Golf Babe

Proven Pre-shot Routine to BREAK 80!

Download the pre-shot routine template here 🎁

Discover the game-changing pre-shot routine that could be your secret weapon to breaking 80 on the golf course. Learn how visualization and commitment, not just swing mechanics, can dramatically improve your game. Dive in to find out why the pros swear by it and how you can start applying it today for tangible results.

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Bo okay so today I want to go ahead and
have you join us for a playing lesson
I’ve got my boy Lex I got my Pro Jared
right here we’re going to go and play
some golf and today I’m going to be
coaching Lex and I’m going taking him
through a pre-shot and post shot routine
to help him play the best golf he’ve
ever played and we’re going to go ahead
and beat the pro Jared so Jared you’re
going to get the first honor you’re
going to Peg it up and let it rip and
we’re going to go ahead and discuss what
we’re going to do to help Lex Play at
level okay soex one of the biggest
things that I see a golfer like Jared
doing a lot Pros doing a lot versus
amateurs is the idea of picking a
specific golf shot right so I’m kind of
caddy for you today the biggest thing
we’re going to do is we’re going to get
precise on the golf shot and then we’re
going to get committed to the golf shot
but I think most people when they play
they don’t even have a shot in mind so
it’s extremely hard to get committed so
here’s here let’s do this right so here
we are par five right what is what what
fits your eye we got this dog leg left
what fits your eye on this hole what
would you say you’d be doing here with
driver I play a little bit of a draw um
and being able to clear it over those
bunkers I’d be aiming somewhere at those
those trees right there just over the
bunker little bit just just inside where
the house is yeah just the right two
trees to the right okay so we’re going
to go ahead our commitment rate here is
to go ahead hit a drawer off of that
right tree towards the house right y
okay first so first and foremost I
always want my players to get fully
committed to a golf shot right you’ve
got to have shot selection before you
actually now get into the pre-shot
routine so the first step here Alex is
going to be this this question precisely
if you hit this shot exactly how you
wanted what it look like so have the
visualization see the visualization of
the actual shot so often we’re looking
at different shots right what if it goes
left what if it goes right I want you to
see that exact shot now how good would
it feel on camera to go ahead and
absolutely stripe this one and us to be
able to turn to them and be like that
was striped how good that feel that feel
great all right so that’s the physiology
side right get the body in now as you
make the rehearsal swing feel how good
that would feel right and then what I
want you to be able to do over the shot
is fully commit to this golf shot
absolutely commit you’re not worried
about missing it what you want to feel
is the absolute commitment to that golf
shot oh right at it is he going to cover
the bunker that’ll be close okay so how
how committed did you feel on that shot
I was committed 100% right okay so the
big thing here that we’re always talking
with our players about is they have a
pre-shot routine right they get over the
golf ball and go they do a couple
movements and a couple things and think
that’s a pre-shot a pre-shot is a you’ve
selected the shot your pre-shot routine
starts when you visualize it get the
physiology because remember a lot of
times we’re like oh I don’t know if I
can hit that shot what if it goes left
and then there’s a bunch of tension in
us right then we get over the shot and
it’s about swinging completely free no
thought no try no effort does that make
sense and at the end of that our goal is
to be able to say did fully commit does
that make sense y all right let’s go
make it happen all right so now Lex had
a great line didn’t have the height
right so we’re by the bunker Jared out
drove us real quick there F you can just
go into about 60 yards and he’s so small
you know what I’m saying he’s so small
he hits it so far um so the goal here
right is the LIE the LIE determines
everything so the first thing we’re
going to look at is the LIE well ain’t
good right the ain’t good so the second
thing is the Target right the target
isn’t so much can I hit it in the hole
or by the hole it’s where can I get in a
position to score yeah so realistically
where are you seeing right now where
where’s the position to school I mean
obviously we’re just trying to get it in
the Fairway but I’d like to keep it to
the left side to keep my next shot going
in a little bit from going having to go
over the green side bunkers what
distance do you think you can play out
of this how far do we think we can
advance this you know at this I’m just
looking you know 140 to Y so yards max
yeah okay so now the biggest thing is
get remember we’ve got the shot 130
yards our Target is the bunker in the
distance okay see the bunker in the
distance on the right yeah okay so you
got that now again come back the first
step of it always is if I hit this shot
exactly how I wanted what would it look
like so you got to visualize that shot
so often people are indecisive they’re
in between two goal shots should I
should I do this should I do this then
they hit a PO goal shot and get pissed
off and I’m like well you shouldn’t be
pissed off you never had a chance of
hitting a good shot because you never
thought about it so once you seen it
right how good would it feel to hit that
really make great connection and it land
and release down to your target feel
great phenomenal right now get over this
and then just go ahead and like I said
commit to that shot
fully P how was that perfect was I was
to draw into the tree how committed were
you to that 100% okay love it so what we
want to start to understand here right
is Lex if you were like well I didn’t
feel quite right you can’t judge the
shot if you didn’t feel right over it
but if you’re fully committed you can
now look and go yeah I did the right
thing but most of us we’re looking at
the shot afterwards and going I can’t
believe I hooked it yeah but you were
uncomfortable thought it might hook and
and got a tight goal swing and you
hooked it of course it was going to be a
bad shot so that post shot routine is
what we’ve got to work on here on these
next few holes is get fully committed so
if I execute the shot great and if I
don’t it wasn’t because I had a bad you
know visualization didn’t feel like I
could hit the goal shot or had
unrealistic go shot does that make sense
y okay all right let’s go and see what
this guy’s doing we’ve been hiking now
for a good two days we camped out last
night and we’re now at Jared’s golf ball
he may only be 5’2 weigh 109b but my God
this boy hits it all right Mr buts let’s
it little cutter running down towards
the green possibly on in two just a sure
oh he’s on oh yeah oh it’s just I mean
it’s scary no warm up injury that’s a
professional for you right there
understand what we’re doing today right
getting fully committed to golf shot how
do we do that we start with the lie so
it’s lift clean in place today cuz it’s
muddy so I’ve cleaned it you’re in a
good lie right next thing is the Target
right so many of us grab the laser we
start to shoot but what I’m saying is if
you hit the perfect shot where would
this ball be if you had to leave it
where would it be just under the flag
just under the flag right I like that
okay slightly right of it or slightly
left of
it probably left of it yeah just left of
an that pill part right so there’s our
Target so now let’s get the laser out
let’s shoot the
yardage so ground yardage remember you
got to understand the difference there’s
ground yardage there playing yardage
right go 108 108 so what do you think
we’re slightly downhill and slightly
downwind but it’s cold what do you think
it’s playing i’ probably play right
around 100 100 yards okay so 100 yard
shot what shot shape what flight what
are you going to do with this golf gol
ball I’m probably going to keep it not
much higher than the tree line okay
lower flighted land skip in okay right
let’s go and grab the club so a big
thing for many players is they’ll tell
me well will I’m not that good to to do
all of this stuff I’m like no that’s why
you’re not that good as you get better
and want to start to shoot in the low
70s on every golf shot you’ve got to go
ahead and go through a routine go
through those steps of what is the LIE
determining what’s my target okay what’s
the ground yardage what’s the playing
yardage what’s the shot shape I’m going
to hit and then here’s the club I’m
going to hit and so once you get used to
it it’s very very quick and then what
you can do now is get into that routine
and get fully committed to the shot
visualize that shot how good does it
feel to hit it because remember it’s not
about mental golf it’s about the
emotions it’s about committing to the
goal shot so Lex let’s come in here
again what’s the question you got to ask
yourself if I am 100% committed or not
no no if I hit this shot oh if I hit the
shot perfect how’s it going to feel and
not perfect perfect is a dangerous word
because perfect is tension right if I
hit it exactly how I wanted what would
it look like okay so see the
visualization go through it imagine shot
Tracer see it l and come on let’s stuff
this one in there how good would it feel
if you stuff this one to a foot then we
get Jared the three p okay so now get
yeah so get into this shot and your goal
is just full commitment into the shot
being able to say afterwards I committed
to it 10 of
10 I’ll be good be the right Club
oh my God how good did that feel zoom in
on that to make sure that you know that
that’s the first shot mate can you get
it on that can you see it fonsie have
you got that how good was that let’s I
I’ll replace that divot for you Pro so
let me just remind you how good is it
when you actually commit to a golf shot
pull it off that’s what we’re talking
about can you can you know you can say
you’re a little scared he said it was
pretty good you can say you’re a little
scared look at that what do we got right
here like a foot and a half now how good
does that make you feel that Felts great
right so concept here is as Jared makes
his part is you know how do you get into
the Zone people talk about the Zone how
do you get into it well the zone is I
see the shot I commit to it I don’t
overthink and I just trust it so
practice makes permanent right so what
are we practicing seeing the shot
believing in it trusting it letting it
go oh no break no oh break nice
Pace nicely done nice birdie okay so Lex
same again right no matter what the shot
is full commitment what’s the break
going to be what’s I know it’s a foot
putt but you know what I’m saying just
just going through that same routine
just seeing it trusting it rolling it in
nice all
right both one under a par heading to
the next
one of the things I want to share with
you is this downloadable document for
you to take you through the post shot
routine in fact actually Lex come and
take a quick look at this right this is
the concept here right of part one the
lie your target playing yardage grounded
it seems like a lot but once you get
through it right you start to understand
the only way to get committed is to
actually understand what the shot is you
want see it feel it and then let it go
right and then you can accept it so if
you want this go ahead and down uh click
the link up here here I don’t know find
the website whatever it is that there’s
some way that you can get a hold of this
uh check it out you can download the PDF
yourself oh that’s right at
it oh is that
like long just the power the power the
power okay so Lex come on over let’s
take a look right
so as I go ahead and we sort of go
through the cading process right so it’s
teaching you the skill right so the
first thing is the LIE we’re getting to
te it up so no problem there right
second thing is the Target right where
can we not go left left okay right so
we’re going to be what slightly right of
this flag right so we’re going to be
slightly right again we’re about let’s
say 150 yards so let’s just say you know
half of that so 7 5% of that seven yards
right you could go from there maybe five
yards right okay what’s the ground
164 64 playing downhill downwind what do
you think what’s playing uh probably
around 155 55 yeah I like that 55 what
shot shape do you see in here probably
another draw nice little draw keep it
over keep it over land all the time uh
probably an eight iron okay sounds good
let’s do it so let’s get into it right
155 you said yep 155 5 y draw just right
of the flag now if I if you hit this
shot exactly how you wanted what would
it look like now visualize it she shot
Tracer just like it was on TV see it
land see it right by the flag as close
as the last one how good would it feel
to stuff it right to him cuz he’s 40 ft
away right feel great how good with that
right now make that rehearsal swing with
that confidence inside of you right that
physiology strong confident make the
rehearsal get in commit 100%
okay little bit of a slip little slip
little slippage how was the commitment
on the shot oh it was great just a slip
yeah just slipped a little bit with that
right foot but you felt fully committed
to the shot so anytime you’re fully
committed you can go ahead and observe
the shot and say ah you know what I just
spped my foot I just tugged it a little
left not a bad shot but again if You’
have said to me you know what I just
didn’t feel quite right or as concerned
about the water you can’t now look at
the shot and say you pulled it because
you didn’t do the work beforehand it was
Ill prepared so you got to look back and
go how should I change my pre-shot
routine and most people like I said they
don’t have a post shot routine so they
just go oh I hit a bad shot versus the
reason why that shot went there was X it
was before the shot versus for you it
was no I slipped a bit and my ball went
to the left it’s going to happen all
right let’s go ahead so let’s go ahead
and determine the shot let’s come back
here let’s determine what the shot is
right so okay lie great lie Li is good
right target where would we want to
where do we want to end up here oh I
mean in the hole in the hole or if we
miss within a foot or two where would
you want to be left right short right
where would you be probably right maybe
a little long if yeah to for up pill
part right yeah so again now distance
right we’re looking at a landing Zone
where are you seeing the landing Zone
well I see this belly right here so I’m
actually I don’t want to land short of
the belly cuz then I don’t think I’d get
up it so I might be going right into
this face right here okay bounce it and
and releasing it up okay so if I was
caring for you is you want to fly that
far on this shot you really want to get
what if it what if it skips into that
hill and stops or you get a little bit
too far you’re going to fly by like I
mean like to me is you play it short
well I would probably hit either a
little pitching wedge and let it run or
a sand wedge and let it run or putt it
60° yeah you can have a chy of spin on
if you’re trying to keep it too low ah
come on go go go
go okay so what do you what do you think
like if you were standing right here
well you’re a caddy you’re telling me to
go low I’ll go low I’d go low but but a
60° is going to get too much spin on it
I can keep SP spin off it I mean you’ve
the point being is you’ve got to be
fully committed to shot as as a caddy my
role is not to get you out of the shot
it’s gets you into the shot just as
committed to playing it low low and
releasing it up okay so again whichever
one it is right we’re going to fully
commit so we’re going to see this
Landing Zone see it land and release up
that hill
correct yeah it’s going to break
slightly to the right okay so let’s come
back let’s fully commit to this right so
again I’m I’m saying right at that kind
of Dent that you’re looking at right
here yeah yeah right in there land it
release it Let It Drop up now how good
would it be to stuff this in okay if you
hit this shot exactly how you wanted
you’ve seen it how good would it be to
stuff this one right on on it’s going to
feel great yeah okay now get into it
full commitment to
it beautiful go in come on nice okay
commitment level on that one oh 10 but
wait a minute I got a
but also do you see how very easily you
could have been like oh I’m not sure if
it’s going to be this and it’s like it’s
not about having the right Club often
it’s just having the right commitment to
that show if if you had said you want to
play it all the way there and didn’t
suggest that playing it low then I
probably would have been more mentally
yeah like if you just been like you’re
going to play it all the way there and
like yeah yeah so you going be like
getting in the right state to be able to
execute that shot all right let’s see
okay so full commitment right yeah pick
the exact line that you’re looking for
see The Brak see it rolling the pace
that you want how good would it feel and
then commit to
it okay nicely
done nicely
done okay leading by one don’t let the
pressure get to you don’t let it get in
your head don’t
let but you what I mean it’s like now
you get to be excited cuz you know the
commitment yeah get committed to the
golf shot you can accept the result you
know what I mean so before we rush in
there and tea up right we want to go
ahead and have absolute Clarity right so
the first thing the lie it’s on a tea
That’s great what’s our Target now not
to be negative but the first thing we
want to think is where can we not go on
this hole left left okay so what is our
Target going to be to give us the best
opportunity of making a birdie right
yeah where which house would you pick uh
one with a triangle orange roof yep and
the three the three squares on it right
okay so perfect that’s our Target right
y now okay distance you know 290 with
the driver let’s say what’s the shot
shape that you feel best off of this T
box straight to draw okay straight to
draw right down there okay so now we’ve
got that now we’ve got the shot
committed right we got driver soft
drawer right at that house okay now
let’s tear it up and remember what’s the
first question exactly how do we ask it
to ourselves how does it a shot going to
feel if I hit it the way I want yeah if
I hit it exactly how I wanted if I hit
it EXA what would this shot look like
because the question you ask yourself
everybody is that the answer that you’ll
get right if you said if I hit this shot
badly where would it go you’ll have that
answer right so let’s te it
up so often what I see is players just
running to the tea sticking their tea in
the ground especially if you play at the
same country club every single day
instead of taking the time to go through
this process and that’s what just
differentiates pros from amateur so if I
hit the shot exactly how I wanted what
would it look like so visualize that
shot exactly how good it feel to just
stripe the driver absolutely stripe it
right mhm and now get into that shot
fully committed physiology the whole
body feeling like I’ve got this shot I’m
fully committed to S to to what I’m
going to
do very nice out of 10 yeah I was
committed I feel like I had another
little slip but
little out yeah to the okay check your
spikes yes that would be why we need
some spikes on wet days in California oh
there’s spikes in there there’s
something there yeah they’re covered up
yeah a lot lot of cover
right little bullet little bullet shot
tracers going to pick that one
good out of
that so what’s the first thing we do Lex
oh we got a great lie we go through the
LIE right so the lie but a little
downhill right a little downhill okay so
a little bit down good my feet or above
my feet a little bit above your feet
okay so next thing is what’s our Target
right here
probably I mean with this wind probably
right at the flag and then or right of
it it would be nice just with the bunker
there yeah but I the carry right you
mean so I think the Miss is at the flag
or pin High rate okay so now we go ahead
and look at Ground
yardage 152 52 now like the last hole we
got that wind what do you think yardage
it’s actually no no you see so this is
what people do right they grab the club
and the thing is what I want to do is
what’s the playing yardage so go through
the process what’s the playing yardage
going to be playing yardage probably 140
140 right cuz you’ll see a tour player
their Caddy will literally hold the
clubs like this no no no no no no until
you do it right we’re not going to make
any mistakes here so 140 okay what’s the
shot shape going to be off of this SL
going to be right to left again right to
left again okay little draw okay what
club pitch and wge let me get it for you
here you go so so you saying is what we
can do is jump to the conclusion we want
to go through our process so 140 draw
out on the right visualize it how good
would it feel and now let’s set up and
let’s allow that to happen
okay out of 10 I wasn’t I you know I’d
say an eight on that one so why an eight
instead of a 10 let’s walk on down here
we’ll grab our stuff and we’ll walk on
down why an eight instead of a 10 think
I started thinking a little bit too much
before brain opened up a little bit so
started to think start to maybe get a
little tension got a little quick so the
idea is most people want to go oh I
can’t believe I pulled it versus getting
honest with themselves and saying no I
just n fully committed we’re still on
the green we’re still on the green but
you get what I’m saying is you’re not
always going to be tens but you’re
always striving to be fully committed
but you can’t observe the shot right now
we can observe what happened in the
pre-shot routine so I just tried to
think a little bit too much and so I
wasn’t as committed okay that’s the
answer so guys you’re always in gals
you’re always looking can you get fully
committed in your pre-shot routine so
you have a chance to execute the shot
you want but you can only analyze the
pre-shot if you w’t a 10 you can analyze
the post shot what happen to the actual
go shot if you got 10 of 10 go in the
middle of the the middle of yeah
don’t soft soft soft soft soft okay all
right okay so let’s go ahead and see
right what’s the shot the pace that we
want what’s the line that we’ve got
overall visualize the shot the entire
way right so I mean leaving it right
here you know this wouldn’t be be a bad
putt to have up here would not be a
great putt so we’ve got our got our shot
that we want now it out so you can have
it out okay you hit it exactly how you
wanted what would it look like visualize
shot and then how good would it
feel okay out of
10 didn’t look like you were fully
committed and confident look like you in
between it what was the number out 10
I’d say a seven seven
so why not a 10 talk to me right quick
with the camera why why not a 10 I
didn’t I just started second guessing my
read okay so you seeing this you’re
second guessing your read you can never
know the read yeah never until after
you’ve hit it so the idea is before you
hit the shot so someone will get
frustrated I can’t believe that happened
now you can say I can know why that
happened I didn’t commit to the golf
shot so I wasn’t committed over it so
what would I have expected do you get
what I’m saying so such a refreshing way
to see it right you can get rid of all
the frustration and stories it’s just I
wasn’t competing move on you
Boom the pressure is
added okay was that even par Jared for
holes okay birdie bogey P right so Alexa
beauty is like what we just said we can
never know the line on this we can never
but what we can do is commit to a line
that we agree upon right and then commit
to that stroke with full commitment
right and roll it end over end so I see
left Edge yeah I like left Edge
absolutely so remember full commitment
to the stroke that’s it full
no shake hands Pro you just got beat all
right how did that one feel Comm level
on that one love it one under par so
again let’s just review what we talked
about today the concept that great
players commit to their golf shots but
how do you commit to a golf shot you
have to have Clarity on what it is you
have have to have visualized it you have
to then believe you can hit it so if you
pull out driver and feel like oh this is
going OB you can’t commit to that
because you don’t you’ve been snap
hooking it or slicing it all day so it’s
getting committed to that shot and when
you hear 10 of 10 look the concept there
is how committed were you and how much
did you let go so if you want to know
more about it like I said download the
PDF it will go into way more detail
about how to explain getting 10 of 10
but again real quick your thoughts and
feedback from today oh it’s great it’s
great to just have that commitment and
different way to think about getting
ready for your shot I mean there’s like
you said people get mentally ready but
it’s the physiology of the body and just
feeling it there instead of getting
caught up in your brain yeah love it so
remember get fully committed to the
pre-shot routine that’ll allow you to
have a post shot routine and in that
post shot routine you can start to
understand did you not give yourself an
opportunity to actually make a good golf
swing or did you just go ahead and M hit
a golf shot it happens it’s golf it’s
not easy so go and make it happen and
enjoy using the scoring


  1. Hey Will be a member since the early days of the Scoring Method! Love that you’re coming to YouTube! Any way to become a certified coach if you’re not a PGA coach already? The system WORKS. Period. I love it and want to be a part of it

  2. I just finished reading Every Shot Must Have a Purpose and what you're showing in this video is pretty much what the authors teach in that book…visualize and commit to a shot in the think box, and then once you cross the line from the think box to the play box, you trust your process so that the shot will happen as you visualized it. They even suggest verbalizing exactly what shot you want to hit in the think box. Great video

  3. You can also go through process, hit the shot BUT not get a good result, ie bad bounce, or putt jits a bump.
    So also better to focus on process not outcome, but you didnt mention this in video. Some examples would be good.

  4. I agree with your commitment and visualization but also picking the ball landing on the drive would have been in my check list. He was Lucky to be in between them. A better choice would have been mid to right side of fairway and take bunkers out

  5. I have been scoring 89 on a regular basis. Looked at this video last night and played today and shot a 82. The scoring method works. I'm staying with you!

  6. This was awesome. Thanks for making the video! I can see that I am not committed to my shots because I have not taken the time to fully understand what I need to do. Looking forward to get out on the course and implement this.

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