Huge Support for LA City Golf New $10 Player Deposit Tee Times

Get ready for your next round of golf in LA with the $10 player deposit for tee times! Tune in to our golf podcast for a great conversation about changes with the City of LA Golf Department.

Kevin Fitzgerald, Assistant Director of Public Affairs for the Southern California Golf Association, provides an update on recent meetings regarding the implementation of a pilot program for golf tee time bookings in Los Angeles. The Golf Advisory Committee and the Recreation and Park Board of Commissioners both endorsed the staff recommendation for a $10 non-refundable deposit per player when booking a tee time. The program has received overwhelming support, although there are concerns about the impact on certain golfers and the need for ongoing monitoring and potential adjustments. The implementation date is yet to be determined.

Sound Bites
“The Golf Advisory Committee endorsed the staff recommendation with a vote of 14 to 1, so overwhelming support.”
“The Recreation and Park Board of Commissioners approved the pilot program with a unanimous vote of four to zero.”
“The pilot program has raised concerns and received a great amount of attention from various media outlets.”

The Golf Advisory Committee and the Recreation and Park Board of Commissioners endorsed a pilot program for golf tee time bookings in Los Angeles that includes a $10 non-refundable deposit per player.
The program has received overwhelming support, but there are concerns about the impact on certain golfers and the need for ongoing monitoring and potential adjustments.
The implementation date for the pilot program is yet to be determined, but it is expected to happen within a couple of weeks.
There is a possibility of introducing dynamic pricing and exploring alternative mitigation measures in the future.

00:00 Introduction and Background
01:00 Update on Recent Meetings
05:43 Timing and Marketing Considerations
09:04 Impact on Golfers and Potential Adjustments
13:18 Addressing Concerns and Maintaining Affordability
30:28 Importance of Timely Implementation

we want to welcome Kevin Fitzgerald back
to the tech caddy podcast Uh Kevin is
assistant director of public affairs for
the southern uh California Golf
Association and then he also chairs the
golf Advisory board board for the city
of La uh golf courses so Kevin has been
really gracious with his time with me
and we’ve already had him on once before
I think Kevin the first podcast we had
you on has over a thousand views so a
lot of people saw us have a com ation so
welcome back to the tech caddy podcast
Kevin thank you for having me glad that
we have something new to share within I
think about a week week and a half of
the last last time we spoke exactly and
so today is the eclipse day so that’s
Monday what is it Monday the 8th but
this will probably go live on the 10th
uh the morning of of Wednesday the 10th
we’re we’re trying to run down a couple
more guests but we’ll we’ll see what
happens there we were just speaking off
camera we’d like to get somebody from
the the city on but that’s that’s proven
to be a little difficult why don’t you
give us an update on the last time we
talked you knew that there would be two
meetings coming up I think actually on
April 1 there was a meeting and then
maybe on the fourth there was a meeting
but why don’t you give us an update on
on what’s transpired sure so yeah as we
suspected there there were two meetings
last week the first was a special
meeting of the golf advisory committee
that’s the subsidiary body that makes
recommendations works with the the golf
division um and then that was last
Monday that meeting was scheduled it was
a really good discussion the golf
advisory committee um heard a a board
report that was comprised of really two
different elements one was to revise the
golf rules regulations and code of
conduct and really sort of provided a
little bit more strength to the code of
and then the second piece was the
implementation of a pilot program that
is a $10 deposit per player a
non-refundable deposit um when when you
book a time and so the golf advisory
committee had a a really good meeting we
had the opportunity to ask questions
consider you know alternative ideas and
the golf advisory committee did
ultimately endorse the staff
recommendation with a vote to 14 to1 so
overwhelming support um and and
then on Thursday the recreation and Park
Board of Commissioners they are the
policymaking body the the five members
are appointed uh by the mayor and um
they heard the the board report the
staff report and again asked a couple
you know really interesting questions
particularly about the pilot
program and and uh potential for
alternative ideas is in the future
monitoring the pilot program to
determine how effective it it actually
will be and um and and then the golf
division the staff will continue to
report back to the board on a regular
basis uh to to to try to get at that
question how effective is this pilot
program so the the board one one member
uh re recused herself but it was a a
four to zero vote so unanimous right so
it was and we have these meeting notes
and I think I’ll I’ll post them in the
uh the wrapup but uh it was a unanimous
vote because the one person recused
herself uh and and it was approved right
I mean the the stamp on the document
says approved and so it was approved on
April 4th is my understanding correct
yes last Thursday and so we don’t have
an exact date of when this
deposit non-refundable pilot program
will be implemented our our sense of it
is that it would would take a couple of
weeks let me let me chime in on that so
I followup uh with golf now uh and I
have several you know people that I that
I speak with there and I’ll just say he
or she because I don’t want to you know
give but he or she said I’m just looking
at some notes here that that this could
be implemented in less than 24 hours so
golf now’s position was um we can do
this overnight and I do want to just
give a little bit of a shout out so
before I left golf now had started to
Institute what’s what’s called a sales
order process that’s an integration
between and the GolfNow system
the GolfNow U uh
administrator’s name is Michael Barnes
excellent at his job and so and and
actually this is something that the
general manager of golf now Jeremy
hanlin I think it was his brainchild it
should be the thought was it should be
easier and quicker to implement customer
requests and so and so when Golf Now
said to me last week or someone from
golf now is probably the best way to say
that that they could do this uh uh in
less than 24 hours it’s because of some
work that golf now has done over the
last couple of years to really serve
people quickly um and so I’ll be honest
I was looking forward this morning to
maybe booking an LA City T time with a
$10 nonre you know I wanted to go
experience it but it doesn’t seem like
it’s live yet and you know really it was
approved four days ago it’s not live yet
I some some element that was discussed
is that there’s going to be some kind of
marketing to this so they’re probably
working through that as well um they’re
not going to sort of go cold turkey and
all of a sudden you get a notification
there there’s going to be a process make
sure that you know everyone in the
department is very well informed anyone
involved all staff at all the golf
courses understands the policy very well
um it can speak to it and then um so but
that that’s interesting I I didn’t
realize that it could potentially move
that quickly on the technology side so
that that makes me think that it’s it’s
going to happen you know sooner than
than even I had imagined got it and then
and then also so but but along those
kind of similar lines some text on the
LA City website has updated right and
and just as a reminder to everybody
Kevin does not work for the city of Los
Angeles golf courses he’s simply on an
Advisory board so sometimes I screw up
my pronouns a little bit and I say you
guys or something like that but it’s
this isn’t on Kevin right Kevin well we
we certainly get a lot of emails and
there are a lot of golfers in the city
of Los Angeles and I’ve heard from many
of them in the last few weeks and you
know again it’s part of the stakeholder
input process uh we do get the
opportunity through this golf advisory
committee to be heard as a golf
community and so you know we we get
access to those who are making these
decisions and weighing the pro and the
cons and I think um it’s it’s a great
Avenue where golfers get the chance to
you know to to speak with leadership the
Brain Trust of the city’s golf system I
completely agree with that and it’s and
it’s I I’m not gonna say it’s it’s
completely unique but I certainly live
in a city where that doesn’t exist and
so I think it’s great that you guys are
able to have that voice but here’s one
thing I did I did want to point out so
some some text on the website has
already updated her approval on the
fourth where they talk about um uh the
the booking
includes I’m I’m trying to read this
with with bright lights on here tea
times through only webbased site or
web-based application or other
application talking about things that
are not uh permitted it struck me and I
know you and I talked about this a
little bit last week it struck me Kevin
that there’s no mention of the phone uh
in in this new updated text right and
and the reason I say that is and I also
confirmed this on my own uh over the
weekend the city of Los Angeles does
maintain a 247 phone bank if you will to
book tea times I have an email exchange
with the city where they say yes you can
book tea times over the phone and then I
actually spoke with someone on the phone
uh about to book a t time and you know
it occurred to me that the Brokers could
use a call center as well
and it almost seemed like some of this
language was so oriented to web-based
and to you know one at one point they
they call out mobile devices and I
thought boy you better remember the old
school stuff too uh because that would
certainly be a way to kind of circumvent
some of this new
language yeah interesting um you you my
wheels are are are spinning now as as
far as what you just raised so I have a
couple of thoughts that I’ll I’ll
certainly uh be be getting more
information on here
okay yeah it is it is interesting um uh
you know the other thing so I watched um
some news coverage of this with city of
uh I think it’s is it kala Kevin is that
the right call letters probably KTLA and
KTLA Okay CBS kcal9 one of one of those
right and you know one of the one of the
interesting things that was mentioned
there was what about the poor guy that’s
just playing at 2:00 in the afternoon
and this doesn’t really impact him or
her and now they’ve got to put this
deposit down and I actually thought not
a bad point you know I mean it seems
somewhat fair to bring that up yeah
absolutely I mean I I think for for many
golfers this is going to be an
additional step and and a hassle there’s
there’s no getting around it I mean I
think you know this um this is something
that I think some kind of pilot program
a deposit there was going to be action
here it it’s raised a lot of concern
great amount of attention various media
Outlets um you know our golf advisory
committee meeting a few weeks ago now
you know we had four different news
teams video taping the entire meeting um
that you know there there was pressure
to to move forward with something to
help mitigate the the issue of Brokers
coner service however you want to
describe it you know a deao greens fee
increase um for for that golfer that
that plays in the afternoon on a weekday
I think that’s something that we’re
we’re going to have to continue to
reconsider it could well be that this
pilot program works very well it could
well be that it it it it doesn’t work as
well as as we would like and and and
maybe part of that would be an afternoon
uh weekday time that you don’t have that
dep I don’t know yeah I don’t know how
it’ll all play out but know that from
the reports that we we heard from from
staff the can the the the quick booking
cancellations it it it looks pretty
similar across the board every every day
so I I I know that there are times that
you know particularly weekend morning
times that are highly sought after but
every tea time is is highly sought after
and as you know I I’m sure you’ve looked
at the system if if you try to book it
could be Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday doesn’t matter it is
really really hard to book a forsome oh
no question yeah you’re talking getting
for the sense was that the good with
this trial will outweigh the negatives
but there absolutely are some negatives
and and this is absolutely going to be
tweaked I would think over time and and
I think uh you know one one key issue
that came up at the golf advisory
committee was that you know there was a
sense that uh to endorse the board
report but also to uh encourage staff to
continue to work on other ideas um other
mitigation measures maybe that is in uh
uh in replacement of this pilot program
this this $10 deposit maybe it’s in
addition to we we’ll see where that goes
but I think that you know our sense was
that the the golf division staff is
continuing to explore Alternatives yeah
and I think there was a general sense as
well that how are we going to help move
forward with something that gets at the
heart of the matter without just raising
the greens fees I think they came up
with was something that was very well
supported because there was probably a
sense from many of us that the first
idea was going to be an additional fee
you know a service charge $10 on top of
the greens fee something like that a
reservation fee but instead I mean I
think the deposit was a a unique way to
to try to get at um the problem without
going straight to a greens fee increase
which I know um you know that they’re
they’re very concerned about the Optics
uh and and also the accessibility and
affordability still being Paramount
that’s the mission of the system sure to
provide an affordable and accessible
system and so I think that the golf
advisory committee you know through that
discussion it was it was clear that
there was great appreciation for the
idea that the the answer wasn’t just
going to be let’s just uh make the
system uh more expensive to access yeah
no I I I think I I think the deposit
thing is is a great way to go I do think
just a almost a prediction I I do think
you’ll ultimately evolve to a deposit
only in certain day point day parts
that’s just my gut I think that that’s
ultimately um where you’ll get I also
think you know you you made a statement
the last time you were on that I thought
was really smart and and frankly really
honest and you talked about that golfer
confidence had been eroded right that
that that you guys had and I shouldn’t
say you guys that that there there had
been a loss of some confidence among the
the the larger golfer Community which I
thought was really great of you to to I
mean I think you kind of said the quiet
part out loud right which was which was
great I wonder if
ultimately it wouldn’t serve the city
best to start to release
some reports or some dashboards
occasionally certainly with no personal
contact information or anything but to
start the show uh on the website here’s
the booking window here’s the activity
that we’re seeing uh certainly your
technology uh partner I think would love
to participate in that someone a third
party person uh whether it’s you know
someone like me or someone similar to me
but not me uh would
certainly could do that there are people
in the industry that have great working
knowledge of the golf now system let’s
put it that way that can analyze those
reports and and really turn those into
easily consumed pieces of data just so
the golfer Community can start to regain
some confidence you know I think that
that might be interesting uh if you guys
go that route I I will say this I am
interested in see seeing some data that
that would Dive In to is this Bots or is
this something else there are a whole
lot of people in the LA golfing
Community today that are saying this is
not Bots this is this is some small
group of people getting access to
inventory before the rest of the people
get access to and there’s I don’t think
I believe that as much as M maybe I’m
starting to look that way a little bit
more based on some things I’ve seen it’s
also interesting Kevin and maybe you
could comment on
this in the terms and conditions or code
of conduct conduct or whatever it is
they actually talk about um you can’t
resell our tea times unless you’ve been
consent and I thought when I read that I
thought well wait a second who’s been
given consent then you know it the way
it’s written almost leads you to believe
that does that means some people have
been given consent uh and that might be
an interesting thing to lean into and
then Frank if you’re talking about
gaining golf for confidence back share
with us who has been given consent well
I yeah I don’t know exactly where that
language came from other than the fact
that the the City attorney is involved
with language about a code of conduct so
I I know from my research on
California’s anti-scalping laws that
that that’s very similar language um you
know prior to where where we are now
there’s no deposits so essentially we’ve
talked about sort of reselling but
really what is happening is you’ve made
reservation and you’ve not put any skin
in the game you haven’t purchased
anything so you’re not really reselling
because you haven’t you didn’t buy
anything so this essentially you you
have now
um they’ve aligned that language closer
to what I’ve seen with the anti-
scalping law so in in California if you
are purchasing a concert ticket and
granted concert tickets are very
different from a t time at a municipal
golf course but you you are as I
understand it permitted
to buy the ticket and then if you can’t
make it you could give it to someone
else and that person gives you the price
that you paid for the ticket the the
ticket value you are not permitted to
resell it above the price that is on the
ticket um that that unless you have
consent of the venue
I believe the artist so on and so forth
so there are systems that these venues
use and I can’t I don’t want to get into
you know naming any of them but
essentially you go on these platforms
you can get a ticket and that somewhat
Dynamic pricing I mean you know the
pricing is much higher than what the
ticket value says well if the venue has
permitted that and even perhaps given
those tickets to that platform then they
it’s okay to do that it’s not okay as I
understand it um unless you have all of
that consent in writing and so my guess
is is that um it it just aligns very
much with with with California’s laws as
it pertains to venues yep and it could
be that it leaves the door open for some
platform I I if there’s a way that that
the city would like to have the the
times available on another page as long
as they have the consent to do it then
they can I I you know I I know that the
City attorney is involved with any
updated code of conduct language so um
but yeah again thanks for raising the
the point I certainly asked some more
questions about about that language in
particular you know another thing that
you come across when you when you really
lean into the code of conduct and
regulations Etc the city of of La has
made room for dynamic pricing in that
document that was submitted on April 4th
they actually included all of the I mean
there is pricing in there that
references the word ceiling and then
there’s pricing in there that references
the word discount uh and you can even
see a delineation in discounts about
what’s Avail what’s allowed before and
after 9:00 am I think it is it might be
11: but you know there’s some time of
day in there um and so I thought it was
interesting that you all are open to
Dynamic pricing certainly there are
ceilings right now I’m not sure I’ve
seen a tea time though price at the
ceiling yet uh but but I could be wrong
maybe maybe they’re always priced at the
ceiling I don’t think so correct they
they are below the ceiling now um what
that so when the the city uh wants to
move forward with a change to their fee
schedule they need to get approval
through the recreation and Park Board of
Commissioners so that’s a process I mean
and and actually it’s it’s telling how
important this this broker conci Air
Service issue is that the board heard
this item
last Thursday because usually it takes
quite some time to get on an agenda they
have it’s a big Park system golf is one
component of it so
um it’s a$ 30 million doll component but
it yes it’s one component a absolutely
absolutely but um um uh and and so okay
and so Dynamic pricing is at least
considered right uh uh obviously
brokering is what’s uh the topic of the
day um um we don’t know exactly when it
will go into effect I’m curious to to
just hear from you what do you think the
impact will be do you think that you
would you
theoretically could be online at 6:10 in
the morning and see some weekend te
times what’s your sense for what the
impact will be well I think in terms of
the confidence um look when the board
report was released on uh Friday
afternoon um I I was on the phone for at
least eight hours plus over the weekends
calls from a lot of golfers and a lot of
emails and I would say as you brought up
there there were some concerns and and
and some of those have been you know
considered at golf advisory committee
meetings and some questions were raised
by the board members last Thursday but
by and large
the I would say the uh the sense was
that wow I’m I’m I’m happy something is
being done and I’m surprised how quick
something’s being done that that’s sort
of the consensus now it isn’t to say
that everyone I spoke with loved the
idea or thought it was the best idea
going forward but I think there was an
appreciation that they didn’t just raise
the rates the city’s trying to stick
with an affordable and accessible model
and we certainly appreciative of of you
know doing something however I don’t
think this is where you’re going to end
up now I heard that a lot I also heard
you know a lot of golfers suggest that I
I this might really help so I I think in
general it was just it was positive in
the sense that something good was
happening I want to go back one one one
point on the dynamic pricing so the
reason I I bring up that there’s a
ceiling they it’s easier to have a
ceiling that is set out uh always so
that the the greens fee uh
maximum price and you brought up
mornings on a weekend before 9:00 on a
couple of the golf courses are five
additional dollars so there’s and not
every Golf Course is exactly the same uh
greens fee so there there is some
variability there where I think it’s
different from Dynamic price you brought
up that it’s a ceiling the ceiling is
well below Market oh not really using
Dynamic pricing because in the sense
that you’re not taking advantage of the
the demand on those you know weekend
morning times and so forth so I you know
I I I agree with what you said I think
that’s important frame though is that
the ceiling is not so different from
where we are now and it’s it is well
below Market on many of the golf courses
at the High High High Times high traffic
times yeah no no question about that uh
back to my question do what do you think
the golfer experience will change you
know if you were trying to book 10
minutes after 6 in the morning you’re
looking nine days out right you got all
the filters set proper do you think
it’ll be a different experience for the
golfer you know I I really don’t know
the answer to that I I have to believe
that a lot more tea times will be
available and in part right now we have
you know concern about Brokers we have
concern about you know these conier
Services all the rest of it but also
it’s so difficult to get a tea time that
let’s say we were gonna try to play next
week you you get on at six o’clock I get
on at six o’clock our two friends get on
at six o’clock we probably book four
times with the intent of keeping one and
so some of this turnover the churn and
cancellations um has to do with the fact
that because it’s difficult it actually
incentivizes booking more times and more
searches you know the city has over
50,000 searches a week for tea times
there aren’t that many golf courses and
there certainly are not very many tea
times when you’re looking at six per
hour so I think um you know I do think
that the experience will change somewhat
I I I have to believe that there will be
less times booked now on a Saturday
morning Sunday morning like you said I
mean it’s going to take a lot of effort
to win back the confidence of the
golfers because my sense of it is that
when you try to book a time for Saturday
at 9:00
am I’m not sure how often you’re still
gonna get that that tea time I mean just
based on the numbers the we know how
many golfers there are we know how few
tea times there are maybe if your if
your percentage chance increases from 2%
to four or 5% it’s significant doubled
your odds but you still didn’t get a tea
time very often I I do think that it
will help um in the sense that there
will be
some lesser percentage of of tea times
booked which means that there are more
because like we said if that that isn’t
brokering that we all booked a tea time
and we choose to cancel three of them um
that is not going to be a good strategy
going forward because you will have paid
a deposit then on four different ttimes
so you’re GNA have to sort of coordinate
that we we want to book one time now as
a forsome and that again that’s it’s
it’s a hassle but it it should leave
more availability on the t- sheet I
would like to think it’s going to make
some real difference at some of those
highly impacted times I think
unfortunately it it’s going to be
extremely difficult and you may not see
it may not feel like a a huge difference
in your chance to to secure that time
Saturday or Sunday morning and that we
we’ll have to see my concern is that to
you know you’re asking the question for
a very good reason that I don’t I don’t
know that it’s going to be that
different for certain times but I think
at one o’clock on a week weekday or two
o’clock on a Saturday I I have to
imagine that um um you know you’re
you’re not going to see the entire t-
sheet um you know disappear in in a
couple of seconds through 4 pm but again
I we we’ll see yeah we’ll see exactly
well it actually I don’t know if if
anybody else has talked about this
um it actually creates a market for a
small amount of Technology just like
personal concierge technology if you
will right where hey I maybe pay uh $49
a year for a subscription to just a
personal bot that will book a tea time
for me if it’s available right and and
that actually wouldn’t be breaking any
rules because there’s no reselling going
on or anything like that it’s just that
you as an individual golfer and maybe
you’re taking care of your three buddies
uh you are using a little bit of tech uh
to to find an available tea time but but
that’s probably step 87 down the road so
we we’ll see I mean I think where where
that becomes a little bit murky very
quickly is if you are paying for some
kind of service again without without
consent from the golf division then is
that the same situation where it’s a de
facto greens fee increase because you
can’t get one without it you know to me
I I would read that a subscription
service is really not aligned with the
the new code of conduct L if you if you
for people that haven’t tried to book a
tea time lately with LA if you go on the
booking engine today you are seeing a
cloud Fair Cloud flare um landing page
first to prove that you’re not a bot and
then you’re being taken to the inventory
uh which and and so I think that’s
fairly new isn’t it that that wasn’t
happening I don’t think three or four
weeks ago it was there but I think they
slowed it down so that it was visible
because it wasn’t
visible so I don’t think the golfers
understood that that was actually taking
place because it happen so quickly uh so
again I think a little bit of that is
just adding a bit more confidence but um
yeah I I do have to check the box that
most of the time that identifies that
I’m a human yeah um and if not it’s it
still takes a couple seconds and shows
that it is verifying and you know I’ve
I’ve spent so much time you know playing
with the system trying to figure all of
this out the last few weeks and you know
I’ve been locked out because I’ve tried
to book so many tea times I haven’t
booked them but I get far enough along
in the process that it it it it it
blocks me so um the system works in that
sense and now I’m a legitimate golfer
and I was just trying to get more
information you know sort of different
trials to see where I could um you know
how successful I could be right you know
one of the one of the things I noticed
because I’ve been doing the same thing
just prepping one of the things I
was there’s not great
consistency across the entire portfolio
when it comes to the booking notes it it
struck me that different golf courses
are using different terms they’ve
they’ve they’ve organized their
sentences differently here or there uh
and I you know I just I kind of came
away from that wondering like is not
isn’t all the messaging coming from the
central office that you know to set
these tea time notes but that’s that’s
kind of splitting hairs I really think
now you basically we’re at a point now
where we know because of your your
technology provider has said hey this
can happen really quickly it hasn’t
happened yet albe it it’s only been four
days give everybody a break but if this
thing gets out to like 30 days and it
still hasn’t been implemented
I’m sure there will be quite a lot of
push back because essentially the city
has won some favor in what they were
able to accomplish Thursday and Friday
uh but if they wait too long I think
then the the confidence begins to erode
uh again well as soon as I hear a date
for the launch I will I will certainly
let you know I I don’t expect it to be
30 more days but you know they they did
sort of set the expectation at the
meeting that it would take it would take
some time and and so um that that was
why sort of my guess was you know a
couple of weeks I think what happened
was the LA Times article indicated that
it was live and I think what happened
there was the author got confused with
the $10 noow fee that will still remain
in effect um and I think a lot of people
read the LA Times article and thought Oh
my gosh it’s already live uh but
actually it’s not so and and you know
there have been some strange things that
have found their way way as as you know
allegedly as facts into some of the
stories that I’ve read things like an
additional day for for those with a
senior card I mean I I I don’t know
where the urban myths begin but um you
know there were things that were just
incorrect in some of the stories I mean
there there we talked about some of
those things a week or so ago that you
know this idea of a tenth day it just
doesn’t exist so I I I don’t know yeah
well listen thanks uh again for coming
on um it it uh I think we’re almost to
the Finish Line we’re not quite there
right but but we’re we’re a lot closer
and um it is impressive when a big big
city like Los Angeles moves you know
from the the Monday to the Thursday to
the Friday that is that is lightning
fast for a battleship of that size so
that’s really encouraging and we and
we’ll look forward to seeing this stuff
go live yeah and I and I think you know
I I appreciate the interest and I do you
know I I work at Southern California
Golf Association so la City you know was
front and center in this that’s sort of
where the story broke but I I I’m quite
sure that we’re going to see some um
some movement with some of the other
systems I I I think there’s a sense that
like you brought up a couple times where
we need to make sure that we’re doing
everything we can to if we’re behind it
to catch back up if we’re if we’re uh if
if we’ve sort of uh been able to avoid
some of the the concern then let’s get
out ahead of it so I I I think um we
we’ll see some movement with some other
systems as well to to try to make sure
that the the t- sheets are as accessible
as possible to to the every golfer
that’ll be great that’ll be great and
and man it’ll make the game so much
stronger people that that right now are
playing once or twice a year are going
to start to play five and six times a
year and that is that is great for the
game so I hope so i’ I heard that a lot
you know I’ve pretty much given up I’ve
given up trying to go
and that’s really sad it’s heartbreaking
to me because you know but we say it all
the time we we love the idea growing the
game well it’s hard to grow a game if
there isn’t anywhere to grow it I mean
you need to be able to get on a golf
course or what what game are we growing
so agreed I totally agree okay well
thanks for coming in uh Kevin um I’m
sorry you won’t see the eclipse but uh
but there’s a lot of to see in
California we’re gonna see a little bit
of it I think I saw about 50% in in LA
so well good that’s that’s I don’t have
the glasses but I’ll get one of those
cardboard boxes or whatever it is there
you go there you go okay all right well
well thanks Kevin thank you bye


  1. The $10 deposit was not thought out. If a person makes a reservation for a foursome. $40 is charged against his credit card. At the starter window for a 9 hole course, each senior golf buddy would pay $2 to the starter and then have to pay $10 back to the person making the reservation. This is a lot of added detailed payments and book keeping for the golfers that were not necessary before. A simpler down to earth system is necessary.

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