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Authentic UnBoxing! What Game is this?

[An Authentic UnBoxing! Lets give this game a try!]

On-Deck Baseball

Inside Pitch Baseball:
FastScore Baseball:
Universal Baseball VIP Lounge

everyone this is
Robert rjl Network presents a special
presentation of an authentic
unboxing um I actually wanted to take a
c few days off but I did want to go
ahead and
um uh fulfill an obligation that I felt
I needed to do to uh someone who sent me
uh a special package here and I thought
I would go ahead and do a special
authentic unboxing and what I mean by
authentic unboxing is I haven’t even
opened anything yet this is the package
and I’ve actually had this package here
uh since mid uh since um late March and
I and um I told the per I told him that
I would not do an unboxing till I was
completely done with my inside pitch uh
for 1972 which is now over and so now I
can go ahead and um uh fulfill the
obligation so good to have you guys here
this shouldn’t be that long a video but
I did want to do an authentic unboxing I
will do this I will play this game
during this offseason uh before I start
uh 1969 for inside pitch along with a
couple of other things I will do in the
uh two-month offseason I give myself to
give myself a break Jeremy Brian Ray
Price and V Productions good to see you
here this morning so this should not be
a long video but I do want to uh uh you
know uh did want to go ahead and do this
unboxing of everybody as I said this was
a uh this is an obligation that I felt I
need to do and I look forward to playing
this game and I will do this definitely
I will do this uh definitely to uh to
the game uh while in my two-month uh
inside pitch off season so we got Anam
Anthony we have Ray Price again on Deck
baseball joins us here it’s good to see
everybody here for those of you who have
not who ever joined my channel welcome
to the network you are now officially a
networker and uh so I wanted to go ahead
and do this un boxing so that people
could see what I want to do on the
channel so uh I guess we should go ahead
and get started shouldn’t we so let me
go ahead and get a uh let’s see let’s go
ahead and get my Reger
blades so do
this as I said this box is still in this
this game is still this game is still in
the package I have not opened it I did
take off the addresses of course but
still not the package unopened you know
I’ve had it like this for the last month
so let’s see what game we’re going to
here go ahead and do as I said this is
an authentic unboxing which means the
package hasn’t even been opened yet and
I have not looked at anything I do not
know I know what’s in here but I wanted
to go ahead and uh do this here Frank
bergo new guy joining it there thank you
all thank you all for joining the
network so let’s see what we
got box
here do this easily we don’t want to
anything and let’s see what we
got take this off
so let’s see so going on the network on
rjl network you guys know of course that
inside pitch is my bread and butter but
I do want to try some other games so
let’s see what’s going to join on the
network so joining the network going on
the network for
rjl let’s see here joining me on the
network here for in for uh well oh geeez
I’m rambling let’s just show
it on Deck
baseball I would like to um thank Mr Ian
I would like to thank Mr Ian
Brooke as he goes ahead and he sent me a
nice package here and I told him I would
go ahead and do a uh demonstration of on
baseball so um we’re gonna do some on
deck and let’s have a look and see what
we got here nicely
packaged as we all know um after further
review what Steve tower has been playing
game and he’s has been enjoying it
immensely and I thought I would go ahead
and get uh give this game a little bit
more uh exposure since I have some
people so they have a pretty nice
following on my channel so
far a nice dce I like the
dice so let’s see what we have
here so on deck
basball and another package in here so
definitely as you can see a definite
authentic unboxing as I haven’t even
opened these things
yet on Deck is the best at packing their
game up I will admit so far that’s got
to be true that’s got to be
true they do pack very
well and let’s see here
okay a letter here from uh a letter
here from uh uh Mr Ian Brooke who of
course is on Deck baseball in the uh in
the chat Robert I wanted to thank you
again for giving me the opportunity to
be a part of your YouTube channel I
really do appreciate it what you will
find in this package is the playoff
replay set one which includes the 1986
playoffs which I asked for because I
prefer uh 1986 with the Mets and the Red
Sox as well as the 1961 World Series
teams so he sent me the 86 po the 86
playoffs because I the I know the 1986
Mets inside and out and I requested that
so I gotta thank uh Ian Brooke uh for
set for giving me a request because the
86 Mets is my favorite baseball team of
all time and we all know the 1986
baseball season is the greatest baseball
season of whole time we are all very
aware of that right good also included
an extra set of pitcher batting cards
inside the playoff replay set this will
make it easier for you since the starter
set only comes with one of
those I also include an extra set of set
of dice so that if you would like to you
can give uh the playoff replay set a
trial run to get used to the game the
extra dice include a white and green die
which does not come with the starter set
but a lot of people have Incorporated it
into their play of on Deck baseball I’m
sure you noticed Steve Tower using a
additional dice in his videos the
starter set only comes with a red and
blue dice the only thing missing is an
extra for your trial run with the
playoff replay set or situation cards
that would be used if a star result
comes up on the Matrix you can just skip
over that result in the meantime and
roll those charts are in the starter set
you will find another package below the
set which contains your pro starter set
I decided to do it this way to give you
options on how you like to proceed with
the unboxing I packaged it up the same
exact way I would if I was sending it to
a customer this will let you open the
entire package on on camera she just
chose to do it that way I’m perfectly
fine with you do it thank you again for
this opportunity please let me know if
you have any questions and I hope you
enjoy the game thank you Ian Brooke on
baseball I thought I write I thought I
uh read the letter out to you so you
guys know how good a guy this guy is as
he got in touch with me and he wanted me
to uh uh definitely unbox his
game so um let’s take a look at this
first let’s take a look at on Deck
baseball pro let’s see what we
got let’s see
words I like the
quality very nice and shapely printed
very colorful the one thing I like about
the one thing I like about this is H
they’re very colorful car they’re very
colorful very colorful cards
this out
here so see here pitcher 2D pitcher
cards very nice and colorful the only
thing I already see I might have I may
have an issue with is that they’re too
big now it doesn’t mean now doesn’t mean
I don’t mean too big because it’s too
big it won’t fit I’m GNA have a hard
time putting this on my uh board so I’ll
have to uh I’ll have to try to maneuver
something around here
but I mean it’s not it’s only too big
for me because I don’t have a big setup
but I’ll think I’ll I’ll be able to work
it out
somehow J so what we got here we got 19
I guess it’s
1961 Cincinnati
Reds so Cincinnati Reds so there’s the
league so let’s see we got here so
61 uh Frank Robinson one of the greatest
of all time of course
Vader Pinson who should be in the Hall
of Fame J Zimmerman Gordy
Coleman oy
post Don blasing game Eddie Casco Jean
freeze now of course for those of you
who know I follow inside pitch I’ve
already done a 1961
Replay for inside
pitch doing a 1961 World Series in on
Deck baseball sounds fun jio Chone
Edwards who just finished with uh 1972
an inside pitch Dick gner darl
Johnson Joey
J Jim M Jay
Hook Jim
Maloney Bob Perky Ken Johnson Ken Hunt
Ken Hunt who’s related to Doug hunt
yeah sh
Jones that’s the 61 Reds so here I’m
sure is the 61
Yankees 61
Yankees Austin Howard Mickey Manel of
course one of the greatest of all time B
scalon Robby
Richardson Tony
kubec Roger Maris number 61 himself CLE
Boyer Yogi Bara Johnny
Blanchard Hector
LZ Bob serve Billy
Gardner Joe demry Whitey Ford the
chairman of the board also one of the
greatest of all
time Bill
Stafford R
Terry R
Shelton Lisa Royo but Dy
same 61 Reds that were rigged out of the
yeah they were rigged out of the
Clevenger Al Downing D Scott Howard the
goat whisper joins us
here so there is
the so we get the 61 Yankees and the
61 um Cincinnati
Reds and now we got the 1986 postseason
which of course everybody knows as I
said the 1986 season is the greatest
season in baseball history thank you for
agreeing with me all
that uh 1986 California Angels Reggie
Jackson Wally
Boon Brian Downing Gary
Pettis rert
Jones Rob Wilfong dick
scoffield Doug
desense Bob gritch underrated second
baseman some people think he belongs in
the Hall of Fame and I might not be I
don’t think I can argue that George
hendrik Rick
burlson Jack
Howell Jerry
naron Devon
White Mike
wit Kirk
Mill Don Sutton Hall of Famer of course
Donnie Moore may he rest in peace he
never got he never forgave himself for
giving up the home run to Henderson joh
Candelaria Corbett Gary Lucas Chuck
Finley and Vern
rule that’s the
86 Angels now we go to the before they
were B before they were banging trash
cans before they were banging trash cans
we have the uh 86
Astros Mike Madden
Darwin Jeff
Calhoun Charlie
kerfeld Dave Smith Rio
rope Larry Anderson this was before they
were banging trash cans or maybe they
were banging trash cans back then too I
don’t know Steeler fan joins us Nolan
Ryan of course one of the greatest of
all time Bob
Neer Mike Scott who
basically probably would have beaten the
Mets in a game seven in the
NLCS if it had gotten that far and yes
the the 86 NLCS is the greatest National
League Championship Series of all
time Mark
Bailey Steeler fan of course will agree
with me on that that the 86 uh NLCS was
the greatest and game six of that uh
NLCS is one of the greatest games ever
played Dave
Lopez pankovitz Terry P when the Mets
were using Peds highest team of History
they weren’t using peeds but they were
using something else Phil Garner Dicky
Thon Denny Walling Jose Cruz another
underrated player who probably should be
in the Hall of Fame Billy
Hatcher Bill Doran Alan
Ashby Glenn Davis Kevin Bass
Astros before they were banging the
cans Coke definitely improves
absolutely so I’ve been
told and we’ll uh we’ll skip this
one for
last and we’ll go
to the n 1986 Boston Red Sox Wade bogs
Hall of Famer and yes one of the
greatest of all time Rich Gman who to
this day Dwight Evans still blames for
allowing to pass ball Dwight Evans still
believes getman should have made that
play Bill Buckner and unfortunately I
sometimes think Bill Buckner should be
put in the Hall of Fame he was an
awesome player but unfortunately he has
always remembered for the error but In
fairness to him Buckner should not have
been in the should not have been in in
should not have been on the field during
that time Stapleton should have been put
in if you really want for all you Red
Sox fans out there if you really want to
blame somebody for why the Red Sox lost
the 86 World Series blame uh John
mcnamer blame your manager he did not do
it right Marty Barrett Ed
Romero Jim Rice yes one of the greatest
of all time Tony armis Dewey Evans who
some people think he should be in the
Hall of Fame I kind of find it hard to
argue that too you want to put Dewey in
the hall I’ll I’ll put that on credit
card Don
Baylor Mike Greenwell who would go on
have a very solid career Mike Greenwell
another underrated player Dave Henderson
who H the bomb in the world in the
ALCS Spike Owen Mark
Sullivan Dave Stapleton he should have
been in the field not uh he should have
been in the field not um not Bill
Roger Clemens the
uh you know what I’m getting sick and
tired of the peeds and the and the
steroid era and all that stuff you know
what put him in the Hall of Fame you
know Major League Baseball let’s be S
let let’s be honest about this after
1994 after 1994 all right when you
cancel the season which probably would
have given the Montreal expose a world
series title the way they were playing
an Tony Gwyn probably would have batted
400 you needed to get baseball back on
the map so you really you guys should be
thanking Mark Maguire Samy Sosa Roger
Clemens rafhael pomero you know what you
guys should be thanking him for putting
baseball on the map starting 1997 and
1998 and then you guys don’t put him in
the hall B for steroids you know what
put them all in the hall I’m sick of it
I’m tired of the argument oil Can Boyd
Bruce Hurst he was very tough he was
tough Al
Nipper and yes he carded Tom Siver look
at that yes Tom Siver Red Sox Tom sver
Red Sox the franchise and yes one of the
greatest of all time absolutely only two
picturers in baseball history have over
300 wins 3,000 strikeouts and a career
erra under three Walter Johnson and Tom
sver and Walter Johnson pitched during
the dead ball era Siver didn’t get that
luxury Bob
Stanley Sammy Stewart Steve
Crawford Joe Sido Calvin shaly and Tim
Lawler and then
finally no they’re I am a yes I love
this team inside and out
okay are they the greatest team of all
time absolutely not absolutely not but
are they the craziest team of all time
yes the 1986 New York Mets definitely
the craziest team of all time Randy nean
Anderson Doug cisk and he wasn’t with
and Je and of course Jesse Orosco by the
way there still by by the way his glove
still hasn’t come down yet Roger McDow
gilera El Sid who who pitched an
unbelievable game seven he pitched four
Innings of beautiful ball in game seven
to keep the Red Sox from scoring any
more runs Bobby Oita he was the real
star actually of uh 1986 for the Mets
Darling and of course the good doctor
Dwight Gooden did not have a good a year
in 86 as he did as uh in 85
and I blame Mel stle for that Mel stle
tried to give good an extra pitch he
tried to pitch him I believe I forget he
was either trying to pitch him the
slider or the change up he should have
just kept should have just left Gooden
alone pitching the fast ball and the
curveball and that would have been it
and Dwight Gooden probably would have
had the same exact year he had in
85 and they just retired his number and
Gooden H What Might Have Been What Might
Been Kevin elster
Lee mailli everybody every woman in New
York wanted to have his baby Ed Hearn
solid backup Catcher by the way to
Carter Danny Heap solid
outfielder Howard
Johnson Howard Johnson would actually
become better and better as this year
has going on but not with the Mets
though Tim tff solid second baseman when
bman wasn’t there K Mitch Kevin Mitchell
solid player later in his career mie
Wilson I don’t care what anybody said
Mookie Wilson had the greatest at bat in
World Series history and no not Kirk
Gibson when Kirk Gibson came up to the
yes Kirt Gibson had one of the greatest
home runs in World Series history that
is indisputable but when Kirk Gibson
came up to the
mound okay the World Series was not in
doubt it wasn’t in doubt yet okay it was
only game one when mooki Wilson came up
to the mound the World Series was on the
line Mookie Wilson came up and one of
the grit and he and like I said Mookie
Wilson pops out flies out strikes out
the World Series is over and the Red Sox
win it he has the greatest that bat in
World Series
history Lenny dyra
Nails Ray Knight who would get the MVP
for the World Series that year Daryl
strawberry the Mets will be retiring his
number on June
1st and again what might have been both
good and strawberry would be Hall of
Famers if it wasn’t for the junk Rafael
Santana couldn’t hit that much but a
very solid Fielder very solid in the
field Wally Bachman solid second baseman
very good switch hitter couldn’t hit
really I don’t think he could hit
lefties very he was not very good
against lefties but pretty good against
righties solid
bunner Keith hernand is who should be in
the Hall of
Fame enough said
enough said who should be in the Hall of
Fame Scott Roland come on Harold Baines
no Keith Hernandez along with Donnie
baseball Don maddingley both should be
in the Hall of Fame I don’t know what
the we need to get we need to get some
new blood uh deciding Hall of Famers
here and of course the kid Gary Carter
one of the G one of the yes one of the
greatest catchers of all time if you
were coming down the if you if you were
coming down if you were coming down the
um if you were coming down the Third
Base Line and you saw Gary Carter
waiting for you uh you deserve what
happens to you and I think the Mets
should the Mets should uh retire his
number as well number eight it should
retire his number also they haven’t yet
they need to maybe they’ll retire it
next year for Gary Carter the
kid so those are the Playoff teams that
he sent me so I’ll probably do a 1986 uh
World Series
replay or maybe I’ll do the Astros I
don’t know everyone’s done everyone’s
done the red the everyone’s done the um
everyone’s done you know Red Sox and
Mets I think blew it up maybe I should
do a maybe I should do a um Red Sox
maybe I should do a Mets Astros replay
is the NLCS why
not so what’s in the other package great
price asked what’s in the other package
well I guess we’re about to find out
I guess we’re about to find
out I got to admit that package is
cool that package is cool that really is
there uh that really is uh Ian Ian
Brooke that package is really really
cool I like
it and of course by by checking the and
by a course by checking the scoreboard
you do know what um you do by by knowing
by looking at the scoreboard you guys of
course do know what baseball field
that’s that’s that’s taken from
right you do know what baseball field
this is
right see if you guys know where that
where that scoreboard is because you
guys know what baseball field that is
right all right let’s have a look at the
other one great price says Forbes
feeling and he would be correct
we open this
bag to get another bag all
right you open this bag I scratch the
box that’s okay that’s a
box so let’s see what here baseball with
the demos join us
here and we have another box here
and let’s
see that stadium looks uh familiar
too that stadium that stadium looks like
Bush Stadium to
me let’s open up and see what here oh we
got the main rules and the
instructions got some extra
dice dice is always
good and the instruction manual for on
Deck baseball pro
when I do a game there uh Ian you’re
definitely going to have to be there to
make sure I do it right so you’ll
definitely have to show me how to do it
right so I will let you know of course
uh Ian when I intend to do a game of on
Deck I’m probably gonna think I would
like to take the rest of this week off
if possible because I really want to
refrain from streaming for a little bit
but maybe I think maybe next week I may
do some I may do something with
it and I want to also I also want to do
fall classic baseball but because Ian uh
sent me this I will do this first so I
think I’ll do a uh Mets and Astros uh
NLCS replay I think we’ll do that
instead of doing Mets and Red Sox we’ll
do Mets and Astros I think that could be
a much interest a more interesting
replay just so I can get Steeler fan in
there you know to just so I can rig the
Astros for Steeler fan or I should say
you know rig the
Mets I like the uh instruction
book okay and I guess we have the
pregame durability I guess is where all
the charts are in right pregame
durability rest
check situation
Matrix situation chart oh these are like
what rare plays I guess or something
like that bun
chart yeah these are situation charts
bunner hits long Fly ball territory on
left side buer tracks the ball
down second B Short
Stop some of these situation charts are
actually pretty good I may try to
incorporate them into inside pitch
because inside pitch needs uh needs a
lot more rare plays some of these might
be uh might be uh
okay look at the back
here our pitcher pitcher suddenly
experiences arm fatigue r one die if
roll is five or less pitcher gets one
fatigue Point against his pitching
ability if six or greater pitcher gets
hit with two fatigue points against his
pitching ability V reading which is zero
pitcher must be removed from the
game bunt
batter pregame durability rest that’s
cool I like the situation Matrix I’ll
have to learn more about
that and let’s see what we got in here
so let’s see more pitcher batting
cards upside
down fix
that let’s see
here let’s see St Louis oh the
1985 1985
Cardinals the 1985 Cardinals Todd
Rell let’s see here Aussie Smith The
Wizard of Oz Willie
McGee Jack Clark Vince
Coleman who wanted to be Ricky who
wanted to be Ricky Henderson a Ricky
Henderson wannabe if he only could hit
if only could hit like Ricky Henderson
Vince Coleman would have given Ricky
Henderson a run for his money as the
best lead off hitter in baseball history
but Ricky Henderson does have that
moniker Tom her Dar Porter
Tomo Landrum Jorgenson Ivon De
Jesus Caesar
sedeno Steve Brawn John tutor had an
awesome season in 19 in 1985 and yet and
he he was pretty good himself but Dwight
Gooden beats out John Tudor for 85 for
the saong award
hard Danny Cox Rob forsche Jeff lahy
Horton that’s that’s Bob May the forche
be with you Ken Daly Campbell Todd gell
one of the better closers the
time closers the
time then he had then he gives me the
1979 Pittsburgh Pirates
madlock this should Bill madlock who sh
who should be in the who should be in
the Hall of
Fame and Steeler fan of course gives his
uh moniker there uh by the way Steeler
fan how’ your Astros do in
1972 Dave Parker Ed a pop
starel We Are Family Pirates Bill
Robinson renie stanet Tim Foley renie
stanet recently passed away a year ago
rest in peace Omar Moreno Phil scrap
iron Garner Dale
Bara John Milner Steve noia Lee
Lacy Mike Easler Berke blle Hall of
Famer John
Candelaria Bruce
K Don Robinson Jim
Rooker Kent kovi with that sidearm is
Bibby exactly three more in the minutes
Enrique Romo and Grant Jackson yeah that
that penet was rigged by the way Steeler
fan that was
rigged and then we go to another Mets
team the 1969 Mets he gives me a well
gave me the 1969 Mets which
interestingly uh we’re doing 1969 of
inside pitch starting July
1 Tommy
a Cleon Jones
Grody Ed crane poool Ken
Boswell Bud harelson recently passed
away may he rest in peace Wayne Garrett
Ron swaboda who made one of the greatest
catches in World Series
history Don
clendennon Art Shamsky Al
Weiss Rod Gaspar JC Martin Bobby
file uh some bum name some some young
bum some some threeyear threeyear player
some bum by name a
thean Gary Gentry Don
Cardwell Jim
mcandrew Ron
Taylor you gotta believe
tuggy and some young another young bum
named Nolan Ryan who would get his only
world series title with the 80 with the
69 Mets
then he gives me the 1939 New York
Yankees the
1939 New York
Yankees 1939 Yankees
huh Joe dagio the Yankee Clipper Bill
how well do I know the 69 Mets being I
was born that year not as well as I know
the 86 but the 69 Mets of course I have
of course I know who they are but how I
how I would handle the 80 the 69 Mets
compared if I had the 86 Mets would be
different Joe Gordon George
selker Frankie
cretti red rol Charlie Keller Tommy
Henrik buddy rosar I love the artwork by
by the way um Ian the artwork is
beautiful I understand you can’t put
Yankee I know you can’t put logos or
anything like that because you’re not
affiliated with MLB but the artwork is
close enough Joey
Gallagher the Iron Man L Garrick in his
later years in 1939 one of his later
years though red
ruffing Lefty
Padley Atley
Donald mon
Pearson oral hild debron Johnny Murphy
Steve sundra Marius Russo I’ll be honest
I really don’t know much about the 1939
Yankees I will I will admit I don’t know
much about them don’t know much about
the 39
Yankees Garrick’s final seedles Beatles
eternally joins us here as Beatles
eternally joins us always have to tell
him hey Beatles you got to get back to
where you once belong uh that
counts then we got the
1975 Boston Red
Sox one of Al one of our Red Sox fans
favorite teams although I believe the 67
Red Sox is his overall
favorite but 1975 Boston Red
Sox Freddy Lynn who some people think
should be a should be a Hall of Famer
again hard to argue if you want to put
Fred Linn in there Pudge of course and I
love did the wave here that’s a that
that’s cute there uh that’s cute there
um Ian that’s cute the wave Carlton fist
with the wave that that’s really good
Cooper and of course some bumba name a
Yas the thing about the Boston Red Sox I
will always prefer the red hat over the
black hat I always if I was a Red Sox
fan I would always prefer the red and
black hat over just the black hat I
always love the cap Where The Red Cap
with the black with the dark with the
blue be it really isn’t black it’s navy
blue but um the red cap with the um the
red cap with the with the dark blue brim
I always preferred that cap over the
black one if I was a Red Sox fan or if I
was going to a Red Sox game that would
be the cap I would
wear Rick
burles Jim Rice as earlier years Rico
Petrelli again Dewey Evans like I said
if if you want to put him in the Hall of
Fame I won’t really argue it Bernie
carbo Denny
Doyle Juan
bz Bob
Montgomery Rick Miller Bob he who was
actually on the Mets in 19 Bob he was
actually on the Mets in
1969 Tim
Blackwell Bill Spaceman
Lee for some reason every time I put
Bill Lee on the on the board and inside
pitch of anything he never seems to do
as well as I think he should I wonder
how he’ll do in uh on Deck baseball Lon
Louie tion does anybody here does
anybody here have a problem if Lou tion
should be in the Hall of Fame does
anybody here have a problem with that
because I think ton should be in the
Hall of Fame along with vita
blue why he’s not in the Hall I don’t
know Rick Wise Reggie
Cleveland dick
Drago does anybody know what kind of uh
postseason dick Drago had for the Royals
in 72 that I just did couldn’t win a
ball game but yet he gets the win for
the final game of the for game six of
the World
Series boy he had a rough postseason but
he got the win when it mattered you
can’t make this stuff up Jim Willoughby
Roger morett Diego sige dick pole and
Jim Burton
and then some baseball team that wound
up rigging The 1975 World Series the uh
Cincinnati Reds that boy did boy I I’m
pretty sure I I A A Steeler fan I’m
pretty sure this was rigged right this
was this was rigged right Steeler fam
the since 1975 Cincinnati Reds that was
rigged right I’m pretty sure that was a
rigged World Series everybody knows the
Red Sox should have won
it Paul of nostalgia
Joe Morgan who actually will be who
definitely rigged thank you there
Steeler fan Joe Morgan who actually will
be on the Astros in 1969 when I do
that a young Joe Morgan Johnny
Bench he was an above he was an above
average catcher George Foster the $10
million bum for the Mets later Tony
Perez Hall of Famer Dave concepion
concepion I do not put in the Hall of
Fame but I will put him in the hall the
very good Mr Pete Rose who should be in
the Hall of Fame already put him in so
what put him in if showy Otani can get
away with what’s going on right now even
though they are not blaming him beat
Rose should be in
there Ken griffy he was good his son was
better Caesar
jono Dan
dreon MV
Redmond Bill
plumber Daryl
Cheney Doug
Flynn who the Mets would trade for in
the in the worst trade in baseball
history in
1977 Ed
armer Terry Crowley or one of the
players I should say Gary
Nolan Jack
Billingham Fred
Norman Don gullet may he rest in peace
Darcy Ry
Eastwick Pedro borbone which BR which
Brian B to this day says Pedro bbone
never does
well I I I don’t know Brian B Pedro
borbone he never does well on the board
for some reason no matter what game
you’re playing I hear whether it’s
inside pitch stratomatic whatever for
some reason I heard Pedro borbone just
doesn’t translate well to the board for
some reason maybe uh maybe on Deck
baseball will be different
Carrol will mckinin and Kay
Kirby and that completes your unboxing
so so I’m going to try to bring this to
the channel as soon as I possibly can I
got to read the rules I’ll probably play
the game in basic mode first because I
know there is a I know there is
um I know there is a uh what is is it um
I know there
is uh an advanced an advanced ver an
advanced version and a basic
version so I definitely should play the
basic version First of this
game uh see how see how it plays before
I think of any optional rules or
whatever if anything I love the color of
the game
I love the color you got everything here
situated and uh by the way uh on Deck
baseball um I did not put uh your
website into my comments for this I
apologize please put your website in the
chat it’ll it’ll it should come up for
for people that might want to look it on
Deck baseball and take a look at
it I have my inside pitch stuff and fast
score in there but this is about you so
I would like you to go ahead and maybe
put your website into the chat if you’ve
not done that already so people can
maybe uh after they read this and what
I’ll probably I’ll transl I’ll go ahead
and put it in my comments as well put it
in the comments so people can take a
look at this game and see if they would
like to try it out which looks like a
lot of fun I love the color I love the
colors it’s very
colorful I love the
artwork I think it is
terrific I’m looking forward to getting
getting this to the top I got to see
what I’m going to do with the size of
the cards though they are too big not
not too big because they’re too big
they’re too big because they’re not
going to fit on my box on my uh board
I’m gonna have to find and figure
something figure something to work out
because um you think YouTube blocks
links I don’t know I put links in the
chat all the time but um either way
though then an on Deck uh Ian if you can
put your link then in the comments
below there’s also a fiction version the
website for the pro version you see in
the video okay awesome so make sure you
put your links out there so that people
can go post a link that it come through
uh no it did
not tell you what on Deck baseball uh
Ian uh just send me the link and I’ll
put it in the com just either email me
the link I need one of the mods to post
the link in my chat oh okay um and he’s
not a mod so
um don’t worry don’t worry Ian we’ll get
that link post it I’ll put that in the
uh comments uh for people to go right to
it after they see this
unboxing um definitely we’ll do it you
know and
uh I want people to go to your website
and take a look at this and it looks
spectacular um he has a lot of good he
has a lot of great teams old past teams
in the past um do you intend to do any
full I know I think you told me that you
did not know if you were going to do any
full seasons do you intend to do any
full seasons where full you know
baseball season like the entire
1986 there we go a Steeler fan did
it you know um do you intend to do any
full seasons like maybe n a full 1986 or
a full U 1975 or a full uh
1927 uh maybe dead ball maybe full 1908
or full
1919 you know um you know something like
that it’s something you hope to get to
at some point because I’ll tell you
right I I’ll be honest I think a lot of
people like I mean it’s great to go
ahead and play oneoff against certain
games but I know a lot of people prefer
full seasons now I’m not saying there’s
anything wrong with that but I know full
seasons will really get people coming
okay that uh I was able to get uh you
know other like Chris Davis of inside
pitch to go ahead and get more seasons
into his CH into his website which he’s
done so I think uh full seasons would be
great but uh what I see here though Ian
is awesome it’s awesome I love the
artwork on the
boxes Forbes field that’s bus Stadium
definitely I love the
artwork the artwork on the boxes is
great I like the full color manual I
think it’s terrific and now I got to
read it and see if I can learn how to
play this thing and get it on the table
which I will do and uh I will do that
next since you went ahead and sent me
these uh since you went ahead and sent
me these uh uh alart uh I will go uh uh
you know gratus I will go ahead it’s
really quite the process put these team
together doing full seon be a huge
undertaking but like I said he helped
you at some point I know it’ be a full
undertaking I know it would take some
time trust me if you there I what I
would do in that case uh Ian I would put
out a poll of which SE of uh which
Seasons you’d like to see what most of
your players would like to see and then
probably do the highest rank season that
comes out you know maybe pull a hundred
PE 100 your 100 of your players or a
hundred uh you know 100 or a thousand
players and the season that gets the
most votes do it kind of like what I do
for a selection show for inside pitch so
I think that uh that would probably be
the best way to do it whatever season
comes out first do that one whatever’s
next do that one I know it takes time I
get that but hey if you’re working at
something that’s worth what you’re with
your time and worth doing what you’re
doing then you got I I think you go
ahead and work at it I think it really
works um Ian I mean I take my time when
I do my inside pitch I go through I get
my Logos I get all my information before
I start a season and I think you should
do the same thing take your time with it
what’s what’s a rush the world’s not
coming to an end unless it is and nobody
is B to tell me about it so I think that
would be great Ian and uh like I said
take your time put it together you know
make sure you get uh if you do a season
make sure you card everybody that will
be huge card
everyone you know really card everyone
yes it’s about 900 players uh depending
on what season you’re doing you know
um getting married anytime soon Phoenix
um you know card everyone if you’re
going to do a full season card everyone
it makes a big difference just ask some
players of some other uh another of just
ask some players of another uh board
game which I won’t mention okay anyway I
don’t want to rant I want to go ahead
and say thank you very much Ian for
sending me this copy of on Deck baseball
pro I will definitely uh learn the
instructions I will definitely um I will
definitely go ahead and learn it uh I’m
going to take a break for this week
because I don’t really want to stream
anything for a little bit I want to take
some time to rest and then I’ll start
streaming again maybe after this week
and maybe I can get I’ll do this
first I do have other things I’m um I
have uh I do have other things I will
get on the channel but we won’t that’s
not for this that’s not for this video
I’ve already told you what I intend to
do in my uh state of the network and
such so anyway this is all about on Deck
baseball pro I want to thank Ian Brooke
I want to thank everybody in the chat
for joining me for this unboxing Ian
Brooke the creator of on Deck baseball
thank you very much once again for
sending me these um wonderful packages
now that I finally opened them up now I
can finally go ahead and start to learn
and see how this
plays and uh it looks like a lot of fun
so I thank you again one I thank you
once again Ian you are terrific
um I’m very uh flattered and honored
that you chose me to go ahead and send
me this stuff so I can put it on the
channel so that everybody can look at it
and see that rjl Network wants to go
ahead and do this a little bit and for
those of you who also member um thank
you Ste you know and
um uh don’t don’t forget after further
review with Steve Tower plays a lot of
on Deck baseball check his channel out
for some uh play for some gameplay as
well okay and uh I promise you I will
get this on the channel I’m going to say
uh next week I’ll get some on the
channel next week and I think I’ll do
the 86 New York Mets against the 86
Houston Astros I’ll do the NLCS I’ll do
the National League Championship Series
I know in my opinion I think the the
Mets Red Soxs World 3 has been beaten to
death so let’s try something a little
different let’s do the 86 Mets and the
86 Astros let’s do that I’ll do that uh
NLCS we’ll start with game one of that
uh series uh when I get this and and Ian
I will let you know when I’m going to do
it so you can be here for it and mostly
my games are at night around 7:30 and I
will try to uh get that
situated thank you very much for
everyone joining me on Deck baseball
Steeler fan Brian B Phoenix knight uh
Frank bergo Beatles eternity uh let’s
see here let’s see
um okay everybody Ray Price KY poo and
Adam anth
thank you all for joining me here uh D
Scott Howard the goat Whisperer uh Vita
Productions basball with the
demos Jeremy Brooks CLE baseball fan of
course and uh I want to thank everybody
for joining me please check out all
those other channels that I mentioned if
they have one they are spectacular so
again we’ll see you guys again soon so
stay safe stay healthy stay Smart Stay
Strong we’ll see you guys again next
time on Deck baseball pro from Ian
Brooke of on Deck baseball will soon
make its way on the channel
congratulations thank you once again
there Ian all of you have a wonderful


  1. I would like to request for 1961 Reds v 1986 Mets
    On Deck Baseball
    For my birthday
    May 23

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