind the scenes to make sure that this
fan base and the de MO area continues to
not only have that type of brand and
this great brand of hockey that we have
here but the fan base keeps growing and
it was no more obvious that the fan base
has been growing than this season when
you look at the numbers that we had and
one of the best seasons and I have wild
history so um you may be sitting here
saying well look at them they’re just
digging for positives but those are huge
positives and at the I wouldn’t say I
wouldn’t call it digging those are those
are truly positive like those are things
that you know from a those are things
that we we try to accomplish year in and
year out you know and it is like you
said in the mission statement man like
this is this is what we’re here to do
and it can the season is a grind I mean
Maris and Jess is behind the camera
they’ll be the first ones to tell you
like it’s especially the social team I
don’t know how they do it you can’t
unplug my goodness it’s not all you know
people look at you know Sports it’s not
always rainbows and butterflies like
there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff
that people don’t realize um but we’re
we’re constantly growing and constantly
evolving and getting better and you know
Friday was a great example of that for
to come one it’s you know it’s the last
game of the season game is meaningless
in terms of standings and playoffs and
anything like that and you still get all
the support that we had out here which
is phenomenal you know I I remember
talking with people we had a a small
little group from Minnesota come down
some of their full-time staff came down
on Friday and checked out the game and
um you talking with them they they had a
similar situation obviously for their
Fan Appreciation Night on Thursday where
the game didn’t mean anything and the
place was packed and people didn’t want
to leave like they were still having a
good time so it’s you know it’s it’s
hanging on don’t go don’t go I think
there’s that there’s that piece to it
where it’s like is this the last time
you’re gonna see this this team yeah
ever right it’s not going to be the same
exact team next year you’re going to
have you’ll have familiar faces but new
faces are going to come in some faces
you’re used to probably won’t won’t come
back and you know it’s just it’s your
last time to really see this team off
and I think obviously to end with a win
and and then go into Chicago and and win
there as well the team played really
well and it’s great to see and um you
know hopefully lays the table a little
with sets the table lays the foundation
I kind of combine the two there uh a
little bit for for next year and looking
ahead to what that may look like that
game on Saturday a lot of those guys in
the lineup are probably the ones who are
going to be here yes for the most part
um at least to start the season next
year and obviously who knows how things
shake out with call-ups and and whatnot
but exciting to see some of those guys
get back in the lineup some of those
guys you know bobel Novak Kyle Master
guys we haven’t seen in in a while it’s
about the halfway point of the year
really December for for for Novak and
then January for Masters so and and as
we shift our gaze to the anai side
what you’re alluding to in the final
let’s see Iowa went three and one in
their final four games I think it was
eight seven and one in their final what
did see that’s 16 games um and those
aren’t World beating numbers but when
you’re looking at it as a full 72 game
slate and you’re looking at where the
team was you know think about where they
were in February out in Henderson and a
closed door meeting and a team that was
going where are we who we and and and
where they finish the year the lasting
Mark that I’ll sit and stew on when I
make my annual pilgrimage to the lake
and I turn my phone off and I shut down
and think about the year whether it’s on
Ice whether it’s the broadcast whether
it’s the team Services all the you know
the different things that I get to touch
throughout the course of the season from
the on Ice perspective that’s going to
be the thing that I think lasts with me
is this team just found itself too late
and once they found itself once they
found themselves no I mean they didn’t
they didn’t go from uh where they were
in February to what Rockford did where
they just blew their way into the
playoffs but it’s hard to go from from
zero to 60 in in in professional hockey
usually if you’re let’s say Iowa Iowa
finds what they found in let’s call it
January sure they maybe muddle around at
500 for a bit and then usually if you
keep tracking that way you would have
been looking at maybe February March is
that’s the season ended the and the team
was kind of do it you know your YouTube
fans can see this for our for our our
listeners it’s just kind of they were on
a gradual plane they were building like
this and usually if you keep building
that way eventually it shifts and you
make that huge Spike and it felt like
maybe Iowa needed like another month to
get to that point and then you’re peing
at the right time they ran at a time and
and that to me is is kind of the lasting
Legacy that I’ll think about with this
team is it just took them too long to
get to that point and but once they got
to that point I really enjoyed the brand
of hockey that they played over over the
last really two months I’d say March
into April all of those games for the
most part minus the Hershey one where I
they admittedly were just in awe of a
team that almost that almost set the AHL
franch or AHL record for best record in
in the American Hockey one point shy of
it but aside from that game they were in
every one of them they they they should
have won a good amount of those games
that that wound up going to overtime or
a shootout and I mean they almost beat
Hershey three or four times this year
let’s not forget about that so you know
and it’s it’s silver linings yes it is
and there obviously is still frustration
in the group and and everybody involved
but it was there it just wasn’t there at
the right times and and that’s what
happens it’s it’s it’s hard to win in
this league and um the one thing that I
remember asking Brett mlan about game 72
in Chicago was you know does this build
into next year and he said absolutely
and not only because there will likely
be a lot of Staff continuity and and
this staff very much found itself to
Brett mlan found his coaching style and
his voice and and really how to how to
grab the ears of this team late in the
season and and that’s going to be day
one next year because he knows what he
needs to do now when he’ll tell you
firsthand he was learning a lot in the
early goings of this season and but also
there’s G like you talked about there’s
going to be a lot of these same players
that are back next season that Brett
won’t have to take those opening few
weeks to really try
and gain their ear gain their attention
which all new coaches with the new team
have to do they all have to do it no
matter who you are there’s not going to
be that getting to know each other phase
next year and that doesn’t mean Iowa’s
going to win there you know the opening
month of October and go perfect through
that month but I just I think you’ll see
this team find itself a lot earlier next
year for a number of reasons all of
which I just mentioned yeah it’s
something to look forward to and it’s
going this the scary part is it’s going
to be here before you know it I mean it
feels like just yes yday we were it was
October and the season was getting
started it’s it feels like yesterday we
were doing this exact podcast not the
exit interview but our season rap yeah
October is going to be here in the blank
of an eye it just it always it always
works that way but it’s exciting I mean
obviously I’m excited to get back like
the season just ended I’m excited for
what comes next you know so it’s it’ll
go by quick but it is a little ways away
we’ll have some fun this summer yes in
the meantime bringing on guests and
Defending Your cow chip title defending
the cow chip title already thinking
about that putting we need to get put
you know our our fun little podcast bets
together we we took a break from those
this year and and uh you just want to
win more one career win the feedback I
got the feedback I got uh on you know us
needing to do those more was was pretty
loud throughout the season yeah um I’ve
heard some so fans just like seeing me
in anguish really is what I’m gleaning
from I got I got one on uh on Friday at
Fan Appreciation Night and what the
loser of the BET basically dressing up
and playing chauffeur for a day for
somebody um oh that’s a really good I
think like that’s really good Lloyd
Christmas and and without question yeah
without question I want to go or
wherever you want to go y um I like how
you already assumed though that you’re
going to you’re going to win the bet
you’re already like wherever I want to
go be in my cabby hat and yeah yeah yeah
we to Mr Goldstein thank you
sir yes sir sir yes sir you’re welcome
sir yeah no we we’ll think some good
stuff um well we’ll have some fun with
it yeah for sure highlights from the
year and then and then we’ll we’ll shift
into our quick hits and these won’t be
long you two three questions with guys
as we kind of get them but when I
say I’ll remember this from the season
most what you and it could be anything
and it doesn’t have to be an on Ice
moment you know because we’ve talked
about about the the great success that
was the office side of this team this
year but what what jumps out as far as
lasting memories in the 23 24 season
well there’s definitely a few I know we
talked hockey gone wild about you know
what’s the one goal that stands out to
you and for me it was the the pink in
the rink overtime winner because I was
standing in the ice Suite right here so
I remember that one um other moments
that stand out to me uh I think more
like off ice things um going with kessie
to spare time to kind
of bring full circle together his uh
cessy’s crew initiative that he put on
throughout the season so bringing kids
out to spare time for laser tag and and
pizza and games that was a lot of fun um
you know I think of who will we talk to
him about this but Ryan o Ro um you know
befriending a very young wild fan at at
Junior crash course on a day where uh it
that that day was was crazy so Junior
crash course we always have you know uh
Deon you hockey coaches coming and help
us out and and Ryan and kale were uh the
guys on ice with us that day sure enough
no youy coaches showed up they weren’t
here and we didn’t know what to do we
don’t have like the youth hockey coaches
the ones that put together lesson plans
not us so they show up and and the kids
are getting ready to go on the ice and
we don’t know what we’re going to do so
we just kind of threw the kids on the
ice and we had we had kale lead some
drills we had Ryan lead some drills and
um that’s how Ryan met elsc and they you
know became just great there a great
bond form there and um she is his
biggest fan will always be his biggest
fan they went to Chicago on Saturday
we’re cheering on the team so things
like that those always uh those stand
out to me quite a bit and then the
concert night obviously being the the
big one Dynamite that just being I you
know last year when we had Russ
Dickerson come out it ended up being the
highest revenue generating game that
we’ve ever had this year we surpassed
that with 10 Penny concert uh great show
and taking him like and his team around
they wanted to go shop in the store so
bringing them all up to Kelce to shop at
the wildware store then he got on the
Zamboni and all like there’s some just
fun little behind the scenes things like
that that I think uh you know people
don’t always see and don’t always think
of so indeed indeed well I’ll get to my
highlights in a bit let’s get to some
quick hits with some interviews right
now and we’ll talk a little more later
let’s head to period
two before we get to our quick hitting
interviews we’ve got a shout out Qui
real quick real quick we got a shout out
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Adam our exit interview day podcast
continues wrapping up the season and
we’ll get a few guys rolling through
here the first one the rugged the
wonderful Brian O’Brien Ryan oor is with
us here today and Ryan thanks for
stopping by not going to take long but
just wanted to get a little bit of a
flavor of the Year from some of the guys
as obviously it’s a very reflective day
today and let’s start with this one
reflecting on the year the most fun that
you had this season what jumps to mind
um probably road trips um I think those
are always exciting um whether you’re
spending time on the bus or uh crowded
in a plane together uh I think
everybody’s very light likes to joke
around likes to fire some shots um so I
just think being around the guys you
know in confined spaces is uh was a lot
of fun where did the road trips feel
longest this year and where were you the
most disgruntled with the travel guy
um was it Texas where we had some
complications leaving De Moine we
weren’t till the afternoon probably
about 3 4
o’cl oh yeah that was Texas
when he just that
one the one where I wasn’t really late
so for our for I think I hopefully that
our listeners can hear that but I’m
going to give us an inant replay of that
interaction yeah so so Ryan just tucked
away his microphone because he didn’t
want people to hear it on video they saw
it when Ryan was late to the airport one
morning uh only myself and Dan Barker
knew of this because and really you
weren’t actually that late but boy did
we give you a lot of grief when you
showed up yes and to your credit you did
you reached out ahead of time and and
you made sure that that we knew that you
were going to become in a little bit
late but um yeah that was that was that
day I think where we got bumped about
four hours yeah all things considered if
that’s the if that’s the worst day we’ve
had a lot worse but not you’ve been a
part of yeah you’ve been a part of a lot
L you’ve been a part of the hockey gods
were good to us this year on our on our
travel yes um Joey you talked about it
earlier in our show before we welcomed
Ryan in a pretty special moment this
year that you know a lot more about than
I do Joey yeah so uh going back goes
back to probably October Junior crash
course you me and kale are out there and
no Junior crash course coaches show up
so we’re kind of just winging it
figuring how things go um but this was
the start of a a bond with one of the
youngest wild fans that we have um in in
LC crisen um so I wanted to kind of talk
about how that all kind of came to be
because she is your biggest fan by far
um so just kind of talking about how
that’s kind of grown grown in throughout
basically the season um yeah I can
remember it vividly we uh we were out
there for the crash course and believe
it was you and kale were trying to run
some skating drills and uh she just
wanted me to hold her up because she
couldn’t stand up on her skates so uh I
kind of bent over hurt my back just
trying to hold her up trying to skate
trying to get her moving uh and probably
after about 20 25 minutes I was trying
to convince her that she could do it by
herself and she still wanted to hold my
hand she still wanted me to make sure
she was all right and uh I was kind of
trying to do everything in my power to
convince her she was good one cuz my
back was kind of sore from bending over
that long uh and the other because she
kind of got the hang of it um from there
uh she’s probably been to every game uh
she’s wri me little signs always gives
me a fist bump always screaming my name
uh always cheering for me so it’s nice
to know that I have a a real solid fan
like that that I can count on kind of
every game let’s finish with this Ryan
did you ever think in your hockey career
you would have a person like that that
was writing specific signs to you and
screaming your name did you ever think
about that at any point or was this
something that popped up and you went
huh here I am probably not honestly um
but now that it is happening it kind of
makes me really happy
um again it m it makes me it puts a
smile on my face because I touched
somebody you know kind of like how I did
um again from the crash course she kind
of you know formed a bond that way um
she was at games they were at events she
was always saying High always smiling uh
so it’s cool I mean it’s not all the
time that you kind of get somebody
that’s so dedicated to you like that um
you know and has such a close Bond like
we do well I can speak to our bond and
the bond that we’ve shared over the last
four seasons now yeah you you touched
the ice here my my first year with the
club and um already can’t wait to to to
see what Ryan or work looks like next
year and and just so grateful for all
that you have been a part of this year
thanks for the person you are and the
player you are uh and we’ll look forward
to next season thank you very much our
quick hitting interviews continue here
on exit interview day we just spoke with
Ryan oor and now we’ll bring in I’m just
going to go ahead and say it I was
Captain this year I called you the
acting Captain for a long time you’re
going to disagree with me on this
because there’s no one more loyal and
honorable than Steven Fogerty is yes
Dakota is the captain but only saw him
for five games this year and folks you
took the Reigns in a big way thanks for
parking some time for us here on I know
a busy day and everybody itching to get
home and and I’m sure for you to get
back to Minnesota but um the season that
was a a reflecting day today obviously
for sure with exit interviews a
reflection of the season for you what’s
on your mind as you begin your offseason
officially today yeah um you know the
last couple days you tried to think
about it all and take it in and you know
obviously you’re having these exit
interviews earlier than you you want but
you know that’s not all negative um you
know you look at our team here over the
last little stretch and I wasn’t even
aware but you know just found out you
know we were over 500 after the All-Star
break and or I mean after the trade
deadline and just uh you know a lot of
positives um you know obviously you want
to win as many games as possible and
make the playoffs but uh just the growth
I think throughout the year um and I
think you know we talked the other day
it was never for lack of buy and lack of
effort we had that every day practice
games um you know just weren’t able to
capitalize weren’t able to you know
string three four five wins in a row
together and in this league you kind of
have to do that to gain ground on teams
so um you know there’s uh a lot to take
from this year good and bad um but I
think you know the negatives will only
turn into positives down the road here
and you know it’s great people in this
organization great player staff and you
know there’s a good thing going here for
sure looking ahead for you you got a a a
busy summer coming your way with with uh
you know your your wife expecting so
what are you looking forward to most
while being a dad um and looking forward
to least I’m going to I’m going to
double on that I’m going double yeah
we’re g to add on to that one yeah I
guess double on that with the the twins
on the way um yeah I don’t know I think
uh obviously after finding out it was a
little bit of shock but now it’s kind of
just our reality um but just kind of
enjoy this this process and you know be
there for her and you know CAD or
whatever needs she has but um yeah just
enjoy this I mean it’s you know you only
have your first I guess your first for
two once in your life but um yeah no
we’re really excited I know we know it’s
going to come quick so just uh take the
time to be together and enjoy the the
peace and quiet while we have it are you
guys do you guys know if you’re having
boys girls yet have you figured out you
guys doing gender reveal like two girls
um I mean I guess there can always
potentially be a boy in there but um as
of now yeah two girls nice yeah cuz when
I when I think of stepen Fogerty I think
of gender reveal and like a giant huge
extravagan for sure this is how work
that’s everything that stands for um
100% folks I I’m going to try I’m going
to try to pull this out of you because
again going back to the loyal and
honorable thing but you’re you’re as
mature as a person you’re more mature
than some of the staff members are in
this eye of a wild locker room and you
know so much about how to be a
pro can you share with us any moments
this season where and you were a rook at
one point to and I know you made your
your dumb silly mistakes too but did you
have any moments this season where you
scratched your heads and if if you don’t
want to throw any names out there feel
free not to to protect the the guilty
but any moments this year where you just
kind of scratched your head and went
really um yeah honestly I just I think I
I think I just heard the best one about
five minutes ago I won’t name names but
somebody was supposed to give a 60-day
notice to vacate their apartment and
didn’t do that so they’ll be having to
cover an extra two months of rent so oh
god um I think just little things like
that but hey I mean I didn’t turn Pro
till I was 22 some of these guys are
1920 so give them a little bit benefit
of the doubt but um yeah it’s amazing
that they’ve made it this far for sure
that’s like the I won’t name names
either but the Advil liquid gels
incident we got a trainers room full of
Ty andol anything you need but someone’s
waiting on a package from
way you can tell me off off record who
that correct yeah we’ll fill you on that
um folks I’m going to finish with this
one it’s a story I’ve told other people
but when I really and it was early when
I learned who Steven Fogerty was it was
early in the season it was last year
your first year with the Wild and it was
my first time getting the team back from
Canada and I had a great mentor in Joe o
Donald who who who made life easy for me
but one thing that he missed on was when
you come back from Canada it is very
very good to get to the airport for me
early with the
passports night before we fly back from
Winnipeg so you got to go through
customs I’m talking to my great contact
there Maria she’s one of the best you
deal with with Delta and she goes so
we’ll see we’ll see you tonight with the
passports and the game is over 2m game
Wild win they’re already out in Winnipeg
having a great time I’m sure have all
their passports on them and I go oh
no I got to get the
passports because it turns it turns a
morning when an early flight a really
early flight into from a 5minute check
check in for the players to about an
hour and a half check in if I don’t go
early to do it so I have to send a text
out to the player group and say guys I
like I know where they’re at they’re
having a great time they it’s a win it’s
a it’s a it’s a 2 pm game so you got the
whole night to go have a great time and
I got to get guys passports and luckily
a few guys were still around the hotel I
I TT maybe 8 o’clock I I figured this
out and so I’m texting the group and I’m
I’m still relatively new guys are going
to hate me for this and a few guys show
up and and and they’re luckily there and
give me their passports and I’m still
I’m nervous I’m like the guys aren’t
going to show up I’m not going to get
passports and I don’t know it was
probably about 9:00 I get a knock on my
door and I’d maybe gotten of the 23
players we had I’d maybe gotten about
four or five of them knock on the door
barely knew Folks at this point he had
had to be 18 or 19 passports in his hand
and just here you go Ben that’s it and I
I was just I will never forget that
folks because that is what leaders do it
was an incredible moment I’ll remember
that the rest of my life so thank you
for that and all of the great leadership
moments you had after a story that I had
to tell so people know that’s the kind
of person you are and the kind of leader
you are so thanks for all well no thank
you Ben um yeah I mean I just appreciate
uh all the staff everything that goes on
behind the scenes in this organization
is uh pretty incredible and I know I’ve
really appreciated and the way our
relationship has grown this year and
getting to know each other on a personal
level too and hopefully there’s more to
come in in that sense but um yeah I mean
I know how uh group chats work sometimes
especially when there’s a few beers too
going around so I’m glad I was able to
help and yeah how did you get all those
passports by the way I just yeah met
guys in lobby and just said because I
know some guys were whatever out and
about going to the casino and I’m
usually going to bed pretty early so uh
yeah just thought I could help both
parties out never asked him about that
going get a real like magician never
tells us kind of thing right there and
that would have been great yeah bogs
thank you yeah thank you Ben thank you
Joy appreciate it yeah Rolling Along
here exit interview day quick hitting
interviews rookie Ford Kaden bankier
finishing up his first pro season here
with us in Iowa my first question for
you you kind of became a social media
star and as I look behind the camera
Jess is trying to cover a a laugh and a
smile became a bit of a a social media
star so look at the hair of course you
of course how did how did how did the
stardom feel how did it feel uh I hated
it at first still partly hate it but uh
I guess it comes with the the territory
and uh I’ll roll with it uh there’s some
crazy stuff they ask and I’ll say no but
uh for the most part it’s pretty good
what was the craziest thing you got
asked all year um I don’t know if you
guys saw the lambo video where he had
the cupcake all over his face they asked
me first and I think that was the
quickest no of my entire
life but yeah when they ask stuff like
that it’s it’s pretty easy he knows but
uh those Tik Tok questions uh I’ll
answer those every day cool did Lambos
take any grief for saying yes to the
cupcake he says yes to everything yeah I
don’t know why he did it to be honest I
mean nothing goes away on the internet
so his kids are going to be seeing that
in like 20 years and if they don’t I
will show them that
video oh um this season banks for you
obviously specifically in the back half
uh you jumped in you were right away you
were on the score sheet and then as
happens to every rookie player that’s
ever come into the American Hockey
League you hit the skids for a little
bit but you found it again late you
started scoring again late what did you
learn in between the hot start and then
the hot finish uh yeah um I think you
learned that you know maybe a bit
overconfident that you know I started
off pretty well but um I think in that
time I was kind of skittish and stuff
you learned that you know you got to be
contributing in other ways um if you’re
not bringing your offensive game you got
to bring other aspects to it and um I
think that was a pretty big lesson I
learned and um you got to bring it every
every shift every game and um I think
that’s something that’s really important
that I’ll be bringing into next season
and uh lead into that with a player who
also gave you a lot of lessons from the
veteran side this year was a player that
you did not name and our one of our
recent content features that we ran
during an intermission but I named him
for you was Brandon Miller lots of
lessons that he taught specifically you
this season but I know he was all over
the rookies all year long what do you
think the greatest lesson brandan Miller
taught you he was as he walks out of the
locker room oh look at him look at the
timing on that
too what of Banks’s favorite guys I
heard he was calling me out I didn’t I
didn’t say anything I didn’t say
anything I got a I got a text from my
mom the other day saying that I have to
be nicer to the young guys I don’t know
what I did dude it wasn’t me man I swear
I swear it wasn’t me I don’t know I may
even replied it but I didn’t say it I
don’t know I’m getting yelled at by my
mom okay well I’ll apologize take it
easy on me on the podcast right Social
Media stuff I was just about to start
juicing you up actually please do yeah
okay I probably deserve it right yeah
okay oh my God I swear we didn’t plan
that no that was was not planned that’s
the most most organic timing I’ve ever
seen look at him me giv hugs the social
media is the man of the people he was on
protest all season with social media
over there that’s crazy oh my gosh wow
yeah so you still got to answer the
question we’re not letting you off the
hook well now I got to oh everything he
was so great wow he was perfect wow yeah
that’s all I’m going to
say if you’ve got my last one if you got
one on Ice moment from this year that
stands out to you vividly what is
it could be a goal that you score a goal
somebody else score just a moment like
what what stands out
I think when um walk scored in Chicago
with was it 13 seconds left I think that
was I think I that was the most excited
I had been all season and I think the
bench was just as excited and that was a
big game for us and uh it’s uh was a
pretty important goal so I think that
was my favorite moment of the season
that’s what you g hockey G wild called
your goal of the year that was probably
my favorite goal of the Year too yeah
although to
finish I don’t know why it worked out
this way you broadcasters make a reel of
some of their best calls from the course
of the season I got at least three years
on for whatever reason I was ready Bank
your scored goals this season so um
Banks uh so much fun not only to watch
you play but to have this really
sparkling personality of yours and we’re
looking forward to illuminating that
even more next season so have a great
offseason perfect thank you you guys too
thanks guer bolad joins us now as Joey
and I just simultaneously clapped Us in
for our quick hitting interviews as they
continue yesper thanks for first off
let’s just say this thanks for all the
time this year because one it’s not
often you get
goenda in front of their face all the
time and a microphone in front of their
face all the time as you are to you
don’t get stars that are as open to
talking as you are and you’re always so
genuine so thanks for all of that this
season I’ve never taken it for granted
once and you’ve also never told me no
once which is great too as Damon hunt
says goodbye bye Damon bye Damon see you
yeah no I I enjoy it so I’m always down
was there one time where I came to you
and after saying yes you turned around
and said if that Ben guy asks me one
more time to come to an interview I
swear I’m going to lose it I don’t think
so uh no I don’t think I I don’t I don’t
honestly I don’t think so maybe there’s
times where you’re like okay maybe not I
don’t feel like doing it today uh if
it’s a bigger thing yeah but usually
it’s like no I i’ still want to do it
like it’s it’s still fun and I enjoy it
and it’s it’s usually good stuff what
was your favorite W’s Corner this year
uh with Sammy yeah I agree that was the
best one the video game segment that was
pretty fun there’s just something when
me and Sammy goes after it too like it
just becomes it becomes fun he’s easy to
talk with and he gives you gives you
good answers to to keep going with well
actually speaking it Sammy Sammy before
you leave he we were just talking about
you come on in
here go on over on over yeah yeser was
just saying how it’s great when you guys
get going and get going at each other so
we figured we’d since you were right in
the you’re right in the no we were
saying our the Wallace corner with you
was the best one this year oh yeah oh
video game you guys think yeah oh for
sure yeah what we played Fallout or what
yeah we were just having a good shot and
fun games yeah that was pretty fun
pretty you went after him he went after
Sammy for falling in in the All-Star
Game yeah that too yep and also like
also the interview we had up in
Minnesota last year for Black Aces was
pretty fun too well that was again that
that was the that was the Genesis of
this entire thing it we were like holy
cow this that was just improvised wasn’t
it that was just no they all improvised
you just yeah from nowhere yeah came out
of nowhere and then it just exploded on
social media we were like wow people
you’re pretty good at it I mean you like
come up with questions like you know
like I don’t know I would on top of the
head they just I would need like a
notepad or something
no it’s just whatever whatever you end
up but that’s why it’s nice to talk to
you because you answer well so I I
elaborate more yeah so you can come up
with more questions who doesn’t answer
well rasy yeah I was going to say
rasy it’s probably it’s easier with one
of the American or Canadians who can
actually give a good answer who who do
you think you’ll miss going back and
forth with most in the the fun back and
forth banter that you’re always a part
of this year Ryan Ryan just because
always pregame we always just sit in the
trainers room and we just give each
other bad comments right away well you
two and and Simon yeah Sim you guys are
always but Simon I’m still going to see
in the summer so like it’s kind of like
who’s like two onone that day like who’s
teaming up and and going
after and it’s usually you and Simon
going after rooki I feel yeah yeah or
it’s me and Ry going after Simon and
then we you always have two on your team
though usually they’re never coming
after last year was always Mar Marco and
Simon against me so this year I’m going
two against someone else and we always
get Dan on our side too yeah and then
the if if it’s me orori against Simon we
get Dan on our side and Simon takes D on
his side then it’s a three against two
well sometimes it’s like four against
one yeah sometimes we go all four
against d
um this summer for for both of you
what’s the one single thing you’re
looking forward to most golf playing a
lot of
goals yeah I want to you have a score do
you have a score in mind because like
everybody has a score that they they
want to get to if I want to get to this
what do you think that that score is if
I can get to this this summer I’m going
to go hey I had a I had a great summer
at golf I I want to be consistently in
the 80s if I can shoot a 75 that would
be my goal 75 yeah cuz I’ve shot under
80 tour soon I’m going to try to go
75 yeah so 75 for you and consistently
I’m with you Sam consistently 80s for me
is cuz I mean I like sometimes we’ll get
like high 80s but then I’m like mid
90s so ready to throw the clubs into the
pond I’m I’m usually around 80 so like I
break 80 couple times I just like 82 83
couple times I Was 80 last summer and I
and I should have shot 79 and I shanked
one in the woods on 18 man and I didn’t
know that I was close to 80 cuz I didn’t
want to know if I would have known then
I would have gone even worse I want to
know I I don’t want to know here here’s
the difference between you guys and me
you invite the pressure cuz you’re these
Superstar athletes and I’m like the
pressure and I scared of the pressure no
no I don’t want if I didn’t know and
then it was like oh man like if I would
have known you
know to not three putt there like again
the difference the difference there
90 trying to break 90 yeah yeah well
guys thanks for stopping by um thanks
for being such an important part of this
team not only on the ice but also off it
I I genuinely just cherished the time
I’ve got to spend with you guys this
season and can’t wait for the next time
we all get together well we appreciate
you for sure always thank you man and Jo
yeah enjo enjoy yes enjoy coming in in
three two one to hammer the
lights yeser Volstead almost knocking
the lights over and clapping Us in for
our final interview here as yesper who
just even when he knows when he knows
the cameras on he’s he’s involved he’s
Ready’s involved uh but the star of this
show this segment of the show Carson
Lambos who I’ll say the captain of the
rookies I think I’ve heard you’ve been
called uh this season former captain of
the Winnipeg ice my first question for
you is how quickly are you going to be
indulging in the white out in Winnipeg
when you get back yeah it’s uh it’s a
bit weird like being in the situation
I’m in now um yeah they’re an enemy all
of a sudden yeah exactly but uh before I
was drafted they went on that playoff
run and I got to go to a few games and
be a part of it and it’s pretty uh it’s
pretty incredible experience um you know
going to those those parties and uh
going a couple games so I’m not sure
definitely you know there’s some Buzz
around the city uh so it’s hard to not
know what’s going
on what is looking back at this season
just finishing up you know your rookie
year what is the like the I guess what’s
like your biggest takeaway what’s the
one like real like lesson that you
learned maybe the Hard Way like what’s
one thing you’re taking away just uh
like how hard it is um in this league
like every night um I guess you can go
so many different ways uh with that but
it’s just there’s so many things you
have to be so dialed in um it’s it’s
every day it’s uh you know in Junior
you’re a lot more comfortable in your
role and position especially um you know
being a top end guy and Junior and then
now here it’s uh you’re fighting every
day to try and move up the lineup or get
more minut it so just uh you know trying
to fall in love with that and uh accept
the pressure as a good thing as as
opposed to looking at it as something
that’s like um you know a challenge
because pressure is a privilege and if
you don’t have it then uh you know
there’s something wrong what
is I’m trying to think of how I I want
to what’s like what was your like
welcome to the league moment like your
welcome to the AHL moment where you’re
like this isn’t junior hockey anymore
yeah I don’t know if you can say one I
mean every every game you’re looking at
the other team’s lineup and there’s
multiple guys with over 100 NHL games
and you kind of realize pretty quick
that uh there’s no easy nights um you
know it’s guys that are fighting and uh
you know from the top skilled players
that of you know the best the best it’s
the second best league in the world you
know that’s what guys say so um you kind
of learn pretty fast that uh you know
you’re you’re playing against a lot of
good players and um you have to find
ways to to contribute every night um
which is which is tough Carson I had
respect for your game when you showed up
the amount of respect I have for you as
a player and as a person now has grown
exponentially over the year and you took
a big spike in that respect recently up
in Winnipeg where you stood in with Jeff
VL who is one of the toughest you’ll
find Joey can speak truly to that as
working with in San Jose and it was a
fight that you stood in there you took a
big one early and you still stood in in
there and you did it because he ran over
your buddy and Mikey mil that’s what
leaders do and you led a lot of times
this season as a rookie I’m curious to
walking into that one and you knew who
you were tangling with what was going
through your head yeah thanks for that
first of all Benny um appreciate it but
uh yeah I kind of saw Mikey take a a
hard one there he came pretty far to hit
him and um you know we had a few guys
standing around him and yeah ready
definitely does have that reputation and
uh you know at this point in you played
him that was our eighth time playing him
you know you know who he is so
kind of looked him in the eye and I know
if I take my gloves off he’s going too
so that’s the way we went and you know
it’s probably the first time I’ve been
in a fight standing in there across from
the guy you know like you’re I feel like
I’m at a disadvantage I’m usually a
little bit more confident and yeah like
you’re right he definitely got me early
and um just tried to stay on my feet
from that point I knew if I would have
opened up it could have been pretty bad
he punches pretty hard so um yeah say
the least yeah no it’s it’s part of it I
like uh you know I
I I take pride in you know being uh I
like my teammates and you know you want
to stand up for them and uh you know
it’s all it is and I can tell you your
teammates like you too and plays like
that I I remember saying it on the
broadcast I imagine Jeff Fel went to the
Box thinking huh like this kid stood in
there I mean Fighters have that respect
for other people that stand in there and
uh I certainly left that game going this
is who cars Lambos is they talk about
Winnipeg tough people talk about
Winnipeg tough and you showed it in that
moment um to finish who who are you most
looking forward to not hearing from
daily uh walking into the rink and and I
know you say this endearingly because
you more than anybody have embraced what
it is to be a rookie and all of the flak
that you take because you’ve been a
rookie before in the junior level you’ve
also been a veteran before giving that
grief uh to your rookies but who are you
looking forward to not hearing from at
least in person they may still come
after you via text I bet a little bit no
endearingly um there’s a lot of guys I’m
looking forward to not seeing for no
it’s uh I’ve said it so many times like
it’s so much fun like being kind of
right in the mix but uh you know Miller
is like the first guy I always say and
he doesn’t ever let you off the hook I
think yesterday our last our last game
was that yesterday or two days ago in
Chicago I got him out in sewer ball and
Jersey me my sweater and and shirts off
and it’s just you know he’s uh
he’s he’s a great teammate to have he
brings guys together he’s a guy that
when he’s in the lineup you know he’s
going to do whatever it takes to win and
uh he’s going to he’s going to let you
hear it when it’s not going well but
he’s the first guy to be behind your
back too when it is so no he’s uh he’s
good and yeah I mean the list of guys uh
it’s it’s so long Becky’s always got a
good on liners I mean lar is not here
anymore but he was right in the mix
every time uh you know Zeno he’s he’s
not afraid to let you know so uh no it’s
it was fun and um yeah I I I enjoyed it
I felt like towards the end you feel
more comfortable you start dishing it
back and you can see them laugh I think
they appreciate it it’s a bit weird when
you’re going at someone and they just
eat it eat it eat it all the time and
think you want to hear it so yeah try to
do that now and then but not too much
well Carson I think I speak for
everybody Joey the Ia wild staff that
are just we cannot wait to see your
career continue to flourish and the
foundation that you built this year is a
memorable one and enjoy your offseason
enjoy the white out don’t cheer too
loudly for the Jets of course you you’ll
go and you’ll be there but you’ll just
sit and watch as a hockey fan yeah as a
hockey fan a fan of hockey who happens
to be wearing white yeah and win B and
well you have to wear if you show up not
wearing white they’re not going to let
you in everyone ticket I don’t care you
can’t Comm in then then everyone will
see you no one thing I got to say though
uh great job this year like you got the
travel down to a tea I know I heard some
horror stories in American League fing
commercial and something gets canceled
so I always always you know was always
had an eye on you I knew you were
stressing you weren’t quite yourself on
travel days so I’m glad we all got to
where we needed to be and it was kind of
it’s fun to watch those days from the
outside I I wouldn’t want to be you on
those days that’s for sure well I
wouldn’t want to be you fighting Jeff
Fel either so we both we both share that
together uh well Carson thanks for
saying that and I will I will credit the
hockey gods for that one because
flight’s getting cancelled that has
nothing to do with my planning that has
everything to do with the luck of the
draw so um but thanks for this Carson
and thanks for this time too here on
exit day and enjoy the peg this summer
yeah thanks Ben thanks joy as we close
out our final podcast episode of the
Season ride in the bus episode 30 a
great milestone episode and that was a
ton of fun that was fun I think we
thought it was going to be fun but that
was uh even more fun some great guest
appearances Sammy Walker showing up
Brendan Miller timing impeccable I can’t
actually believe that that panned out
that way I just kind of thought of it I
said those two have had a a grueling
Feud All Season kind of Miller with all
the rookies has and I went it’d be fun
to get his comments on it and lo and
behold Here Comes Brendan Miller that
was a lot of fun
uh yes for good St there um you know
it’s uh it’s it’s a hard day the the
exit interviews are because you know
especially and you have these bonds too
Joey for sure and then and I’m I’m so
blessed and lucky to get to spend as
much time with these guys as I get to
spend but you you know fery touched on
it like he and I especially this year
have really have really become close and
and not everybody transcends from
working relationship to Friendship you
and I have definitely transcended that
but I you know I would throw Steven
filty in that mix as well Sammy Walker’s
in that mix and um yeah it it’s it’s
especially for those two guys you know
it it might be a little easier to see
Sammy Walker back as an RFA as opposed
to you know a UFA and stepen Fogerty but
you know those two guys in a lot of the
guys that that you see leave today you
don’t know like you don’t know if
they’re going to come back you don’t
know if it’s going to be the last time
you see those guys and some guys leaving
you you know you’re never going to see
them again right so it’s a it’s a hard
day it’s a reflective day um but also a
joyous day too and and it’s the it’s the
the closing of a of the final chapter
and um you know certainly grateful to be
a part of it that’s for sure no I agree
it’s it’s always a it’s a weird it’s
like a Bittersweet kind of day right
it’s nice because it’s I think
everybody’s kind of got that same
mindset where it’s all right like things
have kind of come to a close and you
know summer’s coming up time to relax a
little bit and you know for these guys
it’s it’s recovery and getting ready and
then slowly they’ll start getting back
into shape for next year but yeah like
you said for us there are guys we may
not see again yeah guys you’re going to
see next year some guys you don’t really
know so especially those guys who whose
contracts are up right it’s you know you
say bye to them say Hey you know have a
good summer hope to see you and you know
stay in touch and things like that but
um yeah I think the way for me it’s a
lot different than you get like you said
you’re around him every day I’m not I’m
I’m around sporadically sometimes when I
need something uh only a couple guys do
I connect with a lot like a guy like
kill kessie yeah who I do a lot within
the community or Carson’s one of those
guys too like outside of that can’t say
enough about Carson it’s not it’s not
really it’s not really the same but um
either way I mean this is It’s always
it’s a different kind of day but
everybody’s in good spirits we’re
obviously we’re having yeah having a ton
of fun so yeah yeah just you
know as my computer dying Y which is a
sign that we’re getting to the end of
our show and the end of our our inseason
uh portion of the ride in the bus
podcast we got some summer plans we’re g
to have some uh shows all summer long uh
we need to get the podcast bets back as
we talked about you got ideas if you’ve
got ideas about podcast bets uh send
them along the I think we we need it’s
more I guess we need B ideas but we also
need punishment ideas more than anything
I know like at some point the Red Sox
and the twins will will do something
with that um but other than that we’re
just going to have to figure out I got a
feeling I’ve got a I got a hunch we’re
going to be separated in the floor
hockey league there’s no way they would
be fools they can’t let it happen not to
not to not but maybe so we’ll see we’ll
see but uh which actually for the sake
of the podcast could actually make it I
don’t know even better like obiously I I
need you know Batman and Robin here we
we need that but it could make it pretty
fun for the podcast to have us separated
because then all of a sudden there’s a
little more heat heat between The Two
Hosts so we’ll have to see how that all
shakes out I got questions today about
when the four hockey league is going to
pick up so uh I got to start putting the
the ball in motion there and see maybe
maybe like after Memorial Day give
people some time and then uh and then
ramp it up yeah but I promised
highlights earlier in the show for
me you know I I there’s a lot to to
unpack and I haven’t had my my week at
the lake yet to really unpack everything
and I might be able to more eloquently
State what exactly my highlights were
after that but I mean I think of the
Sammy Walker goal in Chicago I I think
of the the Sammy Walker goal here on on
the pick in the rank night that you
brought up um I think about as Brett
mlan brought up to me the win in
Henderson after that closed door meeting
and then what happened with that team
after that win and um you know a lot of
little memories along the way a lot of
laughs a lot of great times and um you
know I think I said it in the pregame um
for game 72 in
Chicago you know sadly it feels our
world just keeps trying to disconnect us
more and hockey is such a unifying sport
it’s such a bonding sport it’s such a
family sport it brings people from all
different walks of life together uh to
share in one common Bond and that is you
know the the strive for winning it’s not
even winning it’s the strive for winning
and win or win or loss what’s not what
is not worth it’s it’s such a
celebrating point it’s something so
worth celebrating this Sport and this
game of ours and all the people that
that make that make this season what it
was yourself Ali cornick Todd
Frederickson um Alec Lesnar as well who
I obviously work with heavily on a
day-to-day basis Maris Jones um we’ve
got our social team with us here in
Amara and Jess and everybody on the wild
staff that that made this season
possible uh Brett mlan Mike Murray a lot
of people to think and um of course our
fans too for we’ve talked a lot about
them in in the intro that what a year it
was and and no more evidence to how
committed this fan base is to this wild
franchise than this season and the
incredible support they had there’s
always negativity but there wasn’t as
much as maybe you would have thought for
this season the positivity that this fan
base runs with and and the building that
was packed behind us here and just can’t
wait already for for opening night but
uh everybody takes some time now to
unplug and and recharge staff fans
included and um and now enjoy the
Stanley Cup playoffs too which which is
is obviously such a great thing to take
part on but uh and a big thank you to
you Joey too for for for this podcast
for all the work that you do and um all
the times where I came to you late with
something and you bailed me out like the
other night with John schaer and his
daughter Marta um so uh you’re such a
pro and you’re just you’re a good friend
so thanks for that and um that’s it for
season 23 24 I think right I think that
wraps it up I guess last thing before we
we go do we want to leave with a Stanley
Cup winner prediction do we dare my wife
and I just did brackets last night
um I I pick a pick who over who let’s do
it let’s go that way I have such a lame
prediction because I went with the
number one
seeds but I did I just I and I I I very
well I think I’ll be wrong but I just
it’ll depend on health it always depends
on health and and someone Lo loses
someone early and you’re like well
you’re not going to you’re not going to
get through that one but I just I have a
hard time picking against Dallas I have
a really hard time picking against them
and I also have a hard time picking
against the New York Rangers and I know
president’s trophy curse and all that
but you know even watching them the
other day and I know they’re playing
Washington who’s like the statistically
worst team to play in the playoffs but
in my opinion there’s two schools of
thought there will that hurt a team or
help a team depending on how viciously
Washington plays if it’s not that
vicious of a series it’ll likely be a
short series and then the Rangers are
healthy going into the second round
where all the rest of those Eastern
series are going to be Wars I think and
the West is a Is A ravaging Wasteland
nasty it’s gonna be awesome I can’t wait
for it that Winnipeg Colorado series
already was that fun to watch and the
Canucks in Nashville was F I stayed up
for that one last night too um so I I
think I’m going Rangers over Dallas in
the final I know it’s a lame pick
because it’s it’s the one in the one but
I just couldn’t my actually my initial
preseason pick that I do in my family
pool was Carolina but I just I can’t bet
against the Rangers right now and I and
they’ve been there and they’ve seen what
it takes they’ve been bested by the
teams that know what it takes to get
there they lost to Florida so um yeah I
just I think it’s actually they lost the
Devils last year yeah that’s right I
forgot about that so I I look back on
them a little bit like I look back on
Tampa when they got swept by or not
swept they got beat by Columbus did they
get swept by Columbus I forget all those
years ago yes but I look back on a team
that was so built to do it and then they
didn’t do it and they had a huge wakeup
moment and then I’m looking at the
Rangers who only got better this year
and I’m thinking like it’s it’s time
yeah your your thoughts and close well I
it is hard to pick against Dallas I I
was on Dallas bandwagon last year and I
think I was a year too early um but I
don’t because the West is a gauntlet I I
don’t see them getting out of the West
um and they have to play Vegas in the
first first round which that’s that’s
going to that’s going to take a pound of
Flesh from them the worst worst match up
you could have found hey great season
Dallas here’s your reward yeah uh so I
and everybody out there knows what’s
coming um I’m picking Boston out of the
go with your hearts I respect that Pi
Boston with your I mean we’re one game
in already and they beat the snot out of
Toronto they hand them listen if they
play if they play like that in in the
goal tending which I I have no idea what
they’re going to do whether they’re
going to alternate or what I think you
just you ride a guy till he loses then
you go to the next guy personally um but
I think they can beat anybody in the
East they’re good enough to do it they
play a hard no style and their goal
tending is is great
yep um so I I’ll pick I’ll pick Boston
uh over Edmonton Edmonton I think this
is the year that David and them get
themselves there and um I got him in the
western final but I don’t have him
getting Dallas so y Boston
respect I like it I like it I I I just
can’t pick against Florida if I’m not if
I’m not going my heart I’m picking
Carolina yeah okay okay well there’s the
head in the heart of Joey Goldstein um
and I don’t even know I I got no heart
in this I got no heart in the game so i’
pure head on this one I guess but um
thanks to Maris Jones for another great
season of shows uh to Jeremy core as
well with executive podcast Solutions
and everybody who had a hand in making
this season one that we’ll never forget
uh a big thank you to everybody to our
fans to our listeners and to all the
hockey people that were a part of this
season uh what a year it was even though
it didn’t end on the right note for the
wild from a wins and losses perspective
certainly plenty will never forget about
this year uh for everybody on our
podcast for Joey Goldstein I’m Ben
gesson and this has been episode 30 of
riding the bus the official I am a wild
podcast presented by Explore Minnesota
and as we close out the season one final
me two honks for the win

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