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Recapping the Insane 2024 NFL Draft (Night 1)

Recapping the Insane 2024 NFL Draft The Denver Broncos draft Oregon QB Bo Nix. The Green Bay Packers Draft Jordan Morgan from Arizona. The Atlanta Falcons took Washington QB Michael Penix for some reason, and the Bills traded with the Chiefs.

Tom Grossi & Brandon Perna of ThatsGoodSports discussing all the NFL news. GPS The Grossi Perna Show.

#nfl #broncos #packers #nfldraft
ThatsGoodSports: ​
Tom Grossi:

I know take your Victory lap Brandon you
did it they didn’t even have to trade
they just stood there like you wanted
they drafted B
Knicks and I mean there’s only one
question to ask
now what if bone
oh baby we here I have protected sir
serbon from your from your
cursed BS he has been put in a
protective shield and you have no effect
on him and we steer you in the right
direction welcome to another edition of
the gry perner show I’m Tom grai that’s
Brandon Perna and this is
GPS and what if bonck kind of sucks what
I just I had to get it out I had to I
had to get it out I mean we talked on
the phone yesterday and it was no we did
not yes we did I have no recollection of
anything happening I mean I saw you
sipping on those whiskies during the
video so maybe you know kind of just
messing with the the old Noggin a little
bit that was not my first whiskey either
congratulate like so I have to you know
just cut right to it there has to be
some excitement there because you know
you talked about Bon next 4 you did a
whole video on him you did a video on
just about every single one of the QBs
that you could have gotten and you
didn’t have to move similar to like the
Vikings they only traded up one spot
right and then they were still able to
trade up again so you have to be happy
just from a standpoint of they didn’t
give up the farm they got a guy that you
could hopefully you know build around or
at least give you some hope yeah that’s
the thing it’s like I think people are
confusing me and Broncos fans being
excited about Bo Nick Bo Nicks with we
think he’s slam dunk gonna be great
because you don’t know but you’re right
all of those things are true and uh it
got a little interesting when nobody
traded up for JJ McCarthy like we
thought right and then Panic goes and
you’re like whoa what the heck’s going
on we’ll talk so I was like okay so this
is the Broncos are either going to try
and jump Minnesota if they like JJ
McCarthy turns out they were not as high
on JJ as they were Bon Knicks and that’s
totally fair because uh We’ve you’ve got
a lot more to evaluate with with B
Knicks um so just sitting there letting
him come to him getting the guy they
want and uh
uh the thing that’s so funny it’s like
when people are criticizing B Nicks it
was they’re like he went to Oregon it
was a system there that he thrived in
like it was just a good system and I get
it a lot of short short passes for B
okay so why why would why would he not
translate to the right system in Shawn
pton and the way he runs it right sure
anything can happen to up a
quarterback we know that but it’s like
you give credit for the guy to the guy
for running the system in college and
the one that makes the most sense for
him the one that everybody’s like this
is a good fit we get it and you’re like
oh idiots look at those idiots that’s
about half of it a lot of people are
excited we should be excited about bonck
he wants to be a
Bronco and uh I don’t I don’t know if
it’ll work out but I feel a lot better
today with B Knicks as my quarterback
than I did with St and Z that’s what I’m
saying dude like even for there just to
be a Lifeline of I don’t have to watch a
training camp with stum versus Zack
Wilson I get it and like again if this
doesn’t work out it’s not great but then
if they’re not they’re bad they’ll go
get a quarterback next year you I mean I
think it’s just the rest of the draft is
going to turn out to be a little bit
more important in terms of just like
okay I know don’t have a second round
pick unless you track up but like what
are you going to do to like build around
in case bow Knicks doesn’t work out so
then whoever you put in there next you
know they have some support yeah the the
Broncos have holes and they’ve got to
build and draft well in the later rounds
for sure there’s no getting around that
no um next next free agency period
they’re going to spend money because
I’ll have it again um the one thing B
Knicks will have is a a solid offensive
line we still have courton with Sutton
so we got one proven receiver for him
who knows about the Run game but yeah
the the draft is significant and I don’t
know if they’re going to nail it um you
know last year’s draft it’s like okay I
think Marvin Mims can can take a leap as
another receiver
but uh I don’t even know if they’re
going to trade up in the second if
they’re just going to stay put in the
the third we’re still paying we’re still
paying the piper for the Shawn Payton
trade that’s why they don’t have a
second and that’s why it made sense to
take bonick at 12 if they had a second
and they could have possibly moved up to
get him sure but when five quarterbacks
were gone already I think it made the B
Knick’s pick a lot it makes sense more
palatable for the Broncos like well
five guys are already gone just take
your dude but it’s also okay let’s get
into this because like this is of course
the story of the night it is by far
because I would argue for the most part
the first six seven picks there wasn’t
anything that was shocking right it kind
of 1 two three when is ordered four even
Martin Harrison Jr right Chargers got
joal they didn’t go after a wide
receiver then Giants they go get
neighbors Etc Titans they needed
offensive line badly they addressed that
and then you have the Falcons who
everybody or there the I would say the
assumption is oh they’re going to go get
like a Dallas Turner maybe they go get
like you know they build up that defense
a little bit more maybe they go get a
crazy weapon maybe they do that and they
draft Michael penx Jr and I want to be
very clear this isn’t a knock on Michael
penx we have to keep saying that to to
pinic like yeah it’s not you it’s a
combination of what the actual hell from
the Falcons and I think the Falcons even
had a hard time justifying it at times
they’re like oh well the Packers did it
so maybe it it works out and I get it
from that
perspective but there is so much
additional context in here you talk
about cousins the money that he got and
even if it’s like a 2year deal and then
you’re going to start pennx pennx is not
the youngest guy in the NFL draft right
but if he turns out to be a franchise
quarterback then I guess it works out
but it’s like the assumption is the
Falcons were kind of in a win now mode
right because that’s why they went and
got Kirk C 100% makes
sense so why wouldn’t you want to put
more pieces around around him now again
as a Packers fan who has been there a
few times now when they’ve drafted a
quarterback when they haven’t needed one
in a few years if Michael penck winds up
working out and the Falcons still win
the division this year or something like
that no one’s really going to be talking
about this sure but I think it’s a
combination of ktk cousins the contract
all the context around it where he was
drafted there was talks about him not
going until day two and even if the
Falcons missed out on
penx it seemed like that would have been
okay yeah you have cousins this is
completely irrelevant it’s a
dumb pick for the Falcons for this for
for the next two years you’re trying to
you’re at a you’re picking at eight
that’s the difference between Jordan
love where he went yeah in the 20s in
the 20s um pinck bonick they’re both
these these quarterbacks who are kind of
like these Fringe first round guys yeah
they’re their value probably inflated by
the the QB needy draft that we we just
witnessed um and right here too like
Matt Miller’s Pro Comp Tua I was reading
uh last night B nicks’s Pro Comp Tua so
I think a tua comp basically means like
we think there’s something there uh but
we’re not gonna say he’s great he’s he
might be able to get the job done I will
say you know the Falcons taking a
left-handed QB named Michael that fit
works really well but like if you it’s
true if they got Kurt Cousins on like a
really cheap deal this would also be
more more acceptable but they paid a lot
of money to go get Kurt Cousins to me
this is a move where you take Spence or
Rattler in the second or third round if
you’re really trying to you know have
maybe a little bit of security there or
you wait until next season um and you’re
not doing it for a guy in pinnick who in
my opinion somebody you need to be
starting like day one because of his age
and experience in
college so it’s do you think there’s
additional context here of like okay so
it even says it right there is there
concern about Kirk Cousins recovery when
it comes yeah that was we got to that
point like maybe there there’s like okay
his injury is a big one but if you’re
scared he’s going to get hurt again why
the did you pay him money why did
you give him that money thank you that’s
that’s what I’m saying that is what I’m
saying it’s it’s a terrible look for the
the new regime and I saw people before
the draft like saying thank God we don’t
have Arthur Smith in this draft I was
like well their drafts have been they’ve
gotten pretty good
players Arthur Smith wouldn’t have done
this uhuh uh Terry where the
Hop yo shout out to Detroit they packed
that place out
they weren’t allowing people in like
they were in the main Concourse
275k yeah got we diaper got to wear a
diaper yeah the Lion’s also of course
trading up right in front of the Packers
because dude if they took Cooper deine I
mean they already took they took Arnold
who was really really good and what I
tell you if the effing Eagles if they
allowed Mitchell to fall right to him
and they get Mitchell like Mitchell’s
going to be so good for them that’s one
of my favorite picks of the night like
just of a team
yeah that was when when no defensive
players were were getting drafted
somebody asked like what should the
Eagles do and I was like take one of the
two really good Corners that might be
there it’s a rare time I
was correct about something because
Mitchell was a guy like mocked to the
Broncos uh quite a bit where oh they
could take a a really good corner there
so the Eagles to get him where they did
that was nice another perplexing thing
besides the Falcons and we can talk
about that more too it’s why the why did
the Bills trade with the
Chiefs yeah why why Buffalo I mean first
all you can trade with anybody anybody
in the draft you want not those Satan
loving bastards no Buffalo the
listen it’s because you support them
Brandon and then the chiefs made the
most predictable draft pick ever fastest
guy on earth like he’s really fast why
did you draft him fast Johnny
John so faster than that I you know I I
don’t want to root against Xavier worthy
but the Chiefs have tried to bring in
that speed guy a couple times mle to
replace Tyreek Hill Sky Moore to replace
Tyreek hill now it’s Xavier worthy May
if he
works it’s going to be tough for the
bills to swallow that pill but if he
doesn’t fair enough if he doesn’t
they’ll still be there in January so you
know yeah it’s just like why would they
trade like I don’t know man that stupid
too so here’s the the argument right
because every single team has a
different draft board right of like guys
that have a first round grade and the
thought is like with the bills there
wasn’t a guy on the board that had
either a first round draft grade for
them sure or the value that they were
getting they thought it was higher than
whatever player was available because
the bills need a wide receiver pretty
pretty badly so their guy could have
gotten taken they’re like all right
maybe we need this but then they wind up
trading with the Chiefs and yeah I it’ss
just it looks bad the team that wound up
drafting a wide receiver and if it does
work out it’s going to be a little
painful little pain yeah I think like I
have no problem with the bills trading
back that part of it makes sense sure
just in in no world should you trade
with the team that that keeps bouncing
you from the
postseason like just don’t do that
they’re your biggest competition in the
AFC and you just gave them somebody they
really liked and if you’ve followed the
Chiefs recently they’ve had some pretty
solid drafts so I would not trust giving
them their guy I would have called the
Broncos or the Raiders or the Chargers
and said look the Chiefs are trying to
get here we will give you a a steal to
just go to this pick and take whoever
want IDs I think that’s how that works
out that’s exactly how I do it Justin
great point the NFC North yeah they had
a big night talking about the freaking
Chicago Bears dude obviously they go get
Caleb Williams but the one thing I
didn’t want Rome to fall to them at nine
and Rome fell to them at nine and now
you have keen Allen on a one-year rental
but could a lot of wide receivers could
learn from DJ Moore and Rome bro like
that that is a great position that Caleb
Williams is walking into the Chicago
Bears Rome was built in a no
dun you don’t like it will doesn’t like
it guess what I’m gonna say it every
time we got the Rome was built in a day
but now that’s just Rome was built in a
dun are you saving that for a video no
I’m just going to say it every chance I
get that’s fair
that’s fair Caleb Williams already sold
more jerseys than anybody ever so not
Marvin Harrison has sold zero jerseys
cuz he hasn’t signed his licensing
agreement so they can’t sell Harrison
jerseys don’t blink if you’re a blinker
cut your eyelids off cut although I
don’t know how many 80y olds are running
to buy jerseys in Arizona so I don’t
think it’s
different uh yeah Bears I feel like they
it went exactly the way they wanted it
to yeah
yeah they had like their dream scenario
and it just happen and that rarely
happens in the draft I imagine it might
be Mitchell it might be Mitchell going
to the bills I would imagine yeah the
Lions of course trading up right in
front of the Packers and snatching a
corner right they go again it’s a very
good pick I think the Lions did it and I
think the the bills as soon as the the
Jaguars came in and Brian Thomas they
like we can move back can still grab uh
a receiver they like uh there or do they
they have pick 33 so there’s talk that
they might trade pick 33 now too because
uh teams like to to get the first pick
on day two so we’ll
see that takes us to Jordan Morgan how
do you feel about got the Vikings
Vikings JJ McCarthy right oh yeah yeah
yeah Vikings they go get JJ McCarthy
they only have to move up and they
basically gave up nothing so that was
easy and then they trade it back up and
they go get a top defensive prospect so
this I think also worked out for the
Vikings you know if JJ works out of
course Michigan fans are not gonna be
very happy that he went there but yeah I
think that this was pretty solid G
Dallas Turner to who I know was mocked
higher like he was mocked to potentially
go to the Falcons at eight yeah that
would been smart Atlanta that good n we
don’t need to get after the quarterback
defense we we don’t need to improve our
defense stupid yeah Vikings knocked it
out of the park possibly pretty good P
um I don’t see I think Bo Knicks will
start day one I don’t know if JJ
McCarthy will and uh Vikings have a
little bit of a buffer with Sam darnold
um we have the Broncos have stum but I
think Nick’s gonna be ready to go week
one Byron Murphy to Seattle that makes
sense that feels nice yeah all right
we’ll talk about we’ll talk about the
Packers so here’s the thing gr Barton I
definitely wanted went right after right
after oh who he went oh I wanted Grand
Barton who went right after him um yeah
Terry AR would have been nice of course
Cooper Dee who’s still on the board de’s
still on the board this is a very
prototypical Packers pick and I cuz I
looked at him a bit before but I was
like oh okay like he might be the the
day two guy I didn’t think he was going
to be the day one guy and played left
tackle came back from a major injury as
well still played last season um had had
a couple injuries also played through a
high ankle sprain in 21 I think it was
but this is a guy who’s played The Blind
Side is likely going to be moved
inside and I’m at the point where is it
the guy I wanted no but if there is any
position group thaty has proven that he
knows what the hell he’s doing it’s
offensive line like almost every
offensive lineman he’s drafted it’s been
pretty damn good so I’m going to kind of
just legit throw my hands up and Trust
the process I think that Morgan you know
go left tackle could potentially play
tackle which is nice you have that
versatility there so that will make
sense for the Packers but yeah I mean
they made it a priority to protect
Jordan love and they went and got their
guy it wasn’t my guy but that’s okay
that’s all right it’ll be tough if
Barton is really really good and he just
he F he felt like he fit the Packers so
well yeah he is a they call him a merer
is he a merer is Barton a
muler uh but appreciate you
callin this is like second half or the
the back end of the first
round yeah personally that’s when I feel
like as as a fan you can be a little bit
excited about an offensive lineman
whereas like obviously you get really
good offensive lineman up top you Joe Al
or whatever sure but God it’s so boring
like if you’re the Chargers and you need
a receiver and Malik neighbors is right
there Romo dun is right there and you go
tackle even if it’s the right move even
if it ultimately is the best thing for
your team it just sucks the life out of
the fun of the draft tackle
lineman boring were you guys you’re like
yeah okay all right you know all right
um so that’s another thing that I think
Brett Coleman mentioned that on his
stream yesterday talking about maybe the
tampering like punishment is going to be
significant I don’t know if they’re
going to lose next year’s first yeah
that’d be a lot that’d be a lot a lot
but like still why like why would you
care about losing your pick next year
why would that affect your decision to
take a quarterback if they’re like if
cousins is if they’re really concerned
about cousins which again then why are
you paying him if they’re really
concerned they’re just like hey we might
need a quarterback next year which then
that’s even worse so it doesn’t make
sense it it I I do not understand it
there’s no good way to justify
it um Todd Davis at Breen Ridge yeah
hell yeah oh yeah oh yeah he let me wear
his Super O very cool yeah Todd Davis
very very nice very cool Sorry up C
shout out Vanessa she hooked us up yeah
um was that what are we talking about
talking about the Falcons oh how dumb
the Falcons are yeah
idiots hey Atlanta shut
up shut
up where’s see here hold on okay let’s
look at the guys that went after even
like I don’t think they need to a
receiver but you you give KK cousins
Rome that seems
smart you could take a a nice defensive
Edge rusher latu was available Jared
verse was available Jared or Dallas
Turner Dallas Turner I mean they could
have traded back and still got one of
these guys like they could have added
that extra draft
capital and uh worried less about you
know getting docked later just seems
like there it seems like there was a lot
of optimism for Atlanta and then this
move just took it
away now they could get a lot of guys
later in this draft or whatever but yeah
and I hope we see Michael pinnick Excel
and Thrive with the Falcons
because between B knck and Michael
pinnick if the Broncos had had drafted
Michael pinnick I would have been maybe
a little bit more excited um sure
maybe that’s just his style of play a
little bit uh you know he slings it deep
a lot but it’s you know poor
pinck uh Sean so he was really good last
season he had the I think it was over
1,200 yards um I think it was seven TDS
but I think he’s also going to be really
because he was also a special teamer
like he’s a returner so I think that’s
going to help I think it’s going to help
yeah the Panthers look at them they
trade with the bills what happened yeah
they traded with the bills yep yeah I
was once once we go once the Broncos got
B Knicks I the rest of the draft didn’t
mean to me I do not
care listen oh yeah also Ricky so did
you see that because CJ strad was live
last night too so when the 49ers got
Ricky he was pissed he was just like
damn so my question is all these trade
rumors rout Brandon auk Debo Samuel now
the 49ers go out and get a wide receiver
are we going to see him move to we see
one of those guys move today yeah maybe
it makes it more likely um but like even
if it it also just means they’ll rock
with iuk for this season and then
they’ve got their insurance plan to like
replace right so I don’t even I don’t
know if it indicates that they will
trade it’s more they could they they
have a little bit of that luxury but I
think you you add had that third weapon
and you play through this season and
then you just you make a decision on um
iuk after that after you kind of see
what uh Ricky brings to your offense so
yeah D that one-handed grab was insane
in oh it turned out to be peris vid
phenomenal my boss just sent me a vid on
hell yeah that’s when it crossed over
like don’t worry I’ve already seen it
that’s when you know a video is doing
well is when it reaches uh you know
people random people and then they share
it with somebody who’s subscribed to
channel uh scripted will be for the
entire draft um there every NFL fan
reaction to round one gonna come out
that yeah Mitchell I absolutely love for
the Eagles that was uh damn like legit
arguably like the best corner in the
draft and he basically every body from
133 down everybody got really good value
right I yeah cuz all those so that’s why
the board was falling really nicely for
the Packers and especially if you’re in
the teams because six quarterbacks went
yeah so six QBs most ever uh in the top
12 um Tai is the 83 record for most
quarterbacks taken in the single
draft and as will and I pointed out the
sixth quarterback taken in 1983 was Dan
Marino B you are the next Dan Marino so
you won’t win a Super Bowl no but with
Super Bowl wins oh got it yeah got it
yeah dude yeah hey dude if I if if if I
get to live through one of the greatest
passers in NFL history but we don’t win
the big game but our seasons are fun
I’ll take it I’ll take I just want to
have a good time I just want to enjoy
some football guys
mhh I posted this question on Twitter
Tom I was like tell me why I shouldn’t
be excited about B Knicks I saw that
there were two two answers or one answer
I accepted and it’s that we enjoyed
watching you be miserable that’s fair
fair it means it has nothing to do with
what you think of my quarterback I’ll
take that and there’s still a chance
I’ll be miserable with B Knicks I’m not
denying that I am not denying
it but I’ll take it he was really good I
like the fit
also Nate Wiggins to the Ravens
interesting pick I don’t hate it I don’t
hate it I’m I’m curious how that’s going
to tra because again like he could be a
really really good lock down
corner so I saw yeah I saw only thing I
saw about this was that Dabo was texting
the Ravens telling them to to take him
there you go there go was he projected
to be like taken later in the draft he
was I mean he was was floating around uh
like right around 20 I would say so like
20 and on in some mocks but yeah Robin
to uh the the Cardinals I like that too
yeah Cardinals should be thrilled
Cardinals didn’t do anything crazy or
anything fancy they were just like NOP
Marvin Harrison Jr is right there let’s
go get him have a nice day they go get
Darius Robinson I like that pick too
build up on the defensive line but that
was the right move like Kyler Murray I’m
excited to see with like a legit super
duper weapon how that’s going to
look Raphael maybe the Broncos beat the
chiefs with Russell Wilson so we
go if you are the
Giants right Malik
neighbors definitely excitement there
probably a little less excitement
because Daniel Jones will be thrown on
the ball
but I mean the Giants I think you talked
about how the Chargers need a wide
receiver and all that stuff they go
offensive lineman I mean the Giants were
in the same exact boat except they need
an offense yeah so I think like this is
the excitement pick and it’s like okay
well now we have Daniel Jones a legit
weapon because who the hell was he
throwing to last year yeah this is like
the the Chargers and Giants right here
five and six this is like a fun thing to
watch over time we won’t remember but
like Chargers do the you know the thing
the smart thing M Giants do the sexy
thing mhm they did sexy bolster the line
um now the like the if the Giants had
taken Michael
pinnix that would have made a lot more
sense too yes but I do like the Giants
giving Dan Jones a guy to help them
better evaluate where Daniel Jones
really is true and the giants still
could take a quarterback um they could
go Rattler they could go Pratt a guy
that’s it’s not a ton of pressure on
Daniel Jones but you’ve got a little bit
an insurance plan there so if you’re New
York you should be excited and I think
the Jets did smart thing too they
bolster their line everyone thought
Brock Bowers was going to the Jets but
they needed o line too it was between
like o line wide receiver and Brock
Bowers and they went they were smart
they were smart as soon as they drafted
um the the tackle or the yeah the tackle
I was like oh yeah duh that makes way
more sense than Brock
Bowers because their line was uh
oh that’s where they need the most help
and they got a really good player there
so what I saw was cousins was caught off
guard they were on the phone with him
yeah that’s what I saw they were on the
phone if I was cousins I’d be like what
I mean he got Aaron Roger yeah and he’s
never been as good as Rogers guess what
Darkness Retreat it’s coming yeah and I
don’t think Kurt Cousins is motivated by
Spite like Rogers is just Cole’s cash
that’s it exactly it’s not sexy for the
Steelers but it definitely needed
definitely definitely needed per so what
like if you had to go with a team or
like three teams that you’re looking at
from last night that you’re of course
nobody knows right we’re also gauging
this off of like oh we think that these
players are be good they’re be good fits
what have you but nobody has any
freaking fracking clue what teams you
looking at and be like yeah I really
like what they did bears I agree I think
they they won the draft
Chicago um I like the Vikings did I like
what the Vikings did and you know
there’s it’s you have the same questions
and concerns about JJ as you would bonck
or pinck right in terms of a prospect
but uh it seems like the Vikings knew
what they were doing in January uh the
Rams were apparently who are they really
high on Brock Bowers so they like Brock
Bowers and Jared
Brock Bowers goes off the board I think
they they they smartly add to where
they’re they’re going to have a need on
their defensive line Edge
there um you know what
in it’s tough because those are the two
big ones those are the easy ones right
the Bears and the
Vikings I told you the last couple years
we we’ve last year we were really hyped
up on what the Eagles did in the draft
and it was fine it was okay
um the Detroit Lions were like oo they
kind of reached they’re kind of taking
like positions out of you know running
back linebacker sure I’m gonna say I’m
gonna say the Lions I like what the
Lions did I think they get a really good
corner to a like they’ve got they got
one of the best corners in this
draft to Aid one of their biggest
positions in need and when whenever
you’re able to do that and I think the
Lions have proven over the last couple
years are very good at drafting so I’ll
say Lions my third team
there and you know what Tom the Packers
I think the Packers can do no wrong I am
so pumped and excited about the Packers
future their long-term uh success rate
seems higher than ever are you trying to
curse them I can’t this I’m just telling
you exactly how I actually feel about a
team that I think is a little twinkle of
a Super Bowl in their
eye Green Bay Packers really good
football team I just see no mistakes for
Bay so healthy so happy so horny the
Packers Triple H I was about to say boom
just a wrestling reference for them too
dang I was about to say Triple H but I
but you know what it’s working it is
working listen it did it yeah I think
the Bears absolutely and now like going
into uh round two plenty of great talent
board pretty great defensive Talent
still on the board as well um I think
you might see some more trades like in
the top 10 tonight then yeah we
obviously saw yesterday I was talking
about this with will like do they just
do this to us every year Tom where they
say like there’s going to be a lot of
trades in the first round of this draft
and then there’s just
not yeah I think it I think it’s the way
the board fell right it just kind of
everyone kind of stayed in their Lane
and was like okay and then when penck
got drafted the Vikings were like well
just in case cuz they knew Chicago
they’re probably not either giving up
the pick or they’re going to go get Rome
and they’re like just in case someone
tries to trade with the Jets we’ll we’ll
we’ll throw them some stuff we we’ll
make sure we’re good and so they didn’t
need to you know there there wasn’t a
huge need and it happened more in like
the teenss in the back end of the draft
rather than the top 10 because it was
the Patriots might have traded the
Cardinals all the stupid ass look at
look at Monty on the phone this guy
loves to and deal is that was that the
report you just watch the video of him
on the phone you’re like that’s a team
that’s gonna they’re because we talked
about it that they’re not we talked
about on Wednesday that the Cardinals
aren’t doing diddly squat until they’re
on the phone like they’re on the clock
and just be like yeah this is this is
where we are if there’s a team that
wants to be like super desperate but
there wasn’t no if Marvin Harrison was
like the clearcut number one guy and
there weren’t two other really highly
um uh God two other receivers who are
people think are going to be really good
you’re talking about this draft Yeah so
like so like Neighbors in Rome I think
that like any team who might have been
aggressive to try and get to four if it
wasn’t quarterback it would have to be
Receiver right but there’s two other
really good receivers I think that are
very close to Marvin Harrison I’m not
he’s far bounds ahead of Neighbors in
Rome so A team’s got to want Harrison or
they got to really want a quarterback
neither of those things were were true
uh the Giants weren’t trying to get up
the Chargers weren’t trying to trade
so we were sold false false Goods yeah
the Dolphins went with chop so yeah they
could have addressed o line they could
have addressed a few things but no but
they Bradley chubs coming back from ACL
they lose van GLE like I think that’s
that was a huge need for him yeah I I
agree I agree they got to build up that
D line again no Wilkins to like they got
to build up that dline they’ve got two
they they’ve got to build both sides I
they were smart they were smart they
were smart yes man with a for the Kitty
bow jobs for everybody in Denver
baby and Bose’s giving them
all what what yeah
Raiders Brock Bowers
interesting bust what a stupid
pick you can’t you can’t just say Bust
almost overhyped tight end in NFL
history no it’s a solid pick for the
Raiders um but like they they drafted
Michael uh mayor last year right they
yeah so I think I think what it means
they’re going to play Brock Bowers more
as a receiver they’ll just line him up
as a straight receiver a lot uh and they
have the luxury to do that so but they
made a decision not to go get a
quarterback right they’re one of the
teams I don’t think it’s necessar I we
talked about this on GPS like teams that
just go all right whatever we have we
have I would feel more confident in an
AOC Gardner muu QB room than Zack Wilson
and stum right so I feel like I feel
like by a significant amount so the the
Raiders can sit there and go all right
like maybe they go after a Spencer
Rattler if they’re really high on them
or something like that but they didn’t
have to do it and instead they’re like
let’s go get a weapon for whoever is
going to be our quarterback and we can
rock and roll and it’s likely going to
be mu like we know who Gardner muu is he
he can be a very efficient quarterback
who um gets the job done right like he
did that with the Colts last year and
like you’re fine with that and you gave
him another weapon he’s got Devonte
um it’s like
I’m hoping Bo knck is like a gardener
muu on steroids right he Bo knck has
more more armed Talent than menu he’s
more athletic but you’re you’re banking
on on a guy running the offense you want
doing the things you want so uh yeah it
was interesting though that the Raiders
you know maybe they would have taken
pinnick but they’re like oh Atlanta
took him what are we gonna do now all
right we’ll just get the tight end we
love so exactly hey hey hey
hey appreciate you yes man appreciate
you appreciate you also Perna made a
little announcement last night oh yeah
you’re World Tour yep going to pretty
much every uh International stadium that
the NFL has played so I know it’s gonna
get that’s awesome pretty nuts dude 10
days gonna get a little crazy so you’re
going to Europe and Mexico in this thing
and Brazil so yeah I’m going to the UK
so cuz there’s two stadiums there going
to Germany two stadiums there then going
to Spain cuz they’re playing there in
2025 we’re already over there might as
well right and then flying over to
Mexico for Mexico City and then going to
wow that is a lot of air time those two
backend flights are going to be rough
it’s about from uh Spain to Mexico City
it’s about 12 hours and then uh going
down to Mexico City to Brazil I think
it’s around 10 so it’s uh yeah going be
some long flights but be the back end of
the trip I’m so excited though dude I’m
I’m assuming you’re giving yourself
ample time to enjoy each City absolutely
not no uh I’m gonna be there I’m giving
two days for each place and a chunk of
time is obviously G to be travel time so
yeah dude if if a flight is missed in
this situation it is oh we effed it is
so much worse than your 30 and 30 I will
just get on a flight I don’t care I you
got get on a boat you and bar stuck on a
boat crossing the Atlantic we could just
sail we could just sail yeah Rome
learning from keum that’ll be good yeah
you have them for onee rental that makes
sense that Mak sense bears are they’re
in a good
spot Caleb
Rome dude Caleb’s got weapons man you
know what it kind of gets lost is co is
a really really good tight end in
Chicago so they have that piece as well
you just you want more from him though
you do from who so k
k I think you’re gonna get like for this
season now that you have all these other
weapons you’re going to hope that he is
like a monster of a tight end yeah sure
because why not why not he’s really good
so two two vet receivers a hot rookie
good tight
end see what the Bears do do they need o
line help still is that where they’re
going to go next what what’s the yeah
they they probably could address o line
yeah wouldn’t hate that would hate that
how many picks to the Bears also I’m
sorry sneaky really good pick too uh the
Seahawks getting Byron Murphy yeah
that’s that’s like a perfect Seahawks
pick of like just go get an absolute
stud on the defensive line it’s best
player available meeting their biggest
need right Boop it’s that you new
defensive-minded coach it’s be fun it’s
going to be fun
so CFL CFL per uh you’re not streaming
tonight but what do you got coming out
today my
friend uh we’ll be doing winners and
losers of the NFL
draft round one coming out today yeah
hell yeah hell got B Nicks up last night
let’s say B knck got me up last night
know what I’m saying
is what I’m saying Tom well there’s a
lot of talk about Debo and Iuka getting
moved um or one of them getting moved so
you know what let’s get bonick Debo
Samuel he’s the perfect
guy Debo six yards boom touchdown bring
Debo to Denver bring Deo to
Denver I’m excited to watch Marvin Mims
with B are we talking about B Knicks
again is this where we’re at guys let me
tell you
something first off shout out K Adams
for just gonna happen she wants to see
Bo Knicks with Shawn pton got to credit
her for willing it into
existence oh look at this the Pro Comp
here is Dak Prescott I will be happy to
lose in the
playoffs uh with B knck year after year
especially if it’s it’s division round
you know second we we win a game and
then we lose oh my God that is such an
upgrade from where we have been
mhm 77% of his passes that’s Drew
Breeze um I think he goes in the second
round Tom Tom he had five turnover
worthy throws last year five and he
threw it 470 some
times but
again what do you mean get stuck with
Kirk you’re stuck with Kirk for two
years at least cuz you paid him a lot of
money like everybody’s stuck with Kirk
because he won’t play
for a friendly
deal like it doesn’t make sense to the f
I know we’re trying to justify it the
morning after and like again if he works
out it’s not going to matter speaking of
the morning after somebody needs to give
the Falcons the morning after pill to
erase what they did last night it it was
I just don’t it doesn’t in with all the
context it doesn’t make sense again if
Michael pennx turns into their next
franchise quarterback great but you just
gave a ton of money to who you thought
could be like your win now let’s go get
something Tony con great amazing amazing
hold on let me bring up something here
good thing it doesn’t
matter because we also don’t because
here’s where so Perna I’m trying not to
be a hypocrite here because again nobody
knows and that’s why I’m saying if penx
winds up being the guy no one’s going to
care I think just in the context of what
we right now it doesn’t make
sense yeah so do you think because you
talk if Michael penx doesn’t get drafted
by the Falcons that was a question do
you think the Raiders go and get him
like do you think that was concern yeah
I would be going oh no like if the
Raiders took Broncos go Nicks then
Raiders take pinnick then I’m a little
bit scared just for the direct comp
right like which guy’s going to be
better and then you’re like oh God we
had we could have had either did we make
the wrong decision on the offseason
yeah it would have been it would have
been a really nice pick for the Raiders
in my opinion um and they have Gardner
muu there so if you don’t think pinix
was ready right away you don’t have to
force the start and now it’s the
opposite with the Falcons it’s like when
are you gonna start pinck when he’s 27
how old is Jordan love right now yeah I
I don’t think so I I but I think the
thought if we’re reading t leaves here I
think the assumption is pennx is
starting in two
years yeah he will be let’s see Jordan
loves 25 right now yeah p is 24
right and it’s like I don’t want to
over play like the age thing
because okay so pinck 23 so he could
arguably be he be like 25ish when’s his
birthday May so he’ll be 24
um it’s just that he has the experience
where he’s a guy you want to start right
away that’s the other part of it that
doesn’t like if if this was JJ McCarthy
for the Falcons it makes more sense
because you’re like this is a guy who
you actually want to sit pinx is not a
guy you want to sit he has tons of
college reps he is a guy you’ve got tons
of tape on you want him on the field if
you’re going to draft him in the first
round again
if he fell to the back of the first
round and that’s where Atlanta did it or
second sure like if they pulled a Lamar
Jackson and traded back up into the
first round and like yeah exactly we got
him on the fifth year yeah it just I
think I think both you and I want the
Falcons to succeed it’s not like we’re
we’re trying to say like this is shitty
just to to on the Falcons like when
this happened I was looking for reasons
of why I should like why would they do
this can’t find it it’s just because it
with all the context I just I can’t I
can’t rationalize it again I’m not GM
too I’m a dud it in a basement but it’s
yeah it seems very odd given all the
other Talent on the board where they
have needs and I’m trying not it’s tough
because like I’ve been there I’ve been
in that spot not in the top 10 to go get
a quarterback but like oh we drafted a
quarterback twice when we didn’t need a
yeah and I was like okay so maybe I
could find that here they mentioned the
Packers maybe I can find that there and
again like if this happen in the second
round I’m all for it if this happened
end of first yeah you get the fifth year
sure but just the combination of you
just gave him a bunch of money he’s
there for at least two years it
doesn’t Express let me put it this way
the laps that they did about how excited
they were that they got Kirk Cousins
because they social media team everyone
was doing laps of like Victory laps we
got Kirk Cousins we got our guy then the
contract came out and they’re like o
okay that’s a lot but if he’s their guy
it doesn’t matter and then the first
chance you get with a top 10 pick you go
and draft his replacement it’s weird it
just it seems like the timing is off it
seems like the player is off like like
you said it just seems that it it’s not
fitting cuz if you said it was JJ needs
to sit okay we could justify a little
bit more but it’s yeah it only makes
sense if Kurt Cousins gets hurt yeah
then you’re like okay this was good and
is somebody who who watched Jordan love
Thrive last year
who like when I look at what the Packers
did I was like it was rough when they
made that pick but
ultimately great job by the Green Bay
Packers I believe in that philosophy of
I believe in that approach for for
getting your quarterback you don’t have
to do it that way completely age I
believe in that idea it just doesn’t
make sense for Atlanta but also look if
we’re going the Packers method same
thing with Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers
would like he was expected to
potentially go number one got him late
in the draft love late the draft yeah at
least in the first round I we’ll see you
know we’ll see so Cowboys gon I mean I
think it’s a very solid pick for the
Cowboys because the gon was a guy who
was mocked to the Packers a bunch too um
and yeah I think they needed offensive
line so I think it’s like again not sexy
but I think it’s a smart pick and it’s
one that was needed too so I don’t hate
feels like the Cowboys have been you
know smart haven’t done anything where
they overspent they tried to go
defensive tackle last year you know what
I mean like in the first round too so if
Jerry Jones never said the Allin thing I
think people would be like you know what
the Cowboys are actually playing this
off season
intelligently but he said all in so
everybody’s like what the does all
in mean you’re doing nothing Jerry this
is not we’re not all or in yeah Hey
listen Joel could be a wide receiver why
not yeah why not I I imagine the
Chargers G be targeting a wide receiver
today yeah I imagine yeah that’s the
thing with the Chargers with the with
the Chargers and bills same thing if you
believe I know Josh Allen’s great if you
believe Justin Herbert’s great right
they’re going to elevate receivers and I
think second round there’s always value
at the receiver position a lot of great
receivers are drafted in the second
round so Chargers fans maybe you get a
guy here Bills fans maybe you get your
guy here I think second round receivers
to those teams could be very um they
could pay uh dividends long
term now if neighbors OD Dunes turn out
to be Hall of Famers then la
uh I don’t know
um we do have uh the Bron we I am a
Bronco the Broncos do have a lot of
picks we’ve got 76 in the third but then
we got uh three fifth rounders a sixth a
seventh so they could package fifth
rounders to to get up in the second um
we’ll see I hope they do because that
means they’re they’re getting a guy they
like how many picks does Green Bay have
we got four who do you want the the
Packers to take
next I mean if de so they go offensive
line so I don’t think that they’re going
to go o line at least in round two most
likely um because they seconds nice yeah
because we have the Jets from Rogers so
I imagine this is where they’re gonna go
get a defensive back whether it’s a
safety whether it’s a corner I think
today is going to be probably second
round is going to be probably one of
their first picks
um they also need a linebacker too they
could go like a pton Wilson they could
go an Edan Cooper they could do a bunch
of things yeah only three corners off
the board
maybe there was the run on receivers
but pack and the Packers could wheel and
deal like they could trade I mean they
did it for Christian Watson too
so B B I’m trying to also get through
supers I’m trying yall crazy this
morning you’re crazy dude NFC North is
going to be nuts it’s going to be really
fun you have young QBs right I mean like
and then there’s Jared gof like Jared GF
is like what he’s the oldest QB in the
the division and he’s not that old so
it’s gonna be wild no he’s just good
dude the the start of the draft with all
the lions out there and how excited they
were I was like man it is so cool to be
like optimistic about the Detroit Lions
and they’ve got a bunch of really good
iuk to the uh Patriots would be fun now
I am praying the Patriots uh dra or
trade for iuk Tom because I did a video
about players who could be traded during
the draft and last minute I was like I
threw in the Patriots trading for iuk
and I need to be right about one uh
something one time context important
here somebody make me write about
something New England go get iuk so I
can post the video about how right I was
like Tom does to me every freak week of
year Nostra Thomas said it he predicted
it again let me be the Nostra guy once
but you no you
cernus I sailed the ocean blue in 1492
and discovered everything
cernus was he a sailor or was he a
meteorologist did he tell the weather of
the Stars Tom what did he do again did
he tell the weather was he emperor of
the Stars
was he an
astrologist did he tell you your
oh yeah yeah yeah Buffalo is split I
would imagine Buffalo is pretty split
yeah that’s the thing about GMS right
their GM’s reign of being really good is
shortlived people are on they’re high on
GMS they then they do one or two things
you’re like this guy sucks
again h
H uh oh I don’t know bro I think I I
have stopped paying attention to what
Florida has done for a bit I’m just like
yeah Florida’s Florida’s doing things
you can legally make love to alligators
there so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I
wouldn’t trust it I appreciate it I
apprciate I wouldn’t recommend it either
but you can legally do that in
Florida historical sites I don’t think
this is going to be the trip for
historical sites unfortunately this is
going to be in the country for two days
let’s get as much footage as we can and
have an amazing time and show off how
awesome the country fan bases are that’s
that is gonna be when when when Tom and
I are able to move on to like another
project then I we’ll have Tom take me on
a world historical tour like like
Conan’s able to do now in his second
career sure that’ll be the show
youus yeah and you’ll be like oh he made
the microwave exactly that’s what it was
that’s what it was no I don’t think he’s
Zack Wilson 2.0 I
think uh oh yeah let’s compare him to
Paxton Lynch because the Broncos drafted
Paxton Lynch bonick and Paxton Lynch are
nothing alike nothing there’s not a
single thing we you go yeah I see the
comps there uh Zach Wilson they’re both
blonde uh Zach Wilson had one nice
season in a weird year bonick you got a
lot of information about him that’s why
I trust it I love the hope I love the
hope that’s restored in you my hope is
just like he is a decent quarterback
that’s fair with the top 12 pick you’re
like please just be decent man be decent
if he’s good by year two I’ll be like
all right cool mimes you worry about
injury a little bit but I mean the guy
is enormous like he like what he 68 so
yeah he’s if he winds up being all right
it’ll be Nick’s cousins I’ll take it man
I’ll take it I would have been
happy if the Broncos had cousins right
now listen I invested all back into the
podcast baby that’s why nobody knows if
B knck will be good or bad in the NFL
nobody knows people saying he sucks it’s
the dumbest the dumbest thing you can
say based on what based on the fact that
he was really good the last two years in
college yeah he sucks shut the up
give him a little bit of credit you can
say I don’t think he’s going to work out
that’s fair but to be like he sucks no
just knows it’s what I do draft grades
and I literally start every time I’m
like draft grades don’t mean anything
means nothing and that’s when I do them
three years later and I go now we dra we
grade the draft we don’t know yeah
appreciate you Stephen appreciate you B
Nick sucks I’m a that’s
what you’re saying maybe they’ll get a
holding call now I mean Caleb Williams
sold a lot of jerseys so I’m bringing
back the jerk off thing too it’s we’ve
been without this for too long I do
every now
then that’s when I actually started to
like Travis Kelce he did that to the
official in a a game true and I was like
this is when the Broncos were good still
and so the whole thing was just like
really hate the other team and I did not
like Travis Kelce and then an official
made a bad call and he did that to the
official I like okay this guy’s kind of
funny you’re like all right I get it
okay I’ll take the 12-year-old humor any
day listen Perna wants to come to Munich
that’s fine Perna wants to tag along
that’s fine that’s fine we’re going to
do crazy things I am so excited to go to
Germany too I’ve never I’ve never been
to like any of these places I’ve been to
Mexico like once so I’m super excited
being a Sero killer that’s true that’s
true it could be yeah maybe maybe that
is Kur cousin’s about to get arrested
and that’s why Falcons are like oh oh we
go we gotta do this it would be for cat
fighting let’s go baby Kurt Cousins
under investigation for illegal cat
fighting mhm oh Seahawks Saints and
Raiders try to trade up for penck too I
still don’t think that then if you’re
the Falcons you trade with one of those
teams and you get even more value all
those teams made sense too yes Seahawks
makes sense Saints make sense Raiders
make sense yeah dude I would have loved
to see him go to New Orleans collusion
you’ve got a plan to replace
Carr you’ve already paid car for a year
you haven’t even paid cousins for a year
yet Atlanta mhm mhm am I going to ruin
the trip no I think it’s going to be
made better cuz it’s in 10 days 30 and
30 I was I was in some cities for 12
hours now I’m I’m at least in there for
like a day and a half two days in each
country so going F cousins arrested for
illegal caterpillar
fighting yeah exactly yeah there it
gives them flexibility you know could be
a left tackle but also could be moved
inside it that’s it
actually when they when they bring down
Kurt Cousins the law and we find out
what I said was right the whole time
that he’s a serial killer that’ll be uh
a terrible day for Humanity but for GPS
it’ll be a very big day big day Ricky I
mean I I would ass I think that this
could mean that Debo or iuk are gone
like one of them is likely going to get
traded in my opinion it gives the Niners
a lot of flexibility it does it does did
not anticipate wide receiver being their
first choice though hey Saints did smart
they drafted o line that’s what they
needed to do that’s what they needed oh
I you to the P Patriots make it happen
there you go there you go
uh yeah I mean Bowers is exciting but
again if you don’t have your QB on the
roster you’re the Raiders you you try
next year right but you build around and
then whoever you can just plug and play
yeah is it like
how much is is is minu or oconnell going
to be able to capitalize on that that’s
like the question for the Raiders sir
yes sir dude yeah them going and get
Dallas Turner that’s a the Vikings had a
good draft J Marth needs to work out
obviously because he’s likely going to
be so that’s interesting too McCarthy’s
going to a place where there’s a bunch
of weapons right you do have Aaron Jones
you can hand the ball off to just got to
healthy but we talked about JJ needing
to sit I don’t think he’s really going
to have opportunity because you have Sam
darnold so unless you’re going to throw
Sam darnold out there and go listen
we’re just going to be patient which is
possible yeah possible and I think like
I think Kevin oconnell uh he’s going to
a good coach and that’s also very
important but yeah if you’re a rookie
and you got Justin Jefferson to throw to
um I appreciate I’ll take it I’ll take
it TJ hackinson oh yeah Addison yep it’s
nice good sitch and if look if if the
the Viking kind of if you flipflop them
right if they took an edge rusher where
they were were Drafting and then got JJ
McCarthy uh at 17 or whatever it is we’d
be like that is the they got the best
value on
Earth you know what I’m saying like yeah
I agree with that I agree with that I’m
still going y’all are crazy this morning
y’all crazy super CHS are a little crazy
yeah you all crazy you you crazy oh yeah
lions got no stress Lions no stress and
they traded up and got a great player
yeah lions are happy oh
have would you say your audio lefted out
for a minute I said how many more picks
do the Lions have I don’t know I mean
the Bears 61 are they traded this is
this accurate bills I mean I they’re
going to be able to get whoever they
wanted on the board just wasn’t there in
the first round so they got additional
value it just depends on how they
capitalize on that now that’s what’s
important important appreciate you teddy
I appreciate
you H slightly more inconsistent Drew
lock 2.0 I mean we don’t know we don’t
know I think the concern for Bon Knick
is is
that cuz I I was looking also at the uh
you tweeted that out about like tell me
why and the the constant thing I’ve seen
is just that he’s a good player like
he’s not a great player and I think
Perna just said I just want a good
player right now yeah I just want
someone who’s going to play well like
excitement doesn’t mean I expect him to
come win a Super Bowl for the Broncos
next year it means let’s see something
from the guy let’s see Shawn pton with
the quarterback he was
um Drew
lock he played well when he came in and
then the Broncos got rid of their
offensive coordinator because Vic fangio
was dense he wanted a more experienced
offensive coordinator even though the
coordinator they had Rick scangarello
and Drew lock seemed to have something
something going so Drew lock got an
unfair Shake as well um doesn’t mean he
would have been good but I think if they
brought back his OC he would have been
better that next year um it’s it’s
mostly too about the fit it it means a
lot for rookie quarterbacks and it feels
right maybe it’s not but there’s not a
reason to say like this is terrible
that’s what I’m trying to say trying get
I’m trying to be reasonable damn it I
think I think the be to answer this the
Bears are going to be competitive this
year um I don’t know about really good
but I the pieces that they got I think
are really good yeah give Caleb some
time too that’s the other thing he was
picked number one overall but give him
some time give him a couple years game
that’s what I’m thinking Bowers I mean
listen we didn’t think some tight ends
were developed last year and come out
look at Le pora and cancade you never
know I’m curious how the Raiders are
gonna utilize I think I agree with per I
think they’re gonna primarily just use
him go run out be a receiver basically
yeah that’s what he’s best at $2 not
good value that’s not good value at all
you got flee I’m a $10 Soul kind of guy
that’s it that’s it and the commies
commies you got your Jaden
Daniels let’s see I yeah Daniels and
Drake may we didn’t even mention their
names this whole time no we didn’t
because it like again it just made sense
yeah it made sense so rounds two and
three happening tonight a little bit
early of a start time apparently you’re
not streaming correct unless Theon the
Broncos trade up I’ll I’ll go live for a
little bit but
uh work on my video
now uh yes uh I will be streaming
tonight for rounds two and three live at
the channel appreciate you all tuning in
last night it was
crazy yeah it might that’s what it seems
the smoke seems that it’s G to be Debo
more than iuk right now but we’ll see
but folks we appreciate the hell out of
you Perna’s got winners and losers of
night one coming out I’ll have every NFL
Fan’s reaction to round one coming out
and we appreciate the ever Liv heck out
of you today is going to be fun today’s
like the really fun day too round one
has like a lot of like o uh this is
where you get like some like really good
players the values there some crazy
trades happen when you get thoroughly
excited yeah it’s gonna be great but
folks thank you so much for watching we
had over 8,000 people in here we’ll see
you again on Monday together I’m Tom
grai that’s Brandon Perna this is
GPS and you have been navigated when
you’ve reached your
destination but about bonck he is


  1. IDK man. The Broncos being hilariously bad means better content from Perna. I'd take that deal. Damn good deal.

  2. Even if Bo Nix sucks, it's fine. That was the only pick they could have made at 12. The point is that they tried.

  3. Bo Nix is the savior of the Broncos. He's the real deal. He can read defenses in an instant. His release is insanely quick. He's deadly accurate downfield. He can improvise without turning the ball over. Sure he threw alot of short passes; for long gains. The only reason he lost to Penix is because his coach at Oregon is a certifiable lunatic. You Bronco folks are going to be astonished.

  4. Spencer Rattler?! 😂 Falcons trying to make a franchise QB out of another Day 3-4 pick, exactly why Arthur Smith got fired. Penix was a pick with foresight but with the very recent memory of what happened when the Falcons last had a 36yr old QB with no plan in place. Kirk is 36 coming off injury, and if he plays well the Falcons will not be in position to draft a QB in the next few drafts, there's also no guarantee that future QB classes will produce enough strong QB prospects.

  5. I'm sorry Perna, but Bo Nix isn't going to be the QB you're hoping for. Penix is the one y'all should have tried to get.🤷🏽‍♂️

  6. Curry winning this award is kind of hilarious given his shortcomings in his career. But well deserved this award is based on stats so you can't really argue

  7. I like what the falcons did. Every team should have 3 qbs like baseball, which has multiple pitchers, share the workload, and keep egos in check

  8. How would people be reacting if Cousins had instead signed a 2 year, $100m deal? Because if the Falcons cut him in 2026, that's what his deal will end up being (except better, because the cap hit will be spread over 3-4 years instead of 2). In my view, the plan was always to have Cousins there for two years, which is probably what Penix needs to improve his footwork, adapt to an NFL offense, etc. He is the perfect QB to sit and learn. I'm not a Falcons fan, but I get what they are doing. It will be fun to revisit these reactions in a few years.

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