Golf Players

The Rob Staton Show, April 11

Rob Staton of joins Puck every Thursday, brought to you by Superior Linen Service. Rob breaks down the Seahawks and draft better than anyone!

In this conversation, Puck and Rob Staton discuss golf, Rob’s recent trip to Dubai, and the upcoming NFL draft. They talk about the importance of building a strong offensive and defensive line, finding a franchise quarterback, and the need for a more physical and aggressive Seahawks team. Rob shares his four-round mock draft and discusses potential draft picks for the Seahawks. They also touch on a guest column by Curtis Allen, which discusses the pros and cons of drafting a quarterback in this year’s draft.


00:00 Golf…meeting Danny Willett, Puck hates Willett! And Rob’s holiday in Dubai!
06:54 The Importance of Building Strong Offensive and Defensive Lines
14:59 Finding a Franchise Quarterback
28:23 Rob’s Four-Round Mock Draft and Potential Picks for the Seahawks

hey uh this is not football related are
you a golf fan at all do you like
playing do you like watching it uh so I
played when I was a teenager and then
and was okay and then kind of went away
from it and did other things and I’ve
never gone back to it is one of it’s on
my bucket list to learn to play golf
properly and and competently get around
a course but I take an interest in it I
will definitely watch the final day of
the Masters and um and look I I like
Danny Willets from my part of the world
so it was great when he won it a few
years ago it wasn’t great for me that
was the one I’ve I’ve been one time that
was the year I went and freaking Danny
Willet won and there’s nothing nothing
against Danny Willet from your country
but I was just like that was the year
that spe collapsed on 12 so we were we
were there we’re gonna see this guy go
back to back and everybody’s rooting for
Jordan Speed and we watched Danny Willl
itwin and I’m like it was such a like a
it was such a buzz kill
uh yeah go ahead I was G to say it was
the total opposite here because he won
and then like three days later I’m
interviewing a guy wearing a green
jacket at his local course which is like
five minutes from my house I’ve got a
great picture of me and Danny Willet
wearing the green jacket like two days
after after he flow back yeah I’ll take
it out and I’ll send it over to you oh
please do God I I want to see that yeah
it’s and right now as we’re as we’re
talking about this recording it this is
on a on a Thursday in the and it’s
underway he actually is whenever you
listen to this he’s actually playing
really well right now uh in the early
goings there of the Masters yeah it’s
just unbelievable Danny will it I didn’t
I think we didn’t even stick around on
the 18th to see him finish because we
were so mad that uh he ended up winning
Rob staton’s with us of course that
pretty face uh P he got a lot of
comments last week when he did the show
from Dubai a lot of people asking uh Rob
are texting me what kind of workout
regimen is this guy on the arms the
pythons they were just bulging out Rob
is back home after spending some uh some
holiday time there in Dubai Seahawks
draft blog he joins us every week to
talk Seahawks football break down the
draft of course it’s coming up it’s all
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2636 so was it a holiday for you I mean
you still had to work you jumped on this
show for some reason but are you able to
kind of decompress and get away or is
your mind still going all things
Seahawks NFL draft coming up no so I was
talking to somebody about this earlier
and they were saying like what do you do
do you just sort of switch off because
obviously my day job is just to talk
about English soccer and then sort of my
evening sort of second job is to talk
about the Seahawks and the draft and
because they are like my main interests
in life anyway I don’t I don’t really
want to switch off so kind of when I we
go away I’m I’m you know spend time with
the family but as soon as the kids are
asleep it’s U I’m I enjoy writing like I
it’s my thing so you know we’re in the
room we’ve got to be there with the kids
anyway I’ll go and Chuck an article out
there when I was on the plane like seven
hour flight home I’ve got nothing to do
I’m not looking is there any films I
want to watch no so I’ll do a four round
M draft and then I did that so that’s
just it’s just how I kind of kill my
time I feel very lucky that I get to do
what I love uh for a living and it’s
it’s the best thing in the world and
wife’s all on board with it uh she’s uh
I don’t want to say it too loudly
because she might hear but but yeah she
is a superstar yeah she’s I don’t want
to head get too big though like she just
she’s completely on board with just how
random um I will just want to do certain
things and I can remember when when she
gave birth to our uh second child
um and and about six months later I was
heading to Seattle to watch the Seahawks
play so uh so she let me good one my
friend you got she the best she I’m very
lucky she’s the best you got a good one
okay of course you can catch up Rob
everywhere on on social media channels
just uh go rob ston there on Twitter and
also on YouTube sewra all right
you got the latest mock draft so did you
write this on the plane this thing this
four round mock draft a Seahawks 7
rounder I mean this thing it’s
unbelievable I I try to tell people all
the time there is no one that is riding
in Greater detail uh than you and it’s
not you just didn’t do a mock draft Rob
where where oh you we where everyone
kind of just cherry-picks what everybody
else is doing you’ve got trades like
multiple trades everywhere uh this is
incredible uh how long did it take you
to write this whole thing
so kind of what I tend to do is I’m
always this is going to sound really sad
but I’m always right in a mock draft
like there’s always on my notes on my
phone or on the laptop if I ever find
myself you know with 10 minutes to kill
I’m thinking about what could happen
here you know what could this team do
you know could the Vikings maybe stick
and do something a little bit different
than everybody’s thinking just trying to
think of different scenarios because one
it’s just it’s always kind of like
fluttering around in my mind what’s
going to happen in the draft what’s what
are the seks going to do what are the
other teams going to do and it kind of
just helps me sort of feed that Beast a
little bit by sort of doing mod drafts
and then on the plane I was I I didn’t
have any I didn’t intend to do a four
round mod draft I just kind of sat there
like say if there was a great film I
would have watched a great film there
was it’s not a great time for films I
don’t think there was just nothing that
I wanted to watch even though there was
like a hundred films I was like no I
don’t fancy any those so I started
writing this you know just doing a mock
draft in my head again you my my
daughter’s falling asleep on me and I’m
like kind of doing the M draft on the
laptop and I thought you know I’m just
going to I’m I’m just going to get my
horizontal board out and I’m going to do
a third round and then I did the third
round and I thought yeah but I’ve done
the trades and the silks I’ve kind of
got two picks coming up so I want to do
them so I just do a fourth round so the
fourth round was done I’ve never done a
fourth a four round mod before um I can
tell that this is now going to be a
thing that I’m GNA have to do every year
so I’ve sort of opened the floodgates
for that but I enjoy doing it and it’s
there and you know when project SLE 130
odd players you’re going to get most of
them wrong but I think it’s interesting
to look through scenarios and look at
what the Seahawks might actually do yeah
all right we we’ll tell it I want to go
we’ll go through the top 10 here in a
second but I want you to go through what
what do you have the Seahawks doing what
what did you project in your Mock Draft
Seahawks draft what do you got
John Schneider and Mike McDonald doing
there in the first
round so I had them initially trading
down with Arizona Revol teams and people
might say well why would the Cardinals
trade with the Seahawks in the same
division but if anybody who’s watched
the video with the the Cardinals GM from
last year and his trade down that’s kind
of gone viral on on X he was talking to
John Schneider about potentially trading
up to number five and then the seks just
decided they were going to take Deon
wther spot so these These Are teams that
have taught in the past I don’t think
it’s beyond the Realms of possibility
that the seks would do a deal with the
division rival they’ve done it with the
ners a few years ago as well so I’ve got
Arizona Trading up from 23 and pick they
acquired from Minnesota this is already
getting complicated isn’t it and the the
Cardinals sort of moving up to Seattle’s
pick to get ahead of Jacksonville to get
Brian Thomas Jr to be their wide
receiver number one because they need
one of those guys so the seah end up at
23 and then they trade down again with
Washington and because of the deals they
kind of end up turning the 16 pick into
36 number 66 and number 78 so it’s kind
of like three picks instead of one yeah
which you know I I genuinely believe
this Puck and I’ve been saying this for
a few weeks I think if Troy fanu is
there or Tellus fagura is there the
tackle from Oregon State from Washington
I think they will take one of those two
players they’re just just perfect fits
but if neither of those players are
their put I think that’s the trigger to
trade down can the uh can the Oregon
State guy fatano he can move inside can
they both go inside and play
guard yeah I actually think you know
because I know a lot of people think
fanu is a perfectly suited to kicking
side I actually think faga is a better
Prospect for guard than fanu I think
fanu is the best left tackle in this
draft he’s not this the prototype in
terms of he isn’t six foot six but he
has great length for a guy who’s 6’4
he’s incredibly aggressive very quick
you know he does everything well you
know he’s so balanced when he latches
onto players he finishes his blocks you
can get out on the move he fantastic in
space his kick slides amazing I don’t
see any flaws with this guy I think he’s
going to go in the top 10 and if he
lasts to number 16 I think the Seahawks
will they will take him and I think they
will seriously consider playing him at
right tackle because if Abel Lucas can’t
go then that you know you’re picking him
and you put him at right tackle fingers
crossed because I love da Lucas coming
out I hope a Lucas is is gonna is gonna
have a long career in Seattle but you
have to have a little bit of fear that
he’s not going to be able to make it
back well yeah maybe a good a good
problem have right let let’s say Lucas
isn’t ready let’s say there there’s
something wrong with Lucas okay well
then you got now you got your answer at
right tackle you’re right fingers
crossed Lucas is fine but then the
fallback plan is move him inside I mean
I I just think that sometimes I mean
these offensive linemen they can move
around they’re they’re so skilled
nowadays they’re so much more athletic
than they’ve ever been before that these
I think these guys the interchangeable
parts and playing different positions
maybe I think you can do with guard and
Tackle I mean obviously Center is kind
of a center I know they slide inside
play guard a little bit but just
watching him play at least for me just
watching him and not being some Scout
and and breaking down film and all that
he always looked like kind of a natural
guard to me just his profile kind of
looked like it so I think just in
watching you know the Huskies play this
year this past couple Seasons that he’d
be a natural at it and we’ve talked
about this before I think on the on the
last part they we both kind of agree
that I know it’s cliche about building
and winning through the trenches but
it’s so true it just is any all these
teams that have this long sustaining
success are all good up front and this
is the area for this team in particular
where they just have lacked out they’ve
lacked out on both the offensive side
and the defensive side you have to be
able to go to in the big games you have
to get a good teams pu and you’ve got to
win in the trenches that’s it is a
cliche but it’s one it’s one of those
cliches that is absolutely Rings true
you see it time and time again just look
at the Super Bowl the ners were were on
top in that game and were in control
against the Chiefs because they were
controlling the line of scrimmage it was
only when they lost control the line of
scrimmage and Patrick Mahomes started
doing his thing that the game became a
lot closer and in the end Mahomes was
the Difference Maker but when the Niners
had a grasp of that game it’s because
they were winning up front on both sides
of the ball the Seahawks have got to get
back to that they’ve got to try and
create an offensive line it doesn’t have
to be like five first round picks but
they’ve got to come up with an offensive
line that can hit somebody in the face
they’ve got to find a defensive line
that can can create consistent pressure
then I mean when’s the last time you
watch the SEK defensive line really get
after opponent unless it’s a really
terrible opponent like the Giants last
year and they can just Blitz like crazy
and have eight sacks they don’t nobody
fears the Seahawks in the trenches yeah
and I think it gets back to can they
like on the defensive side right can
they get pressure like consistent
pressure at the quarterback without
having to send people that that to me
that’s the difference maker with with
the with the great teams and the good
teams I mean the good teams they’ve got
to send extra extra guys to get after
the quarterback the great teams don’t
have to do that I mean they’ll do it
once in a while but the really great
ones who are great up front they just
got studs who can beat their guy
one-on-one and then on the flip side
offensively you know the one thing that
I go back to the Super Bowl year is they
have just for a long time have been
missing on the offensive line front I
think cross has it Lucas Lucas has it
but maybe Lewis a little bit just an
attitude and aggressiveness a
physicality that they just want to drive
you into the ground and fatano he’s got
that I mean that that dude has got that
that is hiso and uh I think that’s
what’s been lacking you know when you
you mentioned going into a hostile
environment you know when it’s third and
one or third and two and I I just want I
want the quarterback I want goino Smith
to come on the hle and say we’re going
to blow their ass off the line we need
two yards can we do it and the offensive
Line’s like yeah break the Huddle let’s
go kick their ass and they they’ve been
missing that it’s been too finessed and
too too soft and I hope you know were
they improving that line if they can in
this draft Rob and also I think the
addition of Scott Huff I we talk about
Ryan grub I think we’ve talked a lot
about Mike McDonald and all these new
guys I bet you we’ll look back on this
if this is a success this new regime and
I think the sneaky best hire will be
Scott Huff the offensive line coach yeah
I I tend to agree with that and I think
the point that you make about when it’s
third and one I I just can’t help but
think back to that Dallas game last year
which was really close and I think they
had third and one and fourth and one and
they’re trying to make tricky little
plays like where we’re going to have the
we’re going to leave this guy we’re
gonna leave michah Parson’s unblocked
whatever it was and try and throw it and
it’s like you’re trying to deceive
opponents here if you need one yard you
should be able with your offensive line
to go up there and say get us a yard in
that running game you just hand it off
you run behind your best block and you
go and get it done and that’s what the
Seahawks haven’t been able to do and yet
the frustrating thook and this is one of
the reasons why I think a few of us got
very frustrated with the end of the
Carol era was that they constantly
talked about having a team that could do
that and then either made decisions with
Personnel to the contradicted the vision
or they made decisions in game that
contradicted the vision get back to that
if you want to be you’ve hired the
Baltimore Ravens defensive coordinator
you were stealing from the Harbor Tree
do what they would do build this team
the way that they’re going to build this
team the four round M that I I did was
with that in mind get back to sort of
building your trenches on both sides of
the ball trying to create a physical
violent football team that’s the kind of
football I want to watch as well I want
to watch the quarterback throw it around
and be fantastic if you can get a
legendary quarterback who can come and
Lead this team to a Super Bowl amazing
but I also want to see a degree of
violence there I want to see a phys I
want teams to come to Seattle and hate
every second that they’re on that field
it used to happen every year and now I
think team teams kind of come it’s a bit
of a party for them you know they get
the cigars out at the end it’s it’s been
too easy for teams to come to Seattle
they’ve got to get back to that nobody
wants to play us everybody fears us and
right now it’s hard to sort of look at
any facet of this team and go there is
an opponent out there that will be
terrified of playing the Seahawks
because they can do this they need to
find what their identity is uh Rob
stayen again it’s brought to you by
Superior linen service Rob joins us
every week talking Seahawks and talking
NF of course the draft is right around
the corner so on his mock draft that he
just did seao draft please go
read it also we’re going to we’re going
to touch base on the guest uh column
written by Curtis Allen G to get to that
here in a second number one you got
Caleb Williams of course the Bears taken
him no surprise there number two though
uh you go with Jaden Daniels over Drake
May there for Washington why Jaden
Daniels over may I think it’s a pretty
easy decision when you watch jayen
Daniels and I remember watching the
first game of last season against
Florida State and he didn’t play that
well I thought n you know it’s just he’s
not been able to take that next step and
then I rude thinking that after one week
because just as the time went on and
you’re watching LSU week after week he
just got better and better and better
and then by the end of the season was
virtually Unstoppable you know with his
legs that he ran all over Alabama and
Florida he was throwing the ball
downfield with accuracy he was making
people were saying oh he’s got Malik
neighbors he’s got Brian Thomas Jr he
was making the most of those those
players as a deep ball thrower he was
just fantastic but he won the Heisman
listen he was in Sensational form he has
shown real development he’s a great
athlete he’s going to be able to create
with his legs and with his arm downfield
he has no limitations in in terms as a
passer or as a runner you know Lamar
Jackson’s just won the MVP in the NFL
and I think Washington will look at what
he’s been able to do with Baltimore and
say okay we can do something pretty
similar with jayen Daniels he just seems
to me like a shorer thing and a more
spectacular player than Drake May who
has got some physical tools I think
they’re a little bit overblown when
people compare him to Justin Herber and
Josh Allen I don’t quite see that level
of physical talent but his footworks all
over the place he had some really bad
games at the end of last season I think
there are things to like about him some
of the things he did put there was one
play on tape last season where he is
being tackled and as he is his knee is
about to hit the turf he’s being thrown
to the floor by a defensive lineman and
he shovel passes the ball to the running
back who’s next to him and he end they
end up getting a first down for it
that’s the kind of nonsense that Drake
May is capable of he has got that kind
of no no no no yes aspect that Brett fav
had but there are lots of technical
things that you just think that gives me
pause for thought he’s probably going to
need to red shirt for a year and work on
that so for me it’s it’s Daniel second
and then the Patriots have got a
decision to make as to whether they’re
going to take Drake May at number three
right the um the one thing just quickly
wrap up a Daniels for a second I I think
for a lot of people out here on the West
Coast and Pack 12 fans I think it’s hard
to get on board with the LSU version of
Jaden Daniels because all I remember is
the ASU version of him and when I watch
the ASU version I’m like no he wasn’t
even like he was like the sixth
quarterback maybe the seventh
quarterback in the conference and so
when there was this debate with the
Heisman this year with him and penx I’m
like dude penx is so much better but I’m
also biased in my vision is of the ASU
version not the LSU version of what
Jaden Daniels turned into and I think
you bring up a great point I think that
his improvement from when he left ASU
and then in his two years with LSU has
just been remarkable and he’s made him
himself a a hell of a player that now is
going to likely be you know the second
overall pick third overall pick I mean
top five obviously the uh quickly on on
number four you have a trade you have I
love all the trades you’ve done this is
the best cuz it’s just not cookie cut or
mocked rap you’ve got the Minnesota
Vikings moving up to number four to
who JJ McCarthy who I’m not I you know
I’m not I I I wouldn’t do this and this
PO in the last in the last mod draft
that that I did I pitched a different
scenario and I want to throw this out
there because then if it happens I’ll
look great and if it no one will
remember this we’ll praise you for
anything you get right we ignore
anything that anybody else gets wrong
all the time that’s what we do here so I
just wonder a little bit whether because
initially it seemed obvious they’ve gone
and got the 23rd pick of Houston because
they want to trade up pu I just
wonder is there any possibility that
they could have a different quarterback
in mind and that I get this there’s a
bit of a rumbling out there that they
really like Byron Murphy they had him in
the defensive tackle from Texas for a
meeting this
week are they better off spending three
first round picks on McCarthy or
spending on three first round picks to
make sure they get Michael penck and
Byron Murphy for me it’d be a Nob
brainer to Come Away with penx and
Murphy and making sure that you get
those two players with your two picks
and if you have to give up next year’s
first so be it then giving up three
first round picks for JJ McCarthy who is
a major question mark and people have
forgotten about all of those question
marks because the intangibles are so
good but it looks as if he’s going to go
fourth overall so good look to him you
know it’s weird with I think with him I
think the version of you that you see of
him like in the playoff games in all the
games this year right they never really
leaned on him all that much fantastic
offensive line running game defense
Superior and there was never like well
maybe there was one for you I’m I’m just
trying to think back on the Michigan
games I don’t ever remember like a a wow
moment or the JJ they always say the
Heisman moment remember the JJ J
McCarthy Heisman moment again Michigan
fans watching or listening to this right
now are like uh well I can give you 15
of them but again just maybe in my
limited viewing of him I don’t remember
that that moment but I mean you know you
hear about everything the teammates love
him the leadership qualities I I mean
I’ll be honest with you I think as his
stock Rises I think the way he looks and
acts he’s very charismatic the smile
he’s got the quarterback look right guy
comes off the bus he looks like the
quarterback I think some of that that
plays into this a little bit with
McCarthy but we shall see maybe maybe
Rob that that he is a really good
quarterback and it’s just that Harbaugh
and Michigan didn’t hand over the
offense to him because they just thought
hey we’re just so dominant running the
game we we don’t need him to be like
this um maybe it’s a comp I know they’re
I maybe they’re two separate players but
remember Herbert in college like Herbert
and college didn’t do a lot now because
chrisal just ran the ball all the time I
don’t know if that’s a fair cop because
they don’t play the same way but I’m
just maybe the play calling just kind of
dictated what they wanted to do it’s
undoubtedly true that they never truly
felt they had to put a game on him yeah
the only thing is is if they were if the
Vikings were fourth overall and they
took a chance him I think you could say
well why not you take a chance to him
fourth overall whatever it’s a bit Rich
from my liking but they take him it’s
the fact that you are you are mortgaging
your next draft as well you’re spending
three first round picks on the guy
that’s what makes me worry it’s it’s not
so much about taking a chance on him
it’s if I’m spending three first round
picks on a guy I want to have seen him
in college win a game of football off
his arm and we haven’t seen that yeah
you got romad dun going number six ad
dun U is just fantastic I mean I just
love everything about ROM Odun he’s just
I mean Marvin Harrison’s great too but
there’s just something different about
Odun and of course we’re probably bias
out here just because we we watch them a
little bit more uh I’ll quickly go down
13 Michael Pennock going to Las Vegas I
love I love this fit for him I love it
because you’d mentioned Minnesota as
well potentially I love Michael penck
going to a spot where he’s
indoors Fast Track doesn’t have to deal
with the weather and just can let the
ball fly everywhere I so I like I like
that fit with the
Raiders well it’d be great for him
because like you say he gets to go
indoors he gets to throw to Devonte
Adams who funly enough you know and it’s
maybe it’s a bit Rich to say that radun
has some of the similar traits to
Devonte Alam but I think he does so you
know you and and penck just every time
he saw adun one V one I’m going there
Devonte Adams would love playing with
this guy and then you know I I think it
would be a really good fit you know they
they do have some pieces on defense as
well so I I think it’d be a fantastic
fit for him and I and I don’t think he’s
going to get I I think he’s going to go
in the top 15 I think one way or another
pennx is going to be off the board by
the time Seattle’s on the clock yeah
what do you want out of this draft like
and I guess you and I guess I can even
answered and I guess fans can answer
this as well if you’re watching on
YouTube you can leave a comment uh below
what do you want out of this for in
order to get them out of this rut that
they’ve been in here the last few
years I want to come out of this draft
like they may have found it’s not even
about the first pick for me I want to
see them come out of this draft with a
handful of players that I think okay
this is not just padd in the roster out
these are players that can be
contributors and I know it’s it’s easy
to say oh well we didn’t nobody thought
that about Richard Sherman or nobody
thought that about cam chancer or
whatever back in the day but I kind of
feel that’s that’s the type of thing the
silks need to do now they’ve had two
really decent drafts in the last two
years with all of this stock from the
Russell Wilson trade and it doesn’t feel
like it’s
tilted the Seahawks towards being any
more of a contender than they were
they’ve kind of just added a bunch of
decent players I want to see them go and
find somebody in the third round or the
fourth round like when the Raiders went
and got Max Crosby in the fourth round
somebody who you get and you bring them
in like you did with Sherman and Cam and
people like that Russell Wilson who end
up being top top players for you and
you’ve not necessarily had to take them
in the first round that’s that’s what I
want to see that’s my real Hope from on
this draft but also I just want to see a
nastiness and an edge to the Seahawks I
want to you know I want them to build up
the trenches i’ accepted that they’re
not going to find where they’re picking
the quarterback of the future in this
draft so that so my next big thing
pocket to just come out of it feeling
like the Seahawks have taken a step
forward and that may be sticking and
picking and just taking someone who is
that good up front who the rest of the
NFC West are going to go ah and I love
the idea of getting a defensive lineman
who could do that right at the same time
that the Niners have lost Eric Armstead
and the Rams have lost Aaron Donald can
the Seahawks be the team that has the
great defensive line in this division
moving forward I’d love to sort of see
that as the identity of Mike McDonald
Seahawks amazing dline taking control of
the line of scrimmage moving forward I’d
love to see that but I do think that
focus it may be on the offensive line
because they’ve not done as much there
the uh in the in Rob’s latest mock draft
up again at Seahawks draft
where again we’re going to mention all
these players so when they do draft
these guys we Circle back around and Rob
gets a bonus for every one of these guys
that he hits now if he doesn’t hit him
we don’t mention it again we just we
bypass it and we move on third round
tell me about Christian Haynes the guard
out of Connecticut you don’t see a lot
of guys coming out of Connecticut you
know what I mean you don’t and there was
something really good with him is I
actually went and watched Yukon against
Michigan last year and they lost I think
it was something like
57-0 and this guy they were like is Mora
still the coach there yes okay uh they
they were 42 zero down and the at the
end of the third quarter and Christian
Haynes is still playing that game like
it’s it’s
60 and I just love that about him and
that’s how he was physical aggressive
set the tone up front good on the
move an athlete I think he ran like a
503s explosive had a good jump in the in
the broad of the vertical I which one it
was one of them was better than the
other he has he went to the Senior Bowl
put on a good showing I just think he is
a pluging play guard who has got all of
the characteristics that you want in a
really good offensive lineman and
there’s going to be a a run on that on
the guard position at the end of the
second and the start of the third where
Cooper BB is going to go Christian
Haynes is gonna go Dominic puny at
Kansas is gonna go and and I think Zach
Zin will go in that range from Michigan
as well I think it’s really important if
the Seahawks want to get a guard without
necessar a go first round puck or or
drafting anybody to kick inside they’ve
got to get a pick between 65 and 75 to
make sure that they get one of those
guys and that means trading down from
number 16 there’s uh in in in all the
scenario that Rob’s done there’s there’s
a bunch of trade so they’ve acquired a
pick in in his Mock Draft so like three
I think it’s three in the third round
you got Theo Johnson the tight end out
of Penn State 78th and then the 81st one
let’s talk about Dom Hampton a safety a
safety out of washingt why do you think
that if if they were to go safety route
in Hampton is it why do you think
Hampton would fit in what McDonald likes
to do with his system I like this pick a
lot for the silks I think there’s a
there’s a decent chance that they
they’re going to end up taking him
because when you look at McDonald’s
defense it is about having players who
can line up in many different spots and
you never know what they’re going to do
on defense he played a load of deep
safety uh snaps last year he played a
lot in the slot he can play in the Box
he even took some snaps at cornerback he
is that chess piece that you want at
safety without costing you like a top 50
pick he is physical I asked somebody at
Washington who I know tell me about this
guy and he said do you know what he was
probably the most important player on
that defense and nobody understood it
because it was such an important role he
had to be disciplined he had to sort of
know what the opponent was going to do
he had to get everything in order and he
did it perfectly he’s he was the other
way he was described to me was is a
quiet killer and you do see that when he
hits people you know he he’s a he’s a
blunt force attacker he will hit people
with his tackling his tackling is good I
just and and when you look at his
physical testing it’s not too dissimilar
in terms of size speed explosiveness to
Kyle Hamilton I I think the Seahawks are
going to need to get somebody like that
for this defense to do what Baltimore
did but I don’t think they need to do it
like a lot of people think by going and
getting Cooper Dee who’s never played
bloody safety in the first round you can
go and get this guy in the in the third
round instead or the fourth round I
think he’s a terrific player let me um
let’s uh let’s talk about uh the piece
that you have up there also at Seahawks
draft a guest piece Curtis
Allen who wrote that not the former
Washington uh basketball player and
assistant coach a different Curtis Allen
and he wrote up there about uh and the
title of it was hey this isn’t the time
to draft a quarterback like it’s I’m I’m
happy if they pass on a quarterback they
shouldn’t do it and why well actually
the piece really is shouldn’t draft the
quarterback and maybe why they should he
gives two different opinions on it where
where do you stand on them potentially
drafting a quarterback in this year’s
draft p until they have somebody that we
can refer to as the guy they have to try
and find the guy they have to and this
is why I think they’ve had bonix and
Spencer rler in this week the two
quarterbacks who may be available to
them depending on what they do you have
to know what every class is offering and
you have to turn over every stone until
you find the franchise quarterback you
are I I just I know there are always
teams and people will always say what
about Nick FES and the Eagles and what
about the fact that Brock p you haven’t
got Kyle Shanahan so forget about
finding Brock pie in the seventh round
you are going to have to draft at some
point somebody who can get you into a
battle with another great quarterback
and win that game with a fourth quarter
throw or a drive or whatever it is to
get the job done they’ve got to find
essentially what they had when they were
you know winning Super Bowl which was
they have to find their next Russell
Wilson so they’ve got to try and do it
if that player is available to them
whether it’s at 16 81 day three take
that guy you you can’t you can’t go oh
they’ve already traded for Sam H how
somebody sent me a message saying they
can’t draft a quarterback because they
they’ve kept Gino and they’ve traded for
Sam howal so that’s it now if John
Schneider sees a quarterback there he
loves there’s absolutely no way he’s
gonna go but we’ve got Sam how he’s
going to draft that guy and so he should
they that is the number one need for
this team until they address it and if
you can’t address it then you you look
at the trend in your move and and focus
on that but they have got to draft a
quarterback this year or next yeah I
just don’t want them
to I don’t want them to feel I I’m with
you I want them to get a quarterback
they’ve got to find a quarterback for
the future I don’t want them to sit
there and make like some type of mistake
maybe in this year’s draft we like oh
we’ve got to do it i’ I’ve always wanted
to do it and and Pete Caroll didn’t let
me draft a guy and then now I’m gonna
grab this guy in the whatever round and
then they’re like well maybe that wasn’t
really the good fit I mean it’s got to
be and I know this sounds stupid because
uh obviously but it’s got to be the
right guy and it’s got to be the right
fit and it just can’t be making a pick
just for the sake of we need to draft a
quarterback but I I’m with you I think
we’re all in agreement I think most seak
fans are in agreement that they need to
find a quarterback of the future for
this football team all right uh before
we let you go we have two weeks what for
the draft next week we’ll hit the draft
even harder with you uh let everybody
know what he got up at Seahawks draft right now what are you working
on what’s up there now what’s in the
future so as you mentioned the fourth
rot draft’s on there I’ve got some some
interesting interviews lined up and we
will we’re hoping I might mention this
we’re hoping to have a conversation with
Troy fanu this week so that’s that’s
going to be up on the uh on the channel
on YouTube and on the blog so uh looking
forward to that but um yeah I mean it
just ramps up now so I’ll try and find
out things I will try and um talk to
different people you know we’ll get
guests on as like insiders who are
guests to come on and say what tell us
what they’re hearing and then just a
whole bunch of Articles sort of
reviewing it I’ll finish off a final
horizontal board list in the next two
weeks are the busiest on the blog so
I’ll just be there you know see
make sure you don’t miss any of this
because we’re on the home stretch we’ve
got two weeks to go he’s the best go go
read all of his work sewra
check his YouTube page out at Rob State
and follow him on social media at Rob
State he joins us every uh week every
Thursday brought to you by Superior
linen service all right Rob until next
week we’ll talk to you
then thanks man all right there he is
Rob ston and that will be up later Mike
G Foo also coming up later here at Puck we’ll talk to you soon and as
always we promise to be better shirt no
shoes no
D would anybody like to smoke some PT
yeah I was B love you I was born to lick
your face I was born to rub you you were
to what do you need my address for would
like to S out of mailer Mother of Mercy
I don’t speak


  1. Loving the show. And also great to see you link up with Rob who is so knowledgeable. Which team logo is on your cap?

  2. As ever, quality analysis, Curtis piece was quality as well, must trade down and make sure the picks make a difference. Love the show and new follower of puck sports!

  3. Seems like they're drafting too late to get one of the QBs. I agree with the stance to get better on both sides of the line. Seahawks need nastiness on either side and ASAP. The Tomlinson signing (happened after this pod was recorded) makes it seem like they could lean d-line with pick 16 so Byron Murphy, Latu or Verse?? I'd be happy with that. A good d-line with Macdonald in charge will make them a disruptor within the division, and in time, the league. Mac coaching up the rest to bring everyone up could make that unit a game changer!

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