Which Irons Should You Play For Your Golf Handicap?

In this video Golfshake Equipment Expert Ryan Rastall discusses which irons you should play based on your golf ability and golf handicap level. Talking through the full 2024 Callaway range of irons, Ryan provides insights into each model and discuss which iron fits into which category based on your golf handicap and ultimately the importance of being custom fit.

Ryan talks through where you might fit into Low Handicap Players irons, Mid Handicap irons or High Handicap Game Improvement irons and how each of the 9 Callaway irons differs and the type of golfer most suited to an individual model.

00:45 High Handicap Irons – Paradym Ai Smoke HL, Ai Smoke Max Fast, APEX DCB and Big Bertha
03:43 Mid Handicap Irons – Paradym Ai Smoke, APEX, APEX Pro
06:02 Low Handicap Players Irons – APEX CB and APEX MB
07:25 Trackman test data – APEX MB, Paradym Ai Smoke, Big Bertha

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hello there guys and welcome back to the
channel as the title suggests we are
taking a look at which iron is going to
suit your game best quite a difficult
question to answer without seeing you
hit some shots or know much about your
golf game but what we’re going to do
during this video is go through the
entire product line of a certain brand
today we’re going to feature Callaway so
they have nine models of iron in their
current uh range I’ve broken these nine
irons into three different categories so
kind of a a mid to high handicapper a
kind of mid- handicapper and a low
handicapper sort of section we’re going
to talk through the type of players that
may suit each type of iron and hopefully
give you a bit more of an indication as
to which one might suit your game the
best so we’re going to start with the
most forgiving Okay so we’ve got four
irons here which I’ve picked out in the
in the Callaway range all doing very
different things so we can see here
we’ve got all the way from the famous
big birther we’ve got AI smoke HL AI
smoke Max fast and also the Apex DCB now
we’ve got very very different irons here
let’s start with berther okay so this is
the iron that is packed with probably
the most game improvement technology
that Callaway offer now you can see the
sole is pretty wide there’s also quite a
bit of offset on that Golf Club as well
so if you’re that player who has that
bit of a slice if you struggle to get
the ball Airborne many players who do
come over the top and hit across it
obviously hit down on the ball a lot and
sort of chop at the golf ball which
forces it to launch quite low um these
irons are helping to stop that right
there’s loads of tungsten you can see
the word tungster on the back of it
there there’s a big weight in the back
of the head trying to get as much weight
low and deep as possible to help get
underneath the golf ball and help you
launch it now the offset will also help
with that slice too so having the the
head or the face set back from the
huzzle almost draw biases the iron a
little bit as well so if you’re that
player who does move Mo the ball a lot
from left to right maybe does struggle
to get it in the air a little bit big
birther could be the iron for you when
we go into some of the other irons in
the range so I’ve got two Paradigm ones
here so we have um the AI smoke HL so
high launch and then they also the AI
smoke Max fast now looking at them
they’re quite similar the HL slightly
wider in its sole okay so again similar
to Bera where we’re trying to get that
ball in the air easier we’ve got some
off set on the head as well we’ve got
tungsten low in the particularly in the
toe to shift the CG but then the max
fast also falls into this category it’s
quite similar in its look uh and very
similar in terms of the sole width but
Max fast is called that because it’s a
slightly lighter weight head it also has
lighter shafts that kind of accompany it
so if you’re that player who really
struggles with speed maybe if you’re
getting on a little bit in years or
getting a little bit weaker in terms of
how quickly you swing the golf club Max
fast could be a great option for you to
gain back some of that lost Club head
speed when we then move into the Apex FR
franchise this is kind of the kind of
entry into Apex if you like in the DCB
um so basically it’s a forgiving kind of
more wider sold you can see the top
Line’s a little bit bigger the kind of
weight is a little bit lower and deeper
in the head as well so this is an iron
that is going to kind of like I say
almost an entry into Apex so it’s for
that who does need loads of forgiveness
but also wants that premium forging kind
of look and feel of the Apex Iron Range
you’re going to get that in the DCB so
the next three ions we’re going to look
at in the Callaway family are uh we’ve
got two Apex and one in the AI smoke
right so I think these can suit anyone
of a handicap from sort of low to mid
single figures all the way up to high
teens and 20s really it really depends
on how good a ball Striker you are
because the forg iess that you get in
these is less than the other four that
we’ve just looked at but still pretty
high yeah you’re still going to get a
decent amount of forgiveness in all
three of these ions the Apex Pro
probably slightly less than the others
but we’ll go into each of them um and
discuss that so we’ll start with the AI
smoke iron right so we can see this is
much narrower in the sole and also the
Top Line doesn’t have quite as much
offset as we saw in the HL version now
this is an iron that will suit that
player who maybe already gets it in the
air more than easily enough maybe needs
to lower that ball flight lower spin
potentially but still needs some of that
forgiveness we’ve got lots of tungsten
low in the head here as well to Aid that
it’s also going to be quite an easy iton
to get in the air to be fair but maybe
not as easy as the HL model that we saw
before as we move into that Apex range
we see the standard Apex iron here like
I said it’s been out for a while it’s
got a nice wide sole on it slightly
wider Top Line and again not quite as
much offset as we saw in the kind of
higher handicap and game Improv section
now um we’re still going to get tons of
forgiveness in this we’re also going to
get an iron that feels amazing when we
hit it as well and this is one of the
most popular irons that we fit here um
when we when we’re doing fitting for
players for Callaway so it’s one that
suits quite a wide range of handicaps
then we move into one of the new ions
that came out at the end of last year
which is Apex Pro so it is kind of been
redesigned from the older Apex Pro Model
that was out we do have a decent amount
of sole width we’ve obviously got this
hollow head construction the weighting
in there as well but we’re still to get
amazing feel like we’d associate with
that Apex kind of franchise that we get
from Callaway slightly less offset again
this time so probably this and the AI
smoke are ever so slightly less
forgiving than the standard Apex but
it’s it’s marginal really like I say the
Apex is probably going to sue a lot of
players ey who maybe are that
traditional golfer really wants that
iron that looks great sits behind the
ball that forged feel but also maybe
need a little bit of help now days so
yeah that’s kind of our mid-range if you
like with the Callaway series of irons
so the two ions I’ve singled out in the
Callaway range that are kind of more of
the players iron kind of space and
category are the new Apex CB and MB okay
so for obvious reasons you can see
they’re much smaller than the ones we’ve
looked at you can see the sole width is
down as well so less sort of help
getting the ball airborne and also when
we look at the kind of Topline positions
in both of them as well significantly
narrower than what we’ve SE seen so if
you’re that player who is a pretty good
ball Striker and someone who is kind of
more of a traditionalist when it comes
to the way golf clubs look the these are
going to take a lot of boxes for you to
be honest I think you’d probably more
like a combo set of both of these which
is which is quite an easy thing to do
particularly with this Apex range and
you may even go to Apex Pro in your
longer ions if you do need that little
bit more help but yeah these are not
going to be for that player who
struggles to get the ball in the air or
doesn’t hit the middle of the face cuz
they’re just not going to offer that so
I’m going to go probably I’m going to
hit the MB I’m going to hit something
mid-range and I’m going to hit probably
the big berther at the far end as well
and give you a little bit of a feel for
how they compare with each other when we
hit them here on the
trackman so the three irons that I chose
to showcase the Callaway range were the
Apex MB so kind of right at the bottom
end I chose Paradigm AI smoke for my
kind of middle iron and then the most
forgiving I went with the big birther so
let’s see how we got on so we can see in
terms of the distances let’s let’s go
there first okay so we can see Apex MB
being the shortest which we’d expect cuz
it’s the highest Loft um so we’re
averaging 175 carry with that sorry 175
total 187 total with Paradigm AI smoke
and then you see 200 yards total with
the big birther all of these were the
seven irons from the sets obviously The
Lofts do differ throughout but we can
see the kind of technological changes in
there as well so we can see the big
birther one getting the highest which
it’s obviously designed to do um the
Apex MB went quite high as well I I
suspect that’s more down to The Loft
than anything else um but we can see the
spin numbers obviously differ as well
with Apex MB being the highest spin like
I say we’d expect that it’s the most
lofted of all three of these irons and
ball speeds very different so from 119
mph in Apex MB a little bit more in 124
in Paradigm AI smoke and then over 130
mph ball speed with big berther so we
can see there very very different ball
flights and when we look at kind of
where the shots have finished up as well
with the dispersions we can see with
Bera that bit of offset everything’s
finishing a little bit more left of
Target when I’ve hit it I’ve just looked
literally pick three or four shots with
each one there for you to have a look at
but yeah of the kind of 20 or so shots
that I’ve hit with each yeah the big bir
of one I was struggling to not hit it
left really with everything but but yeah
when when we look at those numbers is
kind of what we would expect and we can
see that there there are subtle
differences between each of these ions
and obviously when you get fitted and
try the entire product range you know
with nine irons in there what your
fitter will be able to do is kind of
very quickly pigeon hole you into
certain sets that might suit you and you
might be trying two or three different
irons rather than all nine in the range
we wouldn’t expect you to be doing that
at all we’ve obviously got other brands
to factor into this as well you know
just in this room I’ve got five or six
different brands all offering product
ranges that will suit different types of
player and handicapper if if you’ve got
a particular brand in mind I’m sure a
custom fitter will be able to fit you
into that brand and find a set that’s
going to suit you like I say comboing
sets of irons is something that we do a
hell of a lot of now as well because
what we demand out of a longer iron and
a shorter iron can be can be very very
different hopefully you’ve enjoyed that
video it’s been great to test this
product range like I said Callaway
really has every base covered with all
of its high end but go and get properly
custom fitted hopefully you’ve enjoyed
that and we’ll see you all very very


  1. What would be the best choice for senior(78) with slower swing speeds. Currently playing Rouge ST Max and only getting about 100 yds with pitching wedge, 115 with nine iron using Rouge ST Max Hybrids (5,6,7). Big Bertha or Paradym Smoke HL/ Fast?

  2. Without explicitly stating it, I think you found the problem in Callaway’s lineup (at least in my opinion) … NINE iron models? I like choices as much as the next guy, but that’s just too many for me to go through. I think they could easily eliminate 2 or 3 and nobody would miss them.

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